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Test on past and Future Tenses

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Nội dung Text: Test on past and Future Tenses

  1. Test on past and Future Tenses. Exercise 1. Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets. Mark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ( 1 – be ) ______ one of America’s best – loved storytellers. He ( 2 – grow up ) ________ in a small town on the Mississippi River. As a young boy, he ( 3 – greatly admire ) _________ the pilots of the riverboats and dreamed about being a riverboat pilot on the mighty river. He pursued his dream, and by the age of 22, he himself ( 4 – b ecome ) ________ a riverboat pilot. Later in life, when he ( 5 – become ) _______ a writer, many of his stories ( 6 – contain ) _________ elements of his own experiences. He wrote many humourous stories and articles about life on the Mississippi River before he ( 7 – die ) ________ in 1910 at the age of 74. Sadly, Twain ( 8 – work ) _______ on a new story for several months before his death, but he ( 9 – never finish ) ________it. Over the years since his death, his boyhood home in Hanibal, Missouri, ( 10 – b ecome ) _________ a favourite place for Americans to visit to learn about Twain and life on the Mississippi at the turn of the century. Exercise 2. Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets. Almost every part of the world ( 1 – experience ) ____ an earthquake in recent years. Since the ancient Chinese ( 2 – begin ) ___ to keep records thousands of years ago, more than 13 million earthquakes ( 3 – occur )______ worldwide by some estimates. What ( 4 – cause ) _______ earthquakes ? Throughout time, different cultures ( 5 – develop ) ________ myths to explain these violent earth movements. According to a Japanese myth, a playful catfish lives in the mud under the earth. Whenever it feels like playing, it ( 6 – wave ) ____ its tail around in the mud. The result ? Earthquake ! From India comes the story of six strong elephans who ( 7 – hold ) ___ up the earth on their heads. Whenever one elephant ( 8 – move ) ______ its head, the earth trembles. Nowadays, although scientists ( 9 – know ) _________ more about the causes of earthquakes, they still can’t prevent the terrible damage. One of the strongest earthquakes in this century ( 10 – happen ) ____ in Alaska, on March 24th ,1964, at about 6 o’clock in the evening. When the earthquake ( 11 – strike ) ____ that evening, many families ( 12 – sit ) ____ down to eat dinner. People in the city ( 13 – suddenly find ) ____ themselves in the dark because most of the lights in the city went out when the earthquake occured. Many people ( 14 – die ) _______ instanly when tall buildings ( 15 – collapse ) ________. When the next earthquake ( 16 – occur ) ________ no one really ( 17 – know ) _____ for sure. Interestingly, throughout history, animals often ( 18 – help )____ people to predict earthquakes shortly before they h appen. At present, some scientists ( 19 – study ) ______ catfish because catfish swim excitedly just before an earthquake. In recent years, scientists ( 20 – develop )____ many extremely sensitive instruments. Perhaps someday the instruments ( 21 – give ) _____ us a sufficiently early warning so that we can be waiting calmly in a safe place when the next earthquake ( 22 – strike ) _______. Exercise 3. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Lan was studying here since last January. 2. By the time Lan returns to her country, Lan is away from home for more than 3 years. 3. As soon as she will graduate, she is going to return to her hometown. 4. She wants to get married, but she doesn’t meet the right person yet. 5. She has been seeing that film three times, and now she is wanting to see it again. 6. Last night, she has had dinner with two friends. She knew both of them for a long time. 7. She is not like her job at reataurant. Her brother wants her to change it. She is thinking he is right. 8. There are fewer than 40 presidents of the United States since it became a country. George Washington had been the first president. He was become the president in 1789. 9. Mr. Seller was just getting off the plane when he feels a sharp pain in his chest. 