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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh trung cấp

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Cuốn sách này được biên soạn để dạy cho học sinh chuyên nghiệp kỹ thuật. Nội dung văn phạm dựa trên cơ sở của chương trình Streamlines Departures, chương trình tiếng Anh dùng cho học sinh, sinh viên trường kỹ thuật, chương trình từ vựng chuyên ngành công nhân kỹ thuật... Mục đích của cuốn sách này giúp cho học sinh chuyên nghiệp kỹ thuật đạt được trình độ tiếng Anh cần thiết là cơ sở để học sinh học tiếp các chương trình cao hơn cho tương lai theo chuyên ngành kỹ thuật và có khả năng...

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Tiếng Anh trung cấp

  1. Foreword ( Lêi nãi ®Çu ) Cuèn s¸ch nµy ®îc biªn so¹n ®Ó d¹y cho häc sinh chuyªn nghiÖp kü thuËt. Néi dung v¨n ph¹m dùa trªn c¬ së cña ch ¬ng tr×nh Streamlines Departures, ch¬ng tr×nh tiÕng Anh dïng cho häc sinh, sinh viªn tr êng kü thuËt, ch¬ng tr×nh tõ vùng chuyªn ngµnh c«ng nh©n kü thuËt... Môc ®Ých cña cuèn s¸ch nµy gióp cho häc sinh chuyªn nghiÖp kü thuËt ®¹t ®îc tr×nh ®é tiÕng Anh cÇn thiÕt lµ c¬ së ®Ó häc sinh häc tiÕp c¸c ch ¬ng tr×nh cao h¬n cho t¬ng lai theo chuyªn ngµnh kü thuËt vµ cã kh¶ n¨ng ¸p dông tiÕng Anh mét c¸ch thµnh th¹o nh mét ph¬ng tiÖn giao tiÕp trong c¸c t×nh huèng ®Æc trng ®èi víi ho¹t ®éng nghÒ nghiÖp trong t¬ng lai. Néi dung ch¬ng tr×nh gåm 25 bµi häc. Mçi bµi ® îc chia theo c¸c phÇn : tõ vùng c¬ b¶n ( céng tõ kü thuËt ), cÊu tróc ng÷ ph¸p theo néi dung bµi kho¸, luyÖn tËp thùc hµnh, bµi tËp. Qua ®ã häc sinh cã thÓ sö dông c¸c tõ kü thuËt b»ng tiÕng Anh ®Ó ®Æt c©u hoÆc diÔn ®¹t c©u ®¬n gi¶n. Trong qu¸ tr×nh biªn so¹n ch¾c ch¾n sÏ kh«ng tr¸nh khái thiÕu sãt, rÊt mong ®îc sù ®ãng gãp cña c¸c ®ång nghiÖp vµ quý b¹n ®äc ®Ó néi dung cuèn s¸ch ®îc phong phó hoµn thiÖn h¬n trong lÇn biªn so¹n sau. Xin ch©n thµnh c¶m ¬n . tæ m«n tiÕng anh
  2. Key to phonetic symbols (HÖ thèng ký hiÖu phiªn ©m) Stt Ký Thi dô Stt Ký Thi dô hiÖ hiÖ u u 1. i sit, is, lid 1. b bad, job, but 2. i: see, eve, be 2. p pen, type, poor 3. e ten, end, men 3. t tea, put, mate 4. hat, gas, man 4. d did, die, window æ 5. a arm, car, far 5. k cat, kid, take ‫כ‬ 6. got, hot, not 6. g got, dog, give t∫ 7. ‫:כ‬ saw, horn, all 7. chin, chair, teach 8. u put, look, pull 8. job, june, large dʒ 9. u: too, crew, boot 9. f fall, cuff, life Λ 10 cup, run, bus 10 v voice, love, vice . . ∂ θ 11 ago, over, an 11 think, truth . . ð ∂: 12 fur, word, sir 12 this, then, bathe . . 13 s so, set, cease . 13 ei page, ate, day 14 z zoo, busy, noisy . . ∂u 14 go, no, home 15 she, wash, nation ∫ . . 15 ai five, ice, high 16 vision, leisure ʒ 2
