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Tham khảo tài liệu 'luyện thi thử tn – đh năm 2011 môn anh văn – mã đề 198', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: LUYỆN THI THỬ TN – ĐH NĂM 2011 MÔN ANH VĂN – MÃ ĐỀ 198

  1. LUYỆN THI THỬ TN – ĐH NĂM 2011 MÔN ANH VĂN – MÃ ĐỀ 198 I. Choose one sentence that has different meaning to the root one. 1. The bicycle was so expensive that I didn't buy it. A. If the bicycle had been cheaper, I would have bought it. B. I was rich enough to buy the bicycle. C. I couldn't afford to buy the bicycle. D. The bicycle was too expensive for me to buy. 2. We couldn't drive fast because of the fog. A. The fog made it impossible for us to drive fast. B. Although it was foggy, we drove fast. C. It was foggy, so we couldn't drive fast. D. The fog prevented us from driving fast. 3. The tidal wave swept away the village. A. The village was swept away by the tidal wave. B. The village was destroyed completely by the tidal wave. C. The village disappeared after the tidal wave. D. The village was swept away after the tidal wave. 4. Tom must be having a bath. A. Tom has got to have a bath. B. There is no doubt Tom is having a shower. C. It's certain Tom is having a shower. D. I am sure Tom is having a shower. 5. My friends are good at drawing. I am good at drawing. A. M y friends are good at drawing and so am I. B. Neither my friends nor I am good at drawing. C. Both my friends and I are good at drawing D. My friends are good at drawing and I am too. 6. You're the worst guitarist in the world. A. You cannot play the guitar so well as anyone else in the world. B. No one in the world is a worse guitarist than you. C. No one in the world plays the guitar worse than you. D. No one in the world is better at playing the guitar than you. 7. The water was very cold, so we couldn't swim. A. The water was too cold for us to swim. B. We couldn't swim because the water was very cold. C. The water was very cold but we still went swimming. D. The water was very cold; therefore, we couldn't swim. 8. He didn't remember anything about it. You didn't remember anything about it, too. A. He didn't remember anything about it, and neither did you. B. He forgot everything about it, and so did you. C. Neither he nor you remembered anything about it. D. Both he and you remembered everything about it. 9. In spite of his age, he often plays badminton. A. He often plays badminton although he is old. B. His age do esn’t stop him playing badminton. C. He often plays badminton because he is old. D. Despite the pact that he is old, he often plays badminton. 10. The Chinese bicycle is $100. The Japanese one is $250. A. The Chinese bicycle has the same price as the Japanese one. B. The Japanese bicycle is more expensive than the Chinese one. C. The Japanese bicycle cost more than the Chinese one. D. The Chinese bicycle is cheaper than the Japanese one. II. Choose the best answer to fill in each gap. Mark Twain is a famous ... (11) ........ writer. His name was Samuel Longhorn Clemens and Mark Twain was his ... (12) ........ . He was born in a small town ... (13) ........ the Missouri river in the USA. The boy had ... (14) ........ friends at school and ... (15) ........ he became a writer, he described them in his stories. Samuel always ... (16) ........ to be a sailor and at the ... (17) ........ of twenty he found wor k on a river boat. After some time he ... (18) ........ the boat and went to live in California. Here he began to write short stories ... (19) ........ the name of Mark Twain. He sent them to newspapers. The ... (20) ........ loved his stories very much. 1
  2. 11. A. American B. English C. Australian D. Russian p en-name given name surname D. nick-name 12. A. B. C. 13. A. o ver B. in C. o n D. u nder A. many B. much C. a little D. lots 14. A. if B. when C. but D. so 15. A. interested B. enjoy C. wanted D. fond 16. A. year B. elder C. o ld D. age 17. A. left B. lived C. moved D. missed 18. A. in B. with C. for D. u nder 19. 20. A. spectators B. readers C. viewers D. audiences III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 21. I suggest _____ different kinds of waste in different places. A. to put B. can put C. put D. putting 22. All of us were _____ that he was successful in the final exam. A. surprising B. surprisingly C. surprise D. surprised 23. It's the English phrasal verbs _____ puzzle me most. A. which B. it C. that D. they 24. Lam _____ that he could meet the aliens from outer space. A. hopes B. wants C. wishes D. likes 25. The boys are absorbed _____ working in the workshop. A. from B. away C. in D. o nto 26. We've decided to interview only ten _____ for the job. A. applicants B. applicable C. appliances D. applications 27. Artificial