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Giáo trình Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và chuyên Tiếng Anh cấp THCS: Phần 2

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Nếu các bạn đã tham khảo phần 1 cuốn giáo trình "Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và chuyên tiếng Tiếng Anh cấp THCS" thì các bạn chắc chắn không nên bỏ lỡ phần 2. Phần 2 sẽ giúp các em trang bị những vốn kiến thức nâng cao, để sau này có thể tham gia các kỳ thi Cao đẳng, Đại học hay tham gia các kỳ thi Tiếng Anh mang tầm quốc tế. Mời các em cùng tham khảo chi tiết giáo trình tại đây.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và chuyên Tiếng Anh cấp THCS: Phần 2

  1. => 40. Firstly, it rained heavily that weekend. Secondly, I felt unwell most of the time. (on the one hand, on the other) => PART XI : ADJECTIVE, ADVERB AND COMPARISON  THEORY I. Tính từ v| trạng từ Tính từ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ + She is beautiful + It is a long chair + The ruler is short Trạng từ dùng để bổ nghĩa cho động từ hoặc tính từ + She goes quickly + I speak English fluently + She is very good Mối quan hệ giữa tính từ v| trạng từ: Đa số tính từ thêm đuôi -ly thì trở th|nh trạng từ: careful (adj) => carefully (adv) Có một số trƣờng hợp đặc biệt nhƣ sau: 1) Tính từ đã có sẵn đuôi –ly, khi chuyển sang trạng từ giữ nguyên tính từ friendly elderly silly lively lonely lovely 2) C{c tính từ khi chuyển sang trạng từ vẫn không thay đổi hard(adj) => hard(adv) fast(adj) => fast(adv) 3) C{c tính từ khi chuyển sang trạng từ ho|n to|n thay đổi good (adj) => well (adv) II. Trật tự của tính từ Materi Purpo Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin al se nice, pretty, smal square, pink, Chinese golden, youn beautiful, l, round, white Vietnam woode g, ugly, thick oval, , es n, new, good,excellen , big, triangular brow America paper,. old,... t,... huge .... n, ... n .. III. Sự so s{nh của tính từ v| trạng từ trong Tiếng Anh C{c loại so Công thức Ví dụ s{nh So s{nh bằng Thể khẳng định: She is as beautiful ( S1 + V + as + adj/adv + as + S2 + V as her mother.
  2. She learns as well as her sister does. Thể phủ định: This exercise is not as/ S1 + V(phủ định) + as/so + adj/adv + as + so difficult as I think (it S2 + V is). He doesn’t study as/so hard as I do/me. Với danh từ đếm đƣợc: We have as few S1 + V + as many/few + N(sô’ nhiều) + as problems to solve + S2 + V as yesterday. Với danh từ không đếm đƣợc: I don’t have as much SI + V + as much/ little + N(không đếm money as you do. đƣợc) + as + S2+ V So s{nh gấp nhiều lần: In many countries in S + V + multiple numbers + as + much/ the world with the same many/ adj + (N) + as + N/ pronoun job, women only get 40 * Multiple numbers l| những số nhƣ half/ - 50% as much as twice/ 3,4,5...times; Ph}n số; Phần trăm. salary as men. Thế n|o l| tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn? Tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn l| những tính từ/ trạng từ có 1 }m tiết nhƣ: big (to), small (nhỏ), hot (nóng), cold (lạnh), thin (gầy), fat (béo),....v| có 2 }m tiết tận cùng l| 1 trong 5 đuôi sau: - y: happy (hạnh phúc), easy (dễ d|ng), early (sớm), heavy (nặng), lazy (lƣời biếng)... - er: clever (thông minh, lanh lợi). - le: single (độc th}n), simple (đơn giản). So s{nh hơn - ow: narrow (hẹp). (adj-er/ - et: quiet (yên tĩnh). more...than) Lƣu ý: những tính từ / trạng từ 2 }m tiết tận cùng l| đuôi -y chỉ đƣợc coi l| tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn khi bản th}n nó có đuôi -y. Ví dụ: lovely (đ{ng yêu) l| tính từ d|i vì nó đƣợc cấu tạo bởi (love + ly => lovely). quickly (nhanh) l| trạng từ d|i vì nó đƣợc cấu tạo bởi (quick + ly => quickly). Thế n|o l| tính từ/ trạng từ d|i? Tính từ/ trạng từ d|i l| những tính từ/ trạng từ có từ 2 }m tiết trở