  3. 16 au now, out, pound 17 h how, ahead, he . . 17 ‫כ‬i toy, noise, boy 18 m man, more, aim . . i∂ 18 19 n nice, nine, no near, hear, beer . . ŋ e∂ 19 20 sing, drink hair, wear, fair . . u∂ 20 tour, poor, sure 21 l leg, low, line . . 22 r red, drive, mirror . 23 j yes, yard, year . 24 wet, word, swim w . The English Alphabets (B¶ng ch÷ c¸i) F / ef / G /dʒi:/ A/ei/ B /bi:/ C /si:/ D /di / E / i: / H /eit∫ / I /ai/ J /dʒei/ K /kei/ L /el/ M /em/ N /en/ O /∂ u/ P /pi: / Q /kju:/ R /a:/ S /es/ T /ti:/ U /ju:/ W /'dΛblju:/ V /vi:/ X /eks/ Y /wai/ Z /zed/ C¸c ch÷ viÕt t¾t cña c¸c tõ lo¹i adj. adjective TÝnh tõ 3
  4. adv. adverb Tr¹ng tõ conj. conjunction Liªn tõ interj. interjection Th¸n tõ n. noun Danh tõ prep. preposition Giíi tõ pron. pronoun §¹i tõ v. verb §éng tõ C¸ch chµo hái /h∂ 'l∂ u/ ( interj) - Hello Xin chµo / gud'm ‫:כ‬niŋ / - Good morning Xin chµo ( s¸ng ) / guda: ft∂ 'nu:n/ - Good afternoon Xin chµo ( chiÒu) / gud 'i:vniŋ / - Good evening Xin chµo ( tèi ) - Good bye / gud’bai / Chµo t¹m biÖt - Good night / gud' nait / Chµo t¹m biÖt ( tèi ) Chóc ngñ ngon Unit one : Hello Vocabulary - fine / fain/ ( adj. ) tèt, khoÎ - from / From/ ( Prep.) tõ ( ®©u tíi ) - how? / hau / ( adv.) nh thÕ nµo, thÕ nµo? /n∂ u/ (interj.) - no kh«ng / 'stju:d∂ nt/ (n.) - student sinh viªn, häc sinh /'ti: t∫∂ / (n.) - teacher gi¸o viªn - very /'veri/ (adv.) rÊt - well /wel/ (adj.) khoÎ ( nghÜa trong bµi ) 4
  5. /we∂ / (adv.) - where ? ®©u,ë ®©u? - yes /jes/ (interj.) v©ng, d¹, õ - and /ænd/ (con) vµ, víi / ‘w∂ :k∂ / (n) - worker c«ng nh©n, ngêi thî Expressions - And you ? Cßn b¹n th× sao ? - To be from Tõ (®©u ®Õn, quª ë ®©u) - Hello Xin chµo, chµo b¹n - How are you ? B¹n cã khoÎ kh«ng ? - Thanks c¶m ¬n - Thank you Geographical names /a:dʒ∂ n'ti:n∂ / - Agentina Níc Achentina / 'iŋgl∂ nd/ - England Níc Anh - Greece / gri:s/ Níc Hy l¹p / 'hol∂ nd/ - Holland Níc Hµ lan /'t∂ :ki/ - Turkey Níc Thæ nhÜ kú - Spain / spein/ Níc T©y ban nha /’kæn∂ d∂ / - Canada Níc Cana®a Maintext A - Hello ! I'm Alan. S - Hello ! I'm Sally. A - Are you a student ? S - No, I'm not. A - Are you a teacher ? S - Yes, I am. A - Where are you from ? S - I'm from Canada. John - Hello, David ! David - Hello, John ! How are you ? John - I'm very well, thanks and you ? David - I'm fine, thank you. Exercise 1 - Hello, I'm……………… I'm from……………………… 5
  6. - Hello, I'm………………. I'm from……………………… Exercise 2 ………………a student ? ………….from England ? No, ……………………. No, …………………….. ……………a teacher ? Where are you from ? Yes,,…………………… I'm from………………. Exercise 3 DÞch sang tiÕng Anh 1.Anh cã ph¶i lµ gi¸o viªn kh«ng ? Kh«ng, t«i kh«ng ph¶i. 2. B¸c cã ph¶i lµ c«ng nh©n kh«ng ? V©ng, ®óng vËy. 3. ChÞ tõ ®©u ®Õn ? T«i tõ níc Anh ®Õn. 4. ThÕ cßn anh th× sao ? T«i tõ níc Hµ lan ®Õn. 5. ChÞ cã ph¶i lµ sinh viªn kh«ng ? V©ng, ®óng thÕ. Unit two : Excuse me Vocabulary - excuse me / ik'skju:zmi:/ (v) xin lçi / ‘iŋgli∫ / (n) - English ngêi Anh, tiÕng Anh - pardon? /'pa:dn / (v) g× c¬ ¹? / endʒi'ni∂ / (n) - engineer kü s / ilek'tri∫n / (n) - electrician thî ®iÖn - please / pli:z / (interj ) xin vui lßng, xin mêi - sit down / sit daun/ (v) ngåi xuèng - tea /ti:/ (n) trµ 6
