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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ôn thi tn – đh năm 2011 môn: tiếng anh', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ÔN THI TN – ĐH NĂM 2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH

  1. Prepared by Nguyen Sy Chien Friday, July 15, 2011 ÔN THI TN – ĐH NĂM 2011 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Tìm một từ / cụm từ gạch chân cần phải sửa: Câu 1: Unless his candidate had won the election, he w ould be happy now. A. Unless B . had won C. now D. w ould be Câu 2: Neither William or his brother stole the rambutans from your orchard. A. stole B . Neither C. or D. f rom Câu 3: The more I got to know them, the fewer I liked them. A. The more B . the fewer C. to know D. them Câu 4: Bells told people of happy events, such as weddings and born or, sometimes had to announce unp leasant events such as a death. A. unpleasant events B . born C. of D. had to Câu 5: The surface of Mars is very complex and consists of a mixture of flat deserts, craters, volcanoes, and mountainous . A. complex B . consists C. f lat deserts D. mountainous Câu 6: Because of the severe snow storm and the road blocks, the air force dropped food and another medical supplies. A. Because of B . the C. dropped food D. another Câu 7: Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm. A. Dogs that B . loyalty C. the D. trained Câu 8: The growth rate of the Pacific Rim countries is five times fast as comparable areas during the Industrial Revolution. A. during B . fast as C. growth rate D. times Câu 9: Robots in the home might not be enough creative to do the cooking, plan the meal and so on. A. the home B . might C. enough creative D. do Câu 10: When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed. A. When B . of C. one D. bed Câu 11: After a carefully investigation, we soon discovered that the house w as infested with termites. A. was B . carefully C. infested with D. soon discovered Câu 12: It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking. A. be used to doing B . It C. the near future D. such as Câu 13: Alfred’s eyes burned a nd his shoulders ached. He has been sitting at the computer for 6 straight hours. Finally, he took a break. A. has been sitting B . burned C. took D. ached Câu 14: Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today. A. with B . are C. many D. in our large Câu 15: Police had better never drinking alcohol on duty. A. never B . on C. drinking D. had better Câu 16: He has done a valuable contribution to t he independence of the country. A. valuable B . of C. t o D. done Câu 17: In our country the birth of a girl is not welcomed w ith an enthusiasm equal to a boy. A. the birth of a girl B . with C . an D. equal to Câu 18: Neither of the members of the committee nor the chairman submitted their reports on time. A. Neither B . their C. of D. nor Câu 19: One should try to reconcile his views with those of his company when they are on conflict. A. on conflict B . of his company C. r econcile D. those Câu 20: The president refused to accept either of the four new proposals made by the contractors. A. either B . to accept C. made by D. the Câu 21: Modern transportation can speed a doctor to the side of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolating farm. A . to B . sick person C. even if D. isolating farm Câu 22: It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking. A. the near future B . be used to doing C. It D. such as Câu 23: What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among the population. A. are B . What we know about C. among D. f rom Câu 24: J ohn has always used to write back as soon as he got my letters, but months can go by before I get a r eply these days. A. has always used B . get C. as soon as D. can go Câu 25: The rings of Saturn are s o distant to be seen from Earth w ithout a telescope. A. of B . so C. be D. w ithout Câu 26: The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn't it ? A. lower B . wasn't it C. price of D. great Câu 27: Visitors may realize that even though they can't make their homes in Da Lat city, they can take way w ith them memories of their beauty. A. their beauty B . even though C. away D. may realize Câu 28: Drug abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems. A. problems B . most C. one of D. have Câu 29: Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that s ome families have been forced to alter their eating habits. A. raised B . so rapid C. that D. f orced Câu 30: Hung Yen has long been well-known for it’s excellent longan fruits. A. well-known B . fruits C. it's D. long Câu 31: When her dog died, she cried very hardly for half an hour. A. hardly B . cried C. half an hour D. died 1
  2. Prepared by Nguyen Sy Chien Friday, July 15, 2011 Câu 32: Several people have apparent tried to change the man's mind, but he refuses to listen. A. Several B . apparent C. mind D. to listen Câu 33: The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have. A. exercise B . frequent C. greater D. w ill have Câu 34: If it receives enough rain at the proper time, hay will grow quickly as grass. A. enough B . If C. w ill grow D. as Câu 35: The threat of being dismissed do not worry me any more because I have started my own business. A. The B . being dismissed C. do not worry D. my own business Câu 36: It is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the worlds rapidly increased population. A. It B . extremely difficult C. to feed D. increased population Câu 37: The Charles Dickens’s character Wilkins Micawber lived in optimistic expectation of a best fortune. A. character B . lived C. optimistic D. a Câu 38: This table is not sturdy enough to support a television, and that one probably isn't neither . A. not sturdy enough B . to support C. that one D. neither Câu 39: Although you must get off while the bus is being cleaned, you may leave your suitcases and other belongings laying o n your