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Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 Bible- P22

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Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 Bible- P22: When Macromedia first released Flash MX in 2002, the product was branded as the new way to build Rich Internet Applications (known by the acronym RIA). The term was invented at Macromedia to describe a new class of applications that would offer the benefits of being connected to the Internet, including access to various types of Web-based services, but would solve many of the nagging issues that had been inherent in browser-based applications since the mid-1990s....

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Nội dung Text: Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 Bible- P22

  1. Index namespace, 106 States view, Flash Builder, 54, 401, 402–403, 404–405 overview, 6 StateVO class, 588 scrollbars, 337–338 file, 610 text, 253–262 static data, 115, 538 visual presentation, 312 static event name constants, 240 Spark theme, 342 static keyword, 150 SparkAddressRenderer.mxml file, 627 static methods, formatter classes in, 308–310 Spark-based themes, 342 static properties, MXML component, 150 spark.components.Application class, 128 status bar, WindowedApplication, 978 SparkControlBarDemo.mxml file, 330 status property, 978 spark.effects package, 372 tag, 289 spark.effects.easing package, 387 Step Into tool, 193 event object, 487, 585 Step Over tool, 193 event object, 281 Step Return tool, 193 spark.filters package, 431 step value, form property, 672 spark-manifest.xml file, 108 stepSize property, 272–273 SparkPanelDemo.mxml file, 327 tag, 254 spark.primitives package, 420–421 tag, 529 SparkSkin class, 443, 444 stopPropagation() method, 228 SparkTileList.mxml file, 641 tag, 167, 178, 871 specialized fonts, 300 tag, 414 Specific component option, 360–361 tag, 414 SpiderMonkey, 750 streaming channel, 853–854 Sprite class, 69 String value SpriteVisualElement class, 440 parsing XML-formatted, 752 SQLite database, 631 selection.value property, 235 SQLiteManager link, 915 TextEvent class, 232 src (source-code root) folder, 48, 157–158 trace() function, 172 src:local style, 298 stringData variable, 752 src:url style, 298 StringValidator class, 687, 689 tag, 745, 797 stroke property, 421, 422, 424 tag, 554 strokeColor property, 263 tag, 256, 289 strokeWidth property, 263 tag, 407 style name selectors, CSS, 346, 351–352 tag, 407–408, 414 style name, style sheet, 343, 344 tag, 600 style sheet, 343–344, 453. See also CSS tag, 289 style sheet file, 356 stageX:int property, 220 style value, style sheet, 343, 344 stageY:int property, 220 StyleManager class, 364, 365, 367–368, 454 stand-alone installer, Flash Builder, 32–34 styleManager object, 364–365, 368–369 startdb.bat batch file, 813 styleManager property, 364 file, 813 StyleManager2 interface, 364 Startup.bat file, 812 styleName property, 253, 346, 352 State class, 400, 414 styles State selector, Design view, 404–405 control, setting, 251 stateful applications, 533, 556 data types, 362 stateGroups attribute, 462 defined, 149 stateless requests, REST architecture, 708 encapsulation, 14 states, skin, 447–448. See also view states MX basic containers, 317–319 states property, 400 1021
  2. Index styles (continued) in MXML, 104 overriding in view state, 409–412 Text Layout Framework, 288–289 versus properties, 343–344 target property, 217, 228–229 text, 290–291 tag, 85 subclass, 15 targets property, 377 subscribe() method, 858, 859 Task Manager, Windows, 972 subString() method, 261 TCYElement class, 289 subtopic property, 865, 866–871 template, HTML wrapper. See HTML wrapper template subtopics, filtering messages with, 866–871 (index.template.html) Sun Microsystems Web site, 811 template-driven PDF documents, 809 super() method, 237, 240, 699 Terminal application, Mac OS X, 813 class, 717, 718–719 Terminate tool, 193 _Super_ContactService class, 712 Terms of Use, BlazeDS, 810 superclass, 15, 224. See also specific superclasses by name ternary expressions, 869–870 Superclass dialog box, 239 ternary operator, ActionScript 3, 119 Suspend tool, 193 Test Movie option, 70 tag, 79, 702 testing SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 6 E4X expressions, 762–763 SWC files, 158, 164, 342 event declaration, 232–233 tag, 784, 792 Flex applications for ColdFusion, 198–201 