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Tham khảo tài liệu 'tài liệu luyện thi tốt nghiệp bộ đề thứ 6', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp BỘ ĐỀ THỨ 6 I. Pronunciation: * Which of these words has the main tress on the first syllable? 1. a. address b. involve c. respect d. access * Which of these words has the main tress on the second syllable? 2. a. language b. involve c. foreign d. access * Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 3. a. weight b. eight c. height d. eighth 4. a. exercise b. decide c. mile d. practice * Pick out the word having the final sound / -t / 5.a. jogged b. cooked c. gained d. smiled I. Vocabulary and expression: 1. How _____ sugar do you need? a. much b. many c. some d. any 2. Learning English is ______ for young people to get a good job. a. difficult b. hard c. necessary d. unnecessary 3. The English team was totally _____ by the Brazilian one. a. outplayed b. outlived c. outrun d. outgrown 4. Plenty of milk ______ consumed everyday. a. are b. were c. is d. was 5. High school students should be ______ for employment before leaving school a. well – made b. well – spoken c. well – done d. well – prepared 6. Everything was ________ when I was interviewed. a. busy b. high c. slow d. smooth 7. The ______ of the moon for the earth causes the tides. a. attract b. attracted c. attractive d. attraction 8. Your bad result made me ________. a. disappoint b. disappointment c. disappointed d. disappointing 9. I never forget the day _______ I first got some money of my own. a. at which b. at that c. on which d. on that 10. I have no interest _______ playing chess. a. at b. from c. of d. in II. Grammar and structure: A. Choose the best word or phrase. 1. “ Do you agree with me about this solution? means _______________ a. Is there any agreement about this solution? b. Are you in agreement with me about the solution? c. Are you agreed with me about this solution? d. b and c are correct 2. Mary paid me a visit last Sunday.” means _________________________ a. Mary called me last Sunday. b. Mary visit me last Sunday. c. Mary paid me the money last Sunday. d. Mary visited me last Sunday. 3. _____ I had not got much money from my work, I really liked it a. Moreover b. However c. Although d. But 4. Peter always completes his work ____ a. with great pleasure b. by great pleasure c. with greatly pleasure d. with great pleasantly 5. You have made _____ mistakes in your writing. Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 1
  2. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp a. so much b. a lot of c. little of d. much of 6. Don’t drink ______ wine. It’s bad for your health. a. many of b. a few of c. so much d. many 7. What would John do if he ____ the director of this company? a. is b. was c. were d. has been 8. She had worked ____ she made herself ill. a. such hard that b. such hardly that c. so hardly that d. so hard that 9. ______ my students are familiar with this kind of school activities. a. Most b. Most of c. A few d. few 10. He had spent _____ writing an essay about his childhood. a. a large number of time b. a great deal of time c. a few time d. many time 11. I hear Ann has won a lot of money. What …………………………… with it ? a. does she do b. was she done c. did she do d. is she going to do 12. You and your friend haven’t decided what to do this evening. You say ………………… a. What did we do this morning ? b. What have we do this evening? c. What are we doing this evening? d. What shall we do this evening? 13. Do you ……………………………? a. clean every weekend the house. b. clean the house every weekend c. clean every house the weekend d. every weekend clean the house 14. Direct: ‘ Did you study harder when you were in high school?’ - Indirect: …………………………… a. She wants to know I studied harder when I was in high school. b. She wants to know if I study harder when I was in high school. c. She wants to know if I had studied harder when I was in high school. d. She wants to know if I studied harder when I was in high school. 15. The engine in Tom’s car couldn’t be repaired, so he …………………………… a. had to have a new engine fit b. had to have fitted a new engine c. had to have a new engine fitting d. had to have a new engine fitted B. Identify the one underlined word phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct 16. Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at high school a b c d 17. The methods o f teaching English h ad always been improve b ecause there are more and a b c more people learning English. d 18. The problems o f pollution are too difficult for us to solving. a b c d 19. The furniture in m y grandmother’s houses are very beautiful. a b c d 20. Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the p atients' bandages. a b c d III Reading comprehension: A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers: (2.5 ms) There are about 3,000 living languages in the world today, but only about six of them are major languages of the world. Two thirds of the world's population speak those languages. More than 350 million people speak English as their first language. Nobody knows exactly how many people speak it as a foreign language. Chinese is the only language Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 2
