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Learn how to say things and what you think in English

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English is for you. It’s always there for you like a faithful lover. I am sure all of you will build beautiful and happy life with it.

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Nội dung Text: Learn how to say things and what you think in English

  1. Đinh Gia Hưng 1 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. I. Define everything in English using a special list of 2000 words For example:  Flexible: 1) that can bend or be bent easily. 2) that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs, changed conditions etc.  Bend: 1) to force into a curve, angle, or sloping position, away from a straight or upright position.  Curve: 1) a line of which no part is straight and which contains no angles.  Angle: 1) the space between two lines or surfaces that meet or cross each other, measured in degrees that represent the amount of a circle that can fit into that space. and go on this way until you use up 2000 words to say nearly anything in English! II. Learn key concepts in English using a special list of 1052 words For example: comfort/make sb feel better:  Comfort: to comfort someone, for example by talking to them or putting your arms around them.  Console: to comfort someone when they feel unhappy or disappointed, especially by saying something that makes them realize the situation is not so bad.  Reassure: to make someone feel less worried or frightened about a situation, for example by being friendly to them or by telling them there is nothing to worry about.  Soothe: to make someone feel more calm and relaxed when they are upset, anxious, or nervous. II. Learn a word in its entire collocations. For example:  Love (n): - adjectives + love: deep, great, overwhelming, passionate/genuine, pure, real, true/ unconditional/abiding (không thay đổi), eternal, undying/hopeless, unrequited (không được đền đáp)/thwarted (bị ngăn trở)/mutual/free/ first/parental, sisterly/courtly (kiểu hiệp sĩ Trung cổ), platonic (lý tưởng thuần khiết), romantic, erotic (tình ái, tình dục), physical, sexual/heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian/redemptive (dùng để cứu vãn)/divine (thần thánh, thiêng liêng), human. - verbs + love: feel, have/search for, seek/find/express, show/declare, profess (bày tỏ)/promise/return/share/give sb, send (sb)/be in, fall in, fall out of (bỏ)/make. - love + noun: affair/life/letter/scene, song, story. - prepositions: for/out of ~, in~, ~between, ~for, ~of. - phrases: an act of love, deeply/madly/passionately in love, desperately/ hopelessly in love, head over heels in love, love at first sight, the love of sb’s life. Ancestor noun [C] There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls a person, plant, animal or object that is related to of the room. one existing at a later point in time
  2. Đinh Gia Hưng 2 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. Studies suggest that life originated only once, to put (a foot) down on the ground hard and from a single ancestor. quickly usually making a loud noise, often to show Ancestry: a person’s ancestors considered as a anger group or as a continuous line Shrug verb -gg- A woman of noble ancestry. to raise (your shoulders) and then lower them in Gypsy, gipsy romany noun [C] order to express a lack of knowledge, certainty, a member of a race found in parts of Europe and interest or care America who travel from place to place in "Where's Dad?" "How should I know?" replied caravans. my brother, shrugging his shoulders. [T] Energy (STRENGTH) noun [U] "I feel sorry for homeless people, but what can I the power and ability to be physically and do to help them?" said Chris, shrugging. [I] mentally active Dominating adjective often disapproving Since I started eating more healthily, I've felt so She has very strong opinions and tends to be quite full of energy dominating (= having or trying to have control Performance noun over people, situations, etc.) The performance of a person or machine is how Impulsive adjective well they do a piece of work or activity. Someone who is impulsive does things suddenly Passion (FEELING) noun without any planning and without considering the a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual possible effects of what is done. attraction, love, hate, anger or other emotion Don't be so impulsive - think before you act. (figurative) Rachel seems to be married to (= very Unsociable adjective involved with) her new job at the moment, so we not enjoying social activity, not fond of being with hardly ever see her. people Flamenco noun [C or U] plural flamencos Purple adjective, noun a type of Spanish dance music, or the dance (of) a dark reddish blue colour performed to this music Violet (COLOUR) adjective, noun [C or U] Ballet noun (having) a bluish purple colour (a theatrical work with) a type of dancing where Chocolate noun carefully organized movements tell a story or a usually brown food made from cacao seeds and express an idea usually sugar, eaten on its own or used in other Henry had never been to a ballet before. [C] food such as cakes, or a small sweet made from Troupe noun [C + singular or plural verb] this a group of performers such as singers or dancers Cacao noun [U] who work and travel together (the seeds of) a tropical tree from which chocolate Cousin first cousin noun [C] and cocoa are made a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more Cocoa noun [U] generally, a distant relative, or a member of a a dark brown powder made from the crushed group of people with similar origins beans of the tropical cacao tree, used to make Hairdresser noun [C] chocolate and give the taste of chocolate to food a person who cuts people's hair and puts it into a and drink style, usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser's or a hair salon Stamp (FOOT) US also stomp verb
  3. Đinh Gia Hưng 3 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. Modern dance is a style of dance usually A marathon is also an activity which takes a long performed in a theatre, which is very expressive time and makes you very tired. and does not have many rules for the dancer's The election broadcast, a nine-hour marathon, movements. lasts until seven o'clock in the morning. Related words Modern jazz is a type of jazz music which began Calorie (FOOD noun [C] in the 1940s and is of an advanced level musically. a unit of energy which is used as a measurement for the amount of energy which food provides Tap (dancing) There are about fifty calories in an apple. a type of dance in which the rhythm is marked by the noise of the dancer's shoes on the floor. Special Obsessed, obsessive adjective shoes are worn which have pieces of metal fixed unable to stop thinking about something; too under them. interested in or very worried about something I did tap classes as well as ballet. The government seems obsessed by the need for secrecy. Salsa noun Why are people so obsessed with money? A type of popular music based on Latin American They're both obsessed with the fear of getting dance music. Singers and musicians often dance at AIDS. the same time as they are singing and playing. Session (ACTIVITY) noun [C] a period of time or meeting arranged for a Ballroom dancing is a type of dancing where a particular activity man and a woman dance together using steps and movements to special music, such as the waltz or Workout noun tango. A period of physical exercise, e.g. when training for a sport Waltz (DANCE) /noun [C] a formal dance in which two people holding each Gymnasium gym noun [C] other move around a large room, turning as they a large room with weights for lifting, horizontal go and repeating a movement of three steps, or a bars and other equipment for exercising the body piece of music with three beats in a bar written for and increasing strength this style of dancing Massage verb, noun [T] Jive (DANCE) noun [U] to rub, press or hit (someone's body) with regular a fast dance which was very popular with young repeated movements, esp. in order to relax them or people in the 1940s and 1950s to reduce stiffness or pain in their joints or My father taught me how to do the jive. muscles I've got a dreadful ache in my neck. Would you Marathon noun [C] mind massaging it for me? a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42.195 She gave me a wonderfully relaxing massage. [C] kilometres) the London/New York marathon (trademark) A jet ski is a small vehicle on which She did/ran her first marathon in just under three one or two people can ride on the water and which hours. is moved forward by a fast stream of water being Related words pushed out behind it.
