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  1. 2009 년 1 년 NEW TOEIC 년년년년 Part 5 / 6 - Part 5 년 Part 6 년 년년년년년 23 년년 년년 년년년 년년 년년년년년, 년년년 년년! *^^ 2009 년 1 년 년년 1. In times of -----, the price of precious metals (A) Study such as gold generally increases dramatically. (B) Studies (A) prosperity (C) Studying (B) prospering (D) Studied (C) prosperous (D) prosper 6. Market researchers have presented ----- that companies with small market shares will suffer 2. The Judge became furious when her ----- was a great deal throughout the course of the year. questioned by the plaintiffs attorney. (A) evidence (A) neutralize (B) evident (B) neutralization (C) evidential (C) neutrally (D) evidently (D) neutrality 7. An arbitrator must listen ----- to both parties 3. The enclosed brochure will assist customers in a dispute and not allow personal prejudice or to make a ----- on whether to buy or try the new opinion to affect his or her decision. software. (A) objection (A) deciding (B) objective (B) decision (C) objects (C) decide (D) objectively (D) decided 8. All the plants inside and outside the office 4. They were fined for holding a boxing match need to be watered -----. without the official ----- of the state Boxing (A) period Commission. (B) periodical (A) approving (C) periodic (B) approval (D) periodically (C) to approve (D) approved 9. In fact, within two years, it is not unusual for a management trainee to receive multiple 5. ----- show that less competition and poor promotions and increase his or her income -----. service are usually the result of government (A) substantiation regulation in the telecommunications business. (B) substantial 1
  2. (C) substantiate (C) potentially (D) substantially (D) potentiality 10. Please fasten your seat belt ----- and bring 16. The European trade discussions came to an back the rest of your seat to its vertical position. end with the representatives ----- supporting the (A) security call for a free trade zone. (B) secure (A) completely (C) secured (B) completeness (D) securely (C) complete (D) completed 11. Please provide all of the information as ----- as possible to enable your request to be 17. Our direct-deposit service has turned out to properly processed. be ----- attractive to our customers. (A) clear (A) extreme (B) clearer (B) extremely (C) clarity (C) extremity (D) clearly (D) extremes 12. Military spending cuts have ----- impacted 18. The Club's nine versatile meeting and manufacturing business in the United States. banquet rooms ----- accommodate a small (A) strong executive meeting of ten or a large reception of (B) strongly five hundred. (C) strength (A) beauty (D) strengthen (B) beautiful (C) beautifully 13. The report was ----- written and must be (D) beautify reviewed and redone. (A) poor 19. This Bed & Breakfast house can provide (B) poorly comfortable accommodations at a ----- price. (C) poorest (A) reasonable (D) poorer (B) reason (C) reasonably 14. This rebate offer is only available with the (D) reasoning purchase of a new Novatel modem and the customer must ----- maintain OmniSky 20. The network is not ----- at this time due to Wireless Service a minimum of six months. software failure. (A) continue (A) accessible (B) continuation (B) accessed (C) continuous (C) accessing (D) continuously (D) access 15. Safety regulations have recently been 21. Most of our door-to-door salesmen prefer to reinforced to protect workers who work in ----- live in the area they serve because it is more hazardous jobs. ----- for them. (A) potential (A) convenient (B) potentialize (B) convened 2
  3. (C) convenience 27. Although we requested that we ----- a room (D) conveniently with garden view when we made the reservation, we were taken to a sea view room 22. Though baseball purists prefer that the when we arrived. game be played in the open-air, most modern (A) have given ballparks are ----- in either fixed or retractable (B) were giving roof domed stadiums. (C) gave (A) enclose (D) be given (B) enclosing (C) enclosure 28. Constant quality improvement is intended to (D) enclosed maintain our competitiveness and ---- us for the challenges of the future. 