  3. lên nhƣng không phải 1 trong 5 đuôi kể trên, nhƣ: beautiful (xinh đẹp), handsome (đẹp trai), intelligent (thông minh), hard-working (chăm chỉ) so s{nh hơn với tính từ v| trạng từ ngắn: She looks happier S1 + V + adj/adv + er + than + S2 + V than (she did) yesterday. so s{nh hơn với tính từ v| trạng từ d|i: She is more beautiful S1 + V + more + adj/adv + than + S2 + V than her sister. So s{nh hơn với danh từ: She has more money S1 + V + more + N + than + S2+ V than me. Với tính từ v| trạng từ ngắn: He is the S + V + the + adj/adv + est + (N) + .... tallest (student) in my So s{nh nhất class. (the adj- Với tính từ v| trạng từ d|i: My mother is the most est/most + S + V + the + most + adj/adv + (N) +< beautiful (woman) in adj) the world. Với danh từ: He is a billionaire. He S + V + the + most + N + .... has the most money. Tính từ/ Nghĩa Dạng so s{nl Dạng so s{nh nhất trạng từ hơn good/well tốt, giỏi Better the best bad tệ, tồi, dốt Worse the worst Ngoại lệ much/many nhiều More the most little ít Less least far xa farther/further farthest/furthest old gi|, cũ older/elder oldest/eldest Với tính từ ngắn: Adj + er + and + adj + er The summer is coming. It gets hotter and hotter. So s{nh lũy Với tính từ d|i: more/less and more/less + She is more and more tiến adj attractive. (c|ng...c|ng) Với danh từ: more and more + N There are more and more people moving to big cities to look for jobs.
  4. So s{nh đồng The + (so s{nh hơn) adj/ adv+S + V, the The more difficult the tiến (so s{nh hơn) adj/adv + S + V exercise is, the more (c|ng... thì interesting it is. c|ng)  PRACTICES Put the ajectives in the brakets into the correct order to have a meaningful noun phrases. 1. a (rectangular, cream, modern)__________bathroom 2. (silken, pretty, long)_______________hair 3. a (dreadful, pink, old)___________________________chinawear 4. a (processing, new, central, tiny) _____________________unit 5. a (tired, local, camera)______________crew 6. (vast, green, beautiful)_______________________plains 7. a (vegetable, large, Greek)___________________trailer 8. a (middle-aged, good-looking, black, pop)_____________________star 9. a (traffic, two-hour)____________________jam 10. a (dangerous, New York, gloomy)______________alleyway 11. a(n) (brand-new, sports, mustard, American)_____________________car 12. a (fantastic, delightful)____________________evening 13. You look very (pretty, elegant) _________________on that dress. – 14. a (toilet, horrible, lilac) _____________________ bag 15. a(n) (enormous, sky-blue, round)____________________spaceship 16. the (wonderful, colourful)________________________scenery 17. a(n) (old, breakdown, red, white)______________________truck 18. a (leather, brown, pretty, turquoise)____________________handbag 19. a(n) (long-distance, obstacle)____________________course 20. a (country, magnificent)________________________house 21. a (tangerine, silk, lime, dreadful)____________________shirt 22. a pair of (Catalan, expensive)_________________mocassins 23. a(n) (ice, peach, modern)______________________bucket 24. a(n) (Chinese, blue, dining, oval)_____________________table 25. a pair of (cheap, football, black, yellow)________________________boots Choose the correct form of the participles used as adjectives in the following sentences 1. Compassionate friends tried to console the (crying/cried) victims of the accident. 2. When James noticed the (burning / burnt) building, he notified the firedepartment immediately.
