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Giáo trình Speaking 1 - Phạm Lê Hoài Phương

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Giáo trình Speaking 1 do Phạm Lê Hoài Phương biên soạn giúp người học trang bị cho mình những kiến thức cần thiết để luyện nói theo chủ đề, mở rộng vốn từ vựng để nói về một chủ đề. Bên cạnh đó cuốn giáo trình cũng giúp bạn cải thiện kĩ năng nói của mình với nhiều bài đối thoại, tình huống và thảo luận.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Speaking 1 - Phạm Lê Hoài Phương

  1. ®¹i häc huÕ trung t©m ®µo t¹o tõ xa Ph¹m lª hoµi ph−¬ng Gi¸o tr×nh Speaking 1 HuÕ -2007
  2. CONTENTS WELL SPOKEN........................................................................................................4 Unit 1: RURAL AND URBAN...................................................................................4 Unit 2: LOVE...............................................................................................................6 Unit 3: GOOD LUCK AND BAD LUCK...................................................................6 Unit 4: ADVERTISING ..............................................................................................7 Unit 5: FAST AND SLOW .........................................................................................8 Unit 6: FAMILY LIFE ................................................................................................9 Unit 7: TELEPATHY ..................................................................................................9 Unit 8: TRADITIONAL AND MODERN ................................................................10 Unit 9: CHILDHOOD ...............................................................................................10 Unit 10: BECOMING AN ADULT ..........................................................................11 Unit 11: OLD AGE....................................................................................................11 Unit 12: DIRT AND RUBBISH................................................................................11 Unit 13: FEARS AND PHOBIAS.............................................................................12 Unit 14: WOMEN AND MEN ..................................................................................12 Unit 15: STRANGE STORIES .................................................................................12 Unit 16: ANIMALS ...................................................................................................12 Unit 17: FESTIVALS AND HOLIDAYS.................................................................13 Unit 18: PET HATES ................................................................................................13 Unit 19: HOT AND COLD .......................................................................................14 Unit 20: ADDICTION ...............................................................................................14 Unit 21: WORK .........................................................................................................14 Unit 22: OPTIMISM AND PESSIMISM..................................................................15 Unit 23: ANGER .......................................................................................................15 Unit 24: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ....................................................................16 2
  3. Unit 25: TAKING RISKS .........................................................................................16 SOMETHING TO SAY ............................................................................................16 ASSIGNMENT 1.......................................................................................................18 ASSIGNMENT 2.......................................................................................................18 ASSIGNMENT 3.......................................................................................................19 ASSIGNMENT 4.......................................................................................................20 ASSIGNMENT 5.......................................................................................................20 ASSIGNMENT 6.......................................................................................................21 ASSIGNMENT 7.......................................................................................................21 ASSIGNMENT 8.......................................................................................................22 ASSIGNMENT 9.......................................................................................................22 ASSIGNMENT 10.....................................................................................................23 ASSIGNMENT 11.....................................................................................................24 ASSIGNMENT 12.....................................................................................................24 ASSIGNMENT 13.....................................................................................................25 ASSIGNMENT 14.....................................................................................................26 ASSIGNMENT 15.....................................................................................................26 ASSIGNMENT 16.....................................................................................................27 ASSIGNMENT 17.....................................................................................................27 ASSIGNMENT 18.....................................................................................................28 ASSIGNMENT 19.....................................................................................................28 ASSIGNMENT 20.....................................................................................................29 3
