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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests: Implications for Carbon Storage and Forest Management Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration Forests account for a large fraction of the carbon stored in global soils and vegetation (Dixon et al. 1994).

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  1. Chapter 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests: Implications for Carbon Storage and Forest Management Jeremy W. Lichstein, Christian Wirth, Henry S. Horn, and Stephen W. Pacala 14.1 Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration Forests account for a large fraction of the carbon stored in global soils and vegeta- tion (Dixon et al. 1994). Accordingly, considerable effort has been devoted to understanding the impact of land use and forest management on carbon sequestra- tion, and thus on climate change (Harmon et al. 1990; Lugo and Brown 1992; Heath and Birdsey 1993; Dixon et al. 1994; Houghton et al. 1999; Caspersen et al. 2000; Fang et al. 2001; Pacala et al. 2001; Birdsey et al. 2006). The optimal strategy for forest management aimed at carbon sequestration is controversial. On the one hand, logging diminishes the pool of standing carbon and can result in a large net transfer of carbon to the atmosphere (Harmon et al. 1990; Vitousek 1991; Schulze et al. 2000; Harmon 2001; Harmon and Marks 2002). On the other hand, if the harvested wood has a sufficiently long residence time or is used to offset fossil fuel emissions, repeated harvest and regrowth can effectively sequester carbon (Vitousek 1991; Marland and Marland 1992; Marland and Schlamadinger 1997). For a given parcel of land, the relative merits of plantation forestry vs old-growth protection or restoration depends, in part, on the late-successional carbon storage trajectory. Classical models of ecosystem development propose that live biomass density (biomass per unit area) increases over time to an asymptote (Kira and Shidei 1967; Odum 1969). In contrast, reviews of biomass dynamics in the forest ecology literature tend to emphasize the variety of patterns that can ensue over the course of succession (Peet 1981, 1992; Shugart 1984). In the context of forest management aimed at carbon sequestration, of particular interest is the possibility that live biomass density may decline late in succession in some ecosystems (Loucks 1970; Bormann and Likens 1979). For example, data in Canada’s National Forest Biomass Inventory indicate that biomass declines are common in some types of ‘overmature’ stands, and these declines are accounted for in the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (Kurz and Apps 1999). The expected trajectory of live biomass density over time does not in itself determine the optimal strategy for carbon sequestration. Additional factors that must be considered include (1) the impacts of management on other forest carbon C. Wirth et al. (eds.), Old‐Growth Forests, Ecological Studies 207, 301 DOI: 10.1007/978‐3‐540‐92706‐8 14, # Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
  2. 302 J.W. Lichstein et al. pools, particularly soils (Johnson and Curtis 2001) and coarse woody detritus (Harmon 2001; Janisch and Harmon 2002); and (2) the amount of carbon stored under different management scenarios in forests, wood products, landfills, and displaced fossil fuel emissions (e.g., due to biofuel production; Marland and Marland 1992; Marland and Schlamadinger 1997; Liski et al. 2001; Harmon and Marks 2002; Kaipainen et al. 2004). Furthermore, carbon sequestration must be balanced with other management objectives, such as maintaining biodiversity and protecting and restoring old-growth forests (Thomas et al. 1988; Messier and Kneeshaw 1999; Schulze et al. 2002). Nevertheless, were substantial declines in live biomass density expected as forests aged, this would clearly be one factor to consider in devising forest management policies. Little old-growth forest remains on productive land in the United States (US). In western Washington and Oregon, for example, roughly 20% of the original old- growth remained in the 1980s (Greene 1988; Spies and Franklin 1988), and this fraction has undoubtedly decreased. In the eastern US, less than 1% of the preset- tlement forest is thought to remain (Davis 1996). Considerable controversy has arisen over the fate of the remaining old-growth in the Pacific Northwest (Thomas et al. 1988), while in the eastern US, there are urgent pleas from conservationists to set aside large tracts of second growth as future old-growth reserves (Zahner 1996). From a carbon sequestration perspective, the attractiveness of protecting or expand- ing old-growth habitat depends, in part, on the expected late-successional biomass trajectory. The primary goal of this chapter is to quantify these trajectories for different US forest types. We assembled biomass chronosequences for US forest types using data from the US Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. Where possible, we compared late-successional FIA biomass estimates to old-growth biomass estimates in the literature. 14.2 Mechanisms of Biomass Decline First, we review mechanisms that could result in late-successional declines in forest biomass, focusing on aboveground live tree biomass (AGB, in per area units). Understanding the effects of these mechanisms on total forest carbon storage would need to consider additional pools (e.g., soils, coarse woody detritus), partic- ularly in cases where declines in live biomass are concurrent with the accumulation of undecomposed dead biomass [see Sect. 14.2.3 and cf. Chaps. 5 (Wirth and Lichstein), 8 (Knohl et al.), 11 (Gleixner et al.) and 21 (Wirth), this volume]. 14.2.1 Transition from Even- to Uneven-Aged Stand Structure Peet (1981) suggested that, depending on the degree of population synchrony in mortality and the time lag between mortality and regeneration, a range of succes-
