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the world around us

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  1. About the pagination of this eBook Due to the unique page numbering scheme of this book, the electronic pagination of the eBook does not match the pagination of the printed version. To navigate the text, please use the electronic Table of Contents that appears alongside the eBook or the Search function. For citation purposes, use the page numbers that appear in the text.
  2. B R I TA N N I C A DI SC O ER Y V LIBRARY 4 TH E WOR LD AR OUN D US In this book, you will: discover interesting things about the world around you. learn new words. answer fun questions. find lots of activities to learn about the world at the back of the book. C HICAGO L ONDON N EW D ELHI PARIS S EOUL S YDNEY TAIPEI T OKYO
  3. The world around us There is so much to learn is a wonderful place about the whole wide world, to play in and explore. and it’s waiting just outside your door. Come on, let’s take a look! 2 3
  4. Most people live in places that are warm and sunny for much of the year. The other part of the year is colder. Others live in places where it is hot all the time. is the Some people live in parts of the world What like world ve? you li that never get warm! where 4 5
  5. Wherever you live, it is somewhere on Earth. We all live together on Earth. We share the Earth with all kinds of other living things too. But what is the Earth like? ity or a small village. e in a big c ht liv mig You me re so hat a living W other Earth? s on thing Maybe you live in the mountains or near a river or an ocean. you What do you n see whe e? outsid go Imagi n living e in a differe nt place. What would that p la be lik ce e? 6 7
  6. ater. w and d f lan o p de u a is m . d. It blue Earth. un ostly er on is ro . aters ks m wat rth a oo w he E rth l o much in these T a he E re is s ls live ,t pace se the anima s rom becau other F s his i ish, and T ,f lants P 8 9
  7. Oceans and seas cover most of the land on Earth. People, plants, and animals live almost everywhere on Earth. But some of the land rises above the water. The land above water is where all people live. Many different plants and animals live on this land too. 10 11
  8. From space, much of the land on Earth looks green. Other parts look brown. Do you know what makes the land look green? Do you know what the brown parts are? Look pictur at the e of E a again rth . Whe trees re are grow Where ing? Trees and other plants give the land places are few p with its green color. The brown is desert Where lants? ca see w n you land, or other places where few ater? plants grow. 12 13
  9. The Earth is made mostly of water and land. Here is a hint: But there is another important part of the couldn’t blow world around us. You can’t see it or touch it, t it, you hou r blow up a balloon bubble but it is everywhere. it o . s W Can you guess what it is? 14 15
  10. It’s air! Without it, birds and planes couldn’t fly. There would be no such thing as kites. Air is all around us. We can’t see it or touch it. Plants and animals could not stay alive. What is it? But we all need air to breathe. 16 17
  11. d the Earth. ir i A always moving aroun s The air may be hot or cold, wet or dry. Sometimes the air blows in a gentle breeze. Other times it becomes a wild wind. As the air moves, clouds form. Clouds are made of droplets of water or bits of ice that stick together in the air above Earth. 18 19
  12. are always c nd us ha n u a ro g r ld o in ew Th g. th in g s i n Clouds hide the sun and then the sun We see different stars in the comes out again. Day changes into night. sky as the night goes by. Wha othe t are r in th things e wo that chan rld ge? 20 21
  13. The weather is always changing too. Weather can change quickly. When you wake up in the morning, the sun may be shining bright outside. The air is warm. Later, clouds may begin to fill the sky, like big, dark pillows. The air cools off. The wind comes up. u o yo hat d going W is think ppen? a to h 22 23
  14. Inside your house, you may be warm and cozy. But if you are outside, watch out! You might get wet! The wind rushes through the trees. Far off, you might hear thunder. Heavy drops of water splash against the windowpanes. RAINSTORM! What d like to o you a rain do on y day ? 24 25
  15. Rain is good for the Earth. It gives us water to drink and helps grow many of the foods we eat. The trees and grass and flowers need rain to grow too. Sometimes the rain falls gently. It might rain for only a few minutes. Sometimes it rains for days and days. 26 27
  16. Sometimes rain changes to snow. When the snow piles up, you might go ice-skating, have a snowball fight, or build a snowman. The weather changes every day. It may change in only would What e to do a few hours. The seasons change too. But the seasons k you li snow? in the change much more slowly. 28 29
  17. Think of your last birthday. From that time until In much of the world, it is easy to tell your next birthday, four seasons will go by. when the seasons change. In other places, the changes in season are not as easy to see. The four seasons are winter, spring, summer, and fall, or autumn. 30 31
  18. the coldest seaso ve is E ryw no ter here in ft , win the world he ye By wintertime in some places, many trees ar. have lost their leaves. Their branches are bare, like bony arms in the cold. Sometimes snow falls. You might see your breath if you go outside. You might catch a snowflake on your tongue! B-r-r-r-r-rrr! It’s WINTER! r winte hat is ere W h like w e? liv you 32 33
  19. After winter comes spring. Snow stops falling, but it might rain a lot. Birds come home after a winter away. The grass and other plants turn bright green. Lots of colorful flowers grow. Tiny buds appear on the trees. back to life! ver E ing It’s SPRING! ythi ng is com n you How ca en tell wh s ha spring here come w ? you live 34 35



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