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The lubricity performance of hura crepitans and calophyllum inophyllum plant oil in water-based mud in analysing differential pipe sticking

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This study applied diesel oil, and oil from two non-edible plant seeds which are Hura crepitans and Calophyllum inophyllum. These non-edible oils were extracted from their seeds using the soxhlet extractor and used in the oil-in-water emulsion mud.

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Nội dung Text: The lubricity performance of hura crepitans and calophyllum inophyllum plant oil in water-based mud in analysing differential pipe sticking

  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 364–379, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_037 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed THE LUBRICITY PERFORMANCE OF HURA CREPITANS AND CALOPHYLLUM INOPHYLLUM PLANT OIL IN WATER-BASED MUD IN ANALYSING DIFFERENTIAL PIPE STICKING Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S. Department of Petroleum Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. Department of Mining Engineering, University of Jos, Nigeria. ABSTRACT This study applied diesel oil, and oil from two non-edible plant seeds which are Hura crepitans and Calophyllum inophyllum. These non-edible oils were extracted from their seeds using the soxhlet extractor and used in the oil-in-water emulsion mud. Mud lubricity tester was used to determine the torque, coefficient of friction, and mud lubricity coefficients were calculated at different revolutions per minute and concentrations of the oil. The rheological properties of the mud were also tested. The results obtained from the experiment showed that Hura crepitans in water-based mud have the highest mud lubricity coefficient, and next is oil from Calophyllum inophyllum. It was also discovered that diesel oil in the water-based mud has a negative effect on the coefficient of friction, the mud formulated with the plant oils has the lowest volume of fluid loss when compared to ordinary water-based mud and that of the diesel oil. The mud formulated with oil from Hura crepitans has relatively higher plastic viscosity most especially at concentrations above 15 ml, and the addition of Calophyllum inophyllum has the highest yield point values and gel strength. The plant oils most especially Calophyllum inophyllum used in mud formulation reveals lower pullout force and greater potential for minimizing differential pipe sticking. Key words: Coefficient of friction, Fluid loss, Calophyllum inophyllum, Hura crepitans, differential pipe sticking Cite this Article: Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I., The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water-Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 525–540. 364
  2. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. 1. INTRODUCTION In drilling engineering, high torque and drag, friction and wearing of downhole equipment or drilling tools are common problems. The high torque values are caused by friction triggered by dog-legs, key seats, bit balling and hole unsteadiness. The friction and high torque values are as a result of the increase in the area of contact between the wellbore and the drill pipe/casing, which sometimes leads to differential pipe sticking and even lose out of well [7]. Differential pipe sticking (DPS) is a major challenging cost to the drilling industry associated with negative impact of unproductive rig days, this occurs due to downtime caused by termination of drilling operation or freeing of the drill pipe when it gets stuck [9]. This technical challenge in wells result to high well budget cost accumulated from when pipe get stuck, freeing the pipe, and further impact of the stuck pipe problems in the well. Several authors have come up with some statistics that show the severity of substantial losses due to stuck pipe. In 1991, research conducted discovered that British Petroleum (BP) had spent more than $30 million per year for stuck pipe issues. Between 1985 and 1988, an average of $170,000 was spent per well due to stuck pipe [4]. On the other hand, a survey within Sedco Forex in 1992 showed that stuck