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HTML in 10 Steps or Less- P29

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Welcome to HTML in 10 Simple Steps or Less. Our mission in writing this book is to provide a quick and accessible way for you to learn Hypertext Markup Language — the lingua franca of the World Wide Web. We hope this book provides a resource that beginning and intermediate HTML coders can use to improve their Web development skills. It is also our hope that it fills multiple roles as both a teaching tool and a reference once you expand your skills.

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Nội dung Text: HTML in 10 Steps or Less- P29

  1. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  2. Index Symbols alternative text (FrontPage), maxlength in password fields, / (forward slash), directories, 89 494–495 118–119 comment tags 7am news ticker, 242–243 maxlength in text fields, 116 HomeSite, 356–357 associates, 246–247 name, check boxes and, 123 introduction, 109 Anchor dialog box (BBEdit), 305 name, pop-up lists and, 126–127 < (less than) symbol in tags, 2 anchor tags, links, 86–87 name, property/value pair and, 8 > (greater than) symbol in tags, 2 anchors, named in links, 92–93 name, radio buttons and, 124 tags, applet embedding, name, value pairs and, 116 A 82–83 order, 229 tags applets (Java) previewing, HomeSite Browse document location, 93 downloading, 82 tab, 356–357 href attribute, 86 embedding, 82–83 as properties, 3 links, 86–87 Arabic numeral lists, 48 property/value pair, 8 absolute pathnames, 88 arc attribute, tags, 63 quotation marks in values, 3 absolute positions, 214–215 arguments (JavaScript), rel, 167 absolute scale, fonts, 30 definition, 226 rows, 146–147 accesskey attribute, form Assets panel (Dreamweaver MX), rowspan, 100–101 controls, 138–139 464–465 scrolling, 151 Add a Project Folder dialog box associates with, selected, in pop-up lists, (HomeSite), 349 246–247 126–127 Add All Subfolders option asterisk, Document Selector size, in password fields, 118–119 (HomeSite), File Types drop- filenames, 274 size, in text fields, 116 down list, 346 attributes start, 50–51 addresses (e-mail), hiding from accesskey, 138–139 tabindex, 138–139 spammers, 230–231 align, 102–103 tags, 3 align attribute BBEdit list items, 307 target, 154–155 heading tags, 24–25 bgcolor, 18–19 topmargin, 44 paragraphs, 27 border, 98–99 type, check boxes and, 122–123 tables, 102–103 bordercolor, 98–99 type, radio buttons and, 124 alignment cellpadding, 98–99 type, text fields and, 116 banners in FrontPage, 505 cellspacing, 98–99 valign, 103 CSS and, 27 checked (check boxes), 122 value, check boxes and, headings, 24 checked (radio buttons), 124 122–123 horizontal rules (HomeSite), 370 class, 168–169 value, password fields and, images, 64–65 cols, 146–147 118–119 images in BBEdit, 309 colspan, 100–101 value, pop-up lists and, images in Dreamweaver MX, displaying in BBEdit, 303 126–127 426–427 equal sign in values, 3 value, radio buttons and, 124 inline frames, 158–159 face, 28 width, 104–105 line spacing and, 184–185 frameborder, 148 wrap, 120 table elements, 102–103 height, 104–105 audio files. See also sound tables in BBEdit, 310 href, 86–87 delaying play, 76 text (CSS), 190–191 href, mailto: and, 90 downloading, 77 vertical (CSS), 184–185 hspace, tags and, 64 embedding, 76–77 alphabetical ordered lists, 48 inserting with HomeSite, .mid, 76 alt attribute 356–357 .mp3 format, 76 BBEdit, 308 leftmargin, 44 .ra format, 76 tag, 62 marginheight, 150–151 .wav format, 76 marginwidth, 150–151 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  3. 538 Index author information, tag, tag, 300 Insert Tag dialog box, 302–303 10–11 border area, 326 tag for lists, 307 Auto-Backup (HomeSite), 394–395 Border dialog box, 324–325 line-height property automation border properties (CSS), (CSS), 317 tag insertion (HomeSite), 324–325 list creation, 306–307 380–381 box properties (CSS), 326–327 list item attributes, 307 templates and, 352–353 CarbonLib and, 296 Lists dialog box, 306–307 autoplay attribute, video files, color coding HTML syntax, Mac versions, 296 80–81 338–339 manual download, 297 AutoShapes (FrontPage), 496–497 color preferences, 340–341 margin area, 326 autostart attribute, sound, 78 columns in frames, 314 menu keys, setting, 336–337 comment deletion, 331 New HTML Document dialog B comments, 330 box, 300 tags (bold text), 34 content area, 326 tag for lists, 307 background converting text to HTML, padding area, 326 color, 18–19 330–331 Padding dialog box, 322–323 color, CSS, 180–181 CSS font properties, 316–317 padding properties (CSS), controlling, 18–19 tag for lists, 307 322–323 editing with FrontPage, tag for lists, 307 Preferences panel, 298 508–509 DOCTYPE declarations, 300 preformatted text, 40–41 images, CSS, 192–193 tag for lists, 307 root file, 298 images, tiling, 18–19, 192–193 file groups and, 334–335 rows in frames, 314 properties, defining CSS in Find & Replace dialog box, Section 508 compliance, 308 BBEdit, 320–321 332–333 stripping HTML tags, 330–331 sound, adding, 78–79 Find and Replace, 332–333 table alignment, 310 table color in BBEdit, 310 tags, 304–305 table borders, 310 tables, 106–107 font-family property table color, 310 background attribute, (CSS), 317 table creation, 310–311 tags, 18 font-size property table width, 310 background-attachment (CSS), 317 tables, cell insertion, 311 property (CSS), 192–193 font-style property tables, row insertion, 311 background-color property (CSS), 317 tag attributes, displaying, 303 (CSS), 320–321 font-variant property TagMaker, 302–303 background-image property (CSS), 317 TagMaker, tags and, (CSS) font-weight property 302–303 BBEdit, 320 (CSS), 317 text as links, 305 introduction, 192–193 forms building, 312–313 text formatting, 304–305 background-position property forms text areas, 313 text properties (CSS), 318–319 (CSS), 192–193 Frame dialog box, 314 text-align property background-repeat property frames and, 314–315 (CSS), 318 (CSS) frames scrolling, 314 text-transform property BBEdit, 321 handicap accessibility, 308 (CSS), 319 introduction, 192–193 tag, 300 tag for lists, 307 backups, HomeSite, 394–395 HTML document creation, URLs, 298 banners (FrontPage), 504–505 300–301 utilities, 330–331 tag, 30–31 HTML Syntax Errors panel, Web servers, 298 BBEdit 328–329 behaviors (Dreamweaver MX) alt attribute, 308 tag, 300 JavaScript and, 454–455 Anchor dialog box, 305 HTML Tools Palette, 304–305 Open Browser Window, background properties HTML validation, 328–329 458–459 definitions, 320–321 image alignment, 309 Preload Images, 456–457 background-color property Image dialog box, 308 Set Text for Status Bar, 462–463 (CSS), 320–321 image insertion and, 308–309 Validate Form, 460–461 Block Elements, 305 tags, 308–309 bgcolor attribute, hexadecimal Body Properties, 305 Input dialog box, 312–313 color values, 18–19 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  4. Index 539 tag, 78–79 image links, 86 C Bicubic interpolation, Photoshop inset, 196 caching, tags’ expiration Elements, 66 outset, 196 date, 12–13 tags, font size, 30–31 ridge, 196 CarbonLib, BBEdit and, 296 _blank target, Dreamweaver MX, solid, 196 case sensitivity, in tags, 2 436–437 tables, 97, 98–99 cells blank Web pages, rearranging in tables, border attribute, 98–99 inserting in tables using FrontPage, 476–477 tables, bordercolor attribute, BBEdit, 311 Block Elements (BBEdit), 305 98–99 inserting in tables using blocking pop-up windows, 236–237 tables, cellpadding attribute, FrontPage, 518–519 tags, 42–43 98–99 table rows/columns, spanning, indented paragraphs, 42 tables, cellspacing attribute, 100–101 printable margins, 43 98–99 tables, 96–97 blocks, code snippets tables in BBEdit, 310 cent symbol, 38 (Dreamweaver MX), 413 Borders and Shading dialog box center alignment Body Properties (BBEdit), 305 (FrontPage), 512–513 BBEdit, 309 tags, 44 bots, spammers and, 230–231 Dreamweaver MX, 414 background attribute, 18 box properties, CSS in BBEdit, headings, 24–25 BBEdit and, 300 326–327 paragraphs, 27 document background and, brackets in tags, finding with CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 18–19 TextPad, 270–271 forms and, 114 leftmargin attribute, 44 British Pound symbol, 38 character entities. See special marginheight attribute, 44 Browse for Folder dialog box characters margins and, 44–45 (TextPad), 268–269 character spacing (CSS), 182–183 marginwidth attribute, 44 browsers characters starting HomeSite page and, alternative text (FrontPage), code snippet names 350–351 494–495 (Dreamweaver MX), 412–413 text links in color, 87 BBEdit configuration and, 308 special, 38–39 topmargin attribute, 44 font default size, 31 starting for ordered lists, 50–51 body text, formatting in HomeSite, Open Browser Window check boxes (forms), 122–123 364–365 behavior (Dreamweaver MX), formatting, 122–123 bold text, 34 458–459 Check In/Check Out bookmarks (FrontPage), 530–531 previewing Web pages, (Dreamweaver MX), 470–471 Books (TextPad clip library), 281 Dreamweaver MX, 402–403 Check Spelling dialog box border area (BBEdit), 326 previewing Web pages, (Dreamweaver MX), 418–419 Border dialog box (BBEdit), HomeSite and, 362–363 checked attribute 324–325 source code in, 20–21 check boxes, 122 borders status bar, writing information radio buttons, 124 CSS border color properties, to, 228–229 child lists, 56–57 200–201 TextPad configuration, 284–285 circular bullets in bulleted lists, 54 CSS border properties in bulleted lists circular bullets in bulleted lists BBEdit, 324–325 bullet styles, 54–55 (HomeSite), 367 CSS border property shorthand, bullet styles (CSS), 210–211 tags, 36 202–203 Dreamweaver MX, 416–417 class attribute, styles, 168–169 CSS border width properties, FrontPage, 510–511 classes, TextPad color coding and, 198–199 HomeSite, 367 292–293 CSS properties, 196–197 introduction, 47 clearing status bar of informa- dashed, 196 Business Solutions link tion, 229 dotted, 196 (Google), 240 clip art double, 196 buttons inserting with FrontPage, frame color, 149 interactive (FrontPage), 492–493 frame properties, 148–149 506–507 as links (FrontPage), 492–493 frames, user resizing, 149 Reset, 132–133 Clip Art task pane (FrontPage), FrontPage, 512–513 Submit, 132–133 492–493 groove, 196 Submit, graphic images and, 134–135 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  5. 540 Index Clip fields, layers (Dreamweaver color reduction algorithm, 69 background-image property, MX), 450–451 cols attribute, frames, 146–147 192–193 clip library (TextPad) colspan attribute, 100–101 background-position book creation, 281 columns property, 192–193 deleting clips, 281 deleting with (FrontPage), background-repeat property, downloading libraries, 282–283 518–519 192–193 introduction, 278–279 frames as, 145 border color properties, 200–201 renaming, 280 frames in BBEdit, 314 border properties in BBEdit, Clip Library Entry dialog box inserting in tables with 324–325 (TextPad), 280–281 FrontPage, 518–519 border property shorthand, Clipboard, TextPad and, 262–263 table cell spanning, 100–101 202–203 clipping area, CSS layers, 218–219 comments, 109 border style properties, 196–197 code. See source code comments, BBEdit, 330 border width properties, code snippets, Dreamweaver MX, connection speed, preloading 198–199 412–413 images and, 232–233 box properties in BBEdit, tags, 36 container tags 326–327 Code View (Dreamweaver MX), document structure and, 4 character spacing, 182–183 410–411 , 46 contextual selectors, 165 auto indent, 411 , 46 declarations, 162 Flash buttons and, 432–433 content descendant styles, 163 invalid HTML highlighting, 411 refreshing using tags, 14 Dreamweaver MX and, 452–453 line numbers, 411 time-based, changing, 226–227 editing with Style Editor syntax coloring, 411 content area (BBEdit), 326 (HomeSite), 360–361 word wrap, 411 content attribute element dimensions, 206–207 CodeSweeper (HomeSite), 358–359 tag, 7 embedded code in TextPad, 262 color property/value pair, 8 embedding style sheets, 164–165 background (CSS), 180–181 contextual selectors (CSS), 165 external, 166–167 background in tables, 106 control panel float property, 208–209 border color properties (CSS), floating, 76 font properties in BBEdit, 200–201 plug-ins and, 76 316–317 color coding with BBEdit, controller attribute, video files, font properties shorthand, 338–339 80–81 178–179 color coding with Dreamweaver controls font property, 178–179 MX Code View, 411 form focus order, 138–139 font styling, 176–177 color coding with TextPad, form image fields, 134 font-family property, 170–171 292–293 forms, 114 font-size property keywords, editing with FrontPage, converting text to HTML, 172–173 508–509 HomeSite projects and, 354–355 font-size property lengths, fonts, 32–33 converting text to lists (BBEdit), 174–175 foreground (CSS), 180–181 306–307 font-weight property, 176 frames, 149 Copy dialog box, TextPad, 264 foreground color, 180–181 GIF files and, 69 copyright symbol, 38 indentation, 190–191 Google results page, 241 Create Image Map dialog box, layer absolute positions, 214–215 hexadecimal, 19 378–379 layer clipping area, 218–219 hexadecimal for fonts, 32 CSE HTML Validator, 286–287 layer relative positions, 216–217 predefined names, 33 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) letter-spacing property, preferences (BBEdit), 340–341 alignment and, 27 182–183, 319 rollovers (Dreamweaver MX), background color, 180–181 line spacing, 184–185 428–429 background images, 192–193 line-height property, 184–185 text, default, 33 background properties, defining list bullet styles, 210–211 text links, 87 in BBEdit, 320–321 list number styles, 212–213 themes in FrontPage, 484–485 background-attachment list-style-type property, color attribute, tag, 32 property, 192–193 210–211 color picker in dialog boxes, 304 background-color property, margin properties, 204–205 color property, BBEdit, 316 320–321 padding properties, 194–195 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  6. Index 541 padding properties in BBEdit, Design View (Dreamweaver MX), Insert Web Component 322–323 410–411 (FrontPage), 502–503 projects in HomeSite, 360–361 Behaviors tab, 454–455 List (HomeSite), 366–367 selectors, 162 CSS and, 452–453 Lists (BBEdit), 306–307 style classes definition, 168–169 toggling between Code Manage Files (TextPad), 264–265 syntax, 163 View, 411 New Document (HomeSite), text alignment, 190–191 tags, 36 350–351 text-align property, 318 dialog boxes New HTML Document text-decoration property, Add a Project folder (BBEdit), 300 186–187, 319 (HomeSite), 349 New Project (HomeSite), text-indent property, Anchor (BBEdit), 305 346–347 190–191, 318 Border (BBEdit), 324–325 Open File(s) (TextPad), 256 text-transform property, Borders and Shading Padding (BBEdit), 322–323 188–189, 319 (FrontPage), 512–513 Page Properties (Dreamweaver vertical-align property, Browse for Folder (TextPad), MX), 408–409 184–185 268–269 Page Properties (FrontPage), white-space property, 182–183 Check Spelling (Dreamweaver 480–481 width property, 206–207 MX), 418–419 Page Templates (FrontPage), word spacing, 182–183 Clip Library Entry (TextPad), 526–527 word-spacing property, 280–281 Preferences (TextPad), 284–285 182–183 CodeSweeper (HomeSite), 358 Rename/Move (TextPad), 265 writing style rules, 162 color picker, 304 Replace (HomeSite), 374–375 cursor, moving in TextPad, 258–259 Copy (TextPad), 264 Replace (TextPad), 266–267 Customize dialog box, HomeSite, Create Image Map (HomeSite), Save As Template 392–393 378–379 (HomeSite), 353 Customize Theme dialog box Customize (HomeSite), 392–393 Save As (TextPad), 276–277 (FrontPage), 484–485 Customize Theme (FrontPage), Save Web Page (Internet 484–485 Explorer), 20–21 D Delete (TextPad), 265 Select Directory (HomeSite), dashed borders, 196 Edit Sites (Dreamweaver MX), 346–347 data tables (Dreamweaver MX), 406–407 Site Definition (Dreamweaver importing from other Extended Find (HomeSite), 373 MX), 404–405 applications, 424–425 External Browsers (HomeSite), Snippet (Dreamweaver MX), Date( ) object, JavaScript, 226 362–363 412–413 date, expiration date of File Open (TextPad), 257 Spell Check (HomeSite), tag, 12 Find & Replace (BBEdit), 368–369 tag 332–333 Split Cells (FrontPage), 520–521 BBEdit lists, 307 Find and Replace Tag Editor - FONT introduction, 58–59 (Dreamweaver MX), 420–421 (HomeSite), 364–365 declarations (CSS), 162 Find (HomeSite), 372–373 Tag Editor - FORM declarations (CSS), multiple Find in Files (TextPad), 268–269 (HomeSite), 386–387 selectors, single declaration Find (TextPad), 266–267 Tag Editor - HR (HomeSite), and, 163 Frame (BBEdit), 314 370–371 definition lists, creating, 58–59 Image (BBE), 308 Tag Editor - IMG (HomeSite), Delete dialog box, TextPad, 265 Image Properties 376–377 deployment (HomeSite), 389 dictionaries, TextPad Spelling files (HomeSite), 398–399 Import Tabular Data Checker, 272–273 folders (HomeSite), 398–399 (Dreamweaver MX), 424–425 directories HomeSite options, 396–397 Input (BBEdit), 312–313 / (forward slash), 89 Deployment Wizard (HomeSite), Insert Navigation Bar pathnames, 88–89 398–399 (Dreamweaver MX), 440–441 disc bullets in bulleted lists, 54 deprecated, definition, 162 Insert Rollover Image disc bullets in bulleted lists, descendant styles, 163 (Dreamweaver MX), 438–439 HomeSite, 367 descriptions, tag, 8–9 Insert Tag (BBEdit), 302–303 tag, 214–215 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  7. 542 Index tags code snippets, 412–413 Site Definition dialog box, BBEdit lists, 58–59 Code View, 410–411 404–405 introduction, 58–59 CodeSweeper and, 359 site maps, 406–407 DOCTYPE declarations color coding HTML in Code Snippet dialog box, 412–413 (BBEdit), 300 View, 411 Snippets panel, 412–413 Document Selector (TextPad), data tables, 424–425 spell check, 418–419 274–275 defining sites, 404–405 style naming, 453 Document Selector (TextPad), definition indents, 416–417 table cell spacing, 442–443 asterisks beside names, 274 Design View, 410–411 table creation, 442–443 document weight (HomeSite), Design View, toggling between table editing, 444–445 388–389 Code view, 411 table nesting, 442–443 documents downloading files, 468–469 table population, 446–447 authors, tag and, 7 Edit Sites dialog box, 406–407 text formatting, 414–415 background, 18–19 Find and Replace, 420–421 text insertion, 414–415 container tags, 4 Flash buttons, inserting, unordered lists, 416–417 frameset. See frameset 430–431 uploading files, 468–469 documents Flash text insertion, 428–429 Validate Form behavior, 460–461 indenting tags, 4 fonts, 414–415 Word HTML, importing, script preparation, 222–223 forms creation, 446–447 422–423 structure, 4–5 frames and, 448–449 word wrap in Code View, 411 title, 5 HTML, highlighting tag dotted borders, 196 invalid, 411 BBEdit lists, 307 double borders, 196 image alignment, 426–427 introduction, 58–59 downloading image formatting, 426–427 BBEdit, 296–297 image insertion, 426–427 E clip libraries (TextPad), 282–283 image maps, 436–437 Edit Sites dialog box files (Dreamweaver MX), images, external editors, 434–435 (Dreamweaver MX), 406–407 468–469 Import Tabular Data dialog box, Editor toolbar (HomeSite), HomeSite, 344 424–425 introduction, 344 Java applets, 82 indents, 415 elements, dimensions of, 206–207 status bar display, 228–229 Insert Navigation Bar dialog tags (emphasis), 36 TextPad, 254–255 box, 440–441 e-mail WinZip and, 282 Insert Rollover Image dialog addresses, hiding from downsampling, images, 66–67 box, 438–439 spammers, 230–231 drag-and-drop text layer clip fields, 450–451 tags, 11 FrontPage, 488–489 layers, 450–451 tag TextPad, 254 line numbers in Code View, 411 audio files, 76–77 drawing lists, 416–417 video, 80–81 lines (FrontPage), 496–497 navigation bars, building, embedding polygons in HomeSite, 379 440–441 audio files, 76–77 shapes (FrontPage), 496–497 Open Browser Window embedded CSS code in Drawing toolbar (FrontPage), behavior, 458–459 TextPad, 262 496–497 ordered lists, 416–417 Java applets, 82–83 Dreamweaver MX page properties, 408–409 style sheets, 164–165 Assets panel, 464–465 Page Properties dialog box, video, 80–81 Auto Indent in Code View, 411 408–409 emphasis on text, 36 behaviors, 454–455 Preload Images behavior, entities, character entities. See _blank target, 436–437 456–457 special characters browsers, previewing Web Properties Inspector, 414–415 error reporting, Validate Current pages and, 402–403 remote host setup, 466–467 Document option bulleted lists, 416–417 rollover color, 428–429 (HomeSite), 359 CCS and, 452–453 rollover creation, 438–439 Euro symbol, 38 Check In/Check Out, 470–471 Set Text for Status Bar behavior, event handlers Check Spelling dialog box, 462–463 onLoad (JavaScript), 228 418–419 onMouseOut (JavaScript), 228 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  8. Index 543 onMouseOut with rollovers, searching multiple, TextPad, fonts 234–235 268–269 applying, 28–29 onMouseOver (JavaScript), 228 TextPad workspaces, 276–277 Arial, 29 onMouseOver with rollovers, uploading (Dreamweaver MX), tag, 30–31 234–235 468–469 color, 32–33 order, 229 video, embedding, 80–81 Dreamweaver MX, 414–415 ), 236–237 .wav format, 76 face attribute, 28 events, JavaScript, 228 Find & Replace dialog box Helvetica, 29 expiration dates, tags, 12–13 (BBEdit), 332–333 italic, 176 Extended Find dialog box Find and Replace monospaced, 41 (HomeSite), 373 BBEdit, 332–333 name capitalization, 171 External Browsers dialog box Dreamweaver MX, 420–421 oblique, 176 (HomeSite), 362–363 Find and Replace dialog box quotation marks in names, 171 external image editors, (Dreamweaver MX), 420–421 serifs, 29 Dreamweaver MX and, 434–435 Find dialog box (HomeSite), size, 30–31 external style sheets, creating, 372–373 Fonts tab (HomeSite), 166–167 Find dialog box (TextPad), 266–267 introduction, 345 Find in Files dialog box (TextPad), Fonts toolbar, HomeSite, 364–365 F 268–269 font-size property (CSS) face attribute Flash buttons (Dreamweaver MX) BBEdit, 316 tag, 28–29 formatting, 432–433 keywords and, 172–173 fonts, 28 inserting, 430–431 lengths, 174–175 FAQs (Frequency Asked testing, 432–433 font-style property (CSS), Questions), named anchors Flash content (FrontPage), 498–499 BBEdit, 317 and, 93 Flash text, Dreamweaver MX, font-variant property (CSS), favorites, Assets panel 428–429 BBEdit, 317 (Dreamweaver MX), 464–465 float property (CSS), 208–209 font-weight property (CSS) field sets, 140–141 focus, control order, 138–139 BBEdit, 317 tags, 140–141 folders introduction, 176 file fields, 130–131 Auto-Backup (HomeSite), foreground, color (CSS), 180–181 File Open dialog box (TextPad), 257 394–395 tag, 114–115 File Open dialog box (TextPad), deleting in HomeSite, 349 tags, HomeSite, 386–387 workspace creation and, 277 deploying, HomeSite and, formats file sharing (Dreamweaver MX), 398–399 body text (HomeSite), 364–365 470–471 HomeSite, 348–349 converting text to HTML in files images (HomeSite), 347 HomeSite, 354–355 asterisks in Document naming in HomeSite, 349 file fields, 130–131 Selector, 274 physical folders in Flash buttons (Dreamweaver audio, embedding, 76–77 HomeSite, 349 MX), 432–433 creating in TextPad, 256–257 subfolders (HomeSite), 346, 349 form check boxes, 122–123 deploying, HomeSite and, font properties (CSS) form password fields, 118–119 398–399 BBEdit, 316–317 form radio buttons, 124–125 downloading (Dreamweaver introduction, 178–179 form text areas, 120–121 MX), 468–469 font property (CSS), 178–179 form text fields, 116–117 groups, BBEdit, 334–335 font styling (CSS), 176–177 images (Dreamweaver MX), local, structure, 167 tags 426–427 managing with TextPad, 264–265 BBEdit, 304–305 paragraphs, 26–27 .mid format, 76 color attribute, 32 previewing, HomeSite and, .mp3 format, 76 face attribute, 28–29 364–365 opening in TextPad, 256–257 HomeSite, 355 Reset button, 132–133 pathnames, 88–89 preformatted text and, 40–41 selection lists, 128–129 project files (HomeSite), size attribute, 30–31 Submit button, 132–133 storage, 347 font-family property (CSS) text, BBEdit and, 304–305 .ra format, 76 BBEdit, 316 text, Dreamweaver MX and, introduction, 170–171 414–415 text, FrontPage and, 488–489 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  9. 544 Index forms Frames toolbar (HomeSite), Page Templates dialog box, building with BBEdit, 312–313 384–385 526–527 CGI and, 114 Frames Wizard (HomeSite), picture insertion, 492–493 check box format, 122–123 384–385 populating tables, graphics and control focus order, 138–139 frameset documents. See also frames text, 524–525 control image fields, 134 defining, 144–145 shading, 514–515 controls, 114 nesting, 152–153 shape drawing, 496–497 creating with Dreamweaver tags spelling checker, 490–491 MX, 446–447 BBEdit and, 314 Split Cells dialog box, 520–521 element definitions, 114–115 introduction, 144–145 table cell reformatting, 522–523 field sets, 140–141 framesets table cell resizing, 522–523 hidden fields, 136–137 building in HomeSite, 384–385 table column deletion, 518–519 HomeSite, 386–387 Dreamweaver MX and, 448–449 table column insertion, 518–519 tag, 116–117 FrontPage, 526–527 table insertion, 516–517 password field format, 118–119 templates and in HomeSite, 353 table row deletion, 518–519 populating with Dreamweaver Free WebSearch (Google), 240 table row insertion, 518–519 MX, 446–447, 248–249 tables cells, splitting, 520–521 pop-up lists, 126–127 freepolls Web poll, 244–245 templates, 486–487 radio button format, 124–125 FrontPage text formats, 488–489 scripts, 114 alternative text, 494–495 text insertion, 488–489 tables and (Dreamweaver MX), AutoShapes, 496–497 Theme task pane, 482–483 446–447 backgrounds, 508–509 themes, applying, 482–483 text area format, 120–121 blank Web pages, rearranging, themes, creating, 484–485 text area format in BBEdit, 313 476–477 Web site publishing, 534–535 text fields format, 116–117 bookmarks, 530–531 Web site setup, 474–475 Validate Form behavior borders, 512–513 WordArt, 500–501 (Dreamweaver MX), 460–461 Borders and Shading dialog box, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Forms toolbar (HomeSite), 386–387 512–513 HomeSite deployment and, 399 forward slash (/), directories, 89 bulleted lists, 510–511 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), fractions, 38 clip art as links, 492–493 remote host setup (Dreamweaver Frame dialog box (BBEdit), 314 clip art insertion, 492–493 MX), 467 tag Clip Art task pane, 492–493 BBEdit and, 314 colors, 508–509 G introduction, 144–145 Customize Theme dialog box, getHours method, Date( ) object frameborder attribute, framesets 484–485 (JavaScript), 226 BBEdit, 314 Drawing toolbar, 496–497 GIF images introduction, 148 Flash content, adding, 498–499 HomeSite, 388–389 frames, 144 frames creation, 526–527 Photoshop Elements and, 68–69 BBEdit and, 314–315 headings, 489 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), border color, 149 Insert Web Component dialog tags and, 12–13 border properties, 148–149 box, 502–503 Google search bar, free, 240–241 border resizing by users, 149 interactive buttons, 506–507 grayed out selections, Textpad, 281 columns in BBEdit, 314 keywords, 532–533 groove borders, 196 creating in FrontPage, 526–527 layers, 528–529 Dreamweaver MX and, 448–449 line drawing, 496–497 H HomeSite, 384–385 tags, 532–533 handicap accessibility, BBEdit, 308 inline frames, 158–159 naming pages, 478–479 hanging indents, definition lists, margins, 150–151 Navigation bars, 502–503 58–59 noframes content, 156–157 New task pane, 474–475 section, display, 4 tag, 156–157 numbered lists, 510–511 tags rows in BBEdit, 314 page banners, 504–505 BBEdit and, 300 scroll bars, 150–151 page description text, 532–533 HomeSite tags, search engines and, 448–449 page properties, 480–481 350–351 size, 146–147 Page Properties dialog box, styles, 164–165 targeting, 154–155 480–481 headers, tables, 97 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  10. Index 545 headings Extended Find dialog box, 373 screen tips, 344 align attribute, 24–25 External Browsers dialog box, searching HTML documents, alignment, 24 362–363 372–373 FrontPage, 489 Find dialog box, 372–373 Select Directory dialog box, phrases as, 24–25 folder naming rules, 349 346–347 tags, 24–25 folders, 348–349 shortcuts, 345 tags in HomeSite, 350–351 folders, deleting, 349 Site View window, 344 words as, 24–25 folders, physical folders, 349 spell check, 368–369 height attribute, tables, 104–105 tags, 355 Spell Check dialog box, 368–369 height, pop-up windows, 237 Fonts tab, 345 stripping redundant tags, 355 Help Fonts toolbar, 364–365 Style Editor and, 360–361 HomeSite, 344 tags, 386–387 subfolders, 349 searches in HomeSite, 345 formatting, previewing, 364–365 table insertion, 382–383 Helvetica font, 29 forms, 386–387 Table Sizer, 382–383 hexadecimal colors Forms toolbar, 386–387 Table Wizard, 382–383 bgcolor attribute, 19 Frames toolbar, 384–385 Tables tab, 345 fonts, 32 Frames Wizard, 384–385 Tables toolbar, 382–383 hidden fields, 136–137 frameset building, 384–385 Tag Chooser, 380–381 hiding e-mail addresses from GIF images, 388–389 Tag Editor - FONT dialog box, spammers, 230–231 tags, tag and, 364–365 hit counters, Free-Hit- 350–351 Tag Editor - FORM dialog box,, 248–249 headings tags, 350–351 386–387 Home Page HTML Comment command Tag Editor - HR dialog box, FrontPage, 474–475 (Tags menu), 356–357 370–371 Resource panel and image insertion, 376–377 Tag Editor - IMG dialog box, (HomeSite), 345 Image Map Editor, 378–379 376–377 HomeSite Image Properties dialog box, 389 tag insertion, 356–357 comment tags, image storage, 377 tag insertion, automatic, 380–381 356–357 images folder, 347 templates, 350–351, 352–353 Add a Project Folder dialog JPEG images, 