SWF files, 90, 164, 282, 344, 363 messaging application, 862 SWFObject JavaScript library, 82 release build, 90–91 swfobject_modified.js file, 96 TestPage.cfm ColdFusion page, 783 swfobject.createCSS() method, 85 TestRollover.mxml file, 413 swfobject.embedSWF() method, 85, 130 text swfobject.js file, 82, 83 advanced layout of, 288–294 root element, 104, 977–978 fonts, 294–302 switch statement, 118 formatter classes, 305–310 Switch Workspace option, 37, 74 manipulating, 303–305 switching view states at runtime, 406–407 overview, 287 switching workspaces, in Flash Builder, 74–75 Text control, 253 symbolColor style, 355 text controls synchronous input/output, 853 formatters in binding expressions, 307–308 system events, 207 properties of, 254–259 system menu, WampServer, 915 rotation of, 297, 303–304 System Preferences application, 918 text entry, 259–262 system tray icon, 914–915 transparency, 297 systemFont attribute, 302 text files, 10 Text Font option, 44 Text Layout Framework (TLF), 255, 288–289 T text nodes, filtering with predicate expressions, 761 Tab component, 485 text property TabBar container, 485 binding expression, 136–137 TabElement class, 289 ComboBox control, 606 table structure, database, 534, 935–938 custom event handler, 236 TabNavigator container, 472, 497–500, 501–502 Spark text control, 254–255 tags. See also specific tags by name TextArea control, 262 compiler, 106 TextEvent class, 232 data objects, declaring separate with, 577 text value, resultFormat property, 726 1022
  3. Index TextArea control, 129, 253, 254, 259, 262 sample applications, using, 813–814 TextBase selector, 348–349 starting, 811–813 text-decoration setting, 350 tooltip property, 253 textDecoration style, 294 top property, 332, 423 TextEvent class, 232, 234, 235 topLevelApplication property, 129 TextFlow class, 256 toState property, 414 textFlow property, 256–257 toString() method, 761 TextFlowUtil class, 256–258 trace() function, 167, 172–175, 622 TextFlowXMLDemo.mxml file, 258 TRACE method, 725 TextIndentDemo.mxml file, 291 TraceTarget component, 175, 177–179, 871 TextInput control tracing ComboBox control, nested in, 605, 606 messaging traffic, 871–872 Form component, adding to, 685 network traffic, 201–206 frameRate, 129 targets, 177–180 as item editor for DataGrid control, 627–628 Transfer Object design pattern, 539, 841 MX, 253 transfer objects. See value objects overview, 259–260 Transition class, 414, 416 restrict property, 260 TransitionDemo.mxml file, 417 selected text, working with, 261 transitions Spark, 254 declaring, 414–415 validator object, creating, 688 defined, 399 textLayout.swc file, 288 overview, 414–418 Thawte certificate authority, 968 Parallel effect, using in, 415 themes, Flex, 342 Sequence effect, using in, 415–418 this item, 8, 187, 412, 552, 594 transitions property, 414 throwCFCFault() function, 901 transparency, 297, 316, 379 thumb icon, Slider control, 279 traversing data, with cursors, 562–564 thumbDrag event, 281 TraversingData.mxml file, 564 thumbPress event, 281 Tree control, 573 thumbRelease event, 281 Tree view, Network Monitor, 202 tile layout, list controls with, 635–641 trigger events, 373, 688–692 TileLayout layout class, 131, 326–327 trigger property, 689, 691, 694 TileList control, 573, 635–641 triggerEvent property, 689, 691, 694 timeline, Flash, 9, 10, 69, 371 triggering validator objects, 692–695 timeout value, 736 true value, ArrayCollection class filtering function, 557 title property, 327, 564 TrueType fonts, 297 tag, HTML wrapper template, 83 turnkey distribution, BlazeDS TitleWindow container, 327, 505, 513, 521, 527–529 configuring Proxy Service, 817–818 TLF (Text Layout Framework), 255, 288–289 downloading, 810–811 TODO comment, 218 JDK, 809 Toggle Breakpoint option, 180–181 sample applications, using, 813–814 toggle property, 267, 268 sample database, starting, 813 Toggle Watchpoint option, 190 starting, 811–813 ToggleButton control, 267 tweening, 371, 379 ToggleButtonBar container, 485, 487–488, 489 two-way bindings, 137 token property, 737, 794 type property, 217, 231, 233, 234, 241, 692 Tomcat 6, Apache type selectors, CSS, 346–349 configuring Proxy Service, 817–818 typecasting literal values, 761–762 overview, 809 _typewriter font family, 297 1023