  5. 3. The (exciting/ excited) passengers jumped into the lifeboats when notified that the ship was sinking. 4. The (smiling/smiled) Mona Lisa is on display in the Louvre in Paris. 5. The wind made such (frightening / frightened) noises that the children ran to their parents' room. 6. The (frightening / frightened) hostages only wanted to be left alone. 7. We saw the (advancing / advanced) army from across the town. 8. Mrs. Harris's (approving / approved) smile let us know that our speeches were well done. 9. Our representative presented the (approving / approved) plan to the public. 10. The (blowing/ blown) wind of the hurricane damaged the waterfront property. 11. We were going to see the movie at the Theater, but our friends told us it was a (boring / bored) movie. 12. Mary's (cleaning / cleaned) service comes every Wednesday. 13. The (cleaning / cleaned) shoes were placed in the sun to dry. 14. We found it difficult to get through the (closing / closed) door without a key, 15. As we entered the (crowding/crowded) room, I noticed my cousin. 16. Dr. Jameson told my brother to elevate his (aching/ ached) foot. 17. I was (disappointing / disappointed) with the film. I had expected it to be better. 18. The (breaking / broken) dishes lay on the floor. | 19. The (trembling / trembled) children were given a blanket for warmth. 20. The interesting / interested) tennis match caused a great deal of excitement. Choose the right word, adjective or adverb. 1. The floor looks clean/ cleanly. 2. The plane landed safel safely on the runway. 3. The man looked honest/ honestly, but he wasn't 4. Jane looked at her book thoughtful/ thoughtfully before she answered the teacher's question. 5. A rose smells good/ well. 6. Beth spoke confident/ confidently when she delivered her speech. 7. Most of the students did good/ well on their tests. | 8. He spoke angry/ angrily 9. He seemed very angry/ungrily. 10. The teacher taught us very careful/ carefully. Write the comparativel superlative of a word from the box for each blank. Beautifully early fast fluently hard late peacefully sensitively
  6. 1. If we don't walk__________we'll never arrive on time. 2. She sings_____________than any one else I've ever heard. 3. Andy's the most intelligent, but Sue works _________ 4. Eight is late - could you possibly get here any __________ 5. Of all the children, Helen writes _________ 6. I would sleep______________if I weren't worried about Tom. 7. For the 10. 20 train,___________________we can leave home is 10. 8. Mark speaks French______of all the boys in his class. Make sentences like the one in the example Example. He drives fast, he gets nervous. ~ The faster he drives, the more nervous he gets; and the more nervous he gets, the faster he drives. 1. He eats ice-cream; he gets fat. (The more ice cream.......) => 2. He reads, he forgets. => 3. She ignores him; he loves her. => 4. She buys shoes; she wants shoes. => 5. We spend money; we have friends. => 6. I sleep; I'm tired. => Complete each sentence by choosing the most suitable word or phrase 1. I really think that apologizing is_____________you can do. A. no as much as B. a little C. the least D. as far as 2. I can't stand this weather. It's getting _____________ A. more and more B. worse and worse C. coldest and coldest D. further and further 3. Although Brenda came last, everyone agreed she had_________her best A. done B. made C. had D. got 4. I wish Charles worked as hard as Mary _________________ A. did B. can C. will D. does 5. The more you water this plant, the______________it will grow A. best B. tall C. wetter D . faster 6. From now on, we won't be able to go out as much as we _________ A. were B. had C. used to D. will 7. I've never owned____________independent cat as this one.
