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Research on mechanical shim application with compensated prompt current of vanadium detectors

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Mechanical shim is an advanced technology for reactor power and axial offset control with control rod assemblies. To address the adverse accuracy impact on the ex-core power range neutron flux measurements-based axial offset control resulting from the variable positions of control rod assemblies, the lead-lag-compensated in-core self-powered vanadium detector signals are utilized.

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Nội dung Text: Research on mechanical shim application with compensated prompt current of vanadium detectors

N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Available online at ScienceDirect<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Nuclear Engineering and Technology<br /> journal homepage:<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Original Article<br /> <br /> Research on Mechanical Shim Application with<br /> Compensated Prompt g Current of Vanadium<br /> Detectors<br /> <br /> Zhi Xu<br /> Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute, Xihuan Road 1788, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215004, PR China<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> article info abstract<br /> <br /> Article history: Mechanical shim is an advanced technology for reactor power and axial offset control with<br /> Received 30 March 2016 control rod assemblies. To address the adverse accuracy impact on the ex-core power<br /> Received in revised form range neutron flux measurements-based axial offset control resulting from the variable<br /> 19 August 2016 positions of control rod assemblies, the lead-lag-compensated in-core self-powered va-<br /> Accepted 22 August 2016 nadium detector signals are utilized. The prompt g current of self-powered detector is<br /> Available online 13 October 2016 ignored normally due to its weakness compared with the delayed b current, although it<br /> promptly reflects the flux change of the core. Based on the features of the prompt g current,<br /> Keywords: a method for configuration of the lead-lag dynamic compensator is proposed. The simu-<br /> Lead Lag lations indicate that the method can improve dynamic response significantly with negli-<br /> Mechanical Shim gible adverse effects on the steady response. The robustness of the design implies that the<br /> Prompt g Current method is of great value for engineering applications.<br /> Response Time Copyright © 2016, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC on behalf of Korean Nuclear Society. This<br /> Robust is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (<br /> Sensitivity licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).<br /> Vanadium Detectors<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1. Introduction Without the need for adjusting boron concentration for both<br /> load-following and load-regulation operations, MSHIM con-<br /> Westinghouse (Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, 1000 trols the movement of rod assemblies instead, resulting in<br /> Westinghouse Drive Suite 572A Cranberry Township, PA significant reduction of radioactive liquid waste release.<br /> 16066) has developed an advanced technology, called “me- However, the operational mode with the frequent movement<br /> chanical shim” (MSHIM), to control the reactor power and of control rods significantly impacts the traditional core power<br /> axial power offset with control rod assemblies alone. This protection and axial power offset control method that is based<br /> technology satisfies the utility requirements document's need on the calibrated ex-core power measurements [4,5]. Nor-<br /> of load-following operation without adjusting the boron con- mally, vanadium detectors are used to provide very precise in-<br /> centration. It has been (will be) applied to System 80þ (Palo core nuclear power distribution. However, response of the<br /> Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Tonopah, Arizona, in vanadium detector with a delay of more than 10 minutes [6]<br /> western Arizona, USA), the third-generation passive safety prevents its application for axial offset control directly. The<br /> reactor (AP1000), and small module reactor (IRIS) [1e3]. lead-lag algorithm can be used for the delayed time response<br /> <br /> <br /> E-mail address:<br /><br /> 1738-5733/Copyright © 2016, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC on behalf of Korean Nuclear Society. This is an open access article under<br /> the CC BY-NC-ND license (<br /> 142 N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> compensation, hereby the compensated signal can be applied characteristics, and easiness in handling the replaced SPNDs,<br /> to tune the prompt, ex-core power-based axial offset control make them desirable candidates for in-core flux distribution<br /> [7]. In fact, in-core vanadium detectors produce both b current mapping applications. For instance, there are evenly config-<br /> and prompt g current. Because of vanadium detectors' weak ured 42 self-powered vanadium detector assemblies, with<br /> prompt g current flow compared with b current flow, it is each composed of seven purified 51V, in the core. The longest<br /> usually ignored. A dedicated design of the lead-lag unit to detector is the length of the core active area, the rest of the six<br /> compensate the delayed b signal current and utilize prompt g detectors reduce the length by one-seventh from the longest<br /> current to obtain fast response with negligible steady-state one [1e3]. The position of vanadium detectors in an assembly<br /> errors is presented in this paper. In addition, MATLAB/Simu- is shown in Fig. 2 [7].