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The teaching of mathematics, aimed at promoting learners learning activities in the senior high schools in Lao People's Democratic Republic

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In this article, the author presents the results of his study and application of methods of active learning of mathematics at a Senior high School in Lao People's Democratic Republic. The new method is based on: The teachers design a lesson plan to promote learners to create for themselves new knowledge that they wish to acquire.

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Nội dung Text: The teaching of mathematics, aimed at promoting learners learning activities in the senior high schools in Lao People's Democratic Republic

  1. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE Educational Sci., 2007,V.52, No 6, pp.3-5 THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS, AIMED AT PROMOTING LEARNERS' LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN LAO POEPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC KHAMKHONG SIBOUAKHAM Hanoi National University of Education Abstract. In this article, the author presents the results of his study and application of methods of active learning of mathematics at a Senior high School in Lao People's Democratic Republic. The new method is based on: The teachers design a lesson plan to promote learners to create for themselves new knowledge that they wish to acquire. 1. Forword The United Nations Stated Education, Science and Culture Organization (UN- ESCO) put forward the education target in the 21st century that is to learn is to know how to learn, to learn is to know the way of doing, to learn is to create and to learn is to live together. Based on that target, teaching methods in the senior high school of Lao People's Democratic Republic has `been step by step renovated. We are very self-assured with the orientation stated in Article 24  Education Law 2002 by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: senior high school education methods must exploit activeness, self-awareness and self-motivation; in conformity with each class and each subject; fostering the self-study method, practice the skill of applying knowledge into practice; influence the feeling and, bring joy and interest in study for learners. Activeness in study has an intimate relationship with learning motivation. Right mo- tivation brings interest. Interest and self-awareness are two psychological factors that cre- ate activeness. An active, independent and creative learning style develops self-awareness, interest and fosters learning motivation. Activeness in learning of learners are shown with learning aspirations, effort, spon- taneity in terms of brainpower with high notivation during knowledge acquisition for them- selves. If we range activeness in grades of: imitation, reappearance, research and creation, the learners are now learning with the two former grades: imitation and reappearance are the maincause as birdsnare for teachers. Almost all teachers thread poetic inspiration to obtain functional teaching as equipment to give the student knowledge and to help [student misunderstanding can do something be tempted to mathematics in schoolbook, therefore have to divide the students can imitation and reappearance]. Teachers, therefore, must guide learners to learn at the two latter grades: research and creation in every function, as they are very important teaching aids. Activeness here means positive activeness, i.e. the learners take full initiative in re- searching, finding and giving prompt consciousness solutions under teachers' organization and guidance. In order to help learners become active and self-motivated and creative in learning, teachers should create a pleasant communicative atmosphere between teacher and learners, 3
  2. Khamkhong Sibouakham by reasonably organizing and monitoring activities of learner-individual, learner-collective; it is recommended to make problematic situations, which require prediction, supposition and discussion with contradictory opinions. 