  7. /'∫ug∂ / (n) - sugar ®êng( ¨n) - mechanic /mi'kænik/ thî m¸y - stand (up) / stænd /v ®øng ( ®øng lªn ) Nations / nationalities /∂ ’merik ∂ / /∂ ’merik ∂ n / - America - American Níc/ NgêiMü - Argentina /a:dʒ∂ n’ti:n∂ / - Níc /Ngêi Achentina /a:dʒ∂ n’ti:ni∂ n/ - Brazil Argentinian Níc /Ngêi Braxin /br∂ ’zil/ /br∂ ’zili ∂ n / - Canada - Brazilian Níc /Ngêi Cana®a /’kæn∂ d∂ / /k∂ ’neidi∂ n/ - China - Canadian Níc /Ngêi Trung quèc /’t∫ain∂ / /t∫ai’ni:z / - Holland - Chinese Níc /Ngêi Hµ lan / ’h ‫כ‬l∂ nd/ /dΛt∫ / - France - Dutch Níc /Ngêi Ph¸p /fra:ns/ / frent∫ / - Greece - French Níc /Ngêi Hy l¹p /gri:s/ / gri:k / /‘it∂ li/ - Italy - Greek Níc /Ngêi ý / i’tæli∂ n / - Japan - Italian Níc /Ngêi NhËt /dʒ∂ ’pæn/ /dʒæp∂ ’ni:z/ - Mexico / ‘meksik∂ u / -Japanese Níc /Ngêi Mehic« / ‘meksik∂ n / - Spain -Mexican Níc /Ngêi T©y ban nha / spein/ / ‘spæni∫ / - Russia -Spanish Níc /Ngêi Nga / ‘r∧ ∂ / ∫ /‘r∧ ∂ n / ∫ - Turkey -Russian Níc /Ngêi Thæ nhÜ kú /’t∂ :ki/ /’t∂ :ki∫/ - Cambodia /kæm’b∂ udi∂ / -Turkish Nuíc /Ngêi Kampuchia / kæm’b∂ udi∂ n/ - Laos - Níc /Ngêi lµo /’la:‫כ‬s/ / ‘la:‫∫כ‬n / Cambodian - Laotian Maintext A - Excuse me ! B - Yes? A - Are you English ? B - Pardon ? A - Are you English ? B - Oh, yes, we are. A - Oh, I'm English Are you engineers ? B - No, we aren't. We are electricians. B - Please, sit down. A - Thank you B - Tea ? A - Yes, please B - Sugar ? A - No, thanks 7
  8. B - Where are you from ? A - I'm from London. B - Are you a teacher ? A - No, I'm not. I'm a mechanic. Look at this /wΛn/ /'ilev∂ n/ 1 One 6 Six /siks/ 11 Eleven 16 Sixteen /siks'ti:n/ /’sev∂ n /sev∂ n'ti:n/ 2 Two 7 Seven 12 Twelve 17 /Tu:/ /twelv/ 3 8 Eight 13 Thirteen Seventeen /θri: /θ∂ :'ti:n/ / /ei'ti:n/ Three 9 Nine 14 18 /eit/ /nain'ti:n/ /f ‫/:כ‬ /f ‫':כ‬ti:n/ 4 Four 10 Ten Fourteen Eighteen /nain/ /'twenti/ /faiv/ /f×f'ti:n/ 5 Five 15 Fifteen 19 /ten/ Nineteen 20 Twenty Exercise 1. Exercise 2. 1 - He/New York/ American. 15: fifteen Where is he from ? 1. 9:................... 6. 20:................ He's from New York 2. 19:................. 7. 8:.................. He's American 3. 16:................. 8. 18:................ 2 - She /Paris / French 4. 13:................. 9. 17:................ 3 - They /Russia/ Russian 5. 11:................. 10. 12:............... 4 - You / Japan/ Japanese 5 - He / Mexico/ Mexican 6 - She / Canada/ Canadian 7 - They / China/ Chinese 8 - It / Turkey/ Turkish 9 - We / Argentina/ Argentinian 10 - You /Spain/ Spanish 8