seat. A. laying B . leave C. other D. being cleaned Câu 40: I’m not used to drive on the left. A. to drive B . I'm not C. left D. on Câu 41: Robots in the home might not be enough creative to do the cooking, plan the meal and so on. A. the home B . might C. enough creative D. do Câu 42: It is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increased population. A. It B . increased population C. to feed D. extremely difficult Câu 43: Most polar seals r etreat to open water during the winter, but a few types have learn to survive on and under the ice all year round . A. a few B . learn C. r etreat D. r ound Câu 44: That manufacturer is not only r aising his prices but also decreasing the production of his product as well. A. raising B . as well C. his D. decreasing Câu 45: I want to live for hundred years. A. want B . to live C. f or D. hundred Câu 46: The 6-year-old boy resembles to his mother some what more than does his older brother. A. does B . some what C. t o D. 6-year-old Câu 47: As soon as Peter had arrived, he told us that he will be leaving for London tomorrow after the board meeting. A. had arrived B . after C. us D. w ill be leaving Câu 48: The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable. A. progress B . made C. in space D. f or Câu 49: H is recommendation that the Air Force investigates the UFO sighting w as approved by the commission a nd referred to the appropriate committee. A. by the commission B . investigates C. w as D. to Câu 50: When in grammar school, his teachers taught him to read. A. his teachers taught him B . r ead C. in D. When Câu 51: The director encouraged them work in the committee to plan a more effective advertising campaign for the new product. A. work B . to plan C. a more effective D. f or the new Câu 52: Despite the fact that I prefer to be a history teacher, I am studying in the Business School in order I am able to get a job in industry. A. in B . to be C. D espite D. in order Câu 53: If protect, a solar cell lasts f or a long time and is a good source of energy. A. protect B . a solar C. source of D. lasts Câu 54: It was Isadora Duncan w ho was responsible for many of the new innovations that have made modern dance different from classical ballet. A. who B . different C. new innovations D. It Câu 55: Is this the book you are looking for it? A. you are looking B . it C. f or D. the book Câu 56: There is a severe famine in Somalia, and thousands of people are dying from hungry. A. is B . thousands C. are dying D. f rom hungry Câu 57: In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they had invented a flying machine, his news was generally ignored. A. when B . generally C. had invented D. his Câu 58: His long-suffered parents are always ready to help him whenever he is in trouble. A. long-suffered B . ready to help C. whenever D. trouble Câu 59: Since erecting in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has served as a symbol of freedom. A. a B . freedom C. has served D. erecting Câu 60: The early we leave, the sooner we will arrive. A. The early B . leave C. the sooner D. arrive Câu 61: This apprentice has spent in two weeks working o n that new machine. A. in B . working C . on D. new Câu 62: The air that surrounds our planet is both odourless, colourless, and invisible 2
  3. Prepared by Nguyen Sy Chien Friday, July 15, 2011 A. The air B . our planet C. both odourless D. invisible Câu 63: Their free trip, which they won o n a television game show, include four days in London and a week in Paris. A. which B . on C. include D. a Câu 64: The harpsichord is the most complex and most large of all the plucked keyboard instruments. A. the B . plucked C. most complex D. most large Câu 65: The Commitment of Traders Report is released by the Commodity Future Trading Commission o n eleventh day of each month. A. is released by B . month C. of D. on eleventh Câu 66: The influence of the nation’s literature, art, and science have captured w idespread attention. A. nation's B . science C. have D. w idespread Câu 67: If you need to keep fit, then why not take on a sport such as badminton or tennis? A. to keep B . not take C . on D. a sport Câu 68: Several people arrived too lately to be admitted to the performance. A. to the B . tobe C. people D. lately Câu 69: Although it was raining, Anna refused to take her swimming lesson. A. Although B . refused C. w as raining D. swimming Câu 70: This is the picture of the town w here we visited last summer. A. the picture B . the town C. w here D. visited Câu 71: Discovered many years ago, we found uranium a useful metal. A. we found uranium a useful metal B . D iscovered C. ago D. many Câu 72: Factories have to treat their waste so as to they are less harmful to people and our environment. A. treat B . so as to C. less D. harmful Câu 73: As soon as w e’ve f inished supper , w e’ll all go to downtown to see our friends. A . to B . supper C. w e'll D. w e've Câu 74: She was not unaware of their presence in the room as she was absorbed in her reading. A. reading B . absorbed C. w as D. unaware of Câu 75: The museum is now open for all visitors. A. now B . open C. f or D. all visitors Câu 76: Mrs. Stevens, along w ith her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities. A. with B . her cousins C. are D. to attend Câu 77: Factories also manufacturing things that we need in the daily life. A. in B . also C. that D. manufacturing Câu 78: J ason’s professor had him to rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to present it to the committee . A. to rewrite B . allowing C. many times D. it to the committee Câu 79: George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither . A. has not B . assignment C. yet D. hasn't neither Câu 80: I w as amazed that Smith showed so few grief at his mother’s death. A. showed B . amazed C. w as D. f ew Câu 81: My friend Jack, who parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland. A. My B . who C. live D. to spend Câu 82: With a great deal of effort, his courses were passed at last. A. With B . at last C. of D. his courses were passed Câu 83: Most of us were feeling sleepily at the meeting because the speaker had a very monotonous voice. A. were feeling B . sleepily C. had D. monotonous Câu 84: United States forces won the city of Los Angels in 1847 during the Mexican War and gain all of California in the same year. A. United States B . forces C. during D. gain Câu 85: J ohn announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the contract under which he was working. A. under which B . not longer C. of D. that Câu 86: Patrick’s gradually getting over a heart attack, which had kept him off work for nearly two months. A. gradually B . had kept C. attack D. over Câu 87: I passed my exam last summer, but my friend has just failed her. A. but B . her C. has just D. passed Câu 88: She wishes that we didn’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet. A. didn't send B . her the candy C. because D. on Câu 89: They are planning o n attending the convention next month, and so am I. A. planning B . on attending C. next month D. so I am Câu 90: Tom’s very good at science w hen his brother is absolutely hopeless. A. is B . absolutely C. at science D. w hen Câu 91: She was among the few who w anted to quit smoke instead of cutting down. A. among the few B . of C. smoke D. w anted Câu 92: How much times did Rich and Jennifer have to do the experiment before they obtained the results they had been expecting. A. been expecting B . much C. obtained the results D. did Rich and Jennifer have to Câu 93: The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife the dinner terrible, so I was embarrassed. A. heard B . the dinner terrible C. embarrassed D. telling Câu 94: The prices of silver rose to $ 50.05 per troy ounce in January 1980 and then fell to $ 10.80 two month later. A. The price B . and then C. month D. r ose 3
  4. Prepared by Nguyen Sy Chien Friday, July 15, 2011 Câu 95: More than half of all stars is in binary or multiple-star systems. A. More than B . of all C . is D. or Câu 96: Tree squirrels are active, noisy, and lively a nimals that make its home in tree trunks. A. its B . lively C. that D. noisy Câu 97: The young are thought to be the future leaders of the country, and it is essential that they should understand their heritage as full as possible. A. it B . The young C. are thought to be D. as full as possible Câu 98: Everyday in summer, but especially at the weekends, all kinds of vehicles bring crowds of people to enjoy the various attraction. A. various attraction B . especially at C. crowds of people D. bring Câu 99: Mary was determined to leave the office by 4:30 f or catching the early train home. A. by B . to leave C. f or catching D. home Câu 100: My brother doesn’t care how much does the car cost because he is going to buy it anyway. A. does the car cost B . doesn't C. is going to buy D. cost Câu 101: There is a severe famine in Somalia, and thousands of people are dying from hungry. A. is B . thousands C. f rom hungry D. are dying Câu 102: Our house is supposed to paint w hite by my father. A. is supposed B . to paint C. w hite D. by Câu 103: Unless we polish metals f requently, they r ust or tarnish when exposure to air. A. rust or B . exposure C. f requently D. Unless Câu 104: Fireflies product light through a complex chemical reaction that takes place within their abdominal cells. A. their B . product C. a complex D. that takes Câu 105: This is the athlete whom everyone says will win the gold medal at the w inter Olympic Games. A. says B . w inter Olympic Games C. This D. w hom Câu 106: Mrs. Anderson bought last week a new sports car; however, she has yet to learn how to operate the manual gearshift. A. last week a new sports car B . has yet to learn C. how to operate D. however Câu 107: Hurrying to class, an accident happened in my car. A . to B . H urrying C. an accident happened in my car D. class Câu 108: Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago because of the earth’s climate changed drastically. A. became extinct B . because of C. the earth's D. drastically Câu 109: We educate our children as well as we can, because an educational population is the key to future. A . an B . to C. educational population D. as well as Câu 110: We will continue the game after the rain will stop. A. will B . the C. w ill stop D. the rain Câu 111: There was a slight disagreement between committee members of the club, r egarding their trip next month. A. was B . slight C. between D. r egarding Câu 112: The soup you made w as too hot f or me to eat it. A. it B . for me C. The D. made Câu 113: Hardwood comes from bread-leaved deciduous trees, those that lose theirs leaves in winter. A. comes from B . those that C. deciduous D. theirs Câu 114: When you talk to the old man, please remember to speak out as he is hard of hearing. A. talk to B . speak out C. is hard of D. hearing Câu 115: D uring fermentation, complex carbohydrates are converted to another chemicals by the action of enzymes produced by molds, yeasts, or bacteria. A. are converted B . produced C. another D. D uring Câu 116: Those silly ghost stories Abu told made Rafik feared to go upstairs by himself. A. ghost B . told C. f eared D. by himself Câu 117: If either of you take a vacation, we will not be able to finish the work. A. the work B . of C. w ill not D. take Câu 118: Alexander Calder, who was originally interested in mechanical engineering, later became a sculpture. A. later B . originally C. a sculpture D. in Câu 119: The little boy's mother bought him a f ive-speeds r acing bicycle for his birthday. A. him B . The C. f ive-speeds D. f or Câu 120: Because the expense of traditional fuels and the concern that they might run out , we have been investigating alternative sources of power. A. might run out B . they C. Because D. w e have been investigating 4



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