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Legal issues relating to training and re training cadres and civil servants in the current context

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The article aims to overcome the above limitations, improve the effectiveness of law enforcement in training and retraining cadres and civil servants in the current context, and at the same time create a solid framework to improve the quality of operations. This action is to meet the requirements and objectives of the Party and State.

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Nội dung Text: Legal issues relating to training and re training cadres and civil servants in the current context

  1. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 LEGAL ISSUES RELATING TO TRAINING AND RE-TRAINING CADRES AND CIVIL SERVANTS IN THE CURRENT CONTEXT NHỮNG VẤN ĐỀ PHÁP LÝ LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN ĐÀO TẠO, BỒI DƯỠNG CÁN BỘ, CÔNG CHỨC TRONG BỐI CẢNH HIỆN NAY NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH(*), NGUYỄN THỊ THANH HUYỀN(**), PHAN THỊ THÚY QUYÊN(***), NGUYỄN XUÂN HƯNG(****) (*) Trường Đại học Kiểm sát Hà Nội, (**) Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội, (***)Trường Cán bộ quản lý giáo dục Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, (****)Trường Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân. THÔNG TIN TÓM TẮT Ngày nhận: 14/3/2023 Nghiên cứu này nhằm phân tích, đánh giá một số vấn đề pháp Ngày nhận lại: 25/3/2023 lý liên quan đến đào tạo, đào tạo lại cán bộ nhà nước trong bối Duyệt đăng: 25/4/2023 cảnh thời đại số. Kết hợp các phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính Mã số: TCKH-SĐBT4-B13-2023 dựa trên dữ liệu thứ cấp thu được từ các luật hiện hành về giáo ISSN: 2354 – 0788 dục, đào tạo, bồi dưỡng cán bộ công chức, nghị quyết của Đảng, Nhà nước và các công trình nghiên cứu liên quan, kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy nhiều hạn chế, bất cập trong quy định của lĩnh vực này. Từ kết quả nghiên cứu, một số kiến nghị, giải pháp đã được đưa ra nhằm khắc phục những hạn chế nêu trên, nâng cao hiệu quả thực thi pháp luật trong đào tạo, đào tạo lại cán bộ, công chức trong bối cảnh hiện nay, đồng thời tạo khuôn khổ vững chắc để nâng cao chất lượng hoạt động này nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu, mục tiêu của Đảng và Nhà nước. Từ khóa: ABSTRACT Đào tạo, bồi dưỡng, cán bộ, công This study aims to analyse and evaluate some legal issues chức, pháp chế, thời đại số. regarding training and re-training state officers in the context of Key words: the digital age. Combining qualitative research methodologies Training, re-training, cadres, civil based on secondary data obtained from existing laws on the servants, legal, digital age. education, training, and re-training of public officials, Party and State resolutions and related research works, the study's findings revealed many limitations and inadequacies in this area’s regulation. As a consequence of the study, several recommendations and solutions were provided to address the limitations mentioned above, improve the effectiveness of law enforcement in training, re-training cadres and civil servants in the current context, also establish a solid framework to improve the quality of this activity in order to meet the requirements and objectives of the Party and the State. 109
  2. NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH VÀ NHÓM TÁC GIẢ 1. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Research of legal issues on training and The country has been undergoing for more re-training cadres and civil servants than 36 years of renewal thorough economics. In Several research works are directly or addition to the achievements, the change in indirectly connected to the quality training and economic elements has also offered challenges re-training of public officials, such as: for the Party and the State. Therefore, Nguyen Duy Hung (2014), in his thesis fundamental reforms of the entire system of titled “The management of education manager State agencies are required in this digital era to cadre qualification satisfies the contemporary ensure economic and social management by the demand for educational innovation” on market economy, primarily the reform of public Education Management, addressed the topical officers training and re-training. Throughout the issues of training and re-training quality, digital era, cadres and civil servants should be therefore enhancing readers' comprehension of equipped with novel knowledge to cope with the training and re-training within the changing conditions, such as sufficient educational innovation demand. However, the qualifications and political prowess, as well as subject that the author mentioned is just theoretical and legal ability, professional skills, educational management cadres, without and the practical capacity to perform tasks. mentioning teachers or lecturers. Besides, the Training and re-training functionaries, legal issue is the assignment of general which is thus a crucial task of the Party and the responsibility to state agencies without State, should be cautiously undertaken to attain analysing specific legal policies [9]. effectiveness and rigour. In the context of the Le Thi Kim Thinh (2014) investigated the rapidly developing digital era, state officers theoretical and practical issues of managing re- training and re-training have become both training public officers at the National Academy important and strategic tasks that contribute to of Public Administration. The research proposed building a strong political system and play a a number of holistic solutions for improving the decisive role in the grasping and organisation of quality of training and re-training cadres and