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Manual Classroom Setup Guide

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This course recommends a classroom with one computer for the instructor and one computer for each student. Before class begins, install and configure all of the computers by using the information and instructions in this setup guide. All hardware that is used must be listed on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for Microsoft Windows XP. This course requires Microsoft® Certified Technical Education Center (Microsoft CTEC) hardware level 3 for 2001 for the instructor computer and Microsoft CTEC hardware level 2 for 2001 for the student computers. The current hardware levels are in the Appendix. Microsoft recommends a minimum 256MB RAM for running the Platform Builder Emulator environment....

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Nội dung Text: Manual Classroom Setup Guide

  1. Manual Classroom Setup Guide Course Number: 2530A Part Number: X08-65736 Released:
  2. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, places or events is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.  2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows NT, Visual Studio are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Course Number: 2530A Part Number: X08-65736 Released:
  3. Manual Classroom Setup Guide iii Contents Classroom Requirements .........................................................................................1 Classroom Configuration .........................................................................................2 Instructor Computer ...................................................................3 Student Computers...................................................................................................5 Appendix: 2001 Hardware Levels ...........................................................................6
  4. Classroom Requirements This course recommends a classroom with one computer for the instructor and one computer for each student. Before class begins, install and configure all of the computers by using the information and instructions in this setup guide. All hardware that is used must be listed on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) for Microsoft Windows XP. This course requires Microsoft® Certified Technical Education Center (Microsoft CTEC) hardware level 3 for 2001 for the instructor computer and Microsoft CTEC hardware level 2 for 2001 for the student computers. The current hardware levels are in the Appendix. Microsoft recommends a minimum 256MB RAM for running the Platform Builder Emulator environment. Software The following table shows all of the software needed to set up the classroom for this course, including the version that was tested with the course and where the software can be found. Software Version tested and notes Microsoft Windows XP - Microsoft Office XP or Microsoft - PowerPoint Viewer Microsoft Windows CE .NET Release version 4.0 Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools for Release version 4.0 C++ Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Must install Smart Device Extensions
  5. 2 Error! No text of specified style in document. Classroom Configuration • A training room appropriate in size for the number of trainees. Class sizes should be limited to 12 students. • A data projector suitable for showing PowerPoint presentations. Typically the Instructor Machine will have PowerPoint installed and be connected to the projector. This allows projection of live labs and demos as well as PowerPoint slides accompanying lectures. • A Microsoft Windows TCP/IP Ethernet (not token ring) network with a DHCP server enabled. It is preferred that this network be either isolated completely or at minimum on an isolated subnet. This is to speed downloads by eliminating problems caused by heavy network traffic times and broadcast messages. All lab work for course 2530A will done using the emulator. Therefore, no reference platforms are required. The following configuration and naming conventions are used throughout this course and are required for the hands-on labs: • Instructor1 – is the instructor workstation used for the PowerPoint slides and demonstrations. • StudentX – (Where X is a number 1-12) this is the students’ workstation where they will build and download during labs. Notes/Suggestions • There must also be a minimum of 1GB of free space on the build hard drive when all software is installed. This space is for the builds of the Windows CE operating system. • The operating system builds performed in the labs are time consuming. Therefore, the faster the workstation, the better the class will run. • To minimize distractions in the class, it is recommended that no games be installed on the machines.
  6. Error! No text of specified style in document. 3 Instructor Computer Checklist 1. Set up the hardware 2. Install the software Instructor Computer (Instructor1) Use the instructions in the following section to set up the classroom manually. 1. Set Up the Hardware 1. Set up the hardware according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (Refer to the hardware requirements.) Note If necessary, configure your computer so that it starts from the hard disk and then from the CD-ROM drive. 2. Configure the hard disk as follows: • Drive C: 1 GB formatted as • Drive D: 3 GB formatted as 2. Install the Software The following software is required for the instructor computer: Microsoft Windows XP RC1 Professional Microsoft Platform Builder 4.0 Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 Microsoft PowerPoint Installing Platform Builder An installation wizard will assist you in installing Platform Builder on your workstation. To install Platform Builder 1. Log onto the development workstation with Windows NT administrator privileges. 2. Use the same user identifier that will be used when logging on to the development workstation to use Platform Builder. 3. Insert Disc 1 into its appropriate drive. 4. If it does not automatically start running, run Setup.exe from the root directory on the disc. 5. After the setup program initializes, click Next to begin the installation. 6. After you read the license agreement, click Next to accept it and continue, or click Cancel to exit the installation.
  7. 4 Error! No text of specified style in document. 7. Provide your name, the name of your organization, and the product key in the Customer Information dialog box, and then click Next to continue. 8. Click the Change button for either destination if you wish to change the default folders in which Platform Builder will be installed, and then click Next. 9. Click Next to continue with a standard installation. Note If you install Tools Only, the Windows CE files required for building an OS image will not be installed. 10. If you chose to install Tools Only, the Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears. - or - Choose the CPUs that you will be building platforms for and then click Next. Note To use the tutorials included with Platform Builder, you must install the x86 microprocessor for use with a CEPC or Emulator for use with the Emulator for Windows CE 11. Click Install to begin copying the Platform Builder files to your hard drive. 12. Click Finish to exit the installation when the installation has successfully completed. 13. Platform Builder can be launched from the Windows Start menu. Post-Installation Tasks for the Instructor Computer (Instructor1) • Insert the Trainer Materials compact disc into the CD-ROM drive, and then copy the contents of the PowerPoint Slides folder on the compact disc to C:\PptSlides
  8. Error! No text of specified style in document. 5 Student Computer Checklist 1. Set up the hardware 2. Install the software Student Computers (StudentX) Use the instructions in the following section to set up the classroom manually. 1. Set Up the Hardware 1. Set up the hardware according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (Refer to the hardware requirements.) Note If necessary, configure your computer so that it starts from the hard disk and then from the CD-ROM drive. 2. Configure the hard disk as follows: • Drive C: 1 GB formatted as • Drive D: >3 GB formatted as 2. Install the Software The following software is required for the students’ computer: Microsoft Windows XP RC1 Professional Microsoft Platform Builder 4.0 Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ 4.0
  9. 6 Error! No text of specified style in document. Appendix: 2001 Hardware Levels Hardware Level 1 Pentium II 300 PCI 2.1 bus 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM 4-gigabyte (GB) hard disk 256-kilobyte (KB) L2 cache DVD or CD-ROM drive (12x or greater) Non-ISA network adapter 4-MB video adapter SVGA monitor (17 inch) Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Sound card with headphones or speakers Hardware Level 2 Pentium II 400 PCI 2.1 bus 256 MB of RAM 8-GB hard disk 512-KB L2 cache DVD player Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 megabits per second (Mbps) required) 4-MB video adapter Super VGA (SVGA) monitor (17 inch) Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Sound card with speakers Internet access Projection display device that supports SVGA 800x600, 256-colors Hardware Level 3 Pentium III 450 PCI 2.1 bus 512 MB of RAM 12-GB hard disk 512-KB L2 cache DVD player Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 Mbps required) 4-MB video adapter Super VGA (SVGA) monitor (17 inch)
  10. Error! No text of specified style in document. 7 Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Sound card with amplified speakers Internet access Projection display device that supports SVGA 800x600, 256-colors Hardware Level 4 Pentium III 700 PCI 2.2 bus 1 GB of RAM 16-GB hard disk 512-KB L2 cache DVD player Non-ISA network adapter (10/100 Mbps required) 4-MB video adapter Super VGA (SVGA) monitor (17 inch) Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Sound card with amplified speakers Internet access Projection display device that supports SVGA 800x600, 256-colors



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