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Nội dung Text: PRACTICE TEST 3

  1. PRACTICE TEST 3 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. spoon B. flood C. cook D. soon 2. A. looked B. moved C. rained D. carried 3. A. show B. power C. low D. snow 4. A. bound B. cough C. ground D. round 5. A. invite B. site C. decide D. determine Choose the word that has the different stress from the others 6. A. complete B. company C. commit D. combine 7. A. comedy B. command C. comfortable D. compass 8. A. register B. regular C. referee D. reference 9. A. famous B. curious C. suspicious D. numerous 10. A. volcano B. compulsory C. necessity D. stationary Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 11. All these leaflets must be deli vered ........................... A. in hand B. at hand C. to hand D. by hand 12. Electric storms are ..................... of certain parts of the world. A. special B. characteristic C. curious D. native 13. Under the Sun's heat, water on Earth .................... A. melts B. rises C. evaporates D. floats 14. Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain .................... A. release B. liberation C. killing D. relief 15. These figures give you some ideas of the cost of .................. your car for one year. A. controlling B. handling C. maintaining D. managing 16. In today's paper it...................... that we shall have an election this year. A. says B. admits C. expresses D. proposes 17. The child was ................... by a lorry on a safety crossing on the main street. A. knocked out B. run across C. run out D. knocked down 18. the frozen wastes of Antarctica takes special equipment. A. To survive B. It is survive C. That survival D. Survive 19. The winter snow was ........16 feet deep in places. A. across from B. up to C. out from D. out of 20. Wilbur Wright flew his airplane ........France in 1909. A. over B. upon C. until D. on 21. ........Mozart had already written his first composition. A. His age was six B. By the age of six C. He was six D. Six years old 22. I'm sure they were ...............................lies. A. telling B. making C. doing D. saying 23. Suddenly the lights .................... out and we were left in the darkness A. gave B. put C. went D. turned 24. She ............... very well. A. wears B. puts on C. dresses D. worn 25. I don't know ................ to call him, Mister or Doctor. A. what B. how C. when D. whether 26. ............. the cause of allergies is a complex yet valuable part of patient diagnosis. A. Determine B. Determined C. Determining D. To determine 27. Bob got fired. It's going to be very difficult for him to find ................. job. A. other B. another C. the other D. the another 28. If he had worked much harder last year, the result ............... better now. 1
  2. A. would have been B. would be C. will be D. will have been 29. Why was his boss so angry with him? - Because of ................. late. A. him to be B. he was C. his being D. he is 30. In this school, most ...................... hard. A. of students work C. students work B. student works D. of student work Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 BC. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction make it one of the truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen- acre structure near the Nile river is the solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number of hidden passageways and the burial chamber for the Pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in the world. The four sides of the Pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and west - an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical observations. Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many interesting lines. Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events - past, present, and future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for future generations and we're currently under investigation. Many believe that pyramids have supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some researchers even associated it with extraterrestrial being of the ancient past. Was this superstructure made by ordinary being, or once built by a race far superior to any known today ? 31. What has research of the base revealed ? A. There are cracks in the foundation. C. The lines represent important events. B. Tomb robbers have stolen the pharaoh's body. D. A superior race of people built it. 32. Extraterrestrial beings are A. very strong wonders C. researches in Egyptology B. astronomers in the ancient times. D. living beings from other planets. 33. What was the most probable reason for providing so many hidden passages ? A. to allow the weight of the pyramid to settle evenly B. to permit the high priests to pray at night. C. to enable the pharaoh's family to bring food for the journey after life. D. to keep grave robb ers from finding the tomb and the treasure buried with the pharaoh. 34. What is the best title for the passage ? A. Symbolism of the Great Pyramid. C. Problem with the construction of the Great Pyramid. B. Wonders of the Great Pyramid of Giza. D. Explorations of the Burial Chambers of Cheops. 35. On what did the ancient Egyptians base their calculation ? A. Observation of the celestial bodies. C. Advanced tool of measurement. B. Advanced technology D. Knowledge of the Earth's surface. 36. Why was the Great Pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world ? A. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and contains many prophecies. B. It was selected as a tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. C. It was built b y a super race. D. It is very old. 37. Why was the Great Pyramid constructed ? A. As a solar observatory. C. As a tomb for the pharaoh. B. As a religious temple. D. As an engineering feat 38. What do the interesting lines in the base symbolized ? A. Architect's plans for the hidden passage. C. Astrological computations B. Pathways of the great solar bodies. D. Date of important events taking place throughout time 39. The word feat is closest in meaning to A. accomplishment B. appendage C. festivity D. structure 2
