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Giáo trình C++ P1

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  1. Week 1 Game Institute Introduction to C and C++ by Stan Trujillo Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 1 of 42
  2. © 2001, eInstitute, Inc. You may print one copy of this document for your own personal use. You agree to destroy any worn copy prior to printing another. You may not distribute this document in paper, fax, magnetic, electronic or other telecommunications format to anyone else. This is the companion text to the course of the same title. With minor modifications made for print formatting, it is identical to the viewable text, but without the audio. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 2 of 42
  3. Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 4 Fundamentals ........................................................................................................................................ 4 C++ Language Features ........................................................................................................................ 6 Development tools ................................................................................................................................ 7 C++ Mechanics ..................................................................................................................................... 8 The preprocessor................................................................................................................................... 9 The Compiler ...................................................................................................................................... 10 The Linker........................................................................................................................................... 11 Compilation Process ........................................................................................................................... 11 Project files ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Release and Debug Builds .................................................................................................................. 13 Windows applications types................................................................................................................ 13 Hello World ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Keywords ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Code Formatting ................................................................................................................................. 16 Naming Conventions .......................................................................................................................... 17 Compile and Run ................................................................................................................................ 17 Comments ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Data Types .......................................................................................................................................... 19 The IntMult Sample ............................................................................................................................ 23 Functions............................................................................................................................................. 25 The Celcius Sample ............................................................................................................................ 27 Conditionals ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Switch Statements............................................................................................................................... 33 Loops .................................................................................................................................................. 34 The Grid Sample ................................................................................................................................. 35 The Ascii Sample................................................................................................................................ 38 More About Functions ........................................................................................................................ 40 Exercises ............................................................................................................................................. 42 What’s next? ....................................................................................................................................... 42 Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 3 of 42
  4. Introduction A GameInstitute course by Stan Trujillo Although it certainly wasn’t always the case, there is a great deal of information on C++ available in the form of books, courses, and tutorials. This course differs from this existing body of information in several ways. First, as a GameInstitute course, the goal of this course is to teach C++ to programmers who intend to pursue game programming. Unlike most C++ courses, the final assignment is not to write a student enrollment system or a sports statistics application. Our goal is to write games, so this course strives to build the foundation necessary for game programming. Another way in which this course differs is that, in addition to covering language features, we’ll talk about how these features are typically used in game programming. Some C++ features that are rarely used in games are covered summarily, while other features--those that are use in games extensively—are covered in detail. Finally, because games are complex applications that involve the mixing and coordination of many different types of systems (graphics, sound, user input, etc.), and because the structure of game applications differs significantly from the typical business or web application, we will focus on using C++ to define the game application as a whole. The alternative is to cover each topic independently, leaving you with the task of combining all of the topics into a single application, which usually serves to frustrate as much as to educate. Still, before we can successfully tackle most of the larger issues that face game programmers, we must achieve a certain level of familiarity with C++. We’ll therefore start with three lessons that focus on the C++ language. In the latter three lessons, we’ll use this foundation to explore game programming. Learning to program games requires an understanding of programming concepts and programming languages. We’ll cover both in this course, but the conceptual portions are fairly brief and to the point. This is a C++ course, and as such the primary focus is the C++ code required for game programming. The material is therefore full of code snippets and sample