pipe accounts for 36% of total drilling problems [11]. stuck pipe incidents cost the oil industry $200-$500 million per year [15]. Micro emulsion was used in the removal of mud cake which is a mud parameter that facilitate the occurrence of stuck pipe [5]. Stuck pipe constitutes negative consequences on drilling efficiency and well costs. It can be caused by inaccurate mud properties, well trajectory, formation characteristics, and improper drilling parameters. accurate analysis and understanding of mud parameters is key to managing, preventing, and significantly reducing stuck pipe stuck pipe tendencies [14]. One of the special functions of drilling mud is in lubricating the drill string thereby reducing stuck pipe. Plant Oil from Jatropha, Moringa, and Canola seed have been used in improving the lubricating effect thereby preventing corrosion [6]. Oil-based mud (OBM) are known to have better lubricity than the water based mud (WBM). However, improving water based mud and its application are preferred in areas where OBM have previously been used due to their low toxicity and cost [10]. OBM are in varying degree of toxicity and it is quite costly to dispose in an environmentally cordial way [13]. The occurrence of wearing and friction in water based drilling mud is as a result of the inherent higher coefficient of friction (CoF), this can be reduced via increasing the lubricity of the mud through lubricant application [12]. Biobased lubricant have excellent lubricity, and are environmentally friendly in comparison to the petrobased lubricant. These advantages enhance their application in water- based mud. The lubricity effect is due the bonding ability of the lubricant to the metal surface thereby increasing the thin film strength. The adhering ability of plant oils acting as lubricant in water-based mud reduces torque, drag, and frictional forces between the pipe and formation [16]. By this, energy is saved from 5 to 15% of the equipment operation [2]. The word “lubricity” alludes to the slipperiness of the films of lubricants formed in boundary lubrication. The effect of spotting oil, lubricants, and several additives in increasing the lubricity of drilling mud have been studied by several authors and the positive effect have been discovered in freeing stuck pipe [3;8;17]. This research work is aimed at comparing the impact of diesel oil and oil from two non- edible plant seeds called Hura crepitans and Calophyllum inophyllum in water-based and their effect on the lubricity and differential pipe sticking. A diagrammatic representation of DPS is shown in Figure 1. 365
  3. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking Figure 1 Differential pressure sticking 2. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND PROCEDURE 2.1. Sample Preparation Laboratory conditions were used in the preparation of the samples for analysis. 2.1.1. Mud additives The materials and equipment used in carrying out this research work include de-ionized water (350 ml), bentonite (20 g), CMC (2 g), and potassium hydroxide (0.2 g) to formulate the water-based mud. Diesel oil, oil extracted from seeds of Hura crepitans and Calophyllum inophyllum acting as lubricating agent, Soxhlet apparatus, oven, n-hexane solvent, and filter papers. Preparation of mud samples 350 ml of water was measured using a measuring cylinder. Then poured into the mixer and agitated with the correct mixture of each additives in intervals of 15 minutes for homogeneity. The lubricants were then added to the water-based mud at different concentrations of 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml, 20 ml, and 25 ml. Mud properties The physical properties analysed in this study are the pH, mud density, viscosity, gel strength, yield point, and fluid loss 2.1.2. Oil extraction from their seeds The seeds of Calophyllum inophyllum and Hura crepitans were collected from Canaan land, Ogun state. It was further pilled, oven dried in the oven at 103 °C for 17+-1hr. 60 g of the individual pulverized seed sample was packed into a thimble, and then to the extraction chamber of the Soxhlet extractor, mounted on the round buttom flask containing 250 ml N- Hexane Fig. 2.1. The Soxhlet was then mounted on a heating mantle at 69 °C and allowed to reflux for about two hours. The extract was then filtered to remove dirt’s that may be present and distilled using a distillation evaporator set up to isolate the solvent (Fig. 2.1). The percentage of the oil yield was evaluated by measuring the weight of the oil recovered per 60 g of the seed sample. 366