  9. Unit three What is it ? Vocabulary / 'hæm∂ / n - a hammer c¸i bóa - a saw / s ‫ /:כ‬n c¸i ca - a file / fail/ n c¸i giòa - a knife / naif/n con dao / t∫isl / n - a chisel c¸i ®ôc - a socket / 's ‫כ‬kit / n æ c¾m / swit∫ / n - a switch c«ng t¾c ®iÖn - a lamp /læmp / n c¸i ®Ìn - a fan / fæn / n c¸i qu¹t m¸y / dr ‫/ ∂ :כ‬ - a drawer c¸i ng¨n kÐo - a table / teibl/ n c¸i bµn / t∫e∂ / n - a chair c¸i ghÕ / 'læd∂ / n - a ladder c¸i thang - a screw / skru: /n c¸i ®inh vÝt, bu l«ng / 'skru:draiv∂ / n - a screwdriver c¸i tuèc n¬ vÝt - a pencil / 'pensl /n c¸i bót ch× - a pen / pen/ n c¸i bót mùc /'rul∂ / n - a ruler c¸i thíc kÎ / bent∫/ n - a bench c¸i ghÕ b¨ng - a box / b ‫כ‬ks /n c¸i hép / ∫elf / n - a shelf c¸i gi¸, c¸i kÖ / m∂ n / n - a man ngêi ®µn «ng / 'wum∂ n / n - a woman ngêi ®µn bµ / t∫aild / n - a child ®øa trÎ / 'endʒin / n - an engine ®éng c¬ - a desk /desk/ n bµn giÊy - an ice-cream /’aiskri:m/ n kem / '∂ uv∂ m∂ n / n - an overman ®éi, tæ trëng / Λm'brel∂ / n - an umbrella c¸i «, c¸i dï / 'bæt∂ ri / n - a battery b×nh ¾c quy - an apple /’æpl/ n qu¶ t¸o - a lorry /’l ‫כ‬ri/ n xe t¶i - a stray /strei/ n c¸i khay - What? / w ‫כ‬t/ n g×,c¸i g×? look at this box lamp table switch socket chair 9
  10. fan shelf drawer hammer / saw / ruler / screwdriver / ladder / screw / knife / pencil ladders / screws / pencils / saws / screwdrivers / knives / hammers / rulers Exercise 1 look : a - b / c / d / f / g / h / j / k / l / m/ n / p / q / r / s / t / v / w / x / y / z an - a / e / i / o / u It's a pen. It's an umbrella ……………file …………bench ……………box ……………ice-cream …………engine …………….apple ……………orange …………..table …………….chisel Exercise 2 apple - apples stray - car - plate - woman - door - knife - window - city - watch - lorry - child - 10
  11. bush - glass - overman - box - Exercise 3 That/ hammer What is that ? That's a hammer. These / files What are these ? These are files 1 - This / orange 6 - They / pencils 2 - These / sockets 7 - These / boxes 3 - That / fan 8 - That / chair 4 - Those / switches 9 - Those / shelves 5 - It / ice-cream 10 - This / engine 11
  12. Unit four: What's your name ? Vocabulary name / neim / n tªn / 'nΛmb∂ / n number sè / p∂ 'lism∂ n / n policeman c¶nh s¸t ( sè Ýt ) / p∂ 'lismen / policemen c¶nh s¸t ( sè nhiÒu ) room / ru:m / n phßng ë / 'draiv∂ /n driver l¸i xe cook / kuk / n ®Çu bÕp /' mænidʒ∂ / n manager qu¶n lý ®iÒu hµnh / dʒ ‫כ‬b / n job nghÒ nghiÖp helmet /'helmit / n mò b¶o hé / 'mist∂ / n Mr «ng, ngµi Mrs / misiz / n bµ, c« ( cã gia ®×nh ) Miss / mis / n c« ( cha cã gia ®×nh ) / hi∂ / adv here ®©y, 뮩y /ðe∂ / adv there kia, ë