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Relationship between water temperature and phytoplankton communities in Ba Lai river, Viet Nam

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Phytoplankton which can affect higher trophic levels play a pivotal role as primary producers. Phytoplankton structure and diversity may, besides other factors, be controlled by the changing of water temperatures. Hence, the present study aimed to determine some relationship between phytoplankton assemblage and water temperature in Ba Lai River, Vietnam.

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Nội dung Text: Relationship between water temperature and phytoplankton communities in Ba Lai river, Viet Nam

  1. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Open Access Full Text Article Research Article Relationship between water temperature and phytoplankton communities in Ba Lai river, Viet Nam Tran Thi Hoang Yen1 , Dinh Le Mai Phuong2 , Tran Thanh Thai1 , Nguyen Thi My Yen1 , Ngo Xuan Quang1,2 , Pham Thanh Luu1,2,* ABSTRACT Introduction: Phytoplankton which can affect higher trophic levels play a pivotal role as primary producers. Phytoplankton structure and diversity may, besides other factors, be controlled by the Use your smartphone to scan this changing of water temperatures. Hence, the present study aimed to determine some relationship QR code and download this article between phytoplankton assemblage and water temperature in Ba Lai River, Vietnam. Methods: In this research, sample data along the Ba Lai Estuary during two surveys were carried out in rainy season (September, 2017) and in dry season (March, 2018), and analyzed by Spearman's correlation and Linear regression analysis to find the correlations. Results: The results showed that the temper- ature of surface water in Ba Lai River was quite stable spatially. A total of 128 species belonging to 5 groups- namely cyanobacteria, diatoms, green algae, euglenids and dinoflagellates- were recorded in which diatoms were clearly dominant. Additionally, multiple stepwise linear regression revealed that phytoplankton assemblage correlated significantly with the temperature of surface water. The water temperature had a significant positive correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration but was negatively correlated with Margalef's diversity index in the rainy season. Moreover, the significant 1 Institute of Tropical Biology (ITB), negative association of water temperature with biomass of phytoplankton and biomass of diatoms, Vietnam Academy of Science and which was principal in species number, were determined in the dry season. Conclusion: This study Technology (VAST), 85 Tran Quoc Toan investigated the phytoplankton communities and found their correlation with environment in the Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, area, and demonstrated advantages of phytoplankton which warrant their further research. Vietnam Key words: Linear regression analysis, Phytoplankton assemblage, Spearman's correlation analysis, 2 the water temperature Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam INTRODUCTION growth and diversity. Additionally, biodiversity is de- Correspondence creasing at a rapid rate and this decrease is further ac- Phytoplankton contribute to nearly half of the annual Pham Thanh Luu, Institute of Tropical celerated by artificial climate change and associated Biology (ITB), Vietnam Academy of global primary production and are major drivers of Science and Technology (VAST), 85 Tran biogeochemical cycling, thereby sustaining the food rising temperatures on a global scale 6 . An increas- Quoc Toan Street, District 3, Ho Chi webs of most ecosystems; thus, they have garnered ing number of studies have focused on how phyto- Minh City, Vietnam plankton primary productivity and species composi- increased attention in research 1 . Phytoplankton are Graduate University of Science and tion are influenced by water temperature, triggered by Technology (GUST), Vietnam Academy useful indicators of water quality because their spa- of Science and Technology (VAST), 18 tial and temporal patterns reflect both short-and long- an interest to understand how global warming affects Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam term environmental changes 2 . Therefore, changes ecosystem processes and properties 7 . The combined Email: in phytoplankton community structure and diversity effects of temperature and diversity on phytoplank- can be evaluated to understand impact of environ- ton growth have been emphasized in recent study of History • Received: 2020-02-11 mental changes on ecosystems 3 . Schabhüttl et al. (2013) 6 . In this research, high tem- • Accepted: 2020-06-15 The favorable environmental parameters (e.g. pH, perature had a negative effect on phytoplankton di- • Published: 2020-06-30 temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutri- versity, in that a temperature-dependent decrease in DOI : 10.32508/stdj.v23i2.1755 ents) in estuarine and coastal waters have been re- diversity was most obvious in communities adapted ported to affect and link with the diversity, distri- to cooler base temperatures. Moreover, green algae bution, abundance, and