  7. A. a more than B. such an C. a so D. as much an 8. Brian has been working_____________since he was promoted. A. much harder B. as harder C. just as hardly D. more hardly 9. I've been feeling____________tired lately, doctor. A. such a B. the most C. more and more D. much 10. This exercise will give you______________practice. A. farther B. much more C. as better D. a lot Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. That's the best meal I've ever eaten. => I've never eaten 2. Fish and meat are the same price in some countries. => Fish costs 3. I've never enjoyed myself so much. => I've never had 4.If you run a lot, you will get fitter. => The more 5.The doctor can't see you earlier than Wednesday I'm afraid. => Wednesday is 6. I must have a rest. I can't walk any more. => I must have a rest. I can't go 7. Home computers used to be much more expensive, => Home computers aren't 8.I don't know as much Italian as Sue does. => Sue knows 9. I thought that learning to drive would be difficult, but it isn't. => Learning to drive is 10. Barbara can skate just as well as John can. => John isn't 11. Jill can run faster than Peter. => Peter 12. I thought this journey would last longer than it did. => This journey didn't 13. I didn't arrive as early as I expected. => I arrived 14. You are working too slowly. => You'll have to 15. I have a brother who is older than me. => I have an 16. Martin thought the second part of the film was more interesting. => Martin didn't think the first
  8. 17. Paula's work is less careful than Peter's. => Paula has been working 18. There aren't any trains earlier than this one. => This is 19. All other pubs are further away. => This pub 20. Is this the best price you can offer? => Can't you Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given in capitals. 1. Your car was cheaper than mine. COST 2. I'm not as good at maths as you are. BETTER 3. Keith is slightly taller than Nigel. LITTLE 4. Bill was growing angrier all the time. AND 5. Sally tried as hard as she could. BEST 6.I thought this film would be better. AS 7.This is the bumpiest road I've ever driven along. SUCH 8.When you eat a lot, you get fat. MORE 9.George said he couldn't do any better. COULD 10. This year's exam and last year's exam were equally difficult. JUST PART XII : GERUND AND INFINITIVE VERBS  THEORY GERUND IN ENGLISH (VING) 1. Form : (Hình thức) - Danh động từ đƣợc th|nh lập bằng c{ch thêm đuôi ING v|o sau động từ nguyên thể v| chúng có chức năng tƣơng đƣơng nhƣ một danh từ bình thƣờng. V+ ING>>> GERUND Eg : Work>> working study>> studying 2. C{ch dùng: 2.1. Danh động từ dùng nhƣ ‚Chủ ngữ của c}u‛
  9. GERUND+ V(es/s
  10. 1 to be for>< to be against + VING/N ủng hộ >< phản đối 2 to be sorry for (rất tiếc l|..) + VING/N 3 to be ashamed of< to be bad at< + VING/N giỏi về>< kém về.. 5 to be good for >< to be bad for + VING/N tốt cho>< tồi tệ cho< 6 to have objection to
  11. E 18 encourage: khuyến khích 42 stop; dừng, kết thúc 19 enjoy: thích 43 suggest: đề nghị, gợi ý 20 excuse: xin lỗi T 44 tolerate: khoan dung, tha thứ F 21 fancy: tƣởng tƣợng, h|o U 45 understand: hiểu hứng< 22 finish: kết thúc P 46 propose: đƣa ra, kiến nghị 23 forbid: cấm đo{n G 24 give up: từ bỏ INFINITIVE (FULL INFINTIVE LÀ CHỦ YẾU) 1. Dạng thức: - Để th|nh lập một INFINITIVE, ta thêm TO v|o trƣớc V không chia TO V= INFINITIVE (full infintive) 2. C{ch sử dụng/ c{ch dùng: 2.1. Động từ nguyên thể đƣợc dùng trong những mẫu c}u dƣới đ}y: 1 It is/ was+ adj (tính từ)+ TO V (Thật l| như thế n|o để l|m gì) 2 It is/ was+ adj (tính từ)+ for O+ TO V (Thật l| như thế n|o đối với/ cho ai đó để l|m gì) 3 It is/ was+ adj (tính từ)+ OF+ O+ TO V (Ai đó (O) thật l| như thế n|o KHI l|m gì)) Eg: It is kind of you to help me (YOU thật l| KND khi HELP ME) Note: Một số tính từ thường được dùng trong cấu trúc (3): Kind, nice, careless, stupid (cấu trúc 3 dùng để khen v| chê) 4 S+ to be/ V thƣờng (chia)+ TOO+ adj+ TO V Ai đó QUÁ như thế n|o để l|m gì
