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Phương pháp luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Tactics for listening expanding: Phần 1

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Phần 1 cuốn sách "Phương pháp luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Tactics for listening expanding" trình bày các nội dung nghe về các chủ đề: Small talk, Part-Time jobs, successtul businesses; gadgets and Machines, character traits; cooking; housing, apartment problems; priendship, television; cities.

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Nội dung Text: Phương pháp luyện nghe Tiếng Anh - Tactics for listening expanding: Phần 1

  1. E X P A N D I N G r2 i Sỉ Ú D .2 | c ơ I ỉ USTE G A LDYỆN NGHE TIỂNG ANH Second Edition student book - Tapescripts - Test Booklet Dịch và ọiới thiệu: HÓNG DÚ /
  2. EXPANDING TACTICS FOR LISTENING Second Edỉtỉon Jack c. Richards M ! À XI ẢT B Ả N T Ừ Đ I É N B Á C H K H O A
  3. C o n t e n t s Scope and Sequence iv Introduction 1 Unit 1: Sm allTalk 2 Unit 2: Part-Time Jobs 6 Unit 3: Successtul Businesses 10 Unit 4: Gadgets and Machines 14 Unit 5: Character Traits 18 Unit 6: Cooking 22 Unit 7; Housing 26 Unit 8; Apartm ent Problems 30 Unit 9: Priendship 34 Unit 10: Television 38 Unit 11: Cities 42 Unit 12: Urban Life 45 Unit 13: Special Days 50 Unit 14: Pashion 54 Unit 15: Preíerences 58 Unit 16: Phone Messages 62 Unit 17: Past Events 66 Unit 18; Vacations 70 Unit 19: The News 74 Unit 20: Opinions 78 Unit21: Pamous People 82 Unit 22: Food and Nutrition 86 Unit 23: Predicaments 90 Unit 24: Global Issues 94
  4. Unit Themes Skills G re eting s L iste ning fũỉ g re e tin g s a n d in tro d u c tio n s Smaỉl ta lk L iste ning fo f topics LisícninỊ^ i o ' d ttttu d e s Lisle n in g íỉnd m ỉk in g in fe re n c e s Liste ning ao(i m a kin g p re d ic tio n s Jobs Liste ning fo r gist jo b in te rv ie w $ Liste ning fo r jobs Liste ning fo r de tails Business Listening fo r ne g a tive in fo rín a tio n Liste ning fo r gist Liste ning fo r details G adgets Liste ning fo r gi5t M achines Liste ning fo r de taiis People Liste ning fo f gist C haracter tra its Liste ning fo r praise o r criticism Liste ning fo r de tails Food L iste ning fo r gist Recipes L iste ning fo r de tails H ousing Liste ning fo r gist Liste ning ior n e g a tlv e in fo r m a tlo n Liste oing fo r d e ta ils C o m p laints ListeninQ giit N e ig h b o rb o o d s Liste ning fo r d e ta ils A p a r t m e n U Liste ning fo r a g re e m e n t a n d d is a g re e m e n t Friends Listening fo r gist D a tin g Liste ning fo r de tails In v ita tlo n s 10 Television Liste ning tor topics Liste ning fo r gist Liste ning fo r details Llste ning fo r a g re e m e n t a n d d is a g re e m e n t L lste ning fo f a ttitu d e s 11 Cities Liste ning fo r d e ta ils Travel LH te nlng fo r gist 12 Cìties Llstenlng fo r topics Im p ro v e m e n ts Liste ning fo r gist Liste ning fo r de tails Liste ning fo r sug gestion s IV Scope and Sequence
  5. Unlt Themes Skills 13 Holidays Listening for gist Celebrations Listening for details Listening fo r likes an d dislikes 14 Pashion Listening for gist Clothes Listening fo r tim e reterences Listening fo r de tails J5 Preferences Listening fo r preferences Listening for topics Listening fo r a g re e m e n t an d disagreem ent Listening fo r details 16 Messages Listening for gist Listening fo r a ttitu d e s Listening fo r detaiỉs 17 Past events Listening for gist Listenìng for sequence Listening fo r a ttitu d e s Listening and making p re d ictio n s Listening fo r details 18 Vacations Listening fo r preferences Listening fo r de tails Listening for gist 19 News re ports Listening for topics Listening for gist Listening fo r de tails 20 Opinions Listening for topics Listening for gist Listening fo r o p in io n s Listening fo r reasons Listening for details 21 Pamous p e ople Listening for gist Listenlng fo r detaíls Listening fo r sequence 22 Food Listenlng fo r gist N u tr itlo n Listening for suggestions Listening fo r de tails f Listening fo r sequence 23 Predlcam ents Listening fo r gist Listening fo r details Listening fo r a ttitu d e s 24 Issues Listening fo r gist Problem s Listening fo r com parisons Listening fo r top ics Listening fo r details Scope and Sequence