satellites provide data on atmosphere temperatures, solar radiation and _____ the earth's surface. A. reflect B. the reflection C. can reflect D. reflecting 28. At this moment, the team _____ discussing the game among themselves. A. have been B. has been C. are D. is 29. The water is _____. You can't drink it. A. polluted B. pollution C. polluting D. pollutant 30. This year is _____ the year of DOG. A. not any longer B. any more C. no longer D. not any more 31. I don't think that film is _____. A. boringly B. bore C. bored D. boring 32. What did you have for _____ breakfast? A. the B. not article C. an D. a Radium was _____ by Marie Curie. A. d iscoverer d iscover discovery 33. B. C. D. d iscovered 34. Several of my friends are _____ reporters. A. newspapers' B. newspaper's C. newspapers D. newspaper 35. _____ the rain, the stadium was full of football fans. A. Because B. In spite of C. Although D. Despite of 36. _____ few species that live on the ground, most monkeys live in trees. A. A B. There are C. All but D. Except for 37. _____ and they are separated from one anothe r by vast distances. A. Millions of galaxies B. Being millions of galaxies C. Of the millions of galaxies D. There are millions of galaxies 38. _____ is another language besides the first language officially used in a community. A. native language B. Second language C. Mother tongue D. Foreign language 39. Willia Cather, _____ a prominent American writer, grew up in Nebraska during the early farming years. A. b ecame B. who became C. she became D. it is she who became 40. If I _____ wings, I _____ take an airplane to fly home. A. have/ won't have to B. had/ wouldn't have to C. had/ didn't have to D. have/ will have to 41. They have no _____ for help. 2
  3. A. expectation B. expect C. expectative D. expectancy A new style of jeans _____ in the USA. 42. A. has just introduced B. were just introduced C. has just been introduced D. have just been introduced 43. There's a law that says you _____ throw trash on the street. A. don't have to B. must not C. might not D. couldn't 44. Boys and girls may behave _____ in this situation. A. d ifference B. differing C. d ifferent D. d ifferently 45. They try to _____ the problem. A. fail B. succeed C. gain D. solve IV. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. Weather has a powerful effect on people. It influences health, intelligence, and feelings. In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. Southerners have many heart attacks or other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some time and very cold at other. Weather changes in February or March. The weather can influence intelligence, for example, in a 1928 study by scientists, the IQ score of u ndergraduate college students were very high during the hurricane but after the storm, their scores were 10 percent below average. Hurricanes can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can lower it. Students in the United States often do badly in exams in the hot months of the year. Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people; they usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. At about 64°F, people become stronger. Low air pressure relaxes people. It increases forgetfulness; people leave more packets and umbrellas o n buses and in stores on low-pressure days. There is a "perfect weather" for work and health. People feel b est at a temperature of about 64°F with present humidity. Are you feeling sick, sad tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The weather may be the cause. 46. Low air pressure...................................... A. relaxes people B. makes people feel stronger C. causes heart attacks D. d epresses fat people 47. Intelligence may increase because of........................................ A. very hot weather B. very wet weather C. low air pressure D. hurricanes 48. In "perfect weather" of 64°F.......................................... A. fat people feel cold B. thin people feel cold C. p eople are very forgetful D. p eople are in better health 49. The main idea of the passage is................................... A. weather has a strong effect on people B. low air pressure relaxes people C. there is a "perfect weathers" for work and health D. after the storm, people's IQ scores were 10 percent below average 50. In hot and wet weather, ........................................... A. has many heart attacks B. the climate always changes C. p eople get sick very easily D. people get angry easily V. Find the mistake - A, B, C or D. 51. We (A) do not know (B) o f how the general (C) employment situation is (D) likely to develop in the future. 52. Mark (A) went on (B) working (C) d espite he (D) felt unwell. 53. (A) It was an (B) extremely (C) frightened experience (D) in my life. 54. We (A) are flying to Paris, (B) where is the (C) capital city of (D) France. 55. The bank (A) lent us money (B) with a low interest, so now we (C) o wned the house we (D) used to rent. 56. (A) Have you (B) forgotten (C) locking the back door (D) frequently? 57. I like (A) lying (B) on the beach, so I (C) always spend m y holiday (D) to sunbathe. 3