388–389 tags text in title bar, box, 349 keywords, 350–351 350–351 Add All Subfolders option, 346 List dialog box, 366–367 TopStyle lite (Style Editor), attribute insertion, 356–357 lists, 366–367 360–361 attribute previewing, Browse tags, 350–351 unordered lists, 366–367 tag, 356–357 New Document dialog box, Validate Current Document Auto-Backup, 394–395 350–351 option, 359 tags, starting page and, new project creation, 346–347 Verify Links, 390–391 350–351 new project creation with verifying code, 390–391 body text formatting, 364–365 templates, 352–353 horizontal rules, HomeSite, 370–371 bulleted lists, 367 New Project dialog box, 346–347 hotspots, Dreamweaver MX, CodeSweeper, 358–359 ordered lists, 366–367 436–437 converting text to HTML, pasting text from word href attribute, 86–87 354–355 processing documents, 365 mailto: protocol, 90 Create Image Map dialog box, polygon drawing, 379 pop-up windows and, 236–237 378–379 previewing Web pages, 362–363 hspace attribute, tag, 64 Customize dialog box, 392–393 project file storage, 347 HTML (HyperText Markup customizing, 392–393 project names, 346–347 Language) deploying files/folders, 398–399 Replace dialog box, 374–375 converting from plain text in deployment options, 396–397 replacing content, 374–375 BBEdit, 330–331 Deployment Wizard, 398–399 Resource panel, 345 converting text to in HomeSite, document weight, 388–389 Resource window, 344 354–355 downloading, 344 rules, horizontal, 370–371 document creation with BBEdit, editing CSS with Style Editor, Save As Template dialog 300–301 360–361 box, 353 Editor toolbar, 344 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  11. 546 Index HTML (HyperText Markup Flash buttons (Dreamweaver tag Language) (continued) MX), 430–431 check boxes, 122–123 invalid, highlighting in floating, 64–65 file fields, 130–131 Dreamweaver MX, 411 folder (HomeSite), 347 forms, 116 searching documents in formatting with Dreamweaver hidden fields, 136–137 HomeSite, 372–373 MX, 426–427 password fields, 118–119 stripping tags with BBEdit, GIF, optimizing with radio buttons, 124–125 330–331 Photoshop Elements, 68–69 text areas, 120–121 templates in HomeSite, 350–351 tag, 62–63 text fields, 116–117 validation in BBEdit, 328–329 inserting, 62–63 XHTML compatibility, 122 Word HTML, importing to inserting with BBEdit, 308–309 Insert Navigation Bar dialog box Dreamweaver MX, 422–423 inserting with Dreamweaver (Dreamweaver MX), 440–441 HTML Comment command, Tags MX, 426–427 Insert Rollover Image dialog box menu (HomeSite), 356–357 inserting with FrontPage, (Dreamweaver MX), 438–439 HTML Syntax Errors panel 492–493 Insert Table tool (FrontPage), (BBEdit), 328–329 inserting with HomeSite, 516–517 tags 376–377 Insert Tag dialog box (BBEdit), BBEdit and, 300 JPEG, optimizing with 302–303 containers and, 4 Photoshop Elements, 70–71 Insert Web Component dialog box lang attribute (BBEdit), 300 as links, borders, 86 (FrontPage), 502–503 HTML Tools palette (BBEdit), populating tables (FrontPage), inset borders, 196 304–305 524–525 installation HTML Validator, TextPad and, Preload Images behavior BBEdit, 296–297 286–287 (Dreamweaver MX), 456–457 TextPad, 254–255 http-equiv attribute preloading at startup, 232–233 interactive buttons (FrontPage), tag and, 14–15 preloading at startup for 506–507 refreshing content and, 14 rollovers, 234–235 Internet Explorer hyperlinks. See links resampling, 66–67 inline frames support, 158–159 resizing with Photoshop Save Web Page dialog box, 20–21 I Elements, 66–67 source code, 20 tags (italic text), 34 rollovers, 234–235 intranets, inline frames, 158–159 if statements, JavaScript, 226 rollovers, Dreamweaver MX, italic text, 34, 176 if/else statements, JavaScript, 227 438–439 tags, 158–159 site maps (Dreamweaver J Image dialog box (BBEdit), 308 MX), 407 Japanese Yen symbol, 38 image fields, Submit buttons size, preloading and, 232–233 Java and, 134 spacing, 64–65 downloading applets, 82 Image Map Editor (HomeSite), storage, HomeSite and, 377 embedding applets, 82–83 378–379 table background, 106 JavaScript image maps, Dreamweaver MX, tiling in background, 18–19, arguments, 226 436–437 192–193 behaviors, 454–455 Image Properties dialog box tags, 62–63 Date( ) object, 226 (HomeSite), 389 arc attribute, 63 events, 228 images BBEdit, 308–309 if statements, 226 alignment, 64–65 Import Tabular Data dialog box if/else statements, 227 alignment in BBEdit, 309 (Dreamweaver MX), 424–425 onLoad event handler, 228 alignment in Dreamweaver MX, indents onMouseOut event handler, 228 426–427 tags and, 42–43 onMouseOver event background, CSS and, 192–193 CSS, 190–191 handler, 228 copying from Web pages, 247 Dreamweaver MX, 415 parentheses, 226 dimensions, 62 hanging indents in definition time-based content, changing, document weight and lists, 58–59 226–227 (HomeSite), 388–389 tags, 4 variable rules, 225 downsampling, 66–67 inline frames, 158–159 variables, punctuation in, 225 Dreamweaver MX, external Input dialog box (BBEdit), 312–313 variables, spaces in, 225 editors, 434–435 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  12. Index 547 variables, special characters tags, 140–141 selection lists, 128–129 in, 225 letter-spacing property (CSS) unordered, 52–53 variables, underscore BBEdit and, 319 Lists dialog box (BBEdit), 306–307 character, 225 introduction, 182–183 list-style-type property JPEG images tags (CSS), 210–211 HomeSite, 388–389 BBEdit lists, 307 literal characters, tags, 36 optimizing with Photoshop introduction, 46–47 local files, structure, 167 Elements, 70–71 value attribute, 51 location, pop-up windows, 237 JScript, 222 libraries Location Toolbar, Open Browser justified alignment clip library (TextPad), editing, Window behavior and, 458–459 Dreamweaver MX, 414 280–281 logical styles paragraphs, 27 clip library (TextPad) tags, 36 introduction, 278–279 tags, 36 K line drawing (FrontPage), 496–497 tags, 36 tags, 36 line numbers, Dreamweaver MX tags, 36 keyboard, tags, 36 Code View, 411 tags, 41 keyboard shortcuts. See also macros line spacing (CSS), 184–185 tags, 36 copying, 89 line-height property (CSS) tags, 36 custom in HomeSite, 392–393 BBEdit, 316 tags, 36 macro assignments, 291 introduction, 184–185 loop attribute pasting, 89 links sound and, 78 TextPad, 258–259 tags, 86–87 video, 81 keystroke macros associates and, lowercase tag wrapping in TextPad, 246–247 alphabetical ordered lists, 48 290–291 anchor tags, 86–87 filenames in HomeSite, TextPad, 288–289 BBEdit, 305 396–397 keywords clip art as (FrontPage), 492–493 in tags, 2 float property (CSS), 208–209 defining, 86–87 font-size property (CSS), images as, borders, 86 M 172–173 mailto, 90–91 Macintosh, versions for FrontPage, 532–533 named anchors, 92–93 BBEdit, 296 HomeSite, 350–351 pop-up window creation and, macros tag, 6–7 236–237 keystroke macros, TextPad, tag content attribute text color, 87 288–289 and, 7 text underline, 86 tag wrapping (TextPad), spam and, 6 List dialog box (HomeSite), 366–367 290–291 lists magazine style headings, 24–25 L BBEdit, converting text to, mailto links, 90–91 lang attribute, tags 306–307 mailto: protocol (BBEdit), 300 BBEdit attributes, 307 bots and, 230–231 layers bulleted list bullet style, 54–55 href attribute, 90 clip fields, 450–451 bulleted list bullet style (CSS), Manage Files dialog box (TextPad), CSS absolute positions, 210–211 264–265 214–215 bulleted lists, 47 margin area (BBEdit), 326 CSS clipping area, 218–219 definition, 58–59 margin properties (CSS), 204–205 CSS relative positions, 216–217 Dreamweaver MX, 416–417 marginheight attribute Dreamweaver MX and, 450–451 FrontPage, 510–511 tags, 44 FrontPage, 528–529 HomeSite, 366–367 frames, 150–151 leading, 184–185 nesting, 56–57 margins left alignment number styles, 212–213 frames, 150–151 Dreamweaver MX, 414 ordered list starting character, printable, 43 headings, 24–25 50–51 setting, 44–45 paragraphs, 27 ordered list styles, 48–49 marginwidth attribute leftmargin attribute, ordered lists, 46–47 tags, 44 tags, 44 pop-up lists, 126–127 frames, 150–151 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  13. 