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Java Server Pages: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference- P10

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Java Server Pages: A Code-Intensive Premium Reference- P10:Before you begin reading Pure JSP Java Server Pages, you might want to take a look at its basic structure. This should help you outline your reading plan if you choose not to read the text from cover to cover. This introduction gives you an overview of what each chapter covers.

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  1. Most often, you will not need to use the config object, because you will already have access to the ServletContext through the implicit application object. page The page object is just as it sounds, a reference to the current instance of the JSP. It is initialized to the actual this reference by the generated servlet. The actual code snippet that does this follows: Object page = this; You use the page object just as you would a this object, to reference the current instance of your generated servlet. exception The implicit exception object only exists in a defined errorPage. It holds a reference to the uncaught exception that caused the error page to be invoked. You can find a complete description of the errorPage mechanism, including use of the implicit exception object in Chapter 6, "Handling JSP Errors." Summary In this chapter, we covered the JSP implicit objects and how they are commonly used. We also talked about how they were created in the JSP's generated servlet. You should now have a clear understanding of the implicit objects that are available to you and what they represent. In Chapter 10, we cover using the JSP's standard actions. Chapter 10: Using JSP Standard Actions Overview The JSP standard actions provide an abstraction that can be used to easily encapsulate common actions. You have already seen the standard actions specific to a JavaBean in Chapter 3, "JavaBeans and JSP Concepts." The remaining standard actions are defined and used, where appropriate, in the following sections. The action is used to provide tag/value pairs of information, by including them as subattributes of the , , and the actions. The syntax of the action is as follows: Table 10.1 contains the attributes and their descriptions for the action. Table 10.1: The Attributes for the Action Attribute Definition name This attribute represents the name of the parameter being referenced. value This attribute represents the value of the named parameter. The action provides a mechanism for including additional static and dynamic resources in the current JSP page. The syntax for this action is as follows: and - 91 -
  2. The first syntax description does a request-time inclusion, whereas the second contains a list of param subelements that are used to argue the request for the purpose of inclusion. Table 10.2 contains the attributes and their descriptions for the action. Table 10.2: The Attributes for the Action Attribute Definition page This attribute represents the relative URL of the resource to be included. flush This attribute represents a mandatory Boolean value stating whether or not the buffer should be flushed. Currently, true is the only valid value for this attribute. To further explain how the works, we are gong to create two JSPs. The first, which will be the included JSP, will act as the header of the second JSP document. This JSP will search the request for an employee's name and title. Listing 10.1 contains the source for our first JSP. Listing 10.1: header.jsp Our second JSP will include the header.jsp in the top row of its table and pass it the employee's name and title, using the standard action. It will then include some static text indicating the employee's current statistics. Listing 10.2 contains the source code for our second JSP. Listing 10.2: EmployeeInfo.jsp Employee Information - 92 -
  3. Years of Employment: 7 Supervisor: Joe Salary: $93,000 - 93 -
  4. Email: To see the in action, copy both of these JSPs to the /purejsp/ directory and open your browser to the following URL: http://localhost:8080/purejsp/EmployeeInfo.jsp You will now see a page similar to Figure 10.1. Figure 10.1: The output from EmployeeInfo.jsp. To see how this really works, let's take a look at the generated servlet's _jspService() method, which is included in the following code snippet: public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { JspFactory _jspxFactory = null; PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; - 94 -
