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PHP and MySQL by Example- P3

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  1. constant  to  the  following  script  that  will  define  a  COPY_RIGHT  constant  containing   your  SITE_NAME  with  the  copyright  symbol  appended  (concatenated)  to  it.  Display   the  constants  and  their  corresponding  values  in  an  HTML  table.  Hint:  See       Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  2. Chapter 5. Operators “Operator, give me the number for 911.” —Dan Castellaneta 5.1. About PHP Operators and Expressions Data objects can be manipulated in a number of ways by the large number of operators provided by PHP. Operators are symbols, such as +, -, =, >, and
  3. in. They tell PHP how to evaluate such an expression. Precedence refers to the way in which the operator binds to its operand; that is, should addition be done before division or should assignment come before multiplication. The precedence of one operator over another determines what operation is done first. As shown in the precedence table (see Table 5.1), the operators are organized as a hierarchy, with the operators of highest precedence at the top, similar to a social system where those with the most power (or money) are at the top. In the rules of precedence, the multiplication operator is of higher precedence than the addition operator, technically meaning the operator of higher precedence binds more tightly to its operands. The assignment operators are low in precedence and thus bind loosely to their operand. In the expression sum = 5 + 4, the equal sign is of low precedence so the expression 5 + 4 is evaluated first and then the result is assigned to sum. Parentheses are of the highest precedence. An expression placed within parentheses is evaluated first; for example, in the expression 2 * ( 10 - 4 ), the expression within the parentheses is evaluated first and that result is multiplied by 2. When parentheses are nested, the expression contained within the innermost set of parentheses is evaluated first. Table 5.1. Precedence and Associativity (Highest to Lowest) Operator   Description   Associativity   ()   Parentheses   Left  to  right[a]   new   Creates  an  object   Nonassociative   [   Array  subscript   Right  to  left   ++ --   Auto  increment,  decrement   Nonassociative   ! ~ -   Logical  not,  bitwise  not,  negation   Nonassociative   (int) (float)  (string) (array) Cast       (object)   @   Inhibit  errors       * / %   Multiply,  divide,  modulus   Left  to  right   + - .   Add,  subtract,  string  concatenation   Left  to  right   >   Bitwise  left  shift,  right  shift   Left  to  right   < >=   Greater  than,  greater  than  or  equal       to   = = !=   Equal  to,  not  equal  to   Nonassociative   = = = != =   Identical  to  (same  type),  not       identical  to   &   Bitwise  AND   Left  to  right   ^   Bitwise  XOR       |   Bitwise  OR       Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  4. Table 5.1. Precedence and Associativity (Highest to Lowest) Operator   Description   Associativity   &&   Logical  and   Left  to  right   ||   Logical  or   Left  to  right   ? :   Ternary,  conditional   Left  to  right   = += -= *= /= %= =   Assignment   Right  to  left   and   Logical  AND   Left  to  right   xor   Logical  XOR   Left  to  right   or   Logical  OR   Left  to  right   ,  (comma)   List  separator,  etc.   Left  to  right     [a] Not listed in the PHP manual, but seems to behave the same as in other languages. Associativity refers to the order in which an operator evaluates its operands: left to right, in no specified order, or right to left. When all of the operators in an expression are of equal precedence (see Table 5.1), normally the association is left to right; for example, in the expression 5 + 4 + 3, the evaluation is from left to right. In the following statement, how is the expression evaluated? Is addition, multiplication, or division done first? In what order, right to left or left to right? Example 5.1. Precedence and Associativity() Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  5. Explanation 1   The  order  of  associativity  is  from  left  to  right.  Multiplication  and  division  are  of  a  higher   precedence  than  addition  and  subtraction,  and  addition  and  subtraction  are  of  a  higher   precedence  than  assignment.  