programs. This code is carefully explained, and every effort is made to keep the complexity to a minimum. Also, the important portions of the code typically appear in bold to draw attention to the specific commands or language syntax to which the surrounding material refers. Fundamentals In some ways, computers have changed radically since they were first invented. From early models, which occupied huge rooms and yet provided far less performance and storage space than today’s Palm Pilot, computers have gotten smaller and faster at an amazing pace. Computer languages have changed too. During the early years of computing there was only one computer language: machine language. The programmers that worked with these machines were working in the machine’s native tongue—a language in which very simple instructions such as “copy”, “add”, and “multiply” were represented as numeric codes. The data that was manipulated by these instructions was also referred to in numeric form—either as literal numeric values, or as the memory addresses where the data was stored. The machine language instructions, or codes, were used to manipulate the data stored at various memory addresses, and entire programs were written in this fashion. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 4 of 42
  5. Writing programs in machine language was both simple and complicated. It was simple because you were working with just a handful of instructions and a slew of memory addresses at which data could be stored and retrieved. But machine language was complicated because each program is nothing but numbers. Some numbers represent instructions, some represent memory addresses, and some represent literal values. As a result, writing, deciphering, and maintaining these programs was time consuming and painstaking work. Humans just aren’t good at manipulating pages and pages of numbers. The problem is that computers and humans speak very different languages. Forcing humans to speak the native language of the machine, although necessary at one time, is very taxing for humans. In order to write large, reliable, and easily upgradeable software systems, humans needed to design a better way to communicate with the computer. Today there are a slew of computer languages, all of which address the issue of human/machine communication in its own way. In all cases these languages are more natural for human use due to the use of abstraction. Even very detail-oriented languages, such as assembly language, use abstractions. Assembly language provides human-readable names to be used for both instructions and data, abstracting the underling numeric values. Other languages, such as Visual Basic, Java, C, and C++ also use abstractions, but to a much higher degree. The more abstract the language, the less the language is like machine language. Highly abstract languages cater to the way that humans think, and not to the way that computers operate. With a modern language, programmers don’t have manage numeric codes, but more importantly, are not limited to the commands that the hardware provides. These languages allow new, complex instructions to be defined that are just as easy to use as the native computer hardware instructions. Instead of being limited to commands such as “copy”, “add”, and “multiply”, these languages can be extended to include very powerful and specific commands such as “update database”, “fire weapons”, or “draw explosion”. Computer hardware has gotten much, much faster. And computer languages have gotten much, much more powerful. But, while computer hardware now provides millions of times more performance than early hardware, it really hasn’t changed that much. It still uses very simple numeric instructions that indicate operations such as “copy”, “add”, and “multiply”, and it still uses memory addresses to store and retrieve data. How can languages have evolved to be so abstract when the underlying hardware remains largely the same? The answer is that the computer now performs much more work than it used to. With machine language, the program, or source code that the programmer wrote was exactly the same as that which the computer executed. The source code was the program. With all other languages, the source code is not the same as the instructions that the computer executes. Instead there is at least one step that is required to convert source code into executable form. This is accomplished in one of two ways, depending on the language being used. Languages such as Java and early versions of Visual Basic, for example, are interpreted languages. This means that in order for source code to be executed, an interpreter is required. These interpreters are themselves programs—which are specialized to read source code and convert it into a set of operations that are in turn executed by the hardware. Alternatively, languages such as C, C++, and modern versions of Visual Basic are compiled languages. These languages require a program called a compiler that reads source code and converts it into machine language. Interpreted languages, because they require source code to be converted at runtime (at the time that execution is to take place), is slower than the compiled equivalent. Compiled languages, by requiring that the highly complex conversion process take place before execution, provide better runtime performance. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 5 of 42
  6. In both cases, the computer is expected to perform extra steps to convert source code into something that the computer understands. Now, instead of learning the computer’s native tongue, we write software in a language that makes sense to us, and we leave the task of conversion to the computer. The computer does more work than it used to, and humans do less. This arrangement works nicely because computers are very good at the type of work that is required to convert source code to machine languages, and, because computers are faster than ever, there is plenty of extra processing power for these conversions. Nevertheless, it is not as though we are free to explain to the computer what we want in plain English. We still must learn a computer language such as C++. And, while easier to understand than machine language, understanding C++ takes some practice. Modern computer languages are a compromise between machine language and truly human languages. C++ Language Features So far we’ve learned that C++, like all other programming languages except machine language, derives its power through abstraction, and at least part of its speed from the fact that it is a compiled language. Now let’s talk about how C++ compares to other languages, and what makes it a natural choice for game programming. C++ is sometimes referred to as a mid-level language--a reference to its level of abstraction. C++ is more abstract and therefore higher level than assembly language, and yet less abstract and lower level than a scripting