  4. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. Physical properties of oil The viscosity index, flash and fire point, oil density/specific gravity, and pH were measured for the plant oils using the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) method. The properties are as shown in as shown in Table 3.1. 2.2. Lubricity Two different non-edible plant oils from the seeds of Calophyllum inophyllum and Hura crepitans, and diesel oil was used as lubricant in the drilling mud in different concentrations of 5 to 25 ml to determine their effect on the lubricity efficiency of the mud. 2.2.1. Lubricity test The lubricity test is designed at laboratory conditions to determine the performance of the lubricant at different revolution per minute and pressure which the drill pipe bears against wellbore wall or the casing. In this study, the lubricity tester was used to determine the lubricating qualities of the drilling mud. The torque, mud lubricity coefficient and coefficient of friction analysis was done at different speeds (rpm) or rotation and concentrations of the lubricants. The lubricity tester is as shown in Fig. 2.2. Figure 2.1. Overview of soxhlet extractor (left) and distillation apparatus set-up (right) Figure 2.2. Overview of a lubricity tester 367
  5. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking 2.3. Differential pipe sticking Analysis The force required to pull out a drill pipe when it gets stuck is a function of the differential pressure that acts on the contact area of the drill pipe in an embedded mud cake ( ), the contact area itself ( ), and the friction occurring between the cake and the pipe ( ). The contact area is a function of the arc length and length of the pipe body portion The arc length ( )as given by [1] is stated below √( ) ( ) The arc length equation applies under the following conditions ( ) Where ( ) ( ) ( ) The coefficient of friction, mud cake thickness, mud weight, and data from table 2.1 were imputed into the pullout force equation for the DPS calculation. Table 2.1. Parameters used for calculating the pullout force for all the mud samples ( ) 9 ( ) 6 TVD (ft) 10000 ( ) 4000 ( ) 20, 30, 40 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experiment carried out according to the procedure of the lubricity tester, the physical properties of the mud, and the rheological properties as discussed below. 3.1. Lubricity performance analysis The name and characteristic of the plant oil used are as shown in Table 3.1., diesel oil was also used for comparison with the plant oil. 368
  6. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. 3.1.1. The performance analysis of the lubricant added to the water-based mud Fig 3.1 shows the analysis of all the lubricants added to the mud at different concentrations of the lubricant and at 600 revolutions per minute (rpm), detail analysis is shown in the appendix A (Table A.2-A.5). It can be seen that the oil from Hura crepitans (HCO) has the best lubricant performance with diesel oil having the poorest. It is also observed that the lubricant performance increases with the concentration of the various lubricants. Fig 3.2, Fig 3.3, and Fig 3.4 shows the plot the lubricity efficiency of diesel oil, Hura crepitans oil, and Calophyllum inophyllum oil respectively. It can be seen that the lubricity performance for all the lubricants increases with the concentration of the lubricants, this implies that the lubricity efficiency of the mud is at its best as the concentration of the oil increases within the range of study. The lubricity performance, as can be seen in Fig 3.2, Fig 3.3, and Fig 3.4., decreases with increase in the speed of rotation (rpm). This implies lower friction, torque and drag are expected with increase in concentration and most especially in the presence of the oil from Hura crepitans (HCO). The reduction of the coefficient of friction is as a result of the adsorption of the oil or the formation of thin film between surfaces. The lubricity efficiency was found to be inversely proportional to the coefficient of friction. Table 3.1. Characteristic of the plant oils Properties CIO HCO Oil API Flash point ( ) 154 204 ≥66 Fire point ( ) 162 260 ≥93 Density ( ) 923 908 805-820 Kin. Viscosity at 40 ( ) 18.57 14.70 - Kin. Viscosity at 100 ( ) 8.84 7.55 - Viscosity Index 197 207 - Figure 3.1. Performance analysis of the diesel, Calophyllum inophyllum, and Hura crepitans oil in the WBM at 600 rpm 369