  4. SPEAKING I: STUDY GUIDE GENERAL INTRODUCTION This study guide hopes to assist the learners more in improving their spoken English when studying the course books Well Spoken by Ramsey and Rees-Parnall (1989) and Something to Say by Wilson (1984) by themselves. As Well Spoken is a theme-based speaking textbook, all the activities and exercises chosen in this study guide are to a) help the learners to equip themselves for talking about a topic b) enlarge vocabulary to talk about a topic c) guide the learners to study on their own or with others out of the classroom Something to Say helps the learners with the language needed to improve their speaking skill and focuses on developing the fluency by providing the learners with a variety of dialogues, role plays, situations and discussions. WELL SPOKEN Unit 1: RURAL AND URBAN DIFFERENT LIFESTYLES 1. To get more ideas for the exercise on Different Lifestyles, read unit 24: Only a mad man would choose to live in a large modern city in the book: For and Against by Alexander.Write down your answers in advance before having a look at some examples in this table. Opinions Person from the city Person from the country Public transport is Too crowded, rush hour Not enough, two buses a difficult. terrible, buses are blocked by day, bad connections, need car car. It's easy to make More pubs, clubs, Friendly people. friends here. entertainment areas, schools and institutes. More chances to make friends. Physical Joining fitness clubs, Do farming work and exercise is a part walking and jogging other manual work. of my everyday every day. Participating in Walking from place to life. sports games. Walking on place. large campuses, working 4
  5. places The atmosphere Lively and exciting Peaceful and quiet of the place is really special. I don't have to Shops, supermarkets and Fresh food and travel far to get restaurants are available vegetables are made what I want. everywhere. and planted. I enjoy going Interesting plays and We don't go to the out to the movies. A variety of choice. theater often, so every theatre. It's time we go, we enjoy another world. the movies and meeting friends. There's a good Theme parks, movie Fishing, camping, choice of leisure theaters, clubs are meeting friends, time activities. everywhere. Advertisements watching TV. Going on leisure time activities are out with friends. sent to your house. Party every weekend. There's always Life changes every day. New More people come here to something buildings, malls, freeways live. It's getting more happening here. and schools. crowded. 2. Vocabulary that can help you to add to the list of the categories provided: - Your health: strong, to be in good health, weak, illness, disease, longevity, life span, - Holidays: off work, holiday home, holiday activities, holiday meals, travel to different places, enjoy good food, weather... - The clothes people wear: famous brand, expensive, durable, on sale, second-hand, thrift store, fashionable, conservative... - Streets: narrow, large, freeways, lanes, highways, even, sloppy, lots of junctions, traffic lights - Stress: always in a hurry, mental illness, sleepless - The people: more interfering, talkative, friendly, easy-going, workaholic - Rainy weather: dull, slippery streets, floods, storms, muddy For other exercises, talk with a group of other friends and discuss. 5
  6. Unit 2: LOVE Exercise 3: in the course book: Complete as many sentences beginning with I love possible and exchange them with your classmates. Here are some more examples: Love is giving what you like best. Love is making friends with only one person. Love is admiring. Love is sweet words. Love is selfish sometimes. Love is missing her/him when one is alone. Exercise 4: You may need the following words and phrases to do this exercise. List of what men usually look for in women: Good cook, housewife, charming, organized, faithful, love children, not talkative, helpful, tidy, ... List of what women usually look for in men: Bread-winner, organized, manly, responsible, love family, successful, sense of humor, faithful, neat, vital, energetic Unit 3: GOOD LUCK AND BAD LUCK Exercise 1: List all the things which bring good or bad luck in Vietnam that you know. Here are some examples: Good luck: Dreaming of dragon, number 9, smiling face, red color Bad luck: Number 13, black color, depressing face, nightmare, owl Can you think of the reasons why these things bring good luck or bad luck? Further exercises: For and against: Make a conversation expressing your opinions on number 13. A. Raises question on good luck and bad luck. B. Disagrees. States that good luck or bad luck depends on perception of each individual. A. Tells stories about number 13. 6
