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  1. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Light Water Reactor - Concept - July 27, Second Period 27 Second Period Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA YOSHIKAWA Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 1
  2. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Contents 1. Concept of Power Plant 2. Configuration of Nuclear Reactor 3. Feature of LWR (Light Water Reactor) 4. BWR and PWR 5. Plant Layout of LWR 6. Concept of Safety Design of LWR Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2
  3. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El How to generate electricity? 1. Generate Steam at Boiler Turbine and send it to Turbine. Steam 2. Drive Turbine with the Steam’s pressure, then Generator Electricity is generated by the Generator connected to the Turbine. Water Condenser 3. Condense the exhausted Steam to Water and send it Boiler back to the Boiler. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 3
  4. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Hydroelectric Power Plant Generate Electricity by the Potential Energy of the Water. 水の落差(位置エネルギー)を利用して水車/発電機を回す Screen スクリーン ダム Potential Energy Dam 屋外機器 Intake 塔ower 取水塔 Transformer T 変圧器 制御室 Main Control Screen スクリーン Room Generator 発電機 鉄管弁 Discharge Inlet Valve Steel Pipe 鉄管 放水路 入口弁 Canal Hydraulic 水車 Turbine Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 4
  5. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Each type uses steam to Boiler Steam work Turbine and Generator Thermal Power Plant Transformer Water Coal, Oil, Gas Turbine Generator Reactor Steam Nuclear Condenser Power Sea Plant Water Water Circulation Nuclear Fission Pump Feedwater Pump Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 5
  6. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Thermal Power & Nuclear Power Thermal Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant Fuel Coal, Oil or Gas. Uranium, Plutonium Fuel Supply Continuously supply. Refuel once in 1-2 years. Steam Condition at Super critical pressure Saturation pressure Turbine above 22MPa. around 7MPa. Self-Regulating No. Yes. Function of Power Residual Heat after No. Yes. Shutdown (Decay Heat to be be removed) Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 6
  7. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Contents 1. Concept of Power Plant 2. Configuration of Nuclear Reactor 3. Feature of LWR (Light Water Reactor) 4. BWR and PWR 5. Plant Layout of LWR 6. Concept of Safety Design of LWR Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 7
  8. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El LWR uses Enriched Uranium as a Fuel Natural Uranium U-238 U-235 Enrich Low Enriched Uranium U-235 U-238 Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 8
  9. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Nuclear Self-sustaining Chain Reaction Chain Reaction Fission at Reactor Core : Critical Energy Moderator Nuclear (Light Water) Fission Fission Product U-235 U-235 Thermal Neutron (Low Energy) Thermal Moderator(Light Water) Neutron One Nuclear Fission (Low (Low Energy) Energy generates two or three Absorption Neutrons. U-238 Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 9
  10. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El How can we make the 1. 1. More Uranium. Uranium. Reactor Critical? a. Fuel with Enriched U-235. b. Layout More Fuel in Reactor. 2. More Thermal Neutron. a. Use Neutron Moderator. 3. Reduce Neutron Absorption of U-238. a. Fuel with less U-238. b. Moderate More Neutrons. 4. Reduce Neutron Leakage to Outside of Reactor. a. Larger Reactor. b. Use Neutron Moderator. c. Locate Neutron Reflector around Reactor.2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 10
  11. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El General Configuration Fuel of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Bundles consist of Fuel Rods. Coolant Coolant Outlet Remove heat from Reactor Core Moderator Reduce Energy of Fast Neutron to be Thermal. Reflector Bounce back Neutrons into Reactor Core. Control Material Reduce the number of Neutrons by Absorption. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Coolant Inlet 11
  12. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Reactor Configuration Fuel of Light Water Reactor. Enriched U-235. Fuel Bundles consist of Fuel Rods. Coolant Light Water. Remove heat and generate steam. Moderator Light Water. Reduce energy of Fast Neutron to be Thermal. Reflector Light Water. Bounce back Neutrons into Reactor Core. Control Material Control Rods consist of Boron. Reduce the number of Neutrons by Absorption. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 12
  13. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Nuclear Enriched U-235 increase Fission the potential of Nuclear Fission. Energy Moderator Nuclear (Light Water) Fission Fission Product U-235 U-235 Thermal Neutron (Low Energy) Thermal Moderation of Moderator(Light Water) Neutron Neutrons by Light (Low Energy) Water makes more Energy Nuclear Fission of U- Absorption 235, and less Absorption by U-238. Control Rods absorb U-238 Neutrons. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 13
  14. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El LWR is “Light Water-cooled, & Light Water-moderated Reactor”. LWR Heavy Water Gas Cooled (Light Water Reactor Reactor Reactor Reactor Fuel Enriched U-235 Non enriched U-235 Enriched U-235 (Natural U-235) Coolant Light Water (H2O) Heavy Water (D2O) Helium Gas, Carbon Dioxide Gas etc. Moderator Light Water (H2O) Heavy Water (D2O) Graphite Reflector Light Water (H2O) Water (H2O) Heavy Water (D2O) Water (D2O) Graphite Control Material Boron (B4C), Hf etc. Boron (B4C), Boron (B4C) Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 14
  15. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Contents 1. Concept of Power Plant 2. Configuration of Nuclear Reactor 3. Feature of LWR (Light Water Reactor) 4. BWR and PWR 5. Plant Layout of LWR 6. Concept of Safety Design of LWR Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 15
  16. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Nuclear Self –Regulating Function Fission Void Effect Energy related this Process. Moderator Nuclear (Light Water) Fission Fission Product U-235 U-235 Thermal Neutron (Low Energy) Thermal Moderator(Light Water) Neutron (Low Energy) Energy Absorption Doppler Effect related this Process. U-238 Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 16
  17. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Void Effect •Moderator Efficiency depends on its Void Void Fraction Fraction. Ug R= •When Void Fraction is low, Reactor Power Ug + Uf will be reduced. Ug : Volume of Gas •Water Density has similar feature, but Void Uf : Volume of Liquid Effect has larger impact on Reactor Power. Moderator Fast Neutron Thermal Neutron U-235 (High Energy) (Low Energy) Void Fraction; Low Nuclear Fission Moderator Fast Neutron Fast Neutron (High Energy) U-235 (High Energy) No Interaction Void Fraction; High Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 17 17
  18. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Doppler Effect •U-238 absorbs high energy Neutrons (Fast Neutrons). •Distribution of U-238 Absorption Cross Section(barn) Possibility depends on its Temperature. •When Fuel Temperature is high, U-238 will absorb the Neutrons with wider range of Energy due to Resonance. •Then Reactor Power will be reduced. Neutron Energy (eV) U-238 Absorption Cross Section Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 18 18
  19. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Self Regulating Process of LWR Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 19
  20. Nuclear Power Engineering at Electric Power University El Power Control of LWR Control of Control the number of Control Rod Position Neutron by Absorption. Dissolve Boron in Coolant and Control its Density. Control Coolant Flow Control the number of Rate at Reactor Core Thermal Neutron by to Control the Void Void Effect. Fraction. Copyright © 2011 Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 20



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