composition of phytoplank- and diatoms have shown a trend to perform better at ton 4,5 . Temperature is among the major factor to lower temperatures, while cyanobacteria have shown Copyright influence phytoplankton growth rates, nutrient stoi- a stronger relationship with increasing temperatures © VNU-HCM Press. This is an open- chiometry, and spatial and temporal distribution in in mixed communities 6 . Besides, the main objective access article distributed under the freshwater systems. The alteration of seasonal tem- of the study in Tagus Estuary (Portugal) was to iden- terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. perature and increasing water temperatures, in addi- tify the key environmental factors affecting phyto- tion to other parameters, may control phytoplankton plankton structure. BIOENV analysis revealed that in Cite this article : Yen T T H, Phuong D L M, Thai T T, Yen N T M, Quang N X, Luu P T. Relationship be- tween water temperature and phytoplankton communities in Ba Lai river, Viet Nam. Sci. Tech. Dev. J.; 23(2):536-547. 536
  2. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 study period, the water temperature and other factors Table 1: Locations of sample sites were the variables that had the strongest correlations Sites Sampling coordinates with the phytoplankton community along the Tagus Latitude Longitude Estuary and best explained the phytoplankton spa- tial pattern 8 . The study in the Yangtze River (China) BL1 10◦ 17’29.8”N 106◦ 12’40.2”E observed that water temperature, nutrient concentra- BL2 10◦ 18’43.7”N 106◦ 17’38.5”E tions and light availability were the driving factors that determine phytoplankton dynamics 9 . BL3 10◦ 17’38.8”N 106◦ 21’22.0”E Ba Lai River is a river in the Mekong Delta region BL4 10◦ 16’10.8”N 106◦ 26’24.5”E which flows through Ben Tre Province. It is a direct BL5 10◦ 12’30.6”N 106◦ 32’6.48”E tributary of Tien River and the natural boundary be- tween Phu Duc and Tan Phu Communes. At the be- BL6 10◦ 11’05.8”N 106◦ 34’35.8”E ginning of the 20th century, the river became alluvial, BL7 10◦ 10’17.7”N 106◦ 36’48.6”E narrow and shallow. Nowadays, the water source of Ba Lai River comes mainly from the My Tho River. Ba BL8 10◦ 08’44.9”N 106◦ 38’01.1”E Lai River has also begun to diminish while Ba Lai Es- BL9 10◦ 08’17.1”N 106◦ 38’35.6”E tuary is filling with sediment and becoming blocked. BL10 10◦ 02’38.5”N 106◦ 41’03.7”E In 2002, in the Ba Lai Estuary, the construction of the Ba Lai dam which functions to prevent salinity, create a fresh source of water, and supply water for were kept in 150 ml plastic bottles, preserved in 4% the districts of Binh Dai, Ba Tri, Giong Trom, Chau neutralized formalin and used for qualitative analy- Thanh in Ben Tre Town, has been considered as an sis; chlorophyll-a analysis samples were collected by environmental failure for the originally connected es- used plastic cans (each with a capacity of 2 L of sur- tuarine and river ecosystems 10 . Several studies have face water), and preserved in 4% neutralized formalin warned that the Ba Lai dam could result in a high dis- for qualitative analysis 13 . turbance and deposition of this river 11 . According to a recent study of phytoplankton community structure Planktonic diatom identification and in Ba Lai River, it was revealed that the water qual- chlorophyll-a analysis ity had shown signs of serious deterioration through Samples were examined with an inverted mi- biological indicators and there were other evidence croscope (CK40, Olympus, Japan) at 200× or which indicated that the Ba Lai dam negatively af- 400×magnification. Identification was based on fected the phytoplankton communities. The phyto- morphology per examples from the literature 14–16 . plankton distribution was influenced by the environ- The classification of phytoplankton into taxonomic mental parameters 12 . groups and verification of currently accepted tax- The main objectives of this paper were to characterize onomic names followed AlgaeBase 17 . At least the influence of water temperature, one of the main 500 cells were counted under Sedgewick counting environmental factors, on controlling the distribution technique, a method by Sournia (1978) to determine pattern of phytoplankton communities and diversity abundance 18 . The biomass of cells was calculated in the Ba Lai River, therefore contributing to the as- based on geometrical formulas according to Sun and sessment and monitoring of aquatic environments. Liu (2003) 19 . Biovolume was calculated based on MATERIALS AND METHODS geometrical cells or colony volumes and subsequently converted to biomass (wet weight) by assuming a Study area and field sampling specific gravity of 1 mg/mm3 (Wetzel and Likens, Two surveys were conducted at 10 sites (represented 2013) 20 . by nomenclature BL1 to BL10) in the Ba Lai River in In order to analyze chlorophyll-a concentration, March of 2018 (dry season) and September of 2017 about 100-300 mL samples were filtered through (rainy season) (Table 1, Figure 1). The water tem- GF/C filter paper. The filter was subsequently frozen perature was collected from the surface and measured until sample processing. Chlorophyll-a was disso- in situ by using a multi-parameter system (Hach 156, ciated with 90% acetone solution overnight at room Company, USA). temperature and in the dark. The samples were cen- Planktonic diatom samples were collected from the trifuged at 400 rpm for 20 minutes to discard scum. surface waters by towing a conical net made of bolt- Chlorophyll-a in the extract solution was analyzed by ing silk with 25 µ m mesh size. Subsequently, samples an UV-DR-500 spectrophotometer (Hach, USA). 537