  7. B. Disagrees. States that it is a matter of superstition. Explains that 13 is just a number and there is nothing dealing with it. Sometimes it might be a coincidence. A. Gives more evidence. B. Still disagrees. C. Appears and helps end the conversation. You may want to look at pages 133 of the book Conversation by Rob Nolasco and Lois Arthur or unit 9 of the book Speaking naturally by Bruce Tillitt and Mary Newton Bruder for more phrases and expressions on agreements and disagreements. Make similar conversations for other things such as colors or clothes. Class talk: Act out these activities: Phone your friend who is going for an interview and wish him/her good luck. Talk to your neighbor and wish him/her good luck in taking a driving test. Wish someone who is going to take an exam good luck. Send a card to your friend who is going to have a baby to wish her all the best. Write a card to friends who are moving into a new house and wish them having good time living in the new places. Unit 4: ADVERTISING To prepare for this unit, read as many advertisements in newspapers/ magazines or on the mass media as possible and complete the tables Items Words/phrases used to advertise Your opinions Example: Fast, your future, economical, sportive Interesting. Short and effective. Motorbike Shampoo Shiny hair, conditioner included, new Too many ads for shampoo. formula for all kinds of hair Quality is not as good as advertised. 1. 2. Exercise 3: in the coursebook: a. Five adjectives/phrases you could use to advertise a new washing powder: 7
  8. new, cleanest, usable with washing machine, advanced formulation against all stains, guaranteed quality. b. Five adjectives/phrases you could use to advertise a new car: new model, convertible, economical, run fast, no deposit, insurance included Talk about your feelings: For cigarette advertising, read unit 2: World governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking in the book For and Against by L. G. Alexander. Unit 5: FAST AND SLOW You may want to make a debate on what means of transport is the best to use. Form groups of 4 or 5 and choose one kind and give reasons why you choose it. Other group may give counter-arguments. Here are some useful expressions to make the discussion sound more friendly - Well, I'm not sure about that. Perhaps.... - I can see why you think that, but... - No, I'm sorry, I don't think that's really true. - Yes, but... - I know it's difficult, but... - Don't you think...? Class talk: - Do you think life is faster than when you were young? Is it better? Think about some changes that you notice in your daily life in your country and the world. List them and consider their influence on life pace. For example, the invention of computer helps facilitate word processing, restore information and control aviation, which makes life go faster. - Do you think being able to travel to other places more quickly makes life better today? In groups, list all the advantages of going by fast means of transport such as plane, train, motorbike in comparison with walking, bicycle, etc. - Do you think being able to communicate quickly with other people makes life better? Quick communication helps shorten distance and transfer information in the fastest way, which reduces time spent travelling and accelerates working speed. Think more examples for this. 8
  9. Unit 6: FAMILY LIFE Talk about families: Positive words: love, beloved, parents, children, grandparents, birthplace, happy, get-together, fireplace, brothers and sisters Negative words: quarrel, divorced parents, step-parents, noise, washing-up, cleaning Add more to the list and compare your list with other classmates'. Children or not? Here are some reasons for and against having children. Talk with your friends and add more. Reasons for having children Reasons against having children - to enjoy family life - Bringing up children is a hard work. -Children are lovely - Children take too much time and -Children motivate parents to freedom of parents. work harder. - Children's need is too much. -Children are the future of - Children are noisy. society and need taking care of. -Educating children costs lot of money. Unit 7: TELEPATHY Look the word telepathy up in the dictionary. Do you believe that there is telepathy? Why or why not? Try to look for one story dealing with telepathy and retell it to your friends and discuss with them whether the story is a telepathy or coincidence. Here is an example: Some years ago, I spent six months abroad-at a language school. In my second week a postal strike started, and it lasted for a long time. 1 was unhappy because I couldn't write to my family or my boyfriend. I didn't have much money and couldn't afford to phone them. There wasn't a phone in the place where I was staying so they couldn't phone me either. One morning I walked to the main station where I wanted to use all the money. I had to phone my boyfriend and my parents. I wanted to tell them that 1 was coming home at the weekend. When reached the telephone box, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was my boyfriend, in one of the telephone boxes. "Hello", he said, "I was just trying to get through to your school." He said he sent the message the day 9
