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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ôn thi thử anh văn khối 12', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ÔN THI THỬ ANH VĂN KHỐI 12

  1. ÔN THI THỬ ANH VĂN KHỐI 12 Pronunciation and Stress 1. a. closed b. sacrificed c. joined d. arrived 2. a. amazing b. namely c. marriage d. dangerous 3. a. although b. throughout c. southern d. breathing 4. a. experience b. technology c. environment d. optimistic 5. a. achievement b. communist c. constantly d. government Multiple Choice 6. Core subjects are ___________ in the national examinations. a. free b. educational c. compulsory d. optional 7. During the interview, you should __ on what the interviewer is saying and try to answer his questions clearly. a. concentrate b. keen c. listen d. jot 8. We can ______ not only through words but also through body language. a. talk b. transfer c. interpret d. communicate 9. Most of us would maintain that physical ______ does not playa major part in how we react to the p eople we meet. a. attract b. attractive c. attractiveness d. attractively 10 He was the only _______ that was offered the job. a. apply b. application c. applicant d. applying 11 you are _______ for a particular job, someone asks you question about yourself to find out if you suitable for it. a. paid b. chosen c. interviewed d. recommended 12. The introduction of appropriate farming practices to Vietnam farmers can help them achieve a higher output. a. productivity b. renovation c. guideline d. achievement 13. Someone who is _______ thinks that bad things are going to happen. a. optimistic b. pessimistic c. threatened d. hopeful 14. I cooked you a special dinner that I __ before. a. have never cooked b. had never cooked c. will never cook d. never cook 15. Don't worry! By the time you arrive tomorrow, we _____the work. a. have finished b. would finish c. will finish d. will have finished 16. __________she agreed, you would have done it. A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would 17. You'll be ill _____________. A. unless you continue to smoke B. if you continue to smoke C. because you don't smoke D. if you stop to smoke 18. Marriage is a life-long journey together, which is not simply a boat you get on each other and get off when it does not work out. 19. I will never forget __________ helped me overcome difficulties in life. a. whom b. what c. which d. who 20. The most of the jobs in the manufacturing factories will be taken over b y robots. 2 1. He k eeps w orking ____ f eeling u nwell. a . although b . b ecause o f c. i n spite o f d. unless 22. Next year , my brother is going to get married ______ Tiffany, an Australian girl a. to b. with c. for d. out of 23. Being aware _____ the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese Communist Party initiated an overall economic reform policy. a. for b. at c. of d. in 24. Not all men are concerned with _______ physical attractiveness of their girlfriends and wives. a. A b. An c. The d. Ø 25. ______ computer has already changed ______our lives dramatically a. A /0 b. A/ the c. The / the d. The / Ø 26 ______ leaves last should turn off the lights. A. who B. which C. whoever D. whose 27. The most popular foreign language ______ in secondary schools in Vietnam is English A. taught B. to teach C. teaches D. teaching 28. We are really confidence that the future is in our hands, and it is our responsibility is to contribute to bettering our lives
  2. 29. Don’t forget ________ good bye to the interviewer before leaving the office A. say B. saying C. to be said D. to say 30. Gagarin was the first person ______ into space. A. flew B. flying C. who was flown D. to fly 31. ."Thank you for the nice gift." "________" A. But do you know how much it costs? B. You're welcomed. C. In fact, I myself don't like it . D. I’m glad you like it. 32. “ I can’t hand in my paper before the deadline ” – “__________” a. I can’t ,too. b. Neither Ican c. I cannot, either c. So can’t I 33. “ you needn’t shout. I am not deaf.”-“__________” a. That’s all right b. Oh, I am sorry c. Of course d. Yes, I know 34.“You often come to class late.”-“__________” a. No, I’m not b. I know I did c. Certainly, Sir. It’s not the first time d. Yes, I’m sorry about that 35. My English teacher said we should write another composition for tomorrow relating to our experience at last week's workshop. 36. The road is ............................................ . A. so slippery that we can drive fast B. too slippery for us not to drive fast B. slippery enough for us to drive fast D. too slippery for us to drive fast 37. "Never borrow money from friends." He said. A. He said to me never borrow money from friends. B. He told me never to borrow money from friends, C. He advised me not borrow money from friends D. he suggested me never borrowing money from friends. 38. People say Chinese food is the best in the world. A. Chinese food is said to be the best in the world. B. I agree that Chinese food is the best in the world. C. Chinese food is eaten all over the world. D. No food in the world is eaten as much as Chinese food. 39. Vietnam exports a lot of rice____________ A. to grow mainly in the South of the country B. Which grows mainly in the South of the country C. grown mainly in the South of the country D. growing mainly in the South of the country 40. Without his father’s encouragement, I didn’t pass his first job interview a. If his father made him apply for a job, he would pass his first job interview b. He would have failed in his first job interview, unless his father had encouraged him c. If his father had encouraged him, he wouldn’t have pass his first job interview d. If only his father had encouraged him, he would have pass his first job interview Reading comprehension We can (41) __________other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile!), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas. Animals have ways of (42) __________ information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing (43) __________ to what people can do. We have language – about 6,000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present. Radio, film, and television (44) __________ a huge influence on society in the last hundred years. And now we have the Internet, which is infinite. But what is this doing to this? We can give and get a lot of information very
  3. quickly. But there is (45) __________ information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn’t. Modern media is changing our world every minute of every day. 41. A. talk to B. talk with C. communicate to D. communicate with 42. A. changing B. transferring C. exchanging D. giving 43. A. compare B. comparing C. is compared D. compared 44. A. have B. have had C. are having D. had 45. A. so much B. such much C. so many D. too much Instructors at American colleges and universities use many different teaching methods. Some instructors give assignments every day. They grade homework. Students in their classes have to take many quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final test. Other instructors give only writing assignments. Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the text book. Others send students to the library for assignments. The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their instructors "Professor Smith," "Mrs. Jones", and so on. Some teachers wear business clothes and give lectures. Other classrooms have an informal atmosphere. Students and teachers discuss their ideas. Instructors dress informally, and students call them by their first names. American teachers are not alike in their teaching styles. At most American colleges and universities, facilities, for learning and recreation are available to students. Students can often use type-writers, tape recorders, video machines, and computers at libraries and learning centers. They can buy books, notebooks, and other things at campus stores. They can get advice on their problems from counselors and individual help with their classes from tutors. Students can relax and have fun on campus, too. Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have snack bars or cafeterias. 46. What is the first paragraph about? A. Ways of using the textbook B. Ways of giving assignments C. Ways of teaching D. Ways of taking an exam 47. Which of the following statements is true? A. American students can call their teachers by their first names. B. The atmosphere in the American classrooms is always relaxed and friendly. C. American teachers do not dress informally. D. The atmosphere in American classrooms is always formal. 48. What does the word "business clothes " in the paragraph 2 mean? A. clothes that only business people wear B. trendy clothes C. casual clothes D. formal clothes 49. What can't students do at most American colleges and universities? A. bring the computers at the libraries home B. ask their counselors and tutors for advice C. use the computers that are linked to libraries D. have tutors and counselors solved their problems 50. Which of the following statements is false about schools in America? A. They are well equipped. B. They have stores on campus. C. They have no recreation facilities. D. They offer sports and leisure facilities for students.



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