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Probiotic bifidobacterium longum BB536 viable existence at refrigeration storage of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran (Sorghum, Barely and Millet)

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This study was carried out to evaluate viable existence of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 during two weeks refrigeration of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran (Sorghum, Barely and Millet). Fermentation mediums were formulated from goat milk supplemented with 10% inulin and different cereal bran (sorghum, barely and millet). Probiotic strain B. longum BB 536 was used as the starter culture for 12h incubation to attain the fermented products.

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Nội dung Text: Probiotic bifidobacterium longum BB536 viable existence at refrigeration storage of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran (Sorghum, Barely and Millet)

  1. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 9 Number 10 (2020) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Probiotic Bifidobacterium longum BB536 Viable Existence at Refrigeration Storage of Fermented Goat Milk Supplemented with Inulin and Different Cereal Bran (Sorghum, Barely and Millet) Limia Hashim Mohamed, Barka Mohammed Kabeir*, Salma Elghali Mustafa, Salma Elzen Ibraheem and Saeed Abdullah Badahdah Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan *Corresponding author ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate viable existence of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 during two weeks refrigeration of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran (Sorghum, Barely and Millet). Fermentation mediums were formulated from goat milk supplemented with 10% inulin and different cereal bran Keywords (sorghum, barely and millet). Probiotic strain B. longum BB 536 was used as the starter culture for 12h incubation to attain the fermented products. Two weeks refrigeration Bifidobacterium, period was design for the fermented products. Different analyses including: strain BB536 Goat milk, Cereal bran, Existence, viable count, reducing sugar, physicochemical analysis (TSS, pH, acidity) and moisture Refrigeration were conducted. The maximum viable existence of strain BB 536 throughout refrigeration (two weeks) was in fermented goat milk supplemented with millet bran (lowest reduction Article Info of 1.48CFU /ml); whereas, the best existence in the first week was in fermented goat milk supplemented with barely bran (0.76 CFU /ml). Therefore, the strain existence trend was Accepted: dependent mainly on both type of fiber source and refrigeration period. Hopefully, the 17 September 2020 final viable count of strain BB536 in all products was above the minimum number Available Online: required to presence in probiotic to exert health benefits upon consumption. During 10 October 2020 refrigeration of fermented products reductions in reducing sugar, TSS and pH; and increases in acidity and moisture were revealed due to the slight strain BB536 enzymatic activities. Therefore, maximum viable existence of strain BB536 in fermented goat milk under refrigeration for two weeks could be achieved by supplementation with millet bran; while better existence in the first week was attainable with barley bran supplementation. Introduction protozoa that stimulate the growth of another’ or ‘organisms and substances that have a The word ‘probiotic’, derived from the Greek beneficial effect on the host animal by language, means ‘for life’ (Fuller, 1989) and contributing to its intestinal microbial has had many definitions in the past. balance’ were used (Fuller, 1989). These Definitions such as ‘substances produced by general definitions were unsatisfactory 2109
  2. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 because ‘substances’ include chemicals such roles in supporting probiotic growth (Jensen as antibiotics. The definition of probiotics has et al., 1991). since then been expanded to stress the importance of live cells as an essential Goat milk differs from cow or human milk by component of an effective probiotic. having better digestibility, higher alkalinity, Furthermore, Huis-Veld and Havenaar (1991) increased buffering capacity, and certain broadened the definition of probiotics as therapeutic effects that may be useful in being ‘a mono- or mixed culture of live medicine and human nutrition. The good microorganisms which, applied to man or acceptability and digestibility of goat milk are animal (e.g. as dried cells or as a fermented important beneficial factors for its inclusion product), beneficially effects the host by in formulated diets prescribed for children improving the properties of the indigenous and convalescent people. In many cases, goat microflora. This definition implies that milk may be successfully used as substitute probiotic products, for example fermented for cow milk in the regular diet of allergic milk, contain live microorganisms and individuals (Haenlein, 