  4. Đinh Gia Hưng 4 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. We spent the morning just lazing (in bed). [I] Laze verb to rest lazily HOW TO LEARN SPEAKING 1. Learn pronunciation (học phát âm) 2. Learn spoken sentence patterns (học nói theo mẫu câu) 3. Learn written and SPOKEN grammar (học ngữ pháp văn viết và LỜI NÓI) 4. Learn language functions (học chức năng lời nói (có trên 140 chức năng)) 5. Learn how to combine 2000 defining words and 1052 key concepts (học cách kết hợp 2000 từ và 1052 khái niệm cơ bản trong lời nói) 6. Read tapescripts in English course books to find how people communicate in the spoken form and identify spoken patterns and examples of spoken grammar (đọc bản văn của phần nghe trong các giáo trình tiếng Anh để xem cách diễn đạt lời nói của người giao tiếp và xác định những dạng thức lời nói và ví dụ của ngữ pháp lời nói) 7. Learn skills in English: presentation skills, negotiation skills, skills in meeting, telephoning and socializing (học các kỹ năng nói tiếng Anh: kỹ năng thuyết trình, thương lượng, hội họp, điện thoại và xã giao) 8. Learn the native speakers’ cultural way of speaking, including the “universally cultural” ways of the people in the English-speaking countries and “particularly cultural” ways of each native speakers (học cách diễn đạt mang tính văn hóa của người bản ngữ bao gồm những yếu tố văn hóa khái quát của người dân các nước nói tiếng Anh và những lối nói mang dấu ấn văn hóa của từng cá nhân bản ngữ) 9. Develop a positive attitude to learning spoken English and show essential qualities for developing speaking skills (phát triển thái độ tích cực trong việc học tiếng Anh khẩu ngữ và phát triển những phẩm chất cơ bản trong việc học các kỹ năng tiếng Anh) VOCABULARY Planet noun He has wonderful strong features. A large body in space that moves round a star, She has very regular (= even and attractive) features. especially round the sun Blonde esp. female, esp. male blond noun [C], Is there life on other planets? adjective Feature noun [C] (a person) with pale yellow or golden hair an esp. typical quality or important part Related words High stress levels are a feature of life (= a part of (saying) 'Blondes have more fun' means that a the situation that is not avoidable) for business woman with lightly coloured hair is often executives. considered more attractive than other women and Features plural noun so has the admiring attention of more men. Your features are the parts of your face. Diamond noun
  5. Đinh Gia Hưng 5 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. an extremely hard, valuable stone which is used in Related words jewellery, and in industry for cutting hard things, In the US and Australia, tights are the same type or a shape with four straight sides of equal length of clothing made from thicker material and worn but with two opposite angles which are wide and by dancers and people doing physical exercises for two which are narrow health. Her ring was set with a large diamond. [C] Trainer UK , UK also training shoe, US running Curl noun shoe noun [C] A small hanging mass of hair in a curving shape. a shoe made specially for doing sport, that gives Curl verb extra support to the foot To twist into or form a curl or curls T-shirt , tee shirt Curly a simple piece of clothing which covers the top Having curls or tending to curl part of the body and which has no collar and Top noun usually short sleeves A garment worn on the upper part of the body I have to wear smart clothes for work all week, so Suit noun at the weekend I like to wear comfortable things A set of clothes made of the same material, usually like jeans and a T-shirt. including a short coat (jacket) with trousers or a Dress (PIECE OF CLOTHING) noun [C] skirt a piece of clothing for a woman which covers the Belt (CLOTHING) noun [C] top half of the body and some or all of the legs a strip of leather or material worn around the waist A scene can also be an event in real life which to support clothes or for decoration seems like something in a play or film. She fastened her belt tightly around her waist. When we reached the top of the mountain a scene He had eaten so much that he had to undo his belt of unparalleled beauty lay before us. a couple of notches. Miss (NOT DO) verb [T] Boot (SHOE) noun [C] to fail to do or experience (something that is often a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the planned or expected) lower part of the leg I missed the start of the exam because my bus was late. Jeans (P) Silly (FOOLISH) adjective -ier, -iest Trousers made of DENIM (a strong, usually blue, showing a lack of thought or judgment; foolish cotton cloth), worn informally by men, women, Website , site noun [C] and children, and thought very fashionable among a set of pages of information on the Internet about young people. a particular subject, which have been published by Sock (CLOTHES) noun [C] plural socks or US the same person or organization, and often contain also sox colour pictures, video and sound a piece of clothing made from soft material which the internet the large system of many connected covers your bare foot and lower part of the leg computers around the world which people use to Pullover , US usually sweater, ANZ usually communicate with each other jumper noun [C] Filofax trademark , personal organizer noun [C] a piece of clothing which is made of a warm a small book in which a record can be kept of material such as wool, has long sleeves, and is telephone numbers, future plans and visits, worn over the top part of the body and put on by business meetings, etc. pulling it over your head The details of Sue's entire business and personal Tights UK , US and ANZ pantyhose plural noun lives are held between the black leather covers of a piece of clothing made of thin stretchy material her Filofax. which covers the legs and lower part of the body A credit card is a small plastic card which can be below the waist, and which is worn by women and girls used as a method of payment, the money being Tights are often made of nylon. taken from you at a later time. She bought a new pair of tights. Related words
