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Quá trình hình thành tư liệu hướng dẫn cách chấm mạch eprom trong KIT vi xử lý p8

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Tham khảo tài liệu 'quá trình hình thành tư liệu hướng dẫn cách chấm mạch eprom trong kit vi xử lý p8', công nghệ thông tin, đồ họa - thiết kế - flash phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: Quá trình hình thành tư liệu hướng dẫn cách chấm mạch eprom trong KIT vi xử lý p8

  1. 78 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP extern int GetMtx(); extern int GetMty(); //extern EVENT OldEvent(); extern int Double(LPEVENT); #endif // End of MOUSE.H IX.MODULE MOUSE.CPP #include #include //#include #include #include "mouse.h" void SetMouseRange(LPRECT lpRect) // Dat vung di chuyen cho chuot { _AX = 0x07;//ham 07 cua ngat 33 de dinh gioi han di chuyen ngang _CX = lpRect->left; _DX = lpRect->right; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE);//INT_MOUSE=0x33:ngat 33 _AX = 0x08;//ham 08 cua ngat 33 dinh gioi han di chuyen doc cho con tro _CX = lpRect->top; _DX = lpRect->bottom; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- int InitMouse(LPRECT lpRect) // Khoi dong chuot { int ax; _AX = 0; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE); ax = _AX; if (ax == 0) return FALSE; SetMouseRange(lpRect); return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------- void ShowMouse(void) // Hien thi chuot { _AX = 1; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void HideMouse(void) // Dau chuot { _AX = 2; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- #include #include void MouseRead(LPEVENT lpEvent) // Tra ve bien co nhan duoc tu chuot : Nut trai hay phai duoc an {
  2. 79 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP int bx; _AX = 3; geninterrupt(INT_MOUSE); bx = _BX; //cx = _CX; //dx = _DX; lpEvent->Msg = bx; lpEvent->Posx = _CX; lpEvent->Posy = _DX; gettime(lpEvent->t); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void ResetEvent(LPEVENT lpEvent) { lpEvent->Msg = 0; lpEvent->Posx = lpEvent->Posy = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- EVENT PrevEvent, CurEvent; //--------------------------------------------------------- LPEVENT GetEvent(void) { ResetEvent(&CurEvent); MouseRead(&CurEvent); // chuyen sang toa do ViewPort CurEvent.Posx = CurEvent.Posx-MainWindow.rViewPort.left; CurEvent.Posy =; // xet trang thai chuot co thay doi hay khong if((CurEvent.Posx!=PrevEvent.Posx)&&(CurEvent.Posy!=PrevEvent.Posy)) CurEvent.Msg |= M_CHANGE; PrevEvent = CurEvent; // delay(50); return (&CurEvent); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void DeviceRelease(int Msg) { while(GetEvent()->Msg&Msg); } //--------------------------------------------------------- int Double(LPEVENT lpEvent) { if(lpEvent->Msg==1) { delay(100); ResetEvent(lpEvent); lpEvent=GetEvent(); if(lpEvent->Msg==1) //if((abs(CurEvent.Posx-oldEvent.Posx))
  3. 80 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP void MouseText(int x,int y,int color1,int color2)//,char s[])//gia dau nhay con tro { HideMouse(); // int h=textheight(s); int w=5; int color=getcolor(); do { for(int i=0;i