2003). Thus, improve the health status of the host by fermentation of goat milk with probiotics exerting beneficial effects in the could further improve its therapeutic gastrointestinal tract. properties. Bifidobacterium longum is one of the Dietary fibers are part of the plant cell which Bifidobacterium species found mainly in cannot be digested by the human enzymes. human feces and it considered as the most Two various groups of dietary fibers are common species being found both in infant recognized: soluble and non-soluble dietary and adult. Potential benefits from fiber. They are remarkable by their solubility consumption of B. longumBB536 include: in water and show different physiological antagonistic action toward intestinal effects. The benefit of dietary fiber for a pathogens, improved lactose utilization, healthy diet is widely known. Different anticarcinogenic action and control of serum diseases, such as constipation, coronary heart cholesterol levels (Kojima et al., 1996; diseases and cancer have been correlated to an Namba et al., 2003). Thus, there is still unhealthy diet, low in dietary fiber considerable interest in incorporating this (Kohimeler et al., 1993). Dietary probiotic Bifidobacterium into food. carbohydrates like resistance starch, insoluble Nevertheless, probiotic strains, particularly fiber and soluble fiber that are able to Bifidobacterium are rarely used outside the stimulate, specifically the growth of diary based industry. Together with the potentially beneficial bacteria, e.g., scarcity of animal milk in many countries bifidobacteria at the expense of the more makes it difficult to provide adequate intake harmful pathogenic microorganisms, are of this health promoting probiotic bacteria.. called prebiotics (Kouane et al., 2005). On the other hand, dietary fibers are often Milks contain, with some exceptions, the characterized by high nutritional quality, as nutrients required for the growth and they are able to cure many chronic diseases development of the neonate as well as and improve texture, sensory characteristics, probiotic bacteria. It contains specific and shelf life of foods. The fast growing food proteins, fats designed to be easily digested, industry will likely generate an ever-growing most have lactose, minerals, vitamins, and amount of byproducts including bran, husk, other components which may have important peel, pomace, and other products that are rich 2110
  3. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 in dietary fibers (Betoret et al., 2011). under the same conditions to prepare enough Recently, prebiotic effect of different cereal stock for the experiment. The working culture bran (sorghum, barely and millet) on growth was prepared by twice successive of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 during transformations of stock culture in 10% fermentation of goat milk was approved sterilized skim milk (121oC for 15 min) and (Mohamed et al., 2020). However, sightseen incubation at 37 oC for 24h. of their roles during the storage are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study is to Growth medium and fermentation evaluate the existence of strain BB536 in conditions fermented goat milk supplemented with cereal bran and assess its related physiochemical Growth medium were formulated from goat changes during refrigeration storage. milk supplemented with 1% inulin or different cereal bran (sorghum, barely and Materials and Methods millet). Formulated medium were sterilized (121˚C for 15 min) and inoculated with a 3% Raw Materials active culture working of B. longum BB536 followed by incubation at 37 oC for 24h. Inulin was obtained from A natural Product Company (London, England). Different cereal Enumeration of viable B. longum BB536 bran (sorghum, barley and millet) were cell purchased from a local crops market at central market in Bahri (Khartoum state, Sudan). MRS medium was used to enumerate B. Goat fresh milk was obtained from the animal longum BB536 of different fermented farm at Department of Animal Production, products using the plate count technique. College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan Fermented samples were drawn at initial and University of Science and Technology every 6h intervals during fermentation.1ml of (Khartoum, Sudan). fermentation broth was diluted in peptone water, followed by plating on Demann Preparation of cereal bran Rogosa agar (MRS) supplement with 0.05% L-cystiene. The plates were incubated Different cereal brans were ground and sieved unaerobically at 37 oC for 48 h. The growth using appropriate mesh. The resulting powder was calculated as Colony Forming Unit per stored in a dark polyethylene bag at freezer ml (CFU/ml). until used. Determination of reducing sugars Preparation of fermentation inoculums Ten gram of sample was weighted in B. longum BB536 was obtained from the volumetric flask. The volume of the solution stock culture of microbiology laboratory was completed to 100 ml in conical flask. (Department of Food Science Technology, Burrete (50 ml) was filled with the prepared Collage of Agriculture Studies (SUST). The sugar solution. Ten milliliters of sugar strain was maintained at -20 oC in 20% solution was transferred into a conical flask glycerol solution. Stock culture was prepared containing 10 ml Fehling's solution by activation of the strain in skim milk, representing 5 ml of Fehling A (6.928 gm incubation an aerobically at 37 oC for 24h. CuSo4.5H2O per 100ml distilled water) and 5 The obtained culture was reactivated again ml Fehling B (34.6 sodium potassium titrate 2111