To  illustrate  this,  we’ll  use  parentheses  to  group  the   operands  as  they  are  grouped  by  PHP.  In  fact,  if  you  want  to  force  precedence,  use  the   parentheses  around  the  expression  to  group  the  operands  in  the  way  you  want  them   evaluated.  The  following  two  examples  produce  the  same  result.     var result = 5 + 4 * 12 / 4;   could  be  written     result = (5 + ( ( 4 * 12 ) / 4));   2   In  this  example,  the  expressions  enclosed  within  parentheses  are  evaluated  first.  The  *   and  /  are  evaluated  left  to  right  because  they  are  of  the  same  precedence.  Output  of  this   example  is  shown  in  Figure  5.1.     Figure 5.1. Output from Example 5.1.   Table 5.1 summarizes the rules of precedence and associativity for the PHP operators. The operators on the same line are of equal precedence. The rows are in order of highest to lowest precedence. Example 5.2. Precedence and Associativity() Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  6. Explanation 1   The  variable,  called  $result,  is  assigned  the  result  of  the  expression.     $result = 5 + 4 * 12 / 4; produces: $result = 5 + 48 / 4 produces: $result = 5 + 12 and finally the sum: 17   Because  multiplication  and  division  are  higher  on  the  precedence  table  than  addition,   those  expressions  will  be  evaluated  first,  associating  from  left  to  right.   2   The  result  of  the  previous  evaluation,  the  value  of  $result,  is  sent  to  the  browser.   3   The  expressions  enclosed  in  parentheses  are  evaluated  first  and  then  multiplied.   $result = ( 5 + 4 ) * ( 12 / 4 ); produces: 9 * 3 $result = 9 * 3 results in: 27   4   The  result  of  the  previous  evaluation,  the  value  of  $result,  is  sent  to  the  browser.  See   Figure  5.2.     Figure 5.2. Output from Example 5.2.   5.1.3. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators take numerical values (either literals or variables) as their operands and return a single numerical value. The standard arithmetic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). See Table 5.2. Table 5.2. Arithmetic Operators Operator/Operands   Function   x + y   Addition   x – y   Subtraction   x * y   Multiplication   Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  7. Table 5.2. Arithmetic Operators Operator/Operands   Function   x / y   Division   x % y   Modulus     Example 5.3. Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators 1 Explanation 1   This  is  the  start  of  a  PHP  program.   2   Variables  $num1  and  $num2  are  declared  and  assigned  values  5  and  7,  respectively.   3   The  sum  of  $num1  and  $num2  is  assigned  to  $result  and  printed  on  line  3.   4   This  arithmetic  operation  illustrates  precedence  and  associativity.  The  expression  in   parentheses  is  evaluated  first,  then  the  module  operator  (the  %  sign)  will  divide  that   result  by  7  and  return  the  remainder,  and  addition  is  performed  last.  To  show  the  order   of  evaluation,  we  can  put  parentheses  around  all  of  the  expressions.  Start  evaluating   with  the  innermost  set  of  parentheses  first  (10/2 + 5),  then  the  next  set,  and  so  on:   (12 +( (10 / 2 + 5) %7))   See  Figure  5.3  for  output  of  this  example.   Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  8. Figure 5.3. Output from Example 5.3. 5.1.4. Short Circuit Assignment Operators The short circuit assignment operators allow you to perform an arithmetic or string operation by combining an assignment operator with an arithmetic or string operator. For example, $x = $x + 1 can be written $x+=1. Table 5.3. Assignment Operators Operator Example Meaning = $x = 5; Assign  5  to  variable  $x. += $x += 3; Add  3  to  $x  and  assign  result  to  $x. -= $x -= 2; Subtract  2  from  $x  and  assign  result  to  $x. *= $x *= 4; Multiply  $x  by  4  and  assign  result  to  $x. /= $x /= 2; Divide  $x  by  2  and  assign  result  to  $x. %= $x %= 2; Divide  $x  by  2  and  assign  remainder  to  $x.   Example 5.4. Arithmetic Operators Shortcut Operators 1
