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Sum frequency generation study of hydrated cellulose

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Sum frequency generation (SFG) spectra of cotton cellulose fibers were successfully obtained with IR wavenumber from 2800 to 3400 cm-1 . The spectra showed the two peaks at 2840 cm-1 and 2941 cm-1 assigned to symmetric and asymmetric CH2 stretching modes, respectively. There was also a peak obtained at wavenumber 2959 cm-1 assigned to the overtone of H-O-C bending at Fermi resonance with 2941 cm-1 peak.

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Nội dung Text: Sum frequency generation study of hydrated cellulose

Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ<br /> <br /> SUM FREQUENCY GENERATION STUDY<br /> OF HYDRATED CELLULOSE<br /> Nguyen Duc Long1, Vuong Thi Quynh Huong1, Nguyen Van Kien2,<br /> Chu Văn Biên3, Nguyen The Binh1, Hoang Chi Hieu1*<br /> Abstract: Sum frequency generation (SFG) spectra of cotton cellulose fibers were<br /> successfully obtained with IR wavenumber from 2800 to 3400 cm-1. The spectra showed the<br /> two peaks at 2840 cm-1 and 2941 cm-1 assigned to symmetric and asymmetric CH2<br /> stretching modes, respectively. There was also a peak obtained at wavenumber 2959 cm-1<br /> assigned to the overtone of H-O-C bending at Fermi resonance with 2941 cm-1 peak. A<br /> spectral band of OH range appeared at 3322 cm-1. Hydration effects on cellulose were<br /> demonstrated on the SFG spectra of cellulose samples hydrated in different conditions.<br /> These results are the decrease in the peaks’ intensities and moreover the disappearance of<br /> two peaks. Explanation and discussion are shown in this paper.<br /> Keywords: Nonlinear optics, Sum frequency generation, SFG spectroscopy, Cellulose, Hydrated cellulose,<br /> Hydration, Hydrogen bonds.<br /> <br /> 1. INTRODUCTION<br /> Nonlinear optical spectroscopy has developed considerably in recent decades [1].<br /> There have been a number of studies using Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) and Sum<br /> Frequency Generation (SFG) to probe surfaces and interfaces as nonlinear effects are<br /> forbidden in centrosymmetric environment [2][3]. On the other hand, SFG has high<br /> selectivity in molecular vibrational modes with orientation and sensitivity for chirality,<br /> thus it is a powerful tool to study biological molecules in the biomaterials [4][5][6].<br /> Sum Frequency Generation is a second-order nonlinear optical response from a system<br /> where optical centrosymmetry is broken [7]. In SFG spectroscopy, the frequency of SFG<br /> signal is the sum of frequencies of two incoming beams, visible beam (VIS) and infrared<br /> beam (IR). The intensity is given by: [5]<br /> ( ) ( )<br /> ( )∼ ( ) ( )<br /> ( )<br /> Here, intensity is proportional to the effective 2nd order susceptibility squared ( )<br /> and the product of the intensities of the incoming beams. The frequencies are given as<br /> ωVIS and ωIR.<br /> The effective second order susceptibility can be expressed by [5]:<br /> ∑ , , 〈 〉<br /> ( )<br /> =<br /> − − Г<br /> Where N is the density in unit volume, Mαβ and Aγ are the Raman and IR tensors,<br /> respectively. 〈 〉 is the macroscopic average of molecular hyperpolarizability, ωq is<br /> the frequency of a normal vibrational mode, each q is a resonance mode, and Г is the<br /> damping or line-width coefficient. When ωIR matches ωq, the effective second order<br /> susceptibility reaches a maximum, the resonance is observed as a peak appears.<br /> Cellulose, a linear homopolymer which is composed of (1–4)-β-glucopyranose and is<br /> the most abundant polymer in nature, was chosen for our study. As the individual<br /> polymers are aligned in parallel, cellulose forms crystalline structure [8]. Hydrogen atoms<br /> of hydroxyl groups and oxygen atoms form hydrogen bonds not only between two<br /> adjacent glucopyranose units of one chain (interchain hydrogen bonds) but also between<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 37, 06- 2015 151<br /> Vật lý<br /> <br /> two glucopyranose units from neighbor chains (intrachain hydrogen bonds), this leads to<br /> the crystalline structure of cellulose in which cellulose chains are highly ordered [9]. There<br /> are several polymorphs of cellulose: I, II, III and IV. Cellulose I, with two distinct crystal<br /> phases, Iα and Iβ, is naturally produced by a variety of organisms [8]. Cellulose Iα is found<br /> in the cell walls of some algae and bacteria, while cellulose Iβ is widely found in higher<br /> plants, which is more abundant [9]. Cellulose Iβ chains are arranged in a monoclinic P21<br /> symmetry, a chiral space group, and SFG can be active in cellulose Iβ.