  6. Đinh Gia Hưng 6 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. (UK and ANZ) A credit note is a piece of paper Compare laptop, notebook, palmtop. which can be given by a shop when you return Related words something you don't want and allows you to buy Desktop publishing (also DTP) is the production other goods of the same value at another time. of finished page designs for books or other printed Surf (INTERNET) verb material, using a small computer and printer. to spend time visiting a lot of websites Desktop (SCREEN) noun [C] specialized Many towns and cities have cybercafés where you the image that appears on a computer when you can surf the Internet/Net/Web. [T] use the type of computer program which makes it I was surfing until midnight last night. [I] possible for you to perform several activities at the Cybercafé noun [C] same time a cafe where you can eat and drink while using The menu bar with its windows is one of the computers to read information on the Internet features of the desktop. Click (OPERATE) verb specialized E-mail noun to (cause a computer instruction to) operate by the system for using computers to send messages pressing a button on the mouse (= movable control over the Internet, or a message or document sent device) of a computer using this system When you have selected the file you want, click the Icon (COMPUTER SYMBOL) noun [C] 'Open' box. [T] a symbol on a computer screen that you point to If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon with a mouse (= movable control device) to give for it. [I] the computer an instruction Click to create a new file. [I] Desktop (COMPUTER) adjective (of computer equipment) small enough to fit on the top of a desk a desktop computer/machine/printer/system DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC VISION FOR LEARNING ENGLISH (Phát triển tầm nhìn chiến lược trong việc học tiếng Anh) ENGLISH LEARNING AS A CULTURAL PROJECT (Học tiếng Anh - Một Dự án Văn hóa) A special project specially designed for Vietnamese students of English by Dinh Gia Hung Project objectives (mục tiêu dự án):  To internalise the intellectual and cultural aspects of English language and approach idiomatic production (tiếp thu những yếu tố trí tuệ và văn hóa trong tiếng Anh và hướng đến việc sử dụng tiếng Anh như người bản ngữ)  To have greater vision for students’ future global integration and get quicker access to the Information Superhighway to acquire self-learning and research for personal and professional self- actualisation (có tầm nhìn rộng lớn hơn để sinh viên có thể hòa nhập với thế giới và đi nhanh hơn vào Siêu xa lộ Thông tin để tự học tập và nghiên cứu nhằm vươn đến sự phát triển tối cao của cá nhân, đó là sự hiện thực hóa cá nhân và nghề nghiệp)
  7. Đinh Gia Hưng 7 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. 1) Logistics for collaborative learning Scarce resource sharing and management (chia sẻ và quản lý nguồn lực khan hiếm) - Equipment (thiết bị) - Materials (coursebooks, workbooks, references, online resources, CDs)(tài liệu) - Finance (cost-sharing policy) (tài chính) - Location (địa điểm) 1) Teamwork - Peer teaching (bạn bè giúp nhau học) - Delegation of responsibility (chia sẻ trách nhiệm) - Vision sharing (each student has a unique way of language expression which originates from his or her socio-cultural background and they can share their invaluable asset with their peers. This process can help group members negotiate different meanings, understand and appreciate one another’s cultural perspectives and practices) (Chia sẻ tầm nhìn: mỗi sinh viên đều có cách diễn đạt ngôn ngữ độc nhất vì khả năng đó được hình thành trong môi trường văn hóa-xã hội của riêng mình và nhóm học tập đó có thể chia sẻ tài sản vô giá đó với các bạn của mình. Tiến trình này có thể giúp cho các thành viên trong nhóm bàn luận về các ý định diễn đạt ngôn ngữ của mình để tiến tới hiểu và đánh giá cao những cách nhìn và lối thực hành văn hóa của nhau) CULTURE AS AN ICEBERG (VĂN HÓA TỰA NHƯ TẢNG BĂNG) fine arts literature drama classical music popular music folk dancing games cooking dress notions modesty conception of beauty cosmology ideals governing child-rearing rules of descent relationship to animals patterns of superior, subordinate relations definition of sin courtship practices conception of justice incentives to work notions of leadership tempo of work body language patterns of group decision-making conception of cleanliness attitudes toward the dependent theory of disease approaches to problem-solving conception of status mobility eye behaviour conception of past and future role in relation to status by age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, and so forth conversational patterns in various social contexts definition of insanity nature of friendship ordering of time conception of self patterns of visual perception social interaction rate preference for competition or cooperation notions of adolescence facial expressions notions about logic and validity patterns of handling emotions arrangement of physical space... AND MUCH, MUCH MORE..... HOW TO HAVE A CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE WITH THE LANGUAGE TEACHER • Before holding a direct dialogue with the teacher, students should select some topics and read kinds of relevant texts written by native speakers, underline new cultural patterns or expressions (and may compare them with the Vietnamese equivalents to see interesting differences), write them down in their
