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Luận văn : Nghiên cứu kỹ thuật phát sinh phôi soma và tạo hạt nhân tạo ở cây lan Hồ Điệp (Phalaenopsis sp. ) part 8

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Hiện nay trên thế giới, các công trình nghiên cứu về phôi soma đã đạt được những thành công nhất định trên thực vật hai lá mầm, trong khi ở những cây một lá mầm vẫn còn gặp nhiều khó khăn. Vì những ứng dụng tốt đẹp mà phôi soma có thể mang lại, trong đề tài này chúng tôi thử nghiệm một phương pháp tạo phôi soma trên cây hoa lan Hồ Điệp sao cho việc tạo phôi soma trở nên thật đơn giản và hiệu quả...

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Nội dung Text: Luận văn : Nghiên cứu kỹ thuật phát sinh phôi soma và tạo hạt nhân tạo ở cây lan Hồ Điệp (Phalaenopsis sp. ) part 8

  1. 71 PHỤ LỤC THÍ NGHIỆM 1. Ảnh hưởng của chất kích thích sinh trưởng 2,4-D và BAP đến khả năng hình thành mô sẹo từ PLB của cây lan Hồ Điệp in vitro Thời gian tạo mô sẹo Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 8.035523 12 .6696269 .512 .8878 Within groups 34.000000 26 1.3076923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 42.035523 38 Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 19.890000 .5773503 .6602253 18.930149 20.849851 2 3 20.890000 .5773503 .6602253 19.930149 21.849851 3 3 20.560000 1.0000000 .6602253 19.600149 21.519851 4 3 20.560000 .5773503 .6602253 19.600149 21.519851 5 3 19.670000 .0000000 .6602253 18.710149 20.629851 6 3 19.780000 .5773503 .6602253 18.820149 20.739851 7 3 20.000000 .0000000 .6602253 19.040149 20.959851 8 3 20.220000 1.1547005 .6602253 19.260149 21.179851 9 3 19.440000 .5773503 .6602253 18.480149 20.399851 10 3 20.440000 .0000000 .6602253 19.480149 21.399851 11 3 20.440000 1.1547005 .6602253 19.480149 21.399851 12 3 21.000000 .5773503 .6602253 20.040149 21.959851 13 3 20.440000 .0000000 .6602253 19.480149 21.399851 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 20.256154 .1831135 .1831135 19.989939 20.522369 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 3 19.440000 X 5 3 19.670000 X 6 3 19.780000 X 1 3 19.890000 X 7 3 20.000000 X 8 3 20.220000 X 10 3 20.440000 X 11 3 20.440000 X 13 3 20.440000 X 3 3 20.560000 X 4 3 20.560000 X 2 3 20.890000 X 12 3 21.000000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  2. 72 % mẫu cấy hình thành mô sẹo Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 9377.0647 12 781.42206 200.167 .0000 Within groups 101.5000 26 3.90385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 9478.5647 38 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 24.440000 .0577350 1.1407375 22.781570 26.098430 2 3 46.670000 .3464102 1.1407375 45.011570 48.328430 3 3 53.330000 1.1547005 1.1407375 51.671570 54.988430 4 3 68.890000 1.1547005 1.1407375 67.231570 70.548430 5 3 62.220000 .1154701 1.1407375 60.561570 63.878430 6 3 48.890000 1.1547005 1.1407375 47.231570 50.548430 7 3 48.890000 .5773503 1.1407375 47.231570 50.548430 8 3 80.000000 2.3094011 1.1407375 78.341570 81.658430 9 3 53.330000 .1732051 1.1407375 51.671570 54.988430 10 3 42.220000 1.1547005 1.1407375 40.561570 43.878430 11 3 46.670000 2.3094011 1.1407375 45.011570 48.328430 12 3 35.560000 .2886751 1.1407375 33.901570 37.218430 13 3 22.220000 .5773503 1.1407375 20.561570 23.878430 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 48.717692 .3163837 .3163837 48.257726 49.177658 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 3 22.220000 X 1 3 24.440000 X 12 3 35.560000 X 10 3 42.220000 X 11 3 46.670000 X 2 3 46.670000 X 6 3 48.890000 X 7 3 48.890000 X 3 3 53.330000 X 9 3 53.330000 X 5 3 62.220000 X 4 3 68.890000 X 8 3 80.000000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  3. 