  7. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking Figure 3.2. Performance analysis of the Diesel oil in the WBM at varying rpm Figure 3.3. Performance analysis of the Hura crepitans oil in the WBM at varying rpm 370
  8. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. Figure 3.4. Performance analysis of the Calophyllum inophyllum oil in the WBM at varying rpm 3.2. Effect of lubricant on mud properties of the water-based mud The physical analyses conducted for water based mud with and without the different lubricant oil consist of the rheological analysis, fluid loss analysis, pH, mud density. 3.2.1. Rheological analysis The rheological properties of the mud are important in determining the performance of the drilling mud. The properties analysed in this section are the plastic viscosity (pv), the gel strength at 10 sec and 10 min, and the yield point values using the FANN model 35SA viscometer. The plastic viscosity values are as shown in Fig 3.5. It can be observed that the plastic viscosity for the mud formulated with oil from Calophyllum inophyllum is much more stable than that of the other mud. It should be noted that mud with unnecessary higher plastic viscosity are not desirable as they can negatively impact on the equivalent circulating density, the plastic viscosity values for mud formulated with Hura crepitans oil increases from 15 ml oil concentration. However, the plastic viscosity for all the mud with the different lubricant oil are still within the API range as shown in the appendix Table (A-1). The yield point values are as shown in Fig 3.6, it can be seen that the yield point values for HCO is more stable than that of the other lubricant oil, the yield point values for CIO is higher than that from HCO and DIO. The yield point values for WBM with diesel oil increased from oil concentration of 10 ml. it should be noted that the increase in yield point values as a result of the application of lubricant oil in WBM is not advisable as they have tendency to reduce the transportation efficiency of drilling mud. Analysing the gel strength values from Table (A-1), the gel strength at 10 sec and 10 min for oil from Hura crepitans is more stable than that of the other lubricant oil and are within the API acceptable range. The 10 sec gel strength for oil from Calophyllum inophyllum is not within the acceptable API range. Figure 3.5. Plastic viscosity values of the WBM with the lubricant oils 371
  9. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking Figure 3.6. Yield point values of the WBM with the lubricant oils 3.2.2. Fluid loss analysis Fig 3.7 shows a plot of the volume of the fluid loss observed when the lubricant oil was added, it can be seen that the volume of the fluid loss reduces with increase in the concentration of the lubricant oils. The WBM formulated with the oil from HCO have a lower fluid loss than oil from diesel and Calophyllum inophyllum, and this is evident in all the concentrations from 5-25 ml. The properties of the ordinary WBM formulated without any lubricant oil as shown in Table 3.2 produces a higher volume of fluid loss than the API acceptable range. Drilling mud with moderate fluid loss have greater potential to prevent drilling challenges such as differential pipe stuck and formation damage etc. The cake thickness is considered acceptable since it’s not greater than 2/32”. The rheological property values are still within the API standard. Drilling mud with lower API fluid loss is recommended. Table 3.2: The Properties of Water-Based Mud Properties Value API pH 9.58 8.5-10 Mud density (ppg) 8.6 7.5-22 Specific gravity 1.02 - Filtrate loss after 30 mins (ml) 26 10-25 Gel strength @ 10 secs ( ) 16 3-20 Gel strength @ 10 min ( ) 17 8-30 Cake thickness (1/32’’) ≈ 2/32” 2/32” Plastic viscosity ( ) 2 < 65 Apparent viscosity ( ) 21 - Yield point ( ) 38 15-45 372