  12. (Ai đó qu{
  13. A 1 advise: khuyên 14 invite: mời 2 allow: cho phép N 15 need: cần 3 ask: yêu cầu O 16 order: ra lệnh B 4 beg: van n|i, cầu xin P 17 permit: cho phép C 5 cause: g}y ra, khiến cho 18 persuade: thuyết phục 6 challenge: th{ch thức R 19 remind: nhắc nhở 7 convince : thuyết phục T 20 teach: dạy D 8 dare: d{m, th{ch< 21 tell: bảo, kể E 9 encorage: khuyến khích 22 urge: thúc giục 10 expect: mong đợi W 23 want: muốn F 11 forbid: cấm 24 warn : cảnh bao 12 force: bắt buộc R 25 recommend: đề xuất, đề nghị I 13 instruct: chỉ dẫn, hƣớng dẫn 26 require: yêu cầu, đòi hỏi NOTES: c{c động từ ‚ADVISE, ALLOW, ENCOURAGE, FORBID, PERMIT, RECOMMEND‛ có thể được sử dụng trong c{c cấu trúc sau: CÔNG THỨC DỄ HIỂU (lấy ADVISE l|m mẫu) 1. S+ c{c từ trên (advise
  14. Eg: They notice him take the money from the house. S V O V0 >>> BỊ ĐỘNG: HE IS NOTICED TO TAKE THE MONEY FROM THE HOUSE * NOTE 2: CHÚ Ý VỀ NGHĨA CỦA GERUND VÀ TO INFINTIVE V TO V VING Động từ Stop Ngừng việc gì để l|m việc Ngừng hẳn l|m gì kh{c Try Cố gắng l|m gì Thử l|m gì Forget Quên l| phải l|m gì Quên l| đã l|m gì Regret Lấy l|m tiếc khi phải l|m gì Tiếc l| đã l|m điều gì Notes: Cấu trúc n|y thường theo sau bởi: SAY, TELL, INFORM v| chia ở HTĐ Remember Nhớ phải l|m gì Nhớ đã l|m gì Go on Dừng 1 chủ đề đang Tiếp tục l|m gì
  15. 2.3. HTPT dùng sau HAVE S+ HAVE/ HAS/ HAD+ O(ngƣời)+ VING (HTPT) (ai đó yêu cầu/ đề nghị để l|m gì Eg: Lam has Hung muting his microphone. Lam had Nam changing his profile picture. 2.4. HTPT đƣợc sau c{c động từ TRI GIÁC: see, hear, taste, smell, feel, watch, notice, keep, listen to. S+ (see/feel
  16. (ai đó d|nh/ tiêu/ hoang phí/ lãng phí+ tiền bạc/ thời gian+ để/ v|o việc gì QUÁ KHỨ PHÂN TỪ 2. C{ch dùng 1. QKPT đƣợc dùng nhƣ một tính từ v| nó thƣờng đƣợc đặt trƣớc một danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó. (QKP lúc n|y đƣợc coi nhƣ l| một tính từ_adj) QKPT(ADJ) / VED/ V3 + N NOTES: QKPT có thể theo sau động từ ‚TOBE‛, v| c{c động từ nối ‚become, get, feel, seem, look, smell,
  17. th|nh, dạng bị động. HTHT: have/ has+ P2 QKHT: had+ P2 TLHT: will have+ P2 Nguyên mẫu ho|n th|nh: to have P2 Bị động: tobe + P2 3. QKPT có thể thay thế cho cấu trúc: S+ V(bị động)/ tobe (bị động)+ P2 >>>> P2 Dạng bị động của ph}n từ ho|n th|nh ‚HAVING BEEN‛. Ph}n từ ho|n th|nh được dùng khi ta cần nhấn mạnh rằng h|nh động do ph}n từ diễn tả xảy ra trước h|nh động của động từ kế tiếp sau.  PRACTICES Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. They refused ______ to Tim’s proposal. They decided ______ their work. A. to listen / continuing B. to listen / to continue C. listening / to continue D. listening / continuing 2. I enjoy ______ to a number of programs on the radio. I am also fond of ______ novels. A. to listen / to read B. listening / reading C. to listen / reading D. listening / to read 3. No one will leave the classroom until the guilty student admits ______ the money. A. steal B. stealing C. to steal D. stolen 4. Jack Anderson was caught ______ a match at the time of the fire. He was accused of ______ the fire. A. to hold / set B. held / setting C. holding / to set D. holding / setting 5. I cannot imagine you ______ married to Peter. He might make you ______ unhappy. A. to get / are B. get / being C. got / to be D. getting / be 6. Her boss promised ______ her a raise because she never minds ______ the night shift. A. offering / work B. offered / to work C. to offer / working D. offer / worked 7. He disagrees ______ a new car. He prefers ______ by bus to by car. A. to buy / travel B. buying / to travel C. to buy / travelling D. bought / traveled 8. The questions are easy ______ We hope ______ high scores.