73 % mẫu cấy hình thành mô sẹo + PLB Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 770.03003 12 64.169169 60.802 .0000 Within groups 27.44000 26 1.055385 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 797.47003 38 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 15.550000 .2886751 .5931230 14.687704 16.412296 2 3 13.330000 .1732051 .5931230 12.467704 14.192296 3 3 15.560000 .5773503 .5931230 14.697704 16.422296 4 3 11.110000 1.1547005 .5931230 10.247704 11.972296 5 3 15.560000 .5773503 .5931230 14.697704 16.422296 6 3 22.220000 .5773503 .5931230 21.357704 23.082296 7 3 13.330000 1.1547005 .5931230 12.467704 14.192296 8 3 8.890000 .1154701 .5931230 8.027704 9.752296 9 3 6.670000 .0000000 .5931230 5.807704 7.532296 10 3 11.110000 .5773503 .5931230 10.247704 11.972296 11 3 20.000000 .2886751 .5931230 19.137704 20.862296 12 3 13.330000 .1732051 .5931230 12.467704 14.192296 13 3 6.670000 .5773503 .5931230 5.807704 7.532296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 13.333077 .1645027 .1645027 13.093919 13.572235 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 3 6.670000 X 13 3 6.670000 X 8 3 8.890000 X 4 3 11.110000 X 10 3 11.110000 X 2 3 13.330000 X 7 3 13.330000 X 12 3 13.330000 X 1 3 15.550000 X 3 3 15.560000 X 5 3 15.560000 X 11 3 20.000000 X 6 3 22.220000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  4. 74 % mẫu cấy hình thành PLB Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 1988.7243 12 165.72703 30.454 .0000 Within groups 141.4867 26 5.44179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 2130.2110 38 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 33.330000 1.7320508 1.3468228 31.371958 35.288042 2 3 8.890000 1.7320508 1.3468228 6.931958 10.848042 3 3 6.670000 1.7320508 1.3468228 4.711958 8.628042 4 3 8.890000 .5773503 1.3468228 6.931958 10.848042 5 3 15.893333 1.4529663 1.3468228 13.935291 17.851375 6 3 11.110000 1.1547005 1.3468228 9.151958 13.068042 7 3 4.440000 .2309401 1.3468228 2.481958 6.398042 8 3 6.670000 .5773503 1.3468228 4.711958 8.628042 9 3 8.890000 1.1547005 1.3468228 6.931958 10.848042 10 3 8.890000 1.7320508 1.3468228 6.931958 10.848042 11 3 13.330000 1.7320508 1.3468228 11.371958 15.288042 12 3 15.560000 .2886751 1.3468228 13.601958 17.518042 13 3 6.670000 1.7320508 1.3468228 4.711958 8.628042 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 11.479487 .3735414 .3735414 10.936424 12.022550 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 3 4.440000 X 3 3 6.670000 XX 8 3 6.670000 XX 13 3 6.670000 XX 2 3 8.890000 XX 4 3 8.890000 XX 9 3 8.890000 XX 10 3 8.890000 XX 6 3 11.110000 XX 11 3 13.330000 XX 12 3 15.560000 X 5 3 15.893333 X 1 3 33.330000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  5. 75 % mẫu cấy không phản ứng + mẫu chết Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 8933.7662 12 744.48052 112.212 .0000 Within groups 172.5000 26 6.63462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 9106.2662 38 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 26.680000 2.3094011 1.4871242 24.517985 28.842015 2 3 31.110000 .5773503 1.4871242 28.947985 33.272015 3 3 24.440000 .2309401 1.4871242 22.277985 26.602015 4 3 11.110000 2.3094011 1.4871242 8.947985 13.272015 5 3 6.670000 .5773503 1.4871242 4.507985 8.832015 6 3 17.780000 1.1547005 1.4871242 15.617985 19.942015 7 3 33.340000 .1732051 1.4871242 31.177985 35.502015 8 3 4.440000 .5773503 1.4871242 2.277985 6.602015 9 3 31.110000 2.8867513 1.4871242 28.947985 33.272015 10 3 37.780000 .5773503 1.4871242 35.617985 39.942015 11 3 20.000000 1.1547005 1.4871242 17.837985 22.162015 12 3 35.550000 .5773503 1.4871242 33.387985 37.712015 13 3 64.450000 2.3094011 1.4871242 62.287985 66.612015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 26.496923 .4124540 .4124540 25.897288 27.096558 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 3 4.440000 X 5 3 6.670000 X 4 3 11.110000 X 6 3 17.780000 X 11 3 20.000000 X 3 3 24.440000 X 1 3 26.680000 X 2 3 31.110000 X 9 3 31.110000 X 7 3 33.340000 XX 12 3 35.550000 XX 10 3 37.780000 X 13 3 64.450000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  6. 