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Thông tư 01/2000/TT-BCN của Bộ Công nghiệp

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Thông tư 01/2000/TT-BCN của Bộ Công nghiệp về việc hướng dẫn nhập khẩu hoá chất năm 2000 theo Quyết định số 242/1999/QĐ-TTg, ngày 30/12/1999 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về điều hành xuất nhập khẩu hàng hoá năm 2000

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Thông tư 01/2000/TT-BCN của Bộ Công nghiệp

  1. v¨n  quèc                  c¬  d÷  iÖu luËtviÖtnam   phßng  héi                  së  l       LAWDATA Th«ng t cña  é  c«n g  n g hi Ö p  sè  b 01/2000/TT­B C N   n g µy  29 th¸ng 03 n¨ m  2000  íng d É n  n h Ë p  k h È u  h o¸  h Êt n¨ m  2000  h c theo Q u y Õ t ® Þ n h  sè  242/1999/Q§­T T g   n g µ y 30  th¸ng 12 n¨ m   1999 c ña T h ñ  tíng C h Ý n h  p h ñ   v Ò  ®i Ò u  h µ n h  x u Êt  h Ë p  kh È u  h µ n g  h o¸  m  2000 n n¨ ­ C¨n  NghÞ    cø  ®Þnh  74/CP ngµy  th¸ng11  01    n¨m  1995  cña  ChÝnh phñ  quy ®Þnh   chøc n¨ng, nhiÖm       vô, quyÒn h¹n  tæ  vµ  chøc  m¸y  C«ng   bé  Bé  nghiÖp; ­ C¨n  §iÒu    cø  9, QuyÕt ®Þnh  242/1999/Q§­ sè  TTg ngµy  th¸ng 12  30    n¨m  1999  cña  Thñ íng ChÝnh  t   phñ  "VÒ ®iÒu  hµnh  xuÊtnhËp    khÈu hµng  ho¸  n¨m  2000"; Sau    sù  khicã  tho¶ thuËn    cña  Th¬ng  Bé  m¹i, Bé  C«ng  nghiÖp  híng dÉn    viÖc  nhËp  khÈu    ho¸ chÊtn¨m    2000  sau: nh  I. h ÷ n g  q u y  ® Þ n h  c h u n g  N 1. Th«ng  nµy  dông    t ¸p  ®èi    víiho¹t®éng    nhËp khÈu hµng ho¸      lµ ho¸ chÊtvµ    s¶n  phÈm     ho¸ chÊt. 2. C¨n  kho¶n  §iÒu  NghÞ    cø  1  8  ®Þnh  57/1998/N§­   sè  CP ngµy  th¸ng 31    7 n¨m  1998  cña  ChÝnh  phñ, th   ¬ng  nh©n  doanh  vµ  nghiÖp  thuéc    c¸c thµnh  phÇn  kinh  (sau  tÕ  ®©y    gäi chung    ¬ng  lµ th nh©n)  îc thµnh  ®   lËp  theo quy  ®Þnh  cña ph¸p luËt, ngµnh   cã  nghÒ        phï hîp ghitrong giÊy    chøng  nhËn  ®¨ng  ký kinh doanh  ®∙    vµ  ®¨ng  m∙  doanh  ký  sè  nghiÖp xuÊt nhËp    khÈu  i t¹ Côc      H¶i quan  tØnh, thµnh    phè    trùc thuéc Trung ¬ng, ® îc phÐp      nhËp  khÈu  ho¸ chÊt  theo quy  ®Þnh  it¹ QuyÕt  ®Þnh  242/1999/Q§­ sè  TTg  ngµy  th¸ng 12  30    n¨m  1999  cña Thñ íng ChÝnh  t   phñ  Th«ng   vµ  tnµy,®Ó     phôc  trùctiÕp cho  vô      s¶n  xuÊt,nghiªncøu,thùc nghiÖm          hoÆc  kinhdoanh.   