10. When I got home to my apartment last night, I use my key to open the door as usual. But the door didn’t open. I trying my key again and again with no luck. So I’m knocking on the door for my wife letting me in. Finally the door opens, but I don’t saw my wife on the other side. I saw a stranger. I tried to get into the wrong department ! I quickly apologizing and am went to my own department. Exercise 4. Give the correct form of verbs in brackets ( Near future of future simple ) 1. The fire has gone out ! So it has, I ( 1 – go ) ______ and get some tickets . 2. Did you remember to book seat? – Oh, no, I forgot. I ( 2 – telephone ) _____ them now. 3. I’ve hired a typrewriter and I ( 3 – learn ) _______ to type. 4. He’s just been taken to hospital with a broken leg. I’m sorry to hear that. I ( 4 – send ) _____ him some grapes. 5. You ( 5 – buy ) ____ meat ? No, I ( 6 – not eat ) _____ meat anymore, I ( 7 – eat ) vegetables. 6. You’ve bought a lot of paint. You ( 8 – redecorate ) ________ your kitchen ? 7. Why are you peeling that bit of garlic? I ( 9 – put ) _______ it in the stew. 8. Will you lend me your season ticket ? No, I ( 10 – not lend ) ___ it to you, it’s against the law. 9. That tree makes the house is very dark. Very well, I ( 11 – cut ) ______ it down. 10. I’ve just enrolled at the local technical college. I ( 12 – attend ) ____ pottery classes next winter 11. My brother has just returned from America. Oh good, we ( 13 – ask ) ___ him to our next party! 12. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I ( 14 – make ) _______ you a cup of coffee! 13. I h aven’t bought any cigarette because I ( 15 – give up ) ______ smoking. 14. I’ve tried to explain but she doesn’t understand French. I ( 16 – say ) _____ it to her in English, perhaps she ( 17 – understand ) ______ that. 15. Why are you filling that bucket of water? – I ( 18 – wash ) _______ the car. 16. I’ve got a terrible headache. – Have you ? Wait there and I ( 19 – get ) _____ an aspirin for you. 17. I’ve decided to re - paint this room. – Oh, have you? What colour you ( 20 – paint ) ______ it? 18. I can’t work out how to use this camera. – It’s quite easy. I ( 21 – show ) _____ you.
  2. Exercise 5. Give the correct form of verbs in brackets ( Future simple or future continuous ) 1. There’s going to be a bus strike. Everyone ( 1 – walk ) _______ to work next week. 2. You’ve just missed that last train. Never mind, I ( 2 – walk ) ________! 3. I’ll ring you tomorrow at six. No, don’t ring at six. I ( 3 – bathe ) __ the baby by then. Ring later. 4. I ( 4 – work ) ____ for Mr Pitt next week as his own secretary will be away. 5. Why did you take his razor? He ( 5 – look ) _____ for it everywhere tomorrow. 6. I h ope you do well in the race tomorrow. I ( 6 – think ) ______ of you. 7. I d on’t feel well enough to go to the station to meet him tomorrow. I ( 7 – meet ) ____ him for you, but how I ( 8 – recognize ) _____ him? He’s small and fair, and he ( 9 – wear ) _____ a black and white school cap. 8. You’ve left the light on. OK, so have I! I ( 10 – go ) ______ and turn it off. 9. I’ve just been appointed assistant at the local library. The you ( 11 – work ) _____ under my sister. She is head librarian there. 10. I want to post this letter, but I don’t want to go in the rain. - I ( 12 – post ) ______ it for you. I ( 13 – go out ) _____ anyway as I have to take the dog out. 11. In a few years’time we all ( 14 – live ) ______ in houses heated by solar energy. 12. It’s beginning to get dark: the street lights ( 15 – go on ) _______ in a few minutes. 13. We ( 16 – not play ) ______ poker at the party tonight: our hostess doesn’t approve of cards. 14. Jack usually gives me a lift home, but we both ( 17 – come ) ____ home by train tomorrow as his car is being repaired. 15. He says he ( 18 – meet ) _____ us at the bus stop, but I’m sure he ( 19 – forget ) ____ to turn up. 16. Wait a bit. Don’t drink your tea without milk. The milkman ( 20 – come ) _____ in a minute. 17. I’m going ti Switzerland next week. - You’re lucky. The wild flowers just ( 21 – come out ) ________. 18. I ( 22 – tell ) ______ her what you say but she ( 23 – not believe ) ______ it. 19. I ( 24 – write ) ______ in code if you insist, but I don’t think it’s at all necessary. 