23. According to Jenkins, a new highspeed (A) to prepare machine will ------- that will cut the patterns for (B) preparing the gloves in half the time it takes now. (C) prepared (A) be installing (D) have prepared (B) be installed (C) install 29. Among other reasons, annual reports are (D) have installed published ----- an informed reader may interpret and evaluate the performance and prospects of a 24. The inspectors' recommendations ----- that company accurately. the company needs to increase its production. (A) in case of (A) indicate (B) moreover (B) are indicated (C) so that (C) to indicate (D) even though (D) indicating 30. I was a member of the Country Club's 25. At Good Brothers Inc. we want our Recreation committee ----- it was first employees to be the most competitive established, but I quit after a few months. individuals in their fields so we put great (A) nevertheless emphasis ----- training and career growth. (B) still (A) to (C) when (B) between (D) since (C) out (D) on 31. ----- I have exchanged email and memos with the Regional Vice President, I have never 26. This packing system, ----- ensures a total met him in person. vacuum to retain freshness and flavor for a long (A) Except period, is used in more than 200 food- (B) Although processing plants. (C) Unlike (A) who (D) However (B) which (C) what 32. The rebuilt plane will be ready for use next (D) whose week ----- we can get the local and federal approvals for the repairs. (A) otherwise 3
  4. (B) if 38. The boxers may have appeared angry in the (C)whether ring, but in fact they have a great deal of respect (D) instead and admiration for -----. (A) ones 33. Contest entry forms will be discarded ----- (B) the others accompanied by a proof of purchase of one of (C) others the company's products. (D) each other (A) nevertheless (B) as long as 39. Constant exercise has been proven ----- (C) therefore health benefits for people of all ages and (D) unless occupations. (A) have 34. Even though the boss encouraged you to put (B) to have ----- idea into effect, you ignored him and now (C) having someone else has done it and received all the (D) had credit. (A) you 40. All students are welcome to ----- their (B) your suggestions about ways to improve the teaching (C) yourself system at this institute. (D) yours (A) contribution (B) contributable 35. The green skis and black boots belong to (C) contribute my sister and the gray skis and boots are -----. (D) contributing (A) I 41. All of the Seashore Hotel's staff are (B) mine committed to ----- top-quality service and a (C) myself comfortable environment for their guests. (D) my (A) provision (B) provided 36. When the golf cart broke down, Mr. Lucas (C) providing and the other golfers in his group made it worse (D) provider when they tried to repair it by ----- instead of calling for help. 42. The food division is considering ----- a new (A) they line of gourmet spices in select areas next (B) their summer. (C) them (A) to introduce (D) themselves (B) introducing (C) introduce 37. Of the several plants, one plant gets 50% of (D) introduced its energy needs from solar power while ----- uses windmills to produce 28% of its energy. 43. Please refrain from ----- cellular phones (A) another during the lecture. (B) others (A) use (C) another (B) uses (D) the others (C) using (D) to use 4
  5. 44. ----- messages is the responsibility of a (A) required secretary. (B) have required (A) Taking (C) require (B) Taken (D) requiring (C) Took (D) Take 51. The new facilities are both more ----- and modern. 45. A job used to be obtained ----- in the past (A) conveniences than it is now. (B) convenient (A) easiest (C) convenience (B) more easily (D) conveniently (C) easily (D) easier 52. If you write the memo tonight, I will copy ----- distribute it in the morning. 46. This new coffee machine makes cappuccino (A) and froth ----- more efficiently than the old one. (B) so (A) much (C) as (B) so (D) in (C) really (D) very 53. Vortex Medical is a well known leader in manufacturing medical equipment for its ---- 47. This is by far one of the ----- jobs Mrs. Rita patents. has ever taken in her entire career as a (A) number laboratory technician. (B) numerous (A) challenging (C) numerical (B) more challenged (D) numeral (C)most challenging (D) more challenging 54. According to the poll, ----- factors may not affect election results, unless of course turnout 48. Those who do not pick up their season is low. tickets by August 20 ----- their stadium seats. (A) each other (A) forfeit (B) will forfeit (B) another (C) will have forfeited (C) others (D) forfeited (D) other 49. The road was very muddy because it ---- all night. (A) rained (B) rains (C) will be rained (D) have rained 50. All employees are expected and ----- to exercise care when leaving e-mail messages within the company. 5
  6. ANSWER 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. D 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. A 51. B 52. A 53. B 54. D 101. Businesses wait to be sure of an economic recovery but consumers are getting 104. The desert shop specializes in cookies more ------- about the job market. made of chocolate, but ------- are available. (A) optimist (A) other (B) optimistic (B) the other (C) optimistically (C) another (D) optimists (D) others 102. The ------- will be chaired by Mr. 105. ------- the replacement parts are delivered Sheldon, one of the most innovative directors by tomorrow, we will have more complaints in the company. from retailers and customers. (A) category (A) Such as (B) qualification (B) Given (C) committee (C) Unless (D) productivity (D) Only if 103. The interest rate on housing loans 106. Training sessions for all departmental dropped ------- 2.1 percent last month and is supervisors will be held ------- the conference expected to go down further over the next few room. weeks. (A) on (A) as (B) of (B) to (C) as (C) in (D) in (D) since 6