  3. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 1: Sampling stations in Ba Lai river, Ben Tre province. Data analysis The water temperature and chlorophyll-a The phytoplankton community structure of species concentration richness was assessed by Margalef ’s index (d) and Temperature is important because it has a massive Pielou’s evenness index (J’) which were used to char- effect on determining what organisms can survive acterize the phytoplankton community at each site. in a body of water and also directly affects the rate These metrics were calculated by using the PRIMER of photosynthesis and sensitivity of organisms’ toxic wastes 21 . The results showed that temperature of sur- VI analytical package developed by Plymouth Marine face water in the Ba Lai River was quite stable spa- Laboratory (U.K.). tially. It varied between a minimum rate of 27.60◦ C in One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to the dry season and a maximum rate of 33.95◦ C in the test the significance of the differences among the sites rainy season (Figure 2). One-way ANOVA was per- based on the water temperature and the phytoplank- formed and showed that no significant difference in ton species structure metrics. The analysis was com- the surface water temperature was detected between pleted, using Tukey’s HSD test significant difference. the two seasons (p>0.05). The temperature of the sur- The correlations between the water temperature and vey in Ba Lai River was relatively stable and there were the phytoplankton community structure and diversity not so large fluctuations between the sample sites and were determined by Spearman’s correlation analysis between the two surveys. Ba Lai River is located in the method, and then linear regression analysis was per- tropical region which has a similar water temperature formed. All variables were log-transformed (log + 1) as some other bodies of water in Southern Viet Nam (range of 28–32◦ C) 22 . The average water temperature to normalize their distributions before analysis. Sta- of approximately 30◦ C reflects positive conditions for tistical calculations were performed using Statgraphic development of phytoplankton 23 . centurion XV. Chlorophyll-a concentration varied between 0–58.05 RESULTS µ g/L with the minimum and maximum concentra- tions occurring in the dry season (Figure 3); these 538
  4. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 2: The water temperature from sampling sites in dry and rainy seasons. concentrations are higher in some seaward areas than species, 5.47%) (Figure 4C). The number of Bacil- in the inner zone of the Ba Lai River estuary. There lariophyceae was most dominant in both seasons was a significant increase from the upstream sections which could be related to the fact that diatoms could to the downstream river sections in both surveyed thrive well in varying environmental changes, while seasons. Generally, chlorophyll-a concentration was the number of Euglenophyceae and Dinophyceae were high at stations BL7, BL8, and BL9; it was highest at lower than the other phylas. The species number of BL9 station (which was below the Ba Lai dam). Mean- phytoplankton in the rainy season was higher than while, BL3 station had the lowest chlorophyll-a con- that in the dry season. Particularly, the number of centration. Phytoplankton need light and nutrients Dinophyceae was only recorded in the lower part of to develop. Since the water environment of Ba Lai the Ba Lai dam in the dry season, while the number River had high alluvial content, turbidity and strong of Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae often appeared at disturbance, these factors prevented light from enter- sites near the upper part of the dam in the rainy sea- ing the water environment, leading to poor growth son. This corresponded to the study conducted on the and development of phytoplankton, and resulting in Ba Lai River by Pham et al. (2017) 12 . low chlorophyll-a content in that area. BL3 station had high turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) Phytoplankton abundance and biomass values that led to low concentration of chlorophyll-a. Phytoplankton densities ranged from 301–1185 × 103 cells/L in the rainy season and from 303–683 × Phytoplankton composition and abun- 103 cells/L in the dry one. The maximum abundance dance (up to 1185 × 103 cells/L) occurred at BL9 station in Species composition of phytoplankton the rainy season, whereas the minimum density (301 From the two surveys, a total of 128 phytoplank- × 103 cells/L) was recorded at BL5 station in the rainy ton species, belonging to 5 phyla and 76 genera were season (Figure 5). The BL9 station had highest den- identified from the Ba Lai River (Figure 4). The sity because of the increasing abundance of several phytoplankton species were predominantly Bacillar- cyanobacterial species, including Anabaena smithii, iophyceae (69 species, gaining 53.91% of total species Planktolyngbya limnetica and Oscillatoria limosa, ac- number), followed by Chlorophyceae (25 species, companied by the decreasing abundance of marine 19.53%), Cyanophyceae (19 species, 14.84%), Dino- diatoms. The phytoplankton usually distributed ac- phyceae (8 species, 6.25%), and Euglenophyceae (7 cording to the rule that the freshwater species (such as 539
