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Four phthalides from the roots of Angelica sinensis

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The rhizome of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels (Umbelliferae) is known as "Danggui" in China, has been used widely in traditional Chinese medicine to treat irregular menstruation, anaemia, headache, hypertension, chronic asthma and rheumatism. From the ethyl acetate extract of its roots four phthalides have been isolated. Their structures were identified by MS and NMR spectroscopic methods to be (Z)-3-butylidenphthalide, senkyunolide H, senkyunolide I and dihydroxyligustilide.

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Nội dung Text: Four phthalides from the roots of Angelica sinensis

Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 43 (2), P. 228 - 231, 2005<br /> <br /> <br /> Four phthalides from the roots of Angelica sinensis<br /> Received 22nd-Dec-2004<br /> Nguyen Thi Hong Van1, Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh1, Tran Van Sung1<br /> Katrin Franke2, Ludger Wessjohann2<br /> 1<br /> Institute of Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology<br /> 2<br /> Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle/S., Germany<br /> <br /> <br /> SUMMARY<br /> The rhizome of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels (Umbelliferae) is known as "Danggui" in<br /> China, has been used widely in traditional Chinese medicine to treat irregular menstruation,<br /> anaemia, headache, hypertension, chronic asthma and rheumatism. From the ethyl acetate<br /> extract of its roots four phthalides have been isolated. Their structures were identified by MS and<br /> NMR spectroscopic methods to be (Z)-3-butylidenphthalide, senkyunolide H, senkyunolide I and<br /> dihydroxyligustilide.<br /> <br /> <br /> I - INTRODUCTION phthalides from the ethyl acetate extract of this<br /> plant. Their structures were elucidated by<br /> The Umbelliferae plants were known to be spectroscopic methods and by comparison with<br /> source of alkylphthalide derivatives. The first the published data in the literatures as (Z)-3-<br /> study to use high-performance liquid chroma- butylidenphthalide (1), senkyunolide H (2),<br /> tography electrospray ionization-mass spectro- senkyunolide I (3) and dihydroxyligustilide (4).<br /> scopy method (HPLC-ESP-MS) for identifi-<br /> cation of the phthalides in Danggui's extracts II - experimental<br /> was reported by Long Ze-Lin in 1998 [1]. In this<br /> report the existence of more than 30 phthalides 1. Plant material<br /> have been demonstrated by using the above<br /> mentioned method. Twelve of them were The roots of A. sinensis were bought in the<br /> unambiguously identified as senkyunolide I, H, traditional medicine market in Hanoi in March<br /> sedanenolide,... The main essential component, 2002. A voucher specimen, No. 06 was<br /> Z-ligustilide, other phthalides and ferulic acid deposited in the Herbarium of Institute of<br /> are though to be the biologically active Chemistry.<br /> components of Danggui [2]. Various phthalide 2. Instruments and chemicals<br /> derivatives, named senkyunolides B-L have<br /> been also isolated from the rhizomes of NMR: Varian Unity 300; MS: AMD 402 in<br /> Ligusticum chuangxiong [3]. A variety of the Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle/S.,<br /> volatile non-polar alkylphthalide derivatives Germany; For analytical purposes: Merck TLC<br /> showed to have antifungal and smooth muscle aluminium sheets silica gel 60 F254 (layer<br /> relaxing activities [4]. thickness 0.2 mm) were used. Silica gel Merck<br /> We describe in this communication the 60 (0.040 - 0.063 mm), Sephadex LH 20 are<br /> isolation and structure determination of four used for column chromatography.