  4. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 and 10 gm NaOH per 100 ml distilled water) the fermented products samples was directly mixed well and then heated moderately to measured. boiling on an electrical hot plate heater. The liquid was kept boiling for about 2 minutes Determination of moisture content then 3 drops of methylene blue indicator (1%) was added. The titration was then completed Moisture was determined according to the by the addition of sugar solution drop by drop modified method of AOAC (1990). Five until the color of the indicator disappeared grams of the sample was weight using in and red brick color appeared, then reducing sensitive balance, after weighting the empty sugar was calculated following Schneider et dishes and then transferred to an oven (Kat- al., (1982) method. NR.2851, Electrohelios, Sweden) at 105 ± 0.1˚C for 6 hours. Afterwards, the dish with Determination of titrable acidity sample was transferred to dessicator and allows to cool to room temperature before The titrable acidity (TA) of the different reweighting to calculated moisture. fermented products was determined according to AOAC method (2006). Ten ml of sample Statistical analysis were weighted into a conical flask. Adistilled water was added until the volume in the flask One- way an ANOVA test was performed to was 150 ml. The sample was then vigorously examine significant differences between agitated and filtered. Twenty five milliliters of normally distributed data of replicated the filtrate were pipetted into porcelain dish, independent runs. Probability level of less five drops of phenolphthalein added, and the than 0.05 was considered significant (p
  5. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 content, availability of nutrients, growth CFU/ml. Nevertheless, Kabeir et al., (2005) promoters and inhibitors, concentration of reported that survivability of B. longum sugars (osmotic pressure), dissolved oxygen BB536 under refrigeration storage of (especially for Bifidobacterium sp.), level of fermented Sudanese Medida (Sudanes cereal inoculation, incubation temperature, thin porridge) beverages was not affected for fermentation time and storage temperature. a period of 2 week. While Akalin et al., Referring to the result in Table 1, there were (2004) noted a significant reduction on significant (p
  6. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 sorghum bran, millet bran and inulin, supplemented with inulin, sorghum bran, respectively. On the contrary, reductions in millet bran and barely bran, respectively. the second week were not following similar These reduction rates are well correlation trend of the first recording values of 0.28, values with pH record present in table 3. 0.21, 0.19, and 0.11% in fermented goat milk Table.1 The viable counts of Bifidobacterium longum BB536log (CFU/ ml) during refrigeration storage of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran Type of Storage period (weeks) supplementation O (Initial) One Two a Inulin 7.83 ±0.16 6.98 ± 1.54 6.02 ± 0.08 a b Sorghum bran 8.43 ±0.03 7.03 ± 0.01 6.60 ± 0.49c Barley bran 7.25 ±0.06a 6.49 ± 0.64b 6.01 ± 0.04c Millet bran 7.96 ±0.02a 6.48 ± 0.68b 6.04 ± 0.15b * Values are mean ± SD for replicate independent runs. **Values that bear different superscript letter in the same raw are significantly different at p
  7. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 Table.4 TSS during refrigeration storage of fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin and different cereal bran Type of supplementation Storage period (weeks) O (Initial) One Two Inulin 13.23± 0.04a 13.25 ± 0.01a 11.61± 0.01b Sorghum bran 11.70 ± 0.01a 10.33 ± 0.02b 11.94 ± 0.02a a a Barley bran 13.56 ± 0.01 14.09 ± 0.01 12.51 ± 0.01b Millet bran 14.21± 0.01a 14.44 ± 0.01a 12.62 ± 0.22b *Values are mean ± SD for replicate independent runs. **Values that bear different superscript letter in the same raw are significantly different at p
