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Lecture Business communication design - Chapter 6: Designing messages with words

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Chapter 6 - Designing messages with words. The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Can we talk? Talk about meaning, speaking of rules, what are you talking about? Must we talk? Using persuasion and building arguments.

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Nội dung Text: Lecture Business communication design - Chapter 6: Designing messages with words

  1. 2/e P P T ©2007 by the McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
  2. 6 Designing Messages with Words ©2007 by the McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw­Hill/Irwin
  3. Can We Talk?  Verbal communication ◦ use of any linguistic symbols—spoken, sign, or written language—to accomplish message goals • What Is a Verbal Style?  Verbal style ◦ our particular choice of words, phrase or sentence arrangements, and the formality of expression we use     3
  4. Can We Talk? Because it uses words, sign language is verbal communication. © Jon Lee/Masterfile     4
  5. Can We Talk? • Types of Verbal Styles  Expressive and supportive  Dynamic  Combative  Minimalist  Subtextual     5
  6. Can We Talk? • Types of Verbal Styles (continued)  Descriptive  Authoritative  Low key  Demonstrative     6
  7. Talk about Meaning  Denotation ◦ literal or common description of a word that can be found in a dictionary  Connotation ◦ personal or emotional feelings that we associate with words     7
  8. Speaking of Rules  Speech rules ◦ Verbal rules we use during interaction 1.  Grammatical rules ◦ sentence construction, the arrangement of words, syntax, and language fluidity 2.  Talking and interaction rules ◦ topic relevance, turn taking, length of talk time, silence, and clarity     8
  9. Speaking of Rules 3.  Social rules ◦ greetings, appropriate word usage, style of expression, and ambiguity 4.  Semantical rules ◦ denotative and connotative meanings of the words we use     9
  10. What Are You Talking About?  Jargon ◦ specialized language used by members of a specific profession or field that denotes technical knowledge  Slang ◦ informal set of terms used within a social group or culture     10
  11. What Are You Talking About? • Language Limitations  Intensifiers  Qualifiers  Tag questions  Adjective cramming  Euphemisms     11
  12. What Are You Talking About?  Abstraction ◦ using complicated rather than concrete language  Bypassing ◦ when different meanings are associated with the same word symbol or different symbols are used to identify the same idea or object     12
  13. What Are You Talking About?  Fact inference ◦ jumping to conclusions  Misused words ◦ words are misapplied  Overgeneralization ◦ use of sweeping statements that do not provide enough information     13
  14. What Are You Talking About?  Extremism ◦ to see the world simplistically, in black and white, rather than in shades of gray  Inflexibility ◦ rigidity in our awareness of the world around us     14
  15. Must We Talk? FIGURE 6.1 Communication Apprehension Stage fright is one of the most common forms of communicatio n apprehension.     15
  16. Must We Talk?  Communication apprehension (CA) ◦ experience of feeling anxious or uneasy about communicating with other people • Why Are We Scared?  Introversion  Alienation  Low self-esteem  Cultural divergence  Poor communication skills  Communication incompetence     16
  17. Using Persuasion and Building Arguments  Persuasion ◦ process of attempting to influence people’s behavior, attitudes, or beliefs  Argument ◦ statement or series of statements aimed at influencing behavior, attitudes, and beliefs through reasoning     17
  18. Using Persuasion and Building Arguments  Grounds ◦ reasons or evidence used to support an argument  Warrants ◦ reasoning; making a relationship of the evidence to the claim  Claim ◦ statement of fact or opinion     18
  19. Using Persuasion and Building Arguments • Reasons and Reasoning  Reasons ◦ statements of evidence, support, or proof used in an argument  Reasoning ◦ ability to see connections between ideas and evidence and to use reasons as building blocks to support your conclusion     19
  20. Using Persuasion and Building Arguments • Reasons and Reasoning (continued)  Deductive reasoning ◦ moves from general principles to specific instances  Inductive reasoning ◦ moves from specific instances to general conclusions     20



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