kia over there ( nhÊn m¹nh ) ë ®»ng kia sorry / 's ‫כ‬ri / (adj) xin lçi, tiÕc / gud'm ‫:כ‬niŋ / Good morning xin chµo (buæi s¸ng) / gud a:ft∂ 'nu:n / Good afternoon xin chµo ( buæi tra chiÒu ) / gud'i:vniŋ Good evening / xin chµo ( buæi tèi ) / 'metl w∂ :k∂ / n metal - worker thî nguéi metallist / 'metlist / n thî c¬ khÝ / weld∂ / welder thî hµn / 'ai∂ n'w∂ :k∂ / n iron - worker thî s¾t / 'w∂ :k∫‫כ‬p / n workshop xëng, ph©n xëng / plai∂ z / n pliers c¸i k×m busy / bizi/ adj bËn rén / gl∧ /n glove v g¨ng tay boot / bu:t /n ñng, giµy cao cæ case / keis /n c¸i va ly goggles / 'g ‫כ‬glz /n kÝnh b¶o hé / 'siz∂ z /n scissors c¸i kÐo 12
  13. Maintext worker : Good morning, sir. Manager : Good morning, what's your name ? W : Oh! My name is Carlos. M : Ah, yes……..Mr Carlos. Is this your helmet ? W : No, it isn't. M : Oh, Is that your helmet ? W : Yes, it is. That's my helmet. MissLinda : Good evening Mr Brown : Good evening Miss Linda : Are these your pliers ? Mr Brown : Yes, they are. Miis Linda : What's your job ? Mr Brown : I'm an electrician. Exercise 1 A - Excuse me B - yes ? A - Is this your helmet ? B - Oh, yes, it is, thank you. 1A……………………………….. 2A……………………………….... B………………………………... B………………………………… A…….............that…………saw ? A…………these…………chisels ? B…………………………………. B………………………………… 3A……………………………….. 4A………………………………… B………………………………... B………………………………… A…………those..……….boxes ? A…………......this..………… file ? B……………………………….. B………………………………… Exercise 2 This is a file. Is this a file ? Yes, it is. 13
  14. 1. That's her case. 2. Those are gloves. 3. These are his boots. 4. They are my helmets. 5. It's their room. Exercise 3 - Are you a teacher ? No, I'm not - What's your job ? I'm a mechanic 1A………………they students ? 2A……….he………welder ? B…………………………… B…………………………… A…………………………… A…………………………… B……………………workers B………………..iron worker. Exercise 4 Your/John/You/England. - Excuse me ! Yes ? - What’s your name, please ? My name’s John. - Where are you from ? I’m from England. 1 - his/ David/ he/ Holland. 2 - her/ Suzzan/ she/ America. 3 - their/ Mike and Peter/ they/ Spain. 4 - your/ Mark and Joe/ you/ Greece. 14
  15. unit five : Is it heavy ? vocabulary heavy /'hevi/ (adj) nÆng light / lait / ( adj ) nhÑ wide / waid / ( adj ) réng / 'nær∂ u / ( adj ) narrow hÑp / l ‫כ‬ŋ / ( adj ) long dµi / ∫‫:כ‬t / ( adj ) short ng¾n, thÊp high / hai / ( adj ) cao (chØvËt) deep / di:p / (adj ) s©u / θik / (adj ) thick dµy / θin / ( adj ) thin máng, gÇy beautiful / 'bju: tifl / ( adj ) ®Ñp / 'Λgli / ( adj ) ugly xÊu good /gud / ( adj ) tèt big / big / ( adj ) to, lín / ∂ uld / ( adj ) old cò, giµ new / nju / ( adj ) míi full / ful / ( adj ) ®Çy, no, ®ñ empty / 'empti / ( adj ) c¹n, trèng rçng / str ‫כ‬ŋ / ( adj ) strong m¹nh weak / wi:k/ (adj ) yÕu / jΛŋ / (adj ) young trÎ / ‫:כ‬t∂ 'mtik / (adj) automatic tù ®éng / t∫i:p / (adj) cheap rÎ expensive / ik’spensiv/ (adj) ®¾t tall / t ‫:כ‬l/ (adj) cao (chØ ngêi) ŋ / ‘h∧ gri / (adj) hungry ®ãi /’æŋgri/ (adj) angry tøc giËn happy / ‘hæpi / (adj) h¹nh phóc, vui vÎ sad / sæd / (adj) buån bad / bæd / (adj) tåi, dë, kÐm 15