  6. Intmductĩon m ÊÊÊÊẾÊÊÊÊm ẵm Tactlcs fo r Listenlng Audio Program T íìcticsỊo r L istc n in ^ is a three-level series of The complete audio program for E xp a n d in g Tactics listening textbooks for students of English as a fo r L iste n in g Student Book is available as a set of sccond or íoreign language. Taken together, the three Class CDs or Cassettes. In addition, the three levels make Iip a comprehcnsivc course in Student Book vvith CD contains a Student CD on listening skilLs in American English. the inside back cover for home study. The CD includes the listening passages for the final Let's Expanding Tactics fo r Listenlng Listen section of each unit. E xp nỉỉdiìig Tnctics fo r L.istening is the third ỉevel Teacher^s Book o i the Tnctics for L istc n in ^ series. It is intended for interm ediate students who have studied The E x p n n d in g T a c ỉic sfo r L isterĩing Teacher's Book English previously but need íurther practice in provides extensive lesson plans for each unit, understanding everỵdav conversational language. answer keys, optional activities, vocabulary lists, ỉt contains 24 units. It can be used as the main text and a photocopiable tapescript of the recorded for a listening course, as a complementary text in a material. The Teacher's Book also includes conversation course, or as the basis for a language photocopiable m idterm and íinal tests, as vvell as laboratory course. Each unit íeatures a topic that vvorksheets (one per unit) that offer additional relatcs to the everyday life and experience of speaking activities. The audio program for the adults and young adults. The topics have been m idterm and final tests is included on a CD on chosen for their írequency in conversation and the inside back cover. their interest to learners. A wiđe variety of stim ulating and useíul activities are included to Test Booklet give students gradeđ practice in listening. The E xp a n d iỉĩg T a ciicsỊo r L iste n ỉn ^ Test Booklet contains photocopiable tests for each unit of the Student Book Student Book. The audio program for the unit tests In the E xp a n d iỉỉg T a cticsỊo r Listenin
  7. > .
  8. 3. Let's Listen EHB People are making small taỉk. W hat are they talking about? Listen and circle the correct ansvver. 1. clothes 3. a. the w eather 5. a. school b. school b. a vacation b. w ork c. w ork c. Health problem s c. apartm ents 2. a. w ork 4. a. school 6. a. vvork b. school b. vvork b. fam ily c. ừ ien d s 'C. a n ew b o yừ ien d c. school ìỂ Ẽ k i Listen agaỉn. Does the last person speaking w ant to contỉnue or end the conversatỉon? Check ( / ) the correct answer. •'‘ i Continue the conversation End the conversation 1. □ 2Í 2. □ □ 3. n □ 4. □ □ 5. □ □ 6. □ □ unlt 1 Weather n fweò0(r)] thời tiết Vacation n [V9 kei/n] kỳ nghỉ Boyửiend n [*bDifrend] bạn trai Apartments n [a partmant] căn phòng, căn hộ
  9. 4. Let^s Listen Q Task 1 People are making small talk. W hat question are they ansvvering? Clrcle the correct ansvver. 1. a. Are you here on vacation? Do you like liv in g here? 2. a. Do you think English is difficult? b. Why are you studying English? 3. a. How old are your children? b. H ow many children do you have? 4. a. vvhat kind of w o rk do you do? b. What kind of job w ould you like? 5. a. vvhen did you arrive? b. Have yoư been having fun here? 6. a. vvhere did y o u go on vacation? b. vvhere are you from? fS S 3 S Listen again. Circle the best response. 1. (J ) Tm glad you like it here. 4. a. Thanks. r d love to. b. That's too bad. b. Sorry. Vm busy that day. c. Me, neither. c. Vá love to see your house. 2. a. I like those videos, too. 5. a. Y ou'll love the beach. b. w h y don't you like them? b. vvhat kind of ca r w ill you buy ? c. I agree. They're terrible. c. Goođ iđea. The scenery is greait tKere. 3. a. Thanks, anyvvay. 6. a . Yeah, I think I w ill. b. I agree. Two is enough. b. Really? vvhy not? c. Tm glad you and your husband agree. c. You're right. I shouldn't there Unit 1 DifFicult adj [’d ifilo lt] khỏ khăn Scenery n fsl:nari] phong cảnh, cảnh vật Children n [ t/ildran] trẻ em Terrible adj kinh khủng Work n [w3:k] côngyiệc Husband n [tersbl] chon'g Fun adj [fAn] niêm vui Enough [i'nAf] đủ