548 Index mark up, definition, 2 navigation bars, building in Open Browser Window behavior maxlength attribute Dreamweaver MX, 440–441 (Dreamweaver MX), 458–459 password fields, 118–119 Navigation bars (FrontPage), Open File(s) dialog box, text fields, 116 502–503 TextPad, 256 memory, preloading images and, Navigation Toolbar, Open Browser opening/closing tags, description, 2 232–233 Window behavior and, 458–459 tags, 126–127 Menu Bar, Open Browser Window nesting ordered lists behavior and, 459 frameset documents, 152–153 alphabetical, 48 menu keys, setting in BBEdit, lists, 56–57 creating, 46–47 336–337 physical styles, 35 Dreamweaver MX, 416–417 tag tables, 108–109 HomeSite, 366–367 content attribute, 7 tables in Dreamweaver MX, start attribute, 50–51 descriptions, 8–9 442–443 starting character, 50–51 document author, 10–11 Netscape Navigator styles, 48–49 e-mail addresses, 11 Page Source, viewing, 20–21 outset borders, 196 expiration dates, 12–13 plug-ins, 76 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), QuickTime, 76 P 12–13 Source window, 20 tags (paragraph) tags in HomeSite, New Document dialog box introduction, 2 350–351 (HomeSite), 350–351 paragraph formatting, 26–27 HomeSite, 350–351 New HTML Document dialog box padding area (BBEdit), 326 http-equiv attribute, (BBEdit), 300 Padding dialog box (BBEdit), refreshing content and, 14 New Project dialog box 322–323 keywords, 6–7 (HomeSite), 346–347 padding properties (CSS) properties, 4 New task pane (FrontPage), BBEdit and, 322–323 refreshing content, 14–15 474–475 introduction, 194–195 robots and, 16–17 news ticker from, 242–243 page banners (FrontPage), 504–505 search engines and, 6 newspaper-style headings, 24–25 page description text (FrontPage), sites maintaining, 10 noframes content, 156–157 532–533 tags, FrontPage, 532–533 tags page properties (Dreamweaver methods, getHours BBEdit, 315 MX), 408–409 (JavaScript), 226 introduction, 156–157 Page Properties dialog box .mid files (audio), 76 noresize attribute, borders, 149 (Dreamweaver MX), 408–409 monospaced fonts, 34, 41 Notepad, source code and, 20–21 Page Properties dialog box, mouse, screen tips (HomeSite), 344 numbered lists FrontPage, 480–481 .mp3 files (audio), 76 Arabic numeral lists, 48 Page Source, viewing in Netscape FrontPage, 510–511 Navigator, 20–21 N number styles, 212–213 Page Templates dialog box name attribute Roman numeral lists, 48 (FrontPage), 526–527 check boxes, 123 pages (FrontPage) forms, 116 O naming, 478–479 hidden fields, 136–137 tag, applet embedding, properties, 480–481 pop-up lists, 126–127 82–83 rearranging, 476–477 property/value pair, 8 object-based languages, 224–225 saving as templates, 486–487 radio buttons, 124 oblique fonts, 176 paragraph () tags, 2 name attribute, tag, 4 tag paragraphs named anchors, links, 92–93 BBEdit lists, 307 formatting, 26–27 names introduction, 46–47 separating, 371 code snippets (Dreamweaver onLoad event handler tags, 26–27 MX), 412–413 (JavaScript), 228 parent lists, 56–57 color, predefined, 33 onMouseOut event handler parentheses, in JavaScript, 226 folders (HomeSite), 349 JavaScript, 228 passwords, form fields, 118–119 pages (FrontPage), 478–479 rollovers and, 234–235 pathnames projects in HomeSite, 346–347 onMouseOver event handler absolute, 88 styles (Dreamweaver MX), 453 JavaScript, 228 defining, 88–89 templates (FrontPage), 487 rollovers and, 234–235 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  14. Index 549 Document Selector previewing Web pages text, CSS in BBEdit, 318–319 (TextPad), 275 browsers, Dreamweaver MX text-decoration (CSS), preloading images and, 232–233 and, 402–403 186–187 relative, 88 browsers, HomeSite and, text-indent (CSS), 190–191 Perl, forms and, 114 362–363 text-transform (CSS), Photoshop Elements printing, margins, 43 188–189 GIF image optimization, 68–69 Project tab (HomeSite), project file vertical-align (CSS), image resize, 66–67 storage, 347 184–185 JPEG image optimization, 70–71 projects (HomeSite) white-space (CSS), 182–183 PNG image optimization, 72–73 creating, 346–347 width (CSS), 206–207 phrases, formatting as headings, creating with templates, word-spacing (CSS), 182–183 24–25 352–353 Properties Inspector (Dreamweaver physical folders (HomeSite), 349 CSS documents, 360–361 MX), 414–415 physical styles files, Project tab, 347 property/value pairs applying, 34–35 images folder at setup, 347 content attribute, 8 nested, 35 naming, 346–347 name attribute, 8 tags, 41 properties publishing Web sites (FrontPage), plug-ins attributes, 3 534–535 control panel and, 76 background properties punctuation, variables, QuickTime, 76 (BBEdit), 320–321 JavaScript, 225 PNG (Portable Network background-attachment Graphics), optimizing with (CSS), 192–193 Q Photoshop Elements, 72–73 background-image (CSS), QuickBar (HomeSite), points, font size, 30–31 192–193 introduction, 344 polls, Web poll, background-position (CSS), QuickTime, 76 244–245 192–193 quotation marks polygons, drawing in HomeSite, 379 background-repeat (CSS), attribute values, 171 populating tables, FrontPage, 192–193 font names, 171 524–525 border color (CSS), 200–201 quoted text, populating tables with border frames, 148–149 tags, 42 Dreamweaver MX, 446–447 border properties, CSS in pop-up lists, 126–127 BBEdit, 324–325 R pop-up windows border property shorthand .ra files (RealAudio), 76 creating, 236–237 (CSS), 202–203 radio buttons (forms), 124–125 height, 237 border width (CSS), 198–199 readability of code, 4 href attribute and, 236–237 borders (CSS), 196–197 RealAudio, .ra format, 76 links and, 236–237 box properties, CSS in BBEdit, recording macros (TextPad), 288 location, 237 326–327 rect values, layer clipping area and, scroll bars, 237 float (CSS), 208–209 218–219 toolbars, 237 font (CSS), 178–179 refreshing content, tag width, 237 font properties, CSS in BBEdit, and, 14 tag (preformatted text) 316–317 registered symbol, 38 BBEdit, 305 font-family (CSS), 170–171 rel attribute, style sheets, 167 introduction, 40–41 font-size (CSS), 172–173 relative pathnames, 88 predefined color names, 33 font-weight (CSS), 176 relative scale, fonts, 30 Preferences dialog box (TextPad), letter-spacing (CSS), remote host setup, Dreamweaver 284–285 182–183 MX, 466–467 Preferences panel (BBEdit), 298 line-height (CSS), 184–185 Rename/Move dialog box preformatted text margin properties (CSS), (TextPad), 265 BBEdit and, 305 204–205 Replace dialog box, HomeSite, introduction, 40–41 padding properties (CSS), 374–375 Preload Images behavior 194–195 Replace dialog box (TextPad), (Dreamweaver MX), 456–457 page properties (Dreamweaver 266–267 preloading images, 232–233 MX), 408–409 replacing content, HomeSite, preloading images, rollovers and, pages (FrontPage), 480–481 374–375 234–235 table background, 106–107 resampling, images, 66–67 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  15. 