  7. 107. For the people ------- were affected by the (C) discontinue earthquake, the non-profit organization has (D) charge asked for more aid. (A) they 112. The management should realize that (B) whose ------- out a loan is only a temporary solution (C) who to the company's financial problems. (D) which (A) was taken (B) taking 108. Among the ------- candidates for the (C) having been taken position, Mr. Clark has the most experience in (D) taken retail sales. 113. The CEO was very pleased with the (A) likely results of the latest sales campaign ------- gave (B) conditional the sales manger a bonus. (C) relied (A) if so (D) original (B) furthermore (C) and 109. There is a ------- demand for video disc (D) then drives that are compatible with multiple disc formats. 114. A good manager should ------- try to (A) grow create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. (B) growing (A) always (C) grew (B) nearly (D) grows (C) well (D) far 110. Mr. Howard has ------- confidence in his computer programming skills that he never 115. The swimming pool had to be closed due says no when asked to create utility software. to a ------- of funds for maintenance. (A) another (A) level (B) plenty (B) shortage (C) such (C) range (D) almost (D) record 111. The customer returned his order saying 116. In order to maintain its good reputation, its switch was defective, and the online store the restaurant does its best to serve the guests agreed to ------- the full amount to his account. ------- and in a courteous manner. (A) magnify (A) quick (B) credit (B) quicker 7
  8. (C) quickness 121. It is surprising to see ------- much (D) quickly broadband Internet connection fees have dropped over the last year. 117. The head of sales department asked Mr. (A) thus Karawara to turn in his sales report ------- (B) how noon today so that he could set the deadline. (C) moreover (A) up to (D) because (B) for (C) till 122. ------- the cash register, you should first (D) by open the cash drawer with your key and punch in your employee number. 118. The extension of the deadline has (A) Use enabled most of the sales representatives to (B) To use complete their ------- on time. (C) Used (A) propose (D) Using (B) proposing (C) proposal 123. Economic experts agree that the merger (D) proposed will prove ------- rewarding, and that profits will soar in the near future. 119. For over 20 years, Mr. Richardson has (A) mutually been a ------- member of the Green Club to (B) lately volunteer his time to educate the public about (C) exactly recycling. (D) approximately (A) first (B) regular 124. We are ------- that the proposal will meet (C) valued with the approval of all parties concerned. (D) durable (A) confidence (B) confide 120. After tremendous success of his first (C) confident clothing shop, the designer has ------- to open (D) confidently another. (A) picked 125. Even though the assistant manager, Mr. (B) decided Schropp appeared unwilling ------- to a new (C) settled post, he was persuaded by his family to accept (D) established it. (A) transfer (B) to transfer 8
  9. (C) transferring 130. Mr. Toshi was elected to the city council, (D) to transferring but has not officially started to carry out the duties -------. 126. Property values dropped at an ------- rate, (A) will be involved (B) involves and some property owners tried to minimize (C) involving the loss by selling their land. (D) involved (A) alarming (B) enlarging 131. In spite of all their efforts and repeated (C) according negotiations, the opposing parties have yet to (D) escaping reach a -------. (A) benefit 127. The fire insurance policy for the office (B) proposal building should be renewed on ------- before (C) fondness the 15th of this month. (D) settlement (A) when (B) neither 132. Effective managers use the Internet and (C) either read economic journals to keep themselves (D) or ------- about current trends in overseas trade. (A) inform 128. Mr. Garcia will already ------- his (B) informative presentation on the new manufacturing process by the time you reach the convention (B) informing center. (D) informed (A) finished (B) have finished 133. According to the latest news report, the (C) finishing government has decided to raise income tax (D) finish rates for ------- with high incomes. (A) that 129. Consumers these days ------- about the (B) this amount of fat and sugar in food products. (C) those (A) concern (D) these (B) discern (C) allow (D) care 134. The new marketing ------- that was adopted by the firm has proved very effective. (A) has approached 9