<br /> link numerical simulations are carried out to verify the per- Based on the good consistency of the in-core vanadium<br /> formance of the design. detectors' current flow with the nuclear power, in addition to<br /> the specified layout in the core, the D∅ of in-core power de-<br /> viation of top and bottom half by detectors located in j area is<br /> 2. Axial offset control of MSHIM and its expressed as follows:<br /> compensation    <br /> D∅ ¼ PTj  PBj ¼ Kcj I4j þ I5j  I1j (1)<br /> Constant axial offset control requires the in-core nuclear<br /> where Kcj represents the factor for the cth detector located in<br /> power constant ratio of the sum of the top half and bottom<br /> the j area, and Icj is the current flow output from the cth de-<br /> half to the deviation between them, so the change of power<br /> tector located in the j area.<br /> will inevitably lead to the axial offset change. Usually, the top<br /> To correlate with the four power deviation signals from the<br /> and bottom power measurements are obtained using the ex-<br /> four divisions of the protection system, the 42 detector as-<br /> core power range top and bottom detectors [1e3,8]. For most<br /> semblies are grouped into four quadrants. The IAPi represents<br /> operations in the traditional second-generation pressurized<br /> power deviation for the ith quadrant.<br /> water reactors, the control rods are almost withdrawn out of<br /> 0 1<br /> the active core area (all rods out), and move very infrequently, X 1 X 1 X<br /> Ni Mi Pi<br /> 1<br /> leading to a uniform core power distribution. However, IAPi ¼ mai @ I4j þ I5j  I1j A þ bai (2)<br /> Ni j¼1<br /> Mi j ¼ 1 Pi j ¼ 1<br /> frequent movement of control rod assemblies in the MSHIM<br /> strategy breaks the consistency between the ex-core and in-<br /> core axial offset. The withdrawal of rod assemblies results in<br /> the upward tilt of axial offset, whereas the insertion of rod<br /> assemblies leads to the downward tilt of axial offset. More-<br /> over, the ex-core detectors are sensitive to the fuel assembles<br /> in the face peripheral area, intensifying the possible de-<br /> Top of<br /> viations between ex-core-measured axial offset and the actual<br /> 7 active core<br /> in-core axial offset. Fig. 1 [5] presents the correlations of the 6<br /> 5<br /> ex-core measurement-based axial offset (AOex) versus the 4 3<br /> peripheral fuel assembly-based axial offset (AOwp) and core 2 Cor e<br /> axial offset (AOin). Because of the significant deviation be-<br /> 1 cent er<br /> tween the core axial offset and the ex-core-measured axial<br /> offset, the protection system uses the calibrated axial offset<br /> based on ex-core-weighted peripheral fuel assemblies [4,5]. Bott o m of<br /> act ive core<br /> The protection system transmits the calibrated signal to the<br /> control system for the axial offset control, which might limit Fig. 2 e Configuration of vanadium detectors in an<br /> reactor power or operational capability. assembly.<br /> Benefits offered by vanadium self-powered neutron de-<br /> tectors (SPNDs), such as a better life span, simple response<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 1 e (A) Peripheral fuel assembly-based axial offset (AOwp) and (B) core axial offset (AOin) versus ex-core measurement-<br /> based axial offset (AOex).<br /> N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7 143<br /> <br /> <br /> where Ni , Mi ; and Pi represent the available detector numbers Consequently [10,15], regard these g-induced current flow as<br /> of 4th, 5th, and 1st in quadrant i respectively. mai , bai is the linear interference. Fig. 3 shows the three primary mechanisms by<br /> fitting factor for the steady power deviation based on other which incident radiation, including neutron and g are con-<br /> systems, that is, online power distribution monitoring system. verted to energetic electrons.<br /> As shown in Fig. 1, the MSHIM operating mode results in a Normally, only the current generated by b interactions is<br /> significant inconsistency between the calibrated measure- considered, therefore<br /> ments ðAFDWP i Þ based on peripheral fuel assembly and the  <br /> 0:693t<br /> core axial offset; meanwhile, the axial offset control system IðtÞ ¼ Ksa eN 1  e T1=2 ∅ (5)<br /> receives these AFDWP i for axial offset control. Xu [7] has pre-<br /> sented a method for tuning AFDWP with time delay- where K, sa , e, N; and ∅ represent the material factor, ther-<br /> i<br /> compensated IAPi accompanied by amplitude limiters. mal activation cross section, electronic factor, atomicity of<br /> vanadium, thermal neutron flux; T1=2 represents the half-life<br /> 1 X N<br />   of vanadium.