550 Index Reset button, 132–133 tags, 222–233 Set Text for Status Bar behavior Resize Handles, Open Browser scripting (Dreamweaver MX), 462–463 Window behavior and, 459 content based on time, shading (FrontPage), 514–515 Resource panel (HomeSite) changing, 226–227 shading, horizontal rules display, 345 document preparation, 222–223 (HomeSite), 370 introduction, 344 JScript, 222 shape drawing (FrontPage), 496–497 Resource window (HomeSite), time stamps, 224–225 shortcuts, HomeSite, 345 introduction, 344 scripts Site Definition dialog box ridge borders, 196 containers in for hiding e-mail (Dreamweaver MX), 404–405 right alignment addresses, 230–231 site maps, Dreamweaver MX, Dreamweaver MX, 414 custom in HomeSite, 392–393 406–407 headings, 24–25 forms and, 114 Site View window (HomeSite), paragraphs, 27 scroll bars introduction, 344 robots, tags, 16–17 frames, 150–151 size rollovers pop-up windows, 237 clip art (FrontPage), 492–493 alternative text (FrontPage), Scrollbars as Needed, Open fonts, 30–31 494–495 Browser Window behavior frames, 146–147 color (Dreamweaver MX), and, 459 lines (FrontPage), 496–497 428–429 scrolling attribute, frames shapes (FrontPage), 496–497 creating, 234–235 BBEdit, 314 table elements, 104–105 Dreamweaver MX, 438–439 introduction, 151 size attribute onMouseOut event handler, Search button (HomeSite), help tags, 30–31 234–235 files and, 345 password fields, 118–119 onMouseOver event handler, search engines text fields, 116 234–235 frames and, 448–449 tags, font size, 30–31 preloading images and, 234–235 Google, adding free search bar, Snippet dialog box (Dreamweaver status bar text, 462–463 240–241 MX), 412–413 Roman numeral lists, 48 keywords and, 6–7 Snippet Shortcuts (HomeSite), root file, BBEdit and, 298 tag, 6, 8–9 392–393 rows robots, 16 Snippets panel (Dreamweaver MX), cell spanning in tables, 100–101 searches 412–413 deleting with (FrontPage), Dreamweaver MX, 420–421 solid borders, 196 518–519 HTML documents (HomeSite), sound. See also audio files frames as, 145 372–373 background, 78–79 frames in BBEdit, 314 matching brackets (TextPad), loop attribute, 78 inserting in tables with 266–267, 270–271 source code BBEdit, 311 strings in multiple files browsers and, 20–21 inserting in tables with (TextPad), 268–269 code snippets (Dreamweaver FrontPage, 518–519 Section 508 compliance, BBEdit MX), 412–413 tables, 96–97 and, 308 color coding in BBEdit, rows attribute, frames, 146–147 Select Directory dialog box 338–339 rowspan attribute, 100–101 (HomeSite), 346–347 color coding in Dreamweaver rules, horizontal in HomeSite, tag MX Code View, 411 370–371 pop-up lists, 126–127 color coding in TextPad, 292–293 selection lists, 128–129 NotePad and, 20–21 S selected attribute, pop-up lists, readability, 4 tags (strikethrough text), 34 126–127 saving, 20–21 tags, 36 selection lists, 128–129 selecting in TextPad, 260–261 Save As dialog box (TextPad), selectors (CSS), 162 verification (HomeSite), 390–391 276–277 contextual, 165 viewing, 20–21 Save As Template dialog box declarations, single for series of Source window (Netscape), 20 (HomeSite), 353 selectors, 163 spaces in variables (JavaScript), 225 Save Web Page dialog box (Internet series, identical styles for, 165 spacing Explorer), saving source code, _self target, 154–155 character spacing (CSS), 182–183 20–21 serifs, fonts, 29 images, 64–65 screen tips, HomeSite, 344 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  16. Index 551 line spacing (CSS), 184–185 structure of documents, 4–5 cell resizing (FrontPage), word spacing (CSS), 182–183 structure of documents, container 522–523 spam, keywords and, 6 tags, 4 cell spacing (Dreamweaver spammers style classes, defining, 168–169 MX), 442–443 bots and, 230–231 Style Editor (HomeSite) cellpadding attribute, 98–99 hiding e-mail addresses from, CSS editing, 360–361 cells, 96–97 230–231 TopStyle lite, 360–361 cellspacing attribute, 98–99 spanning cells in tables, 100–101 tags column deletion (FrontPage), special characters BBEdit TagMaker, 302–303 518–519 British Pound symbol, 38 introduction, 164–165 column insertion in FrontPage, cent symbol, 38 styles. See also CSS (Cascading 518–519 copyright symbol, 38 Style Sheets) creating with Dreamweaver European Union’s Euro bullet styles, 54–55 MX, 442–443 symbol, 38 descendant, 163 data organization, 110–111 fractions, 38 embedding style sheets, 164–165 data tables (Dreamweaver MX), Japanese Yen symbol, 38 logical, 36–37 424–425 registered symbol, 38 naming (Dreamweaver MX), 453 defining, 96–97 trademark symbol, 38 ordered lists, 48–49 dimensions of elements, 104–105 spell check physical, 34–35 editing in Dreamweaver MX, Dreamweaver MX, 418–419 rules, writing, 162–163 444–445 FrontPage, 490–491 tags, 34 headers, 97 HomeSite, 368–369 subfolders (HomeSite), 349 height, 104–105 Spell Check dialog box Submit button indenting code, 109 (HomeSite), 368–369 formatting, 132–133 inserting with FrontPage, spell check, TextPad, 254 graphic images, 134–135 516–517 Spelling Checker (TextPad), subscript text, tags, 34 inserting with HomeSite, 272–273 tags, 34 382–383 Split Cells dialog box (FrontPage), superscript text, tags, 34 nesting, 108–109 520–521 symbols, 38 nesting (Dreamweaver MX), splitting table cells (FrontPage), syntax, tags, 2 442–443 520–521 syntax, tags, color coding HTML populating with graphics and square bullets in bulleted lists, 54 in TextPad, 292–293 text (FrontPage), 524–525 square bullets in bulleted lists row deletion (FrontPage), (HomeSite), 367 T 518–519 start attribute, ordered lists, tabindex attribute, form controls, row insertion in BBEdit, 311 50–51 138–139 row insertion in FrontPage, starting character of ordered lists, Table Sizer (HomeSite), 382–383 518–519 50–51 tags rows, 96–97 startup, preloading images, 232–233 BBEdit and, 310–311 spanning row/column with cells, statements introduction, 96–97 100–101 if statements, 226 Table Wizard (HomeSite), 382–383 splitting cells (FrontPage), if/else, 227 tables 520–521 status bar alignment in, 102–103 width, 104–105 browser, writing information to, alignment in BBEdit, 310 width in BBEdit, 310 228–229 background color in BBEdit, 310 Tables tab (HomeSite), clearing of information, 229 background properties, 106–107 introduction, 345 download display, 228–229 BBEdit creation, 310–311 Tables toolbar (HomeSite), 382–383 rollovers and, 462–463 border attribute, 98–99 Tag Chooser (HomeSite), 380–381 Status Bar, Open Browser Window bordercolor attribute, 98–99 Tag Editor - FORM dialog box behavior and, 458–459 borders, 97, 98–99 (HomeSite), 386–387 strikethrough text, 34 borders in BBEdit, 310 Tag Editor - HR dialog box strings cell insertion in BBEdit, 311 (HomeSite), 370–371 concatenation, 230 cell insertion in FrontPage, Tag Editor - IMG dialog box definition, 230 518–519 (HomeSite), 376–377 tags (strong cell reformatting (FrontPage), Tag Editor -FONT dialog box emphasis), 36 522–523 (HomeSite), 364–365 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  17. 