  3. 40. The word prophesied is closest in meaning to A. affiliated B. terminated C. precipitated D. foretold Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . Ask most people for their list of top ten fears, and you’ll be sure to find (41).... burgled is fairly high on the list. An informal survey I carried out among friends at a party last week revealed that eight of them had had their homes (42).....into more than twice, and two had been burgled five times. To put the record straight, (43).....of my friend owns valuable paintings or a sideboard full of family silverware. Three of them are students, in fact. The most typical (44)......, it seems, involves the (45)... of easily transportable items- t he television, the video, even food from the freezer. This may have something to do with the (46).... that the average burglar is in his (or her) late teens, and probably wouldn’t know (47) do with a Picasso, whereas selling a Walkman or a vacuum cleaner is much easier (48)..... . They are perhaps not so (49).... professional criminals, as hard- up young people who need a few pounds and some excitement. (50)......... that this makes having your house turned upside down and your favorite things stolen any easier to (51)....... In most cases, the police have no luck (52)... any of the stolen goods. Unless there is any definite (53)...., they are probably unable to do anything at all. And alarms or special locks don’t seem to help either. The only advice my friends could (54).... was ‘ Never live on the ground floor’ and ‘ Keep two or three very fierce dogs’, which reminded me of a case I read about, where the burglars’ (55).....included the family’s pet poodle. 41. A. been B. having C. being D. out 42. A. robbed B. broken C. taken D. entered 43. A. none B. some C. all D. few 44. A. burglary B. item C. one D. invariably 45. A. carrying B. robbing C. example D. theft 46. A. information B. fact C. idea D. knowledge 47. A. where B. how C. what D. whatever 48. A. matter B. price C. event D. one 49. A. many B. much C. that D. rarely 50. A. given B. so C. not D. despite 51. A. believe B. accept C. do D. attempt 52. A. taking B. about C. tracking D. recovering 53. A. case B. burglary C. investigation D. evidence 54. A. come up with B. get by with C. bring up with D. put in with 55. A. takings B. profit C. loot D. receipts Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may ...(56).. we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the ...(57).. of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people...(58)..without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had...(59)..of, for things that they were in ...(60).. of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This ...(61).. of exchange, which is known as " barter ", has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not...(62).. long, or may be impossible to ...(63)..into smaller units. It can also be very difficult to know the ...(64).. of something compared with other goods. .....(65)... historians, the first money, in the sense we ...(66).. it today,...(67).. of gold coins produced about 2.500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a ....(68)... material. The introduction of gold coins was ...(69).. to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been ...(70) paper money and coins made of ordinary metals. 56. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. desire 57. A. image B. design C. form D. figure 58. A. arranged B. spent C. dealt D. managed 59. A. sufficient B. supply C. plenty D. amount 60. A. need B. want C. lack D. demand 61. A. procedure B. method C. operation D. business 62. A. last B. stay C. continue D. remain 3
  4. 63. A. divide B. reduce C. decrease D. share 64. A. rate B. worth C. level D. charge 65. A. According to B. Judging from C. Depending from D. Agreeing with 66. A. suppose B. realize C. estimate D. understand 67. A. created B. consisted C. developed D. composed 68. A. suitable B. right C. just D. correct 69. A. positive B. good C. acceptable D. fine 70. A. taken over B. reformed C. put away D. replaced Of the four underlined parts of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct 71. Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges coming from its prey. A B CD 72. The wood of rosewood tree is used t o do fine musical instruments. A B C D 73. Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics. A B C D 74. The little boy's mother b ought him a five-speeds racing bicycle on his birthday. A B C D 75. Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is exactly almost the same size as the Earth. A B C D 76. People respect George Washington b ecause he was a honest man, he turned out to be one of the A B C D greatest military leaders. Choose one sentence of the four given which has the same meaning as the one given: 77. Seeing that he was so angry, she left the office. A. She didn't want to make him so angry so she left B. She left the office when she saw how angry he was C. He grew very angry when he saw her leaving the office D. He wouldn't have been so angry if she hadn't left 78. It's unlikely to rain this afternoon. A. it will rain this afternoon B. There's no chance of rain this afternoon C. The afternoon will probably wet D. The afternoon looks like being dry 79. She would have sung for us if he had asked her. A. He didn't ask her to sing and she didn't sing B. She was going to sing for us then changed her mind C. She sang for us although he didn't ask her D. He asked her to sing but she refused 80. By next August Charles will have worked here for seven years. A. Charles no longer works here B. Charles has now worked here for seven years C. Charles is going to work here for the next seven years D. Charles is at present working here. th PRACTICE TEST (June 20 2009) 4
