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Management - Chapter 1: The Management Process

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What are the challenges of working in the new economy? What are organizations like in the new workplace? Who are managers and what do they do? What is the management process? How do you learn the essential managerial skills and competencies?

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Nội dung Text: Management - Chapter 1: The Management Process

  1. PowerPoint Presentation to Accompany Management, 10/e John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. Chapter 1:  The Management Process Prepared by:  Jim LoPresti University of Colorado, Boulder Published by: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Planning Ahead — Chapter 1 Study Questions  What are the challenges of working in the  new economy?  What are organizations like in the new  workplace?  Who are managers and what do they do?  What is the management process?  How do you learn the essential  managerial skills and competencies? Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 2
  3. Overview of the New Workplace  The dynamics of ever­present change extend into the  workplace and raise a host of new career challenges.  Smart people commit their energies and intellect to  continuous learning and personal development.  Companies with a future are committed to people.  Companies with a future offer inspirational leadership,  reward and respect people, and provide supportive work  environments.  High performing companies gain extraordinary results  from people. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 3
  4. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working today?  Talent … People and their talents are the the ultimate  foundations of organizational performance.  Intellectual capital is the collective  brainpower or shared knowledge of a  workforce that can be used to create value.  A knowledge worker’s mind is a critical asset  to employers and adds to the intellectual  capital of an organization. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 4
  5. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  Diversity …  Workforce diversity reflects differences with  respect to gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion,  sexual orientation, and able­bodiedness.  A diverse and multicultural workforce both  challenges and offers opportunities to employers.  Many call diversity a “business imperative” and  view it as an asset Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 5
  6. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  How diversity bias can occur in the  workplace:  Prejudice  Discrimination  Glass ceiling effect Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 6
  7. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  Globalization … National boundaries of world business have  largely disappeared.  Globalization is the worldwide  interdependence of resource flows, product  markets, and business competition that  characterize the new economy. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 7
  8. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  Technology …  Continuing transformation of the modern workplace  through:  The Internet  World Wide Web  Computer networking  Information technology  Telecommuting/virtual teaming/mobile offices  Increasing demand for knowledge workers with the  skills to fully use technology. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 8
  9. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  Ethics  Code of moral principles that set standards of conduct of  what is good and right.  Ethical expectations for modern businesses :  Integrity and ethical leadership at all levels  Sustainable development  Natural environment protection  Consumer protection  Human rights Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 9
  10. Study Question 1: What are the challenges of working in the new economy?  Careers …  Core workers, contract workers, and part­ time workers.  People must be prepared to be any one of  these types of workers.  People must make sure that their skills are  portable and of current value in employment  markets. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 10
  11. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Critical skills for success in the new  workplace …  Mastery  Contacts  Entrepreneurship  Love of technology  Marketing  Passion for renewal Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 11
  12. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Organization  A collection of people working together to  achieve a common purpose.  Organizations provide useful goods and/or  services that return value to society and  satisfy customer needs. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 12
  13. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Organizations are open systems  Composed of interrelated parts that function  together to achieve a common purpose.  Interact with their environments.  Transform resource inputs into product  outputs (goods and services).  Environmental feedback tells organization  how well it is meeting the needs of  customers and society. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 13
  14. Figure 1.1 Organizations as open systems. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 14
  15. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Organizational performance  “Value creation” is a very important notion for  organizations.  Value is created when an organization’s  operations adds value to the original cost of  resource inputs.  When value creation occurs:  Businesses earn a profit.  Nonprofit organizations add wealth to society. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 15
  16. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Organizational performance  Productivity  An overall measure of the quantity and quality of  work performance with resource utilization taken  into account.  Performance effectiveness  An output measure of task or goal accomplishment.  Performance efficiency  An input measure of the resource costs associated  with goal accomplishment. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 16
  17. Figure 1.2 Productivity and the dimensions of organizational performance. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 17
  18. Study Question 2: What are organizations like in the new workplace?  Workplace changes that provide a context  for studying management …  Belief in human capital  Demise of “command­and­control”  Emphasis on teamwork  Preeminence of technology   Embrace of networking  New workforce expectations  Concern for work­life balance  Focus on speed Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 18
  19. Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do they do?  Importance of human resources and  managers … People are not ‘costs to be controlled.’ High performing organizations treat people  as valuable strategic assets. Managers must ensure that people are  treated as strategic assets. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 19
  20. Study Question 3: Who are managers and what do they do?  Manager  directly supports and helps activate the work efforts  and performance accomplishments of others.  the people who managers help are the ones whose  tasks represent the real work of the organization. Management 10/e ­ Chapter 1 20



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