  3. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 303 sional patterns in AGB could occur, including an increase to an asymptote, an increase to a peak followed by a decline to a lower asymptote, or oscillations. A well-known example of how the timing of growth and mortality could cause a late- successional biomass decline involves the ‘stand-breakup’ hypothesis of Bormann and Likens (1979). Following major disturbance, such as stand-replacing fire, hurricane, or logging, AGB increases as the initially even-aged cohort of trees matures, but may decline as the canopy breaks up (Bormann and Likens 1979). Canopy breakup (i.e., synchronous mortality of a substantial fraction of canopy trees) may occur if the initial cohort is dominated by individuals with similar natural lifespans. In addition, death of large canopy trees may induce a mortality wave if other trees are damaged directly by the falling dead trees, or indirectly by increased wind exposure or insect/disease pressure (Oliver and Larson 1996). Eventually, the landscape may reach a dynamic equilibrium, termed the ‘shifting mosaic,’ with patches in various stages of development (Bormann and Likens 1979). In the context of AGB declines, the key point is that an even-aged cohort of large trees, characteristic of mature second-growth and plantation forests, can have higher AGB than an uneven-aged old-growth forest. While this scenario is plausible, the transition from an even- to an uneven-aged forest will not necessarily result in an AGB decline. Depending on the growth and mortality rates of surviving trees (which may be released from competition as the even-aged cohort breaks up), as well as the rate of biomass accumulation by younger cohorts, AGB (averaged across the landscape) may increase, decrease, or remain essentially constant during the transition to an old-growth state. At question here is not the validity of the landscape-scale steady-state concept (the ‘shifting mosaic’), but whether or not attainment of this steady state typically involves a decline in AGB. In lieu of sufficient data to test their hypothesis directly, Bormann and Likens (1979) presented simulation results from the JABOWA model (Botkin et al. 1972) as evidence in support of their hypothesized AGB decline. 14.2.2 Large Mortality Events The demographic transitions discussed by Bormann and Likens (1979) and Peet (1981) are generic; i.e., they do not require particular mortality events to trigger AGB declines, but rather view declines as a likely consequence of normal demo- graphic processes. Large mortality events due to wind, fire, or insect outbreaks may also cause late-successional AGB declines. Depending on the severity of distur- bance, these events may be viewed as stand-initiating disturbances that reset succession, or as perturbations to the successional trajectory of AGB. Although these disturbances may occur at any time during succession, to the extent that their severity or likelihood of occurrence increases with stand age, it is appropriate to view them as potential mechanisms of late-successional AGB decline. Susceptibil- ity of forest stands to wind damage increases with stand age in some systems (Sprugel and Bormann 1981; Canham and Loucks 1984; Foster 1988), and numer- ous studies have reported a positive correlation between tree size and vulnerability
  4. 304 J.W. Lichstein et al. to wind (e.g., Greenberg and McNab 1998; Dunham and Cameron 2000; Peterson 2000; Veblen et al. 2001). Susceptibility of some forests to insect attack is also thought to increase with stand age. For example, mature stands of Abies balsamea in eastern Canada tend to suffer higher mortality to spruce budworm (Choristo- neura fumiferana) than younger stands (Maclean 1980). Taylor and MacLean (2005) attributed late-successional wood-volume declines in Abies balsamea stands to the combined effects of spruce budworm and wind. Although wind and insect outbreaks seem reasonable candidates for causes of late- successional AGB decline, the notion that fire could cause such a decline is in many cases problematic. Firstly, stand age may be relatively unimportant compared to weather in determining fire behavior of closed-canopy boreal forests (Bessie and Johnson 1995; Johnson et al. 1998). Secondly, in forests composed of fire-resistant species, susceptibility to fire decreases with tree size and age, and biomass may continue to accumulate for centuries in the presence of recurring surface fires (Wirth et al. 2002). Finally, in some systems (e.g., Pinus ponderosa in the southwestern US), dense, crowded stand conditions that encourage crown fire are often attributed to fire suppression, grazing, or logging, rather than natural stand-development (Cooper 1960; Allen et al. 2002; Brown et al. 2004). 14.2.3 Successional Changes in Growth Conditions Numerous factors may lead to late-successional declines in annual net primary production (NPP) at the stand level (Gower et al. 1996; Ryan et al. 1997). If we express the annual biomass dynamics of a stand as: Dbiomass ¼ NPP À annual losses where annual losses include litter fall, root turnover, whole-tree mortality, etc., then it is clear that a NPP decline will not necessarily cause a biomass decline. Rather, a biomass decline occurs only if net primary production becomes smaller than the annual losses. Kutsch et al. (Chap. 7, this volume) review the extensive literature on mechanisms of NPP decline and also discuss the relevance of the phenomenon for natural forests. Here, we highlight two scenarios in which succes- sional changes in conditions for growth or regeneration are likely to cause AGB declines. In boreal forests, the accumulation on the forest floor of insulating moss, lichens, and dead organic matter over the course of succession leads to the development of cool, wet soil conditions (‘paludification’) with low mineralization rates (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981; Harper et al. 2005). As nutrients accumulate in dead organic matter, there may be insufficient nutrients available to replace AGB losses. In addition to nutrient limitation, development of thick beds of moss or lichen may directly inhibit seedling establishment, thus preventing tree regenera- tion (Strang 1973; Van Cleve and Viereck 1981). In the absence of fire, which leads