the implementation of Party and State policies. public servants at the Academy. However, some However, to see a positive change in the issues are no longer relevant because this quality of functionaries’ training and re-training, research was carried out in the context of the as well as to keep up with globalisation and public Administrative Reform programme till digitalisation trends, the first step is to innovate 2020 [11]. Moreover, Phan Chi Hieu (2016) the guidelines associated with this activity, also provided the theoretical basis for the mainly by modifying the existing legal system legality of training and re-training judicial on training and re-training cadres and public positions, as well as the solutions proposed here servants to meet the novel demands in the as a reference channel for training and re- current context. training facilities [10]. Nevertheless, the The study is divided into five sections: 1) research subject is judicial titles, which are still Introduction; 2) Literature review and public officials; but the curriculum between Theoretical framework; 3) Research judicial titles and public officers is generally methodology; 4) Research results; 5) different; thus, the applicability is limited. Recommendations. Moreover, Nguyen Van Khoa (2017) 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND systematised and formulated a theoretical basis THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK for the Party’s guidelines on the contingent of 110
  3. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 judicial cadres based on an analysis of the specific abilities in alignment with the Party’s practices from 2001 to 2011 [13]. requirements of each level of education. Finally, Bui Thi Binh and colleagues (2018) Re-training, according to the Vietnamese tightly integrated State officials' training and re- Great Dictionary of the Bach Khoa Publisher, training with the requirements of international aims to make people healthier, stronger, better, integration, as well as provided a variety of and more superior (Vietnamese Great comprehensive solutions for enhancing the Dictionary, Bach Khoa Publisher, 1999). Re- quality of re-training public officials in the training is an activity that is frequently context of international integration [4]. conducted after training or perhaps during In general, the topic of training and re- training to supplement or add new knowledge training public officials is not new and has been required of persons in positions of power or who analysed, scrutinised, and evaluated by scholars execute responsibilities of a given grade. In throughout the country's history. The studies, terms of public officials, re-training aims to however, mentioned above were approached build and improve the quality of the cadre and from several perspectives to provide a broader civil servant corps, and ensure that they have picture of the training and re-training problem. sufficient moral qualities, education, and The legal issues, thus, have yet to be expressly abilities to accomplish the work assigned examined or related to the growth of the digital properly. The student obtains certificates that era. As a result, this study does not replicate reflect the results of the re-training as a previous studies. consequence of the re-training courses. 2.2. Overview of training and re-training Re-training (or cultivating) with the cadres and civil servants primary goal of supplementing knowledge According to the Vietnamese Dictionary of (could also be equipped with new knowledge, the Bach Khoa Dictionary Publisher, “training” but only a specific type or group of knowledge means the teaching and learning at school of subjects such as informatics, foreign associated with moral and personality education languages, population, environment, and so on) [12]. In other words, training is the process of or in-depth, updating issues related to the equipping a subject or a group of social subjects position of public officials in charge. Re- with knowledge, understanding, and training usually takes a shorter time, with short fundamental manipulations related to specialist being a week or two weeks and long being a professions to function autonomously in a month or two months. Certificates confirm that specific social context. Training is also a students enrolled in re-training courses. deliberate, organised, and impactful human According to the above analysis, “re- process that systematically provides individuals training is the addition of new knowledge or with knowledge and skills to carry out tasks enhancement of skills for people working in according to a program with a specific goal or a specific professions in order to have a higher predetermined plan of the training's subject to degree of qualification or better fulfil the establish and expand each individual's employment requirements or standards”. Cadres knowledge or skills. Therefore, it is possible to and civil servants with sufficient requirements comprehend that: training is the process of and characteristics are the subjects of training systematic transmission and equipped and re-training; each has different training knowledge and skills to students to develop needs, unique re-training needs, and different standards and requirements for qualification in 111