  4. Index U user profile, ColdFusion, 905–906 username property, 240 UIComponent class, 251–253, 368, 444, 517, 521 userNameInput property, 243 UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram UseValueObject.mxml file, 551 class with data structure, 535 UseWatchpoint.mxml file, 190 Event class inheritance, 219 Using Flash Builder 4 heading, 55 event object properties, 216–217 UsingAddEventListener.mxml file, 225 inheritance, 15 UsingComponentRenderers.mxml file, 600 MXML components, 140 UsingConstraintsComplete.mxml file, 331 vertical and horizontal layout containers, 312–313 UsingLabelField.mxml file, 582 Unexpected character error, 347 UsingLabelFunction.mxml file, 583 Unicode, 301–302 UsingOverridesBegin.mxml file, 410 unicodeRange attribute, 301, 302 UsingOverridesComplete.mxml file, 412 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), 105–106, 771 UsingRenderersWithViewStates.mxml file, 601 uninstalling Adobe AIR, 958–959 desktop application, 971 V Flash Player, 23 V command, 424 unique identifier. See id VALID constant, 692 units of measurement, 344 Validate Configuration button, 198, 815, 856, 876, 921 update() method, 948 validate() method, 692, 693 updateHTML() function, 978 validateAll() method, 693, 694 updatePerson() function, 937 validating data entry updateSelection() method, 608, 609 ActionScript, controlling with, 691–695 upgrade installer, Flash Player, 83 error messages, 695–697 Upload Service, ColdFusion, 905 overview, 687–688 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 105–106, 771 rules, 695–697 URI Reference, 105 trigger events, controlling with, 688–691 URL column, Connect to Data/Service dialog box, 711 validator object, creating, 688 url property validation interface, visual components, 704 Application component, 129 ValidationDemo.mxml file, 690 element, 979 ValidationResultEvent class, 692, 693, 694 HTTPService component, 722, 723, 724, 923 Validator class, 694 navigator bar container, 486 validator objects, 688, 692–695 WebService or HTTPService object, 824 ValidatorDemo.mxml file, 694, 697 tag, 822–824 value, style, 343, 344 URLs, 91, 708 Value Object design pattern, 588, 698, 841, 894 useAppserverSecurity parameter, 846 value objects UseComponent.mxml file, 146 ColdFusion, 894–900 UseComponentWithAS.mxml file, 149 Form container, modeling data with, 697–699 UseComponentWithMethod.mxml file, 154 generating, 714–717 UseCustomPopUp.mxml file, 527 HTTPService component, 741–744 UseDataConnection.mxml application, 711, 719 instantiating, 549–552 UseExternalResourceBundles.mxml file, 953 New ActionScript Class wizard, 540–541 -use-network compiler argument, 730, 731 overview, 539 useProxy property, 820, 822, 823 RemoteObject component, 841–845 user data selections, handling, 585–590 reviewing code, 717–719 user events, 207 syntax, 541–549 user interface, Flash Builder, 49–55 value property, 272, 273, 278, 280, 596 User Manager screen, 905–906 valueCommitted event, 689, 692 1024
  5. Index valueObjects package, 540 switching at runtime, 406–407 valueToDisplay variable, 150–151 transitions, 414–418 var keyword, 114–115, 150 viewport, Scroller object, 337, 338 variableRowHeight property, 592, 624 views. See also MXML components; navigation, application variables. See also specific variables by name defined, 469 access modifiers, 115–116 Eclipse, 38–40 counter, in for loop, 119 Flash Builder, 51–55 data collection, 553 in model-view-controller architecture, 139 debugging tools, 167 views/Authors.mxml file, 473 declaring in ActionScript 3, 114–117 ViewStack container inspecting with breakpoints, 187–192 in ActionScript, 477–482 names, event object, 213 ButtonBar control, 613 refactoring names, 61–62 creating in Design mode, 473–477 Variables view, Flash Builder, 55, 187–188, 189, 220–221, declaring in MXML, 472 733–734 handling menu events, 493 variations, font, 298–300 menu data providers, 492 VBox container, 227–228, 312–314, 316–319, 328, 334–335 overview, 471 VBoxDemo.mxml file, 313 using as dataProvider, 487–488 VBoxGapAndPadding.mxml file, 318 ViewState architecture, ASP.NET, 470 vector graphics, 430, 433–434, 437–438. See also FXG ViewStatesBegin.mxml file, 402, 404 VeriSign certificate authority, 968 ViewStatesComplete.mxml file, 406 version, Flash Player, 83–85, 96 visible property, 253, 373 version property, 963 tag, 973 version_major parameter, 84 visual controls. See also custom item renderers; specific version_minor parameter, 84 controls by name version_revision parameter, 84 binding returned data to, 719–722 vertical layout, 78, 131–133 binding Web service data