  5. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 305 to increased nutrient availabilities and improved regeneration conditions (Van Cleve and Viereck 1981), the endpoint of succession in some boreal forests is a treeless bog (Strang 1973). Although AGB is likely to decline with paludification, total carbon storage may increase as moss, lichens, and dead organic matter accumulate. Another scenario in which declining growth conditions could result in AGB declines involves species effects on litter quality and nutrient availability. Pastor et al. (1987) suggested that successional replacement of Betula papyrifera by Picea spp. in boreal North America could result in decreased nitrogen availability (due to poor quality of Picea litter) and reduced AGB. Increased understorey light levels and decomposition rates following breakup of the Picea canopy could again favor Betula regeneration and lead to cyclic succession (Pastor et al. 1987). 14.2.4 Species Effects on Forest Stature In some systems, early-successional species are replaced later in succession by species of smaller stature. In the US Pacific Northwest, long-lived, early-successional Pseudotsuga menziesii (70 80 m height) is eventually replaced (in the absence of major disturbance) by Tsuga heterophylla (50 65 m) in coastal forests and Abies amabilis (45 55 m) in subalpine forests (Franklin and Hemstrom 1981). In boreal Quebec, late-successional AGB decline was attributed to replacement of Populus tremuloides by more shade-tolerant conifers, which are both shorter and more susceptible to insect attack (Pare and Bergeron 1995). Shugart (1984) gives several additional examples of declining forest stature with succession: replacement of Pinus taeda by Quercus falcata in Arkansas (southeastern US), and replacement of Eucalyptus regnans and Eucalyptus obliqua (both with a mean height over 90 m) by Nothofagus-Atherosperma forest (less than 40 m height) in Tasmania. Species effects on forest stature and AGB trajectories are explored in detail in Wirth and Lichstein (Chap. 5, this volume). 14.3 Aboveground Biomass Chronosequences for US Forests Clearly, there are a variety of mechanisms that could cause late-successional declines in AGB. However, we are aware of few well-documented examples of this phenomenon in temperate forests. To assess the relevance of late-successional AGB declines for US forest management, we assembled chronosequences of mean AGB for different forest types across the coterminous US (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) using the US Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) database. Our main objective was to determine the relative frequency of expected late-successional AGB declines vs increases among US forest types. We adopted
  6. 306 J.W. Lichstein et al. the ‘space-for-time’ substitution approach (Pickett 1989), i.e., we assembled chronosequences from different-aged stands in different locations. A more direct approach to studying biomass dynamics would be to quantify biomass across time in remeasured plots (e.g., Peet 1981; Debell and Franklin 1987; Taylor and MacLean 2005). However, FIA remeasurement data are not currently available for the entire US. Therefore, we adopted the space-for-time approach, as it enabled us to examine chronosequences for all forested regions of the coterminous US. Because old-growth forests are rare in much of the US, and are therefore unlikely to be well-characterized by the FIA’s systematic sampling scheme (one plot per $2,400 ha), we also searched the literature for AGB estimates from US old-growth forests. 14.3.1 Methods FIA Data In December 2006, we downloaded all available FIA data for the coterminous US from; FIA documentation referred to below is available from this site. Roughly half of the data are plot remeasurements, the remainder being initial plot installations. We included both types of plots in our analysis and treated them equally because (1) remeasurement data exist only for some regions; and (2) even for the existing remeasurement data, assembling time series for individual plots is precluded by the plot-labeling system in the data currently available to the public. Accounting for temporal autocorrelation in AGB within remeasured plots would increase our statistical power to detect AGB declines or increases, but the fact that we could not do so (point 2 above) should not bias our results. FIA Sampling and Plot Designs Beginning in 1999, FIA sampling (i.e., the spatial arrangement of plots and their remeasurement intervals; Bechtold and Scott 2005; Reams et al. 2005) and plot designs have been standardized across the US (USDA 2006). The FIA divides the US into hexagons of $2,400-ha, with one plot randomly located within each hexagon. Field data are collected on plots located on both public and private lands classified as accessible forest. To be considered ‘forest,’ an area must be at least 10% stocked with trees, at least 0.4 ha in size, and at least 36.6 m wide. Inaccessible land includes hazardous conditions and private property where access is denied. Each plot includes four 7.3 m radius subplots: a central subplot and three peripheral subplots whose centers are 18.3 m from the plot center at azimuths 0 , 120 , and 240 . The diameter and status (live, dead, or cut) is recorded for all trees (>12.7 cm diameter) within subplots and for all saplings (2.54 12.7 cm diameter)
