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Information system of customer relationship management PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke regency

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Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combination of a range of functions, skills, processes, and technologies that together allow companies to better manage profits with customers as real assets.

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  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 782-792. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_082 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed INFORMATION SYSTEM OF CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT PT HASRAT ABADI MERAUKE REGENCY Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau Informatics Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia ABSTRACT Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combination of a range of functions, skills, processes, and technologies that together allow companies to better manage profits with customers as real assets. PT Hasrat Abadi is the official distributor for Toyota and Yamaha vehicles in five regions in Eastern Indonesia. However, PT Hasrat Abadi does not have software that can manage company relationships with customers, and provide fast information to customers for customer satisfaction and increase profits from the company. Making this application uses the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology which is gradual with upward progress and iterative (repetitive) to get the appropriate results. Applications can help companies in making a new breakthrough to market their goods and services by reading customer behavior through questionnaires, polling and recording customer activity, this application can help companies to promote the latest products to customers online so they can keep customers even new customers. Keywords: CRM, RUP, online Cite this Article Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau, Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 782-792. 1. INTRODUCTION Customer satisfaction is defined as the level of fulfillment of a number of needs, desires, goals, or something that culminates in the pleasure of an exchange transaction between the consumer and the company through the performance of a product used (Sunder, 2009) 782
  2. Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as a clear business strategy and is a combination of a range of functions, skills, processes, and technologies that together allow companies to better manage profits with customers as tangible assets (Baran et al, 2008) Marketing is defined as a function of the company and a series of processes to create, communicate, and provide value to customers and manage customer relationships that provide benefits to the company and interested parties (Istijanto, 2007) PT. Abadi Hasrat belongs to the Strategic CRM component and uses service automation contained in operational CRM. This is because business processes in Strategic CRM focus on customers as the main target of product marketing, creating customer satisfaction and retaining customers. While service automation in operational CRM aims to make it easier for companies to communicate with their customers, through today's rapidly developing technologies such as telephone and company websites stored in good database management. (Kadir A, 2010). Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a method of software engineering by focusing on developing models using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) with special characteristics in particular are use-case driven for business needs (Latief, M et al. 2017). At present, PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency does not yet have software that can facilitate and accelerate officers in serving maintenance processes, vehicle repairs, ordering services online. Online services are considered to be able to improve the quality of service of an agency or organization (Maulany, G.J and Loppies, S.H.D, 2018). Because the internet is a vast collection of large and small computer networks that are interconnected using communication (tele) networks that exist throughout the world (Darynto, 2004) In this study, the resulting solution is a customer relationship management information system that can record customer activity with the company through the system, so that customer behavior and customer needs can be known to facilitate the sales and marketing process of the company's products, and facilitate the provision of information to customers. 2. THEORETICAL BASIS 2.1. Customer Relationship Management The definition of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be grouped as (Baran et al. 2008): 1. CRM is the same as a software package, process, system, or technology 2. CRM is the same as focusing on data storage and analysis 3. CRM is the same as the cultural change in the company from customer-centric transactions (the main focus here is to have a dialogue with each customer in a one-to-one manner so that the company knows the customer's needs to penetrate the market) 4. CRM is the same as the important concept of "managing demand" 5. CRM is the same as new customer-focused strategies today (identification, selection, acquiring, developing, cross-selling and up-selling, managing migration and win back) 6. So if it is concluded CRM is a core business strategy that combines internal processes and functions, external networks to create and deliver value to customers for profit. CRM is based on quality customer data that is made possible by the existence of information technology (Shanmugasundaram, S, 2008). Components of CRM (Buttle, 2007) which is also a CRM architecture are divided into three components, namely: 783