<br /> Hydrated cellulose is chemically identical with cellulose, but different in some<br /> properties such as crystal modulus, tensile strength and thermal conductivity [10]. This is<br /> because of the hydration effects, which is the formation of hydrogen bonds of<br /> glucopyranose units with oxygen and hydrogen atoms in the solution [11]. In reality, an<br /> example for the hydration of cellulose happens when clothes, which are made mostly from<br /> cotton, are washed. The fact that after several times of washing, the clothes become softer<br /> and more warmth retaining, is an evidence of the change in tensile strength and thermal<br /> conductivity. Moreover, washing powder with large content of soap, composed of<br /> derivatives of fatty acids with alkali hydroxide, creates an amount of hydroxyl groups in<br /> solution. This may lead to some changes of the hydration process. Furthermore, hydrated<br /> cellulose in jute fiber is quite suitable for being used as a cheap substitution for wool in<br /> making warm fabrics [10].<br /> Miyauchi et al. [7] reported a study applying SFG microscopy to observe the colorless<br /> and transparent starch granules in a plant. However, plants cell wall is composed of<br /> cellulose, is also sensitive with SFG spectroscopy. Besides, water inside the cell leads to<br /> some changes in the spectra so that the study should involve cellulose and hydrated<br /> cellulose. Hence, the investigation of this material as well as the hydration process on it<br /> using SFG spectroscopy is expected to offer useful information.<br /> 2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION<br /> 2.1. SFG Spectroscopy System<br /> Measurements were carried out using EKSPLA Picosecond Vibrational SFG<br /> Spectrometer. The visible light (VIS) at wavelength of 532 nm is obtained from the<br /> frequency-doubled output of the Harmonics Unit driven by mode-locked Nd:YAG with<br /> 1064 nm wavelength, pulse duration of 30 picosecond, operating at repetition rate of 50<br /> Hz. The wavelength-tunable infrared light (IR) is obtained from the output of an<br /> OPG/OPA system driven by the two laser beams of wavelength 1064 nm and 532 nm, the<br /> possible range of IR is 2.3-10 µm. Half-wave plates are used to configure the polarization<br /> of the beams. Using appropriate filters and monochromator, we can obtain and analyze the<br /> SFG signal with IR wavenumber. (Figure 1).<br /> 2.2. Samples<br /> Filter Papers (Advantec MFS, Inc) with 100% cotton linter cellulose were used as<br /> samples. This material has a large content of crystalline cellulose Iβ. X-ray Diffraction of<br /> the filter paper had been carried out. The spectrum highly matched the XRD standard<br /> database of cellulose Iβ, thus this material is appropriate for experiments with cellulose Iβ.<br /> The spectrum also gives out the P21 symmetry space group of cellulose Iβ. Samples have<br /> thickness of 0.23 mm were cut in 10 mm x 10 mm size, and stuck on glass plates to<br /> prevent from movement.<br /> <br /> <br /> 152 N. D. Long, V.T.Q. Huong,…,“Sum frequency generation study of hydrated Cellulose.”<br /> Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 1. SFG Spectroscopy Optical layout.<br /> Samples for hydrated cellulose are filter papers having been immerged in pure water<br /> for different times which are 1 hours, 3 hours and 6 hours. Before immerging, the samples<br /> were cut in different shapes to distinguish from each other. After the process, samples<br /> were dried using microwave oven for 1.5 hours. Hydration in NaOH 30% solution with 3<br /> hours in steep was also included to compare and discuss.<br /> 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION<br /> 3.1. Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Cellulose<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 2: a) SFG spectra of cellulose Iβ in different polarization configurations:<br /> psp, ppp, spp, ssp. Lines are multiple Gaussian functions fitted to the experiment. The<br /> zero levels of the spectra are displaced in the vertical direction for convenience<br /> to the eyes. (The letters give the polarization of SFG signal, VIS beam and IR beam,<br /> correspondingly) b) Scheme figure of two glucopyranose units in cellulose chain.