  4. NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH VÀ NHÓM TÁC GIẢ different professional careers; therefore, training maximise their talents and innate potential to and re-training also differ significantly. achieve their optimum work capacity. Cadres are Vietnamese citizens who are The qualities, capacities, and outcomes of elected, approved, and appointed to hold posts the cadre corps ultimately determine the or titles for a given term of office in agencies of effectiveness of the Government system in the Communist Party of Vietnam, the State, general. Their qualities and competencies socio-political organisations at the central level, significantly rely on training and re- in provinces, and centrally-run cities, in training work, continually cultivating their districts, towns, and provincial cities, included knowledge and practical abilities. in the payrolls and salaries from the state budget. Unfortunately, in the current digital era, our In addition, some communal officials are elected corps of public officials, who were trained to hold positions in the Permanent People’s primarily in the previous period, have not been Council, the People's Committee, the Secretary, standardised according to the title standard and the Deputy Secretary of the Party thus have failed to meet the requirements of the Commissioner, and the heads of political-social period's task to promote technologisation, organisations. modernise the country, and open the door to Civil servants are Vietnamese citizens who integration with the region and the world, are recruited and appointed to ranks, posts, or particularly in the excellent conditions of titles in agencies of the Communist Party of science, technology, and information Vietnam, the State, and socio-political development. organisations at the central, provincial, and 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY district levels; in People's Army agencies and This study uses qualitative research units, other than officers, professional military methodology based on secondary data from personnel and defence workers; in People's legal documents on the education, training, and Police offices and units other than officers and re-training of cadres and public servants, Party professional non-commissioned officers serving resolutions and related research works. under the professional regime, civil security Specifically, including statistical methods, workers; and in staff and receiving salaries from analysis, synthesis, methods of deduction, and the state budget. In addition, some community- assignment to assess several legal issues level officials are recruited to hold professional regarding training and re-training public officers titles, such as members of the People's over time. Committee of the community. (Law amending 4. RESEARCH RESULTS and supplementing a number of articles of the 4.1. The guidelines of the Party and the State Law on Cadres and Civil servants and the Law as well as the law on training and re-training on Public Employees in 2019). cadres and civil servants Thus, the training and re-training of cadres 4.1.1. The guidelines of the Party and the State and public servants not only organise learning on training and re-training cadres and civil opportunities for public officers but also assist servants State agencies in achieving their objectives by The training and re-training of personnel increasing the value of the unit's resources and are considered, initially associated with the the public officials themselves. Furthermore, planning, relocation, and use of cadres to satisfy training and re-training impact the individuals in the demand of the digital era. the unit, enabling them to perform well and 112
  5. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 Over the years, the Party has prioritised Program for the 2021-2030 period on July 15, personnel work, and enhanced training and re- 2021. In particular, the centre of administrative training cadres and civil servants. Resolution reform over the next ten years is building a No.26-NQ/TW of the seventh plenary meeting contingent of professional, capable, and of the 12th Communist Party of Vietnam Central qualified cadres, civil servants, and public Committee on focusing on grooming a pool of employees to meet the requirements of tasks and cadres at all levels, particularly strategic-level the development of the country; salary reform; cadres, who are sufficiently qualified, capable, and developing E-Government and Digital and credible, commensurate to their tasks Government [5]. emphasised: “Cadres are a determinant to Several particular duties for training and re- national revolutionaries cause; personnel work training cadres and public servants are outlined: is a “key” phase of the work of Party building Firstly, continue to study, amend, and political system building. Building a supplement, or issue new regulations on contingent of cadres, particularly strategic-level building as well as managing the cadre cadres, is considered a matter of the utmost contingent to ensure conformity with Party importance and the Party’s regular mission. This guidelines on personnel work to build a must be carried out regularly, cautiously, contingent of cadres, civil servants, and public scientifically, rigorously, and at the same time, employees with sufficient capacity, qualities, must be efficient. Investing in building cadres is and legitimate structure to satisfy the needs of an investment for long-term, sustainable the assignment and the country's development in development”. the new phase. The 13th National Party Congress Secondly, generating, completing, and Resolution declared the views: “Improving organising the implementation of legal quality and restructuring the contingent of documents on the new wage regime for cadres, cadres, public officials and contracted public public servants, and public employees, as well employees; to foster a pool of Party cadres and as the armed forces, in line with the roadmap for members, especially a contingent of strategic- wage policy reform, labour management level cadres who with sufficient qualities, regulation, wages, and bonuses in state competence, and credibility, commensurate to enterprises, as well as the regulations on the their tasks, and