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Giáo án unit 12: Sport and pastimes - Tiếng Anh 6 - GV.H.Đan Thanh

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Nội dung giáo án unit 12 - Tiếng anh 6 nói về các hoạt động thể thao và những hoạt động thực hiện trong thời gian rảnh. Đây sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo nhằm giúp giáo viên tiết kiệm thời gian chuẩn bị giáo án giảng dạy.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo án unit 12: Sport and pastimes - Tiếng Anh 6 - GV.H.Đan Thanh

  1. Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Planning date: 7/ 2/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Per 73 : Unit 12 : sports and pastimes Lesson 1: A- What are they doing ?(A1,2) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: After finishing this period , pupils can : - See the names of sports - Practise asking and answering about activities using present progressive. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : swim , skip , jog , table tennis , badminton , aerobics * Grammar : What is he / she doing now ? He / she is doing ……… b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, picture , radio, poster, .... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1-2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (3-4') T : What are you doing now ? Ps: Answer T : What is he / she doing now ? Ps: Answer T: Today , we remind present progressive tense from unit 8 . We can see some sports and pastimes III/ New lesson(31-35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation 10- I/ New words : T : Shows the pictures and ask Ps 12’ - (to) swim : bơi to remark - (to) skip : nhảy dây
  2. Ps : Remark the content of them - (to) jog : đi bộ T : Play tape twice - (to) play badminton : chơi cầu lông Ps : Listen - (to) play table tennis : chơi bóng bàn T : Introduces words - (to) do aerobics : tập thể dục nhịp - Reminds present progressive điệu tense - Reads words II/ Structure : Ps : Listen and write Hỏi xem ai đó đang làm gì? - Repeat after the teacher What + is / am /are +S + doing ? S + is /am / are + V - ing Ex: What is he / she doing now ? He / She is playing football. Practice 13- Note: - skip  skipping T : Plays tape three times 15’ - swim  swimming Ps : Repeat after the tape (choral- - jog  jogging ind ) T: Ask Sts to do exercise A1 III/ Practice Ss: Practice reading A1 . Listen and read T: Call ss to read the sentences. He is swimming T: Ask Sts to ask answer A2. They are playing badminton Ss: Pairwork They are playing soccer T: Call some pairs to ask and ………. answer in front of the class. A2 . Ask and answer Ss: Practice before the class. What is he doing ? He is swimming 7- What is she doing ? 8’ She is doing aerobics What are they doing ? Production They are playing soccer T: Ask ss to make sentences using the present progressive. * Further practice Ss: Make sentences. a. He / swim → He is swimming a. He / swim b. Nam / jog → Nam is jogging b. Nam / jog c. Thu and Lan / play / badminton c. Thu and Lan / play / badminton → Thu and Lan are playing d. The children / play / volleyball badminton e. She / do / aerobics d. The children / play / volleyball → The children are playing volleyball a. She / do / aerobics
  3. → She is doing aerobics IV/ Consolidation:(2-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the present progressive and make examples. Ss: Answer *For class 6A: Ask and answer using given words. 1. Lan/ jog. What is Lan doing? - She is jogging. 2.Hoa/ play table tennis. What is Hoa doing? - She is playing table tennis. 3.Minh and Nam/ do aerobics. What are Minh and Nam doing?- They are doing aerobics. 4.They/ skip. What are they doing?- They are skipping. V/ Homework:(2-3') - Reread words and structure and learn them by heart. - Do exercises A1,2 in the workbook. -Prepare: Unit 12: A3,4,5.