<br /> Dai ðtÞ ¼ IAPi ðt  jÞ  AFDWP<br /> i ðt  j  tÞ (3)<br /> N þ 1 j¼0 As shown in Eq. 5, the generated current flow by a detector<br /> is proportional to the neutron flux when t approaches infinity<br />  (∞). Although 52V has a half-life of 225 s, due to the fact that<br />  dai ðtÞ < 0<br /> i ðtÞ þ Dai ðtÞ; Dai ðtÞ<br /> AFDWP <br /> AFDi ðtÞ ¼ (4) the material of detectors is not made of 100% pure vanadium,<br /> i ðtÞ þ dai ðtÞ; Dai ðtÞ  dai ðtÞ  0<br /> AFDWP<br /> the vanadium detectors' response time constant for neutron<br /> where N is the counting numbers falling in the average win- flux rate upon step inputs is 326 s [16]. In other words, the<br /> dow for stability improvement, t is the time difference be- detector output current flow reaches 63% of the final value in<br /> tween compensated signals and the corresponding signals 326 s. The features of detectors can be expressed by<br /> from ex-core, and dai ðtÞ is the predefined limiter. The simula-<br /> 1<br /> tions indicate the method is of good efficiency, however, the W1 ðsÞ ¼ (6)<br /> 326s þ 1<br /> performance of method depends on the features of the time-<br /> delay compensation and the proper selection of t. where s is the variable of Laplace transform. Fig. 4 shows the<br /> time response upon the step flux change.<br /> <br /> <br /> 3. Time delay compensation for vanadium 3.2. Brief review of current compensation methods<br /> detectors<br /> As shown in Fig. 4, the time required to achieve steady (93% of<br /> 3.1. Current flow generated by vanadium detectors the final value) output of vanadium detectors is about 15 mi-<br /> nutes, which restricts their application in nuclear power<br /> The vanadium (51V) detector has the features of simple plants. Normally, the vanadium detectors are used for in-core<br /> structure, small size, exempt of high-voltage offset, low flux distribution calculations. To facilitate the advantages of<br /> burnup, and typical 1/V neutron response, and is deployed in the detectors, many compensation algorithms are developed.<br /> nuclear power plants widely. The current flow generated by Typical compensation algorithms are inverse function [6],<br /> vanadium detectors is the composition of three effects. A Kalman filtering [17], H∞ filtering [18], software with com-<br /> neutron is captured in the emitter of vanadium via the for- puter sampling [19], and latest filtering [20,21]. A lead-lag<br /> mation of a capture product isotope, which decays by b compensator is normally used in a control system that im-<br /> emissiond99.2% of this emission has endpoint energy of proves an undesirable frequency response in a feedback and<br /> 2.5404 MeV [9]. Normally, 42% of the b emission is energetic control system. The properly configured lead-lag unit can<br /> enough to escape from the vanadium and the insulator, pro- improve the dynamic response and noise immunity so well<br /> ducing a current flow that is proportional to the neutron flux that it is deployed for control systems in a nuclear power<br /> [10]. Neutron capture in the aforementioned vanadium plant. In considering the rather simple neutron response<br /> method is always accompanied by the emission of prompt feature of vanadium detectors, the cost of those algorithms,<br /> capture g rays. Whole or parts of the g-rays’ energy are and the dynamic response characteristics of lead-lag unit [22],<br /> absorbed by the vanadium through interactions, by releasing the lead-lag-based compensation unit following the detectors<br /> electrons via Compton, photo-electric process, and pair pro-<br /> duction. Some electrons are energetic enough to escape from<br /> γ γ<br /> the vanadium and the insulator, and thus produce a current γ<br /> Outer detector sheath<br /> flow. In the early 1980s, many studies [11e13] on using g sig-<br /> β e- e- e- e-<br /> nals from SPNDs were carried out. Because of gamma back- I(t)<br /> ground from fission products and the poor conversion<br /> Emitter γ<br /> efficiency, the current flow for this part is ignored normally<br /> [14]. The incident g ray from a reactor to detector itself gen- Signal llead<br /> ead<br /> Al 2O3<br /> erates Compton, pair production, and photo-electrons, with<br /> some being energetic enough to produce a current flow.<br /> n<br /> Although this incident g-induced current flow is prompt,<br /> because approximately 50% of this g flow is delayed in a power Fig. 3 e Neutron and g interactions within a vanadium<br /> reactor, it cannot follow flux changes simultaneously. detector.<br /> 144 N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2<br /> Optimized compensation<br /> 1.8 Compensated<br /> Without compensation<br /> 1.6<br /> <br /> 1.4<br /> <br /> 1.2<br /> Amplitude<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> 0.8<br /> <br /> 0.6<br /> <br /> 0.4<br /> <br /> 0.2<br /> <br /> 0 –1 0 1 2 3<br /> 10 10 10 10 10<br /> Time/s<br /> <br /> Fig. 4 e Response to neutron flux step stimulation.