  10. before, asking me to meet him at the station. But I hasn't received it-I didn't know he was coming to see and visit me! Unit 8: TRADITIONAL AND MODERN What do you think of traditional and modern lifestyles? List all things that belong to traditional and modern life and give your opinions whether we should preserve traditional values. Here are some words and phrases that you may need. Unique, out-of-date, ancient, old, in bad condition, castle, antiques, conservative, sand clock, wall, carpet, utensil, etc. New, fashionable, in good condition, skyscraper, building, flat, supersonic airplane, new model, supermarket, etc. Unit 9: CHILDHOOD Looking back Make sentences beginning with When I was a child I used to ........... Here are some examples: When I was a child I used to cry all day and all night. When I was a child I always wanted to be with my grandmother. When I was a child I used to spend my spare time playing with toys. My favorite age was 10 because at that time I used to have a lot of friends. Note: The structure used to + infinitive refers to past habits and states. If we say that somebody used to do something, we mean that some time ago he did it habitually, but that he does not do it now. Class talk Here are some starters for you to make discussions on childhood: Childhood memories, playground, kindergarten, childhood friends, child abuse, child kidnapping, childhood foods and drinks To search for more opinions on childhood, you may want to read Unit 17: Childhood is certainly not the happiest time of your life in the book For and Against. 10
  11. Unit 10: BECOMING AN ADULT Write a short paragraph telling how you felt when finally said goodbye to your childhood. Have a look at the examples in the book. Vocabulary: Three adjectives to describe the feeling of being young: Happy, carefree, innocent. Three adjectives to describe the feeling of being grown up: Independent, knowledgeable, considerate Add more to the list and share your list with other classmates. As you have finished unit 9 and unit 10, it is time to make a debate over what is the best time in your life: childhood or adulthood? Give your reasons and share your opinions with your classmates. Unit 11: OLD AGE People are usually afraid of old age. What do you think about the pros and cons of old age? Read unit 26: No one wants to live to be a hundred in the book For and Against for more information. What are some activities for old people? Add more to this list: Finding a volunteer job, doing gardening, joining a club for old people, jogging, travelling, doing charity work, etc. Unit 12: DIRT AND RUBBISH Learn by heart the useful vocabulary provided in the book! Dirt and rubbish are polluting our environment. Suggest measures to keep our earth clean. Here are some examples: Plant trees, recycle used things, place rubbish bins everywhere, educate people to keep their house and office and public places clean. Class talk: You have to make a speech to your students at your school to persuade them to recoil things. What should you include in your speech? Here are some words and phrases you may want to use: Recoil paper, plastic bags, save our natural resource, protect forest, save money, keep classroom clean, place bins for keeping things for recycling, etc. 11
  12. Unit 13: FEARS AND PHOBIAS You are making a survey on what people are afraid of the most. Interview several friends or other students at your school and report the results to the class. Here are some questions you may want to use: Are you afraid of insects? What do you fear most? Do you become very nervous when you take exams? Are you afraid of ghost? Do strange dogs scare you? Does thunderstorm frighten you? Do you think that the dark is scary? Are you terrified of being the only person on earth? The report might go like this: 5 of the students I interviewed are afraid of ghosts. None of them is scared of insects... Unit 14: WOMEN AND MEN For further information on men and women, read unit 1: It's high time men ceased to regard women as second-class citizens in the book For and Against by Alexander. Class-talk: What do you think about women's liberation? Here are some words and phrases relevant to this movement: Greater independence and recognition, housewife, the development of birth-control methods, the invention of labor-saving devices, the advent of World War II, child-rearing, more free time to acquire an education and/or pursue a career. Unit 15: STRANGE STORIES Look for one strange story, whether it is about an animal, UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), a person, a ghost, etc. and tell it to others. Then listen to their stories. Try to correct your pronunciation and learn as many new words as you can. Unit 16: ANIMALS 1. Learn as many words about animals as you can. 12