  3. Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau 2.2. Operational CRM Operational CRM focuses on automating the ways a company deals with customers. CRM software applications allow marketing, sales, and service functionality to run automatically. Examples of operational CRM applications include: a. Automation of marketing Automation Marketing automation (Marketing Automation- MA) is the use of technology in marketing processes. b. Automation of Sales-Sales Force Automation (SFA) Fleet This system applies technology in managing various sales activities of the company. c. Service Automation With the support of service automation, companies can carry out service functions to customers automatically, either through the call center or contact center they have, or through company website facilities, or through face-to-face meetings between service officers and consumers in the field. 2.3. Analytical CRM Analytical CRM is used to exploit consumer and company data to increase its value. This system is developed based on information about consumers. Customer data can be obtained from information centers or data banks owned by each relevant company, namely sales data (history of purchases of goods or services by customers), financial data (payment history or credit score), marketing data (consumer responses to advertising campaigns, product loyalty scale data), and service data. Furthermore, internal data can be supplemented with external data, such as geodemographic data and data on consumer lifestyles provided by business intelligence organizations. By using data mining tools, companies can interrogate the data. 2.4. Strategic CRM Strategic CRM is focused on efforts to develop customer-centric business types. This culture is intended to win the hearts of consumers and maintain their loyalty by creating and providing value to customers who outperform competitors. In a customer-oriented culture, all resources will be allocated to support all steps that can increase company value in the eyes of customers, as well as reward systems that can enhance positive behavior of employees that lead to customer satisfaction, as well as improving collection systems, dissemination, and application of information about customers to support various company activities. There are three most important business orientations, namely; products, production and sales. 2.5. Marketing Marketing is a social and and managerial process in which there are individuals and groups to get what they want through the process of creating, offering, and exchanging valuable products (Hartono, et al, 2012). Marketing can also be interpreted as a function of the company and a series of processes to create, communicate, and provide value to customers and manage customer relationships that provide benefits to the company and interested parties. Efficiency in carrying out the marketing concept can have an impact on the development of the company in achieving the expected benefits (Leclercq, A, 2015). 2.6. Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is defined as the level of fulfillment of a number of needs, desires, goals, or something that culminates in the pleasure of an exchange transaction between a 784
  4. Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency consumer and a company on the performance of a product used (Mosahab, R et al, 2010; Samudro et al., 2011; Sedayu and Mangkoedihardjo, 2018). 2.7. Dimensions of Service Quality There are 5 (five) main dimensions of service quality (Tjiptono, 2009): a. Reliability Is the ability to provide services quickly and accurately that can provide satisfaction to consumers. b. Response Is the ability to provide services quickly to provide problem solving. c. Guarantee Includes knowledge that can provide trust in service. d. Attention Includes understanding in service to all desirable needs e. Physical Evidence Includes physical facilities, employees and means of communication 2.8. Information system Information System is a system in an organization that brings together daily transaction processing needs that support managerial organizational operations functions with strategic activities in producing the required reports by connecting several components of information systems that interact with each other to reach the target. (Al Fatta. H, 2007). 2.9. Rational Unified Process (RUP) Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering method with a focus on developing models using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) with special characteristics in particular are use-case driven for business needs (Latief. M, 2016). The stages in the RUP method include: a) Inception: this stage is the stage of the preliminary study and data collection. b) Elaboration: this stage is the stage of system design c) Construction: this stage is the system design stage d) Transition: this stage is the stage of testing and repairing the system from an error. 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research procedure The procedure of research conducted in making customer relationship management (CRM) information systems is shown in Figure 1. 785
  5. Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau 1. LITERATURE STUDY 2. INTERVIEW DATA COLLECTION 1. Database Design 2. GUI Design SYSTEM DESIGN Rational Unified Process 1. Coding 2. Error Fixed SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 1. Blackbox 2. Quistionaire SYSTEM TESTING Figure 1. Research Procedure 3.2. System Framework The CRM information system framework is shown through UML use-case and activity diagram models for users (members and guests) and admin to see the business processes that occur. use-case for the user in Figure 2 and the use case for admin in Figure 3. The user activity diagram shown in Figure 4 and the admin activity diagram are shown in Figure 5. 786
  6. Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency Figure 2. Use-case model for the user 787
  7. Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau Figure 3. Use-case model for admin 788
  8. Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency GUEST MEMBER System Access Information Login Help Search Username & Password Insert Keyword Confirmation [Forgot Password] [False] Notification Search Result Input email verification [True] Send information User id Menu Product & Service Maintenance & Repair Home Product Service Customer Service Advertisement Input Polling Product Periodic Service Informations Information Information Spare Part General Service Submt Polling Information Contact Service Information Looking Member Information Accessories Maintenance & Repair Information Complaint Form Service Order Rule for Member Registration Time Schedule Date Quistionaire [False] Edit Time Schedule Time Schedule Submit Order List [True] Out of System Figure 4. Activity diagram of the user 789