  8. Đinh Gia Hưng 8 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. language journals and bring them to the class to apply using them in constructive dialogues with their teachers (Trước khi thực hành đối thoại với giáo viên, sinh viên nên chọn một vài chủ đề và tìm đọc các loại văn bản phù hợp được người bản ngữ viết, gạch dưới những mẫu hay cụm từ văn hóa mới (và có thể đối chiếu với những cụm từ tương đương trong tiếng Việt để tìm ra những điểm khác biệt thú vị), sau đó viết vào trong nhật ký ngôn ngữ của mình và đem đến lớp học để ứng dụng vào trong các hoạt động đối thoại mang tính xây dựng với giáo viên của mình)). Vocabulary Software noun [U] Trek verb [I usually + adverb or preposition] -kk-to the instructions which control what a computer walk a long distance, usually over land such as does; computer programs hills, mountains or forests Publicity noun [U] We spent the day trekking through forests and the activity of making certain that someone or over mountains. something attracts a lot of interest or attention Himalayas from many people, or the attention received as a A long range of mountains in S Asia which result of this activity includes the highest mountain in the world, Mount The concert wasn't given much advance publicity, Everest, and other mountains which only very so many tickets remained unsold. experienced climbers try to climb. Reserve (BEHAVIOUR) noun [U] Bungee (cord) noun [C] esp. US the habit of not showing your feelings or thoughts a stretchable cord with a hook at each end which is A success story is something or someone that used to hold things in place, esp. on a bicycle or car achieves great success, often by making a lot of money. Bungee jumping or bungy jumping is the sport Angela Black's biscuit company is a rare success of jumping off a very high bridge or similar story in these times of recession. structure with a long elastic rope tied to your legs. Sweetheart noun [C] The rope pulls you back before you hit the ground. a person you love, esp. a person with whom you Snowboarding noun (U) have a romantic or sexual relationship the sport of riding over snow in the mountains, Original adjective esp. approving while standing on a long, wide board not the same as anything or anyone else and Grave (DEATH) noun [C] therefore special and interesting a place where a dead person or dead people are buried, His essay was full of original ideas. esp. when under the ground and marked by a stone Pregnant (FEMALE) adjective [not gradable] Reunite verb [T] (of a woman and some female animals) having to bring together again young developing inside the womb reunite a divided Family/country/organization/world She's five and a half months pregnant. Sarah was finally reunited with her children at the airport. Access noun [U] Spectacular also means unusually great. the method or possibility of approaching a place or He turned out to be a spectacular success in his job. person, or the right to use or look at something Koala noun [C] The only access to the village is by boat. an Australian animal which lives in trees and looks If you are in touch with someone, you see them or are like a small bear with grey fur involved with them in some other way regularly. Lighthouse noun [C] plural lighthouses Are you still in touch with your school friends? a tower or other tall structure by the sea with a No, we haven't kept in touch. flashing light at the top to warn ships of dangerous We're in daily/weekly/close touch with our office rocks or to show them the way into a port in Spain. Scenery (COUNTRYSIDE) noun [U]
  9. Đinh Gia Hưng 9 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. the general appearance of natural surroundings, Overtake (GO PAST) verb past simple overtook, esp. when these are beautiful past participle overtaken Formation noun [C] to go beyond (something) by being a greater A formation is the way something is naturally amount or degree, or (UK and ANZ) to come from made or the way it has been arranged. behind (another vehicle or a person) and move in Apostle noun [C] front of it (US pass) any of the twelve followers of Jesus Christ whom he chose to teach other people about Christianity, or someone who strongly supports a particular belief or political movement Further reading SkyTrain (Vancouver) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The SkyTrain in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is an urban Advanced Rapid Transit system operating two lines, the Expo Line and the Millennium Line. The system runs principally on elevated tracks (hence the name). It uses fully automated trains with no human drivers on board, and has had no derailments or collisions in its history.[2] With 33 stations, it moves over 220,000 people a day along the 49.5 km (30.8 mi) of track. Built in time for the Expo 86 World's Fair, it is the world's longest automated light rapid transit system and it uses the world's longest mass transit-only bridge, the SkyBridge. The system uses the same family of linear induction motor-driven trains as the Scarborough RT line in Toronto, the Putra LRT in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Detroit People Mover in Detroit, and the JFK AirTrain in New York City. Construction of the Canada Line began in November 2005. The Evergreen Line, as of 2007, is in its planning stages. The former will be complete in 2009, and the latter in 2011. The Canada Line will run from downtown Vancouver to Richmond, with a branch to the airport. The Evergreen Line, a light-rapid-transit line, will run from Lougheed Town Centre to Coquitlam Town Centre. SkyTrain operates on a proof-of-payment fare system and is policed by the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Police Service. Passengers are subject to random fare inspections. TransLink believes it loses about CAD$6 million in unpaid fares annually. In addition to the police force, stations are patrolled by SkyTrain attendants, who can perform first aid and provide customer assistance. Vocabulary: Urban adjective [before noun] of or in a city or town Principal (MAIN) adjective [before noun; not Rapid adjective quick or sudden gradable] first in order of importance System (SET) noun [C] a set of connected items Elevate verb [T] formal to raise or lift up, or or devices which operate together (figurative) to make more important or to improve Transit noun [U] the movement of goods or Track: a railway line people from one place to another Hence (THEREFORE) adverb [not gradable] The question is whether road transit is cheaper formal that is the reason or explanation for; therefore than rail. His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca. Operate (WORK) verb to (cause to) work, be in Automate verb [T] to make (esp. a process in a action or have an effect factory or office) operate by machines or He took the machine to pieces to try and find out computers, so reducing the amount of work done how it operated. [I] by humans and the time taken to do the work