organically attached to the wage determination for public goods and people; all these combined would constitute services. determinants for the success of national Thirdly, innovative content and methods of construction, development, and defence” (The training and re-training to improve the capacity, 13th National Party Congress Resolution of the abilities, and qualities of the corps of cadres, Communist Party of Vietnam, 2021). Thus, the civil servants, and public employees linked with grasping and implementation of Resolution the job position. Reviewing, modifying, and No.26-NQ/TW of the 12th Communist Party of supplementing the re-training State management Vietnam Central Committee and Resolution of knowledge curriculum by civil servants quotas, the 13th National Party Congress are of utmost the level of the professional title of public importance in the personnel work [8]. employees, and job requirements to ensure non- Institutionalising the Party's guidelines, the duplication, savings, and efficiency; reviewing Government issued Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP and reducing unnecessary certificates of re- on the State Administration Reform Master training. 113
  6. NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH VÀ NHÓM TÁC GIẢ Fourthly, innovative mechanisms and The most fundamental and significant incentive policies to foster powerful national law again affirms that the development transformation in discovery, attracting and of education, which includes training and re- weighing talent in management, state training, is the country’s top priority. The Law governance, science, technology, and creative on Education 2019 was consequently published innovation, particularly in sectors and fields that to preserve a solid legal basis, restate the serve for rapid, sustainable development. responsibility for improving education generally Hence, even in the context of the digital and training and re-training personnel in age, the Party and the State have always paid particular: “Schools of state agencies, political special attention to the training and re-training organisations and socio-political organisations the personnel work, regarding it as an essential have the task of providing training and further solution for administrative reform and the training to cadres, civil servants and public nation's development in general. Furthermore, employees” (Article 48, Law on Education, the above guidelines and policies have certain 2019). modifications compared to their predecessors, On the other side, because of the general such as considering the issue of science, purposes in the Constitution and the Education technology, and creative innovation in training Law, there still needs to be more specific and re-training public officials when Revolution regulations for this issue. Therefore, the 4.0 has, is, and will continue to develop. It takes government issued Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP, training and re-training work to predict future dated September 1, 2017, “on training and re- development to update the teaching approach in training cadres, civil servants and public line with each new phase, guaranteeing that the employees”, the Ministry of Home Affairs then Government employees can meet all of the issued Circular No. 01/2018/TT-BNV, took effect time's requirements. on January 8, 2018, guiding a number of articles of 4.1.2. The law on training and re-training Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP to emphasise the cadres and civil servants requirements for training and re-training public Institutionalising the line of the Party’s officials according to employment position, title, guidelines and the State’s policies on enhancing and job requirements [2]. training and re-training of cadres, legal As a result, the primary mission is to documents are formulated to create a favourable identify, train, and retrain the corps of cadres legal corridor for the agencies, organisations, and public officials that greatly enhance the and individuals to carry out this activity effectiveness and efficiency of state effectively. administration and foster the nation’s To implement the Party's guidelines on sustainable development. These are significant training and re-training public officers, the legal fundamentals that local governments and government established a legal corridor that state bodies should utilise to organise should first refer to Article 61 of the management training, re-training public Constitution 2013 follows: officers, strengthen professional qualifications, “1. Developing education is a top national skills, and competencies by sector, economical policy that aims to increase public intellectual component, and region, and satisfy Government standards, develop human resources, and governance requirements at various levels in the nurture talented people…” context of the digital age. 114
  7. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 To be able to evaluate the provisions of Decree 101/2017/ND-CP and Consolidated Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP and Circular No. Document No. 06/VBHN-BNV on the training 10/2017/TT-BNV on the assessment of the and re-training cadres, civil servants, and public quality of the training and re-training cadres, employees, and the unified document on civil servants, and public employees issued for training and re-training public officials with the the specific purposes: “As the legal basis for primary objective is that “provide knowledge, assessing the quality of public officials; skills, and methods for carrying out tasks in assessment of the quality of re-training to public official activities of cadres and civil provide information on the level of servants as well as in professional activities of