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Review of phrasal verbs (1 + 2)

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Nội dung Text: Review of phrasal verbs (1 + 2)

  1. Review of phrasal verbs (1 + 2) Exercise 1. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “UP” Clear Draw Turn Set Stay Pick Look Go Make Do Give Speak Bring Hold Take Get Put Sum 1. That’s the third time train fares have ___________ up this year. 2. When I’m in holiday, I can lie in bed and ________ up when I feel like it. 3. So to ________ up then, we need money urgently 4. It’s a formal party so you’ll have to _________ up for it. 5. Their parents said they could ________ up to watch the late night film. 6. If there’s a word that you don’t understand, _______ it up in your dictionary. 7. I’ll _______ you up outside your office at 6 o’clock. 8. It’ll be dull at first but the weather should ________ up in the afternoon. 9. A large car _______ up and a tall man stepped out. 10. After my parents’ death, I was _________ up by my aunts. 11. C ould you _________ the radio up a bit? I want to listen to the weather forecast. 12. The traffic was _________ up because of an accident. 13. Is he coming or isn’t he? I wish he’d ________ up his mind. 14. After he went bankrupt. He tried to _________ up a new business in his wife’s name. 15. The house needs decorating. We’ll have it ________ up this summer. 16. I ________ up golf after the doctor told me I should get more exercises. 17. I’m sure she _______ up that story about being in a film. 18. You’ll have to ______ up because he’s a bit deaf. 19. The hotels are full, so could you ________ me up for a couple of nights. 20. I _________ up smoking in May and haven’t had a cigarrette since. 21. I __________ up a few words of Japanese when I went there a holiday last year. Exercise 2. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “DOWN” Break Let Lay Close Get Turn Slow Cut 22. He promised he’d come! How could he ________ me down like this? 23. __________ down! There’s a speed limit, you know ! 24. If you can’t stop smoking entirely, please try to __________ down. 25. They had ________ down some strict rules about traffic. 26. Having so much work to do is really _________ me down. 27. Last month another shop _________ down because his business was so bad. 28. We didn’t expect him to _________ down such a good offer. 29. Unfortunately, the car ________ down at the crossroads. 30. ________ the radio down! We can hear it all over the house. 31. She _________ down in tear when she heard the bad news. Exercise 3. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “OUT” Turn Break Find Stand Put Come Check Run Wear Make Drop Point Carry Go Leave 1. With those clothes, she’ll certainly _________ out in a crowd. 2. I’ll check though the list in case I’ve ________ anything out. 3. When our supply of coal _________ out, we had to burn wood instead. 4. She _________ out because the room was so stuffy. In the fresh air , she’ll soon came round. 5. They followed him from work to ________ out where he lived. 6. The fire was so fierce that they could hardly ___________ it out. 7. You look tired. You’ll ________ yourself out doing all this extra work. 8. In this hot weather, a fire could ___________ out almost anywhere. 9. We had to hurry up because time was ________ out. 10. She __________ out that he was the only person who hadn’t come 11. You must ___________ out this instruction exactly as printed. 12. Hotel guests have to ________ out by 11 o’clock in the morning. 13. Some poor students have to _______ out of school because of financial problem. 14. His latest film is due to ________ out next month. 15. It was so dark that I could hardly ________ out the exit was. 16. There was a power cut and all the lights ________ out. 17. The talk __________ out to be more interesting than I’d expected Exercise 4. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “OFF” Turn Give Put See Show Wear Call Take Keep Drop Let Go 1. Don’t _______ off what you can do today till tomorrow. 2. I wish he wouldn’t ____________ off his richness. I’m not impressed. 3. The whole family were at the airport to _________ her off. 4. I’ll ________ you off with just a warning this time. 5. I was trying to work, but the noise outside kept ___________ me off. 6. The meeting was ___________ off due to lack of support. 7. The bomb _________ off just as we were passing the Town hall. 8. I ________ off in the middle of the film and woke up at the end. 9. It’s best to _________ off the subject to avoid embarrassing him. 10. Why don’t you ________ off your jacket if you are too hot. 11. The effects of the anaesthetic should ___________ off in a couple of hours. 12. If you smell gas, _________ off the supply immediately.
