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Tham khảo tài liệu 'state of illinois regional office of education #40 financial audit_part8', tài chính - ngân hàng, kế toán - kiểm toán phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. CALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS (Continued) EDUCATION FUND June 30, 2009 Beginning Federal Illinois Teacher N ew Stimulus State Aid for Induction and Principal Mentoring Mentoring Safe Schools ASSETS $ $ 9,623 9,564 $ Cash Investments 15,500 Due from other funds Due from other governments 4,500 $ 4,500 9,564 $ $ Total assets 25,123 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ $ Accounts payable 495 9,343 Payroll liabilities payable Claims payable Due to other funds 4,739 Deferred revenue 23,790 2,250 Total liabilities 24,285 6,989 9,343 FUND BALANCES Unreserved 838 (2,489) 221 $ $ $ Total liabilities and fund balances 25,123 4,500 9,564 This is trial version 68
  2. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F A CCOUNTS ( Continued) E DUCATION FUND J une 30, 2009 Federal Stimulus State Aid for Adult Education Totals ASSETS $ 25,677 Cash 405 $ 56,830 Investments 37,553 Due from other funds Due from other governments 103,579 $ 405 223,639 Total assets $ LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $ $ 1,560 Accounts payable Payroll liabilities payable 4,072 35,571 Claims payable 632 132,713 Due to other funds Deferred revenue 26,040 Total liabilities 4,072 196,516 FUND BALANCES Unreserved (3,667) 27,123 $ Total liabilities and fund balances $ 405 223,639 This is trial version 69
  3. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 30, 2009 Truants Alternative/ Optional Regional Safe Mini Grants Schools Education Revenues: 1,447 Local sources $ $ $ State sources 113,304 256,456 Federal sources 493 Interest 24 Total revenues 113,305 493 257,927 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 101,034 200,202 Purchased services 8,630 493 42,313 Supplies and materials 3,640 14,266 Other objects Total expenditures 113,304 256,781 493 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 1,146 Other financing sources: Transfers in N et change in fund balances 1,146 Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 48 41,776 Fund balances (deficits), end o f year 49 42,922 $ $ $ This is trial version 70
  4. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES I N F UND BALANCES ( Continued) E DUCATION F UND A CCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2009 Adult Adult Education ­ Adult Education ­ Education ­ Public Assistance Performance State Basic Revenues: Local sources $ $ $ State sources 25,441 29,520 49,630 Federal sources 11 Interest 4 Total revenues 25,441 29,524 49,641 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 46,799 24,932 25,996 Purchased services 2,933 Supplies and materials 1,838 591 993 Other objects 509 Total expenditures 25,441 29,520 49,630 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 4 11 Other financing sources: Transfers in Net change in fund balances 11 4 Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year (2,164) 2 Fund balances (deficits), end o f year $ 6 $ (2,153) $ This is trial version 71
  5. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES I N F UND B ALANCES ( Continued) E DUCA nON F UND A CCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2009 Adult Regional System o f Education ­ National Federal Support School Lunch Basic Provider Revenues: $ $ 1,169 Local sources $ State sources 4,546 165 Federal sources 3,583 41,620 30,036 Interest Total revenues 4,917 30,036 46,166 Expend itures: Salaries and benefits 25,599 42,071 Purchased services 4,077 1,039 4,095 Supplies and materials 2,797 Other objects 601 Total expenditures 46,166 4,077 30,036 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures 840 Other financing sources: Transfers in N et change in fund balances 840 Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 2,185 (8,721) (1,653) $ Fund balances (deficits), end o f year 3,025 (1,653) (8,721) $ $ This is trial version 72
  6. C ALHOUN, GREENE, J ERSEY AND MACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Continued) EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 30, 2009 English Language Learners Mathematics Professional and Science Preschool Partnerships Monitoring Development Revenues: Local sources $ $ $ State sources 25,500 12,000 1,822 Federal sources Interest 1,822 12,000 Total revenues 25,500 Expenditures: 1,957 8,700 Salaries and benefits 61 Purchased services 24,743 2,805 Supplies and materials 757 495 Other objects 12,000 Total expenditures 2,018 25,500 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures (196) Other financing sources: Transfers in 196 N et change in fund balances Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f y ear (1,255) Fund balances (deficits), end o f y ear $ $ (1,255) = $ = = = = = This is trial version 73