language such as JavaScript. This mid-level status is part of the reason that C++ makes a good game programming language. C++ is low-level enough to allow very detailed instruction, and yet high- level enough to allow for very complex concepts to be expressed and organized. Both are important for game programming, which must address the computer hardware at a very low-level, and yet express and manage high-level concepts such as the imaginary universe in which each game takes place. C++ gets much of its low-level ability from its predecessor C, which allows data to be manipulated with almost as much control as that provided by assembly language. Combined with higher-level data handling functionality, this means that data can be manipulated either in large, complex data structures, or down to the most fundamental level: the bit. Likewise, both C and C++ are procedural languages, meaning that they both require that code be grouped into functions--a function being a set of one or more instructions that the computer is to execute. By providing support for the definition of functions and a variety of data types, C and C++ provide the basic building blocks upon which any program can be written. In this respect languages such as C and C++ are not unlike machine language except that names can be given to both functions and data. But what if, instead of using a name to represent data, we wanted to use a memory address to indicate where the data resides, as machine language does? This would allow us to control not only the value of the data, but it’s location in memory as well. C and C++ support this ability with pointers. A pointer is special data type that contains a memory address. It points to data by indicating its address. Pointers have a bad reputation. They are often mentioned as the primary reason why C and C++ are difficult languages to learn. But pointers are very popular with those who have grasped the concept. The truth is that pointers can be overused. Using pointers just for the heck of it tends to obfuscate code, and is a common practice for insecure programmers. There are situations, however, where pointers are invaluable. We’ll use pointers whenever it is appropriate throughout this course, starting in Lesson 2. While C++ provides the features provided by C (functions and data types), the same is not true in reverse. The C language is—for the most part—a subset of C++. C++ extends C by adding high-level features that make it much more powerful than C. The primarily addition takes the form of classes. which are Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 6 of 42
  7. essentially the marriage of functions and data. (The name originally considered for C++ was C with classes.) In C++, an object is a single instance of a class. In C and C++, functions use data, and data can be manipulated by functions, but classes allow functions and data to be defined as part of a single object. This is a simple concept that has powerful connotations, because it allows programs to be modeled more closely on reality. By creating objects that contain both a state (the data), and a means for modifying that state (the functions), C++ allows real world entities to be modeled much more accurately and naturally. The object-oriented features of C++ make it an ideal language for designing complex systems. Combining functions and data to form objects is a powerful addition on its own, but is multiplied by the fact that objects can be extended to create new, more powerful objects, without modifying the original objects. This is called inheritance or polymorphism. Inheritance allows a new class of objects to be created by defining only the ways in which the new type of object differs from the original type of object. This course introduces C++ starting with the low-level features, and moving to the high-level features. In this lesson and continuing in lesson 2 we’ll cover the fundamental features that C++ inherits from C. In lesson 3 we’ll delve into C++ specific support for objects. In the remainder of the course we’ll build on this foundation by exploring game-specific uses for these language features. Before we get to the C++ language itself, we need to talk about the tools and processes that must be used in order to convert C++ source code into an executable form. Programming, like any other craft, such as carpentry, painting, or mechanics, requires that you become familiar with the tools of the trade before you can fully concentrate on the craft itself. Knowing the C++ language is useless if you can’t usher your source code into a usable form, just as knowing how to paint is useless if you don’t know how to acquire and mix the required pigments. Once we have an understanding of the tools with which we’ll be working, we will introduce the fundamental C++ language topics upon which the remainder of the course—and the rest of your C++ programming career relies. Development tools Programmers generally come out of two camps: Windows and Unix. Programmers familiar with Windows programming often start with Visual Basic, which provides an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). An IDE is an application that allows the programmer to create and manage projects, edit code, and compile source code into a form that is machine-readable. IDEs typically provide debugging support as well, which allows the workings of a program to be scrutinized by stepping through the code, line by line, as it is executed. IDEs often provide “Code Wizards” capable of generating small projects or injecting code into existing projects in order to add new features. When you use an IDE, you usually don’t see the contents of all of the code or the project files that make up each project. This has the advantage of allowing you to concentrate on the application specific portions of the code and ignore a significant portion of boilerplate code and configuration data. Unix programmers, on the other hand, usually learn to program using command-line tools. In this case, each of the tools required for programming is executed separately. There is no common graphical user interface that unifies the programming tools. Code is compiled with one tool, linked with another tool, and debugged with yet another tool (we’ll talk about each of these steps in more detail shortly.) In a command-line environment, the management of code modules and projects is done by hand. Command- line programming requires a higher level of familiarity with each project component than is required when programming with an IDE. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 7 of 42