  7. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 307 within 2.07 m radius microplots (one per subplot). In some parts of the western US, subplot radii are extended to 18 m for large trees (diameter > 53.3, 61, or 76.2 cm, depending on region). Diameter is measured at breast height (1.37 m) or, in the case of multi-trunked western woodland species, at the root collar. Prior to 1999, sampling and plot designs varied by FIA unit (group of counties within a state), with most units adopting a plot design with five or ten variable-radius subplots (i.e., wedge-prism samples) for trees and fixed-radius microplots for saplings. Data Stratification Each tree or sapling is assigned to a ‘condition’ whose attributes include stand age, land ownership, soil class (xeric, mesic, or hydric), etc. (USDA 2006). Prior to 1999, each FIA plot was assigned a single condition. Beginning in 1999, a single plot could include multiple conditions, but multiple-condition plots ($20% of the post-1999 plots; $10% of all plots) were excluded from our analysis. Thus, hereafter, we refer to condition attributes as plot attributes. We now describe the plot attributes used to stratify the data. Forest Type The FIA uses an algorithm to assign each plot to one of around 150 forest types based on current species composition1. In most cases, forest type reflects species composition of the largest trees on a plot, but may reflect species composition of smaller trees if they are very dense, or if there is low stocking density of large trees. We adopt scientific names for each forest type, rather than the English names used by the FIA. Each of the names we present can unambiguously be matched to a forest type in the FIA documentation (Appendix D in USDA 2006). We split several widespread FIA forest types dominated by species with morphologically distinct varieties (Flora of North America Editorial Committee 1993+): We split the Pseudotsuga menziesii type into coastal (var. menziesii) and Rocky Mountain (var. glauca) varieties. We split the Pinus contorta type into coastal (var. contorta), Cascades-Sierra Nevada (var. murrayana), and Rocky Mountain (var. latifolia) varieties. We split the Pinus ponderosa type into Cascades-Sierra Nevada (var. ponderosa) and Rocky Mountain (var. scopulorum) varieties. Because the FIA does not distinguish among the preceding varieties, we reclassified these forest types by comparing plot latitude longitude to range maps (Flora of North America Editorial Committee 1993+). We also split the Populus tremuloides type into eastern and western types based on plot location. We present AGB chronosequences (mean AGB of FIA plots vs age class) for each forest type separately. Stratifying the data by forest type has the advantage of 1 band/stat documents.htm
  8. 308 J.W. Lichstein et al. minimizing edaphic or other differences across stand ages; i.e., to the extent that species composition reflects the edaphic conditions of a site, we would expect different aged stands of the same forest type to have similar edaphic conditions. Although stratifying by forest type should limit the influence of confounding factors, we note that this strategy is not foolproof. For example, some shade- intolerant species that are replaced during succession by more tolerant species on mesic sites may persist as climax species on drier sites (Horn 1971; Franklin and Hemstrom 1981; Oliver and Larson 1996). To address this concern, we further stratified the data by soil class (see below) within each forest type. Within each forest type, we pooled FIA data across all US states. Although many forest types are geographically restricted, some occur across large, heterogeneous areas. To determine if aggregation (pooling FIA plots from heterogeneous areas) strongly affected our results, we compared chronosequences derived from pooled data to chronosequences derived from smaller regions (New England, Southeast, upper Midwest, lower Midwest, mid-Atlantic, interior West). These comparisons (not shown) indicated that pooling did not qualitatively change our results. Stratifying by forest type minimizes successional changes in AGB associated with species turnover (e.g., Sect. 14.2.4). To assess the importance of AGB changes associated with species turnover, we compared chronosequences of typical early-, mid-, and late-successional forest types in several US regions (see Sect., Results, for details). Soil Class FIA field crews assign each plot to one of three soil physiographic classes (hereaf- ter, ‘soil classes’): xeric (dry), mesic (moderate but adequate moisture), and hydric (excessive moisture). Each of these classes is subdivided into about five subclasses, but this finer classification is available only for post-1999 inventories. Therefore, we used the coarse three-class scheme to stratify data within forest types. Stand Age We define stand age as time since the last stand-replacing disturbance (Table 14.1). Because stand age (according to our definition) is not available from the FIA, we used two different proxies for stand age that are available for each FIA plot: mean age of canopy trees (Am), and mean diameter at breast height (dbh) of the k largest trees (Dk). (Diameters measured at the root collar were converted to dbh; see Sect. We restrict our analysis to D1 (the largest dbh in each plot) and D2. For each forest-type/soil-class combination with !250 FIA plots, we assembled three chronosequences, using Am, D1, or D2 as the time axis defining the age classes. Although Am and Dk may depend on species composition, as well as stand age, this should not qualitatively affect our results because chronosequences within forest types, by definition, control for species composition.