  10. (B) approach (C) lateness (C) to approach (D) later (D) approaches 138. It was just last month that Mr. Oretga 135. This banquet room is the place where the retired after 20 years of service ------- the company ------- most of its seminars and company. meetings. (A) forward (A) holds (B) during (B) decides (C) among (C) occurs (D) to (D) identifies 139. Most experts agree that genetically ------- 136. We ask that you watch road signs and foods should be allowed on the market after walk on the left so that cyclists can pass at a health officials confirm they are safe. ------- speed. (A) modify (A) reducing (B) modifying (B) reduces (C) to modify (C) reduction (D) modified (D) reduced 140. All applicants for the position are 137. Even though the grand opening of the required to complete the ------- at the front new Italian restaurant was ------- than desk and submit them. expected, many people were happy with the (A) form food quality it served. (B) formation (A) late (C) formed (B) more lately (D) forms 141-143 refer to the following letter David Williams 125 Clancy Lane Dearborn, Mi Dear Mr. Williams, This is to let you know that we ------- your cancellation of your purchase order 141. (A) were received (B) receiving 10
  11. (C) have received (D) will receive We also understand the reasons for your cancellations, as detailed in your letter. I'm very sorry about the problems you ------- while trying to order our products. 142. (A) encountered (B) caused (C) extended (D) transferred It seems that our online system overcharged other customers, too. This experience has shown us that we need to work on our online shop to make it more efficient. We are doing everything possible to ensure that this problem doesn't happen again. We value you as a customer, and your satisfaction is our biggest -------. 143. (A) priority (B) problem (C) concerning (D) sincerity I have enclosed a coupon for 50 percent off any future purchase if you ever decide to shop with us again. I hope you accept my sincerest apologies. Truly yours, Edward capriciano Capri Inc. 144-146 refer to the following memo. To : All Employees From : Mark Schmidt, CFO RE: Waste disposal It has come to my ------- that we have been spending too much money 144. (A) intention (B) attention (C) extension 11
  12. (D) opposition on paper over the past year. -------, most of the paper in our office that 145. (A) Therefore (B) Although (C) In fact (D) So as we throw in the trash can be recycled, which will in turn save us money. We can also use both sides of the paper for un important documents, and that means less trash. Less trash means that we cut down on our waste disposal expenses. We will also be buying less paper. This makes so much more sense ------- and environmentally. 146. (A) economy (B) economic (C) economical (D) economically This is why we have decided to start a paper recycling program. I will distribute a list of the type of paper items in our office that can be recycled. If you have any used paper on the list, please dispose of it in the specially marked bins near the employee lounge. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards, Mark Schimidt, CFO 147-149 refer to the following memo. To : All sales department staff From : Carlo Juliani, Vice President, Sales department Date : Oct. 6, 2008 On Monday, Oct. 13, from 10:30 to 13:00, there ------- a luncheon meeting 147. (A) was (B) has been (C) will be 12
  13. (D) had in the conference room to review the results of the last quarter covering July through September and to evaluate the outlook and the targets for the next quarter. All section heads should be ready to report ------- on the figures for both periods. 148. (A) brief (B) briefed (C) briefness (D) briefly The guest speaker, Mr. Solomon of Solomon consultants, will provide an in -depth forecast on the trends in the Asian markets. His ------- is scheduled for the latter half of the meeting and is expected to at one hour. 149. (A) interview (B) talk (C) training (D) writing Our CEO, Sam Jordan, will wrap up the meeting by announcing winners and handing out prizes for the sales campaign that ended in September. 150-152 refer to the following notice. 13