  2. 13. A plane _________ off or land every 2 minutes at this airport. 14. As it got hotter, the machine ________ off a terrible smell. Exercise 5. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “ ON”. Catch Try Carry Get Take Set Turn Switch Live Put 15. She paused to have a drink and then _______ on speaking. 16. Leave immediately or I’ll _________ the dog on you. 17. I don’t think this new fashion will really _________ on. 18. No wonder the video doesn’t work. You haven’t ________ it on. 19. I’d better ________ this hat on to see if it’s the right size. 20. Tim works hard with only a small income to __________on. 21. I’m afraid I _________ on a lot of weight during my holiday. 22. Business was so good that we had to _________ on extra staff. 23. It’s a great relationship that we _________ on with each other really well. 24. Suddenly the dog ________ on her and tried to bite her arm. Exercise 6. Fill in each blank with a suitable verb going with “ IN” and “ INTO” Burst Put Hand Check Look Break Take Talk Turn Fill 25. Please _______ in the homework that you did last night. 26. What time do I have to _________ for my flight ? 27. She __________ into tears when her father said she couldn’t go. 28. The police are __________ into a series of robberies in this area. 29. She managed to ________ me into helping her organize the party. 30. They have _________ the grocer’s into a small supermarket. 31. Now, he’s had central heating _________ in, the whole house is much warmer. 32. I seem to spend all my time __________ in forms. 33. They were deep in conversation so I didn’t like to _________ in. 34. I’ve had to _________ in my clothes since I lost weight. 35. Yesterday, Mary had her house _________ into. Consequently, her mortobike was stolen. Exercise 7. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition. 36. That colour doesn’t really go _________ your new dress. 37. Our company was taken __________ by a large multi – national company. 38. I saw ________ him immediately. He didn’t fool me for a second. 39. With that bad temper, she really takes _________ her father. He’s exactly the same. 40. I poured water over him to bring him ________ after he had fainted. 41. He was seriously ill, but he managed to pull ___________. 42. She came ________ her old pullover while clearing ________ the cupboard. 43. That song always brings me ________ memories of the time we on a package holiday to Spain. 44. It took me a long tiem to get ___________ my uncle’s death. 45. It took him quite some time to come ________ after he had fainted. 46. A real friend will always stands __________ you if you’re in trouble. 47. I’ve got a proposal to __________ forward at tomorrow’s meeting. 48. There you are at last. I was wondering when you’d turn _________. 49. They finally backed _______ and agreed to make the changes that we had suggested. 50. It’s very difficult to work _________ exactly how much money to take. 51. They brought ________ their children to be honest. 52. “ I think John was cheating on that quiz!” . – That doesn’t add _. Why should the best student in the class cheat ? 53. If you don’t want to talk about this problem, why did you bring it __________ ? 54. Mary accidents are brought ___________ by carelessness. 55. What time did the party break ____ last night ? - I don’t know. It was still going on when went home 56. The reception in the garden was called _________ because of a thunderstorm. 57. I was looking up some information in the astronomy when I came _______ an interesting fact. 58. I can count _________ my car. It’s very dependable. 59. How did you come ________ ________ such a strange idea ? 60. I arrived in town last night at seven – thirty and checked ______ my hotel at around eight. This morning I plan to check ______ at about nine. 61. If Arthur doesn’t pay his electric bill soon, the uitlities company might cut _____ his electricity. 62. Who cared ________ your cat while we were out of town ? 63. “ How did Eric do in the cross – country ski race ?” . “ – He got off to a bad start, and so he never caught _______ ______ the leading skiers’ This song wasn’t very popular when it was first recorded, but now it’s starting to catch _________. 64. 65. That saleswoman calls ____ her clients at least once a month because she thinks personal contact is important. 66. “ Is it raining?” “ – No, the rain has stopped, and it’s starting to clear ________”. 67. It took me hours to figure ______ how to record programs on my VCR. 68. Why have you fallen _______ in your French class? “ – I was sick and I missed a few classes. But I am studying hard to catch up!”. 69. Howard’s teacher wasn’t satisfied with the work he had done, so she asked him to do it _________. 70. I’m fed ___ ___ my roommate’s lack of responsibility. He never pays his bills or his share of the rent on time. 71. Isn’t your class picnic today? No, our plans for the picnic fell ____________. 72. Ben had to drop ______ of the university because of financial problems.