  9. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 309 Table 14.1 Glossary of abbreviations and terms used in text Term Definition AGB Aboveground live tree biomass density (Mg ha 1), roughly half of which is corbon FIA United States Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis program Forest type FIA assigns each plot to a forest type based on current species composition Stand age Time since last stand replacing disturbance Am Mean age of canopy trees in a stand Dk Mean dbh of k largest trees in a stand or FIA plot; D1 = dbh of largest tree Below, we discuss the limitations associated with using Am and Dk as proxies for stand age. First, we describe the procedure for estimating Am (this variable is referred to as ‘stand age’ in the FIA documentation), which the FIA defines as ‘‘the average age of the live trees not overtopped in the predominant stand size- class’’ (USDA 2005). The FIA estimates Am by coring two or three dominant or codominant trees at the point of diameter measurement (breast height for most species) (USDA 2005). Depending on species and region, additional years (typically five or ten) are added to the age of the core to account for early growth (USDA 2005). Field crews have substantial latitude in selecting which trees to core, which particularly when the predominant size-class is uneven-aged can result in estimates of Am that do not accurately reflect a stand’s history (R. Birdsey, personal communication). This should introduce noise into our analysis but should not bias our results. If AGB peaks and then declines with stand age, then the shape of the relationship between AGB and Am or D1 (or, more generally, Dk) depends on the details of how the decline occurs. First, consider the case where Am declines late in succession, as implied by the ‘stand-breakup’ hypothesis (Sect. 14.2.1), but D1 continues to increase (Fig. 14.1a). This would occur if at least one canopy tree survived the transition from an even- to an uneven-aged stand structure. In this case, AGB would increase monotonically with Am, but would peak and decline with D1 (Fig. 14.1d). Next, consider the case where Am increases with stand age, but D1 peaks and then declines (Fig. 14.1b). This might occur if tree stature decreased with succession (e.g., due to decreased nutrient availability; Sect. 14.2.3). In this case, AGB would increase monotonically with D1, but would peak and decline with increasing Am (Fig. 14.1e). Finally, consider the case where both Am and D1 peak and then decline with stand age (Fig. 14.1c). This would occur if a synchronized mortality event (e.g., insect outbreak; Sect. 14.2.2) killed all of the large trees in a stand, and would result in an increasing relationship between AGB and both Am and D1 (Fig. 14.1f). Although it would appear, on the surface, that our methods would fail to detect an AGB decline under this scenario, synchronized mortality events often play out over a number of years. For example, although severe spruce budworm attacks may result in whole-canopy mortality, a decade or more may pass before the last individuals succumb (Maclean 1980). Thus, in many stands undergoing a severe mortality event, one or more large trees would still be sampled in inventory plots,
  10. 310 J.W. Lichstein et al. Fig. 14.1 Hypothetical relationships between aboveground live tree biomass (AGB), stand age, mean age of canopy trees in a stand (Am), and diameter at breast height (dbh) of largest tree (D1) (Table 14.1) for three cases (a c) in which AGB peaks and then declines to an asymptote with increasing stand age: a at least one canopy tree survives the transition from an even to an uneven aged old growth stand, so that D1 increases even as Am declines; b forest stature declines in old stands (e.g., due to paludification), but Am continues to increase; c both Am and D1 peak and then decline with stand age, as would occur if a synchronous mortality event killed all large trees in a stand. Panels d f show the relationships resulting from (a c) if AGB is plotted against Am or D1 [the stand age proxies available for United States (US) Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis program (FIA) plots]. See Sect. for details. Note that the variables in the figure have different units, so their relative positions on the y axis are arbitrary and D1 would remain a useful proxy for stand age. In many situations, then, the scenario depicted in Fig. 14.1c would reduce our statistical power to detect mean AGB declines, but would not prevent us from detecting declines if sample sizes were large enough. In summary, if mean AGB declines with stand age, then mean AGB should also decline with Am or D1 in most cases. The primary scenario in which our methods would fail to detect a mean AGB decline is where the decline results from mortality events that kill all large trees in a stand within a short enough time interval so that few stands are undergoing mortality at any given time. Data Filtering We excluded plots containing multiple FIA conditions (defined above), plots where there was clear evidence of artificial regeneration (e.g., plantations), and plots where any cut trees or saplings were recorded. Cut trees are not recorded on initial plot installations (USDA 2005), and it is likely that data from some of these plots were affected by past selective harvest. For remeasured plots, cut trees are only recorded if harvest occurred between the current and previous plot measurement (USDA 2005); thus, data from remeasured plots may be affected by selective harvest that predated the previous measurement.