  8. Windows C++ programming offers both options. Visual C++, for example, provides an IDE from which C++ applications can be developed and tested. For Visual Basic programmers, switching over to the Visual C++ IDE is fairly painless, as the interface and concepts are similar. But C++ has long-standing ties with Unix, and as such still provides command-line tools. The Visual C++ IDE, in fact, merely invokes these command-line tools behind the scenes. This means that programmers can opt to use these command-line tools directly, and forfeit the use of the IDE. But if you’re new to programming, your best bet is to start with an IDE. Despite the fact that Visual C++ currently dominates the C++ market, it is important not to forget that it is not the only option. Borland, for example (a company that dominated the C++ development tool market for years before Microsoft, and is in large part responsible for the popularity of C++ on the PC platform) offers a C++ development system called C++ Builder. Although it is not nearly as popular as Visual C++, it is a perfectly good C++ development tool. These are just two of the development tools available for Windows, and other platforms, such as Macintosh and Unix have C++ development tools of their own. Because the emphasis of this C++ course is game development, and because the vast majority of games and game-related tools are Windows based, we’ll concentrate on the Windows platform. This won’t be obvious at first, as the samples that we start with don’t use any Windows-specific features, but later, in order to introduce graphics, we’ll be using Microsoft’s DirectX toolkit, which is Window’s specific. The development tools that we’ll focus on are Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++, each for different reasons. We’ll target Visual C++ because it is by far the most prevalent C++ tool, both for game development and in general. And, whatever your personal feelings about Microsoft, Visual C++ is a very good tool. We include Borland in the mix both so that we don’t forget that Visual C++ isn’t the only C++ development tool, and because it is free. In an attempt to attract customers, Borland has made the command-line version of their C++ tools freely available. There’s no IDE, but a fully functional version of a very up-to-date tool is yours at not cost. (There are free development tools available for Unix, so Unix users will be less surprised at this, but Windows users are less accustomed to free development tools.) So, if you lack the funds to buy Visual C++, or are not inclined to do so for personal reasons, there is an option. Each of the samples in this course, in addition to including Visual C++ project files, includes support for the Borland compiler as well. The command-line Borland C++ tools are available at this URL: There is one additional reason why Borland is supported in this course. The Borland tools are ANSI compliant. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is an organization through which proposed C++ language features are ratified and thereby ushered into the official version of the language. Visual C++ includes many features that are of Microsoft’s own design and are not ANSI compliant. By checking your work--even if just occasionally--with the Borland compiler, you can be sure that you aren’t inadvertently using Microsoft-specific C++ features. This is a non-issue if you’re positive that your code need only support Windows, but if you think you might want to use your code on Linux, for example, it is important to keep an ANSI compliant compiler around. C++ Mechanics The code required for any C++ program is stored in a standard text file, usually with a .cpp extension. The filename main.cpp, for example, might be used to store the primary source code for a project. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 8 of 42
  9. Because cpp files are text files, they can be edited with virtually any text editor, such as Windows Notepad. In practice it is best to use an editor that is intended for C++. The Visual C++ editor, for example, highlights language keywords and comments using different colors, making the code easier to read (in theory, at least). Starting with Visual C++ 6, the IDE editor also makes suggestions while you type. While this feature is of questionable value in a word processor, it is genuinely useful for writing source code, as it can reduce time spent looking up function names and arguments. The cpp file is human readable, but meaningless to Windows or any other operating system until it is compiled. Compiling cpp files is performed with a C++ compiler, but the compiler is actually just one of the tools required to convert source code into an executable form. C++ requires three steps in order to convert source code into an executable form: • Preprocessing • Compilation • Linking The first two steps, preprocessing and compiling, are typically performed by a single tool, and therefore appear to be the same step. Nevertheless, preprocessing is a separate and distinct step. The preprocessor responds to different C++ language constructs than the compiler, and the compiler does not recognize these constructs, so compilation cannot occur until the source code has been preprocessed. The preprocessor Preprocessing serves several purposes, one of which is to strip any comments out of the code. Because code comments are removed by the time the compiler is invoked, the compiler is free to treat everything encountered as code. In addition to comment removal, the preprocessor performs these two tasks: • Macro expansion • Header file inclusion C++ macros work on a simple search and replace basis. Macros are used to define text that, when found by the preprocessor, is replaced with other text. This is a simple and powerful tool. Macros can be used to substitute complex instructions or even sets of instructions with simple names. Macros can also be used to give frequently used values or strings simple and logical names. This allows multiple uses of a value to be changed just by changing the macro definition. Macros can even be used to redefine standard C++ data types. The simple search and replace nature of macros is also what makes them dangerous. Unlike the compiler, the preprocessor has a very limited and simplistic understanding of C++. This makes it is easy to write macros that use conflicting data types, or work in one case but fail in others. The preprocessor performs no type or syntax checking on macros, so the task of reporting problems falls to the compiler. And, while the compiler will detect and report these problems, it has trouble reporting these errors efficiently because the compiler is using the expanded version of the macro. When macros are used, the code you see in your editor is different from the code that the compiler is given. Any errors that the compiler reports are therefore reported in terms of the expanded macro, and do not reflect the name of the macro. There’s another reason to be wary of macros. Consider, for example, that your program requires a lengthy and frequently used operation. Rather than write code for the entire operation each time it is needed, you can write a macro to perform the operation. This has the desired effect of centralizing the code required Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 9 of 42