2. Promoting learning activities of learners in teaching Al- gebra for the 10th form We have carried out a study which gave trial teaching activities with some content in the 10th form algebra curriculum for the senior high school learners  Lao People's Democratic Republic, following a positive teaching method as written above. Example. When giving Vi-et Theorem, we design three main activities including realization of Vi-et theorem, application of this theorem, realization root and method of calculating tin head when equation factors satisfy a ± b + c = 0. Every main activity comprises many partial activities. Class activities occur in following sequence: Activity (Act) 1: We give each group the following equation to solve: Goup 1: To solve the following equation: (1) x2  3x + 2 = 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = 2) (2) x2 - 6x + 5 = 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = 5) (2) x2 - 9x + 5 = 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = 5) Goup 2: To solve the following equation: 3 (4) 2x2  x - 3 = 0 (with roots x1 = -1, x2 = ) 2 2 (5) 3x2 - x - 2 = 0 (with roots x1 = -1, x2 = − ) 3 (6) x2 - x - 2 = 0 (with roots x1 = -1, x2 = 2) Goup 3: To solve the following equation: 1 (7) 2x2  3x + 1 = 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = ) 2 1 (8) 3x2 - 4x + 1 = 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = ) 3 1 (9) x2 - 5x +1= 0 (with roots x1 = 1, x2 = ) 4 (Act) 2: Calculate sum and product of two roots of each equation given. (Act) 3: Give comment on relation between factors of each equation given with sum and product of its two roots. In actuality, learners gave different comments. + Goup one said: x1 + x2 = - b; x1 x2 = c 1 + Goup two said: x1 + x2 = ; x1 x2 = c a b 1 + Goup three said: x1 + x2 = - ; x1 x2 = a a 4
  3. The teaching of Mathematics, aimed at promoting learners' learning activities in the senior high schools in Lao Poeple's Democratic Republic Each goups proved a good at mosphere at pluralizer "discovering" them selves. Then, after dealing with some other equations, they themselves corrected their com- ments and gave correct answers to each other, and there was a positive atmostphere when they gave comments to prove themselves and lastly they gave the correct answer: b c x1 + x2 = - a ; x1 x2 = a Act 4: Expression of theorem (as in 10th form algebra textbook). Act 5: Proving the theorem. Act 6: Applying Vi  et theorem, especially basing on sum and product of two roots to calculate roots of the following equation mentally. 2x2  5x + 2 = 0, x2  5x + 6 = 0 x2  8x + 12 = 0, x2  x -6 = 0,2x2 + x - 6 = 0 Act 7: Calculate roots mentally in case a ± b+c=0. Apply Vi  et theorem to calculate roots of the following equation. Accordingly to make general comment. x2 + 2x - 3 = 0, x2  3x +2 = 0, 2x2 - x - 1 = 0, 2x2 + 3x -5 = 0, 3x2 + x - 4 = 0, x2  2x -3 = 0, x2 +3x + 2 = 0, 2x2 + x -1 = 0, 2x2 - 3x - 5 = 0, 3x2  x -4 = 0 Actuality shows that learners, via situations given above, gave comments (as teachers expected) as follows: c If a + b + c = 0, equation has roots with x1 = 1, x2 = a c If a  b + c = 0, equation has roots with x1 = −1, x2 = − Therefore, the teachers a must design content, guide the problem in a natural and reasonable way so that learners can effectively solve them. The teaching organization method above creates good conditions for learners to discover new knowledge for themselves. They not only acquire knowledge in the textbook but also know how to find them. This is very useful for them when they integrate in the coming production and working life in the future. They can find rules, features and properties in events and situations. The method above creates an ebullient and positive learning atmosphere, thanks to that learners can take initative to learn and create during their classes. 3. Conslusion The learning activities organized above partially satisfies education targets set. Situations made up must be reasonable for learners'level, solutions must be made by learners. They can learn from each other with many solutions and evaluate what is the best. Creative learning is the goal to be reached. Creativeness relates to positiveness, self-motivation and indepedence. If you want to develop creativity, you must pay attention to assist learners to find new knowledge by themselves, teach them how to learn, acquire and find solutions to problems. Thanks to activities with self-doing under guidance, learners' creativeness potentiality will be exposured and exploited. REFERENCES [1] Nguyen Ngoc Bao (1995). Developing activeness and self-motivation of learners during teaching (Regular fostering reference  phase 1993  1996 for the senior high school teachers). Ministry of Education and Training, office for teachers. [2] Nguyen Ba Kim (1998). Learning in activities and by activities, (Regular fostering reference  phase 1997  2000 for the senior high school teachers and specialized high school teachers). Education Publisher. [3] Nguyen Ba Kim (2006). Methodology of math, Publishing House of Hanoi University of Education. . [4] Center for digital education (2005). A Strategy paper from center for digital education: Building educa- tional Technology Infrastructure and Applications An Introduction to Applying a Broad Approach to Strategic Planning, 5



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