  16. small / sm ‫כ‬l / (adj) nhá fast / fa:st/ (adj) nhanh / sl∂ u/ (adj) slow chËm far / fa:/ (adj) xa / ni∂ / (adj) near gÇn house / haus / n ng«i nhµ cable / 'keibl / n d©y c¸p ®iÖn / r∂ ud / n road con ®êng / 'mi:t∂ / (n) metre mÐt / 'kil∂ mi:t∂ / kilometer kil«mÐt, c©y sè pound / paund/ (n) c©n Anh (= 0,45kg ) Main text A - Is that your camera ? B - Yes, it is A - Is it good ? B - oh. Yes, it is. It's very light and automatic. C - This road is very long. D - Ah, yes………How long is it? C - It's ten kilometres long. D - How wide is it ? C - It's ten metres. E - Is this a workshop ? F - Yes, it is. E - How high is it ? F - It's five metres high. E - Is it wide ? F - Yes, it is. Exercise 1 book / thick gloves / new - Is the book thick ? - Are the gloves new ? yes, it is No, they aren't 1 - case / heavy 4 - cable / long 2 - cameras / automatic 5 - boots / thick 3 - saw / new 6 - engine / good Exercise 2 Heavy / light 1 - wide/…………….. ……….. 6 - big /……………………….. 2 - long/………………………. 7 - new/………………………. 16
  17. 3 - high/………………………. 8 - full/……………………….. 4 - thin/……………………….. 9 - strong/……………………... 5 - ugly/………………………. 10 - young/……………………. Exercise 3 Heavy/ the hammer/ 6pounds (lb) - How heavy is the hammer ? It’s 6 pounds heavy. 1 - Wide/ the workshop/ 15 metres (m) 2 - High/ the house/ 20 metres (m) 3 - Long/ the cable/ 10 kilometrs (km) 4 - Deep/ the well/ 16 metres (m) 5 - Far/ it/ 13 kilometres (km) unit six : places Vocabulary wall / w ‫כ‬l / n têng, têng ch¾n classroom / 'kla:sru:m / n phßng häc on / ‫כ‬n / prep trªn, ë trªn in / in / prep trong, ë trong / Λnd∂ / prep under díi, ë díi top / t ‫כ‬p / trªn,®Ønh / 'b ‫כ‬t∂ m / bottom díi,díi ®¸y right / rait / ph¶i,bªn ph¶i left / left / tr¸i,bªn tr¸i middle / midl / gi÷a,ë gi÷a tool - box / ‘tu:lb ‫כ‬ks / n hßm dông cô / ‘tu:lh∂ ud∂ / n toolholder gi¸ dông cô toolcabinet / 'tu:lkæbinit / n tñ dông cô bottle / b ‫כ‬tl / n c¸i chai / rent∫ / n wrench ch×a vÆn, cê lª vice / vais / n ª t« / m∂ '∫in / n machine m¸y,m¸y mãc / leiθ / lathe m¸y tiÖn / ‘driliŋ m∂ '∫in / n drilling machine m¸y khoan handdrill / 'hændril/ n khoan tay school / sku:l / n trêng häc / la:dʒ / adj large réng, lín / i'rek∫n ∫‫כ‬p / erection shop xëng l¾p m¸y / weldiŋ ∫‫כ‬p / welding shop xëng hµn mechanical tool / mi'kænikl ‘tu:l / dông cô c¬ khÝ 17