  4. Planning date: 15/ 2/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Per 74 : Unit 12 : (cont) Lesson 2: A3,4,5 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: After finishing this period , pupil can : - Ask – answer to the people about sports - Practise asking and answering about activities using present simple. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : - Review: swim , skip , jog , table tennis , badminton , aerobics * Grammar : Which sports do you play ? I play soccer b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, picture , radio, sub- board .... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, pen, exercise book... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1-2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (4-5') * Check the previous lesson: T: Call ss to write new words. Ss: Write. T: Check and give marks. III/ New lesson(31-35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation 9- I/ Grammar: Present simple tense *Review Present simple tense 10’ Ex: T: Set the scene and make Which sports do you play ? example. I play soccer. Ss: Give the answer. Which sports does he play?
  5. T: Let ss practice the examples. He swims. Ss: Practice in open- close pairs. => Form: Which sports + do/does + T: Ask ss to give form and use. S....? Ss: Give form and use. S + V(s,es) T: Give some wordcues .Ask ss to *Wordcues: make questions and answers. a- Hoa/ jog Ss:Make sentences using the Which sports does Hoa play?-She jogs. structures they have just learnt. b- Mai/ play table tennis c- Tuan/ do aerobics 14- Practice 16’ II/ Practice T : Asks Ps to look at the pictures 1- A3 Listen and repeat : and name sports Which sports do you play? Ps : Look at the pictures and name a. I play soccer them b. I swim T : Guides Ps how practices A3 c. I skip - Make a model d. I do aerobics Ps : Practices in pairs before class e. ……….. T : Corrects and remarks 2-A4 . Read then answer the T : Introduces part A4 questions - Set the scene : The text is about * Complete the table: Lan and Nam . They like sports . Nam Lan Let’s read and find out which - swims - plays soccer sports they play . ..................... ................. - Asks Ps to make a table ( T uses * Answer: sub- board) a. She swims, does aerobics and Ps : Make a table plays badminton T : Reads A4 b. No , she doesn’t Ps : Read A4 silently c. He plays soccer , jogs and plays - Complete in the table table tennis . T : Asks Ps to answer the 7- d. Yes , he does questions 8’ Ps : Gives the answer - Write the answer an the board 3- A5 . Write T : Corrects and gives the answers Write about the sports you play Eg : Hello . My name is ………….I Production like sports . I play soccer ……….. T: Ask Sts to write about the sports they play Ss: Write.
  6. T: Call some ss to read their writing. Ss: Read their writing. IV/ Consolidation:(2-6' ) -T:Help Sts distinguish the differences between the two tenses ( remember ) Ss: Take notes and give examples. *For class 6A: Ask ss to make sentences using given words. a. He / swim / every day. → He swims every day b. Ba / jog / every afternoon. → Ba jogs every afternoon. c. The children / play volley ball / every day. → The children play volley ball every day. d. My father / do aerobics / every morning. → My father does aerobics every morning. V/ Homework:(2-3') - Reread words and structure and learn them by heart. - Do exercises part A in the workbook. -Prepare: Unit 12: B1-4.
  7. Planning date: 18/ 2/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Per 75 : Unit 12 : (cont) Lesson 3: B- Free time (B1-4) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - At the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to talk about what they do in their free time using the present simple tense and some activity verbs. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : - Review: read, listen to music, go fishing, play video games.... * Grammar : What do you in your free time ? - I play soccer. What does she in her free time ? - She plays soccer. b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projector .... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1-2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (4-5') T : Guides Ps to play “ network” Ps : Play watch TV read activities III/ New lesson(31-35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation 9- I/ New words : T : Shows the pictures on the 11’ - free time : thời gian rảnh rỗi projector and asks Ps remark. - (to) go fishing: câu cá Ps : Remark the content of them - (to) go to the movies: đi xem phim T : Plays tape - (to) go to the theater: đi xem hát
  8. Ps : Listen T : Introduces words and II/ Structures : structures Example: Ps : Listen and write * What do you do in your free time ? T : Reads them I go to the movies. Ps : Repeats after teacher (choral- * What does Phuong do in his free time ? ind) (He) Phuong goes to the movies. T : Plays tape three times Ps : Repeat after the tape => Form: What do/ does + S + in........ free - Practice in pairs to ask – answer time ? - S + V(s,es)............. using “ What do you do ……?” => Hỏi và trả lời xem ai đó làm gì lúc rảnh T : Corrects and remark rỗi. T : Guides Ps how to change the subject in the structure Ps : Listen and remember 14- III/ Practice: Practice: 16’ 1-Picture drill: - Let sts play slap the board (using picture B1) a. What do you do in your free time ? - Read sentence by sentence. (a - > f) Ex: What do you do in your free time ? - Now look at picture .a (B1) -> I go fishing. (make a model first) ->I read. - Look at the pictures on the projector and practice asking and b. What does……. do in his/ her free time ? answering. Ex: Ss: Work in pairs to practice P1 : What does Phuong do in his free time ? speaking.(a -> f) P2 : He goes to the movies - Call on some pairs to practice aloud. - Show the pictures and ask Sts to match the name with the right 2- Listen: picture. (a -> f) * Matching: Ss: Work in group 7- Names Pictures Production: 8’ Tan f -T: Play the tape and ask sts to Minh & Nam e check their matching. Lien a Ss: Listen and match. Lan & Mai b - T: Play the tape again. Ss: listen again.