  4. 81 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP RECT rSys; /*System area of window*/ RECT rTitleBar; /*Caption area of window*/ RECT rMenuBar; /*Rectangle in which window's menu is located*/ RECT rMessage; /* Rectangle in which messages is display }WINDOWS; // Dinh nghia cac ham va bien dung toan cuc extern int Xc, Yc; // Goc toa do extern int LineColor; extern int VP_WIDTH; extern int VP_HEIGHT; extern WINDOWS MainWindow; extern void InitGraphics(void); extern void OutMessage(char *Msg); extern void InitScreen(void); extern void InitValues(char *lpCaption); extern int OutError(char *s); #endif // End of SCREEN.H XI.MODULE SCREEN.CPP #include #include #include #include #include #include "screen.h" #include "mouse.h" int T_SIZE, W_SIZE, H_SIZE, W_CHAR, H_CHAR, MSG_SIZE; int COLOR_WINDOW; int COLOR_BUTTON; int COLOR_BORDER; int COLOR_CAPTION; int COLOR_TEXT; int VP_WIDTH; int VP_HEIGHT; int Maxx, Maxy; // Maxx - Maxy of screen WINDOWS MainWindow; //int Xc, Yc; // Goc toa do //int LineColor = MAGENTA; // Mau cua duong thang can ve - Dung trong thu tuc SetPixel //--------------------------------------------------------- void InitGraphics(void) // Khoi tao che do do hoa { int grDrv=DETECT, grMode; int ErrCode; initgraph(&grDrv, &grMode, ""); ErrCode = graphresult(); if(ErrCode!= grOk) { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(ErrCode)); printf("Press any key to halt..."); getch(); exit(1); /* return with error code */ } Maxx = getmaxx();
  5. 82 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP Maxy = getmaxy(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void InitValues(char *lpCaption) // Khoi tao cac gia tri cho bien Windows de ve cua so man hinh { int WinWidth, WinHeight; W_CHAR = 8; H_CHAR = 8; // Chieu rong va chieu cao cua mot ki tu W_SIZE = 8; H_SIZE = 20; T_SIZE = 18; MSG_SIZE = 20; COLOR_WINDOW = CYAN; COLOR_BUTTON = LIGHTGRAY; COLOR_BORDER = LIGHTGRAY; COLOR_CAPTION = BLUE; COLOR_TEXT = BLUE; strcpy(MainWindow.sCaption, lpCaption); // Gan gia tri cho WinRect - H.C.nhat chua cua so MainWindow.rWinRect.left = 0; = 0; MainWindow.rWinRect.right = Maxx; MainWindow.rWinRect.bottom= Maxy; WinWidth = MainWindow.rWinRect.right-MainWindow.rWinRect.left+1; WinHeight=; // Gan gia tri cho rSys - H.C.nhat chua SystemMenu MainWindow.rSys.left = BORDERSIZE; = BORDERSIZE; MainWindow.rSys.right = MainWindow.rSys.left+T_SIZE; MainWindow.rSys.bottom=; // Gan gia tri cho rTitleBar - H.C.nhat chua thong tin thanh tieu de MainWindow.rTitleBar.left = BORDERSIZE+1;//MainWindow.rSys.right+1; = BORDERSIZE+1; MainWindow.rTitleBar.right = WinWidth-BORDERSIZE-1; MainWindow.rTitleBar.bottom=; // Gan gia tri cho rMenuBar - H.C.nhat chua thong tin menu // Gan gia tri cho rMessage - H.C.nhat chua thong tin cua cac //thong bao MainWindow.rMessage.left = BORDERSIZE+1; MainWindow.rMessage.right = WinWidth-BORDERSIZE-2; = WinHeight-(BORDERSIZE+2)-MSG_SIZE; MainWindow.rMessage.bottom=; // Gan gia tri cho rViewPort - H.C.nhat chua thong tin ve vung lam viec // thuc su cua cua so MainWindow.rViewPort.left = BORDERSIZE+1; = MainWindow.rTitleBar.bottom+2;//MainWindow.rMenuBar.bottom+2; MainWindow.rViewPort.right = WinWidth-BORDERSIZE-2; MainWindow.rViewPort.bottom=; VP_WIDTH = MainWindow.rViewPort.right-MainWindow.rViewPort.left; VP_HEIGHT =; } //---------------------------------------------------------