connection data to, 803–805 vertical layout container, 312–315 BitmapImage, 281–286 vertical navigator bars, 488–491 button, 266–271 vertical scrollbar, TextArea control, 262 Canvas container, 315 vertical value, form property, 672 data entry, 271–277 verticalAlign style, 132, 317, 321 GraphicElement, 251–253 verticalAxis declaration, 667 Image, 281–286 verticalCenter property, 332, 423 instantiating, 250–251 verticalGap style, 317, 319 interactive, 277–281 VerticalLayout class, 80, 131–133, 143, 146 layout, 263–266 VGroup component, 111, 113, 228, 319–323, 337–338 overview, 249–250 VGroupDemo.mxml file, 323 properties, setting, 251 view attribute, XML node, 493 styles, setting, 251 View Menu button, 52 text, 253–262 View source option, 967 UIComponent, 251–253 view states visual effects, FXG components, managing in, 412–413 filters, applying, 431–432 Design view, defining in, 401–406 gradient fills, 425–428 for Flex navigation, 471 overview, 425 item renderers, customizing with, 600–602 reusing graphic elements, 428–430 MXML, declaring in, 407–412 scaling graphic elements, 430 overview, 399–401 visual objects, 110–112, 133, 449–451 skin states, matching required, 447 void return datatype, 213 1025
  6. Index VRule control, 263–264 multiple operations, handling events of, 791–794 VScrollBar control, 277, 278 overview, 786 VSlider control, 279, 280, 281 processing Web service operations with ActionScript, 795–796 result event, 787–789 W in RPC architecture, 709–710 W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 105, 341, 347, 778 tracing data, 203–204 wait-interval-mills property, 852 WebServiceBoundParams.mxml file, 798 WampServer, 913–916 WebServiceDemo.mxml file, 199–200, 203–204 watchpoints, setting, 188–191 WebServiceExplicitParams.mxml file, 798 Web browser WebServiceFaultEvent.mxml file, 791 Adobe AIR, 956 WebServiceMultipleOperations.mxml file, 794 classic Web navigation, 470–471 WebServiceResultEvent.mxml file, 789 configuring Eclipse, 44–45 WebServiceWithActionScript.mxml file, 796 CSS implementation, 341 WebServiceWithBindings.mxml file, 786 debugging session, terminating, 171 WebServiceWithDataConnection.mxml file, 805 testing release build in, 90 Webster, Steven, 741 Web Browser section, Preferences dialog box, 44–45 web.xml file, 846 Web deployment, Flash Player, 18 wedges, pie chart, 652–657 Web navigation, 470–471 while statement, 119 Web page, integrating Flex application into, 91–92 white space, 425, 754 Web Premium software bundle, 9 whiteSpaceCollapse style, 258–259 Web server, testing release build with, 91 width property Web services. See SOAP-based Web services charting controls, 650 Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 777, 780–782, components, 253 784–785 containers/controls, 333–334 Web Sharing option, 918 DataGrid control, 614 Web Tier Compiler, Flex, 3 HRule/VRule controls, 263 Web Tools Platform All-in-One, 35 Image control, 283 Web Tools Project, 34 Line class, 421 WEB-INF folder, 846, 877–878 MX containers, 312 WEB-INF/classes folder, 826, 835 percentage sizing, 334 WEB-INF/flex folder, 817, 828, 877 shape classes, 423 WEB-INF/lib folder, 826, 846 Spacer control, 265 WebKit Web browser engine, 957 width setting, tag, 92 WebORB, 825, 924, 925 widthInChars property, 262 WebService component window argument, 525 ColdFusion, installing, 783 window styles, 512 creating object, 784–785 WindowedApplication component, 977–978 cross-domain security constraint, 980 Windows operating systems defined, 578 Adobe Flex 4 SDK Command Prompt option, 28 overview, 779, 783 AIR, 958–959, 970–972 passing parameters to Web service operations, 796–798 BlazeDS, 811–813 Proxy Service, 817, 818, 824 Eclipse, 35, 37 result event, 736 Flash Player, uninstalling, 23 results, handling flashlog.txt file location, 174 binding expressions, 786–787 mm.cfg file location, 174 CallResponder class, 794–795 WampServer, installing on, 913–914 fault events, 790–791 .windowStyles style name selector, 512, 513, 514 1026
