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  1. [해커스토익] 2009년 4월 김동영 선생님 예상문제 1. They were ------ unaware of the problems with 11. In his role as director of marketing, Mark the navigation system in the airplane until the plane Johnson has excelled at resolving ---------- conflicts had taken off. among staff. (A) complete (B) completely (A) unintentional (B) vacant (C) completed (D) completing (C) delicate (D) adequate 2. Discount ----- for Monday afternoon’s musical are 12. Brawn Corporation would like to offer available in Mr. Gumble’s office. compensation for any environmental damages ----- (A) ticket (B) tickets -- by the drilling efforts in the local area. (C) ticketing (D) ticketed (A) cause (B) causes (C) causing (D) caused 3. The December order has just -------- from New York and is being delivered to the warehouse. 13. Cloud computing is utilizing virtual networks to (A) sent (B) arrived allow employees to collaborate more and stay in (C) delayed (D) examined communication with -------. (A) one another (B) another 4. The United Medical Association has many (C) the other (D) other distinguished and renowned physicians, the majority of ------ are men. 14. Five assistants are needed to ------- the names (A) which (B) they of guests when they come to the convention. (C) whom (D) them (A) remark (B) check (C) notify (D) ensure 5. To improve trade relations between our two nations, a free trade agreement must be ------- 15. Though ------- slated for the first week of March, reached and ratified. the convention has been changed to the last week (A) yet (B) both of April. (C) either (D) as well as (A) origin (B) original (C) originally (D) originality 6. ------- the anticipated investigation by the government, the lawyers are required to come to 16. Battery- powered smart labels ------ well at this the office early this Monday. time. (A) While (B) Due to (A) sale (B) sold (C) In that (D) In case (C) are selling (D) were sold 7. If there are any problems with the DVD player 17. The new sales manager has promised to revise you bought, you can bring it back to the store the company’s policies -------- the next three within a week for a full --------. months. (A) receipt (B) purchase (A) on (B) at (C) warranty (D) refund (C) over (D) with 8. The clients asked that the product be shipped to 18. The marketing team had an ------- presentation ------- by train so that it can reach their warehouse about the strategies for selling our product overseas. this week. (A) amaze (B) amazing (A) they (B) their (C) amazement (D) amazed (C) theirs (D) them 19. Due to his legal background working on cases 9. The stock market is very volatile right now, but related to corporate compensation packages, Mr. the market is expected to stabilize -------. Rosenthal has been chosen to lead the ------- on (A) openly (B) nearly executive pay. (C) urgently (D) shortly (A) committee (B) arrangement (C) collection (D) direction 10. When Pearson Holdings ------ the size of its finance division, many executives were provided 20. The company must take steps to be ------ with with severance packages. present environmental laws on pollution. (A) was restructured (B) restructures (A) dependent (B) compliant (C) was restructuring (D) to restructure (C) relating (D) supportive
  2. [해커스토익] 2009년 4월 김동영 선생님 예상문제 21. According to new research on global warming, 31. The image of a successful company will be the new restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions based ------- on the company’s devotion to the are capable of ------- the rise in ocean levels by customer’s needs. nearly five percent. (A) primarily (B) fruitfully (A) reduced (B) reducing (C) consequentially (D) structurally (C) reduce (D) reduces 32. One of Stanley Corporation’s main objectives is 22. Decisions about pay raises are -------- made by to encourage personal growth ----- its employees. the department supervisors but sometimes the HR (A) since (B) among manager can decide in certain cases. (C) during (D) against (A) approximately (B) scarcely (C) typically (D) relatively 33. Shane and Alexis DeAngelis decided to leave the organization where they had been employed for 23. Mr. Cross said he had to resolve some personal ten years to start a company of -------. -------- before he could come back to the office this (A) them (B) theirs week. (C) their own (D) themselves (A) matters (B) conclusions (C) reasons (D) contents 34. A company that imports various electronic appliances realized that only about 10% of the new 24. The manager was unable to create a ------- appliances it has imported over the past two years sound budget for this upcoming quarter. have become accepted and ------- in most countries. (A) finance (B) financed (A) profitably (B) profitable (C) financial (D) financially (C) profiting (D) profits 25. Mrs. Brown’s gift to Merk University set a new 35. Mrs. Macklin made a blueprint for the town record for the largest alumni donation ------ given development --------- that was used to build roads to a university. that are used even today. (A) always (B) rarely (A) planned (B) planning (C) once (D) ever (C) plans (D) plan 26. The amusement park rules state ------- children 36. The weather for today is likely to be cloudy with under ten years old must be with an adult to go on a --------- of thunderstorms or even snow. any ride. (A) potential (B) speculation (A) what (B) that (C) chance (D) plan (C) whose (D) although 37. Increased collaboration -------- that two 27. ------- vice-president and CFO of Hynes Corp., organizations may combine in the near future. Mark Banner, will be the main speaker at the annual (A) imply (B) was implied industry convention. (C) implies (D) have implied (A) Advance (B) Former (C) Before (D) Early 38. One of the innovations that Cariss Inc has introduced is giving its employees unlimited ------ 28. In order to -------- older and more conservative to financial reports. voters, the political party has been putting more TV (A) access (B) accessed ads on religious television shows. (C) accessing (D) accessible (A) attract (B) attracts (C) attracting (D) attraction 39. Please ----- receipt of the package by filling out the form and giving it back to the delivery person. 