  9. - T: Ask sts to give the answers Ss: Give the answers. T: Check the answers. IV/ Consolidation:(2-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson. Ss: Answer *For class 6A: Correct the mistakes ( on the projector) 1. In my free time, He go to the library. He-> I 2. In his free time, he listen to music. listen -> listens 3. Hung and lan draw picture in our free time. our-> their 4. My brother go swimming in his free time. go -> goes V/ Homework:(2-3') - Learn by heart new words and structure - Do exercise B1,2,3- P138 in the workbook. -Prepare: Unit 12: B5,C1,5.
  10. Planning date: 22/ 2/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Per 76: Check for the test number 3 A- The aims: + Check ss`s knowledge from unit 9 to 11 + Correct their mistakes + Make them what they have to do next. B- Contents: 1/ Answer keys: I/ Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others(1m) 1.D 2.C 3.A 3.A II/ Choose the best answer(2ms) 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B III/ Supply the correct form of the verbs(2ms) 1. has 2.are playing 3. wants 4. doesn`t like IV/ Match a sentence in colunm A to a suitable sentence in column B(1m) A B 1. a box of a. noodles 2. a dozen b. soap 3. a bowl of c. eggs 4. a bottle of d. cooking oil 5. a bar of e. chocolates 1, ......e......... 2, .......c........ 3, ......a......... 4, ......d......... 5, .......b........ V/Read the passage and do the task below(2ms) A. Write True or false( T or F) 1. She wants some meat, some vegetables . T 2. She wants one thousand grams of fish. T 3. She needs four hundred grams of beef. F 4. She needs three cans of peas and one kilo of T potatoes. B. Answer the questions: 1. She wants five hundred grams of beef. 2. Yes, she does. VI/ Fill in the gaps with " a, an, some, any(1m) 1.I would like................a.........................dozen eggs.
  11. 2.There aren' in the album. 3.Would you ? 4. I and a box of pencils. VII/ Write sentences using words or phrases provided (1 m) 1.Hoa /would / like / glass / milk -> Hoa would like a bottle of milk. 2.What / color / her / eyes? ->What color are her eyes? * For class 6A I/ Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others(1m) 1.D 2.C 3.A 3.A II/ Choose the best answer(2ms) 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B III/ Supply the correct form of the verbs(2ms) 1. has 2.are playing 3. wants 4. doesn`t like IV/Read the passage and do the task below(2ms) A. Write True or false( T or F) 1. She wants some meat, some vegetables . T 2. She wants one thousand grams of fish. T 3. She needs four hundred grams of beef. F 4. She needs three cans of peas and one kilo of T potatoes. B. Answer the questions: 1. She wants five hundred grams of beef. 2. Yes, she does. V/ Fill in the gaps with " a, an, some, any(1m) 1.I would like................a.........................dozen eggs. 2.There aren' in the album. 3.Would you ? 4. I and a box of pencils. VI/ Write sentences using words or phrases provided (1 m) 1.Hoa /would / like / glass / milk -> Hoa would like a bottle of milk. 2.What / color / her / eyes? ->What color are her eyes? VII. Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning( 1 m) 1. Her face is round 2. Minh likes chicken.
