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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ôn tiếng anh lớp 12 - hk i', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 - HK I

  1. ÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 - HK I 1. All my ___________ students are ready to take the exam. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 2. What is your father's occupation? a. possession b. property c. poverty d. career 3. "I don't know anything about Jack London's life and works." means __________ a. I don't have knowledge of Jack London's life and works. b. I have no knowledge of Jack London's life and works. c. . I know nothing about Jack London's life and works. d. All are correct. 4. I can't stand impudent children. a. tolerate b. agree c. get over d. agree 5. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. water b. _waste c. answer d. _went 6. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. tourists_ b. laws c. crops d. cooks 7. Garbage should be __________ to avoid unpleasant odour. a. burnt b. scattered c. distributed d. buried 8. I come _________ an ancient city, sometimes refered __________ as the Athens of the North. a. . from / to b. on / as c. up / to d. over / to 9. An apple stands ____________ the New York State. a. for b. on c. up d. at 10. Some cancers are treated by ___________ treatment. a. radiation b. rotation c. generation d. auction 11. Our car has broken down. Call a _________.
  2. a. driver b. mechanic c. teacher d. cleaner 12. In this __________, you are not right. a. way b. respect c. practice d. device 13. Most of the festivals are ___________. a. well dressed b. well prepared c. well cooked d. well made 14. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. cow b. now c. allow d. low 15. Young people only feel the ________ of salary when they apply for a job. a. illustration b. attendant c. high d. attraction 16. After the accident he was taken to __________ hospital. I am going to ___________ hospital to visit him. a. the/the b. a/a c. the/no article d. no article/the 17. We had someone paint our house.__________ a. We had our house to paint. b. We had our house painted. c. Our house had been painted d. Our house has been painted by us 18. "What were you doing last night, Mr. John?" the police asked. a. The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr. John. b. The police asked Mr. John what he had been doing the night before. c. The police asked Mr. John what he had been done the night before. d. The police asked Mr. John what had he been done the night before. 19. We are __________ driving on the left side of the road. a. used to b. accustomed to c. familiar with d. all are correct 20. American speak English as their __________ language. a. first b. second c. foreign d. third 21. You need a good __________ before a job interview. a. chance b. preparation c. attention
  3. d. prevention 22. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. watches_ b. houses c. kites_ d. dishes 23. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. bury b. curtain c. burden d. curve 24. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. such b. success c. much d. cut 25. I object _________ being kept waiting. Why can't you be __________ time? a. at / in b. for / in c. to / on d. at / on 26. It was when I __________ my last job, I felt very unhappy. a. came b. lost c. gamed d. succeeded 27. Let's get acquainted _________ _ the newcomer. a. with b. to c. of d. about 28. Do you know ________ thing that happened to me? a. best b. the bad c. the bet d. the bat 29. They couldn't climb up the mountain because of the storm.__________ a. . The storm made them not to climb up the mountain. b. The storm made them could not climb up the mountain. c. The storm prevented them from climbing up the mountain. d. The storm prevent them to climb up the mountain. 30. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. intention b. question c. action d. mention 31. My mother is ill so I would like to have a day off to ___________ her. a. take care of b. look after c. pay attention to d. a and b 32. The lack of waste treatment systems in the industry zones __________ the environmental pollution in Vietnam. a. depends on
  4. b. rely on c. accounts for d. stand for 33. Try to avoid ___________ other people. a. disappoint b. disappointed c. disappointing d. disappointment 34. _________ from flowers may cause allergy to some people who cannot stand strange smell. a. Leaves b. Root c. Plant d. Pollen 35. ___________ stamps is my hobby. a. Collect b. Collecting c. Collected d. a and c 36. Tom said everything __________ ready when the match __________. a. will be/starts b. would be/started c. is/started d. will be/started 37. There were two ___________ evidences so the police couldn't accuse him of robbing the bank. a. same b. similar c. conflicting d. expecting 38. Playing _____________ table tennis is my favourite. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 39. She always listens ___________ to what she is told. a. attention b. attentive c. attentiveness d. attentively 40. There is a/an ___________ to every rule. a. abstract b. exception c. minus d. substract. 41. Soil _________ is a major problem which has endangered the development of argiculture. a. flight b. eruption c. explosion d. erossion 42. Our success came after some _________. a. fail b. failing c. failure d. failures 43. We enjoy _____________ that film.