  10. Đinh Gia Hưng 10 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. Massive investment is needed to automate the Inspect verb [T] to look at (something or production process. someone) carefully in order to discover Derail verb [T] to cause (esp. a train) to fall off information, esp. about quality or correctness the tracks it was travelling on Add verb to put (something) with something else to Collide verb [I] (esp. of moving objects) to hit increase the number or amount or to improve the whole (something) violently Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add The two vans collided (with each other) at the the eggs. [T] crossroads. Patrol verb -ll- (esp. of soldiers or the police) to Fair (PUBLIC EVENT) noun [C] a large public go around (an area or a building), usually event where goods are bought and sold, usually from regularly, to see if there is any trouble or danger tables which have been specially arranged for the An attendant is also someone whose job is to be event, and where there is often entertainment in a place and help visitors or customers. Mass (INVOLVING MANY) adjective [before First aid is basic medical treatment which is given noun; not gradable] having an effect on or to someone as soon as possible after they have involving a large number of people or forming a been hurt in an accident or suddenly become ill. large amount Did you learn any first aid at school? France has the fastest mass transit rail system in Assist verb formal to help the world. We assisted the firefighters in extinguishing the Induction (ELECTRICITY) noun [U] specialized blaze. [T] the giving of electrical power from one object to You will be expected to assist (the editor) with the another without the objects touching selection of illustrations for the dictionary. [I] an induction motor Linear (LINES) adjective consisting of or to do MY REFLECTIONS (CẢM NGHĨ CỦA TÔI): with lines Motor (DEVICE) noun [C] a device that changes To me, English is like a highly enigmatic woman electricity or fuel into movement and makes a or lover. It has an irresistible attraction for me and machine work or (esp. US) a vehicle move perhaps for many other people. We can never get Construct verb [T] to build; to put together to the heart – the deep culture – of English, but we different parts to form (a whole) are strongly aware that at least we are happy to go Stage (PART) noun [C] a part of an activity or a on the way to its centre (đối với tôi, tiếng Anh period of development tựa như một người phụ nữ hay một người yêu A branch line is a railway that goes from the main thật huyền bí. Thứ tiếng này có một hấp lực mà railway to small towns and countryside areas. tôi và có lẽ nhiều người khác cảm thấy khó Proof (SHOWING TRUTH) noun one or more cưỡng nổi. Chúng ta chẳng bao giờ có thể reasons for believing that something is or is not true chiếm được trái tim - nền văn hóa sâu ngầm - Do they have any proof that it was Hampson who của nàng tiếng Anh, nhưng chúng ta có ý thức rõ stole the goods? [U + that clause] ràng là ít nhất chúng ta cũng cảm thấy vui được Fare (PAYMENT) noun [C] the money that you đi trên con đường đến gặp nàng). pay for a journey on a vehicle such as a bus or train Train fares are going up again, unfortunately. Let’s walk along our path . Let English arouse Police verb [T] If a public event or area is policed, our grand passion! The path may wind, zig-zag or it is controlled or guarded by members of the has a lot of gentle, hairpin or sharp bends, so let’s police or a similar force. go together, get together! Unexpected things The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit. blocking our way will turn out to be our culturally Random adjective happening, done, or chosen intriguing friends. Let’s set off every early by chance rather than according to a plan morning, take steps and make sure nobody is left We asked a random selection of people what they thought. behind (Chúng ta hãy tiến bước trên đường nhé . Hãy để tiếng Anh khơi dậy niềm say mê trong
  11. Đinh Gia Hưng 11 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. ta! Con đường học tiếng Anh có thể ngoằn ngoèo hoặc có nhiều đoạn cong thoai thoải, đoạn cong ngoặt hoặc tay áo, nên chúng ta hãy phối hợp tiến bước! Những điều bất ngờ ngăn trở chúng ta sẽ hóa thành những người bạn có những nét văn hóa thú vị. Nào các bạn, ngày nào chúng ta cũng khởi hành vào buổi ban mai, hãy bước đi trên con đường Anh ngữ và đừng để ai lại đằng sau nhé). Giảng viên Đại học Đà Nẵng (DNU) Trợ lý Văn hóa, Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ (USE) Your full name: Your telephone number: your email address: 1) Can you tell me something special about yourself?--------------------------------- 2) What are your hobbies (what do you like to do in your free time)?- - 3) Do you often surf the Internet when you feel bored?---------------- 4) Do you like to speak English in front of people?------------------- 5) What are you good at in learning English?-------------------------- 6) What are your dreams in your life?--------------------------------- 7) What is your ideal classmate?-------------------------------------- 8) Do you have any strange habits?------------------------------------ 9) Do you have unspoken thoughts?------------------------------------- 10)What would happen if we knew one another’s secret thoughts?--------------------------------------- Let’s stand up and find your ideal classmate by asking five of your classmates at random (without any plan) the following questions (and your own questions): • Do you have a large circle of friends? What do you often do together? (circle: a group of people connected in an informal way by common interests) • How often do you borrow money from your close friends? • Do you think that men and women can be lifelong friends? If yes, how? • Do you think that we can help each other in learning English? • Do you think that learning English is like doing a special cultural project? (project: a piece of planned work or activity which is completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular aim (cultural project: dự án văn hóa)) • What do you think about the phrase “It is better to give than to receive”? • Are you easy to please? If yes, give an example? • Do you make anybody your idol(s)? (idol: a person who is greatly loved, admired or respected (film, football, pop, rock, sports, teen idols) • Are you willing to cooperate with people in doing things? (cooperate: to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to help someone willingly when help is requested)