  18. / ‘plæniŋ m∂ '∫in / planing machine m¸y bµo ( ph¼ng ) cutting and piercing machine / 'p∂ siŋ / m¸y c¾t ®ét / dr ‫כ‬p 'hæm∂ pla:nt/ drop-hammer plant bóa m¸y / k∂ n'vei∂ / conveyor b¨ng chuyÒn,b¨ng t¶i / ‘fi:d 'hop∂ / feed hopper phÔu tiÕp liÖu belt / belt / ®ai,b¨ng,d¶i,b¨ng chuyÒn / b∂ ul / bowl con l¨n steel frame / ‘sti:l ‘freim / khung, giµn thÐp / i'lektrik 'endʒin / electric engine ®éng c¬ ®iÖn electric box / i'lektrik ‘b ‫כ‬ks / tñ ®iÖn,tñ ®iÒu khiÓn measuring instrument /'mez ∂ riŋ 'instrum∂ nt / dông cô ®o all right / ‘‫כ‬l rait / v©ng,®îc (®ång ý ) Main text A: This is an erection shop and those are welding shops. B: Oh, yes. They are very large. A: In the erection shop there are a lot of mechanical tools and machines. B: Is there a lathe here ? A: Yes, there is. There's a planing machine. There's a cutting and piercing machine. B: Is this a conveyor ? A: Yes, it is.That's a feed hopper.This is a belt.There are some bowls under the belt.There's a steel frame. There's an electric engine and there's an electric box on the steel frame. B: Are there any measuring instruments ? A: Yes, there are. They're in the toolcabinet. B: Where are the mechanical tools ? A: They're on the toolholder. B: All right. Exercise 1 Complete the sentences 1 - There………some mechanical tools………the toolbox. 18
  19. 2 - The file………under the table. 3 - There………a drop-hammer plant………the shop. 4 - There………a lot of bowls. 5 - ……..there……students in the classroom ? No,………………………. 6 - ………….there………helmet on the wall ? yes,……………………… Exercise 2 Lamp. There's a lamp on the desk Helmet. There isn't a helmet on the desk Write sentences with : knife, file, pencil, ruler. 1………………………….. 3……………………….. 2………………………….. 4……………………….. Exercise 3 Bottles. There are some bottles on the shelf Tools. There aren't any tools on the table Write sentences with : chisels / table; wrenches/toolholder vices / workshop ; drilling machines / workshop 1…………………………… 3…………………………… 2…………………………… 4…………………………… Exercise 4 Where's the lamp ? Where are the saws ? It's on the desk. They are under the table. 1……………………handdrills ? 3……………………….fans ? ………………………… . table. …………………… 2……………………… ..desk ? 4………………………..ruler ? …………………… .classroom. ………………………..desk. Exercise 5 19
  20. At the top on in the on the middle the left right At the bottom Look at the toolboard ! Where’s the file ? 1 - chisel It’s at the bottom 2 - goggles Now you do the same 3 - scissors 4 - pliers How much is there ? unit seven : Vocabulary / ∂ l ‫כ‬t / (pron ) a lot nhiÒu / bi∂ / n beer bia wine / wain / n rîu / t∫i:z / n cheese pho m¸t oil / ‫כ‬il / n dÇu / 'vinig∂ / n vinegar dÊm meat / mi:t / n thÞt rice / rais / n g¹o fruit / fru:t / n tr¸i c©y / fridʒ / n fridge tñ l¹nh / dʒ a: / n jar c¸i lä 20



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