  3. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp with more speakers than English. This is because of the huge population of Chinese. It is true that English is the most widespread language on the Earth. It is the language of business, technology, sport and aviation. English is an international language. One thousand million people speak English in the world. It is the first language of 400 million people. It is the second language or first foreign language of about 600 million people. Four fifths of the world's computers use programs in English. Three quarters of all international correspondence is in English. Does English have the most speakers? No, it doesn't surprisingly. Twice as many people speak Chinese as their first language. 1. How many living languages are there in the world? a. three hundred and fifty b. four hundred c. three thousand d. One thousand 2. How many people speak English in the world? a. three hundred and fifty million b. four hundred million c. three thousand million d. One thousand million 3. How many people speak English as the first language? a. three hundred and fifty million b. four hundred million c. three thousand million d. One thousand million 4. Which language has the most speakers? a. English b. Britain c. Chinese d. a and b are right 5. Which language is the most widespread language on the Earth? ______ a. English b. Britain c. Chinese d. a and b are right B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Language only belongs (1) ______ human beings. Each nation has its own language. We are born to speak the language (2) ______ by our ancestors naturally and automatically. I speak Vietnamese fluently just because I was (3) ______ in Vietnam where my parents, as well as all others living around me speak Vietnamese. A man who was born and grown up in any (4) ______ country surely speaks English very well. We all know the advantages of learning a foreign language. The more languages we learn, (5) ______ we get into the knowledge treasure of humanity. 1. a. at b. in c. from d. to 2. a. to speak b.spoke d . speaking c.spoken 3. b. brought c. got up d .lived a. born 4. a. French -speaking b. English-speaking d. Chinese-speaking c. Vietnamese-speaking 5. a. the more b. the most c. the much d. the best Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 3
  4. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp BỘ ĐỀ THỨ 7 I. Pronunciation: * Which of these words has the main tress on the third syllable? 1. a. disappointment b. employment c. transition d. supervisor * Which of these words has the main tress on the second syllable? 2. a. obstacle b. prospect c. sanguine d. horrible * Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 3. a. thousand b. southern c. loud d. mouth 4. a. almost b. mo st c. lose d. low * Pick out the word having the final sound / -t / 5. a. laughed b. arrived c. needed d. stayed II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION: Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1. It is very difficult for us to …………….. our bad habits. a. get through b. put out c. overcome d. set off 2. I cannot ……………… noise when I am working. a. get b. tolerate c. put on d. take 3. My teacher always gives us a clear ………………. a. explain b. explained c. explanatory d. explanation 4. He is very successful ………………. his job. a. for b. with c. in d. of 5. Not being able to pass his examination proved an ………………. to his career. a. ease b. obstacle c. exchange d. opportunity 6.. We are very ………………. about our chances of success. a. afraid b. keen c. familiar d. sanguine 7. She viewed the …………… of unemployment after leaving school and felt very worried. a. prospect b. chance c. need d. benefit 8. There are some English-teaching programmes ………………. TV every night. a. on b. at c. from d. in 9. Mary is the most beautiful girl …………… the three sisters. a. in b. of c. with 10. You should ……………….your shyness and fear when having an interview for a job a. take on b. put on c. get over d. get on III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE: A. Choose the best word or phrase. 1. I could not sleep last night …………..I was very tired. a. although b. but c. if d. a and c 2. Many workers will be out of work if the factory ………….. down. a. had closed b. would close c. closes d. closed 3. "I do not know English." means…………... a. I can speak English. b. I have some good knowledge of English. c. I have no knowledge of English d. I can speak English fluently. 4. Peter has spent ………….. time and money on stamp collecting. a. a few of b. many of c. a large number of d. a great deal of . 5. "Daisy had a careful look at the pictures on the wall." Means…………... a. Daisy looked at the pictures on the wall carefully. b. Daisy took a care look at the pictures on the wall. c. Daisy is carefully looking at the pictures on the wall d. Daisy looked careful at the pictures on the wall 6. …………... the teachers at my school care about their students' progress. a. Almost all of b. Almost c. Most of d. a and c 7. I never forget the day …………... first got some money of my own. Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 4