  12. Đinh Gia Hưng 12 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. • Do you think that we can do anything in life if we really want to? Đinh Gia Hưng Giảng viên Đại học Đà Nẵng Trợ lý Văn hóa, Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ, Hà Nội 0914 622 207 Justice noun [U] There's no justice (= fairness) in Pot (CONTAINER) noun [C] any of various the world when people can be made to suffer like that. types of usually round container, esp. one made of Fairness noun [U] Fairness is the quality of clay, metal or glass treating people equally or in a way that is right or Pour (CAUSE TO FLOW) verb to make (a reasonable. substance) flow from a container, esp. into another He had a real sense of fairness and hated container, by raising just one side of the container injustice. that the substance is in Revenge noun [U] harm done to someone as a Would you like me to pour you some more wine? punishment for harm that they have done to [+ two objects] someone else; vengeance Cellar noun [C] a room under the ground floor She took/got/exacted (her) revenge on him for of a building, usually used for storage leaving her by smashing up his car. Memorial noun [C] an object, often large and He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in made of stone, which has been built to honour a revenge for the shootings last week. famous person or event The semi-final will be a chance for the losing team The statue was erected as a memorial to all the to get their revenge on the winning team (for their people who died in the war. earlier defeat). Thousands of people go to visit the Vietnam Related words (saying) "Revenge is sweet" Veterans Memorial in Washington every year. means it is satisfying to do harm to someone who A war memorial is a large structure, made esp. of has done harm to you. stone, which is built in honour of those people Vengeance noun [U] who died in a particular war. the punishing of someone for harming you or your Scissors plural noun a device used for cutting friends or family, or the desire for such materials such as paper, cloth and hair, consisting of punishment to happen two sharp blades which are joined in the middle in a On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall way that allows them to move against each other mood in the town was one of vengeance. Suit (SET OF CLOTHES) noun [C] a set of Avenge verb [T] to do harm to or punish the person clothes made of the same material which are responsible for (something bad done to you or your intended to be worn together family or friends) in order to achieve a fair situation Tidy (ORDERED) adjective -ier, -iest She killed her father to avenge her mother/her (of appearance or behaviour) looking well ordered mother's suffering. and cared for Scotland's stunning victory avenged last year's Background (THINGS BEHIND) noun humiliating defeat by Wales. [T] the things that can be seen or heard behind other The cyclist avenged herself on the dangerous things that are closer or louder driver by reporting him to the police. Nightclub , informal nightspot noun [C] Affair (RELATIONSHIP) noun [C] a place which is open until late at night where a sexual relationship, esp. a secret one people can go to drink and dance and often see She's having an affair with a married man. some type of entertainment
  13. Đinh Gia Hưng 13 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. Furious (ANGRY) adjective extremely angry (figurative) It is whispered (= People have He was furious with me. suggested in secret) that she has another man! [+ The passengers are furious about/at being kept that clause] waiting. Frog (ANIMAL) noun [C] a small animal which Gordon was furious that I borrowed his car has smooth skin, lives in water and on land, has without asking him. long powerful back legs with which it jumps from Note (WRITING) noun [C]a short piece of writing place to place, has no tail, and is usually greenish- He left a note to say he would be home late. brown in colour Post esp. UK, ANZ also , US and ANZ usually If someone has a frog in their throat, they have mail verb [T] To post a parcel or letter is to send difficulty in speaking because their throat feels dry. it by post. Castle noun [C] a large strong building, built in Did you remember to post my letter? the past by a ruler or important person to protect Shoplifting noun [U] the illegal act of taking the people inside from attack goods from a shop without paying for them Nowadays a castle in Scotland can cost almost the Jewellery UK and ANZ, US jewelry noun [U] same as a flat in London. Jewellery is decorative objects worn on clothes or Princess noun [C] an important female member on the body which are usually made from valuable of a royal family, esp. a daughter or granddaughter metals, such as gold and silver, and which usually of a king and queen, or the wife of a prince contain precious stones. Evil immoral, or cruel, or very unpleasant Tourists have been advised not to wear expensive If someone has an evil tongue, they tend to say jewellery in public places or they will become unpleasant things about other people. easy targets for thieves. Witch noun [C] a woman who is believed to Usher (GUIDE) noun [C] a person who shows have magical powers and who uses them to harm people where they should sit, esp. at a formal or help other people event such as a