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Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 và 2

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Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 và 2 là tư liệu tham khảo, hỗ trợ cho phụ huynh và các em học sinh trong quá trình hướng dẫn học sinh học tập.

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Nội dung Text: Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 và 2

  1. PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHO HỌC SINH LỚP 1 VÀ 2 1. Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 (ABC English 1) – Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam – được dạy và học tiếng Anh ở lớp 1 với thời lượng 2 tiết/tuần (70 tiết cho một năm học). Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 1 (ABC English 1) gồm 26 đơn vị bài học (Unit) và 5 bài ôn (Revision). Mỗi đơn vị bài học được thực hiện trong 2 tiết (tiết thứ nhất dạy Lesson 1, tiết thứ hai dạy Lesson 2). Mỗi bài ôn thực hiện trong 2 tiết. Cả năm học có 8 tiết dự phòng (dùng để ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức ngôn ngữ hoặc kĩ năng giao tiếp, kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra hoặc cho các đơn vị bài học khó). Số tiết đó có thể chia đều cho hai học kì. Kế hoạch chung là: 2 tiết/đơn vị bài học x 26 đơn vị bài học = 52 tiết 2 tiết/bài ôn x 5 bài ôn = 10 tiết Số tiết dự phòng = 8 tiết Tổng số: 70 tiết Phân phối nội dung cụ thể là: Tiết Nội dung dạy học Ghi chú Unit one: A 1 Lesson 1. An apple Giáo viên có thể dành một Look, listen and repeat. hoặc hai tiết đầu giúp học sinh Look and say. làm quen với nội dung sách Read and match. hoặc cách sử dụng sách. Let’s chant. 2 Lesson 2. Thank you Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s play. Unit two: B 3 Lesson 1. A ball Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 4 Lesson 2. I have a ball Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit three: C 1
  2. 5 Lesson 1. A cake Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 6 Lesson 2. I have a cake Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s play. Unit four: D 7 Lesson 1. A duck Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 8 Lesson 2. Dance to town Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit five: E 9 Lesson 1. A hen Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s sing. 10 Lesson 2. I have a hen Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Revision A 11 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 12 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit six: F 13 Lesson 1. A fish Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s sing. 14 Lesson 2. I like to fish Listen and read. Let’s talk. 2
  3. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit seven: G 15 Lesson 1. A goat Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 16 Lesson 2. Goodbye Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit eight: H 17 Lesson 1. A horse Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 18 Lesson 2. Hi. How are you? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s sing. Unit nine: I 19 Lesson 1. A pig Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 20 Lesson 2. Sit down, please. Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit ten: J 21 Lesson 1. Jog and jump Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s sing. 22 Lesson 2. I like to jog Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. 3
  4. Revision B 23 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 24 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit eleven: K 25 Lesson 1. A kite Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 26 Lesson 2. Where is the kite? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit twelve: L 27 Lesson 1. A lion Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 28 Lesson 2. Go to school Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit thirteen: M 29 Lesson 1. My mother Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s sing. 30 Lesson 2. The mango tree Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s play. Unit fourteen: N 31 Lesson 1. The nose and the knee Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 32 Lesson 2. Don’t make a noise Listen and read. 4
  5. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s sing. Unit fifteen: O 33 Lesson 1. One orange Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 34 Lesson 2. I’d like one orange, please. Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s play. Revision C 35 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 36 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit sixteen: P 37 Lesson 1. A pen and a pencil Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 38 Lesson 2. I have one pen Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit seventeen: Q 39 Lesson 1. The queen Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 40 Lesson 2. Stand in a queue, please. Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit eighteen: R 41 Lesson 1. A rat Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. 5
  6. Let’s play. 42 Lesson 2. Can you run fast? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit nineteen: S 43 Lesson 1. The sun Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 44 Lesson 2. The little star Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s sing. Unit twenty: T 45 Lesson 1. A table Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 46 Lesson 2. The little tiger and the rat Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Revision D 47 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 48 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit twenty-one: U 49 Lesson 1. Run or jump Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 50 Lesson 2. The ducks are jumping Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit twenty-two: V 51 Lesson 1. A van 6
  7. Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 52 Lesson 2. Driving a van Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit twenty-three: W 53 Lesson 1. A window Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 54 Lesson 2. Washing the window Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Unit twenty-four: X 55 Lesson 1. A fox Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s chant. 56 Lesson 2. They are boxing Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s play. Unit twenty-five: Y 57 Lesson 1. Yoghurt Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. Read and match. Let’s play. 58 Lesson 2. The monkey is happy Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s sing. Unit twenty-six: Z 59 Lesson 1. A zebra Look, listen and repeat. Look and say. 7