  5. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp a. at which b. at that c. on which d. on that 8. In spite of the heavy storm, some villagers were planning to rescue the fnjured climbers, but …………... refused to do so. a. many of them b. most the people c. some few of farmers d. many of a number 9. My grandmother …………... in the garden in the afternoon'when we lived in the village. a. used to sit b. used for sitting c. is used to sitting d. was used to sit 10. "He got a terrible punishment from his father." Means ………….... a. He punished terribly from his father. b. He was terribly punished by his father. c. His father was got a terrible punishment from him. d. He punished his father terribly. 11. We …………………………… a. are having the house paint at the moment. b. are having the house painting at the moment. c. have the house painted at the moment. d. are having the house painted at the moment. 12. Hot weather …………………………… a. makes me feeling uncomfortable b. makes me to feel uncomfortable c. makes me feel uncomfortable d. makes me to have felt uncomfortable 13"I can't see the stage very well from here." a. Neither can't I b. Neither I can c. I can't neither d. Neither can I 14. Direct: ‘ I want to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go.’ In direct: …………… a. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he doesn’t know where to go b. Tom told that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go c. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go d. Tom said that I wanted to go on holiday but I didn’t know where to go 15. Direct:’ Why didn’t you lock the door?’ Indirect: …………………………… a. He asks me why I didn’t lock the door. b. He asked me why I didn’t lock the door. c. He asks me why I hadn’t locked the door. d. He asked me why I didn’t lock the door? B. Identify the one underlined word phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct 16. Although Mary h as been in Vietnam for 10 months, she knows a little Vietnamese. a b c d 17. How many long d id you stay in Vietnam during your last summer holiday? a b c d 18. My father u sed to give me a good advice when I had a problem. a b c d 19. Has the government made a decide to ban the use of chemical weapons yet? a b c d 20. Please give me a few sugar in my coffee. I prefer it sweet. a b cd VI Reading comprehension: A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers: (2.5 ms) Germany had one of the lowest rates of unemployment back in 1980. It stood at just 3%. Now the rate is increasing. The United States has had ups and downs. In 1980, it was about 2%; 7.5% in 1981 and in 1894, it was the same rate as in 1980. Great Britain heads the employment chart. In 1980, their situation was the same as the United States. there followed Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 5
  6. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp a sharp rise in 1981, when the rate was 10,5%. This rose gradually over the next two years to 13%. In 1984, there was no great change, but in 1985 saw another increase to about 13.5% and figures do not look as though they are on their way down yet. 1. What was the rate of unemployment in Germany in 1980? a. 2% b. 3% c. 7.5% d. 13% 2. What was the rate of unemployment in in the US in 1984? a. 2% b. 3% c. 7.5% d. 13% 3. Which country had the highest rates of unemployment? a. Germany b. France c. The Us d. England 4. When did England have the highest rate in 1980s? a. 1980 b. 1981 c. 1984 d. 1985 5. In England, the rate of unemployment is __________ a. on their way down b. not on their way down c. not increasing d. lowest B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase: (2.5 ms) 1. Satish has just left school. Next year he is going to travel. He says "I want to get some experience of life (1) ______ I start studying." He is going to spend six months in South America (2) ______ six months in the Far East. First of all he is going to get a job (3) ______ a factory in Brasilia his father (4) _____ got business contacts there. When he (5) ______ to the Far East he is going to try to find a work of teaching English. 1. a. after b. while c. before d. as soon as 2. a. and b. but c. so d. and 3. a. at b. in c. on d. under 4. a. have b. has c. had d. having 5. a. reaches b. arrives c. get d. goes 2. Janet left high school three months (1) ______. She wants to continue her study at university but her parents are not rich (2) ______ to send her to university. Janet is looking for a job. She hopes that she (3) _____ earn some money to share the financial problem with her parents. She likes meeting people and travelling (4) _____ she wants to apply for a position as a receptionist or a tourist guide. She reads newspapers and looks through the “Situations Vacant” columns every day, but up to now she (5) ____ a job yet. 1. a. before b. ago c. next year d. then 2. a. much b. nearly c. too d. enough 3. a.will b. would c. is d. able 4. a. so that b. such c. so d. althou gh 5. a. finds b. won’t find c. found d. has not found Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 6