  7. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES I N FUND B ALANCES ( Continued) E DUCATION F UND A CCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 30, 2009 Beginning Illinois Federal Stimulus Teacher New State Aid for Safe Induction and Principal Schools Mentoring Mentoring Revenues: Local sources $ 1,000 $ $ State sources 222,500 19,326 Federal sources 30,620 Interest 9 Total revenues 223,509 19,326 30,620 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 57,272 7,203 26,058 Purchased services 154,390 14,610 1,769 Supplies and materials 2,572 2 11,027 Other objects Total expenditures 21,815 222,689 30,399 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures (2,489) 221 820 Other financing sources: Transfers in Net change in fund balances (2,489) 221 820 Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 18 Fund balances (deficits), end o f year 838 $ $ (2,489) = $====2=21= This is trial version 74
  8. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 C OMBINING S CHEDULE O F R EVENUES, E XPENDITURES AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES (Continued) EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2009 Federal Stimulus State Aid for Adult Totals Education Revenues: Local sources 3,616 $ $ 746,388 State sources 21,374 Federal sources 141,548 49 Interest 21,374 Total revenues 891,601 Expenditures: 15,843 Salaries and benefits 583,666 Purchased services 7,050 269,008 2,148 Supplies and materials 39,542 Other objects 2,694 25,041 Total expenditures 894,910 Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over (under) expenditures (3,667) (3,309) Other financing sources: Transfers in 196 Net change in fund balances (3,667) (3,113) Fund balances (deficits), beginning o f year 30,236 Fund balances (deficits), end o f y ear $ This is trial version 75
  9. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY AND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 B UDGETARY C OMPARISON S CHEDULE E DUCATION F UND A CCOUNTS T RUANTS A LTERNATIVE/OPTIONAL E DUCATION - PROJECT #09-3695-00 F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2009 Variance Actual with Final Budgeted Amounts Original Final Amounts Budget Revenues: $ 113,304 $ 113,304 $ 113,304 $ State sources 1 Interest Total revenue 113,304 113,304 113,305 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 101,035 101,035 101,034 1 Purchased services 8,550 8,550 8,630 (80) Supplies and materials 3,719 3,719 3,640 79 Total expenditures 113,304 113,304 113,304 Excess o f revenues over expenditures $ $ $ F und balance, beginning o f year 48 Fund balance, end o f year 49 $ This is trial version 76
  10. CALHOUN, GREENE, JERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION #40 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS TITLE II - TEACHER QUALITY - PROJECT #09-4932-00 For the year ended June 30, 2009 Variance with Final Budgeted Amounts Actual Original Final Amounts Budget Revenues: 439 439 439 $ $ $ $ Federal sources ----- Expenditures: 439 439 439 Purchased services ----- $ $ Excess o f revenues over expenditures $ ==== Fund balance, beginning o f year Fund balance, end o f year $ NOTE: Included within Mini Grants Fund in the Education Fund. This is trial version 77
  11. C ALHOUN, G REENE, J ERSEY A ND M ACOUPIN C OUNTIES R EGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION # 40 B UDGETARY C OMPARISON S CHEDULE E DUCATION F UND A CCOUNTS T ITLE I V - SAFE A ND D RUG F REE S CHOOLS - PROJECT # 09-4400-00 F or t he y ear e nded J une 3 0, 2 009 V ariance Actual with Final Budgeted Amounts Original Final Budget Amounts Revenues: $ $ $ Federal sources 54 $ 54 54 ----­ Expenditures: Purchased services 54 54 54 ----­ $ $ Excess o f revenues over expenditures $ = === F und balance, beginning o f year F und b alance, e nd o f year $ N OTE: Included within the Mini Grants Fund in the Education Fund. This is trial version 78
  12. C ALHOUN, GREENE, J ERSEY AND MACOUPIN COUNTIES REGIONAL O FFICE O F E DUCATION #40 BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULE EDUCATION FUND ACCOUNTS REGIONAL SAFE SCHOOLS - PROJECT #09-3696-00 F or t be y ear e nded J une 30, 2009 Variance Budgeted Amounts Actual with Final Original Final Amounts Budget Revenues: Local sources $ 1,447 $ 1,447 $ $ State sources 152,880 256,456 103,576 152,880 Interest 24 24 Total revenues 152,880 152,880 257,927 105,047 Expenditures: Salaries and benefits 120,835 120,835 200,202 (79,367) Purchased services 30,820 30,820 (11,493) 42,313 Supplies and materials 1,225 1,225 14,266 (13,041) 256,781 (103,901) Total expenditures 152,880 152,880 Excess o f revenues over expenditures $ $ 1,146 $ 1,146 Fund balance, beginning o f year 41,776 Fund balance, end o f year $ 42,922 Note: Actual column also includes Regional Safe Schools State Aid revenue (project #09-3001-93) of$103,576. This is trial version 79



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