29. Please be -------- that we are taking every step (A) correspond (B) cooperate possible to prevent the release of private (C) acknowledge (D) notify information. (A) assured (B) dedicated 40. Even though many people are concerned about (C) decided (D) indicated the global recession, the general ------ with many economists is that the economy will get better next 30. Many of the world's poorest countries have year. hospitals that are in ----- condition and require (A) consensus (B) accumulation funding for improvements in infrastructure. (C) supplement (D) alliance (A) deteriorating (B) deterioration (C) deteriorates (D) deteriorate
  3. [해커스토익] 2009년 4월 김동영 선생님 예상문제 Questions 141-143 refer to the following press release. Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter. Paris and New York, March 9th Raynaud Corporation 2303 Elm Street The French bank, PDC and the New York-based Los Angeles, CA 10234 Harrison Company issued a statement today that Harrison will merge PDC. The two companies will ------ Dear Mr. Tumpa : 141. (A) improve (B) compete (C) succeed (D) combine Thank you for enrolling in our automatic payment to form Harrison Holdings, the largest commercial program. As you requested, we have arranged to bank in the world. Elizabeth Crayton, the ------- chief withdraw $500 from your checking account every 142. (A) present (B) prospective month. (C) brief (D) potential ------- your monthly payment change for any reason, financial officer of Harrison Company, said "By merging 147. (A) May (B) Had the collective banking expertise of PDC and Harrison (C) Should (D) Could Company, Harrison Holdings will redefine global you must contact the payment services department to banking processes and institute wide-spread change update your status. If you choose to discontinue this throughout the banking industry. program, you must send an ------- written letter to the 148. (A) equivalent (B) official "Ms. Crayton will also lead the board of directors of the (C) intended (D) outstanding new company ------- the merger. Harrison anticipates payment services department. This letter should be 143. (A) followed (B) follows sent to the above address. If you have any other (C) following (D) will follow issues, feel free to speak with a customer service the merger to be approved by the end of the first representative at 1-800-RAY-NAUD. The office hours quarter. are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m EST. -------, you can reach us via e-mail at 149. (A) Incidentally (B) Originally 144-146 refer to the following letter. (C) Accordingly (D) Alternatively Dr. Harry Kennison Ms. Samantha. Thomson 145 Mulligan Street Atlanta, Georgia Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter. Delicious Steaks Dear Ms. Thomson, Omaha,Nebraska I am writing in regard to your recent speech on the November 10, 2008 topic of "Global Leadership" that I found very ------- . 144. (A) interested (B) interesting Dear Loyal Customers, (C) interest (D) interestingly As you may know, a major part of the cost for food is I was particularly fascinated by your points about cross transportation. When transportation costs go up, so cultural communication differences and bridging does the price. Despite rising transportation costs over cultural divides. Our faculty will be --------- leadership the past year, we have kept prices the same for our 145. (A) postponing (B) displaying customers. However, our transportation costs have (C) undergoing (D) completing skyrocketed to 40% above what they were just a training soon. I am in charge of developing several couple of months ago. -------------, our only option is professional development courses for the faculty, and 150. (A) Usually (B) Equally the topic of diversity is meaningful to us, so I would (C) Regrettably (D) Fortunately like to have you speak to our faculty about how to lead to raise our prices. The new prices will start on orders across cultures. I think it is essential that the faculty made after Dec. 1, giving you a little time to still buy hear your perspective on global leadership ------ we items at the current prices. Please contact me if you -- 146. (A) as (B) whether --------- to modify any existing orders being (C) that (D) due to 151. (A) would like (B) like learn how to become more empathic to other cultures. (C) are liking (D) liked Can you please call me at (220)352-2502 to tell me processed. We promise you that despite the rise in whether you would be interested in this opportunity? prices, the quality of our steaks are ----------- of the 152. (A) so (B) yet Sincerely, (C) until (D) still best quality and we will maintain our commitment to Harry provide you with the best product on the market. Academic Dean AG University Best regards,



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