  10. for the operation and simplifying the remaining code, but is has a possibly unwanted side effect. The preprocessor, each time the macro is used, expands the macro. If the macro is used more than once, multiple segments of identical code is expanded into your source code. To the compiler, it’s as though you typed in the entire contents of the macro for each usage. This can be a waste of memory, and can even have detrimental effects on performance. With C (as opposed to C++) there are several cases where using macros is required, but C++ provides safer alternatives for most of these cases. It is therefore usually best to avoid macros. Macros do have their place, but it is a good idea to consider other options before using them. Header file expansion is another task that is performed by the preprocessor. Header files, which typically have a .h extension, are used to define data structures, macros, and special functions that are common to multiple cpp files. Header files are never provided directly to the compiler. Instead they are inserted into cpp files, which in turn are passed to the compiler. The preprocessor, whenever it encounters a header file insertion command in a cpp file, inserts the contents of the header file into the cpp file. This is, in fact, another form of a macro substitution, except that in this case the contents of an entire file are being inserted into the code. The preprocessor doesn’t read header files except to remove comments and expand macros. In all other respects the header file is simply pasted into the cpp file. This means that the contents of a header file, once it has been inserted into a cpp file, are treated exactly like the content of a cpp file. The compiler doesn’t know--or care--that the code it is compiling came from a header file or a cpp file. Anything that can be put in a cpp file can be put into an h file, and vise versa. Despite this fact, there are rules that should be followed about what gets added to header files. We’ll talk about this distinction in Lesson 4. The Compiler The heart of any C++ development system is the compiler. This is the tool that reads C++ source code, in the form of cpp files, interprets the data structures and code, and converts then into a binary form more suitable for executables. The compiler does not, however, generate the executable output required to run the resulting program. This is the task of the linker, which we’ll talk about soon. Unlike the preprocessor, which understands just a few items in a cpp file, the compiler must understand every character in the source code. If the compiler encounters anything that it does not immediately understand, it generates at least one error message, and no output file will be generated. To say that the compiler protests each time it encounters anything that it does not immediately understand is not an exaggeration. In C++, with the exception of the standard data types, every construct that your code uses must first be declared or defined. If a variable appears in the code that has not been formally introduced, compilation will fail. If a function is called before being either defined or declared in advance, compilation fails. (We will talk about the difference between definition and declaration soon.) Unlike Visual Basic, which by default allows variables to be used without having been given a type in advance, C++ is extremely type sensitive. No ambiguity about the nature of a variable or function is allowed. If the compiler is able to interpret the contents of a cpp file without any errors, an output file is produced. The output takes the form of an obj, or object file. (The term object, in this case, doesn’t have the same meaning as that used in object oriented programming.) The obj file contains the compiled code in a form that is very close to that of an executable, but lacks fundamental mechanisms and formatting required for execution. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 10 of 42
  11. Also, the obj file often represents only a portion of the code required for a complete application. Each cpp file that is passed to the compiler results in one obj file. But a robust C++ program might have dozens, or even hundreds of cpp files. The resulting obj files must be combined and reformatted in order for an executable to be produced. The Linker Using the output from the C++ compiler, the linker performs the final tasks required to assemble an executable. The linker, given one or more obj files, attempts to generate a single executable. If any problems are encountered, the linker generates error messages. These messages are similar to the error messages produced by the compiler, but linker errors tend to be less common than compiler errors. There are also fewer possible linker errors. Unlike the compiler, which generates just one primary type of output file (the obj file), the linker can produce executables (or .exe files), library files (.lib files), or Dynamic Link Library files (.dll files). Unlike exe files, which can be executed directly, lib files are used to store collections, or libraries of compiled code. Typically lib files are used to store frequently-used functionality that can be used in more than one final executable. For example, if you were running a game development studio, you might use library files to store code that is shared between game projects. In this case the lib file would be necessary for the compilation of each game. Once each game is compiled, the code contained within the lib files is included in the executable, so the lib file is not required at runtime. Dynamic Link Libraries are similar to lib files in that they contain compiled code, but are closer in relation to executables because they are used at run-time. In the game studio scenario, common code might alternatively be stored in a dll file, but the dll would not be required for compilation. Instead, each game would require the presence of the dll only during execution. Only a header file and a type library describing the dll features are required for compilation. For our purposes, we’ll focus primarily on generating executable files. Especially in these early lessons, our programs are too small to warrant the use of lib or dll files. Later, however, when we introduce graphics and user input code into our programs, we’ll use compiled code libraries. Compilation Process To summarize the C++ compilation process, our primary concern is source code contained in cpp and h files. To convert this raw source code into an executable form, a compiler, using either an external or internal preprocessor, removes comments, expands macros, and inserts any header files that are used by each cpp file. The result is one obj file per cpp file. The final step involves the linker, which converts obj files into an exe, dll, or lib file. This process is illustrated below. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 11 of 42