improvement of the capacity to perform duties, public employees, assisting in developing a duties of cadres, civil servants, and public contingent of professional cadres, civil servants, employees after being re-training. Quality and public employees who possess high moral assessment re-training aims to provide agencies, standards, political prowess and capacity for assessment organisations, regulatory authorities, serving the needs of the population and the and service providers with objective information development of the nation” [7]. on the quality status. Based on the quality The documents mentioned above are assessment results, agencies and units have regarded as providing the most detailed plans to improve the quality of public officials” legislative framework for public officials’ (Article 3, Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP). training and re-training work. These documents Notwithstanding, following the lay the groundwork for other laws that address implementation process, Decree No. 101/2017 specific issues in the training and re-training of began revealing some drawbacks resulting from public officials, thus enabling the legal system’s societal changes, in which modernisation, concern with this issue to be thorough and industrialisation, and global integration adequate and satisfying the essential need for processes rendered the training and re-training training and re-training work. of cadres and civil servants at the time 4.2. Some limitations and restrictions inappropriate. For instance, since the digital age It is clear that the Party and the State have demands a higher level of information always regarded training and re-training cadres technology than the previous "informatics," the and civil servants as one of their main issue of the content of "informatics," which was responsibilities. The legislative provisions are primarily the teaching of computer use also developed and improved to ensure the techniques and the fundamentals of office legitimacy of training public officials quality in informatics software, is no longer appropriate. training institutions across the nation. However, Furthermore, the law amending and despite the successes, these provisions have supplementing the Law on Cadres and Civil several limitations in practices, such as: servants 2019 provided that those who work in Firstly, in terms of training and re-training the leadership and the management of content: Each sector has unique features, such as apparatuses of public non-business units of the People's Procuracy, The People's Courts, the agencies are no longer civil servants; thus, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of provisions of Decree 101/2017/ND-CP on this National Defence, The State Audit Office, the subject could no longer be applied. To address Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of these limitations, Decree No. 89/2021/ND-CP Commerce. On the contrary, the administrative amended and supplemented some articles of block as a whole differs from the demands and 115
  8. NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH VÀ NHÓM TÁC GIẢ procedures of these sectors. However, because criteria are lacking in detail and only show the the existing regulations have yet to be “surface” of the training process. In other words, customised, the officials of these industries are the application is to apply the specific problem, provided with curriculums and specialised the student has applied to the reality, yet has not knowledge-enhancing materials according to the been shown. Perhaps Form No. 03 on the criteria standard of public service quotas, with the for teaching methods just mentions “Lecturers knowledge being either less or more than the utilise teaching support properly”, without actual needs. This results in a lack of uniformity containing questions such as how the lecturers in the quality of public officers training and re- apply it, what is challenging, and if the lecturers training in the system of state agencies. In have technology qualifications appropriate for addition, there should also be more legal bases the means employed. Additionally, the other in developing training and re-training cadres and form eliminates the issue of information civil servants related to science and technology. technology applications. In addition, the method Currently, most of the study programs focus of inspection and evaluation should also be only on the content and pay little attention to the regulated in the direction of creating conditions application of scientific technology. Meanwhile, for establishments to apply scientific techniques most State agencies have applied scientific to assessment activities. Currently, most technology to their professional work. This applications on smart devices can perform leads to students who, after completing the quality inspection and assessment tasks quickly course, cannot effectively apply them to work and effectively. The inspection and evaluation immediately. Nevertheless, because there is no of smart devices are also stored and statistically mandatory legal basis for the development of accurate, showing their superiority. However, training and re-training programmes associated the evaluation of applications on these devices with the application of science and technology, does not have a legal basis. In other words, the the application or not depends on the training above evaluation results are not legally valid. institution. Therefore, in order to meet the digital Therefore, regulations are necessary to create a transformation in state agencies, it is necessary legal corridor for training institutions to build to have more legal bases to compel training testing and assessment on electronic devices to institutions to develop learning