  12. 2/ Results: Class Total 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 6A 6B 6C 6D 3/ Draw experiences: ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .................................... C- Homework: - Redo the test in the notebook. - Prepare: Unit 12: B5,C1,5.
  13. Planning date: 23/ 2/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Per 77 : Unit 12 :(cont) Lesson 4: B5- C1,5 A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - At the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to talk about what they do in their free time using the present simple tense and some activity verbs, use “How often” questions and answers “once/ twice/ three times….a week…” to talk about frequency activities. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : - Review: read, listen to music, go fishing, play video games.... - New: always, usually, often, sometimes, never, How often, once / twice/ three times…… * Grammar : How often do you read ? - I read once a week. How often does she read ? - She reads once a week. b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading. B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, sub- board, .... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1-2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (4-5') * Ask 3 ss to write two examples for each beginning with: In my free time, I…… Ss: write Example: In my free time, I go to the museum. III/ New lesson(31-35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation 10- I/ New words : T : Shows a table:adverbs of 12’ - always (adv) : luôn luôn frequency - usually(adv) : thường xuyên Ps : Remark - often (adv): thường hay T : Asks Ps to give the meaning of - sometimes (adv) : thỉnh thoảng
  14. adverbs - never(adv) : không bao giờ Ps : Give the meaning Once : 1 lần T : Introduces part B5 Twice : 2 lần - Play tape twice Three times: 3 lần Ps : Listen How often...? có thường xuyên không T : Introduces words and structure II/ Structure : Ps : Write Ex : How often do you go to school ? T : Reads words twice I go to school five times a week Ps : Listen and repeat after teacher How often does she go to the movie ? (choral – ind ) She goes to the movies twice a month T : Plays tape twice * Form:How often + do/ does + S + V ? Ps : Listen and repeat (choral) S + V(s,es) …once a week / a month - Practice in pairs to read the Twice a week / a month conversation => Hỏi và trả lời xem ai đó thường hay làm T : Corrects 13- những việc gì. Practice 15’ T: Show Ly’s diary and introduce. III/ Practice: - Ask sts to look at Ly’s diary and 1/B5- How often...? Ly`s diary name some activities *Example : Look at Ly’s diary and name some Ex1: activities ( one by one) P1- How often does Ly go to school? -T: Do a model first. (go to school) P2- She goes to school six times a week Ss: Practice examples. Ex2: - T:Get sts to do pairswork. P1: How often does Ly play badminton? Ss: Work in pairs to ask and P2- She plays badminton twice a week answer about her activities in a 2/C5- Listen: week following the model given *Matching: -T: Call on some pairs to practice 1.always a. speaking. 2.sometimes b. Ss: Practice speaking about Ly’s 3.usually c. activities based on her diary. 4.never d. - T: Listen and correct their doing 5.often e. Production: 7- *How often do Lan and Nga do these things ? * Pre - listening 8’ Activities vvvv vvv vv v x - Ask sts to do matching.( sub- Go camping  board) Go to the zoo  ->key: 1- d, 2- c, 3-b, 4-a,5-e. Go jogging  - Show 5 pictures about Lan and Play soccer  Nga and ask Ss to tell what they Have a picnic  do in their free time.
  15. - Can you guess how often they do these things ( sub- board) *While - listening - Play the tape to check their guessing. - Listen to the tape twice * Post - listening - Ask sts to repeat sentence by sentence. IV/ Consolidation:(2-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the adverds of frequences. Ss: Answer * For class 6A: Ask ss to make sentences using adverbs of frequency Ex: I never go to school on Sunday. She usually does aerobics in the morning. V/ Homework:(2- 3') - Learn by heart new words and structure - Do exercise B4,5- P105,106 in the workbook. -Prepare: Unit 12: C2,3,4,6.