  9. Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau ADMIN System Access Input Login Help Username & Password Confirmation [False] Login Notification [True] Admin Hompage Polling Customer Satisfaction Customer & Vehiche Registration Updates data Data Searching Complaint Reply Index Show [Not Complete] Registration Form Notification Choose Menu Choose Menu Complaint Read Choose Period Choose Period Save data Delete Edit Complaint Cluster Choose Question [Complete] Show Insert keyword 1. Registration Id [Status] Spam Add 2. Birthday Card Customer Satisfaction Index Search Result Fixed Show Save data update Reply Total Polling Logout System Figure 5. Activity diagram admin 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained in this study are an information system that is a bridge between PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke and the community in general, and customers in particular, where the system aims to improve the quality of PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke's services to loyal customers. Where the test results show that the resulting system is functioning properly, which is indicated by the results of testing the system functionality (blackbox test), as well as the results of questionnaires from system users namely the customer (guest). System questionnaire testing was given to 55 (fifty) people consisting of members and the general public of PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke with the scenario of providing information 790
  10. Information System of Customer Relationship Management Pt Hasrat Abadi Merauke Regency directly to members by contacting them by telephone, and directing directly to each community who came to visit PT Hasrat Abadi Merauke to try the system directly (online). Based on the results of the system testing questionnaire of 50 (fifty) in Figure 6, it was found that the information system management of user needs is very helpful for customers, especially. 60 53 47 48 50 44 40 35 30 17 20 11 5 7 10 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Easy to use Product update Respond System in Handling of information Custumer accordance Complaint Service with needs Very Good Good Poorly Bad Figure 6. Results of testing the questionnaire The Blackbox test in Table 1. Shows that each menu and button on the system has functioned as expected. Table 1. Testing system functionality No Tested System Functionality Remarks [v] accepted 1. Menu Registration [ ] rejected [v] accepted 2. Menu Login [ ] rejected [v] accepted 3. Menu Product [ ] rejected [v] accepted 4. Menu Complaint [ ] rejected [v] accepted 5. Menu Service Order [ ]rejected [v] accepted 6. Menu Polling [ ]rejected [v] accepted 7. Information and Services to Users [ ]rejected 5. CONCLUSION Based on the results of testing that has been done shows that to test the system functionality shows that it has run well so that it can be accepted by all system users. While for testing 791
  11. Stanly Hence Dolfi Loppies and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau through questionnaires even though there were 2 respondents stated that customer service responses were lacking, and also 3 respondents stated that the system was still not in accordance with customer needs, but overall the respondents stated that the system was good and very good so the company managed to make a breakthrough new with the aim of keeping loyal customers even getting new customers. REFERENCES [1]. Al Fatta, .H. 2007. Analisis dan persancangan sistem informasi untuk keunggulanbersaing perusahaan dan organisasi modern. Yogyakarta: Andi. [2]. Baran, R et al. 2008. Customer Relationship Management, Thomson South- Western: Thomson Learning, Inc [3]. Buttle. 2007. Customer Relationship Management (Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan) Concepts and Tools, Malang: Bayumedia Publishing [4]. Darynto. 2004. Memahami Kerja Internet. Bandung: Yrama Widya [5]. Maulany, G.J dan Loppies, S.H.D. 2018. "Public Service Information System for Integrated Police Service Centers in Merauke District". International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Vol.9, Issue 12, pp.220-229. [6]. Istijanto. 2007. 63 Kasus Pemasaran Terkini Indonesia membedah Strategi dan Taktik Pemasaran Baru. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo. [7]. Kottler, P. 2000. Manajemen Pemasaran edisi millenium, Jakarta: Prenhallindo [8]. Latief, M, et al. 2017 “Metode Rational Unified Process untuk Pengembangan Aplikasi Web dan Mobile (Studi Kasus Sistem Informasi Tanaman Obat Daerah Gorontalo), Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika, Vol.13, No.3, hal. 152-160. [9]. Leclercq, A, 2015. "Managing BYOD: how organizations incorporate user-driven IT innovations". International journal Information Technology & People, Vol.28 Iss 1, pp.2-33. [10]. Kadir A, 2010. Mudah mempelajari database MySQL. Yogyakarta: Andi [11]. Mosahab, R, et al. 2010. " Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Test of Mediation", International Business Research, 3(4), 72-80. [12]. Nasra Pratama Putra, Gerzon Jokomen Maulany, Frans Xaverius Manggau and Philipus Betaubun, 2019. Attitude Quadrotor Control System with Optimization of PID Parameters Based On Fast Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(1), pp. 335–343. [13]. Samudro, Harida, M. Faqih, E. Sudarma. 2011. Green architecture criteria for high-rise building that serves as a rental office in the city of Surabaya. Journal of Applied Sciences Research 7(5): 566-571. [14]. Sedayu, A. and S. Mangkoedihardjo. 2018. Performance Evaluation of Housing Contractor by Applying the Principles of Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(4), 1014–1022. [15]. Shanmugasundaram, S. 2008. Customer Relationship Management: Modern Trends and Perspectives. India: Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. [16]. Teddy Istanto and Fransiskus Xaverius Manggau, 2018. Analysis of the Power of Wifi Signals on the Informatics Engineering Laboratory of Musamus University Using Insidder, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 9(13), pp. 266–272. 792



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