  3. 73. How did you find ________ where Mary lives? – I just look it ________ in my address book. 74. Dont forget to fill _________ the date on your check. 75. That old paint that you have stored in your garage is a fire hazard. – “ You are right, I should get rid _____ it”. 76. Some companies give ___ free samples of new products in order to familiarize consumers with them 77. When the train stopped, a mysterious looking woman in a black rain coat got ___ the train and found her seat. 78. Do you get ______ _______ your new roommate, or do you two argue? 79. Has Edward got __ ___ __ you lately? “ – No, he hasn’t. I don’t think he has my new telephone number”. 80. This is the last stop. Everyone has to get _______ the bus here. 81. Everett was born in the South but he grew _________ in Michigan. 82. At the beginning of the class, the instructor handed ______ the tests and told the students they had ten minutes in which to finish. After 10 minutes, the students handed ____ their tests to the instructor 83. Have you ever heard ________ William Carlos? – I believe so, he was a poet, wasn’t he? 84. Hello, is Gina there? – Yes, hold _____ a minute and I’ll get her. 85. Do you like this blouse?. – Yes, but I think the grey silk one would go better _____ your jacket. 86. What held ___your flight? There was a big snowstorm in Denver that delayed a lot of flights. 87. Kathy’s daughter has such short legs that she has a hard time keeping ___ __ the other children. 88. You must be anxious to go on your vacation. “ - Certainly, I’m really looking _____ ___ this trip” 89. Don’t jump _________ conclusions. May be your jewelry wasn’t stolen after all. 90. I looked __________ all over town _________ a good used car, but I couldn’t find one. 91. Stella’s sister looks _________ her baby while Stella is at work. 92. The police are looking __________ the crime. 93. Have you looked ________ this contract yet? Not yet, I’ll try to read it this weekend. 94. Is this story true, or did you just make it _______ ? 95. Sherry looks _______ _______ her father because of all the help and good advice he’s given her. 96. Do you know what the capital of South Dakota is? “ – I’m not sure, let’s look it ____ in this atlas” 97. You must be mixed _________. This isn’t River Street, it’s Laurel Avenue WHEN YOU TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME I wanna call the stars ,Down from the (1)_____ ,I wanna live a day , That never (2)____ ,I wanna (3)____ the world ,Only for you ,All the impossible ,I wanna do ,.....,I wanna hold you (4)___ ,Under the (5)_____. I wanna kiss your (6)____ ,And feel the (7)______ ,I know what's beautiful ,Looking at you ,In a world of lies .You are the truth .CHORUS: And baby ,Everytime you (8)______ me ,I become a hero ,I'll make you safe ,No matter where you are ,And bring you ,Everything you (9)___ for ,Nothing is above me ,I'm (10)___ like a candle in the dark .When you tell me that you love me .I wanna make you see .Just what I was .(11)__ you the loneliness .And what it does .... You walked into my life .To stop my (12)__.Everything's (13)__ now .I have you here.REPEAT CHORUS..... In a world without you .I would always (14)__ .All I need is your love to make me(15)___REPEAT CHORUS ONE MOMENT IN TIME Each day I (1)_____.I want to be a day to give the best of me.I'm only one, but not (2)_____.My finest day is yet unknown.I broke my heart for every (3)_____.To taste the (4)_____, I faced the (5)____.I rise and (6)_____,.Yet through it all this much remains.I want one moment in time.When I'm more than I thought I could be.When all of my dreams.Are a heart beat away.And the answers are all up to me Give me one moment in time.When I'm racing with destiny.Then in that one moment of time.I will feel, I will feel eternity... .....I've lived to be the very (7)_____.I want it all, no time for (8)_______.I've laid the plans.Now lay the chance here in my (9)________.Give me one moment in time.When I'm more than I thought I could be.When all of my dreams.Are a heart beat away.And the answers are all up to me.Give me one moment in time.When I'm racing with destiny.Then in that one moment of time.I will feel, I will feel eternity.You're a winner for a (10)_______.If you (11)__________ that one moment in time.Make it (12)_____..Give me one moment in time.When I'm more than I thought I could be.When all of my dreams.Are a heart beat away.And the answers are all up to me.Give me one moment in time.When I'm racing with destiny.Then in that one moment of time.I will be, I will be, I will be free..I will be, I will be free



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