II. h ÷ n g  q u y  ® Þ n h  c ô  th Ó  N 1. Th¬ng    nh©n  ®ñ  cã  ®iÒu  kiÖn nªu  i t¹ §iÓm     2, môc  Icña Th«ng  t nµy  ® îc phÐp    nhËp  khÈu    i c¸c lo¹ ho¸ chÊt kü    thuËt vµ    ho¸  chÊt tinh khiÕt theo        nhu  cÇu  dông  kh¶  sö  vµ  n¨ng kinh doanh    (trõnh÷ng  ho¸  chÊt trong Danh  môc  hµng    ho¸ cÊm  u  l th«ng,dÞch  th   vô  ¬ng    m¹i cÊm  thùc hiÖn    ban  hµnh  i t¹  QuyÕt  ®Þnh  0088/2000/Q§­ sè  BTM  ngµy  th¸ng 1  18    n¨m 2000  cña  tr Bé  ëng  Bé Th¬ng  m¹i),  (phô    1). lôcsè  2. Th¬ng    nh©n  nhu  cã  cÇu  nhËp  khÈu    ®Ó kinh doanh  nh÷ng  i   lo¹ ho¸ chÊt ®éc    s¶n    h¹ivµ  phÈm   ho¸  cã  chÊt ®éc      h¹ithuéc Danh  môc    hµng    ho¸, dÞch  th vô  ¬ng    m¹i h¹n chÕ kinh doanh  kinh doanh  ®iÒu    vµ    cã  kiÖn (Kho¶n  II   I Môc    , 1, PhÇn  thø  QuyÕt  3  ®Þnh  0088/2000/Q§­ sè  BTM  ngµy  th¸ng 1  18    n¨m  2000  cña  tr Bé  ëng  Th¬ng  Bé  m¹i),(Phô    2),ngoµi c¸c ®iÒu    lôc sè        kiÖn 
  2. 2 nªu  i t¹ §iÓm     2, Môc  cña  1  Th«ng    t nµy, ph¶i cã      thªm  GiÊy chøng  nhËn ®ñ  ®iÒu  kiÖn kinh  doanh cña    Së Khoa  häc, C«ng    nghÖ   M«i  êng  vµ  tr tØnh,  thµnh phè    trùcthuéc Trung    ¬ng theo    c¸c quy ®Þnh  i t¹ Th«ng   2150/1999/   tsè  TT­BKHCN MT   ngµy  th¸ng 12  10    n¨m  1999  cña  Khoa  Bé  häc,C«ng    nghÖ  vµ  M«i  êng. tr 3. Nh÷ng  i     lo¹  chÊt ghitrong Phô    3  ho¸       lôcsè  cña  Th«ng   t nµy,khinhËp      khÈu  ¬ng  th nh©n  ph¶ikª khai®Çy  c¸c th«ng  kü        ®ñ    sè  thuËtt ¬ng  øng    ®Ó c¬  quan    H¶i quan ®èi chiÕu        víic¸c tiªuchuÈn  quy ®Þnh cho nhËp  khÈu; tr   êng  hîp cã    nghivÊn  quan      c¬  H¶i quan  th«ng  qua  quan  c¬  qu¶n   vÒ    lý  tiªuchuÈn  chÊtl      îng ®Ó gi¸m ®Þnh chÊtl  îng. 4. NhËp    khÈu    c¸c ho¸ chÊt lµ nguyªn      liÖu s¶n    xuÊt thuèc    b¶o    vÖ thùc   vËt,c¸c lo¹      i thuèc b¶o  thùc vËt lµ ho¸  vÖ        chÊt thùc hiÖn      theo híng dÉn  cña  Bé N«ng  nghiÖp  ph¸ttr   vµ    iÓn n«ng  th«n. NhËp     khÈu    c¸c ho¸ chÊt    lµ chÊt  g©y nghiÖn,chÊt híng t©m        thÇn,tiÒn chÊt sö        dông  trong lÜnh    vùc  tÕ,bµo  y    chÕ    dîcphÈm;   ho¸ chÊtsö    dông  trong lÜnh    vùc    giadông  thùc hiÖn    theo híng  dÉn cña  Y  Bé  tÕ. 5. ViÖc    nhËp khÈu ho¸ chÊt cña      c¸c doanh  nghiÖp  vèn  cã  ®Çu    níc t   ngoµi t¹    iViÖt  Nam     ®Ó s¶n xuÊt hµng  ho¸ thùc hiÖn  theo LuËt §Çu    níc t   ngoµit¹ ViÖtNam   nh÷ng      i   vµ  quy ®Þnh  li   cã  ªnquan    t¹ Th«ng   i tnµy. 6. Tuú theo      tÝnh chÊt ho¸,lýriªng,c¸c lo¹              i chÊt nhËp  ho¸   khÈu ph¶icã    bao    b×, ®ãng    gãi b¶o ®¶m     tiªuchuÈn  toµn    an  khivËn chuyÓn  sö  vµ  dông  theo nh÷ng    quy ®Þnh  hiÖn  hµnh  cña ChÝnh  phñ. 7. Th¬ng    nh©n nhËp khÈu  chÞu tr¸chnhiÖm   tÝnh    vÒ  chÝnh    x¸c cña sè  liÖu khai b¸o      khi nhËp khÈu, qu¶n    sö    lý vµ  dông  ho¸ chÊt nhËp    khÈu  theo  ®óng  môc  ®Ých  nhËp khÈu  theo    vµ  c¸c quy ®Þnh  li   cã  ªnquan  cña ChÝnh  phñ. III.