  9. print "10 is assigned to \$num."; 3 $num += 2; print "\$num += 2; \$num is $num. "; 4 $num -= 1; print "\$num -= 1; \$num is $num. "; 5 $num *= 3; print "\$num *= 3; \$num is $num. "; 6 $num %= 5; print "\$num %= 5; \$num is $num."; ?> Explanation 1 The  PHP  program  starts  here. 2 10  is  assigned  to  the  variable  $num. 3 The  shortcut  assignment  operator,  +=,  adds  2  to  the  variable,  $num.  This  is   equivalent  to:  $num = $num + 1; 4 The  shortcut  assignment  operator,  -=,  subtracts  1  from  the  variable,  $num.  This   is  equivalent  to:  $num = $num - 1; 5 The  shortcut  assignment  operator,  *,  multiplies  the  variable  $num  by  3.  This  is   equivalent  to:  $num = $num * 3; 6 The  shortcut  assignment  modulus  operator,  %,  yields  the  integer  amount  that   remains  after  the  scalar  $num  is  divided  by  5.  The  operator  is  called  the   modulus  operator  or  remainder  operator.  The  expression  $num %=5  is   equivalent  to:  $num = $num % 5;.  See  Figure  5.4  for  output  of  this  example.   Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  10. Figure 5.4. Output from Example 5.4. 5.1.5. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators To make programs easier to read, to simplify typing, and, at the machine level, to produce more efficient code, the autoincrement (++) and autodecrement (--) operators are provided. The autoincrement operator performs the simple task of incrementing the value of its operand by 1, and the autodecrement operator decrements the value of its operand by 1. The operator has two forms: The first form prefixes the variable with either ++ or -- (e.g., ++$x or --$x); the second form postfixes (places the operator after) the variable name with either ++ or -- (e.g., $x++, x--). For simple operations, such as $x++ or $x--, ++$x or --$x, the effect is the same; both ++$x and $x++ add 1 to the value of $x, and both --$x and $x-- subtract one from the value of $x. See Table 5.4 for examples. Table 5.4. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators Operator Function What  It  Does Example   ++$x Preincrement Adds  1  to  $x $x = 3; $x++; $x  is  now  4 $x++ Postincrement Adds  1  to  $x $x = 3; ++$x; $x  is  now  4 ––$x Predecrement Subtracts  1  from  $x $x = 3; $x;–– $x  is  now  2 $x–– Postdecrement Subtracts  1  from  $x $x = 3; --$x; $x  is  now  2   Now you have four ways to add 1 to the value of a variable: $x = $x + 1; $x += 1; $x++; ++$x ;   You also have four ways to subtract 1 from the value of a variable: $x = $x - 1; $x -= 1; $x--; --$x;   In Chapter 6, “Strings,” these operators are commonly used to increment or decrement loop counters. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  11. The Autoincrement/Autodecrement and Assignment The placement of the operators does make a difference in more complex expressions especially when part of an assignment; for example, $y = $x++ is not the same as $y = ++$x. See Figure 5.5. Figure 5.5. Start with: $y = 0; $x = 5;. See Example 5.5.       Example 5.5. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Explanation 1 The  variables,  $x  and  $y,  are  initialized  to  5  and  0,  respectively.  See  Figure  5.5. 2 The  preincrement  operator  is  applied  to  $x.  This  means  that  $x  will  be   incremented  before  the  assignment  is  made.  The  value  of  $x  was  5,  now  it  is  6.   The  variable  $y  is  assigned  6.  $x  is  6,  $y  is  6. 3 The  new  values  of  $y  and  $x  are  displayed  in  the  browser  window. 4 The  variables,  $x  and  $y,  are  assigned  values  of  5  and  0,  respectively. 5 This  time  the  postincrement  operator  is  applied  to  $x.  This  means  that  $x  will   be  incremented  after  the  assignment  is  made.  5  is  assigned  to  the  variable  $y,   and  then  $x  is  incremented  by  1.  $x  is  5,  $y  is  6. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  12. be  incremented  after  the  assignment  is  made.  5  is  assigned  to  the  variable  $y,   and  then  $x  is  incremented  by  1.  $x  is  5,  $y  is  6. 6 The  new  values  of  $y  and  $x  are  displayed  in  the  browser  window.  See  Figure   5.6.   Figure 5.6. Output from Example 5.5. 