<br /> <br /> 228<br /> 3. Extraction and Isolation positive ESI-MS spectrum showed the molecular<br /> ion peak at m/z 189 [M+H]+. The 1H-NMR<br /> The roots of A. sinensis (5 kg) were dried,<br /> spectrum revealed 4 protons of an aromatic ring<br /> powdered and extracted with EtOH : H2O (95:<br /> 5) at room temperature. The organic solvent in the range of from 7.5 to 7.9 ppm and the<br /> was evaporated under vacuum and aq. soln. was signals due to the butylidene side chain [ 0.99<br /> extracted with EtOAc and n-BuOH, succes- (3H, t, J = 7.4 Hz), 1.56 (2H, sext, J = 7.4 Hz),<br /> sively giving 160 g EtOAc- and 20 g n-BuOH- 2.46 (2H, dd, J = 7.5 and 7.7 Hz)]. In the 13C-<br /> extracts. NMR spectrum of this compound, 12 carbon<br /> signals have been observed. Four of them could<br /> The EtOAc extract was chromatographed on be assigned for signals of butylidene side chain<br /> silica gel, eluting with increasing amounts of<br /> ( 13.9, 22.6, 27.8 and 109.5). Besides 6<br /> EtOAc (0 - 30%) in n-hexane and then with<br /> EtOAc : MeOH (7 : 3) to yield 345 fractions, aromatic carbons ( 119.5, 124.3, 125.1, 129.2,<br /> which were combined according to TLC 134.1, 139.4), one carbonyl ( 167.0) and an<br /> monitoring. oxygenated quartenary carbon ( 145.6) have<br /> been also seen. This spectroscopic analysis<br /> The fraction containing compound 1 was<br /> suggested that compound 1 was butylidene-<br /> rechromatographed over flash silica gel column<br /> phthalide. This suggestion was confirmed by<br /> eluting with n-hexane : CHCl3 (1 : 1) and then<br /> comparison with the published reference data<br /> with n-hexane : CHCl3 : MeOH (1 : 1 : 0.1)<br /> [5]. Butylidenephthalide was isolated previously<br /> yielded 1, positive ESI-MS: m/z 211 [M + Na]+.<br /> from Angelica sinensis and Cnidium officinale<br /> The fraction containing compound 2, 3 and [4].<br /> 4 was further purified by using sephadex LH-20<br /> column, eluted with MeOH to furnish pure The spectroscopic data of compounds 2 and<br /> compound 2 and 10 other fractions. Compound 3 were very similar. Their EI-MS spectra<br /> 2 was obtained as an oil, positive ESI-MS: m/z indicated the molecular ion peaks at m/z 224<br /> 247 [M+Na]+. The second fraction of this [M]+ for both compounds. They showed the<br /> sephadex column was subjected over a flash signals due to the butylidene side chain in 1H-<br /> column on silica gel, eluting with CHCl3 : NMR spectra [ 0.95 (3H, t, J = 7.3 Hz), 1.50<br /> MeOH (9 : 1), followed by preparative TLC (2H, sext, J = 7.3 Hz), 2.36 dd (2H, J = 7.5 and<br /> washing with CHCl3 : MeOH (98 : 2) furnished 7.5 Hz)]. They have a glycol group in the<br /> compound 3, EI-MS (rel. int.): m/z 224 [M]+ cyclohexene ring and their vicinal hydroxy-<br /> (25.7), 206 (2.5), 180 (100), 164 (20), 95 (21.4). methine protons appeared at 4.07 (ddd, J =<br /> Compound 4 was obtained from the fourth 2.4, 3.7, 7.7 Hz) and 4.61 (d, J = 3.7 Hz) in 2<br /> fraction by using a silica gel column, eluted and at 3.94 (ddd, J = 3.0, 6.2, 9.7 Hz) and 4.49<br /> with CHCl3 : MeOH (9 : 1), and followed by (d, J = 6.2 Hz) in 3. The 13C-NMR of them<br /> preparative TLC with CHCl3 : MeOH as eluted showed almost identical chemical shifts, except<br /> solvent system. Its ESI-MS: m/z 224 [M]+. the signals of C-6 and C-7. These carbons<br /> resonanced at 67.3, 63.4 in compound 2 and at<br /> III - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 71.8, 68.0 in compound 3 for C-6 and C-7,<br /> respectively. The base peaks at m/z 180<br /> The roots of Angelica sinensis were (C12H12O3) in their EI-MS spectra, due to retro-<br /> extracted with ethanol at room temparature. The Diels-Alder cleavage at the cyclohexene ring<br /> aqueous ethanol extract has been treated further and established the position of the glycol group<br /> by extraction with ethyl acetate and n-butanol, at C-6 and C-7. These spectroscopic data<br /> successively. Four phthalides (1 - 4) have