  6. 83 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP void OutMessage(char *Msg) // Ghi thong bao Msg ra cua so rMessage { struct fillsettingstype FillInfo; int OldColor; struct viewporttype vp; // luu thong tin cu getfillsettings(&FillInfo); OldColor = getcolor(); getviewsettings(&vp); // xoa thong bao cu setviewport(MainWindow.rWinRect.left,, MainWindow.rWinRect.right, MainWindow.rWinRect.bottom, 1); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_BUTTON); setcolor(COLOR_TEXT); bar(MainWindow.rMessage.left,, MainWindow.rMessage.right, MainWindow.rMessage.bottom); // in thong bao moi ra outtextxy(MainWindow.rMessage.left+W_CHAR, MainWindow.rMessage.bottom-H_CHAR-5, Msg); // tra ve trang thai cu setfillstyle(FillInfo.pattern, FillInfo.color); setcolor(OldColor); setviewport(vp.left,, vp.right, vp.bottom, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void DrawScreenBorder(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) // Ve duong vien cho mot hinh chu nhat co toa do (left, top), (right, bottom) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_BORDER); bar(left, top, right, top+BORDERSIZE); bar(left, bottom, right, bottom-BORDERSIZE); bar(left, top, left+BORDERSIZE, bottom); bar(right-BORDERSIZE, top, right, bottom); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(left, top, right, bottom); rectangle(left+BORDERSIZE, top+BORDERSIZE, right-BORDERSIZE, bottom-BORDERSIZE); } //--------------------------------------------------------- #include void InitScreen(void) // Ve cac thanh phan cua cua so { int x, y; int WinWidth, WinHeight; struct viewporttype vp; getviewsettings(&vp); setviewport(MainWindow.rWinRect.left,, MainWindow.rWinRect.right, MainWindow.rWinRect.bottom, 1); WinWidth = MainWindow.rWinRect.right-MainWindow.rWinRect.left+1; WinHeight=; x = (WinWidth-W_CHAR*strlen(MainWindow.sCaption))/2+1; y = BORDERSIZE+(T_SIZE-H_CHAR)/2+1; // Ve duong vien cua hinh chu nhat DrawScreenBorder(0, 0, WinWidth-1, WinHeight-1);
  7. 84 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP delay(DEMODELAY); // Ve thanh tieu de setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_CAPTION); bar(MainWindow.rTitleBar.left,, MainWindow.rTitleBar.right, MainWindow.rTitleBar.bottom); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(x, y, MainWindow.sCaption); delay(DEMODELAY); // Ve SystemMenu setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_BUTTON); /* bar(MainWindow.rSys.left+1,, MainWindow.rSys.right-1, MainWindow.rSys.bottom-1); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle((MainWindow.rSys.left+MainWindow.rSys.right)/2-5, (, (MainWindow.rSys.left+MainWindow.rSys.right)/2+5, (; delay(DEMODELAY); */ // Ve Menu // bar(MainWindow.rMenuBar.left,, // MainWindow.rMenuBar.right, MainWindow.rMenuBar.bottom); // outtextxy(MainWindow.rMenuBar.left+8, MainWindow.rMenuBar.bottom- 13, // "Menu of Program is here"); // delay(DEMODELAY); // Ve thanh chua thong bao bar(MainWindow.rMessage.left,, MainWindow.rMessage.right, MainWindow.rMessage.bottom); OutMessage("Welcome to Demo Window Program"); delay(DEMODELAY); // Ve vung lam viec setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_WINDOW); bar(MainWindow.rViewPort.left,, MainWindow.rViewPort.right, MainWindow.rViewPort.bottom); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(MainWindow.rViewPort.left-1,, MainWindow.rViewPort.right+1, MainWindow.rViewPort.bottom); delay(DEMODELAY); // Dat lai viewport la rViewPort setviewport(MainWindow.rViewPort.left,, MainWindow.rViewPort.right, MainWindow.rViewPort.bottom, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- /*void DrawSysCoordinates(void) // Ve he truc toa do { Xc = VP_WIDTH/2; Yc = VP_HEIGHT/2; setcolor(COLOR_TEXT); // ve hai truc toa do line(0, Yc, VP_WIDTH, Yc); line(Xc, 0, Xc, VP_HEIGHT); // ve hai mui ten line(Xc, 0, Xc-5, 5); line(Xc, 0, Xc+5, 5); line(VP_WIDTH, Yc, VP_WIDTH-5, Yc-5); line(VP_WIDTH, Yc, VP_WIDTH-5, Yc+5); // Ve goc toa do outtextxy(Xc-8, Yc+8, "O"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void SetLineColor(int C)