  11. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 311 Biomass Estimation We estimated total aboveground live biomass (dry weight) for live trees and saplings in the FIA data using diameter-based allometries in Jenkins et al. (2003). To estimate these allometries, Jenkins et al. (2003) compiled biomass allometries from the literature for US tree species, generated pseudo-data from each published equation, and then fit an allometry to pseudo-data pooled within each of ten species groups. Following Jenkins et al. (2003), we used the hardwood biomass allometry of Freedman (1984) for hardwood trees with diameter >70 cm, and for woodland species whose diameter is measured by the FIA at the root collar we estimated dbh according to Chojnacky and Rogers (1999). This latter conversion was necessary because the Jenkins et al. (2003) allometries predict biomass from dbh. AGB of each FIA plot (in Mg ha–1) was estimated as the sum of individual tree and sapling biomasses after appropriate scaling of the individual estimates. This scaling entails dividing each individual estimate by the area on which the tree or sapling is sampled. This area reflects both the FIA plot design (e.g., fixed- vs variable-radius subplots; number of subplots) as well as adjustments for inaccessi- ble land (e.g., if only two of four subplots could be sampled, then the area represented by each tree is doubled). The area sampled by each tree or sapling was calculated from the TPACURR (current trees per acre) field in the FIA SNAPSHOT data (USDA 2006). Old-Growth Literature Data We searched the published literature for AGB estimates for old-growth forests in the coterminous US. Because old-growth is rare in the eastern US, we also included studies from southeastern Canada. If the same stand was described in more than one study, we cite the one study that provided the most information (species composition, site characteristics, etc.). To be considered old-growth, we did not require that a forest had reached a ‘climax’ state of relatively stable species composition. Rather, we adopted a broad definition of old growth (see also Chap. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume) including both ‘true old-growth’ (in which the initial wave of regeneration following major disturbance has entirely disappeared) and ‘transition old-growth’ (in which relics of the initial regeneration wave still persist) (Oliver and Larson 1996). This broad definition allows for old-growth stands dominated by short-lived, early-successional species (Oliver and Larson 1996). Many of the studies of old growth in the eastern US are in remnant patches with some history of human disturbance (e.g., selective culling of valuable trees). We included these studies if the stands were described by the original authors as ‘old growth,’ but we note any known disturbances in our results. We also included stands that, based on the authors’ description, we judged to be old-growth, even if the authors did not label them as such. Such cases involved forests recovering from natural disturbance that had attained the typical lifespan of the dominant canopy
  12. 312 J.W. Lichstein et al. species. We excluded AGB estimates from Whittaker (1966) because Busing et al. (1993) concluded that Whittaker (1966) non-randomly selected plots with unusually large trees, and because some of Whittaker’s sites were sampled in larger plots by Busing et al. (1993) and Busing (1998). We also excluded the Pinus ponderosa study of Hicke et al. (2004) because these authors found that AGB was still rapidly increasing 200 years after fire. We assigned one or more FIA forest types to each literature study, with multiple types assigned if there was no clear best match. For consistency with the FIA algorithm, we assigned forest types to literature studies based on current species composition. Our assignments differed from those of the original authors if the latter were based on potential climax, rather than current, species composition. All studies used either locally developed allometries or published allometries to estimate biomass from diameter data. Although these allometries yield different estimates than the Jenkins et al. (2003) allometries that we applied to the FIA data, there should be no systematic bias in comparing our FIA results to the literature data because the Jenkins et al. allometries ‘average over’ those reported in the literature. Another inconsistency concerning the literature studies involves the minimum size of measured stems. However, since canopy trees comprise the vast majority of AGB, this should have little impact on our results. 14.3.2 Results FIA Chronosequences within Forest Types Chronosequences of mean AGB vs Am for the 79 forest-type/soil-class combina- tions represented by !250 FIA plots are shown in Fig. 14.2. The figure and the analyses presented below are restricted to age classes represented by !10 plots. Standard errors, which indicate our confidence in mean AGB, are small for age classes with many plots, regardless of the variability among plots. We do not present estimates of plot-to-plot variation, because we do not know how much of this variation reflects true heterogeneity among the sampled stands vs sampling errors due to small plot size (i.e., the minimum area sampled for trees is only 0.067 ha per plot under the current FIA plot design). We tested for late-successional AGB declines/increases as follows: For each of the 79 chronosequences in Fig. 14.2, we performed three two-tailed t-tests (one for each time axis: Am, D1, and D2; see Table 14.1) to determine if mean AGB in the oldest age class was significantly different from the largest mean AGB among all other age classes. Using Am as the time axis, there were four late-successional AGB declines and 18 increases out of 79 chronosequences (Table 14.2 and * symbols in Fig. 14.2). Of 79 chronosequences, 6 exhibited a late-successional decline in at least one of the three tests (time axes), whereas 52 chronosequences exhibited an increase in at least one of the three tests (Table 14.2); assuming that in most cases at least one of our time axes is a meaningful proxy for stand age, we can