wedding Kiss verb to touch with your lips, esp. as a Tip (PAYMENT) noun [C] a small amount of greeting, or to press your mouth onto another money given to someone who has provided you person's mouth in a sexual way with a service, in addition to the official payment Pond noun [C] an area of water smaller than a and for their personal use lake, often artificially made Mystery noun A mystery is also a book, film She has a duck pond at the bottom of her garden. or play, esp. about a crime or a murder, with a Sauce (THICK LIQUID) noun surprise ending which explains all the strange a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour events that have happened. a savoury/sweet sauce [C] I really enjoy murder mysteries. A well-flavoured sauce can improve an ordinary meal. Stage (THEATRE) noun [C] the area in a theatre [C] which is often raised above ground level and on He puts tomato sauce on everything he eats. [U] which actors or entertainers perform (saying) 'What's sauce for the goose is sauce for He stood in the middle of the stage and looked out the gander' means if one person is allowed to at the audience. behave in a particular way, then another person Row (LINE) noun [C] a line of things, people, can behave in that way too. animals, etc. arranged next to each other Gander (BIRD) noun [C] a male goose They were holding hands in the back row (= line Goose (BIRD) a bird like a duck but larger. There of seats) of the cinema. are various different types of goose. Whisper verb to speak or say very quietly using Geese often fly in a V-shaped formation. [C] the breath but not the voice, so that other people The female bird is called a goose: the male bird is cannot hear you called a gander. Extreme (GREAT) adjective very great
  14. Đinh Gia Hưng 14 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. Rainbow (ARCH) noun [C] a many-coloured arch You must behave (yourself) at the party! [I or T] seen in the sky when rain is falling and the sun is shining temperature noun Desert (SANDY AREA) noun the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body (a large area of) land covered with sand or rocks, Celsius (centigrade) a temperature scale in which where there is very little rain and not many plants water freezes at 0o and boils at 100o Planet noun [C] an extremely large round mass Ton (WEIGHT) noun [C] plural tons or ton of rock and metal, such as Earth, or of gas, such as a unit of weight for measuring large amounts Jupiter, which moves in a circular path around the Melt verb to (cause to) turn from something solid Sun or another star into something soft or liquid Glacier noun [C] a large mass of ice which moves The spring sun usually melts the snow by mid slowly esp. down the side of a mountain, causing the March. [T] formation of features on the land such as valleys It was so hot the butter started to melt. [I] Volcano noun [C] plural volcanoes or volcanos (figurative) He only has to look at her, and she a mountain with a large circular hole at the top melts (= her feelings soften). [I] through which lava (= hot liquid rock), gases, Involve verb [T] to include (someone or steam and dust are or have been forced out something) in something, or to make them take Cliff noun [C] a high area of rock with a very part in or feel part of it steep side, often on a coast The second accident involved two cars and a Don't go too close to the edge of the cliff - you lorry. might fall. Do we need to involve someone from the computer Drought noun a long period when there is little department at this stage in our discussions? or no rain The four men were all involved in organising and Plain (LAND) noun [U] a large area of flat land carrying out the murders. [+ object + verb-ing] They live in a farm on the plain. Mother nature is another word for nature, used High mountains rise above the plain. esp. humorously and when considering it as a force Monsoon noun [C] the season of heavy rain that controls the weather and all living things. during the summer in hot Asian countries It is better to try to work with, rather than against, The failure of the monsoon would destroy harvests Mother Nature. on which 1000 million people rely. Chapel noun [C] a room within a larger building Bubble noun [C] a ball of air in a liquid or a which is used for Christian worship, or (esp. UK) delicate hollow sphere floating on top of a liquid a building which is used for Christian worship by or in the air Christians who do not belong to the Church of As water begins to boil, bubbles rise ever faster to England or the Roman Catholic Church the surface. Gallery (BUILDING) noun [C] Grace (BEAUTY) noun [U] a quality of simple, a room or building which is used for showing natural beauty, esp. of movement or form works of art, sometimes so that they can be sold Joanna has natural grace and elegance. Reindeer noun [C] plural reindeer The skaters moved over the ice with a smooth, a type of deer with large horns, which lives in the effortless grace northern parts of Europe, Asia and America Cave noun [C] a large hole in the side of a hill, A sleeping bag is a large thick bag for sleeping in. cliff or mountain, or one that is underground Cube (SHAPE) noun [C] a solid object with six Wondrous adjective formal surprisingly good square sides of equal size Our new improved face-cream has wondrous Interior noun [C] the inside part of something effects on tired-looking skin. Unique adjective [not gradable] being the only Behave verb to act in a particular way, or to be good existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual by acting in a way which has society's approval or special in some way She always behaves well/badly when her aunts Situate verb [T usually + adverb or preposition] come to visit. [I] to put in a particular position