  7. Index Winer, Dave, 778 menu data providers, 492–493 Wipe effect, 373 MXML as WipeDown effect, 373 CDATA blocks, 109–110 WipeLeft effect, 373 child elements, 109 WipeRight effect, 373, 375 entities, 110 WipeUp effect, 373 manifests, 107–109 Wireframe theme, 342 namespace prefixes, 106–107 Wischusen, Derek, 725 namespaces, 105–106 workbench, 33 overview, 104–105 workspace programming with, 104–105 Eclipse, 37–43 namespaces, working with, 770–773 Flash Builder, switching in, 74–75 overview, 707–708, 749–750 Workspace Launcher dialog box, 37–38 PHP with, 922–924 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 105, 341, 347, 778 REST architecture, 708–709 wrapper template, HTML. See HTML wrapper template RPC architecture, 709–710 (index.template.html) value object code, generating, 714–717 WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 777, 780–782, XML class 784–785 array notation, 759 WSDL location, 799 defined, 751 wsdl property, WebService object, 784 extracting data from objects, 758–764 wsdl query string parameter, 780 filtering XML data with predicate expressions, 761 element, 824 modifying data in objects, 765–770 www directory link, WampServer menu, 915 object, creating, 751–754 xml property value, 726, 753 XML User Interface Language (XUL), 105 X xmlData.item expression, E4X, 754–755 x property, 253, 315, 423 XMLDocument class, 750, 751 XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language), 105 XMLHttpRequest object, 727 XAMPP, 913 XMLList class xBy property, 380 as data provider for PopUpMenuButton, 514–515 xField property, 668 defined, 751 xFrom property, 379–380 descendant accessor operator, 760 XML. See also HTTPService component; SOAP-based Web dot notation, 758–759 services filtering with predicate expressions, 761–762 classes, 750–756 Menu control, 494–495 data-centric applications menu data providers, 492–493 binding returned data to visual controls, 719–722 use of, 754–755 data connections, creating and managing, 710–714 XMLListCollection class, 553, 751, 755–756 overview, 710 XMLNode class, 750, 751 return data type, defining, 714–719 xmlns attribute, 106, 964 DataGrid control, 615 xOffset argument, 394 E4X expressions XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 105 extracting data from XML objects, 758–764 xTo property, 379–380 modifying data in XML objects, 765–770 XUL (XML User Interface Language), 105 overview, 756–757 event handling strategy, 210 tag, 538 Y HTTPService responses, handling with binding y property, 253, 315, 423 expression, 728–730 yBy property, 380 1027
  8. Index yesLabel property, 506 installing, 925–927 yField property, 668 overview, 924–925 yFrom property, 379–380 returning complex data from AMFPHP, 929–931 yOffset argument, 394 service class, creating, 927–928 yTo property, 379–380 Zend Server, 913 ZendFramework subfolder, 927 zFrom property, 380 Z z-index (relative depth), 133 Z command, 424 ZipCodeFormatter class, 305, 307 zBy property, 380 ZipCodeValidator class, 687 Zend AMF Zoom effect, 373, 415 ActionScript to PHP data serialization, 932 Zoom tool, 404 calling class with RemoteObject, 928–929 1028
  9. Master these skills and flex your Companion development muscles Web Site Access code files for all projects in Deliver rich applications for the Web or desktop with the book, as well as additional information, useful links, and more Adobe’s new Flash Builder 4 integrated development from environment, Flex 4, and the comprehensive tutorials in this packed guide. You’ll first get up to speed on Flex David Gassner is the President of Bardo Technical basics and Flash Builder 4’s new development tools. Services, an Adobe Solutions From there, learn how to use Flex 4’s new Spark com- Network Training Provider. He holds Adobe developer certifications in ponent skinning capability, deploy desktop apps with Flex, AIR, ColdFusion, Flash, and AIR, model and manage data, integrate your app with Dreamweaver. He is the author of Flex 3 Bible (Wiley) and of technical popular application servers, and much more! training videos from on Adobe Flex, AIR, ColdFusion, and • Understand the differences between Flex and Flash development Dreamweaver. He is also a regular contributor to Adobe Systems’ • Master Flex 4 and Flash Builder 4 fundamentals Certified Courseware for Flex. • Create and use custom MXML components in a Flex application • Work with text, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and layout containers • Integrate your Flex apps with BlazeDS, Java®, ColdFusion®, and PHP • Create cross-operating system desktop applications with AIR Learn the Flash Builder 4 Integrate Flex applications Synchronize complex data interface into Web pages Shelving Category: COMPUTERS / Web / Page Design Reader Level: Beginning to Advanced $49.99 USA $59.99 Canada



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