  5. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 3: Chlorophyll-a concentration in two seasons. Figure 4: The seasonal distributions of phytoplankton composition in Ba Lai River in dry season (A), rainy season (B), and both seasons (C). 540
  6. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 cyanobacteria and green algae) were more observed at dex (d) measured density of species in an ecosystem. upper stations and decreased at lower stations, while The higher the index value, the greater the species the phytoplankton communities were more charac- richness over the study area, and vice versa 26 . Mar- terized by marine diatoms in downstream stations. galef ’s diversity index (d) ranged from 2.31–6.56 and However, at the sites near the Ba Lai dam, the dis- 2.60–5.36 in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. tribution of phytoplankton communities was disturb- The maximum and minimum biomasses occurred in ing. At stations BL8 and BL9 (which are considered the BL2 and BL8 stations, respectively, in the rainy downstream stations), the abundance of cyanobacte- season. One-way ANOVA was performed and no sig- ria and green algae were higher than marine diatoms. nificant difference of the d index was detected be- Besides, cyanobacteria has an advantageous charac- tween the two seasons (p>0.05). The diversity at teristic which is optimal growth at higher tempera- the sites was relatively high and was evenly increased tures, whereas diatoms grow better at relatively lower from the dry season to the rainy season, except for temperatures 22,24 . The phytoplankton species which stations BL8 and BL10, of which the dry season is were predominant in quantitative samples at some higher than the rainy season. The number of species sites of the Ba Lai River were as follows: Anabaena in both sites was higher in the dry season than in the smithii, Dolichospermum affine, Planktolyngbya lim- rainy season, whereas the rest was opposite. Evenness netica, Coscinodiscus rothii, Coscinodiscus subtilis, Cy- clotella meneghiniana, Scenedesmus acuminatus var. index (J’) showed the stability of the phytoplankton briseriatus, Euglena acus. At BL6 station in the rainy communities in the ecosystem, throughout this indi- season, the species of Euglenophyceae densities that cator showed the balance of the community 26 . Even- were dominant were Euglena acus and Phacus acumi- ness index (J’) was also high, and 80% of values sur- natus, which revealed the mesotrophic to eutrophic passed 0.7. The index ranged from 0.62 to 0.89 and conditions of the body of water 25 . from 0.46 to 0.81 in rainy and dry seasons, respec- The biomass varied from 5.27–17.09 µ g/L in the dry tively, and no significant difference of J’ index was de- season and from 3.83–27.31 µ g/L in the rainy season tected between the two seasons (p>0.05). The BL8 sta- (Figure 6). The maximum and minimum biomasses tion was lower than the other stations which indicated occurred at BL3 and BL9 stations, respectively, in the that the phytoplankton community was dominated by rainy season. Biomass of Bacillariophyceae was dom- a few species coinciding with the observation of the inant at most sites, which represented the greatest blooms of Scenedesmus acuminatus var. briseriatus in contribution to phytoplankton biomass in the Ba Lai the study area during both seasons. River. The restriction of light entering the environ- ment led to poor growth and development of microal- Relation of the water temperature to the gae because of rich alluvial deposits, which was one of phytoplankton communities’ structure and the reasons for the low density and primary biomass biodiversity of phytoplankton in the shallow and turbid estuary The correlation between the water temperature and systems. Corresponding to the abundance of phyto- the phytoplankton communities’ structure and bio- plankton, the biomass of cyanobacteria and green al- diversity were evaluated by Spearman’s correlation gae significant increased at the sites near the Ba Lai dam (where there was actually a marked succession analysis and linear regression analysis. The results of diatom species) along with the high salinity gra- of the Spearman’s correlation analysis between the dient. The biomass of Bacillariophyceae was high at water temperature and phytoplankton communities’ the other sites. Moving to the upstream sites, the high structure and biodiversity in the rainy season are abundance and biomass of diatoms that adapted to the shown in Table 2. The statistical data was analyzed saline environment were more distributed. This could by Spearman’s correlation analysis, which showed explain the marine species being carried by the saline that