  13. 2. Compare these animals: tiger wolf rat horse bear duck lion crocodile kangaroo frog camel rabbit goat pig parrot elephant spider bee mosquito beetle Example: A wolf is more cunning than a tiger but the tiger is the fiercest. Class talk: All the questions raised in this part are very interesting. Answer them all. Unit 17: FESTIVALS AND HOLIDAYS Talk about holidays 1. Some festivals and holidays in Vietnam Mid-autumn festival Independence Day Women's Day Tet holidays Christmas Teachers' Day Add more to this list and give brief information on the holidays and festivals. 2. Some festivals and holidays in Britain (See answer key for more information) February 14th: St Valentine's Day April 1st: April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day May 1st: May Day October 31st: Halloween November 5th: Guy Fawkes' Night December 26 th: Boxing Day December 31st: New Year's Eve Vocabulary: going on holiday holiday taker package holiday bus tour backpack tourist book a ticket historical sites by plane roam visit museum visit a theme park go shopping souvenir by car taste specialities Add more to the list Unit 18: PET HATES All the activities in this unit are interesting. Do them with your classmates. 13
  14. Unit 19: HOT AND COLD A change of climate: This activity helps you to practice talking about "unreal" or improbable present future situations. Use the following structure: in the if - clause: past subjunctive In the main clause: conditional (would+infinitive) Example: If our climate were much hotter, people would probably have a sleep after lunch. Unit 20: ADDICTION Do you know these words/phrases? the alcoholic the drug addict heavy smoker the workaholic gambler How can you help these people to stop their addiction? Make a list of things they should do and compare with others. Giving advice: You may need some words and expressions to advise the addict: It may help you to .... If I were you I'd... Well, one solution may be to... In your situation I think I'd... It might be a good idea to... Why don't you... It would be better if you... For more information on smoking, read unit 2: World governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking in the book For and Against by Alexander. Unit 21: WORK Vocabulary game In 10 minutes, write all the words about jobs that you know. Here are some examples: tax officer customs officer bank teller computer programmer architect speaker Then give definitions for all the words you wrote. 14
  15. Example: A bank teller receives and pays out money in a bank. Talking about work Working has both positive and negative things. Can you list some of these? Positive things dealing with work Negative things dealing with work Example: salary Unequal pay Promotion Less time to spend with family Unit 22: OPTIMISM AND PESSIMISM Optimism: tendency to expect the best in all things; confidence in success; belief that good will triumph over evil in the end. Pessimism: tendency to be gloomy and believe that the worst will happen; belief that evil will always triumph over good. Can you name some animals, colors, objects, etc that make people feel pessimistic or optimistic? Example: A sun shining day: optimistic An ostrich: pessimistic Do the quiz of this unit and see answer key to find out if you are optimistic or pessimistic. Unit 23: ANGER Vocabulary: These words all mean "angry": Furious, cross, mad, irritated, livid, irate, wild, annoyed, mad Interview your classmates or friends to find out what makes them get angry and how they show their anger. Example: A person may get angry when his/her friend telephones to say that he/she cannot come as planned because he/she has been invited to a party. This person perhaps will not see or talk to his/her friend for a few days. A problem to solve: Read as many Problem Pages in newspapers as you can and suggest the solutions for each problem. Example: Dear Abby: Please help settle a family dispute. Recently my brother and his wife visited my family at our summer home in New York State. They presented us with a gift of wine upon 15
  16. their arrival. I selected a favorite bottle of wine from my own small collection and offered it to my guests. The next afternoon, my brother's family departed as scheduled. The following week, I was informed by another family member that my brother has been insulted by my "greed and inconsideration" for not opening his gift bottle and offering it around. Abby, what's the rule here? Was I a poor host? Uncorked in Hudson, Ohio Dear Uncorked: No, you were not a poor host. When a house gift is received, whether or not to open it and use it immediately is at the host's discretion. Your brother was ungracious to badmouth to your hospitality. Unit 24: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Do all the activities in this unit and read unit 27: Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals in the book For and Against by Alexander. Unit 25: TAKING RISKS Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of taking risks Advantages Disadvantages May lose one's life Discover new things ............................. .................................. Add more to this list. SOMETHING TO SAY Section 1: MINI-DIALOGUES Read all the mini-dialogues with your partners and learn by heart dialogues 1, 2 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Section 2: DIALOGUES Practise all the dialogues and record yourself. Listen to the recording and try to correct your pronunciation and increase your speaking speed. Learn by heart dialogues 1, 2, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20. Section 3: SITUATIONS 16