  10. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. Figure 3.7. Fluid loss analysis of the WBM with the lubricant oils 3.2.3. Mud density, electrical stability and pH analysis There is a little change on the mud density and pH value as concentration of the different lubricant oil was added and this can be seen in Table A.1. WBM formulated with diesel oil shows increase in the density and pH values as the oil concentration increases, WBM formulated with Calophyllum inophyllum (CIO) showed increase too but decreased at 15 ml concentration of the oil, WBM with addition of oil from Hura crepitans (HCO) showed a decrease and increased from 15 ml oil concentration. The electrical stability (ES) values increases with the concentration of the oil samples. 3.3. Differential pipe sticking analysis The analysis of the differential pipe sticking or the pullout force required to free pipe is based on the laboratory mud data used in measuring the effect of the mud cake thickness, area of contact between the mud and the pipe which comprises of the length of the pipe section sunk in the cake, and the differential pressure. Figure 3.8 is the plot showing the effect of the contact area on the pullout force as the length of the pipe embedded in the cake thickness increases, the pullout force increases with increase in the length of the embedded pipe and the contact area. This effect is due to the adhesive forces acting over the larger contact area between the pipe and the mud cake. It is also seen that the lubricity of the Calophyllum inophyllum and Hura crepitans plant oil reduces the pullout force required than the ordinary WBM and diesel oil. Diesel oil impacts negatively on the lubricity and pullout force required and this is validated by the work of [18]. 373
  11. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking Figure 3.8. Effect of contact area on the pullout force at varying length of embedded pipe body Figure 3.9 reveals the effect of cake thickness on the pullout force in the presence of diesel and the plant oil in the WBM, the pullout force required to free pipe when stock increases when the cake thickness increases in increasing percentage. The plant oils performed better than the diesel oil and ordinary WBM. Figure 3.9. Effect of cake thickness on the pullout force Figure 3.10 shows a plot revealing the effect of the differential pressure on the pullout force, the pullout force increases as the differential pressure increases, and increase in the pullout force is possibly due to the fact that a higher differential pressure induces a higher cake strength which impacts on the adhesive forces between the pipe and cake. The lubricity of the plant oils particularly performs better than the diesel oil and also the ordinary WBM 374
  12. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. Figure 3.10. Effect of the differential pressure on the pullout force 4. CONCLUSIONS From the result analysed, the following conclusions was made:  The mud with high lubricant performance is obtained from the plant oils, with Hura crepitans revealing the highest and then Calophyllum inophyllum, and lastly the diesel oil.  The lubricity efficiency of the mud when the various oil was added increases with the concentration of the lubricant and this is evident in the mud formulated with the plant oils.  The addition of diesel oil to water based mud reveals a negative influence on the mud as this increases the CoF and pullout force when compared to conditions of ordinary WBM.  The plant oils reduce the volume of the fluid loss compared to the diesel oil, the oil from Hura crepitans performed better than that from Calophyllum inophyllum,  Mud with high lubricity have greater tendency to reduce the volume of fluid loss, the mud with Hura crepitans reveals better lubricity performance and so volume of fluid loss is low compared to other lubricating oil used. Hence, the lubricity coefficient is inversely proportional to the volume of fluid loss  The lubricating oil has influence on the rheological properties. The mud formulated with oil from Hura crepitans has relatively higher plastic viscosity most especially at concentrations above 15 ml, and the addition of Calophyllum inophyllum has the highest yield point values and gel strength.  The plant oils have good potential of minimizing the tendency of stuck pipe as they reduce the pullout force required to pull out the pipe when compared to diesel and ordinary water based mud. 375