  5. a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen 44. In 1980s many young men were sent to the Soviet Union to work in factories as ___________. a. learner b. educationist c. apprentices d. supervisors 45. English is not the __________ property of the UK. a. private b. personal c. main d. chief 46. It was the most interesting novel __________ we have ever read. a. who b. whose c. when d. that 47. Mary is sick. She can not go to work. a. Mary is too sick to go to work. b. Mary is sick enough to go to work. c. Mary is such sick that she can not go to work. d. Mary is sick so that she can not go to work: 48. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. mourn b. journey c. journal d. journalist 49. Either you or Peter ___________ write the report. a. has to b. have to c. a and b are correct d. a and b are incorrect 50. He drank _________ wine last night and gets sick now. a. too many b. few of c. large number of d. too much 51. I'll call you back in __________ hour. a. a b. an c. the d. no aricle 52. _________ you work harder, you will be sacked a. Whether b. If c. However d. Unless 53. Rotation of crops is ___________ on the same land from year to year. a. growing the same crop b. growing many crops c. growing different crops d. having similar crop
  6. 54. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. bathing b. bath c. method d. width 55. I am really disappointed what we can do to ___________ ur problem. a. overcome b. outnumber c. outlive d. get in 56. This car doesn't consume much petrol. It is _________. a. economic b. economics c. economy d. economical 57. Nobody gets ___________ treatment in our company. a. well b. preferential c. good d. guarding 58. Some pessimistic persons think that the world's resources will run __________ in some day. a. off b. of c. out d. on 59. The farmers are __________ manure on the field. a. pouring b. throwing c. distributing d. lowering 60. Mary's father works for a __________ company. a. construct b. construction c. constructive d. constructing 61. You need _________ when having an interview. a. confide b. confidence c. confident d. confiding 62. I would rather you __________ me at work. a. don't phone b. didn't phone c. haven't phone d. not phone 63. I rarely arrive __________ home late. a. . a b. an c. the d. no article 64. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. ear b. clear c. near
  7. d. learn 65. We have been given_________ time on writing assignment. a. a great deal o f b. a lot of c. a large number of d. a and b 66. Famers can protect their land by yearly rotation of crops. a. annual b. in the year c. mainly d. daily 67. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. too b. tooth c. tool d. took 68. Many people believe that the novel will be a best seller when it __________. a. is published b. will be published c. had been published d. will be being published 69. Several toxic gases are very ________ to our health a. good b. useful c. careful d. harmful 70. When one learns a foreign language, good _________ is the most appreciate way to make himself understood by others. a. pronunciation b. possession c. attention d. application 71. I was made _____________ hard when I was at high school. a. to study b. study c. studying d. studied 72. Hunters have caused the __________ of many wild animals. a. lose b. loss c. lost d. . losing 73. When the war broke out, my family lived in South Vietnam. a. started b. escaped c. ranged d. stopped 74. Some Western people _________ tea _________ coffee. a. prefer/to b. would rather have/than c. like/better than d. all are correct 75. She keeps _________ complaining __________ the weather. a. in/of
  8. b. on/about c. out/about d. on/in 76. Don't worry! By the time you arrive tomorrow, we ___________ the work. a. has completed b. had completed c. will have completed d. would have completed 77. He threw stones __________ his attackers, trying to drive them _________. a. at / away b. to / out c. for / up d. at / up 78. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. screw b. new c. threw d. flew 79. I ___________ Eng lish food when I first came to London. a. used not to b. didn't use to c. a and b are incorrect d. a and b are correct 80. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. camp b. come c. cell d. cook 81. The English course ___________ by the end of 2003. a. will end b. would be ended c. would have ended d. will have ended 82. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. south b. mouth c. sound d. touch 83. It is no use __________ about pollution in big cities. a. to complain b. complain c. complaining d. complained 84. __________ is a person who is concerned with the protection of the enviroment. a. Enviromentalist b. Specialist c. Communist d. Psychologist 85. I ___________ go to school early when I was a schoolboy. a. am used to b. was used to c. was accustomed to d. used to 86. It is essential that he ___________. His illness seems worse.
  9. a. need operating b. needs to operate c. need to operate d. needed operating 87. ___________ prevents soil from poorness. a. Crop rotation b. Crop harvesting c. Crop yielding d. Crop growing 88. The general ________ we received of the house was that it was nicely decorated. a. impress b. impressive c. impression d. impressing 89. They decided to __________ their differences and become friends. a. take on b. put aside c. give away d. go over 90. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. flow b. allow c. how d. plow 91. In spite of his ___________, he managed to finish the race. a. tire b. tired c. tiredness d. tiredly. 92. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. box b. got c. one d. pot 93. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. slaughter b. naughty c. tau ht d. laugh 94. There ___________ a book and two pencils in the drawer. a. is b. are c. were d. have been 95. This is Mr. Pike ________ car was stolen this morning. a. who b. whom c. whose d. which 96. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. level b. even c. eleven d. management
  10. 97. Forest fire is the most serious _________. a. preservation b. importance c. destruction d. all are incorrect 98. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. a. pain b. hay c. says d. bay 99. I regret _________ you the story. I really didn't know it would make you disappointed. a. to tell b. tell c. telling d. told 100. ___________ is being carried out. a. The reclaiming of the land b. The reclaiming land c. The land reclaiming d. a and c ĐÁP ÁN 1. d 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. b 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. d 16. d 17. b 18. b 19. d 20. a 21. b 22. c 23. a 24. b 25. c 26. b 27. a
  11. 28. a 29. c 30. b 31. d 32. c 33. c 34. d 35. b 36. b 37. c 38. d 39. d 40. b 41. d 42. d 43. c 44. c 45. a 46. d 47. a 48. a 49. a 50. d 51. b 52. d 53. b 54. a 55. a 56. d 57. b 58. c 59. c 60. b 61. b 62. b 63. d 64. d 65. d 66. a 67. d 68. a 69. d 70. a 71. b 72. b 73. a 74. d 75. b 76. c 77. a 78. b 79. d 80. c 81. d
  12. 82. d 83. c 84. a 85. d 86. a 87. a 88. c 89. b 90. a 91. c 92. c 93. d 94. a 95. c 96. a 97. c 98. c 99. c 100. d



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