20. On the news tonight they mention the possibility of a power strike. Everybody ( 25 – look ) ____ for candles tomorrow. Exercise 6. Fill in each blank a suitable word given. And then give the correct form of each verb ARRIVE LISTENRISE SMOKE FLY RIDE SAVE TEACH 1. By the time I get up tomorrow morning, the sun already ( 1 ________ ) 2. This is a long trip. By the time we get to Miami, we ( 2 _____ ) on this bus for over 15 hours. 3. We are going to be late meeting my brother’s plane. By the time we get to the airport, it ( 3 ___ ) 4. He’s never going to stop talking. In 15 more minutes, we ( 4 ___ ) to his lecture for 3 solid hours 5. What? You are smoking another cigarrette? At this rate, you ( 5 ________ ) a whole pack before lunch time. Don’t you think you should cut down a little ? 6. This is the longest flight I’ve ever taken. By the time we get to Newzealand, we ( 6 _____ ) for 13 hours. I’m going to be exhausted. 7. Douglas has been putting some some money away every month to prepare for his trip to South America next year. By the end of this year, he ( 7 _________ ) enough. 8. Can you believe it? According to our teacher by the end of this semester she ( 8 ______ ) more than 300 students from 42 different countries. Exercise 7. Choose the best answer. 1. So you’ve sold your house. When will you move / will you be moving ? 2. I h ear you’ve been offered a new job. Do you / Are you going to accept it or not ? 3. Do you think they will find / will have found a way to stop people ageing by the time we are old? - Yes, I’m sure one will have been found / will be found soon. 4. Hurry up and buy your ticket. The train’ll leave / will be leaving soon and I don’t want to miss it 5. I forgot to ask a neighbour to look after the plants while we’re on holiday! When we get home they will all have died / will all die. 6. Damn! We’re going to be late for the party. By the time we get there, all the others will be eating / will have eaten, and there will be / going to be nothing left for us. Exercise 8. Give the correct form of verbs in brackets. On June 20th , I will return home. I ( 1 – be ) _____ away from home for two years by that time. My family ( 2 – meet ) ____ me at the airport with kisses and tears. They ( 3 – miss ) ____ me as much as I have missed them. I ( 4 – be ) _____ very happy to see them again. When I ( 5 – get ) _____ a chance, I ( 6 – take ) ____ a long look at them. My little brother will no longer be so little. He ( 7 – grow ) ____ at least a foot. He ( 8 – almost be )______ as tall as my father. My little sister probably ( 9 – wear ) ____ a green dress because that’s her favourite colour. She ( 10 – change ) _____ quite a bit, too. She ( 11 – ask ) _____ me a thousand questions a minute, or so it will seem. My father probably ( 12 – gain ) ____ a little grayer, b ut otherwise he will be just as I remember him. My mother ( 13 – look ) _____ a little older, but not much. The wrinkles on her face ( 14 – be ) ______ smile wrinkles. Exercise 9. Future Perfect or Future perfect continuous? 1. I h ope they ( 1 – repair ) ______ this road by the time we come back next summer. 2. Yes, I make jam every week. I ( 2 – make ) _____ about 200 kilos by the end of the summer. 3. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says that by the end of next year he (3 - plant) 2000 4. Come back in an hour. I ( 4 – do )_____ my packing by then and we’ll be able to have a talk. 5. When he reaches Ha Noi, he ( 5 – walk ) ______ for 3 hours. 6. He’s only 35 but he’s started losing his hair already. He ( 6 – lose ) ____ it all by the time he’s 50. 7. His father left him $400,000, but he lives so extravagantly that he ( 7 - spend) it all before he’s 30. 8. By the end of next year I ( 8 – work ) _____ for him for 45 years. 9. A hundred people’ve died of starvation already. By the end of the week two hundred ( 9 – die) ___. When are you going to send help ?
  3. 10. Apparently Venice is slowly sinking into the sea. Scientists are trying to save it but by the time they’ve found the answer the city probably ( 10 – sink ) ________.



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