been confirmed that these compounds were an<br /> obtained after chromatographic separation of the isomeric pair of dihydroxyphthalides by<br /> ethyl acetate extract. comparison with the published data [8]. The<br /> Compound 1 was isolated as an oil. Its observed coupling constant (J = 3.7 Hz)<br /> <br /> 229<br /> between H-6 and H-7 in compound 2 suggested Contrast to compound 2 the J value of the vicinal<br /> that the configuration of the two hydroxyl coupling between H-6 and H-7 in compound 3<br /> groups was cis. Thus, compound 2 was was 6.2 Hz. This value indicated that it has a 6,7-<br /> established to be senkyunolide H. The X-ray trans glycol. The spectral data of 3 were in good<br /> diffraction analysis of senkyunolide H was agreement with those of senkyunolide as<br /> carried out by Takashi Naito [3] resulting that described in the literature [3]. Both isomers,<br /> two hydroxyl groups in the cyclohexene ring senkyunolide H and I, were previously isolated<br /> have axial (C-7) and equatorial (C-6) orientation. from Cnidium officinale [4].<br /> <br /> 9<br /> 8<br /> 4 11<br /> 3a 3 10 O O<br /> 5 O<br /> O HO HO<br /> 6 1 HO<br /> 7a O OH O<br /> 7 OH OH O<br /> O<br /> 1 2 3 4<br /> <br /> Table 1: 1H-NMR data of compounds 1 - 4 (300 MHz, CDCl3)<br /> H 1 2 3 4<br /> +<br /> 4 7.9 d (7.7) 1.80 m, 2.16++ m<br /> ++<br /> 1.90* m, 2.10* m 1.84 m, 2.02# m<br /> #<br /> <br /> 5 7.5 - 7.7+ m 2.61++ m 2.55* m 2.50# m<br /> 4.07 ddd 3.94 ddd 3.96 ddd<br /> 6 7.5 - 7.7 m<br /> (2.4, 3.7, 7.7) (3.0, 6.2, 9.7) (2.9, 5.2, 8.4)<br /> 7 7.5 - 7.7 m 4.61 d (3.7) 4.49 d (6.2) 4.46 d (5.2)<br /> 8 5.64 t (7.7) 5.31 t (7.7) 5.29 t (7.9) 5.28 t (7.9)<br /> 9 2.46 dt (7.4, 7.7) 2.36 dt (7.4, 7.7) 2.36 dt (7.3, 7.9) 2.32 dt (7.3, 7.9)<br /> 10 1.56 sext (7.4) 1.50 sext (7.4) 1.50 sext (7.3) 1.48 sext (7.3)<br /> 11-CH3 0.99 t (7.4) 0.95 t (7.4) 0.95 t (7.3) 0.94 t (7.3)<br /> + ++<br /> , , *, #: may be exchanged in each columns.<br /> <br /> Table 2: 13C-NMR data of compounds 1 - 4 (75 MHz, CDCl3)<br /> C 1 2 3 4<br /> 1 167.0 169.2 168.9 169.1<br /> 3 145.6 153.1 152.6 153.3<br /> 3a 139.4 148.0 148.0 147.8<br /> 4 119.5 18.4 19.2 18.7<br /> 5 134.1 25.7 26.6 26.1<br /> 6 125.1 67.5 71.8 71.2<br /> 7 129.2 63.4 68.0 66.7<br /> 7a 124.3 125.2 125.9 125.5<br /> 8 109.4 114.5 114.3 114.0<br /> 9 27.8 28.2 28.1 28.0<br /> 10 22.6 22.3 22.2 22.2<br /> 11 13.9 13.9 13.7 13.7<br /> 230<br /> Compound 4 was obtained as an oil. Its references<br /> EIMS exhibited the same molecular peak at m/z<br /> 224 [M]+ as of compound 2 and 3. Like 2 and 3, 1. Long-Ze Lin, Xian-Guo He, Li-Zhi Lian,<br /> compound 4 was also an isomer of dihydroxy- Wayne King, Jerry Elliott. J. Chromato., A.<br /> phthalide by NMR spectroscopic analysis. The 810, P. 71 - 79 (1998).<br /> carbons of 4 were different from those of 3 only 2. P. -M. Hou, C. -M. Lee, T. F. Choang, J.-<br /> by chemical shifts of C-6 and C-7. They YChui, H. N. C. Wong. Phytochemistry 29,<br /> appeared in the 13C-NMR spectra of 4 at 71.2 P. 1189 (1990).<br /> and 66.7, while of 3 at 71.8 and 68.0. On the 3. Takashi Naito, Takao Katsuhara, Kazuaki<br /> other hand, the coupling constant of the vicinal Naitsu, Yukinobu Ikeya, Minoru Okada and<br /> protons between H-6 and H-7 in compound 4 Hiroshi Mitsuhashi. Phytochem., 31, P. 639<br /> was 5.1 Hz. This value indicated that the - 642 (1992).<br /> configuration of its two hydroxyl groups was 4. Masaru Kobayashi, Miyuki Fujita and<br /> trans by comparison with the value of Hiroshi Mitsuhasshi. Chem. Pharm. Bull.<br /> senkyunolide I. Thus, compound 4 was 35, No. 4, P. 1427 - 1433 (1987).<br /> elucidated as depicted structure for 4 with the 5. T. Yamagishi and H. Kaneshima. Yakugaku<br /> opposite configuration to those of 3. Zasshi, 97, 237 (1977).<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 231<br />



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