  5. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. spoon B. flood C. cook D. soon 2. A. looked B. moved C. rained D. carried 3. A. show B. power C. low D. snow 4. A. bound B. cough C. ground D. round 5. A. invite B. site C. decide D. determine Choose the word that has the different stress from the others 6. A. complete B. company C. commit D. combine 7. A. comedy B. command C. comfortable D. compass 8. A. register B. regular C. referee D. reference 9. A. famous B. curious C. suspicious D. numerous 10. A. volcano B. compulsory C. necessity D. stationary Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence 11. All these leaflets must be delivered ........................... A. in hand B. at hand C. to hand D. by hand 12. Electric storms are ..................... of certain parts of the world. A. special B. characteristic C. curious D. native 13. Under the Sun's heat, water on Earth .................... A. melts B. rises C. evaporates D. floats 14. Doctors have accepted that acupuncture can work for pain .................... A. release B. liberation C. killing D. relief 15. These figures give you some ideas of the cost of .................. your car for one year. A. controlling B. handling C. maintaining D. managing 16. In today's paper it...................... that we shall have an election this year. A. says B. admits C. expresses D. proposes 17. The child was ................... by a lorry on a safety crossing on the main street. A. knocked out B. run across C. run out D. knocked down 18. the frozen wastes of Antarctica takes special equipment. A. To survive B. It is survive C. That survival D. Survive 19. The winter snow was ........16 feet deep in places. A. across from B. up to C. out from D. out of 20. Wilbur Wright flew his airplane ........France in 1909. A. over B. upon C. until D. on 21. ........Mozart had already written his first composition. A. His age was six B. By the age of six C. He was six D. Six years old 22. I'm sure they were ...............................lies. A. telling B. making C. doing D. saying 23. Suddenly the lights .................... out and we were left in the darkness A. gave B. put C. went D. turned 24. She ............... very well. A. wears B. puts on C. dresses D. worn 25. I don't know ................ to call him, Mister or Doctor. A. what B. how C. when D. whether 26. ............. the cause of allergies is a complex yet valuable part of patient diagnosis. A. Determine B. Determined C. Determining D. To determine 27. Bob got fired. It's going to be very difficult for him to find ................. job. A. other B. another C. the other D. the another 28. If he had worked much harder last year, the result ............... better now. A. would have been B. would be C. will be D. will have been 5
  6. 29. Why was his boss so angry with him? - Because of ................. late. A. him to be B. he was C. his being D. he is 30. In this school, most ...................... hard. A. of students work C. students work B. student works D. of student work Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . One of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was a monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops in 2720 BC. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction make it one of the truly great wonders of the world. The thirteen- acre structure near the Nile river is the solid mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are the number of hidden passageways and the burial chamber for the Pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in the world. The four sides of the Pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south, east and west - an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on astronomical observations. Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many interesting lines. Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of timeline of events - past, present, and future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for future generations and we're currently under investigation. Many believe that pyramids have supernatural powers and this one is no exception. Some researchers even associated it with extraterrestrial being of the ancient past. Was this superstructure made by ordinary being, or once built by a race far superior to any known today ? 31. What has research of the base revealed ? A. There are cracks in the foundation. C. The lines represent important events. B. Tomb robbers have stolen the pharaoh's body. D. A superior race of people built it. 32. Extraterrestrial beings are A. very strong wonders C. researches in Egyptology B. astronomers in the ancient times. D. living beings from other planets. 33. What was the most probable reason for providing so many hidden passages ? A. to allow the weight of the pyramid to settle evenly B. to permit the high priests to pray at night. C. to enable the pharaoh's family to bring food for the journey after life. D. to keep grave robbers from finding the tomb and the treasure buried with the pharaoh. 34. What is the best title for the passage ? A. Symbolism of the Great Pyramid. C. Problem with the construction of the Great Pyramid. B. Wonders of the Great Pyramid of Giza. D. Explorations of the Burial Chambers of Cheops. 35. On what did the ancient Egyptians base their calculation ? A. Observation of the celestial bodies. C. Advanced tool of measurement. B. Advanced technology D. Knowledge of the Earth's surface. 36. Why was the Great Pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world ? A. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and contains many prophecies. B. It was selected as a tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. C. It was built by a super race. D. It is very old. 37. Why was the Great Pyramid constructed ? A. As a solar observatory. C. As a tomb for the pharaoh. B. As a religious temple. D. As an engineering feat 38. What do the interesting lines in the base symbolized ? A. Architect's plans for the hidden passage. C. Astrological computations B. Pathways of the great solar bodies. D. Date of important events taking place throughout time 39. The word feat is closest in meaning to A. accomplishment B. appendage C. festivity D. structure 40. The word prophesied is closest in meaning to 6
