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Strengthening rural women’s capacity for technology development in poultry production in Nigeria

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A systematic and planned technology development of rural poultry production into small commercial units holds a tremendous potential for growth in rural areas, especially owing to consumer preference for indigenous chicken, egg and meat.

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  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 690–694, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_072 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed STRENGTHENING RURAL WOMEN’S CAPACITY FOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN POULTRY PRODUCTION IN NIGERIA Alabi, O.O. Department of Animal Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria Ajala, A.O. Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Landmark University Olawoye, S.O Department of Animal Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria Animashahun R.A. Department of Animal Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria Corresponding Email ABSTRACT A systematic and planned technology development of rural poultry production into small commercial units holds a tremendous potential for growth in rural areas, especially owing to consumer preference for indigenous chicken, egg and meat. Though poultry development in Nigeria has taken a quantum leap in the last two decades, the growth has been mainly restricted to commercial poultry. Rural poultry production can generate income in increasing levels, employment opportunities to small holders and can also bring about desired socio-economic changes in rural areas which are vital for rural development and rural prosperity. Hence, there is the need to strengthen rural women’s capacity for increased technology development in poultry production for increase production and profitability. Key words: Rural Women, Technology Development, Poultry Production Cite this Article: Alabi, O.O., Ajala, A.O., Olawoye, S.O and Animashahun R.A., Strengthening Rural Women’s Capacity for Technology Development in Poultry Production in Nigeria, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 690–694. 690
  2. Alabi, O.O., Ajala, A.O., Olawoye, S.O and Animashahun R.A. 1. INTRODUCTION The supply of animal protein is very important as the population increases every day in the developing countries. Poultry is one of the major sources of animal protein and is generally accepted worldwide. Poultry production is the fastest growing component of global meat production. Poultry are considered as a productive asset for the household and has important contribution to food security for the household. This is because, poultry mainly provides meat and eggs which increase households’ consumption of animal sourced food. Moreover, the contribution of poultry to food security can be related with income from sales of poultry and poultry products, which are often used for purchase of addition food items necessary for the household from the market. Other reasons for sales of poultry are to decrease flock size, sacrifices for festivals and disposal of less productive birds. Chicken is the most popular type of poultry reared for egg and meat (Ogunlade and Adebayo, 2009). Village chicken production is extensive and dominated by indigenous chickens that exhibit remarkable adaptation to local environment; farmers preferred the local breeds over other breeds and these indigenous chickens are prevalent in the rural areas because it is central to the livelihood of rural populace and they represent valuable resources for livestock development because of their extensive genetic diversity which allowed for rearing of poultry under varied environmental conditions. Smallholder poultry production is practiced by most rural households throughout the developing world. Productivity of village chicken is low and is hampered by problems of feed shortage, low chick survival rate, transportation, weather change, poor extension services, high prevalence of poultry diseases, inadequate supply of vaccines and medicines and lack of good housing management (Garba et al., 2013; Billah et al., 2013). 2. CHALLENGES OF RURAL POULTRY PRODUCTION 2.1. Food Supply and Housing Challenge Most producers have the mentality that the birds should look after themselves especially by scavenging for food freely on range throughout the day after provision of few grains in the morning because of high cost of poultry feed and thereafter at night sleeping on tree branches or on top of house (Sharaunga et al., 2014). Food supply in most rural areas consist mainly of starch grains which supply energy requirement for life but inadequate in necessary protein for growth and good health of the birds. Insufficient protein intake in poultry results in lowered body weight. In the early stage of birds, there is reduced appetite, lowered feed intake, reduced nitrogen retention, poor feed efficiency, inferior growth rate, lack of muscle development and prolonged time to reach maturity (Pauwel et al., 2015). Inappropriate feeding regime and poor management all constitutes negative impact on production, knowing that increase in egg and meat production can be achieved through adequate and balance nutrition. Increased production is predicted to lead to more access to meat and eggs in rural communities, which will result in increased household animal protein consumption ((Sonaiya, 2016; Dessie, 2017).Village chicken producers do not realize the value of village chicken, their worth and how much they could contribute to their livelihoods if well managed as a business enterprise. Human population is growing and creating a significant and increasing demand for additional animal protein foods, this call for rural chicken producers to put value in their production by shifting from family production to business production, hence, the challenge of growing chickens efficiently in resource-poor communities and maintaining a high body weight at market age. 691