  5. ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; String _value = null; try { if (_jspx_inited == false) { _jspx_init(); _jspx_inited = true; } _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); response.setContentType("text/html"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, "errorpage.jsp", true, 8192, true); application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); // begin out.write("\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n Employee " + "Information\r\n \r\n \r\n "+ "\r\n \r\n" + " \r\n "); // end // begin [file="C:\\EmployeeInfo.jsp";from=(10,10);to=(13,24)] { String _jspx_qStr = ""; out.flush(); _jspx_qStr = _jspx_qStr + "?employee=" + "Bob"; _jspx_qStr = _jspx_qStr + "&title=" + "Engineer"; pageContext.include("header.jsp" + _jspx_qStr); } // end // begin out.write("\r\n \r\n \r\n" + " \r\n \r\n "+ " Years of Employment:\r\n \r\n \r\n " + " 7\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n " + "\r\n\r\n"); - 95 -
  6. // end } catch (Exception ex) { if (out.getBufferSize() != 0) out.clear(); pageContext.handlePageException(ex); } finally { out.flush(); _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext); } } The include is actually taking place in the following code snippet from the _jspService() method mentioned earlier: { String _jspx_qStr = ""; out.flush(); _jspx_qStr = _jspx_qStr + "?employee=" + "Bob"; _jspx_qStr = _jspx_qStr + "&title=" + "Engineer"; pageContext.include("header.jsp" + _jspx_qStr); } You can see that the String _jspx qStr is created and then our parameter list, which was created using the standard action, is appended to it. This is what forms our query string that will be passed to our included JSP. When the string is ready, it is passed to the pageContext.include() method with the name of the JSP to include. Now the included JSP can parse the passed-in query string. As you can see, the generated servlet does not directly contain the output from the included JSP. This is because the output is included during request-time. This makes it possible for you to make changes to the included JSP without restarting the JSP engine. To see this in action, open the included header.jsp and make some changes to it. Now reload the EmployeeInfo.jsp. Your changes should take effect immediately. This is the difference between the include directive and the standard action. To propagate changes using the include directive, you would have needed to restart the JSP engine. Using the directive relieves you of this need. The action enables the JSP engine to dispatch, at runtime, the current request to a static resource, servlet, or another JSP. The appearance of this action effectively terminates the execution of the current page. Note A action can contain subattributes. These subattributes provide values for parameters in the request to be used for forwarding. The syntax of the action is as follows: and
  7. Table 10.3 contains the attribute and its description for the action. Table 10.3: The Attribute for the Action Attribute Definition page This attribute represents the relative URL of the target of the forward. The standard action is commonly used as a conditional in a JSP. In our example, we are going to get the company id from the request, and, based on it, we will use the to go to the employee's particular company page. Listing 10.3 contains the JSP that does this. Listing 10.3: UseForward.jsp Use JSP Forward
  8. %> As you can see, the UseForward.jsp simply checks the request for the company id and forwards the user, along with a set of request parameters, to the appropriate company home page. Listings 10.4 and 10.5 contain the source of the company home pages. Listing 10.4: SamsHome.jsp - 98 -
  9. Listing 10.5: MCPHome.jsp After you have copied the JSPs and image files from this chapter's source directory into the /purejsp/ directory, open your browser to the following URL: http://yourserver:8080/purejsp/UseForward.jsp?companyId=1 You will see an image similar to Figure 10.2. - 99 -
  10. Figure 10.2: The output from UseForward.jsp. You should also go ahead and change the companyId request parameter to equal something other than 1. This will show you how the JSP forwards based on a conditional. To see how the action is implemented, let's take a look at the following code snippet removed from the generated servlet's _jspService() method: // begin [file="C:\\UseForward.jsp";from=(7,6);to=(11,8)] if ( (request.getParameter("companyId")).equals("1") ) { // end // begin [file="C:\\UseForward.jsp";from=(12,10);to=(15,24)] if (true) { out.clear(); String _jspx_qfStr = ""; _jspx_qfStr = _jspx_qfStr + "?employee=" + "Bob"; _jspx_qfStr = _jspx_qfStr + "&title=" + "Senior Engineer"; pageContext.forward("SamsHome.jsp" + _jspx_qfStr); return; } // end // begin out.write("\r\n "); // end // begin [file="C:\\UseForward.jsp";from=(16,10);to=(19,8)] } else { // end // begin out.write("\r\n "); // end // begin [file="C:\\UseForward.jsp";from=(20,10);to=(23,24)] if (true) { - 100 -



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