<br /> <br /> <br /> immediately is deployed to get faster overall response time. method for the g- and b-induced current flow sensitivity<br /> Xu [7] designed the lead-lag unit as follows: identification should be given. Product specifications from<br /> Sweden KWD nuclear instruments indicate the thermal<br /> 326s þ 1<br /> W2 ðsÞ ¼ (7) neutron b current flow is 0.51 mA, whereas the g-induced<br /> sþ1<br /> current flow is 0.007 mA, under the condition of 1014 n/cm2/s<br /> Fig. 4 shows the outputs of vanadium detectors following thermal neutron flux rate. Therefore, theg-induced current<br /> lead-lag compensation upon the unit step flux changes. flow is 1.4% of the total current flow. William [23] also points<br /> Although the inputs to the lead-lag compensation are digita- out the g-induced current occupies about 1% of the overall<br /> lized, for simplicity, the continuous model is used in the current flow generated. Normally, it is regarded that about<br /> simulations with the conservative input variances, which are 50% of the g-induced energy is generated by prompt g [8]; in<br /> unlikely conditions in operations. addition to the poor conversion efficiency, the effect of (n, g,<br /> e) for the detector itself can be ignored. Thus, it is regarded,<br /> that approximately 50% of g-induced current is generated<br /> 3.3. Optimized compensation<br /> via (g, e) incident prompt g, which reflects the neutron flux<br /> change simultaneously. The following lead-lag compensa-<br /> As Li [15] points out, although the g-induced current of de-<br /> tion algorithm is designed to utilize these valuable dynamic<br /> tectors is small, it should be removed by the thermal<br /> current signals.<br /> neutron sensitivity calibration in specific conditions and the<br /> <br /> <br /> (A) (B)<br /> 30 –10<br /> Optimized d compensation<br /> 20 Compensated<br /> Withoutt compensation<br /> 10 Inputs –15<br /> <br /> 0<br /> <br /> –10 –20<br /> Amplitude<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Amplitude<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> –20<br /> <br /> –30 –25<br /> <br /> –40<br /> <br /> –50 –30<br /> <br /> –60<br /> <br /> –70 –35<br /> 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600<br /> Time/s Time/s<br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 5 e Random inputs stimulations. (A) Response to random inputs stimulations. (B) Magnified view of response to random<br /> inputs stimulation.<br /> N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7 145<br /> <br /> <br /> Taking the prompt g current that occupies K% of the total 4. Simulations and analysis<br /> current flow into consideration, the current feature for de-<br /> tectors can be expressed as W1o ðsÞ ¼ 3261sþ1 þ K=100. To get the All the following examples are calculated using MATLAB/<br /> expected performance, set the lead-lag unit Wo (s) as Simulink to verify the performance of the proposed method.<br /> The output in respective situation without compensation,<br /> ð326s þ 1Þð100  KÞ<br /> Wo ðsÞ ¼ (8) compensated with W2 ðsÞ ¼ 326sþ1<br /> sþ1 , and with the aforemen-<br /> 3:26Kð100  KÞs þ 100<br /> ð326sþ1Þð100KÞ<br /> tioned optimized method using Wo ðsÞ ¼ 3:26Kð100KÞsþ100 , where<br /> The system's overall transfer function YðsÞ is thus<br /> K ¼ 0.6, upon the unit step stimulus, is shown in Fig. 4.<br /> <br /> <br /> 1 ð326s þ 1Þð100  KÞ The simulation indicates that the optimized compensation<br /> YðsÞ ¼ K=100 þ (9)<br /> 326s þ 1 3:26Kð100  KÞs þ 100 utilizing the prompt g-current flow signals has tremendous<br /> advantages beyond the former compensation in terms of dy-<br /> When there is unit step flux change in-core as input, there<br /> namic response.<br /> is Yð∞Þ ¼ 1: Based on mirror features of the time and fre-<br /> Assuming the inputs are of random characteristics, that is,<br /> quency domains, the output in time domain is<br /> the probability of unit step change, negative unit step change,<br /> yð0Þ ¼ 1 (10) and without change are the same, the overall output without<br /> compensation, with compensation, and the optimized<br /> Likewise, Yð0Þ ¼ 1  K =10; 000, which means the output in<br /> 2<br /> compensation are shown in Fig. 5A. The magnified details for<br /> time domain is<br /> part of the simulation are shown in Fig. 5B.<br /> Fig. 5 shows that the virgin system without any compen-<br /> yð∞Þ ¼ 1  K2 10; 000 (11)<br /> sation has a strong low-pass filter characteristic and does not<br /> Normally, the K is very small, then yð∞Þz1. follow the inputs well; consequently, the loss of high-<br /> frequency signals is too much to be accepted. The compen-<br /> sated method, however, has a much better response, although<br /> –10<br /> there are some overshoots. The system response with opti-<br /> mized compensation follows the inputs quite well and has<br /> –15 significant advantages over the others in terms of both dy-<br /> namic and steady features.