5.1.6. Some Useful Math Functions Table 5.5 lists some of the math functions provided by PHP. The complete list can be found at the PHP Web site. Table 5.5. Math Functions Function Meaning Example abs() Absolute  value echo abs(-5); // 5 echo abs(5.3); // 5 base_convert() Convert  a  number   echo base_convert("ff",16,10); // 255 echo base_convert("a",16,2); // 1010 between  arbitrary   echo base_convert(11,10,8); // 13 bases bindec() Binary  to  decimal echo bindec('1010'); // 10 echo bindec('110010'); // 50 ceil() Round  fractions  up echo ceil(6.2); // 7 echo ceil(6.8); // 7 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  13. Table 5.5. Math Functions Function Meaning Example decbin() Decimal  to  binary echo decbin(5); // 101 echo decbin(20); // 10100 dechex() Decimal  to   echo dechex(15); // f echo dechex(124); // 7c hexadecimal decoct() Decimal  to  octal echo decoct(8); // 10 echo decoct(20); // 24 floor() Round  fractions   echo floor(6.2); // 6 echo floor(6.8); // 6 down getrandmax() Show  largest   echo getrandmax(); // returns 32767 possible  random   value hexdec() Hexadecimal  to   echo hexdec("ff"); // returns 255 echo hexdec("a"); // returns 10 decimal is_finite() Finds  whether  a   echo is_finite(pi()); // returns 1 true value  is  a  legal  finite   number,  returns   boolean is_infinite() Finds  whether  a   echo is_infinite(pow(10, 1000000)); // returns 1 true value  is  infinite is_nan() Finds  whether  a   echo is_nan(5.2) // returns false value  is  not  a   number max() Find  highest  value echo max(1,3,5,12,8); // 12 min() Find  lowest  value echo min(5,3.2, 8, 4); // 3.2 octdec() Octal  to  decimal echo octdec(10); // returns 8 pi() Get  value  of  pi echo pi(); // 3.1415926535898 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  14. Table 5.5. Math Functions Function Meaning Example pow() Exponential   echo pow(3,2); // 9 echo pow(10,3); // 1000 expression rand(start,finish) Generate  a  random   echo rand(1,10); // 5 echo rand(1,10); // 7 echo rand(1,10); // 10 integer  between   start  and  finish round() Rounds  a  float echo round(6.4); // 6 echo round(6.5); // 7 sqrt() Square  root echo sqrt(81); // 9 srand() Seed  the  random     number  generator   5.1.7. Casting Operators As defined earlier, PHP is a loosely typed language, which really means that you don’t have to be concerned about what kind of data is stored in a variable. You can assign a number to $x on one line and on the next line assign a string to $x; you can compare numbers and strings, strings and booleans, and so on. PHP automatically converts values when it assigns values to a variable or evaluates an expression. If data types are mixed, that is, a number is compared to a string, a boolean is compared to a number, a string is compared to a boolean, PHP must decide how to handle the expression. Most of the time, letting PHP handle the data works fine, but there are times when you want to force a conversion of one type to another. This is done by using the casting operators listed in Table 5.6. Casting doesn’t change the value in a variable; it affects the way other operators interpret the value. Casting can be useful when casting strings to integers, arrays to objects, and so on. Table 5.6. Casting Operators Operator Synonym Changes  Data  Type  To (int) (integer) Integer (float) (real) Floating  point (string)   String (bool) (boolean) Boolean (array)   Array  (see  Chapter  8,  “Arrays”)   Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  15. Format variable = (cast operator) value;   Example: $salary = "52000"; // Variable is assigned a string value $salary = (float) $salary; // Value is forced to float and reassigned Example 5.6. Code  View:   Type Casting Explanation 1 The  variable,  $string,  is  assigned  a  string  containing  some  leading  numbers. 2 The  new  type  is  placed  within  parentheses,  causing  the  variable,  $string,  to  be   temporarily  cast  from  a  string  data  type  to  an  integer.  The  original  $string  will  not  be   changed.  It  is  still  a  string  type,  but  $number  will  be  an  integer.  PHP  retains  only  the   leading  numbers  in  $string,  thus  removing  dogs  during  the  type  cast. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  16. 3 ($total_seconds / 60)  is  cast  to  an  integer  before  assigning  the  result  to  $minutes.   See  Figure  5.7  for  output  of  this  example.   Figure 5.7. Type casting. Output from Example 5.6. 5.1.8. Concatention Operator Concatenation is from Late Latin concatenatio, from concatenare, “to chain together,” from Latin con-, “with, together” + catena, “a chain, a series.”[1] [1] The process of joining strings together is called concatenation. The PHP string concatenation operator is a dot (.). Its operands are two strings. It returns the concatenation of its right and left operands. If either operand is a number and the other is a string, PHP still concatenates them as strings. "pop" . "corn" // results in "popcorn" "Route " . 66 // results in "Route 66"   There is also a shortcut concatenation assignment operator used like the shortcut operators (.=). Example 5.7. Concatenation