76 Thí nghiệm 2: Ảnh hưởng của nồng độ đường và nước dừa đến khả năng hình thành mô sẹo từ PLB của cây lan Hồ Điệp in vitro Thời gian hình thành mô sẹo Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 1128.1788 8 141.02235 22.251 .0000 Within groups 114.0800 18 6.33778 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 1242.2588 26 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 .0000000 1.4534760 -2.159778 2.159778 2 3 21.110000 .5773503 1.4534760 18.950222 23.269778 3 3 20.890000 1.1547005 1.4534760 18.730222 23.049778 4 3 19.890000 1.7320508 1.4534760 17.730222 22.049778 5 3 21.110000 .5773503 1.4534760 18.950222 23.269778 6 3 20.220000 .1154701 1.4534760 18.060222 22.379778 7 3 20.220000 2.8867513 1.4534760 18.060222 22.379778 8 3 20.560000 2.3094011 1.4534760 18.400222 22.719778 9 3 20.220000 .5773503 1.4534760 18.060222 22.379778 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 18.246667 .4844920 .4844920 17.526741 18.966593 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 X 4 3 19.890000 X 6 3 20.220000 X 7 3 20.220000 X 9 3 20.220000 X 8 3 20.560000 X 3 3 20.890000 X 2 3 21.110000 X 5 3 21.110000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1-2 -21.1100 4.31956 * 1-3 -20.8900 4.31956 * 1-4 -19.8900 4.31956 * 1-5 -21.1100 4.31956 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  7. 77 % mẫu cấy hình thành mô sẹo Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 12043.132 8 1505.3915 205.156 .0000 Within groups 132.080 18 7.3378 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 12175.212 26 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 .0000000 1.5639456 -2.323929 2.323929 2 3 60.000000 2.3094011 1.5639456 59.676071 64.323929 3 3 55.560000 1.7320508 1.5639456 53.236071 57.883929 4 3 48.890000 1.1547005 1.5639456 46.566071 51.213929 5 3 64.440000 1.1547005 1.5639456 62.116071 66.763929 6 3 55.560000 2.8867513 1.5639456 53.236071 57.883929 7 3 80.000000 1.1547005 1.5639456 77.676071 82.323929 8 3 62.220000 .1154701 1.5639456 59.896071 64.543929 9 3 66.670000 1.1547005 1.5639456 64.346071 68.993929 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 55.037778 .5213152 .5213152 54.263135 55.812421 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 X 4 3 48.890000 X 3 3 55.560000 X 6 3 55.560000 X 2 3 60.000000 X 8 3 62.220000 XX 5 3 64.440000 XX 9 3 66.670000 X 7 3 80.000000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1-2 -62.0000 4.64786 * 1-3 -55.5600 4.64786 * 1-4 -48.8900 4.64786 * 1-5 -64.4400 4.64786 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  8. 78 % mẫu cấy hình thành mô sẹo+PLB Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 704.85120 8 88.106400 65.860 .0000 Within groups 24.08000 18 1.337778 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 728.93120 26 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 .0000000 .6677769 -.992276 .992276 2 3 15.560000 1.1547005 .6677769 14.567724 16.552276 3 3 17.780000 .5773503 .6677769 16.787724 18.772276 4 3 11.110000 1.1547005 .6677769 10.117724 12.102276 5 3 8.890000 .1154701 .6677769 7.897724 9.882276 6 3 11.110000 .5773503 .6677769 10.117724 12.102276 7 3 8.890000 .0000000 .6677769 7.897724 