  14. To the Users of Prosonic TV Sets. We sincerely apologize for the ------- raised among the users of our television sets. 150. (A) mistake (B) concern (C) popularity (D) complexity The few incidents of fires caused by defective parts have been traced to a particular transformer used in a limited number of sets made between January and February of 2008. If you own a 21-inch Brightron manufactured between January and February of 1995, please bring it in to a Prosonic dealer ------- a free replacement of the parts before April 30, 2008. 151. (A) with (B) as (C) for (D) except Prosonic will make every effort to correct the defect and not let a similar product defect ------- again. We thank you for your patronage. 152. (A) occur (B) occurring (C) be occurred (D) occurs Masayoshi Takada President, Prosonic Corporation. ANSWERS 101. B 102. C 103. B 104. D 105. C 106. D 107. C 108. A 109. B 110. C 111. B 112. B 113. C 114. A 115. B 116. D 117. D 118. C 119. C 120. B 121. B 122. B 123. A 124. C 125. B 126. A 127. D 128. B 129. D 130 D 131. D 132. D 133. C 134. B 135. A 136. D 137. D 138. D 139. D 140. D 141. C 142. A 143. A 144. B 145. C 146. D 147. C 148. D 149. B 150. B 151. C 152. A 14
  15. 101. Our office security door is scheduled to _______ this week so all staff members are required to return their security cards to the front desk. (A) replace (B) replaced (C) being replaced (D) be replaced 102. The post office will be closed at 5p.m. on Thursday ______ holiday weekend. (A) since (B) due to (C) while (D) as if 103. As we were running short of time, we forced Mr. Owens, the chief technician in charge, to stay and work late by ______. (A) he (B) him (C) his (D) himself 104. If Tom Green officially resigns, Jeff Salas, the president and CEO of the company, is expected to appoint Adam Lopez to ______ Tom Green. (A) deposit (B) predict (C) operate (D) succeed 105. The company’s share price has _______ doubled since June. 15
  16. (A) ever (B) much more (C) more than (D) even more 106. The company spokesperson said that the company has reported a drop in net income for five _______ quarters. (A) constant (B) following (C) consecutive (D) immediate 107. LCG Corp. is involved in the manufacture, sale, and _______ of its own home appliances items. (A) repetition (B) exception (C) distribution (D) solution 108. Follow _______ steps listed on the first page of the manual and your username does not have to be the same as your website address. (A) most of (B) all (C) much (D) almost 109. To stay with local people and gain practical experience, Volunteer helpers work an average of 4 hours per day _______ food and accommodation. (A) in exchange for 16
  17. (B) exchanging of (C) with exchange (D) exchanges 110. Due to the students with nut allergies, when bringing shared food to school, please _______ from bringing food that contains nuts of any kind. (A) result (B) benefit (C) refrain (D) succeed 111. The discounted _______ for the Auto Show are valid for admission on weekdays from February 2 to 10. (A) tickets (B) ticketing (C) ticketed (D) ticket 112. We, at HTL are _______ that the new project of the company will succeed. (A) convincing (B) convinces (C) convinced (D) convincement 113. The new video game “Super Junior” will be released ________ three weeks. (A) by (B) with (C) from 17
  18. (D) in 114. The following companies have indicated that they will be _______ new products at their booth for this year’s event. (A) introduce (B) introducing (C) introduced (D) introduces 115. The supervisor _______ advised his staff to attend the monthly staff development seminar. (A) he (B) him (C) his (D) himself 116. If you pay on a cash basis, you can take advantage _______ a 5 percent discount. (A) on (B) with (C) from (D) of 117. Every effort is _______ to solve the problems we are experiencing at the moment. (A) make (B) making (C) being made (D) makes 118. International Cooperative Nursery School will be closed for the _______ of the week. (A) remaining 18
  19. (B) remainder (C) remained (D) remain 119. The school’s educational philosophy is based on the premise that children learn _______ hands- on involvement with activities which they are motivated to learn. (A) through (B) by (C) for (D) since 120. The study is subject to a thorough review by specialists in the field ________ the publication. (A) in fact (B) former (C) prior to (D) wherever 121. _____ of the people in this interview wanted to disclose their name so I could not tape the interview or take pictures for this reason. (A) None (B) Anyone (C) Whoever (D) Something 122. Children will only be admitted into the concert stadium _______ accompanied by an adult. (A) unless (B) now that (C) since 19
  20. (D) if 123. Those attending the seminar next week need to contact Ms. Simpson to _______ flight arrangements. (A) discuss about (B) talk (C) talk to (D) talk about 124. Governor Carcieri Asked who was in _______ during the snowstorm in his absence. (A) appreciation (B) charge (C) description (D) apologies 125. In August 2007 the Post Office began an _______ program selling the plus Zip Code extension to businesses. (A) experiment (B) experimental (C) experiments (D) experimented 126. Absenteeism is the habit of _______ being away from work or school, usually without a good reason. (A) frequent (B) frequently (C) frequency (D) frequented 20



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