  17. echo "Second string: $string2"; echo "After concatenation: $string3"; echo "Whoops! Let's add a space: "; 3 $string3 = "$string1". " " . "$string2"; echo "After adding a space: $string3"; ?> Explanation 1 $string1  is  assigned  the  string,  "My dog";  $string2  is  assigned  the  string,  "has fleas".   These  two  strings  will  be  linked  together  with  the  concatenation  operator. 2 $string3  is  created  by  concatenating  $string1  and  $string2  together.  The  comment   shows  another  way  to  use  the  concatenation  operator:  $string1.= $string2.  When   combined  with  the  assignment  operator,  .=,  $string1  will  be  assigned  its  value   concatenated  to  the  value  of  $string2,  same  as:  $string1 = $string1 . $string2. 3 A  space,  represented  as  " ",  is  concatenated  to  $string1  to  provide  a  space  between   $string1  and  $string2.  See  Figure  5.8.   Figure 5.8. Output from Example 5.7. 5.1.9. Comparison Operators When operands are compared, relational and equality operators are used. The operands can be numbers or strings. The result of the comparison is either true or false, a Boolean value. Comparisons are based on the type of the operands being compared. If, for example, two numbers are compared, the comparison is numeric, such as 5 > 4. When comparing two strings, they are compared letter by letter (lexographically) using ASCII values to represent the numeric Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  18. value of each letter; for example, "A" is less than "B" and when comparing "Daniel" to "Dan", "Daniel" is greater than "Dan". What if a string contains only numbers and is compared to another string that contains only numbers? Then the strings are converted to numbers and compared numerically. See Table 5.7 for examples. Table 5.7. Comparison Operators Operator/Operands Function $x == $y $x  is  equal  to  $y $x != $y $x  is  not  equal  to  $y $x > $y $x  is  greater  than  $y $x >= $y $x  is  greater  than  or  equal  to  $y $x < $y $x  is  less  than  $y $x
  19. Table 5.8. Equality Test with Strings and Numbers Test Are  They  Equal? -0 == +0 True false == false True true == 1 True null == "" True   What Is Identical? The === and !== operators test that their operands are not only of the same value, but also of the same data type. String "54" is equal to number 54, but not identical because one is a string and the other is a number, even though their values are equal. See Table 5.9. Table 5.9. Identity Test with Strings and Numbers Test Are  They  Identical? "William" === "William" True "william" === "William" False 5 === 5.0 False "54" === 54 False null === null True -0 == +0 True false === false True true === 1 False null === "" False   5.1.10. Comparing Numbers When the comparison operators are used to compare numbers, numeric values are compared; for example, is 50 > 45? A boolean value of either true or false is returned. PHP compares its operands numerically if: 1. Both operands are numbers: 4 > 5 2. One operand is a number and the other is a string consisting of all numbers: "54" > 6 3. Both operands are strings containing all numbers: "56" < "57" For example: $x > $y $x  is  greater  than  $y $x >= $y $x  is  greater  than  or  equal  to  $y Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  20. $x > $y $x  is  greater  than  $y $x < $y $x  is  less  than  $y $x Explanation 1 The  variables  $x  and  $y  are  assigned  values,  to  be  compared  later  in  the   program. 2 If  the  value  of  $x  is  greater  than  the  value  of  $y,  a  boolean  value  of  either  1  or   ""  is  returned  and  assigned  to  the  variable  result. 3 The  boolean  result  of  the  comparison  is  displayed  by  the  browser.  It  is  true  or   1;  $x  is  greater  than  y. 4 If  $x  is  less  than  $y,  1  is  assigned  to  the  variable,  result;  otherwise  it  is   assigned  the  null  string. 5 The  boolean  result  of  the  comparison  is  displayed  by  the  browser.  It  is  cast  to   an  integer  so  that  you  can  see  the  value  0,  representing  false;  $x  is  not  greater   than  $y.  See  Figure  5.9.   Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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