  8. 85 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP { LineColor = C; } //--------------------------------------------------------- void SetPixel(int x, int y) { putpixel(Xc+x, Yc-y, LineColor); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void Set2Pixel(int Ox, int Oy, int x, int y) { putpixel(Ox+x, Oy-y, LineColor); putpixel(Ox-x, Oy-y, LineColor); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void Set2PixelHor(int Ox, int Oy, int x, int y) { putpixel(Ox+x, Oy-y, LineColor); putpixel(Ox+x, Oy+y, LineColor); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void ClearViewPort(void) { struct fillsettingstype FillInfo; // luu thong tin cu getfillsettings(&FillInfo); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, COLOR_WINDOW); bar(0, 0, VP_WIDTH, VP_HEIGHT); setfillstyle(FillInfo.pattern, FillInfo.color); DrawSysCoordinates(); } */ // End of SCREEN.C //--------------------------------------------------------- #include int OutError(char *s) { void far *buf;//con tro chi vung luu tru man hinh unsigned int size = imagesize(200,150,470,240); LPEVENT lpEvent; int Cx1=280,Cy1=203,Cx2=337,Cy2=223; int Ox1=350,Oy1=203,Ox2=405,Oy2=223; if ((buf = farmalloc(size)) == NULL) { return -1; } else { getimage(200,150,470,240,buf); } setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); HideMouse(); bar(200,150,470,240); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(200,150,470,240); outtextxy(200+(270-8*strlen(s))/2,170,s); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTBLUE); bar(Cx1,Cy1,Cx2,Cy2);//280,203,337,223); int OK=0; outtextxy(285,210,"Cancel"); outtextxy(365,210,"OK"); int event; do
  9. 86 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP { lpEvent=GetEvent(); if(kbhit()) { if((event=getch())==13) { CompleteOk: HideMouse(); putimage(200,150,buf,COPY_PUT); ShowMouse(); farfree(buf); return OK; } if(event==27) { CompleteCancel: HideMouse(); putimage(200,150,buf,COPY_PUT); ShowMouse(); farfree(buf); return 0; } if(event==9) { OK=!OK; Cancel: if(OK==0) { HideMouse(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(Ox1,Oy1,Ox2,Oy2);//350,203,405,223); outtextxy(365,210,"OK"); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTBLUE); bar(Cx1,Cy1,Cx2,Cy2);//280,203,337,223); outtextxy(285,210,"Cancel"); ShowMouse(); } Ok: if(OK==1) { HideMouse(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(Cx1,Cy1,Cx2,Cy2);//280,203,337,223); outtextxy(285,210,"Cancel"); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTBLUE); bar(Ox1,Oy1,Ox2,Oy2);//350,203,405,223); outtextxy(365,210,"OK"); ShowMouse(); } } if(event==0) { event=getch(); if(event==75) { OK=0; goto Cancel; } if(event==77) { OK=1; goto Ok; }
  10. 87 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP } else flushall(); } if(lpEvent->Msg==1) { if(lpEvent->Posx>=Cx1&&lpEvent->PosxPosy>=Cy1&&lpEvent->PosyPosx>=Ox1&&lpEvent->PosxPosy>=Oy1&&lpEvent->Posy
  11. 88 LUAÂÄN VAÊN TOÁT NGHIEÄP unsigned int Value1=0,Value2=0; char FindPos,FindValue; int Thoigian=0; FILE *f,*f1; char t,t1,t2,t3,t4; // char St_add[]="0000 Hex",End_add[]="000F Hex"; int end_line; strcpy(OutFile,InFile); i=strlen(OutFile); do { OutFile[i]='\0'; }while(OutFile[--i]!='.'); strcat(OutFile,"tmp");//dat ten cho file se tao ra for (FindPos=3;FindPos>=0;FindPos--) for(FindValue=0;FindValue=0;FindPos--) for(FindValue=0;FindValue



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