9.882276 8 3 6.670000 .5773503 .6677769 5.677724 7.662276 9 3 4.440000 .5773503 .6677769 3.447724 5.432276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 9.383333 .2225923 .2225923 9.052575 9.714092 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 .000000 X 9 3 4.440000 X 8 3 6.670000 X 5 3 8.890000 X 7 3 8.890000 X 4 3 11.110000 X 6 3 11.110000 X 2 3 15.560000 X 3 3 17.780000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1-2 -15.5600 1.98455 * 1-3 -17.7800 1.98455 * 1-4 -11.1100 1.98455 * 1-5 -8.89000 1.98455 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  9. 79 % mẫu cấy hình thành PLB Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 9760.4610 8 1220.0576 645.533 .0000 Within groups 34.0200 18 1.8900 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 9794.4810 26 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 71.110000 1.1547005 .7937254 69.930572 72.289428 2 3 11.110000 .5773503 .7937254 9.930572 12.289428 3 3 8.890000 .0577350 .7937254 7.710572 10.069428 4 3 22.220000 .5773503 .7937254 21.040572 23.399428 5 3 8.890000 1.1547005 .7937254 7.710572 10.069428 6 3 8.890000 .5773503 .7937254 7.710572 10.069428 7 3 6.670000 .5773503 .7937254 5.490572 7.849428 8 3 22.220000 1.1547005 .7937254 21.040572 23.399428 9 3 22.220000 .5773503 .7937254 21.040572 23.399428 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 20.246667 .2645751 .2645751 19.853524 20.639809 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 3 6.670000 X 3 3 8.890000 XX 5 3 8.890000 XX 6 3 8.890000 XX 2 3 11.110000 X 4 3 22.220000 X 8 3 22.220000 X 9 3 22.220000 X 1 3 71.110000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1-2 60.0000 2.35886 * 1-3 62.2200 2.35886 * 1-4 48.8900 2.35886 * 1-5 62.2200 2.35886 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.
  10. 80 % mẫu cấy không phản ứng + mẫu chết Means plot: LSD Confidence level: 95 Range test: LSD Analysis of variance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of variation Sum of Squares d.f. Mean square F-ratio Sig. level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between groups 1570.9632 8 196.37040 47.714 .0000 Within groups 74.0800 18 4.11556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (corrected) 1645.0432 26 0 missing value(s) have been excluded. Table of means -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stnd. Error Stnd. Error 95 % LSD Level Count Average (internal) (pooled s) intervals for mean -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 3 28.890000 1.1547005 1.1712608 27.149577 30.630423 2 3 13.330000 1.1547005 1.1712608 11.589577 15.070423 3 3 17.780000 .1154701 1.1712608 16.039577 19.520423 4 3 17.780000 .0000000 1.1712608 16.039577 19.520423 5 3 17.780000 1.1547005 1.1712608 16.039577 19.520423 6 3 24.440000 2.3094011 1.1712608 22.699577 26.180423 7 3 4.440000 1.1547005 1.1712608 2.699577 6.180423 8 3 28.890000 .5773503 1.1712608 27.149577 30.630423 9 3 26.670000 1.1547005 1.1712608 24.929577 28.410423 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 20.000000 .3904203 .3904203 19.419859 20.580141 Multiple range analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method: 95 Percent LSD Level Count Average Homogeneous Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 3 4.440000 X 2 3 13.330000 X 3 3 17.780000 X 4 3 17.780000 X 5 3 17.780000 X 6 3 24.440000 X 9 3 26.670000 XX 1 3 28.890000 X 8 3 28.890000 X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast difference limits 1-2 15.5600 3.48085 * 1-3 11.1100 3.48085 * 1-4 11.1100 3.48085 * 1-5 11.1100 3.48085 * * denotes a statistically significant difference.



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