  7. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp BỘ ĐỀ THỨ 8 I. Pronunciation: * Which of these words has the main tress on the third syllable? 1. a. conservation b. environment c. erosion d. alternative * Which of these words has the main tress on the last syllable? 2. a. poison b. timber c. immense d. contour * Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 3. a. hea r b. meat c. heat 4. a. meadow b. increase c. breakfast d. head * Pick out the word having the final sound / -s / 5. a. books b. roofs c. pets d. all are correct I. Vocabulary and expression: 1. If all trees in an area are chop down, the soil will easily ………….. a. lose and threw away b. become tight and remain there c. become loose and keep away d. become loose and blow away. 2. Farmers can enrich the soil by …………. a. distributing manure b. adding fertilizers c. a and b are incorrect d. a and b are correct 3. The government ………… the flood victims with food, clothes and money. a. gave b. provided c. offered d. carried 4. The …………….of crops on the same land can prevent soil from exhaustion. a. exchange b. growth c. rotation d. change 5. We usually have farm ………for meals when we spend our weekends on our uncle's farm. a. articles b. things c. goods d. products 6. She is a biologist. She is interested in ……………. a. conserves b. conservancy c. conservation d. conservative 7. More and more people die of food ………… nowadays. a. poison b. poisonous c. poisonment d. poisoning 8. There is no ………….. for them to do that. a. need b. needs c. needless d. needing 9. Why don't we stay …………_home …………….. a change? a. from / as b. at / with c. at / for d. at/ on 10. The city authority bans cars to wipe ………….. smoke. a. in b. out c. with d. at III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE: * Choose the best word or phrase. 1. Most of the Vietnamese people save money and keep gold for ………….. a. use future b. use in the future c. will be use in the future d. future use 2. I remember ………….. you somewhere before but I'm sorry I forget your name. a. meet b. to meet c. met d. meeting 3. Remember …………..John a present. Today is his birthday. a. send b. to send c. sent d. sending 4. That old man tried to stop ………….. because of his bad cough. a. smoke b. smokes c. smoked d. smoking 5. Feeling sleepy. the driver stopped ………….._a coffee. a. to drink b. drank c. drinking d. drunk 6. - Why have they demolished that old building? - They …….. a new supermarket there. a. had built b. were building c. are going to build d. would be built 7. The rocks in the soil made ………….._more difficult. Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 7
  8. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp a. to plough b . ploughed c. ploughing d. plough 8. There is nothing prevent us from ………….. the mystery of that palace. a. discover b. discovery c. discovering d. discoveries 9. He is used to …………..early in the morning. a. get up b . gets up c. got up d. getting up 10. He used to ………….. television every night. a . watch b . watches c. watched d. watching 11. Not until the early 1900s …………. to vote in the United States. a. women were allowed b. were women allowed c. they allowed women d. when women were allowed 12. Only recently …………. a favorite sport in the United States. a. has jogging become b. has become jogging. c. when jogging became d. as jogging has become 13. "This is one of the oldest trees in the world." " …………. such a big tree." a. Never I have seen b.I haven’t never seen c. Never have I seen d. I have seen never 14. Direct: ‘ How often do the buses run at night?’ - Indirect: Do you know …………… a. how often the buses run at night? b. how often do the buses run at night. c. how often the buses run at night d. how often the buses ran at night 15. Direct: ‘ Help yourself to the food, please’ - Indirect: The host ……………………… a. said me to help myself to the food b. ask me help myself to the food c. ask me to help myself to the food, please. d. asked me to help myself to the food B. Identify the one underlined word phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct 16. Farmers fertilize their land to make it productive. They apply fertilization into the a b c fields after the crops have been planted. d 17. Some plants h ave to be well- protect. The tender p lants need protection against the cold a b c d weather. 18. The farmers need rotating their crops. The rotation o f crops on the same land can prevent a b c d soil exhaustion. 19. We have to safeguarding wildlife. The safeguarding and preservation o f natural resources a b c will prevent a lot of waste. d 20. Exhaust fumes from motor vehicles pollute the air. Some large cities have had measures a b c to minimize air p olluting d III Reading comprehension: A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers: Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources, so that they can continue to be used and enjoyed. In the past, most people believed that the worlds resources could never be used up. Today, we know that this is not true. An important part of Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 8