  15. Đinh Gia Hưng 15 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. They plan to situate their vegetable garden 7. Researching Cultural Studies in between the fence and the trees. English language education (culture To understand this issue, it must first be situated and language, multiculturalism in in its context. Cheque UK and ANZ, US check noun [C] language education, cultural patterns a printed form, used instead of money, to make in language and cognition, cross- payments from your bank account cultural, intercultural Smart (STYLISH) adjective -er, -est UK and communication, Cultural Studies and ANZ, or US dated English as a new (inter)discipline in having a clean, tidy and stylish appearance Vietnam a Do you want to learn 1,000,000.00 model 8. Translating themes in culture, sentences in English? Is it a big project for your education and arts into Vietnamese whole life? Let’s think seriously about my 9. Writing articles on English language questions because they will affect your future life teaching, comparative linguistics, in extremely amazing ways! (Bạn có muốn học multicultural education, một triệu mẫu câu trong tiếng Anh không? Có development of national culture and phải đó là một dự án lớn trong cuộc đời bạn không? Hãy suy nghĩ nghiêm chỉnh về điều này cultural projects bởi vì nó sẽ ảnh hưởng đầy ngạc nhiên đến 10.Reading widely in Cultural Studies cuộc đời tương lai của bạn!). as a discipline (saying) 'All work and no play (makes Jack a PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND dull boy)' means that someone who works all of INTERESTS: the time will become boring and uninteresting. unwind (RELAX) (past unwound), wind down 1. Teaching English language skills: verb [I] to relax and let your mind be free from Listening, speaking, reading and anxiety after a period of work or some other writing activity that has made you anxious 2. Teaching TOEFL, TOEIC and chore [C] a job or piece of work which is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly IELTS chat [I] to talk to someone in a friendly informal way 3. Teaching grammar of written and slush(y) (a glass of) a drink made with crushed ice spoken English and a sweet liquid (crush: to press (something) very 4. Teaching ESP, including English for hard so that it is broken or its shape is destroyed) Information Technology, flavour UK and ANZ, US and ANZ flavor noun International Finance and Banking, a taste or quality; socialize, UK and ANZ usually -ise verb [I] To socialize is to spend the time, when you are Tourism and Hotel Industry not working, with friends or with other people in order to 5. Teaching Business English skills: enjoy yourself. Presentation, negotiation, meeting, (informal) Take it easy (= Relax and do not get telephoning and socializing upset)! Let's not start any trouble. 6. Teaching debating and critical Phoenix: the capital and largest city of Arizona, thinking skills in English US, known as a place that is extremely hot, where
  16. Đinh Gia Hưng 16 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE. many old people go to live, and also as a city that Đó chẳng phải là những mơ ước của bạn sao? is growing quickly. It’s wonderful to be as young as you. A graphic designer deals with the typography (= Bạn hãy bắt đầu suy nghĩ sâu sắc và tiến hành style of printing) of printed work, esp. books. chuẩn bị các dự án lớn cho cuộc đời mình đi. In A (computer) programmer is a person whose job my opinion, life never ends when we begin with is to produce computer programs. positive attitudes. scuba diving noun [U] the sport of swimming English can offer you important values and under water with special breathing equipment visions for your future productive and leisure noun [U] the time when you are not meaningful life. working or doing other duties Khi các bạn học tiếng Anh đến một mức độ cao, A time zone is one of 24 equal parts into which the các bạn có thể vượt qua những biên giới nhận world is divided. In any place within each part, the thức để đến những “thiên đàng tri thức bất ngờ”. particular point in the day is the same, and is an hour Để đến được nơi chốn mơ ước đó, bạn hãy yêu in front of or behind that in the parts on either side. lấy những giây phút “cực nhọc, tra tấn” trong meteorology noun [U] the scientific study of the quá trình ban đầu học tiếng Anh của mình, qua processes that cause particular weather conditions đó, bạn sẽ phát hiện được những vẻ đẹp của (informal) Will you keep an/your eye on (= watch tiếng Anh, bạn sẽ “rung động” trước vẻ huyền carefully) my suitcase while I go to get the tickets? bí của Nàng. attic, loft noun [C] the space or room at the top of a Life goes on. It doesn’t wait for anybody, so let’s building, under the roof, often used for storing things go on with life and living English. A night shift is a group of workers who work for Các bạn hãy bắt đầu cuộc hành trình đến tâm a period during the night, or the period for which điểm tiếng Anh. Đây là một cuộc Trường Chinh they work. yoga noun [U] a set of physical and vĩ đại (Long March) trong cuộc đời bạn. mental exercises, Indian in origin, which is English is for you. It’s always there for you like intended to give control over the body and mind a faithful lover. I am sure all of you will build range (LIMIT) noun [U] a set of similar things beautiful and happy life with it. God bless you, my dear students! Let’s place MY REFLECTION: unshakeable faith in yourselves and English. Hãy ngước nhìn những vì sao ban đêm, có phải chúng luôn rực rỡ và mời gọi không các bạn? Con người luôn ước mơ đến những vì sao, muốn chắp cánh bay khỏi không gian chật hẹp của mình để đến những chân trời mới. Ngôn ngữ có thể giúp bạn phần nào đạt được những ước mơ tương lai, nên tôi luôn mong các bạn luôn trân trọng những “cuộc gặp gỡ giữa bạn và tiếng Anh” đã qua, trân trọng những hành trình bạn đã trải qua như những lần gặp gỡ người mình thương yêu. Hãy nhìn về tương lai với đôi mắt sâu xa và sáng trong của mình. Bạn hãy cho mình một niềm tin rằng bạn sẽ làm chủ tiếng Anh, qua đó bạn sẽ có cơ hội vàng làm phong phú thêm tâm hồn mình, sẽ có lúc mình đủ khả năng tiếp thu các nền văn hóa vĩ đại khác của nhân loại, biến mình thành một con người đa văn hóa, luôn rộng mở, có trí tuệ quốc tế và sẵn sàng kết nối với thế giới bao la và tốt đẹp này.
  17. Đinh Gia Hưng 17 Lecturer in English, DNU 0914622207 Cultural Affairs Assistant, USE.



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