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Quick Test Professional - MSc. Nguyễn Thị Kiêm Ái

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There are many contents in this document: introduction, begin with QTP script, enhancing script, advance Script & framework, practice, other testing tools.

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Nội dung Text: Quick Test Professional - MSc. Nguyễn Thị Kiêm Ái

  1. University of Science Quick Test Professional Subject: Software Testing MSc Nguyễn Thị Kiêm Ái Email: 1
  2. Content 1 Introduction 2 Begin with QTP script 3 Enhancing Script 4 Advance Script & Framework 5 Practice 6 Other Testing Tools 2 2
  3. Acronyms and Abbreviations  QTP: Quick Test Professional  UI: User Interface  STA: Software Test Automation  SDP: Software Development Process  AUT: Application Under Test  BPT: Business Process Testing  IDE: Integrated Development Environment 3
  4. Content Part 1: Introduction Automation Testing QTP IDE Fundamental Process and Concepts Components Review automation testing and introduce QTP tool 4
  5. Automation Fundamental Concepts  The process of automating the steps of manual test cases using an automation tool or utility to shorten the testing life cycle with respect to time… • Saves time and effort  Automation helps to avoid human errors and also expedite the testing process…  To implement the Test Automation detailed planning and effort is required 5
  6. Automation Fundamental Concepts  Benefits of Automation • Consistency of Test Execution • Reducing cycle time of regression test cycles • Data driven testing • Repeatability • Coverage • Reliability • Reusability of test wares 6
  7. Automation Fundamental Concepts  When Automation is applicable? • Regression Testing Cycles are long and iterative. • If the application is planned to have multiple releases / builds • If it’s a long running application where in small enhancements • Bug Fixes keeps happening • Test Repeatability is required 7
  8. QC Activities in SDP 8
  9. QTP Introduction  UI automation framework designed mainly for Windows and Web-based applications. • The market leader in Functional Automation Tool  Provided by HP/Mercury Interactive  Works by identifying the objects and their operations, their properties in the application UI or a web page • Operations: mouse clicks, keyboard events.. • Properties: name , handler ID etc.  Uses VBScript as a scripting language 9
  10. Technologies Supported  Default Support • Standard Windows applications • Web objects / Applications • ActiveX controls • Visual Basic applications  Additional QuickTest add-ins Support • Java • Oracle • SAP Solutions • .NET Windows • Web Forms • Siebel • PeopleSoft, • Web services • and terminal emulator applications. 10
  11. Testing Process with QTP Creating Test scripts How to create test scripts Running Tests How to run test scripts Analyzing Test Results Quick Test Pro involves 3 main stages: How to analyze test results 11
  12. Testing Process with QTP (cont.)  Creating Tests • Create a test script by recording a manual test scenario on the AUT (Application Under Test) using QTP. • Quick Test Pro graphically displays each step users perform in the form of a collapsible, icon based tree view in QTP’s Keyword View. 12
  13. Testing Process with QTP (cont.)  Running Tests • Once the test scripts are recorded / created, next step is to execute them…While running (executing) the tests QTP connects to the web site or AUT and performs each operation in the test as performed manually while recording / creating tests (test scripts)… • Debugging Test : To identify and eliminate the defects in the test scripts  Analyzing Test Results • Once the test scripts are executed, test results and the summary can be viewed for result analysis. 13
  14. Add-in Manager  Default Add-ins • ActiveX • Visual basic • Web  Other Add-Ins • Siebel • Java • SAP • Oracle • .Net and many more
  15. Add-in Manager (cont.)  QTP’s Add-in Manager facilitates the users to select the technology / environment from variety of environments suitable for the AUT.  Once an add-in is loaded, users can record that application in its supported environment and thus QTP recognizes the objects specific to the application under test (AUT) as loaded through Add- in Manager.  It is critical for the users to know the development technologies / environment of AUT, and load right Add-Ins while invoking Quick Test Pro.
  16. QTP - Main Window
  17. QTP - Main Window (cont.) • Title bar: displays the name of the currently open test • Menu bar: displays menus of Quick Test commands • File toolbar: contains buttons to assist in managing test • Test toolbar: contains buttons to assist in process • Debug toolbar: contains buttons to assist in debugging test (not displayed by the default) • Action toolbar: contains buttons and a list of actions, enabling to view the details of individual action or the entire test flow (available only in the Tree view, not displayed by the default.) • Status bar: displays the status of the QuickTest application 17
  18. QTP - Main Window (cont.)  Test Pane: • Test Pane contains two tabs to view the tests, • Keyword View • Expert View • Keyword View: • Quick Test Pro displays your test in the form of a collapsible, icon based tree… • Expert View: • Quick Test Pro displays the source code (VB Script) of the tests in this view. 18
  19. QTP - Main Window (cont.)
  20. QTP - Main Window (cont.)  Data Table: • Data table assists in Parameterizing the tests… • The Data table contains the Global tab and a tab for the each action.  Debug Viewer Pane: • It assists in debugging tests with the help of Watch Expressions, Variables, and Command.  Quick Test Pro Commands : • The Quick Test Pro commands can be chosen from the menu bar or from a Tool bar.  Active Screen • Provides screenshots of all objects recorded and also supports object highlighting 20



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