  9. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp conservation is the prevention of waste - waste of forests, soil, wild -life, minerals and human lives. As important is the fight against pollution of our environment, in particular, the dirtying and poisoning of air and water. Conservation is also concerned with the reclaiming of land by irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea. Farmers can protect their land by yearly rotation of crops - that is, growing different crops on the same land from year to year. In this way, different elements of the soil h ave time to replace lost elements. Farmers can help enrich the soil by adding fertilizers. They can prevent erosion by ploughing along the contours of a hill rather than up and down. In this way water does not run off and take the soil with it. 1. What can people continue to use and enjoy ? a. natural energies b. natural fuels c. natural resources d. natural life 2. What must be prevented importantly? a. flood b. waste c. fire d. storm 3. How can we reclaim lands? – By ____ a. irrigating deserts b. draining swamps c. pushing back the sea d. all are right 4. What do the farmers rotate their crops for? a. to grow different crops b. to enrich the soil c. to protect the land d. to add fertilizers 5. Why do we prevent erosion? - So that water runs off ___________ a. with taking the soil b. without taking the soil c. of taking the soil d. of not taking the soil. B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. 6 When you (1) …………a tree, you are helping your environment in many ways. Your tree will provide a home and food for other creatures. Birds may build (2) ……………. in the branches. The flowers will provide honey for bees and the fruit or nuts may (3) …………. birds and other small animals. Your tree WI' hold the soil in place. This will help stop erosion. In addition, your tree will provide shade in summer. You can watch your tree (4) …………….and some day you (5) ……………. your children, or even grandchildren the tree you planted 1. a.chop c. water d . cut b. plant 2. a. bed b.. house c. nets d. nests 3. a. to feed b. feeds d . fed c. feed 4. a. grow c. grow down d . grow on b. grow up 5. a. introduce b. explain d . show up c. show Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 9
  10. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp BỘ ĐỀ THỨ 9 I. Pronunciation: * Which of these words has the main tress on the first syllable? 1. a. pollute b. preserve c. forbid d. measure * Which of these words has the main tress on the last syllable? 2. a. pollute b. preserve c. forbid d. all are correct * Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 3. a. ache b. ch emist c. approach d. Christmas 4. a. both b. think c. smooth d. month * Pick out the word having the final sound / -t / 5. a. tolerated b. need ed c. collected d. looked II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION: Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1. I need some glue to fix my shoes. - I am afraid that it has been …………… a. out b. over c. spent d. used up 2. That beautiful girl…………… so much money to buy things that she did not really need. a. wasted b. used carefully c. economized d. exchanged 3. Coal and iron are ……………. a. metals b. minerals c. gasoline d. marines 4. Most of the rivers flowing through big cities are …………… with chemical waste from factories. a. flooded b. eroded c. mixed d. polluted 5. More and more people are concerned about the pollution of the……………_. a. minerals b. resources c. environment d. neighbourhood 6. Those farmers have been ……………_an area from the sea. a. getting b . claiming c. reclaiming d . rotating 7. Growing the same …………… year after year makes the soil poor. a. crop b. tree c. soil d. field 8. Farmers …………… the soil with fertilizers. a. enlarge b. enrich c. enclose d. enter 9. The …………… development leads to our country's prosperity. a. industry b industries c. industrial d. industrialize 10. The …………… of crops on the same land is a good wa y to avoid soil exhaustion. a. rotate b. rotation c. rotational d. rotating III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE: * Choose the best word or phrase. 1 - Why have they demolished that old building? - They …………………. a new supermarket there. a. had built b. were building c. are going to build d. would be built 2. My father used to ……………. me to the zoo when we …………. in the city. a. took / had lived b. taking / were living c. take / lived d. taking / are living 3. I regret …………………. you that we cannot approve your application. a. inform b. to inform c. informed d. informing 4. They had ever considered …………………., but they changed their mind later. a. not to go b. not going c. not go d. do not go 5. The topsoil in this area had cracks, there …………………. drought for a long time. a. should be b. may be c. ought to be d. must have been 6. …………………. a foreign language requires great effort. a. learn b. As learning c. to learning d. Learning Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 10