<br /> Fig. 6 shows the minor differences among different Ks, that<br /> –20<br /> is, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 respectively, which indicate that the<br /> Amplitude<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> method can be deployed widely.<br /> –25<br /> As shown in Fig. 7, the response of using incorrect pa-<br /> rameters in two limiting situations for compensation does not<br /> K = 0.3<br /> degrade the performance to an unacceptable level, which in-<br /> –30 Inputs dicates that the optimized compensation method is of<br /> K = 0.6<br /> K = 0.9 parameter (K) robustness.<br /> Without compensation Fig. 8A shows the situation when the input is contaminated<br /> –35<br /> 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 by noise at the front end, that is, in-core. Fig. 8B shows the<br /> Time/s<br /> situation when the electrical noise is induced in the late sec-<br /> Fig. 6 e Response of detectors with different Ks upon tion, that is, in the cables carrying the current flow to the<br /> random inputs stimulations signal processing equipment. Because of the feature of large<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (A) (B)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 7 e (A) Response of a detector of K ¼ 0.3 upon random inputs calculated with K ¼ 0.9. (B) Response of a detector of K ¼ 0.9<br /> upon random inputs calculated with K ¼ 0.3.<br /> 146 N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g a n d T e c h n o l o g y 4 9 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 4 1 e1 4 7<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (A) (B)<br /> –4 –4<br /> Optimized compensation<br /> –6 Compensated –6<br /> Without compensation<br /> –8 Inputs (noise excluded) –8<br /> <br /> –10 –10<br /> <br /> –12 –12<br /> Amplitude<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Amplitude<br /> –14 –14<br /> <br /> –16 –16<br /> <br /> –18 –18<br /> <br /> –20 –20<br /> <br /> –22 –22<br /> <br /> –24 –24<br /> 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720<br /> Time/s Time/s<br /> <br /> <br /> Fig. 8. e (A) Response to inputs with noise injected at the front end. (B) Response to inputs with noise injected at the late end.<br /> <br /> <br /> time constant low-pass filters for the detectors, the front end- Because of much faster time response for this optimized<br /> induced noise has little effects on the output. Fig. 8B indicates compensation, in combination with the method [7] for<br /> that the late end-induced noise degrades the performance adjusting axial offset control in the MSHIM mode, a much<br /> significantly for both the referenced and optimized compen- better overall system performance can be expected, with the<br /> sation. In either case, the latter has preferred performance direct configuration of t as zero in Eq. (3). This method also<br /> over the formal method for it follows the input closer. For provides the possibility of using the optimized compensated<br /> AP1000, the signal processing equipment connected with de- vanadium current signals only for the axial offset control. The<br /> tectors immediately is installed inside the containment and occupancy robustness for detectors' prompt g current flow<br /> very close to the reactor vessel, which contains all the de- implies that the method is of significant engineering advan-<br /> tectors. The dedicated cables from detectors to the equipment tages. How to get the occupancy proportion of the individual<br /> further minimize the potential signal contamination [1e3]. detector's prompt g current flow conveniently for best per-<br /> It should be noted that Eq. (5) is of approximate accuracy. formance is the key focus for upcoming studies.<br /> The temperature-related isolation resistance impacts the<br /> actual current from detectors. Studies by Yu [14], Yang et al<br /> [16], and Moreira and Lescano [24] have demonstrated that the Conflicts of interest<br /> temperature affects the measured current flow from vana-<br /> dium detectors. Rao and Misra [25] indicated that neutron The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.<br /> sensitivity of vanadium detectors should take into account<br /> additional factors, namely, flux depression caused by de- Acknowledgments<br /> tectors and the interaction of gamma rays, which result in the<br /> correction factors that have been evaluated to be 0.957 and The author greatly appreciates the financial support of Na-<br /> 1.03, respectively, for the specific detectors. In fact, normally, tional Science and Technology Major Project grant funded by<br /> the temperature for detectors in the core and the temperature the Chinese government (Grant No. 2014ZX06907-002).<br /> measurement vary slowly. From an engineering viewpoint,<br /> the calibration of detectors in time, can take into account all<br /> the aforementioned facts, leading to an expected precision.<br /> Meanwhile, the time constant of detectors might vary a little references<br /> for specific manufacturers. 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