  4. 58. (A) As soon as the alarm clock (B) had gone off, she (C) woke up and (D) got out o f bed. 59. (A) A lot of d iscoveries (B) have made (C) in the (D) fields of chemistry and physics. 60. Linda has (A) such many things (B) to do that she has (C) no time (D) to go out. VI. Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rests. A. o cean B. overeat C. d ecrease D. treatment 61. 62. A. general B. luggage C. b argain D. fragile 63. A. widen B. excitement C. whirl D. b iography A. Wednesday B. handsome C. d ependent D. grand child 64. A. chamber B. researcher C. chemist D. cheering 65. 66. A. gold B. guide C. goose D. gist 67. A. none B. phone C. sto ne D. zo ne 68. A. fasten B. listen C. o ften D. castle A. d airy B. energy C. modify D. gravit y 69. 70. A. exported B. enjoyed C. existed D. crowd ed VII. Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one. 71. My father hasn't smoked for two years. A. M y father gave up smoking two years ago. B. M y father started smoking two years ago. C. The first time my father smoked was two years ago. D. It's two years since my father started smoking. 72. Jane is too short; she can't apply for the job. A. Jane could apply for the job if she were taller. B. Jane is short of money, so she can't apply for the job. C. Jane would be taller if she could apply for the job. D. If Jane could apply for the job, she wouldn't be short. 73. We spent half an hour walking to the river. A. Spending half an hour, we walked along the river. B. It took us half an hour to walk to the river. C. We walked to the river spending half an hour. D. Walking to the river took us half an hour. 74. They are repainting the fence at the moment. A. At the moment something is being repainted in the garden. B. The fence will be repainted in a moment. C. The fence is going to be repainted. D. The fence is being repainted at the moment. 75. If you don't water these plants, they will die. A. Unless you water these plants, they won't die. B. Watering these plants will make them die. C. These plants will die unless you water them. D. These plants will die even if you water them. 76. Learning English is not easy. A. English is so difficult that you can't learn it. B. It is too difficult to learn English. C. It is difficult to learn English. D. English is easy enough for you to learn. 77. Roses can't possibly grow in such poor soil. A. Why don't you grow roses in such poor soil? B. It is impossible for rose to grow in such poor soil. C. You are advised to grow roses in such poor soil. D. You shouldn't grow roses in such poor soil. 78. His grandmother is very weak. She can't even sit up. A. His grandmother is too weak to sit up. B. His grandmother is very weak, but she can't sit up. C. His grandmother should sit up although she is very weak. D. His grandmother can't sit up, even though she is not so weak. 79. Will you lengthen these trousers for me? A. Will you make these trousers larger for me? B. Can you make these trousers longer for me? C. Will these trousers be too long for me? D. Do you think these trousers are too long for me? 80. I would tell you the answer if I knew. 4
  5. A. I knew the answer and wished to tell you. B. When I know the answer, I'll tell you. I do know the answer but I am not going to tell you. D. I don't know the answer so I C. can't tell you. 5
  6. KEY 01. - / - - 21. - - - ~ 41. ; - - - 61. ; - - - 02. - / - - 22. - - - ~ 42. - - = - 62. - - = - 03. - - - ~ 23. - - = - 43. - / - - 63. - - = - 04. ; - - - 24. - - = - 44. - - - ~ 64. - - = - 05. - / - - 25. - - = - 45. - - - ~ 65. - - = - 06. - - - ~ 26. ; - - - 46. ; - - - 66. - - - ~ 07. - - = - 27. ; - - - 47. - - - ~ 67. ; - - - 08. - - - ~ 28. - - = - 48. - - - ~ 68. ; - - - 09. - - = - 29. ; - - - 49. ; - - - 69. - - - ~ 10. ; - - - 30. - - = - 50. - - = - 70. - / - - 11. ; - - - 31. - - - ~ 51. - / - - 71. ; - - - 12. ; - - - 32. - / - - 52. - - = - 72. ; - - - 13. - - = - 33. - - - ~ 53. - - = - 73. - / - - 14. ; - - - 34. - - - ~ 54. - / - - 74. - - - ~ 15. - / - - 35. - / - - 55. - - = - 75. - - = - 16. - - = - 36. - - - ~ 56. - - - ~ 76. - - = - 17. - - - ~ 37. - - - ~ 57. - - - ~ 77. - / - - 18. ; - - - 38. - / - - 58. - / - - 78. ; - - - 19. - - - ~ 39. - / - - 59. - / - - 79. - / - - 20. - / - - 40. - / - - 60. ; - - - 80. - - - ~ 6



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