  13. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 313 conclude that late-successional AGB declines are rare among US forest types and that late-successional AGB increases are relatively common across the range of age classes adequately sampled by the FIA. Exactly which chronosequences show significant declines/increases changes somewhat depending on the details of the analysis (e.g., number of age classes; minimum sample size to include an age class), but our main results are robust to such details. We did not correct for multiple testing (e.g., Bonferroni correction), so the nominal type I error rate (0.05) in the above tests is probably an underestimate. This bias may have resulted in our over-reporting late-successional declines and increases, but should not bias the relative frequency of declines vs increases. Our estimates of AGB are similar to those from other studies that estimate AGB from FIA data. For example, reported mean AGB estimates from FIA plots in mature eastern US forests range from about 125 to 250 Mg ha–1, depending on forest type and region (Brown et al. 1997; Schroeder et al. 1997; Jenkins et al. 2001). This range includes most of our mean estimates in older age classes in the eastern US (Fig. 14.2). Comparison of Old-Growth Literature and Old FIA Plots We located old-growth literature AGB estimates for 27/79 cases in Fig. 14.2. Literature values were similar regardless of whether the stands had been subject to selective cutting (‘S’ symbols in Fig. 14.2) or had no known history of human disturbance (‘U’ symbols). Therefore, we calculated a single mean literature value Fig. 14.2 a e AGB chronosequences for soil class/forest type combinations with n ! 250 FIA plots. Means and standard errors are shown for age classes with n ! 10 plots. An asterisk above the error bar in the oldest age class indicates that its mean is significantly different from the largest mean of any other age class (Table 14.2). All y axes have a maximum of 500 Mg ha 1 except for Pseudotsuga and Tsuga heterophylla types on mesic soils (panels 61 63). Within each region/soil class, forest types are ordered alphabetically within coniferous and broad leaved (angiosperm) types. The histograms show the age distribution of FIA plots; the bar heights are scaled so that the modal height is equal to the height of the panel frame. The total number of plots is given above each panel. The curves show the mean proportion of AGB in each age class comprised by trees in different dbh classes (see legends at top left): 2.54 50 cm dbh area below solid curve; 50 70 cm dbh area between solid and dashed curves; 70 100 cm dbh area between dashed and dotted curves; >100 cm dbh area above dotted curve. Old growth AGB estimates from the literature are plotted as S or U at the far right of each panel: S indicates stands that have been selectively logged or otherwise disturbed (see Table 14.3 notes), U indicates stands with no known history of human disturbance, triangles indicate means of literature values. The same literature values are plotted for all soil classes with n ! 250 FIA plots for a given forest type. See footnote v in Table 14.3 for key to literature references. Abbreviations: Ac. rub. Acer rubrum; Bet. al. Betula alleghaniensis; C SN Cascades Sierra Nevada variety; Frax. am./penn. Fraxinus americana/pennsylvanica; Jun. Juniperus; Liq./Liquidambar Liquidambar styraciflua; Lirio./Liriodendron Liriodendron tulipifera; Mag. vir. Magnolia virginiana; Nys. Nyssa; Pin. Pinus; Prunus ser. Prunus serotina; Pseudotsuga Pseudotsuga menziesii; Q. Quercus; Ulm. am. Ulmus americana
  14. 314 J.W. Lichstein et al. proportion of biomass in dbh range 500 500 10 10 >100 cm 70 100 cm 250 250 05 05 50 70 cm
  15. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 315 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Fig. 14.2b (Continued)
  16. 316 J.W. Lichstein et al. proportion of biomass in dbh range 500 500 10 10 >100 cm 70 100 cm 250 250 05 05 50 70 cm
  17. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 317 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 140 280 420 560 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 500 500 500 10 10 10 250 250 250 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 0 80 160 240 320 1500 1500 1500 10 10 10 750 750 750 05 05 05 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 80 160 240 320 0 140 280 420 560 0 140 280 420 560 500 10 250 05 00 0 0 40 80 120 160 Fig. 14.2d (Continued)
  18. 318 J.W. Lichstein et al. proportion of biomass in dbh range 500 500 10 10 >100 cm 70 100 cm 250 250 05 05 50 70 cm