<br /> Figure 2.a shows the SFG spectra of cellulose in different polarization configurations.<br /> The spectra are quite similar but different in intensities. There are 4 visible peaks at IR<br /> wavenumber of 2840, 2941, 2959 and 3322 cm-1. The assignments are shown and compare<br /> in Table 3.1. The 3322 cm-1 peak position is very close to the stretch peak of O-H (Figure<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 37, 06- 2015 153<br /> Vật lý<br /> <br /> 2.b). Yet the O-H groups are located at the opposite sides of the glycosidic linkage, the SFG<br /> peak gives the evidence that they are not symmetrically arranged. One explanation had been<br /> proposed that these O-H groups interact with different O atoms, 3O-H is hydrogen-bonded to<br /> 5<br /> O and 2O-H is hydrogen bonded to 6O (Figure 2.b). Thus, they don’t cancel each other and<br /> SFG will be detected. The 2840 cm-1 (weak) and 2941 cm-1 (strong) peaks are assigned<br /> respectively to symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes of CH2, of the exocyclic<br /> 6<br /> CH2OH group. This assignment matches with some previous studies [1][5]. The C-H<br /> stretching peak at 2900 cm-1, which appears in both Raman and IR spectra of cellulose<br /> [12][13], is absent in SFG spectra because of the noncentrosymmetry selection rule.<br /> Table 1: Assignments of vibrational modes in spectral CH region 2800 cm-1 to 3000 cm-1<br /> Wavenumber<br /> Atalla [13] Zimmerly [14] Barnette [5] This study<br /> (cm-1)<br /> (Raman) (Raman) (SFG) (SFG)<br /> (approx)<br /> <br /> FR of<br /> 2959 νa (CH2) ν (CH)<br /> H-O-C<br /> <br /> 2941 νa (CH2) ν (CH) νa (CH2) νa (CH2)<br /> <br /> 2885 ν (CH) νs (CH2)<br /> <br /> 2868 ν (CH)<br /> <br /> 2840 νs (CH2) νs (CH2)<br /> (νa (CH2) : symmetric stretching mode of CH2; νa (CH2): asymmetric stretching mode of CH2;<br /> ν(CH): stretching mode of CH; FR of H-O-C: Fermi resonance of H-O-C bending overtone)<br /> <br /> The 2959 cm-1 peak is supposed to be an overtone of H-O-C bending mode<br /> (fundamental H-O-C bending mode at 1475 cm-1 had been observed in previous studies<br /> using Raman or SFG spectroscopy [5][12][13]) at Fermi resonance with 2941 cm-1 peak.<br /> This peak is hardly observable because of the overlap with 2941 cm-1 peak. Some SFG<br /> study could not have found this peak because the resolution of infrared light is not high<br /> enough [5] (Table 1). The proof is given and discussed in the next sections.<br /> 3.2. Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of cellulose hydrated in water<br /> Figure 3 shows the SFG spectra of three cellulose samples with different times of water<br /> steep: 1 hour, 3 hours and 6 hours.<br /> As shown on the spectra, all the peaks become smaller after the hydration process. This<br /> can be explained by the fact that water is still remained in the sample. Hence, only a<br /> fraction of the incoming beams reaches the sample, due to the different reflectance and<br /> transmittance with different polarizations of the beams, which has been describe in Fresnel<br /> equations.<br /> On the other hand, because of the presence of water, hydrogen bonds are formed with<br /> H atoms in cellulose structure [11]. This influences the orientation of C-H and O-H and<br /> makes the spectra change [14]. Moreover, it is apparent that the longer the time of water<br /> steep is, the smaller the 2941 cm-1 peak’s intensity is (Figure 3). This can be explained by<br /> the assumption that CH2 groups are affected by hydrogen bonds with water more than OH<br /> are. The more detailed explanation is discussed in next section.<br /> <br /> <br /> 154 N. D. Long, V.T.Q. Huong,…,“Sum frequency generation study of hydrated Cellulose.”<br /> Nghiên cứu khoa học công nghệ<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 3: SFG spectra of non-hydrated cellulose and 3 samples<br /> with different hydrating time: 1h, 3h and 6h<br /> (Lines are multiple Gaussian functions fitted to the experiment).<br /> The fact that the intensity of the third peak at 2959 cm-1 does not change much is a<br /> proof that this peak is not contributed by the asymmetric stretching mode of CH2.<br /> 3.3. Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of cellulose hydrated in NaOH solution<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Figure 4: SFG spectra of hydrated cellulose using pure water<br /> and NaOH solution with the same steep time of 3 hours.<br /> (Lines are multiple Gaussian functions fitted to the experiment).<br /> Since NaOH solution creates more hydroxyl groups, hydrogen bonds are created more,<br /> thus the process of hydration in NaOH solution is expected to be stronger than that of H2O.<br /> [11]. From Figure 4, it is clear that with the same time of hydration, the intensity of sample<br /> hydrated using NaOH 30% solution is remarkably smaller than that of sample hydrated<br /> using pure water, which is a proof that hydration process in NaOH solution is stronger.<br /> Moreover, in the SFG spectrum of samples hydrated by NaOH for 3 hours, the two<br /> peaks of CH2 stretching vanish, this had never been observed before. The peaks of the<br /> overtone at Fermi resonance and O-H stretching remain with smaller intensities. The peak<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 37, 06- 2015 155<br /> Vật lý<br /> <br /> at 2959 cm-1 becomes easily to be observed as it no longer overlaps with CH2 asymmetric<br /> stretching peak.<br /> The disappearance of these two peaks is the evidence for the hydration effect. When<br /> cellulose is immerged in NaOH solution, hydrogen bonds are formed hydroxyl groups<br /> within the solution. The medium in NaOH solution with random positions of hydroxyl<br /> groups, similar to an amorphous medium, is centrosymmetric. Hence, the centrosymmetry<br /> of CH2 groups is enhanced. As the hydration is strong enough, CH2 groups are totally in<br /> centrosymmetric configuration, due to hydrogen bonds. Consequently, the peaks CH2 at<br /> 2840 and 2941 cm-1 are canceled.<br /> This result assures the assumption that the third peak does not belong to asymmetric<br /> stretching mode of CH2, but the overtone of H-O-C bending at Fermi resonance as we<br /> proposed. There was also a small difference in wavenumber of the third peak, 2959 cm-1 and<br /> 2961 cm-1. This might be because of the difference in glucopyranose units structure after<br /> hydration in pure water and NaOH solution, which leads to the difference of vibrational<br /> levels. This orienting effect might be the main reason why crystalline structure changes after<br /> hydration, which leads to some changes in properties of hydrated cellulose [10][14].<br /> 4. CONCLUSION<br /> The experiments have been carried out to measure SFG spectra of cellulose and<br /> hydrated cellulose in different polarization configurations, different hydration conditions.<br /> The results give some useful information. Discussion and explanations have been<br /> proposed to analyze the spectra, which are the non-centrosymmetry of groups, and the<br /> orienting influence of hydration on them. The disappearance of two peaks in the spectrum<br /> of cellulose hydrated in NaOH solution, which has not been observed before, leads to a<br /> new assignment for one peak, as it is different with some previous, the others are<br /> consistent with literature.<br /> Acknowledgement: This work is supported by Project QG.13.04 Granted by Vietnam<br /> National University Hanoi (VNU).<br /> REFERENCES<br /> [1]. Hoang Chi Hieu, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Hongyan Li, Yoshihiro Miyauchi, and Goro<br /> Mizutani, “Sum Frequency Generation Microscopy Study of Cellulose Fibers”,<br /> Applied Spectroscopy. (2011) 65(11): 1254-1259.<br /> [2]. D. Epperlein, B. Dick, and G. Marowsky, “Second-Harmonic Generation in Centro-<br /> Symmetric Media”, Appl. Phys. (1987) B 44, 5-10.<br /> [3]. Li Fu, Zhuguang Wang and Elsa C.Y. 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Các đề xuất giải thích và thảo luận<br /> cũng được đưa ra trong bài báo này.<br /> Từ khóa: Quang học phi tuyến, Sự phát tần số tổng, Phổ tần số tổng SFG, Xenlulôzơ, Xenlulôzơ hydrat hóa,<br /> Sự hydrat hóa, Liên kết hydro.<br /> <br /> <br /> Nhận bài ngày 15 tháng 5 năm 2015<br /> Hoàn thiện ngày 11 tháng 6 năm 2015<br /> Chấp nhận đăng ngày 12 tháng 6 năm 2015<br /> <br /> Contact address:<br /> 1<br /> Faculty of Physics, VNU University of Science, *Email:<br /> 2<br /> Institute of Chemical-Biological technique and Security documents,<br /> 3<br /> Hong Duc University, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Tạp chí Nghiên cứu KH&CN quân sự, Số 37, 06- 2015 157<br />



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