  10. Over to You: What do you study? ii^tỉ/ầỄ W ork in pairs. Think o f tw o questions to ask about each sm all-talk topic. VVrite the m under each plcture. 1. v lh a ỉ đo iịơu s-tudiỊ? 1. 1. _ „ 2. The vveather 1. ^ 2. mm Move around the cỉassroom and make small talk w ith your cỉassmates. Use the questions from Task 1. Example: A: vvhat do you study? B: I study engineering. And you? A: I study... Unit 1 Hobby n ['hobi] thủ riêng, sở thích riêng Engineering n [.end3 i'niann] nghề kỹ sư
  11. 1. Getting Ready Have you ever had these part-tim e jobs? VVould you like to have them? Check ( / ) your answers and compare them w ith a partner. Part-time iỏbs rve hađ Part-time jobs rd ỉike to have convenience store clerk □ □ liteguard □ □ coffee shop employee □ □ camp counselor □ □ pizza deỉivery person □ □ fast tood cook □ □ other: □ □ 2. Let's Listen (íìb Students are intervievvm g fo r part-tim e jobs. Have th e y ever done the w o rk before? Listen and check ( / ) th e correct ansvver. 1. □ □ 2 □ □ □ 3. □ □ □ 4. □ □ □ 5. □ □ □ □ □ □ U n it2 Convenience n [kan vỉrnỉans] sự tiện lợi, sự thuận lợi Counsellor n [‘kaiunsala(r)] cố vắn Lifeguard n [ìaifga:d] vệ sĩ, người cứii đắm Clerk n [kla:k] thu ký Delivery n [di’liv3rỉ] sự phân phối, sự giao hàng Employee n [im 'p b ii: ] người làm
  12. r; v*:/ỉW.»(>««rfsỷ, :v-: 3. Let's Listen ĩ a s Ắ í 7 People are talking about th e lr part-tim e jobs. W hat jobs do they have? Listen and num ber the pictures. W í . '^ A. c. E. F L T a sk 2 Lỉsten again. what does each person disiike about his or her job? Clrcỉe the correct ansvver. 1. a. the desserts 3. a. the hours 5. a. the vvork b. theheat b. the movies b. the location c. the money c. the soda and popcorn c. the money 2. a. the uniíorm 4. a. the boring work 6. a. the people b. the kids b. the money b. the money c. the money c. the location c. the hours Unit2 Desserts n [di'z3:t] Món tráng miệng Location n [lau keựn] vị trí Popcom n [ p D p lo : n ] bắp rang ưniform n [ju:nifD:m] đồng phục
  13. 4. Le rs Listen a Task 1 People are ta lk in g ab o ut th e ir part-tim e jobs. W hat do they ỉỉke best about th e ir jobs? Circỉe the correct answer. 1. a. She vvorks outdoors. 4. a. The hours are long. She meets interesting people. b. Her co-vvorkers are terriíic. c. She travels to South America. c. She is well paid. 2. a . The salary is good. 5. a. She likes w orking outside. b. He has ílexible hours. b. It's really stressful. c. He has nice co-workers. c. She's met some famous people. 3. a . It's relaxing vvork. 6. a. He is very vvell paid. b. He is w eil paid. b. The hours are good. c. He enịoys w o rking w ith children. c. The work is easv. Listen again. W hat im p o rta n t skiils or knovvledge do the peopie need fo r the ir jobs? VVrite th e correct letter. 1. It's really im portant to a. knovv what you're teaching. 2. The most im portant íhing is to b. havc â íricndly Voicè. 3. It's im portant to c. know a second language. 4. It's im portant to d. have experience vvith computers 5. It's im portant to e. knovv what you sell. 6. The most im portant thing is to f. have good listening skills. Unit2 Outdoor adị [’aưtdD:(r)] ngoài trời, ờ ngoài Pỉexible adj [’fleksabl] linh hoại, mềm dẻo Interesíing adj ['intrastií]] thú vị Important adj [im poitnt] quan trọng Terrific adj [taVưik] khủng khiếp Experience n [ikspiarians] kinh nghiệm
