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Nội dung Text: PRACTICE TEST 5

  1. PRACTICE TEST 5 1. a. superman b. synthetic c. rotate d. professor 2. a. forests b. singing c. concerning d. burning 3. a. reclaiming b. believed c. irrigate d. replace 4. a. promise b. expensive c. constructive d. original 5. a. simultaneous b. feedback c. different d. errors 6. In addition to their homes, the Pomo Indians of California built dance houses ………….. religious ceremonies. a. of b. for c. in which d. were for 7. The wood of many pine species makes excellent pulp manufacture of paper. a . in b. to c. for the d. the 8. The photos of the American civil war made by Matthew Brady and his assistants rank finest war pictures of all time. a. the b. in the c. between d. among the 9. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were those of Galileo and Newton. a. important than b. more important c. the most important d. as important as 10. Apart from Pluto, the outer planets the inner planets and are made mainly of lighter materials such as hydrogen and helium. a. are larger than b. are the largest c. larger than d. are larger 11. our economic achievements, we are still a long way from being an “Asian Dragon”. a. In spite b. though c. despite d. although 12. When our country a full member of ASEAN, it will gain an important status in the whole world. a. become b. will become c. becomes d. became 13. The new work of Japanese scientists on AIDS has been as a major breakthrough. a. called b. saluted c. hailed d. greeted 14. They can’t their son’s rudeness any longer. a. release b. ignore c. torment d. suffer 15. The Russians have in controlling urban growth. a. managed b. attempted c. succeeded d. achieved 16. The fellow laughed silently to himself at the trick he has . a. caused b. played c. performed d. made 17. The robbers the cash and escaped in a stolen car. a. seized b. captured c. emerged d. ceased 18. She gave me some advice. I’ll certainly follow it. a. false b. mean c. deep d. sound 19. I felt most when they made me sit at a litter table at the back. a. confusing b. shameful c. insulted d. embarrassing 20. Scientists have discovered a close between smoking and several serious diseases. a. action b. connection c. union d. combination 21. she is studying at a university and hopes to get a job soo n. a. In a momentb. at this instant c. in the present d. at present 1
  2. 22. The director be delighted to show the visitors round the factory. a. ought to b. would c. might d. intend to 23. The president his intention to retire before the next election a. told b. informed c. promised d. announced 24. The gunman the pilot of the plane to change the direction. a. demanded b. forced c. made d. controlled 25. Do you think we’ll find a solution this problem? a. about b. with c. at d. to 26. I will the machine to see whether it works a. try out b. take up c. turn down d. work out 27. It was urgent that he his lawyer at once. a. called b. calls c. will call d. would call 28. I went to my friend’s house last night and rang the door bell several times but there was no answer. He out. a. must go b. should go c. should have gone d. must have gone 29. Five years a long time, he might already be forgotten. a. has been b. is c. had been d. are 30. a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm. a. as a result of b. in the event of c. by reason of d. in the time of 31. When I into the dining room next morning, the of the dinner were still on the table. a. remains b. results c. effects d. impacts 32. I couldn’t tell you what time it because the workman had removed the of the clock. a. arms b. hands c. were d. feet 33. Supposing I to agree with your request, how do you think the other students would feel? a. would b. am c. were d. could 34. Where all this morning? It’s nearly midday. a. are you b. were you c. have you been d. are you being 35. I’m so tired that I can’[t take what you’re saying. a. in b. out c. up d. down The first thing to be said about market research is that it is not an (36) to management decision making. No form of market research, no matter how deep, complicated and detailed, can ever be seen as a substitute for creative decision-making by professional managers. (37) its very best, all it can do is (38) some doubt and clarify the nature of the problem. It may even be seen as a tool which can improve the (39) of decisions but it is not in itself a decision-making mechanism. Market research, in (40) with a number of other approaches in marketing, suffers from the frequent complaint that it is not really accurate. Market research results can never be completely accurate because they (41) with a dynamic, ever- changing marketplace. It is vital that this is understood by everyone with an imagination when (42) market research results and when making any (43) to apply them in the marketplace. Lastly, it should always be remembered that market research is not an end in itself but simply a (44) by which some degrees of degrees of risk can be removed from 2