  8. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 week of refrigeration were 0.98, 0.62, 0.38 Changes in moisture during during and 0.13 in fermented goat milk refrigeration storage of fermented goat supplemented with inulin, barely bran, milk supplemented with inulin and sorghum bran and millet bran, respectively. In different cereal bran fact, reduction of pH is mainly due to the fermentation of sugars (Table 2) and By extend storage period moisture content of accumulation of acid shown in Table 6. The fermented goat milk supplemented with inulin created condition maintained a relatively acid and different cereal bran (Sorghum, Barely pH even in large intestine, thus preventing the and Millet) was slightly increased (Table 5); proliferation of pathogens causing due to the reduction in TSS by strain BB536 unfavorable disorders. Nevertheless, it was activity (Table 4). The slight increase in reported that low pH and storage temperature moisture might indicate slow enzymatic are the most important determinations in activity that break down the macro Bifidobacterium mortality during storage component into simple and releases of some (Sakai et al., 1987). Shah et al., (1995, 2000) water. Thus, over all levels of moisture after also found similar decreases in pH values two weeks refrigeration storage of fermented during storage of commercial yoghurts samples increased as compared to their initial containing L. acidophilus and B. bifidum. levels at the beginning of the storage (Table 5). This increase in moisture might indicate Changes in TSS during refrigeration high enzymatic activity that break down the storage of fermented goat milk macro-component into simple and to the supplemented with inulin and different release of water. cereal bran Changes in titratable acidity during The effect of inulin and cereal bran (Sorghum, refrigeration storage of fermented goat Barely and Millet) supplemented to fermented milk supplemented with inulin and goat milk on TSS during refrigeration was different cereal bran obvious in Table 4. There were significant (p
  9. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(10): 2109-2118 with sorghum bran, barely bran, inulin and saccharine during refrigerated storage. millet bran, respectively. In the second week International J. Food Sci. Technol. the titratable acidity increases were even 39:613-621. higher recording values of 0.88, 0.75, 0.28 AOAC. (1990). Official Methods for Analysis and 0.25% in fermented goat milk (15th ed). Association of Official supplemented with millet bran, barely bran, Analytical Chemists. Washington, D.C., inulin and sorghum bran, respectively. Strain USA. BB536 as well as other probiotic AOAC. (2006). Association of Official Bifidobacterium produces lactic acid, acetic Analytical Chemists. Official Methods of acid, hydrogen peroxide, and bactericides are Analysis, 17th ed. Arlington, Virginia, USA. known to inhibit the development of Bevilacqua, A.E., Califano, A.N. (1989). pathogenic bacteria. It was also reported that Determination of organic acids in dairy lactic acid and acetic acid in fermented dairy products by high performance liquid product have antibacterial effect (Bullen et chromatography. J. Food Sci. 54:1076- al,. 1976). The presence of organic acids in 1079. fermented dairy foods is due to several Bullen, C.L., Tearle, P.V., Willis, A.T.(1976). reasons, including bovine metabolic processes Bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract of during the production of milk, bacterial infants: as in-vivo study. J Med growth, hydrolysis of milk fat or direct Microbial.9:325- 333. addition of acidulants. They are important Chou, C.C., Hou, J.W. 2000. Growth of indicators of bacterial metabolic activity in bifidobacteria in soymilk and their fermented dairy products like cheese and survival in the fermented drink during yogurt, and they also contribute to the taste storage. Int. J. Food Microbial.,6: 113 and flavor of the product along with other 121. volatile and semi-volatile compounds such as Desjardins, M. L., Roy, D., Toupin, C., & diacetyl and acetaldehyde (Marsili et al., Goulet, J. (1990). Uncoupling of growth 1981; Panari, 1986; Bevilacqua and Califano, and acids production in Bifidobacterium 1989; Monnet et al., 1994). ssp. Journal of dairy science 73(6): 1478- 1484. In conclusion the sufficient numbers of viable Fuller, R. Gibson, G.R. (1997). Modification of strain BB536 were maintained in different the intestinal microflora using probiotics types of fermented goat milk supplemented and probiotics. Scand. Journal of with inulin and different cereal bran Gastoenterology, 222, 28S-31S. Fernandez-garcia, E., Mcgregor, J.U. (1994). (sorghum, barely and millet) during Determination of organic acids during the refrigeration storage. These viable numbers of fermentation and cold storage of yogurt. the strain after two weeks refrigeration fulfill J. Dairy Sci. 77: 2934-2939. probiotic food requirements. Therefore, this Haenlein GFW. (2002). Relationship of somatic study can facilitate the development of cereal cell counts in goat milk to mastitis and bran that exerts better viability maintenance productivity. Small Rumin Res 45:163- as inulin even better during refrigeration of 78. fermented goat milk. Kabeir, B.M., Abd Aziz, S., Muhamed,, M., Yazid, A.M. (2005). Growth of References Bifidobacterium longum BB536 in Media (fermented cereal porridge) and their Akalin AS. Fendery S.AK bulut N. (2004). survival during storage. let. Appl. Viability and activity of bifidobacteria in Microbial41: 12-131. Yoghurt containing fructose oligo Kohimeler, L. (1993). Ern; jhrungsabh; jngige 2117
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