the water temperature positively correlated with flows from the tributaries of the Ba Lai River 12 . This chlorophyll-a concentration (r=0.793) but negatively could be a disturbance which greatly explains why correlated with Margalef ’s diversity index (d) (r =- the phytoplankton communities were probably influ- 0.711) in water. Meanwhile, the other variables did enced by the dam. not correlate with the water temperature (p>0.05); these variables were abundance and biomass of phyto- Biological indices of phytoplankton commu- plankton, abundance and biomass of Bacillariophyta, nity and J’ index. Temporal and spatial variations of phytoplankton Additionally, the linear regression analysis indicated metrics are shown in Figure 7.Margalef ’s diversity in- the relationship between the water temperature and 541
  7. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 5: The abundance of phytoplankton in the Ba Lai River. Figure 6: The biomass of phytoplankton in the Ba Lai River. 542
  8. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 7: Phytoplankton metrics (d, J’) in the Ba Lai River Table 2: The correlation coefficient between the water temperature and phytoplankton communities structure, biodiversity in both seasons Variables The water temperature Rainy season Dry season Abundance of phytoplankton r -0.024 -0.711 p-value 0.942 0.033* Abundance of Bacillariophyta r 0.037 -0.462 p-value 0.913 0.166 Biomass of phytoplankton r 0.11 -0.742 p-value 0.743 0.026* Biomass of Bacillariophyta r -0.529 -0.790 p-value 0.112 0.018* Chlorophyll-a concentration r 0.793 0.376 p-value 0.017* 0.259 d index r -0.711 -0.363 p-value 0.033* 0.276 J’ index r 0.103 0.007 p-value 0.757 0.985 Note: ∗ Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level chlorophyll-a concentration, and d index, as illus- concentration of chlorophyll-a and the d Index, the trated in Figure 8. The water temperature had a relationship between water temperature and the two positive correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, factors could be interpreted in a highly significant using a relatively low adjusted coefficient of sim- model. The observed versus predicted water temper- ple linear regression model (adjusted R2 =43.787%, atures in the Ba Lai River are shown in Figure 9. That p=0.022). Meanwhile, the water temperature was sig- is, the water temperature positively correlated with nificantly and negatively correlated with d Index and concentration of chlorophyll-a but had a negative re- a substantially predictive capability (R2 =49.599%, lationship with d Index. p=0.014). Water temperature = 1.5602 + 0.0232414 × Furthermore, the results of stepwise multiple linear Chlorophyll-a - 0.103903 × d Index regression analysis showed that when combining the (with: R2 = 71.74%, p=0.005) 543
  9. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 8: Model of linear regression analysis in the rainy season. A. The correlation between water tempera- ture and chlorophyll-a concentration, B. The correlation between water temperature and d Index. Figure 9: The observed versus predicted water temperatures in the Ba Lai River. The results of the Spearman’s correlation analysis on DISCUSSION water temperature and phytoplankton communities’ Phytoplankton reflect and affect water quality which structure, and biodiversity in the dry season indicated changes in its community structure, patterns of dis- that the water temperature negatively correlated with tribution and the proportion of sensitive species. In abundance of phytoplankton, biomass of phytoplank- our study, the phytoplankton assemblages in the Ba ton and biomass of Bacillariophyta (Table 2) (r=- Lai River included freshwater, estuarine and fresh- 0.711, r=-0.742, r=-0.790, respectively). Meanwhile water, and estuarine and marine species (which were correlations of the water temperature with the other dominated by diatoms). The dominance of this group variables were non-significant. Furthermore, the sim- (diatoms) has been already reported by other authors ple linear regression between the water tempera- either along the river or estuary; however, studying ture and biomass of phytoplankton, and biomass of in running water conditions are more appropriate for Bacillariophyta (excepted abundance of phytoplank- evaluating growth of diatoms 8,27,28 . Generally, dom- ton) resulted, actually, in a model with a substan- inance of diatoms indicates the physical inconsistency tially higher predictive capability (Figure 10). In this of the shallow coastal environments which are very model, the water temperature had a significant neg- common to study; most diatoms are robust and re- ative correlation with biomass; the biomass of Bacil- main in the estuarine environments in spite of the er- lariophyta were able to yield two models with sub- ratic salinities 29,30 . stantially and relatively low predictive capability (ad- Biodiversity is an important component of ecosystem justed R2 =46.37%, p=0.018; R2 =47.21%, p=0.017, re- functioning and stability and it has been widely used spectively). to characterize community structure. The diversity of 544