  14. Over to You: Have you ever been a...? E B B W hat are some popular p a rt-tim e jobs? W rỉte five more jobs. 5. EH2B W ork in pairs. stu d e n t A is an empỉoyer. s tu d e n t B is a student ịntervỉew ing fo r a p art-tim e job. Practice the conversation beỉovv. A: Havc you ever becn a (1) lifeguard before? B: No, I haven't, but I have a lot of cxperience (2) vvorking w ith children. A: (3) Interesting. Can yoư (4) svvim? B: (5) Yes. Tm an excellent svvimmer. Task 3 W ork in palrs. Have tw o more conversations like the one in Task 2. Use thỉs Ìn fo rm a tlo n . (1) vvaiter fast food cook (2) w orking in lestaurants cooking at home (3) Great. I see. (4) w ork on vveekends cook many orders at once (5) Actually, ĩ d rather not. 1 don't know, But I can try. ịỉ ^ iE í Ì Work in palrs. Take turns role-píaying the situation in Task 2. Use your own intormation. U n i t 2 Excellent adj feksa!0nt] xuâí sắc Restaurant n [Vestront] nhà hàng
  15. 1. G etting Ready W hat do you th in k makes a business successtul? Number the items in each list from 1 (most Im portant) to 5 (least Im portant). Compare your ansvvers w ith a partner. A restaurant A language schooỉ A hoteỉ location ỉocation __ price prices staff rooms Service courses ___location atmosphere popularity tacilities other: other: o th p r 2. Lers Listen Peopíe are talklng about d iffe re n t businesses. W hat do they dislike about each piace? Listen and circle the correct ansvver. 1. a. food 3. a. popularity 5. a. prices b. Service b. prices b. Service 2. a. location 4. a. Service 6. a. clothes b. prices b. location b. Service 10 Unit 3 Popularity n [ , p D p j u ’la s r 0 t i] tính phổ biến, tỉnh đại chủng Service n [’s3:vis] dịch vụ
  16. 3. Let's Listen u \fW ^ ụ People are talking ab o ut d iffe re n t businesses. Listen and number the pictures. A. B. c. E. Listen again. W hat do the people like a bout each business? Circle th e correct ansvver 1. a. location 3. a. staff 5. a. location b. Service b. speed b. prices c. music c. prices c. sìze 2. a. prices 4. a. atmosphere 6. a. prices b. íacilities b. staff b. quality c. teachers c. prices c. displays U n it 3 11 speeđ n [spi:d] (ổc Ọuality n fk w D la ti] chất lượng Atmosphere n faetmesfia(r)] khí qit}’ển Display V [di splei] trưng bà}>
  17. 4. Let's Listen Task 1 People are talking about businesses th e y ow n. W hat does each person th ln k ỉs most im portant? Listen and clrcle the correct ansvver. 1. 2. Tommy Miura, Ichtgo Restaurant Salíy White. Odyssey Traveỉ a. the fish a. the vvebsite b. chefs b. a good value c. Service c. speed 3. 4. Josh Hogan, Hogan Construrtion a. speed a. displays b. prices b. quality c. quality c. prices Task 2 Listen again. W hat oth er im p o rta n t things do the people m entlon? VVrite th e correct letter. . a. convenience b. food c. prices d. quality 12 Unit 3
  18. ỉ -1- Over to You: Your own restaurant ũ n sD Work in groups. Your group is going to open a new restaurant. Discuss these questions. 1. VVhat kind of restaurant w ill you open? 2. vvhere vvill it be? 3. vvhat vvill it look like? 4. VVhat kind o f food w ill you serve? 5. H ow many customers w ill it seat? 6. Hovv many employees w ill vvork there? 7. vvhat special features w ill it have to attract customers? ữ sa a Work in groups. Draw a picture of your restaurant the restaurant sign, or the menu. ầnỉỉthẵ Work in pairs. Compare pictures wlth a partner. Have your partner guess what kind of restaurant your group will open. Exampỉe: A: VVhat đo you th in k of m y menu? B: Wow, that looks nice. A: W hat k in d of restaurant do you think it is? B: It looks like a Mexican restaurant. Unit 3 13 Custoiĩier n [’kAst0m0(r)] khách hàng Attrací V [0 traekt] thu hút
  19. w . 'f r 'V ; V f . ' • ■ ;' - í '’ p riT i^ '* ;;' '"' 1. Getting Ready What do you think these gadgets are? What do you think they are used for? Compare your ansvvers with a partner. Example: Gadget A could be a microphone. GadgetA Gadget B Useíuỉ expressions This is probab ly a... This couỉd be a... This is used for.. V -ặx 2. Let's Listen c People are talking about these gadgets. Listen and number the pictures. A. .B. ! C i I.ỉỉi ì '< R 14 Unit 4 Microphone n fmaikraf9un] micrô



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