programmes help students easily access them. It also makes associated with the application of science and the assessment more accurate. technology. Third, in terms of lectures: The standards Second, in terms of inspection and for lecture quotas are currently not really assessment of training quality: Circular No. appropriate. In the first place, according to the 10/2017 on assessing the quality of the re- guidance in Circular No. 01/2018, the quotas training of public officials also sets fundamental from junior to senior lectures must be based on principles for evaluating personnel quality after middle-level political theory, in fact, not all each stage of re-training. Nonetheless, the form lectures take part in training and re-training of the evaluation sheet issued along with the political theory, therefore, this standard Circular, in fact, is still toothless, the criteria are generally reduces the number of lectures that broad, and it does not explicitly outline all the meet the requirements. Apart from that, as there functionaries’ training and re-training activities are currently no requirements for state at the teaching facilities. For example, in Form management qualifications, lecturers with levels No. 01, the suitable, scientific, applicable underneath or equivalent to the required level 116
  9. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 might still teach this subject. In addition, the establishment and implementation of re-training criteria for language and computer proficiency programmes are the responsibility of the have also fallen out of step with the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Ministry of advancement of the contemporary digital era, Public Security, the Ministry of National and the absence of open regulations intended to Defence, the Ministry of Home Affairs, attract talent, making the quality of the lecturers ministries that manage professional titles of not guaranteed. This is true even in the digital specialised public employees, Ministerial-level age, where the teaching methods need to change agencies, Government-dependent agencies, and in order to fit the situation, but the reality is that political-social organisations in the province's many lecturers are still constructing courses and Central People's Committee. As can be seen, the teaching methods in the traditional manner construction of the content of the training and re- rather than through self-innovation, which training programme has almost embraced the makes the lessons boring and less appealing for whole system of state agencies in order to make students to receive. sure that it is suitable for each cadre in each area Fourth, in terms of infrastructure: [3]. However, regulations relating to infrastructure has a significant effect on the professional careers lack the Supreme People's teaching process as well as the quality of the Court, Supreme People's Procuracy, the training and re-training of public officials in Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of particular. Especially in the digital age, National Defence, which in general compels infrastructure components must be ensured at both cadres and public servants of these sectors the highest level possible to satisfy the to re-training professional careers according to objectives and direction of the Party and the the general quota of the administrative system. State. Yet, each location, domain, and Therefore, it is important to formulate municipality has unique conditions that legislation that strengthens the role of these necessitate the legislation's requirements to be organisations in designing training and re- far more relevant to the facilities for training and training public officials programmes, along with re-training, minimising the current shortage of ensuring that each sector is taught in accordance facilities. with its unique requirements. 5. A NUMBER OF PROPOSALS TO Secondly, the establishment of a sufficient IMPROVE THE LAW ON TRAINING AND and appropriate legal framework for monitoring RE-TRAINING CADRES AND CIVIL and assessing the quality of training and re- SERVANTS IN THE CURRENT CONTEXT training: As indicated in Circular No. 10/2017 Based on the restrictions indicated above, about the evaluation of the quality of training, the author offers a number of proposals that seek re-training Government officials is currently to enhance the current legislation on training and ineffective owing to the general criteria system re-training cadres and civil servants in order to that has not yet revealed all of the issues with the increase the quality of this activity. learning process as well as setting training and Firstly, in terms of curriculum training and re-training goals, then implementing without re-training: Article 16 of Consolidated evaluating, which would make responding, Document No. 06 stipulates re-training contents, making decisions, and making adjustments in which include political theory, security and time difficult [6]. Inspection and evaluation of defence knowledge, state management abilities, training and re-training work should be specified and job-specific knowledge and skills. And the in order to bring individual responsibility to all 117