  12. Knowing what is involved in assembling C++ programs is important, but, regardless of whether you’re using an IDE or a command-line tool, it’s not necessary to perform each step separately. The IDE, or a command-line make utility will decide if and when each step is necessary, and perform it when necessary. This brings up an important point. Most of the time it is not necessary--or desirable--to perform the entire compilation process. If a game has dozens of cpp files, for example, and you make a change to one of them, it’s only necessary to compile the modified module. The linker can then use the newly compiled obj file module along with the existing obj files to generate a new executable. This saves the time of compiling the vast majority of code. For the small programs that we’ll start with, this is a non-issue, but as a project grows, it becomes more important. It is not uncommon for a full-scale game to take 30 minutes or even an hour for a full compile, even on a fast machine. The C++ compilation process illustrates that many of the file types involved are disposable. Since intermediate files, such as obj files, and final files such as exe and dll files are either the direct or indirect result of the source code files, they can always be recreated. Therefore, for making backups of your source code, or emailing a project to a friend or teammate, there’s little point in including these files. This is good to know, since obj files, and some other compiler specific files, such as the Visual C++ pch file (precompiled header file) tend to be quite large. Project files Writing C++ programs primarily involves writing and editing source code files (cpp and h files). But other types of files are necessary in order to keep track of which source code files belong in a project, and what dependencies exist between these files. These files are called project files. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 12 of 42
  13. Visual C++ 5 and 6 use the dsp and dsw extensions to denote project files. (Visual Studio 7, otherwise known as “Visual Studio.NET” no longer uses the dsp and dsw file extension for project files.) Command-line compilers use makefiles, which sometimes have a mak extension, but are often named simply “makefile”. Although these files are not considered to be source code, they have much in common with the cpp and h files that contain the source code. They are text files, they are necessary (or at least very useful) in order for compilation, and recovering them if they are lost or deleted is time consuming. As a result, these project files should be treated just like source code files. They should be included in backups, modified with care, and should be deleted only if you’re positive that they are no longer needed. This brings us to the subject of the samples and exercises that we’ll study in this course. For each sample, you’ll be given source code in the form of cpp and h files, and project files, both in the Visual C++ format and in the Borland command-line makefile format. If you are using Visual C++, loading the project is just a matter of double clicking the dsw file. Borland users will be working from the command prompt. Compiling the provided projects means changing into the directory where you’ve saved the sample files, and launching the make.exe utility provided with the compiler, which will in turn launch the required tools—in the correct order--to compile, and link the project. Release and Debug Builds By default most C++ projects are configured to produce two different versions of the executable: release and debug. On the surface both look the same, but ultimately, the release build is the version that will serve as a final executable version. The release build is smaller in size, and provides faster performance because, in preparing this version, the compiler and linker were instructed to include only the essential information, and to optimize for speed. The debug build is a larger and slower version because no optimization is performed, and the debug build includes information that is not required for normal execution. For example, the names of your functions and data elements are all embedded into a debug build. These names, although vital for reading source code, are normally disposed of by the compiler. (Remember, the compiler converts C++ source code to machine language, and machine language doesn’t use text-based names). Despite their speed disadvantage, debug builds are useful during development because they can be used with debugging tools. Debugging tools, or debuggers, allow executables to be run interactively in a way that allows you to see the effect that each line of code is having, allowing problems (bugs) to be located. The debugger displays your code, and allows you execute it one line at a time, or up to any other line, and allows you to inspect the current value of each data element along the way. In order to display source code and run executable code in a synchronized fashion, the debugger requires a debug build. The Visual C++ IDE provides an integrated debugger, and Borland provides a free version of their debugger, so you can test debug builds regardless of which compiler you’re using. The samples provided with this course include projects files that generate both debug and release builds. Windows applications types Before we get to our first program, we need to talk about the types of programs that we will be writing— at least at first. The typical windows program, the ones we’re most used to seeing and using in Windows, are windowed applications. C++ can be used to create windowed applications, but these programs are Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 13 of 42
  14. considerably more complex than the alternative. For this reason we’ll postpone learning about windowed applications for now. The alternative is called a console application. Console applications are text-based programs, and are typically used for fairly utilitarian purposes. Console applications don’t support any of the user interface components used in windowed applications such as buttons, checkboxes, or even popup menus. Despite their Spartan appearance, console applications offer a key advantage over windowed applications: simplicity. A small console application can be written in as little as 5 lines of code, whereas a simple windowed application requires closer to 50 lines. Except for the lack of graphical support, console applications enjoy every benefit of Windows programming. Hello World There is a programming tradition that the first program that a student is given is the “Hello World” program. In observing this tradition, let’s start with a simple program that, when executed, displays the text “Hello World!” within a console window. Here’s what the HelloWorld program looks like when executed: Admittedly, this is a humble start, but we’ll be writing more complex programs soon enough. The HelloWorld program is implemented with a single cpp file, called HelloWorld.cpp. The contents of this file appears here: // The HelloWorld sample #include int main() { cout
