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Nội dung Text: PRACTICE TEST 6

  1. PRACTICE TEST 6 I/ Phonetics: A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. accurate B. roommate C. hate D. straight 2. A. rush B. brush C. bush D. bus 3. A. novel B. hotel C. vessel D. camel 4. A. wood B. good C. food D. childhood 5. A. whistled B. laughed C. lodged D. received B. Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. 6. A. satisfaction B. disappointed C. ancestry D. reassure 7. A. become B. material C. until D. certainty 8. A. accessible B. military C. tissue D. focus 9. A. escape B. begin C. enough D. welfare 10. A. pension B. fearful C. surgical D. cosmetic II/ Vocabulary and Structure A. Error recognition : Choose the underlined part ( A,B,C or D ) that is incorrect. 11. He never allows us smoking in this room. A B C D 12. They have been asked me to visit them for ages, but I have never had the time. A B C D 13. Bacteria are responsible of the flavours in our food and are particularly important in milk products. A B C D 14. Traveling makes it possible stimulate purchase. A B C D 15. Linguistics are the science of languages. A B C D 16. She always has her clothes wash by her mother. A B C D 17. Not much people realize that sleeping pills can cause worse insomnia. A B C D 18. Billy has called his lawyer last night to tell him about this problems, but he was told that the lawyer had gone to a A B C D lecture. 19. The sun is so bright to look at directly. A B C D 20. Since I come to this country last year, I have learned a lot about the way of life here. A B C D B. Choose the one (A,B,C or D) that best completes each sentences. 21. The boy denied ________ the crystal vase. A. break B. broke C. breaking D. broken 22. Allen failed his exam ________ having studied a lot. A. despite B. although C. however D. but 23. The meal ________ when I came. A. was be cooked B. is cooked C. was being cooked D. is being cooked 24. Diana ________ to the library three times this week and will have to go again. A. goes B. was C. has been D. had been 25. “He lost his job three months ago.” A. It is three months since he lost his job. B. They are three months ago since he lost his job. C. It is three months ago since he lost his job. D. It has been three months since he has lost his job. 26. Five years ago we stared to preserve the ________ houses and the landscapes . A. traditionally B. traditional C. traditions D. tradition 27. Mike got up as soon as the alarm clock ________ . A. went on B. went up C. went out D. went off 28. Everyone hopes that prices will ________ again soon. A. go up B. go ahead C. go down D. go over 29. The exercises which we are doing ________ not easy. A. be B. is C. are D. being 30. Psychiatrists and doctors have failed ________ people not to drink. A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. told
  2. 31. Our classroom needs ________ up. A. tidy B. to tidy C. tidied D. tidying 32. The students are used to ________ in the school library. A. working B. work C. to work D. worked 33. Nobody was inured in the accident, ________? A. wasn’t it B. was there C. was he D. were they 34. Mercury’s low gravity makes you ________ very light in a spaceship. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel 35. The more she smiles, ________ she becomes. A. the more graceful B. most graceful C. more graceful D. the most graceful II / Readings A. Read the passage and then answer the questions below. Each nation has many good people who takes care of others. For example, some of high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or home for the age. They read books to the phone in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems. Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up, or repair thei r houses, do their shopping or mow their lawns. For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers. Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts. Some of thes e clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls. Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others. 36. Where don’t high school and college students often do voluntary work? A. hospitals B. orphanages C. homes for the aged D. clubs 37. What do volunteers usually do to help those who are sick or old in their homes? A. They mow lawns, do shopping and clean up their houses B. They cook, sew or wash their clothes. C. They tell them stories and sing dance for them. D. They take them to baseball games. 38. What do the help the boy whose fathers do not live with them? A. to get to know things about their fathers. B. to get to know things that boys want form their fathers. C. to learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers. D. to learn things about their fathers. 39. Which activity is not available for the students at the clubs? A. playing games B. watching films C. going to interesting places D. learning photography 40. Why do they use many high school and college students as volunteers? Because ___________. A. they have a lot of free time. B. they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls. C. they know how to td o the work D. the are good at playing games and learning crafts. B. Circle the best options to complete the following passage. Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by (41) ________ man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke, (42) ________ the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the soil with (43) ________ fertilizers and pesticides. Man also (44) ________. his surroundings in various other ways (45) ________ people ruin natural beauty b y (46) ________.junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with (47) ________ noise. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water, and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly p olluted air can cause illness, and (48) ________ death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available (49) ________ growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man's (50) ________beautiful world. 41. A. which B. that C. them D. whom 42. A. emits B. poisons C. pours D. releases 43. A. so much B. so little C. too many D. too few 44. A. pollutes B. polluted C. polluting D. will pollute 45. A. Consequently B. Therefore C. However D. For example 46. A. scatter B. to scatter C. scatters D. scattering 47. A. exciting B. interesting C. disturbing D. boring 48. A. even B. also C. almost D. quite 49. A. with B. for C. at D. to 50. A. natural B. nature C. naturalness D. naturally



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