  10. NGUYỄN THỊ LAN ANH VÀ NHÓM TÁC GIẢ phases of the training process, particularly post- Fourth, improve the regulations on training evaluation, consideration of the infrastructure policy for educational facilities: effectiveness of training with trainees in terms The infrastructural problem is currently being of whether they apply what they have learned to ignored, as reflected in Consolidated Document their work, and the effectiveness of training and No. 6, which lacks regulation directly related to re-training for the development of the the managing, constructing, or upgrading of organisation [1]. The assessment system should institution facilities. Absence of a particular be regulated by establishing a plan and utilising legal foundation results in shared responsibility scientific advances and various methodologies for infrastructure development and to achieve results for individuals and maintenance. Although the digital era has seen organisations. Likewise, it is critical to continue some remarkable advancements, educational to encourage the formation of cooperation institutions’ infrastructure and information between the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of technology are inadequate, making it Administration, training and re-training challenging for teachers and staff. Therefore, it institutions, and state agencies in the inspection is imperative to immediately build a legal and assessment of the quality of training and re- corridor directly related to this issue that must training personnel. This results in a proper also consider the regional, domain, and local assessment system for each agency as well as aspects to have the correct infrastructure appropriate development directions. completion directions as soon as possible. Thirdly, complete the legal regulations 6. CONCLUSION relating to lectures: One of today’s most Given the importance and significance of challenging difficulties in integrating into the cadres and public servants training and re- digital era is that the human factor in training training work, increasing innovation in content institutions is ineffective. The standards for and teaching approaches are currently major each faculty quota are stipulated in requirements to fulfil the demands of the digital Consolidated Document No. 06 and Circular era. Despite this, content innovation and no. 01/2018/TT-BNV, but these standards are educational methods for public officials, in no longer consistent with the above analyses, general, are confronted with numerous so it is essential that we rapidly amend the obstacles, including the fact that this activity is standards for lecturers’ quotas to adapt to still carried out toothlessly and inefficiently in modern society, as well as enact policies that some areas, resources (expenses, personnel) are attract individuals to be involved in public limited, and coordination between sectors is officials' training and re-training. Furthermore, weak. In order to improve the efficiency of the the Ministry of Home Affairs must promote the work of enhancing the quality of training and re- formation of legislation to improve instruction training cadres and civil servants, all issues must quality. It would be crucial for legislation to be addressed. However, first and foremost, the increase lecturers’ responsibilities in the requirements of the current legislation on innovation of instructional approaches that are training and re-training public officers must be compatible with information technology. amended and supplemented to adapt to the Consequently, this also requires incentive present situation. Additional specific difficulties policies that ensure lecturers are confident in would therefore be addressed legitimately and their educational work [2]. effectively once a stable and appropriate legal corridor is established. 118
  11. TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC QUẢN LÝ GIÁO DỤC SỐ ĐẶC BIỆT, THÁNG 5 – 2023 TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO [1] Ministry of Home Affairs (2017), Circular No. 10/2017/TT-BNV stipulating the assessment of training quality for cadres, civil servants and public employees, Hanoi. [2] Ministry of Home Affairs (2018), Circular No. 01/2018/TT-BNV guiding a number of articles of Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP of the Government on training and fostering cadres and civil servants, officer, Hanoi. [3] Ministry of Home Affairs (2022), Consolidated Document No. 06/VNHN-BNV on training and fostering cadres, civil servants and public employees, Hanoi. [4] Bui Thi Binh, Nguyen Thi Binh, Ho Duc Hiep (2018); Article: Solutions to improve the quality of training and re-training of cadres and civil servants to meet the requirements of international integration, Economic - Technical Journal, Hanoi. [5] Government (2021), Resolution No. 76/NQ-CP promulgating the master program of state administrative reform for the period of 2021 - 2030, Hanoi. [6] Government (2017), Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP on training and training cadres, civil servants and public employees, Hanoi. [7] Government (2021), Decree No. 89/2021/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 101/2017/ND-CP, Hanoi. [8] Communist Party of Vietnam (2021), Documents of the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Publishing House. National politics, Hanoi. [9] Nguyen Duy Hung (2014), Doctoral thesis in educational management: “Quality management of educational administrators to meet current educational innovation requirements”, University of Education - National University Hanoi, Hanoi. [10] Phan Chi Hieu (2016), Ministerial-level scientific project: “Theory and practice of developing strategies for training and fostering judicial titles until 2020”, Judicial Academy, Hanoi. [11] Le Thi Kim Thinh (2014), Master's Thesis in Education Management: Management of training activities for cadres and civil servants at the National Academy of Public Administration, University of Education - National University Hanoi, Hanoi. [12] Bach Khoa Vietnam (2010), From Encyclopedia Point, Hanoi. [13] Nguyen Van Khoa (2017), Doctoral Thesis in History: The Communist Party of Vietnam led the contingent of judicial officers from 2001 to 2011, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Hanoi. 119



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