  11. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp 7. I never forget …………………you have just told me. a.when b.which c.why d. what 8.We shall have time to think it .. ………………...... a.of b.about c.over d.much 9.The police made him………………out the truth. a.speak b.speaking c.spoke d.speaks 10.You can't eat it all at ... ……………… b.once c.time d.times 11. "What happened to Jean's new car?" "No sooner ……………… it than someone ran into her." a. had she bought b. she bought c. did she bought d. she had bought 12. "I would like to apply for the sales position you advertised" "I'm sorry. No longer ……………… applications for that position" a. are taking we b. we are taking c. are we taking d. we taking 13. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long." "It ……………… by Thelma Rivers." a. was catching b. caught c. was caught d. catch 14. "I heard you decided to take up tennis." ''Yes, I have ……………… every day." a. been played b. been playing C. playing d. play 15. "Are we about to have dinner?" ''Yes, it ……………… in the dining room." a. is serving b. serves c. is being served d. served * B. Identify the one underlined word phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct 16. Many factories recycles o ld newspapers by de-inking and pulping them. The recycling a b c of waste paper can save a great amount of wood-pulp. d 17. Our farms produce rice, crops, and dairy productions .We have tried to increase a b c productions b y using better methods and tools. d. . 18. The swamps in this area ought to b e drained. The d raination o f these swamps will destroy a b c the mosquitoes’ breeding p laces. d 19. We have to provide our children for food and clothes. We must also make provision for a b c our old age b y saving money d 20. We have to conserve the n ature resources of our country. Water conservation is Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 11
  12. Taøi lieäu luyeän thi toát nghieäp a b c necessary for h ydropower stations. d IV. READING COMPREHENSION: A. Read the text carefully and then choose the correct answers Drought is a condition that results when the average rainfall for a fer tile area drops far below the normal amount for a long period of time. In areas that are not irrigated, the lack of rain causes farm crops to wither and die. Higher than normal temperatures usually accompany periods of drought. They add to the crop damage. Forest fires start easily during droughts. The soil of a drought area becomes dry and crumbles. The rich topsoil is often blown away by the hot, dry winds. Streams, ponds and wells often dry up during a drought, and animals suffer a drought may even die because of the lack of water. 1. When will drought happen? a. in the rainy season b. when there is not enough rainfall for a fertile area for a long period of time c. when it rains heavily d. when rivers are dry 2. The lack of rain causes ………………….. a. farm crops to wither and die b. soil to be fertile c. a good harvest d. irrigation 3. The temperatures during a drought are ……………………. a. normal b. low c. high d. comfortable 4. The soil of a drought area …………………… a. becomes dry and crumbles b. becomes more fertile c. blows away and will never be back d. easy to plough 5. A drought causes …………………… a. the lack of water b. the crop damage c. forest fires d. all are correct B. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. Tropical forests have (1) …………us with very m any sorts of plants for food, (2) …………and industry. They could probably supply man more. They also reduce (3) …………and droughts, keep water clean,and slow down the Greenhouse Effect, but the tropical forests are being (4) …………to make rooms for things like farms, ranches, mines and hydroelectric (5) …………About 20 million hectares are lost each year an area more than twice the size of Austria. The World Wildlife Fund is working to (6) …………and save the forests that are (7) …………; to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the 'Greenhouse Effect; and to (8) …………governments to think (9) …………the forests and their importance when giving (10) …………aid. 1. a. gave b. offered c. supplied d. brought 2. a. medicine b. meat c. fish d. vegetables 3. a. storms b. floods c. earthquake d. fire 4. a. to destroy b. destroy c. destroyed d. destroying 5. a. dams b. thimble c. factory d. station 6. a. keep b. preserve c. maitain d. proctect 7. a. danger b. in danger c. dangerous d. dangerously 8. a. to encourage b. encouraging c. encouraged d. encourage 9. a. in b. of c. about d. on 10. a. national b. international c. relative d. friendship Leâ Hoaøng Thaûo Multiple choice 12 12



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