  3. marketplace activity. If no activity (45) from the research, then the entire exercise has been completely pointless. 36. a. option b. alternative c. end d. opening 37. a. for b. from c. at d. with 38. a. reject b. omit c. deny d. remove 39. a. quality b. goodness c. well-being d. virtue 40. a. association b. common c. addition d. connection 41. a. work b. manage c. deal d. operate 42. a. deciding b. thinking c. proving d. considering 43. a. attempt b. venture c. choice d. try 44. a. mode b. means c. way d. progress 45. a. shows b. produces c. results d. appears The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste. Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and coal tars. But to date, that process has proved expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested. Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago, hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only four percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use3 of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy. 46. Which is the best title of the passage? a. The Use of Water Productions Energy b. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy c. Efficient way of Disposing of Waste d. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power 47. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by . a. wind b. waste products c. waste d. oil 48. In the second paragraph, the phrase “synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of the following? a. Biological fuels c Low burning fuels b. Fast burning fuels d Artificial made fuels 49. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative sources of energy? a. burning of garbage b. geothermal power c. synthetic fuels d. electricity 50. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as sources of energy is due to . a. Their time consuming Their money consuming b. The scarcity of sources T he lack of technology 3
  4. As far back as 700 BC, men have talked about children being cared for by wolver. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome. Were supposed to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place This seemingly preposterous idea not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erectly, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at tem. Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter a number of sounds well as write letter and from words. 51. It is believed that the founders of Roma were . a. The wolves cared for by people d A she-wolf and her litter b. Two brothers looked after by wolves c. Romulus and Remus, two legendary wolves 52. The doctor found the boy . a. Cutting wood c Growling at him b. Working in the forest d Wandering in the woods 53. The doctor was able to work with the boy because the boy . a. Was very intelligent c Trusted him b. Was very confident d Was devoted and patient 54. Which of the following statements is NOT true? a. The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy. b. The French doctor was very devoted and patient c. The children doctor were cared for by wolves in the late nineteenth century. d. The boy looked like a she-wolf when the doctor found him. 55. In the passage the word PREPOSTERIOUS most nearly means a.Contrary to common sense c Based on natural things b. More than what is expected d Without imagination 56. Peanuts are close related to peas than to nuts. 57. Most evergreens have needle-like leaves that require least water than regular leaver 58. Insects appeared on earth before long the earliest mammals 59. Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia is one of the most safe harbors in the world. 60. One of the most beautiful botanical gardens in the USA is the wildly and lovely Magnolia Garden near Charleston, South Carolina. 61. She is so busy that she can’t come to the party. a. If she was not so busy she must come to the party b. If she was not so busy she could come to the party c. If she was not so busy she need to come to the party d. If she was not so busy she should come to the party 62. John asked Laura: “can I borrow some money?” a. John asked Laura if she would lend him some money. b. John asked Laura if she would have lent him some money c. John asked Laura if she had lent him some money d. John asked Laura if she has lent him some money 63. He said: “I’m sorry I didn’t reply to the letter.” 4