  7. A. affiliated B. terminated C. precipitated D. foretold Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . Ask most people for their list of top ten fears, and you’ll be sure to find (41).... burgled is fairly high on the list. An informal survey I carried out among friends at a party last week revealed that eight of them had had their homes (42).....into more than twice, and two had been burgled five times. To put the record straight, (43).....of my friend owns valuable paintings or a sideboard full of family silverware. Three of them are students, in fact. The most typical (44)......, it seems, involves the (45)... of easily transportable items- t he television, the video, even food from the freezer. This may have something to do with the (46).... that the average burglar is in his (or her) late teens, and probably wouldn’t know (47) do with a Picasso, whereas selling a Walkman or a vacuum cleaner is much easier (48)..... . They are perhaps not so (49).... professional criminals, as hard- up young people who need a few pounds and some excitement. (50)......... that this makes having your house turned upside down and your favorite things stolen any easier to (51)....... In most cases, the police have no luck (52)... any of the stolen goods. Unless there is any definite (53)...., they are probably unable to do anything at all. And alarms or special locks don’t seem to help either. The only advice my friends could (54).... was ‘ Never live on the ground floor’ and ‘ Keep two or three very fierce dogs’, which reminded me of a case I read about, where the burglars’ (55).....included the family’s pet poodle. 41. A. been B. having C. being D. out 42. A. robbed B. broken C. taken D. entered 43. A. none B. some C. all D. few 44. A. burglary B. item C. one D. invariably 45. A. carrying B. robbing C. example D. theft 46. A. information B. fact C. idea D. knowledge 47. A. where B. how C. what D. whatever 48. A. matter B. price C. event D. one 49. A. many B. much C. that D. rarely 50. A. given B. so C. not D. despite 51. A. believe B. accept C. do D. attempt 52. A. taking B. about C. tracking D. recovering 53. A. case B. burglary C. investigation D. evidence 54. A. come up with B. get by with C. bring up with D. put in with 55. A. takings B. profit C. loot D. receipts Read the following paragraph and choose the best answer . Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may ...(56).. we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the ...(57).. of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people...(58)..without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had...(59)..of, for things that they were in ...(60).. of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This ...(61).. of exchange, which is known as " barter ", has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not...(62).. long, or may be impossible to ...(63)..into smaller units. It can also be very difficult to know the ...(64).. of something compared with other goods. .....(65)... historians, the first money, in the sense we ...(66).. it today,...(67).. of gold coins produced about 2.500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a ....(68)... material. The introduction of gold coins was ...(69).. to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been ...(70) paper money and coins made of ordinary metals. 56. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. desire 57. A. image B. design C. form D. figure 58. A. arranged B. spent C. dealt D. managed 59. A. sufficient B. supply C. plenty D. amount 60. A. need B. want C. lack D. demand 61. A. procedure B. method C. operation D. business 62. A. last B. stay C. continue D. remain 63. A. divide B. reduce C. decrease D. share 7
  8. 64. A. rate B. worth C. level D. charge 65. A. According to B. Judging from C. Depending from D. Agreeing with 66. A. suppose B. realize C. estimate D. understand 67. A. created B. consisted C. developed D. composed 68. A. suitable B. right C. just D. correct 69. A. positive B. good C. acceptable D. fine 70. A. taken over B. reformed C. put away D. replaced Of the four underlined parts of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct 71. Sharks can detect minute electrical discharges coming from its prey. A B CD 72. The wood of rosewood tree is used to do fine musical instruments. A B C D 73. Chemical engineering is based on the principles of physics, chemists, and mathematics. A B C D 74. The little boy's mother b ought him a five-speeds racing bicycle on his birthday. A B C D 75. Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is exactly almost the same size as the Earth. A B C D 76. People respect George Washington b ecause he was a honest man, he turned out to be one of the A B C D greatest military leaders. Choose one sentence of the four given which has the same meaning as the one given: 77. Seeing that he was so angry, she left the office. A. She didn't want to make him so angry so she left B. She left the office when she saw how angry he was C. He grew very angry when he saw her leaving the office D. He wouldn't have been so angry if she hadn't left 78. It's unlikely to rain this afternoon. A. it will rain this afternoon B. There's no chance of rain this afternoon C. The afternoon will probably wet D. The afternoon looks like being dry 79. She would have sung for us if he had asked her. A. He didn't ask her to sing and she didn't sing B. She was going to sing for us then changed her mind C. She sang for us although he didn't ask her D. He asked her to sing but she refused 80. By next August Charles will have worked here for seven years. A. Charles no longer works here B. Charles has now worked here for seven years C. Charles is going to work here for the next seven years D. Charles is at present working here. 8



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