  8. Read and match. Let’s sing. 60 Lesson 2. A lazy zebra Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the words. Let’s chant. Revision E 61 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 62 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. 2. Phân phối chương trình Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 2 Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 2 (ABC English 2) – Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam – được dạy và học tiếng Anh ở lớp 2 với thời lượng 2 tiết/tuần (70 tiết cho một năm học). Tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 2 (ABC English 2) gồm 25 đơn vị bài học (Unit) và 5 bài ôn (Revision). Mỗi đơn vị bài học được thực hiện trong 2 tiết (tiết thứ nhất dạy Lesson 1 và tiết thứ hai dạy Lesson 2). Mỗi bài ôn dạy trong 2 tiết. Cả năm học có 10 tiết dự phòng (dùng để ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức ngôn ngữ hoặc kĩ năng giao tiếp, kiểm tra và chữa bài kiểm tra hoặc cho các đơn vị bài học khó). Số tiết đó có thể chia đều cho hai học kì. Kế hoạch chung là: 2 tiết/đơn vị bài học x 25 đơn vị bài học = 50 tiết 2 tiết/bài ôn x 5 bài ôn = 10 tiết Số tiết dự phòng = 10 tiết Tổng số: 70 tiết Phân phối nội dung cụ thể là: Tiết Nội dung dạy học Ghi chú Unit one: Ai 1 Lesson 1. A train Giáo viên có thể dành một tiết Look, listen and repeat. giúp học sinh tìm hiểu sự khác Read and match. biệt của sách lớp 2 so với sách Make the words with the ‘ai’ sound. lớp 1. Let’s play. 2 Lesson 2. It rains Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Unit two: All 3 Lesson 1. A ball 8
  9. Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘all’ sound. Let’s chant. 4 Lesson 2. They are playing football Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit three: Ar 5 Lesson 1. A car Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ar’ sound. Let’s chant. 6 Lesson 2. Where is the car? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit four: Bl 7 Lesson 1. Black or blue Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘bl’ sound. Let’s sing. 8 Lesson 2. I have a black blouse Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit five: Br 9 Lesson 1. Brown bread Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘br’ sound. Let’s play. 10 Lesson 2. I have bread for breakfast Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s chant. Revision A 11 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 12 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các 9
  10. Listen and read. bài trước. Unit six: Ch 13 Lesson 1. Chips Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ch’ sound. Let’s sing. 14 Lesson 2. Who likes chicken? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s chant. Unit seven: Cl 15 Lesson 1. Clean Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘cl’ sound. Let’s chant and match. 16 Lesson 2. I am winding the clock Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit eight: Dr 17 Lesson 1. A dress Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘dr’ sound. Let’s play. 18 Lesson 2. Little drops of water Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit nine: Ea 19 Lesson 1. Read Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ea’ sound. Let’s play. 20 Lesson 2. Read to me, please. Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Unit ten: Ee 10
  11. 21 Lesson 1. The teeth and the feet Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ee’ sound. Let’s sing. 22 Lesson 2. Clean our teeth and wash our feet Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Revision B 23 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 24 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit eleven: Fl 25 Lesson 1. A flower Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘fl’ sound. Let’s play. 26 Lesson 2. The little birds fly away Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Unit twelve: Gr 27 Lesson 1. Grapes Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘gr’ sound. Let’s play. 28 Lesson 2. Green grass Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Unit thirteen: Ng 29 Lesson 1. Swing and sing Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ng’ sound. Let’s play. 30 Lesson 2. Swing, sing, ring Listen and read. Let’s talk. 11
  12. Complete the sentences. Let’s chant and act out. Unit fourteen: Oo 31 Lesson 1. A cook Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘oo’ sound. Let’s sing. 32 Lesson 2. Look at the cook Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit fifteen: Ou 33 Lesson 1. A house Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ou’ sound. Let’s chant. 34 Lesson 2. I live in a house Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Revision C 35 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 36 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit sixteen: Ow 37 Lesson 1. Flowers Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘ow’ sound. Let’s play. 38 Lesson 2. I go to town Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s sing. Unit seventeen: Oy 39 Lesson 1. The boy Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘oy’ sound. Let’s chant. 12
  13. 40 Lesson 2. The boy has lots of toys Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit eighteen: Pl 41 Lesson 1. A plane Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘pl’ sound. Let’s play. 42 Lesson 2. The plane is flying Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s chant and match. Unit nineteen: Pr 43 Lesson 1. The princess Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘pr’ sound. Let’s sing. 44 Lesson 2. Pretty Princess Anny Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit twenty: Sk 45 Lesson 1. Skip Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘sk’ sound. Let’s sing. 46 Lesson 2. Ski, skate, skip Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Revision D 47 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 48 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. Unit twenty-one: St 49 Lesson 1. A star Look, listen and repeat. 13
  14. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘st’ sound. Let’s play. 50 Lesson 2. Stand up, please. Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s tell the story. Unit twenty-two: Sw 51 Lesson 1. A swan Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘sw’ sound. Let’s chant and act out. 52 Lesson 2. The swans are swimming Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit twenty-three: Th 53 Lesson 1. Mother and father Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘th’ sound. Let’s sing. 54 Lesson 2. This is my mother Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit twenty-four: Tr 55 Lesson 1. A train again Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘tr’ sound. Let’s play. 56 Lesson 2. I like to drive a tractor Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Unit twenty-five: Wh 57 Lesson 1. A whale Look, listen and repeat. Read and match. Make the words with the ‘wh’ sound. 14
  15. Let’s sing. 58 Lesson 2. What is that? Listen and read. Let’s talk. Complete the sentences. Let’s play. Revision E 59 Listen and repeat. Nếu còn thời gian, giáo viên Read and match. có thể cho học sinh ôn lại kiến 60 Read and complete the sentences. thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng các Listen and read. bài trước. 15



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