  15. prefixed with the pound sign (#), so header file inclusions like the one above, and macro definitions (which we’ve yet to see) both begin with the pound sign. HelloWorld is implemented in a single function called main. This function is not arbitrarily named. The main function serves as the starting, or entry point for all console applications. It is the first function called, and the last to exit. All of the processing that console applications perform takes place either in the main function, or in a function that the main function calls. The function name, main in this case, is preceded by a return data type, and followed by a parameter list. We’ll talk about return types and parameter lists later in this lesson. For now it is enough to know that the int that precedes the function name indicates that the function is expected to return an integer, or whole number, and that the empty open and close parentheses indicate that this function takes no parameters. C++ uses curly braces ({ }) for several purposes, including defining function bodies. The function body for the main function starts with an opening curly bracket, and ends with a closing bracket. The body contains two commands. The first, using the standard C++ output object (cout) outputs two items. One is a string (a collection of characters), and the other, endl, is a symbol that indicates end-of-line. Both of these items are provided to cout using the
  16. • while • do The word main is a special function name, but is not a C++ keyword. Likewise, cout is part of the standard C++ library, but not part of the language. Throughout this course, when introducing new symbols, we’ll take care to indicate whether they are C++ keywords, symbols provided by the standard library, or items created specifically for this course. Also, we’ll occasionally use a function name in a code snippet that doesn’t actually exist at all, but is just used as an example. Code Formatting Each of the instructions in the main function body is terminated with a semicolon. C++ uses semicolons to terminate commands and data types definitions. Forgetting any of these semicolons will result in a compiler error. Omitted semicolons are probably the most common beginner mistake. (Semicolons are used so often in C++ that before long you’re likely to start putting semicolons after constructs that don’t require them.) The fact that semicolons are required to terminate statements may seem counterintuitive because—to a human—it is obvious where each statement ends. After all, each instruction appears on a separate line. But C++ is a free-form language. We’ve included each instruction on a separate line purely for readability. The compiler ignores virtually all spaces, tabs and carriage returns, so semicolons are required in order to discern one statement from the next. Because the compiler ignores spacing and formatting, we could have written the main function on one line, like this: int main(){cout
  17. professional programming teams agree, either by will or by dictate, on a general set of style guidelines. Habits adopted now may have to be un-learned later if you find yourself working on a team. Naming Conventions C++ programmers also agree on a few naming conventions for function names, variable names, macro names, and so forth. For example, function names typically begin with a capitalized letter, while variable names typically begin with a lowercase letter. Macro names often are names with all upper-case letters. That, however, is about the extent to which the majority of programmers agree. The remainder of conventions depend on the platform (Unix, Windows, Macintosh), and the personal taste of the individual or individuals involved. There are a few conventions that are common in Windows programming that you will inevitably encounter, even if they aren’t used in this course. Although we haven’t talked about classes yet (we will in Lesson 3), many programmers (including those that write code for Microsoft), prefix class names with a capital ‘C’. CObject, CWinApp, CBitmap, for example, are the names of classes in Microsoft’s MFC library (Microsoft Foundation Classes). The majority of Windows programmers also use a naming convention known as Hungarian notation. This convention is specific to the naming of variables, and dictates that the variable name be prefixed with one or more letters that identify the type of the variable. This results in variable names such as pszRegistryName and lpArg. Partially because these conventions obscure the readability of code (especially when you’re first beginning to learn C++), and partially because I don’t happen to be a fan of these conventions, we’ll forgo some of these naming conventions in this course. We will follow the basic rules, which are virtually universal, but not the more Microsoft specific conventions such as Hungarian notation. Compile and Run Before we continue, it’s important that you actually compile and run the HelloWorld sample, both to familiarize yourself with the development tools, and to insure that the tool is installed and working correctly. If you’re using Visual C++, you can load the project either by double clicking on the HelloWorld.dsw file, or, from within the Visual C++ IDE, using the File|Load Workspace menu option to display the workspace selection dialog and navigating to the HellowWorld.dsw file. Once the project is loaded into Visual C++ it can be compiled by pressing F7 or using the Build|Build HelloWorld.exe menu option. If you’re using Borland C++, you’ll need to launch a command prompt window from the Windows Start|Programs|Accessories menu, and navigate, with the cd (Change Directory) command to the directory where you unpacked the sample files. Then run the make.exe utility. (See the message board for instructions on how to configure Borland C++.) Regardless of whether you’re using Visual C++ or the Borland tools, the sample should compile and link without errors. If not, and you’re unable to figure out the reason, post a message on the message board and I’ll help you find the problem. Once the sample has been compiled, you’ll find that the development tool has generated Release and Debug versions of an executable file called HelloWorld.exe. Visual C++ will place these executables in sub-directories named Release and Debug. The Borland tools will use the directory names bccRelease and bccDebug. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 17 of 42