  10. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Figure 10: Model of Linear regression analysis in dry season. A. The correlation between water temperature and biomass, B. The correlation between water temperature and biomass of Bacillariophyta. a community depends on the Species Richness and temperature conditions 6 . Biodiversity is a useful al- Species Evenness 31,32 . The Margalef ’s Diversity In- ternative to reflect the ecological quality of aquatic dex and Evenness Index were relatively high, which ecosystems because biological communities are influ- explains that the evenness between the survey sites re- enced and integrated by the environmental effects of flects the uniformity and stability of ecological charac- water 37 . The warmth of the water temperature and teristics in the area. However, there were many clear environmental instability caused changes in phyto- evidences that the Ba Lai dam caused many negative plankton diversity and community structure, which effects on phytoplankton community and biodiversity are indispensable characteristics underlying ecosys- in the river. tem functioning and trophic transfer 38 . From the re- The environmental parameters influence the phy- search in Vam Co River (Vietnam), the phytoplankton toplankton distribution; of these parameters, water biodiversity positively correlated with water tempera- temperature plays a fundamental role and induces ture and species number 39 . Moreover, when combin- marked changes in a community structure. In the ing the concentrations of chlorophyll-a and d Index, rainy season, the water temperature had a positive re- the highly significant model of water temperature was lationship with chlorophyll-a concentration but neg- predicted (Figure 9). Increasing the concentration of chlorophyll-a will lead to rise of water temperature ative correlation with d Index. That means if the wa- but it is limited by the diversity index. Likewise, in the ter temperature increased, chlorophyll-a content in- dry season, the water temperature had a significant creased. However, while there was an increase in wa- negative correlation with biomass and the biomass ter temperature, the d Index decreased, and vice versa. of Bacillariophyta found in this study. That means, Chlorophyll-a concentration is a convenient index of if the water temperature increased, the biomass of phytoplankton biomass, and water temperature is an phytoplankton and biomass of Bacillariophyta de- important factor which influences the control of the creased, and vice versa. The impact of temperature growth and distribution of phytoplankton 32–34 . on phytoplankton entails nutrient uptake, death rate, In the aquatic ecosystem, chlorophyll-a concentration and nutrient release from particulate nutrients, abun- usually is recognized as a surrogate for biomass of dance, and biomass; all of these parameters were in- phytoplankton which is dependent primarily on sev- vestigated by recent studies. The effects of seasonal eral environmental parameters and has been studied temperature and daily temperature on phytoplank- in recent studies 35 . According to the study in Meil- ton biomass were simulated numerically and showed iang Bay (China), the concentration of chlorophyll-a that the phytoplankton biomass was strong to the ef- was significantly correlated with water temperature; fects (and variation) of water temperatures, accord- a multiple stepwise linear regression explained 99.2% ing to the dynamics of the model and model predic- of the variation of chlorophyll-a. However, in Taihu tions in Lake Tai (China) 38 . Changes in phytoplank- Lake (China), the water temperature explained 98.7% ton biomass and photosynthesis in relation to temper- of the variation of chlorophyll-a. ature were showed in the Western English Channel 40 . Thus, water temperature is an important factor influ- Dinoflagellates and biomass showed a positive corre- encing the annual change of chlorophyll-a concentra- lation with respect to temperature, reaching the high- tion and phytoplankton biomass 36 . In general, biodi- est biomass (between 15◦ C and 17◦ C). On the other versity is an important factor which determines phy- hand, diatoms indicated a negative correlation with toplankton community performance under varying temperature, with highest biomass at 10◦ C 41 . 545
  11. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):536-547 Besides the other abiotic variables, the variability of AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS water temperature can be considered a major fac- The contributions of all authors are equal in selecting tor contributing to the changes of the phytoplank- data, calculating descriptors, analyzing results, and ton community structure, which was favorable for the writing a manuscript. development of chlorophyll-a concentration, diver- sity index and biomass. According to the studies in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the Ba Lai River, there were more factors influencing This research was funded by Vietnam National Foun- phytoplankton growth. For instance, the phytoplank- dation for Science and Technology Development ton assemblage was affected by total dissolved solids, (NAFOSTED) under grant number 106.06-2019.51. salinity and nutrients. 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