§i Ò u k h o ¶ n  thi µ n h    h Bé  C«ng  nghiÖp    ®Ò nghÞ   c¸c Bé,  quan  c¬  ngang  Bé,  quan  c¬  thuéc  ChÝnh  phñ,Uû    ban  nh©n  d©n    c¸c tØnh,thµnh    phè    trùcthuéc Trung    ¬ng, c¬    quan Trung ¬ng  cña    c¸c ®oµn thÓ  th«ng b¸o    néi dung Th«ng   t nµy cho    c¸c doanh nghiÖp  thuéc quyÒn  qu¶n    lý cña m×nh  biÕt,thùc    hiÖn, ®ång      thêi ph¶n ¸nh cho  C«ng  Bé  nghiÖp nh÷ng  vÊn      ®Ò ph¸tsinh trong qu¸ tr×nh thùc           hiÖn    C«ng  ®Ó Bé  nghiÖp  kÞp    thêisöa  ®æi,bæ     sung  cho    phïhîp. Th«ng   tnµy  hiÖu      cã  lùcthihµnh    tõ ngµy  th¸ng 4  01    n¨m  2000.C¸c    quy  ®Þnh  íc ®©y   nhËp  tr   vÒ  khÈu  hµng      ho¸ lµ ho¸ chÊt tr¸ víiTh«ng         i t nµy ®Òu   b∙i  bá.
  3. 3 P h ô  lôc 1 D a n h  m ô c  h o¸ c h Êt ® é c  h¹i Ê m  n h Ë p  k h È u  c (Ban  hµnh  kÌm theo Th«ng   01/2000/TT­   tsè  BCN   ngµy 29/3/2000 cña  tr   Bé  ëng  C«ng  Bé  nghiÖp) B ¶ n g  I STT Tªn  chÊt Tªn  khoa  häc 1 Acetorphin 0­ le rahydro­ α­ hydroxyl­­ 3­ acetyl t 7­ (1­ 1 metyibuty)­   ­endoetheno­ fav   14   6, ori ine 2 Acetylalphamethyl α­ fenan N­[l­   ( ethylphenethyl 4­ ) piperidy   ­ l acetani i ] l de yl 3 Alphacelylmethadol α­ acetoxy­ dimethylamino­   3­ 6­ 4,4­ diphenylheptane 4 Aphamethylfentanyl α­ N­[l­ methylphenethyl) ­ ( 4 peperidyl ­   ] propionani ide l    (β­ 5 Beta ­hydroxyfentanyl N­[I­ nydroxyphenethyl) ­ 4 peperidyl ­   ] propionani ide l 6 Beta­ β­ hydroxymethyl­­ N­[l­ hydroxyphenethyl) ­ 3 ( 3 methyl­­ ­ 4 piperidy   l] fenl lny la  l propionani ide l 7 CÇn   vµ  sa  nhùa  cÇn  Cananabisand  sa   canabisresin   8 Desomorphine Dyhydrodeoxymorphin 9 Etorphire Tetrahydro­ (1­ 7α­ hydroxy­ methylbuty)­,14­ 1­ 6 endoetheno­oripavine   10 Heroine Diacetylmorphine 11 Ketobemidone 4­meta­hydroxyphenyl­­ lmethyl­­ 4 propionylpiper ine id 12 Methyl­­ 3 fentanyl N­(3­methyl­­ lphenethyl­­ 4 piperidy )propionani i l l de 13 Methyl­    3­ thiofentanyl N­[3­ methyi­­ (2­ 1 [2­ thienyl)ethy ] piperidy   l4­ ­ l] propionani ide l 14 MPPP 1­methyl­­ 4 phenyl­ piperid 4­ inol   propionate   (ester). 15 Para­fiuorofentanyl   4'­ fluoro   ­   N­   (I­ henethyl­­ p 4 piperidy )propionani i l l de 16 PEPAP 1­phenethyl­'­ 4 phenyl­ piperid 4­ inol   acetate   (ester) 17 Thiofentanyl N­[1­ (2­ [2­ thieny)ethyl 4­ ] piperidy ] ­ ­ l4­ propionani ide l 18 Brolamphatamine  2,5dimethoxy­ bromoamphetamine 4­