  18. To run the new executable, command line users can simply enter bccDebug\HelloWorld and press return (to run the debug version). Visual C++ can launch newly generated executables from the IDE using F5 (the Debug version of the project is enabled by default). Given the way our sample works however, there is one problem with this approach. Programs that are run via the Visual C++ IDE are launched in a separate window, and this window closes as soon as execution is complete. For the HelloWorld sample, this means that a console window will be displayed briefly, and then will disappear before you have a chance to read the output. One remedy for this situation provides us an opportunity to add some functionality to the same. We need to add code to cause the HelloWorld to pause before exiting. This can be accomplished with the getch function, which halts the execution of a program until a key is pressed. First, we’ll need to include the header file that defines the getch function, and then we’ll need to call getch after the sample output has been displayed, but before the main function returns. We should also add a message explaining that the user should press a key. With these additions the HelloWorld sample looks like this: // HelloWorld with a “press any key” message #include #include int main() { cout
  19. parameters are for input and which for output, perhaps the names are misleading. Comments should not be used as an alternative to writing well-structured, clear, and concise code. A good example of a useful comment is one that briefly summarizes the workings of a long, complex function. C++ supports two different comment formats. The first is a carry-over from C, and uses the sequence ‘/*’ to start a comment block and ‘*/’ to terminate the comment. This type of comment is typically used for comment blocks that span multiple lines, like this: /* The CheckCollisions() function scans the player and projectile lists looking for collisions. If a hit is detected, the damage to the player is calculated and added to his damage rating and the projectile is destroyed. This function never removes players from the player list. */ This comment, in addition to being an example of a multiple-line comment, is an example of an informative comment because it is brief yet coherent, and it explains things that would take longer to learn by reading the code. Any text that appears between the comment indicators is either ignored by the compiler, or removed by the preprocessor before the code is given to the compiler. The second comment style is specific to C++ and applies to single lines. This comment uses a double slash notation (‘//’). Here are two examples: // BUGFIX: 4/5/99 – fixed bogus scoring in network version flush(); // flush the output because the next operation is lengthy Any text that appears after the double slash, up to the end of the line, is treated as a comment and ignored by the compiler. Single line comments can start at any point on a line, so they can follow code, as in the second example. There are some compiler-specific variations. Nested comments are sometimes supported, but usually require enabling compiler settings. This is an example of a nested comment: /* (typically a large comment block spanning multiple pages) /* todo: group chat support */ */ Nested comments are typically accidental—the result of commenting out a large block of code that contains one or more smaller comment blocks. Generally speaking, most programmers do not use enough comments. The efforts of those that do use comments regularly and wisely are always appreciated. Data Types Ultimately, programming involves just two ingredients: functions and data. So far we’ve written one function, and we’ll certainly write more soon, but first let’s take a detailed look at the C++ data types. Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 19 of 42
  20. What is a data type? A data type is a language construct that is used to describe a single data element. Data types are concepts, or descriptions—they don’t actually exist in a program. They do, however, describe data that exists in those programs. C++ uses data types to define how much memory is required to store a given data element, and which operations can legally be performed on the data. If data types don’t actually exist in a program, what are they good for? Among other things, which we’ll discuss later in this lesson, data types can be used to create variables. A variable is an instance of a data type. A variable is tangible—it exists in the program. It occupies the amount of memory specified by its data type, and is variable because it can be used to store any value that is legal for its data type. Cars can be used as an analogy. The auto maker, before manufacturing or ordering a single part, creates a blueprint, or specification for a car. At this point the car exists in theory only. The blueprint specifies the engine size, and transmission ratios, and even how that car looks, and yet the blueprint has nothing in common with the car. The blueprint cannot be fueled, cannot contain passengers, and cannot be driven. The blueprint is not the car, but the blueprint can be used to manufacture not just one, but millions of cars. Data types are like blueprints, and variables are like cars. Creating a variable from a data type is a declaration. To declare a variable is to create a new variable using a data type. Variable declaration has this basic syntax: datatype variablename; The data type appears first, and is followed by any number of spaces or tabs (a single space is typical). The variable name follows, which is any name of your choosing, so long as it begins with a letter or an underscore (use of leading underscores is legal but discouraged). Variable names cannot include symbols such as the dollar or pound sign. The declaration much be terminated with a semicolon. Declaring an integer, for example, might look like this: int playerScore; This declaration creates a new variable that has playerScore for a name, and int as a data type. The value of playerScore is undefined. This means that it has a value, but the value is unknown because it hasn’t been explicitly determined. This variable could be anything, and could also be different each time the program is executed. Clearly, using this variable before a known value has been assigned to it would lead to unpredictable results. Variables that are declared but not assigned to a known value are uninitialized variables, and are a common source of bugs. A value can be assigned to playerScore with the assignment operator, which is the standard equal sign (=), like this: playerScore = 0; Notice that even with a simple assignment, the terminating semicolon is required. Variables can also be assigned an initial value as soon as they are declared: int playerScore = 0; This is a short hand syntax that is not allowed in most languages. More than one variable can be declared in a single statement, as long as they are of the same type. Here are some examples: int a1, a2, a3, a4, a5; // all variables have undefined values Introduction to C and C++ : Week 1: Page 20 of 42



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