  16. Planning date: 24/ 02/ 2013 Teaching date :................... Period 78 : Unit 12 : (cont) Lesson 5: C- How often(C2,3,4,6) A/ The aims and objectives: 1-The aims: - At the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to use the adverbs of frequency exactly at the present simple tense by readind a story picture to understand the details. 2- Objectives: a. Language focus * Vocab : have a picnic, fly kites,go camping / camp , tent * Grammar : How often do/ does + S + V ? S + always , usually, often , sometimes ,never + V/Vs,es... b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading B/ Preparations: 1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan , radio, projector .... 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books... C/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1-2') - Greeting - Checking attendance II/ Warm-up: (3-4') T: Ask ss: - How often do you go to the zoo ? - How often do you go to the school ? - How often do you go to the movies ? Ss: Answer. III/ New lesson(31-35') Teacher’s & Students’ activities T Contents Presentation 8- I/ Newwords: T: Pre-teach some new words, 10’ - fly kites (v): thả diều using some realia, examples. - have a picnic (v): đi picnic - Check vocab by matching. - tent (n) : cái lều T : Shows the pictures in part C2 - boots (n): đôi ủng Ps : Observe and remark the - warm clothes: quần áo ấm
  17. content of them - wear(v): mặc, đeo T : Plays tape twice. - camping stove(n): cái lò trại Ps : Read the short passage - weekend(n) : ngày cuối tuần before class II-Listen and read: T : Corrects * Complete the table: Practice How often do Ba     x T : Guides Ps how to practice 15- and Lan…   part C3 17’ - go to the zoo? v Ps : Practice in pairs - go to the park ? v Ex : How often do Ba and Lan - have a picnic? v go to the zoo ? - play sports? v They sometime go to the - fly their kites? v zoo - go camping? v *Pre - reading - walk to school? v - Set the scence : “ Mink likes - do their v walking. On the weekend he homework? often goes walking in the * Ask and answer: mountains. Can you guess what Ex: How often do Ba and Lan go to the zoo? he takes with him? They sometimes go to the zoo. - Ask sts to work in pairs to give How often are you late for school? their prediction about Minh’s I am never late for school. activities. -> Thì hiện tại đơn nói về các hoạt động lặp đi * While - reading lặp lại - Ask sts to read the text quickly -> Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất: đứng trước and check their guessing. động từ và đứng sau "tobe" - Give out the correct answers. - Call on some sts to practice reading. III- Read. Then answer the questions * Post - reading a-Minh likes walking - Work in pairs to ask and b-They always wear strong boots and warm answer the questions. (a-> f) clothes - Call some pairs to practice c-He goes on the weekend speaking aloud. d-He usually goes with his friends - Listen and correct their e-They take food and water and a camping answers. 7- stove Production 8’ T: Have ss give examples using * Structure: Like + V-ing/ Go + V-ing adverbs of frequency (always, Ex: I like listening to music. usually, often…) She likes watching TV. Ss: give examples.
  18. T: Notice ss " like+ V-ing/ Go + They never go camping. V-ing". He sometimes goes swimming. Ss: Take notes. IV/ Consolidation:(2-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the leson. Ss: Answer * For class 6A:- T gives exercises and asks Ss to put the adverbs of frequency in the right position 1. He play video games. ( sometimes ) 2. I am very tired. ( often ) 3. She does aerobics. ( awlays ) 4. Lan goes to school in the morning. ( usually) V/ Homework:(2-3') - Learn by heart new words and structure - Answer the questions C4/ p131 in the textbook. - Do exercises part C in the workbook. - Prepare: Unit 13: A1,2.



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