  5. a. He apologized for not to reply to the letter. b. He apologized for not to replying to the letter c. He apologized for didn’t reply to the letter d. He apologized for not replying to the letter 64. “Oh! Don’t complain all the time!” a. I wish you won’t complain all the time! b. I wish you don’t complain all the time! c. I wish you wouldn’t complain all the time! d. I wish you didn’t complain all the time! 65. He bought his car four years ago a. He has had his car four years ago. b. He had his car four years ago. c. He has had his car for four years. d. He has his car four years ago. 66. It’s three months since she started learning English. a. She has been learning English for three months b. She had been learning English for three months c. She has learned English for three months d. She is learning English for three months 67. I’m stressful because I have so much word to do. a. I wish I don’t have so much work to do b. I wish I hadn’t had so much work to do c. I wish I didn’t have so much work to do d. I wish I haven’t had so much work to do 68. I haven’t got enough money, so I’m not going on holiday. a. If I have enough money I would go on holid ay. b. If I had enough money I would go on holiday. c. If I had had enough money I would go on holiday. d. If I have had enough money I would go on holiday. 69. She said: ‘I’ll call the police if you don’t leave immediately!” a. She frightened to call the police if he didn’t leave immediately. b. She said to call the police if he didn’t leave immediately c. She scared to call the police if he didn’t leave immediately d. She threatened to call the police if he didn’t leave immediately 70. There were a lot of errors in his essay. a. He made a lot of errors in his essay. b. He makes a lot of errors in his essay. c. He had made a lot of errors in his essay. d. He has made a lot of errors in his essay. QUESTIONS 71-80: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the best sentence which is made up from the given cue words and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 71. / Going/ friend/ visit/ hostel/ make with/ girl /. a. I’m going to visit the girl who I made friend with in the hostel. b. I’m going to visit the girl who I have made friend with in the hostel. c. I’m going to visit the girl who I had made friend with in the hostel. 5
  6. d. I’m going to visit the girl who I make friend with in the hostel. 72. / Rain/ manager/ office/ get/ office/ morning/. a. It began to rain when the manager had got to the office this morning. b. It began to rain when the manager has got to the office this morning. c. It began to rain when the manager got to the office this morning. d. It began to rain when the manager gets to the office this morning. 73. /boy/ when/ twelve/ die/ farther/ dangerous disease. a. When the boy was twelve his farther died of a dangerous disease. b. When the boy was twelve his farther died for a dangerous disease. c. When the boy was twelve his farther died because a dangerous disease. d. When the boy was twelve his farther died with a dangero us disease. 74. / meeting/ tell/ see/ if/ her/ tomorrow/ I/ her/. a. I’ll tell her about the meeting unless I see her tomorrow b. I’ll tell her about the meeting until I see her tomorrow c. I’ll tell her about the meeting if I see her tomorrow d. I’ll tell her about the meeting since I see her tomorrow 75. /important/ it/ stop/ brother/ your/ smoke/ once/ a. It’s important that your brother should stop smoking at once. b. It’s important that your brother stopped smoking at once. c. It’s important that your brother stops smoking at once. d. It’s important that your brother may stop smoking at once. 76. /think over/ offer/ I/ my answer/ give/ soon/ possible/ as/. a. It’s think of your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible. b. It’s think about your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible. c. It’s think over your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible. d. It’s think for your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible. 77. /dinner/ after/ set/ saying/ going/ where/. a. After dinner he set up without saying where he was going. b. After dinner he set out without saying where he was going. c. After dinner he set for without saying where he was going. d. After dinner he set about without saying where he was going. 78. / invite/ we/ party/ birthday/ occasion/. a. We were invited to the party to the party with the occasion of her birthday. b. We were invited to the party to the party for the occasion of her birthday. c. We were invited to the party to the party at the occasion of her birthday. d. We were invited to the party to the party on the occasion o f her birthday. 79. / keep/ she/ rain/ wait/ minutes/ night/ I/ ten/ last/. a. She kept me to wait in the rain for ten minutes last night. b. She kept me wait in the rain for ten minutes last night. c. She kept me to be waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night. d. She kept me waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night. 80. /willing/ sister/ help/ mother/ when/ housework/ holiday/. a. M y sister was willing to help our mother for the housework when she had a holiday. b. M y sister was willing to help our mother with the housework when she had a holiday. 6
  7. c. M y sister was willing to help our mother at the housework when she had a holiday. d. M y sister was willing to help our mother on the housework when she had a holiday. 7



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