  19. 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests 319 (triangles in Fig. 14.2) for each of the 27 cases for which literature values were available. Mean literature values were higher than mean AGB in the oldest FIA age class in all but one case (Fig. 14.2, panel 26), and higher than the highest mean AGB of any FIA age class in all but two cases (Fig. 14.2, panels 26 and 74). Some old-growth AGB estimates from the literature were considerably higher than FIA means, most notably the estimates from the eastern cove forests studied by Busing (1998; upper three literature values in Fig. 14.2, panels 22, 25, and 26) and the exceptional value for Pseudotsuga forest (1,591 Mg ha–1; Fig. 14.2, panel 62) from Fujimori et al. (1976). The latter value is an estimate of stem biomass only; the AGB estimate for this stand would be even higher. (All other literature AGB values in Fig. 14.2 were calculated in a way comparable to our FIA estimates.) For most of the eastern forest types, the contribution of large trees to AGB in the FIA data was small (typically < 5% of AGB due to trees with dbh >70 cm), even for the oldest age classes (see curves in Fig. 14.2 for AGB in different dbh classes). In contrast, Brown et al. (1997) found that trees with dbh >70 cm comprised 20 30% of total AGB in old-growth hardwood stands at different sites in the eastern US. Similarly, Mroz et al. (1985) recorded 12 trees ha–1 with dbh >65 cm in two Acer saccharum stands in northern Michigan, which would account for roughly 20% AGB in their study. Spetich and Parker (1998) found that trees with dbh >100 cm accounted for 16% of total AGB in an old-growth mixed Quercus stand in Indiana. Based on geography, soil, and topography, the above studies are probably representative of old-growth hardwood forests in much of the eastern US. On unusually good sites in the eastern US, large trees may comprise an even greater proportion of AGB. For example, in the southern Appalachian mixed hardwood and Tsuga canadensis forests studied by Busing et al. (1993) and Busing (1998), trees with dbh >70 cm and >100 cm comprised about 70% and 25%, respectively, of total AGB. These stands are in moist, topographically sheltered ‘coves,’ and are of unusual stature among surviving eastern old-growth forests. In contrast, eastern old-growth on poor soils or near the northern or elevational limits of the temperate hardwood zone may have much lower AGB contributions of large trees. For example, Martin and Bailey (1999) found very few trees with dbh >50 cm in a transition northern-hardwood/subalpine-conifer old-growth stand in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Similarly, Morrison (1990) found that trees with dbh > 50 cm comprised just 14.5% and 6.5% of total AGB in two old- growth Acer saccharum stands in northern Ontario. In contrast to eastern forest types, large trees accounted for a substantial propor- tion of AGB in the FIA data for some western forest types, particularly those found at low to mid elevations on mesic soils. For example, trees with dbh > 100 cm accounted for roughly half of AGB in the oldest FIA age classes for the coastal Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla types (Fig. 14.2, panels 62 and 63). Trees with dbh > 100 cm are characteristic of old-growth Pseudotsuga forests in the Pacific Northwest (Franklin et al. 1981) and accounted for roughly 50 70% of total live stem biomass in five old-growth Pseudotsuga communities studied by Grier and Logan (1977).
  20. 320 Table 14.2 Number of FIA chronosequences in which the mean AGB of the oldest age class was significantly different than the largest mean AGB of any other age class (two-tailed t-test; a = 0.05). Three tests were performed for each forest type, using Am, D1, or D2 (Table 14.1) as the time axis defining the age classes. AGB increases with respect to D1 and D2 should be viewed with caution, due to the inherent circularity Coniferous forest types Broad-leaved forest types n totala n declinesb n increasesc n total n declines n increases Am D1 D2 Anyd Am D1 D2 Any Am D1 D2 Any Am D1 D2 Any East Xeric 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 6 Mesic 15 0 0 0 0 4 1 3 6 19 0 0 0 0 9 9 8 14 Hydric 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Xeric 7 1 0 0 1 0 6 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 Mesic 9 1 1 0 2 2 8 6 8 0 – – – – – – – – Hydric 0 – – – – – – – – 0 – – – – – – – – Boreal Xeric 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 – – – – – – – – Mesic 6 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 2 4 1 0 0 1 0 4 3 4 Hydric 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Total 45 3 1 1 5 7 19 18 25 34 1 0 0 1 11 17 17 27 a Number of forest types that appear in Fig. 14.2, which includes forest-type/soil-class combinations with ! 250 FIA plots b Number of forest types in which mean AGB of oldest age class was significantly less than the largest mean of any age class in a given chronosequence c Number of forest types in which mean AGB of oldest age class was significantly greater than the largest mean of any other age class in a given chronosequence d Number of forest types in which a significant difference was observed in at least one of the three tests (Am, D1, or D2) J.W. Lichstein et al.



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