  3. Strengthening Rural Women’s Capacity for Technology Development in Poultry Production in Nigeria 2.2. Health Challenge High incidence of disease is one of the major constraints to smallholder poultry production systems in Nigeria. In order to control various poultry diseases, traditional medicine is widely practiced by rural resource-poor poultry farmers. The reliance of traditional medicine by rural poultry farmers is due mainly to problems like inadequate supply of orthodox drugs, lack of finance, exorbitant cost, poor storage facilities and unavailability of consultancy advice from veterinary officers in remote villages (Ekemezie and Fasanmi, 2007). The traditional way of rearing livestock originally uses less of synthetic drugs, although the birds raised are hardy in nature. Birds are almost never vaccinated. The rural small poultry farmers have developed indigenous methods or technologies for coping with the health related problems through indigenous knowledge. The practical applications of indigenous medicinal herbs/plant extracts are being explored for improving poultry health as well as production with fruitful results (Kuldeep Dhama et al., 2015). 2.3. Improved Breed Challenge In order to address the factors militating against high chicken production and productivity at the smallholder level, research efforts in the area of genetics and breeding amongst others have been made in the past three decades (Sonaiya, 2016). One of such is the development of chicken genotypes that are adapted to the prevailing tropical conditions. However, an intervention of African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) is to provide improved breeds of chickens to rural women. ACGG is a project working with diverse stakeholders including universities, national research institutes and the private sector to increase smallholder chicken production and productivity growth as a pathway out of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The intervention of ACGG is to transform smallholder chicken production into commercially viable enterprise (Carletto et al., 2017) with active private sector engagement that empowers rural women, increases income and nutrition of their family through delivery of more productive locally adaptable chicken, production inputs and services to rural communities 2.4. Challenge of Low Level of Education When family resource becomes scarce, education for girl child in the rural communities may be seen as luxury. When the household income declines, girls are more likely to be withdrawn from school and take on more menial work responsibilities to get money. Due to lack of education, it becomes difficult for women to access credit facilities and other agencies that are relevant to entrepreneurship development 2.5. Challenge of High Maternal Mortality One of the problems confronting developing and underdeveloped countries globally is high maternal mortality, poverty is one of the major factors influencing maternal mortality this compounded by the economic down turn which has manifested in high food prices, low medical care, communal clash and poor sanitation; resulting in many more being pushed along the poverty line with women being the most hit (Rammohan et al., 2012) 3. WAY FORWARD FOR STRENGTHENING RURAL WOMEN’S CAPACITY 3.1. Development of feed formulation application Most of the village chicken producers are not buoyant enough to buy commercial feed that will meet the nutrient requirement of each class of birds, so available local alternative feed ingredient such as kitchen remnant, waste of soybean cake, waste from maize, sorghum, dry fish, cray fish, vegetables etc. can be used to compound balance feed for chickens. The 692
  4. Alabi, O.O., Ajala, A.O., Olawoye, S.O and Animashahun R.A. development of feed formulation application can be developed for increase production and this will alleviate the challenge of food supply. 3.2. Adoption of Modern Housing Technologies Birds that are reared under a controlled environment are monitored properly and perform better. A good housing should be provided for village chickens for increased productivity. 3.3. Community Health Workers (CHW) Community health workers should be trained by veterinary doctors for improved health care delivery services for the small holder chicken sector (Chang et al., 2018). The community health workers help to bridge the gap of unavailability of consultancy advice from veterinary officers in remote villages, with the presence of CHW there will access to adequate animal health services which will help to provide wholesome and safe poultry products. 3.4. Formulation and registration of cooperative society Most of the women in rural areas that are involved in poultry production should be encouraged to form cooperative society for the benefits of working together as a recognized body and such cooperative should be registered by the government. 3.5. Training to enhance capacity Training will strengthens women’s capacity to perform effectively and will be better equipped to tackle the challenges of poultry production, training of smallholders’ chicken producers is very important, especially with the adoption of modern agricultural techniques that are tailored to local conditions and the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner, with a view to achieving economic development without degrading the environment. Gender issues should be adequately addressed particularly decision making on the chicken production (Bullough et al., 2015) 4. CONCLUSIONS Technological development of rural poultry production will enhance production that will result in improved production, increased income, better nutrition and availability of animal protein in sufficient quantity and quality. REFERENCES [1] Billah, S.M., Nargis, F., Hossan, M.E., Hoelider, M.A. and Lees, S.H. (2013) Family poultry production and consumption patterns in selected households of Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development. Vol. 5 (4) pp. 62 – 69. DOI: 10.5897/JAERD12.113. ISSN 2141 – 2170 [2] Bullough, A., Sully de Luque, M., Abdelzahe, D. and Heim, W. (2015) Developing women leaders through entrepreneurship education and training, Academy of Management Perspective Volume 29 Issue 2, pages 21 [3] Carletto,C., Corral, P.and Guelfi, A. (2017) Agricultural commercialization and nutrition revisited: empirical evidence from three African countries Carletto et al 2017 Food Policy, 67 (2017), pp. 106-118, 10.1016/j.foodpol.2016.09.020 [4] Chang, A., Patberg, E., Cueto, V., Li, H., Singh, Kenya, S., Alonso,Y. and Carrasquillo, O. (2018) Community health workers, access to care, and service utilization among 693
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