552 Index tag wrapping macro (TextPad), , 6–7, 10, 12–13, 14–15, body text formatting in 290–291 16–17 HomeSite, 364–365 TagMaker (BBEdit) , 156–157 bold, 34 edit tools, 302–303 , 82–83 borders (FrontPage), 512–513 tags and, 302–303 , 46–47 color, default, 33 tags opening/closing, 2 converting plain to HTML in < (less than) symbol, 2 , 126–127 BBEdit, 330–331 > (greater than) symbol, 2 paragraphs, 26–27 converting to HTML in , 86–87 , 40–41 HomeSite, 354–355 , 82–83 , 34 converting to list, BBEdit, attribute order, 229 , 36 306–307 attributes, 3 , 222–223 converting to lists attributes, displaying in , 126–127, 128–129 (HomeSite), 367 BBEdit, 303 , 30–31 emphasis, 36 , 34 stripping redundant in Flash text (Dreamweaver MX), , 78–79 HomeSite, 355 428–429 , 30–31 stripping with BBEdit, 330–331 formatting (Dreamweaver MX), , 42–43 , 36 414–415 , 18–19 , 164–165 formatting (FrontPage), 488–489 , margins and, 44–45 syntax, 2 formatting in BBEdit, 304–305 case sensitivity, 2 , 96–97 as hyperlink (BBEdit), 305 , 36 , 110–111 inserting (Dreamweaver MX), , 36 , 110–111 414–415 comments, 109 , 96–97 inserting (FrontPage), 488–489 container tags, 4 , 120–121 italic, 34 , 58–59 , 110–111 link color, 87 , 36 , 110–111 link underlining, 86 , 214–215 , 5 monospaced fonts, 34 , 58–59 , 96–97 navigating in TextPad, 258–259 , 58–59 , 110–111 pasting to HomeSite from word , 36 , 34 processing document, 365 , 76–77 , 34 populating tables (FrontPage), event handler order, 229 , 52–53 524–525 , 140–141 , 36 preformatted, 40–41 , 114–115 writing, 2–3 preformatted, in BBEdit, 40–41 , 144–145 Tags menu (HomeSite) properties, CSS in BBEdit, , 144–145 attributes display, 356–357 318–319 , 164–165 HTML Comment command, selecting in Textpad, 260–261 headings, 24–25 356–357 shading (FrontPage), 514–515 headings (HomeSite), 350–351 tags display, 356–357 status bar display in , 4 target attribute, frames, 154–155 browsers, 228 , 34 targets, frames, 154–155 status bar display in browsers, , 158–159 tag, 110–111 Dreamweaver MX and, , 62–63 tag, 110–111 462–463 indenting, 4 tags strikethrough, 34 , 116, 118–119 BBEdit and, 310–311 underlined, 34 inserting automatically with introduction, 96–97 text areas (forms) HomeSite, 380–381 templates BBEdit and, 313 inserting with HomeSite, frames, FrontPage and, 526–527 formatting, 120–121 356–357 framesets, HomeSite and, 353 wrapping text, 120 , 36 FrontPage, 486–487 text attribute, tag, color , 140–141 HomeSite, 350–351, 352–353 and, 33 , 46–47 text text boxes (forms), 116 list creation in BBEdit, 306–307 alignment (CSS), 190–191 text fields (forms), formatting, alternative (FrontPage), 116–117 494–495 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  18. Index 553 text-align property (CSS), navigating text, 258–259 tag, 110–111 BBEdit, 318 new clips, 281 tags (teletype text), 34 tags, 120–121 Open File(s) dialog box, 256 type attribute text-decoration property (CSS) opening files, 256–257 check boxes, 122–123 BBEdit, 319 Preferences dialog box, 284–285 file fields, 130–131 introduction, 186–187 recording macros, 288 hidden fields, 136–137 text-indent property (CSS) Rename/Move dialog box, 265 radio buttons, 124 BBEdit, 318 renaming clips, 280 text fields, 116 introduction, 190–191 Replace dialog box, 266–267 TextPad Save As dialog box, 276–277 U Books (clip library), 281 searching for strings, multiple tags (underlined text), 34 brackets, finding matching, files, 268–269 tag 270–271 source code selection and, BBEdit lists, 307 brackets, opening/closing, 260–261 introduction, 52–53 270–271 Spelling Checker, 272–273 underlined text, 34 Browse for Folder dialog box, workspace creation, 276–277 underscore character, JavaScript 268–269 text-transform property (CSS) variables and, 225 browser configuration, 284–285 BBEdit, 319 unordered lists clip library downloads, 282–283 introduction, 188–189 creating, 52–53 clip library edits, 280–281 tag, 110–111 Dreamweaver MX, 416–417 Clip Library Entry dialog box, tag, BBEdit, 310–311 HomeSite, 366–367 280–281 tag, 110–111 uploading, files (Dreamweaver clip library introduction, Theme task pane (FrontPage), MX), 468–469 278–279 applying themes, 482–483 uppercase Clipboard, 262–263 themes (FrontPage) alphabetical ordered lists, 48 color coding and, 292–293 applying, 482–483 Roman numeral lists, 48 Copy dialog box, 264 creating, 484–485 in tags, 2 creating files, 256–257 tiling images, background, 18 URLs (Uniform Resource Delete dialog box, 265 time stamps, scripts, 224–225 Locators) deleting clips, 281 time zone, tags and, 12 absolute pathnames, 88 dictionaries, 272–273 time-based content, changing with BBEdit and, 298 Document Selector, 274–275 JavaScript code, 226–227 typos, 391 downloading, 254–255, 250–251 drag-and-drop, 254 title bar, tags (HomeSite), V embedded CSS code, 262 350–351 Validate Current Document option file management, 264–265 tags, 5 (HomeSite), 359 File Open dialog box, 257 tags, title bar (HomeSite), Validate Form behavior File Open dialog box in creating 350–351 (Dreamweaver MX), 460–461 workspaces, 277 titles, 5 validating HTML in BBEdit, files, searching multiple, 268–269 toolbars 328–329 Find and Replace functions, customizing in HomeSite, valign attribute, 103 266–267 392–393 value attribute Find dialog box, 266–267 Fonts (HomeSite), 364–365 check boxes, 122–123 Find in Files dialog box, pop-up windows, 237 tags, 51 268–269 topmargin attribute, password fields, 118–119 grayed-out selections, 281 tags, 44 pop-up lists, 126–127 HTML Validator, 286–287 TopStyle lite (Style Editor) radio buttons, 124 installing, 254–255 editing CSS, 360–361 value pairs, name attribute, 116 keyboard shortcuts, 258–259 workspace, 360 tags, 36 keystroke macro creation, tags variables 288–289 BBEdit and, 310–311 definition, 224 keystroke macros, tag wrapping, introduction, 96–97 JavaScript, punctuation, 225 290–291 tracing images, Dreamweaver MX JavaScript, spaces in, 225 Manage Files dialog box, page properties, 408–409 JavaScript, special 264–265 trademark symbol, 38 characters, 225 JavaScript rules, 225 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  19. 554 Index Verify Links (HomeSite), 390–391 white-space property (CSS), word-spacing property (CSS), verifying code, HomeSite, 390–391 182–183 182–183 vertical-align property (CSS) width workspaces BBEdit, 318 horizontal rule (HomeSite), 370 TextPad, 276–277 introduction, 184–185 pop-up windows, 237 TopStyle, 360 video width attribute, tables, 104–105 wrap attribute, 120 controller attribute, 81 width property (CSS), 206–207 wrap selection, Dreamweaver MX embedding, 80–81 Window Name, Open Browser code snippets, 413 loop attribute, 81 Window behavior and, 459 WYSIWYG (what you see is what ) event handler, you get), 344 W 236–237 .wav files (audio), 76 windows X W3C (World Wide Web pop-up, creating, 236–237 XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Consortium), 27 Source (Netscape Navigator), Markup language), 2 weather information, adding to site, 20–21 / (forward slash) for 250–251 Windows Explorer, project setup compatibility, 7 Web pages (HomeSite), 347 tag compatibility, 145 blank, rearranging in WinZip, downloading and, 282 tag compatibility, FrontPage, 476–477 Word HTML, importing to 117, 122 previewing in browsers, Dreamweaver MX, 422–423 tag compatibility, 7 HomeSite and, 362–363 word processing documents, Web servers pasting text to HomeSite, 365 BBEdit and, 298 word spacing (CSS) Dreamweaver MX setup, 467 BBEdit and, 319 Web sites introduction, 182–183 defining, Dreamweaver MX, word wrap, Dreamweaver MX 404–405 Code View, 411 publishing with FrontPage, WordArt (FrontPage), 500–501 534–535 words, formatting as headings, setup (FrontPage), 474–475 24–25 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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