  18. A. to answer / to get B. answering / to get C. to answer / getting D. answered / got 9. The man asked me how ______ to the airport. He said he had to ______ the 9.00 plane to Paris. A. getting / taken B. to get / take C. got / taking D. get / took 10. You were the last one ______ the office. Did you see anyone ______ the building? A. leaving / to enter B. to leave / enter C. left / entering D. leave / entered 11. It is no use ______ the car. It would be cheaper ______ a new one. A. repair / bought B. repaired / buy C. to repair / buying D. repairing / to buy 12. She wanted ______ home, but her boss made her ______ until the work was finished. A. to go / staying B. go / stayed C. going / to stay D. to go / stay 13. I will make an effort ______ A. stopping smoking B. stop smoke C. to stop smoking D. stop smoking 14. I am not sure if I have met Mr. Martino, but I remember ______ his name. A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard 15. He will never forget ______ so much money and time on his first computer. He bought it two years ago and managed ______ on it himself. A. spending / to work B. to spend / working C. spent / work D. spend / worked 16. When I lived with my parents, they did not let me ______ TV at night. I was made ______ a lot. A. watching / study B. watched /studying C. watch / to study D. to watch / studied 17. If the printer does not work, try ______ everything off and then ______ again. A. to turn / to start B. to turn / starting C. turning / to start D. turning / starting 18. - Are you thinking of ______ London? - Oh, yes. I look forward to ______ my vacation there next summer. A. being visited / spending B. visit / spend C. visiting / spend D. visiting / spending 19. Everyone likes ______ when they have succeeded ______ something. A. being congratulated / for doing B. being congratulated / in doing C. be congratulating / do D. to be congratulated / to do 20. The police charged him ______ at a wrong space.
  19. A. park B. to park C. parking D. with parking 21. The workers in our company have raised an objection ______ overtime. A. to work B. to working C. working D. worked 22. We have discussed ______ a new house, but there is no point ______ further. A. buying / talking B. to buy / talk C. about buying / to talk D. buy / talked 23. You can open it ______ the wrapping paper. A. remove B. to remove C. removing D. by removing 24. He recommended that we ______ overnight at a hotel, but we felt like ______ our journey. A. to stay / continued B. stayed / continue C. stay / continuing D. staying/to continue 25. It is twelve o’clock. We should stop ______ lunch. We will go on ______ our work by 5pm. A. having / finish B. have / finishing C. to have / to finish D. had / finished 26. He warned me ______ all my money in that company. A. not to invest B. do not invest C. did not invest D. not investing 27. I regret ______ the lecture, which was not worth ______ A. attending / to listen B. to attend / listening C. to attend / to listen D. attending / listening 28. The teacher expected Sarah ______ harder. He gave her a lot of homework ______ A. studied / do B. studying / done C. study / doing D. to study / to do 29. Do you know what ______ if there is a fire in the shop where you go ______ A. doing / to shop B. to do / shopping C. do / shop D. do / shopped 30. This advertisement needs ______. We will have Peter ______ it. A. to redesign / doing B. redesigning / do C. redesigned / did D. redesign / to do 31. I remember ______ John promised ______, but now he was nowhere ______ A. hearing / to come / to be seen B. hear / coming / being seen C. hearing / to come / to see D. to hear / come / been seen 32. My father continued ______ although the doctor advised him ______ the habit several times. A. smoking / to quit B. to smoke / quit
  20. C. smoke / quitting D. for smoking / of quitting 33. He has arranged ______ the visitors at the factory. It is necessary that he ______ on time. A. to meet / be B. meeting / to be C. meet / being D. met / was 34. I have an important thing ______ you before ______ you this document. A. told / given B. tell / give C. telling / to give D. to tell / giving 35. She was hesitant ______ the coach of her problem and she thanked her coach ______ her ______ with the pressure. A. telling / to help / deal B. tell / helping / dealing C. told / help / dealing D. to tell / for helping / to deal 36. Thanks to effective birth control methods, women can delay ______ children and they have more time ______ part in social work. A. have / taken B. having / to take C. had / take D. to have / taking 37. Avoid ______ those mistakes again when ______ A. to make / write B. make / to write C. making / writing D. made / written 38. We will have our house ______. My cousins will come and help us ______ the work. A. to repaint/ doing B. repainted/ do C. repainting/ to do D. repainted/ doing 39. We postponed ______ any decision in the meeting. A. make B. to make C. making D. made 40. I am busy ______ I would rather not ______ out for lunch. A. working / go B. to work / to go C. worked / going D. work / going 41. African people are used ______ barefoot so they get very rough skin. A. to walk B. to walking C. walked D. walking 42. She was so nice that he couldn’t help ______ in love with her. A. fall B. falling C. to fall D. fallen 43. I do not mind ______ you whenever I finish ______ on my reports. A. to help / working B. helping / to work C. to help / to work D. helping / working 44. Jean detested ______ She often refused ______ her photographs taken. A. photographed / have B. to be photographed / had C. be photographed / having D. being photographed / to have 45. I happened ______ John ______ the street yesterday. A. to see / to cross B. see / crossed C. to see / crossing D. seeing / to cross 46. The robbers forced the bank manager ______ the safe.



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