  13. The Lubricity Performance of Hura Crepitans and Calophyllum Inophyllum Plant Oil in Water- Based Mud in Analysing Differential Pipe Sticking APPENDIX A Table A.1: Properties of the Various Oil-In-Water Emulsion Mud properties 5 ml 10 ml 15 ml 20 ml 25 ml API C H D C H D C H D C H D C H D I CO I I C I I C I I C I I C I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O pH 9.25 9.14 9.35 9.54 8.92 9.42 8.50 8.83 9.56 8.48 8.87 9.68 8.77 8.86 9.87 8.5-10 MDens 8.20 7.80 8.20 8.50 8.35 8.50 8.10 8.40 8.50 8.10 8.60 8.55 8.40 8.60 8.60 7.5-22 (ppg) FL(ml) 22 21 20 21 20 19 21 18 19 18 16 19 17 15 18 10-25 ES 87 58 94 106 95 99 108 95 105 177 109 107 223 112 112 > 400 GS10s 12 13 8 23 11 6 24 19 15 23 18 21 25 14 21 3-20 ( )) GS10m 13 15 9 24 12 9 23 20 15 23 18 21 25 12 22 8-30 ( )) CT (1/32”) ≈ ≈ ≈ > ≈ ≈ > > > > > > > > > 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” 2/32” PV ( ) 8 15 7 11 11 15 11 8 8 8 21 10 12 21 11 < 65 AV ( ) 21 28 15 26 20 18 29 23 20 29 28 27 30 28 28 - YP 25 26 16 30 18 15 35 30 24 42 14 34 36 14 34 15-45 ( ) Table A.2: Test result of water-based mud formulated with lubricant oil SAMPLE Ordinary WBM without lubricant oil Value Viscosity, 600 reading (cp) 42 Viscosity, 300 reading (cp) 40 PV (cp) 2 Apparent Viscosity (cp) 21 YP (lb/100ft2) 38 Gel strength, 10 secs 16 Gel strength, 10 mins 17 pH 9.58 Specific gravity 1.02 Mud density (ppg) 8.6 Emulsion stability 55 Fluid loss (ml) at 30 mins 26 Torque (measured) at 60RPM at 5 mins 21 Mud Lubricity coeffecient at 60RPM 0.155 Coefficient of friction (COF) at 60RPM 0.157 Table A.3: Test result of water-based mud formulated with diesel oil Oil concentration DIO in WBM 5ml 10ml 15ml 20ml 25ml Viscosity, 600 reading (cp) 30 35 40 54 56 Viscosity, 300 reading (cp) 23 20 32 44 45 PV (cp) 7 15 8 10 11 Apparent Viscosity (cp) 15 17.5 20 27 28 YP (lb/100ft2) 16 5 24 34 34 Gel strength, 10 secs 8 6 15 21 21 Gel strength, 10 mins 9 6 15 21 22 376
  14. Onuh, C. Y., Dosunmu, A., Anawe, P. A. L., Agbator, S., Ojonimi, I. T. Seteyeobot, I. pH 9.35 9.42 9.56 9.68 9.87 Specific gravity 0.98 1.2 1.2 1.25 1.3 Mud density (ppg) 8.2 8.5 8.5 8.55 8.6 Emulsion stability 94 99 105 107 112 Fluid loss (ml) at 30 mins 20 19 19 19 18 Torque (measured) at 60RPM at 5 mins 42.6 40.4 40.2 40.2 39.4 Mud Lubricity coefficient at 60RPM 0.421 0.399 0.397 0.397 0.389 Table A.4: Test result of water-based mud formulated with Calophyllum inophyllum oil Oil concentration CIO in WBM 5ml 10ml 15ml 20ml 25ml Viscosity, 600 reading (cp) 41 52 57 58 60 Viscosity, 300 reading (cp) 33 41 46 50 48 PV (cp) 8 11 11 8 12 Apparent Viscosity (cp) 20.5 26 28.5 29 30 YP (lb/100ft2) 25 30 35 42 36 Gel strength, 10 secs 12 23 24 23 25 Gel strength, 10 mins 13 24 23 23 25 pH 9.25 9.54 8.03 8.48 8.77 Specific gravity 0.99 1.02 0.98 0.98 1.01 Mud density (ppg) 8.2 8.5 8.1 8.1 8.4 Emulsion stability 87 106 108 177 223 Fluid loss (ml) at 30 mins 22 21 21 18 17 Torque (measured) at 60RPM at 5 mins 17.8 17.2 16.8 16.7 16.2 Mud Lubricity coefficient at 60RPM 0.176 0.170 0.166 0.165 0.160 Table A.5: Test result of water-based mud formulated with Hura crepitans oil Oil concentration HCO in WBM 5ml 10ml 15ml 20ml 25ml Viscosity, 600 reading (cp) 56 40 46 56 56 Viscosity, 300 reading (cp) 41 29 38 35 35 PV (cp) 15 11 8 21 21 Apparent Viscosity (cp) 28 20 23 28 28 YP (lb/100ft2) 26 18 30 14 14 Gel strength, 10 secs 13 11 19 18 14 Gel strength, 10 mins 15 12 20 18 12 pH 9.14 8.92 8.83 8.87 8.86 Specific gravity 0.94 0.99 1.01 1.03 1.03 Mud density (ppg) 7.8 8.35 8.4 8.6 8.6 Emulsion stability 58 95 95 109 112 Fluid loss (ml) at 30 mins 21 20 18 16 15 Torque (measured) at 60RPM at 5 mins 16.9 16.7 15.8 15.7 15.4 Mud Lubricity coefficient at 60RPM 0.167 0.165 0.156 0.155 0.152 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I write to thank covenant university for their financial support towards to publication 377
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