  17. Make dialogues for the situations provided. Practise them with a partner. The expressions in the boxes are useful. Learn them all. Section 4: INTERVIEWS This section helps to develop your speaking and interviewing skills. Act out all the activities and learn the expressions provided in the boxes. Section 5: STORIES Read all the stories and retell some of them. Try to make as many questions that are relevant to the stories as possible and answer those questions. Can you look for more stories? Section 6: DISCUSSIONS Give arguments and counter-arguments for each issue. Remember that you have to play the roles of different speakers as suggested. For example: Should children go to single-sex schools, wear uniforms and stay at school until they are sixteen? You have to act out the roles of school teachers, school children, parents and children's clothing manufacturers to discuss the topic above. Section 7: SKETCHES Sketches help you to practise speaking through role-play and group work. As you study on your own, act out the role plays and give as many arguments for each situation as possible. Section 8: ROLE PLAYS Make conversations for the role plays provided and practise the conversations with other partners. 17
  18. ASSIGNMENT 1 NOTE: Record yourself when doing all these assignments. Listening to the records helps improve your speaking skills and track your progress. Each assignment should be done in 180 minutes. 1. Introduce yourself to a friend. Talk about your name, hobbies and future career or present job. 2. Conversations: A is a reporter who wants to gather information to write an article on the effects of smoking on health. He/she wants to find out how often students smoke and whether they know the bad effect of smoking on health. Interview at least 10 smokers. You may want to use these cues: Excuse me! May I ask you a question? Do you think that smoking can do harm to your lung? How many cigarettes a day do you smoke? ..................................................................................................... 3. What sports are played in your country? ASSIGNMENT 2 1. Ask the following questions in as many ways as possible: Where were you born? What part of the city do you live in? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Have you been collecting stamps for a long time? Where have you studied your English? Then answer all the questions raised. 2. Conversation You are taking a train to another city. Ask for information about which train you can take. Find out about: a. trains available on Tuesday b. departure time c. cost of tickets (single, return) d. book tickets 3. Role-play 18
  19. A is participating into a debate on work and pay. Talk to other members about how there can be equal pay for equal work. Act the roles of other members when you talk. Useful expressions: Evaluate work efficiency Working standards Working experience Male versus female Working periods ................................................... 4. Describe a festival in your country. ASSIGNMENT 3 1. Make questions to ask your partner about: a. Full name b. Nationality c. First language d. Other languages e. Work experience f. Hobbies or interests g. Future study plans 2. Advertise one thing that you want to sell. You may need to read some ads in the newspapers or magazines or listen to some ads on TV. Your advertisement should not be more than 50 words and should be spoken in 5 minutes. 3. Role-play A is a drug addict. B is A's father. B wants to stop his son from using drug. Useful expressions: A B Speaks about everything loudly Gets annoyed Asks for money Asks for reason Lies Asks if he is using drug again Still lies Advises him to stop Insists on asking for money Threatens him 4. Your opinions on the Women's Liberation. 19
  20. ASSIGNMENT 4 1. Make questions: The interviewer says: "I'm a real estate agent." You want to rent an apartment. We are looking at an apartment together. Read this and ask me questions. Renting an Apartment Find out about: a. Garage? b. A television? c. School near here? d. Air-conditioning? e. Deposit? 2. Understand the questions Match the questions in the left-hand column with those that have the same meaning in the right-hand column ---What's your opinion of...? a. Is it similar to ...? ---How do you find....? b. Why ...? ---How often ....? c. How do you feel about...? ---Where ...? d. How frequently ...? ---What's the difference between ...? e. What do you think of...? ----How come? d. Whereabouts...? 3. Give counter-arguments for this opinion: It isn't possible to combine a happy family life with a successful career-for men and women. ASSIGNMENT 5 1. Ask questions for the following advertisement: Learn English in England The Royal English college in Manchester provides intensive summer courses at all levels. The college, situated near the city center, can also provide home-stay accommodation if required. For more information please write to P. O. Box 99, Manchester, UK. 2. Interview 5 foreigners in your city to find out what they like the most when visiting your city. You may want to use these sentences: What's your opinion of..? How do you feel about...? 20



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