  4. 4 (DOB) 19 Cathinone (­ α­ )­ aminopropiophenone 20 D   E­i N,  N­diethyl ryptamine t 21 DMA ±)­ dimethoxy­ methylpenylethytamine ( 2,5­  α­ 22 DMHP 3­(1,2­ dimethylety ) ­ l 1 hydroxy­ ­ 7,8,9,10­ tetrahydro­ 6,6,9­tr   imethyl6   dibezo[b,d] ­ II­ 23 DMT N,N­dimethyl ryptamine t 24 DOET (±)4­ ethyl­,5­ α­ 2 dimethoxy­ pherethylamine 25 Eticycl ine id N­ethyl­­ 1 phenylcyclohexylamine 26 Etrytamine* 3­ aminobulyl indole (2­ ) 27 (+)­ Lysergide(LSD) 9,10­ didehydro­ N,N­diethyl ­ 6 ­ methylergoline­ 8bectacarboxamide   28 MD M A ±)­ ( N­α­ dimethyl­,4­ 3 (methylene  ­dioxy)phenethylamine 29 Mescalm 3,4,5­tr   imthoxyphenethylamine 30 Methcathinone* 2(methylamino)­ phenylpropan­ one 1­ 1­ 31 4­ Methylaminorex   ±)­ 2­ ( cis­ amino­ methyl­­ 4­ 5 phenyl­ axazoline 2­ 32 M M DA ±)­ methoxy­ methlenedioxy­ ( 5­ 3,4­ α­ methylphenylethylamine 33 N­ethy[MDA ±)­ α methyl­,4­ ( N­ethyl­ ­ 3 (methylennedioxy)   phenethylamine 34 N­hydroxyMDA   ±)­ α­ ( N­[ methyl­,4­ 3 (methylenedyoxy)phenethyl  ] hydroxylamine 35 Parahexyl 3­hexyl­,8,9,10­ 7 tetrahydro­ 6,6,9­ imethyl6H­  tr ­ dibenzo[b,d]  pyran­ ol 1­   36 PMA α­ P­methoxy­ methylphenylethylamine 37 Psilocine,  Psilotsin 3­ (dimetty [2­ lamino)ethylindol­­   ] 4 ol 38 Psilocybine 3­ (dimetylamino)ethyl i 4­   [2­ ] ndol yl ­ dihydrogenphosphat 39 Rolicycl   iane 1­ phenylcyclohexyl) (1­  pyrrol ine id 40 STP,  M DO 2,5­  α­4­ dimethoxy­   dimethylphenethylamine 41 Tenamferminee (MDA) α­   methyl­    3,4­(methylendioxy)phenethylamine 42 Tenocycl ine(TCP) id   1­ (2­ [1­ thienyl)cyclohexy]piper ine id 43 Tetrahydrocannabinol 1­hydro­ pentyl­a,7,10,10,­etrahydro­ 3­ 6 t 6,6,9­   tr rnethyl 11­ i 6 dibenzo(b,d)pyran­   ­ 1­ ol 44  TMA ±)­ ( 3,4,5­   trimethoxy   α­ ­   methylphenylethylamine
  5. 5
  6. 6 B ¶ n g  II    G å m  c¸c c h Êt m a  tuý ® é c  h¹i îc dïng h¹n c h Õ  trong y h ä c v µ   ® n g hiªn c ø u  k h o a h ä c (Cã  trong b¶ngI,b¶ng         II C«ng    ­ ícquèc  1961  b¶ng    tÕ  vµ  II cña C«ng    ícquèc  1971) tÕ  45 Acetymethadol 3­acetoxy   6­dimethylamino   ­4,4­ diphienyiheptane 46 Alfentanil N­[1­ (4­ [2­ ethy4,5­dihydro5­ oxo­ tetrazol1­ IH­ ­ y)ethyl 4­ ] (methoxymethy)­ piperidy ] ­ ­ 4­ lN­ phenylpropanamide 47 Allvprodine 3­ally l­ l methyl­­ ­ 4 phenyl­ propionoxypiper ine 4­ id 48 Alphameprodine α­ ethyl­­ 3­ 1 methyl­­ 4 phenyl­ 4­ propionoxypiper ine id 49 Alphamethadol α­ dimethylamino­  diphenyl­­ 6­ 4,4 ­ 3 heptanot 50 Alphamethylth fentay  N­[1­ methyl­­ theny)ethyl 4­ io l [1­ 2 (2­ ] piperidy ] ­ l , propionani i l de 51 Alphaprodine   α­ dimethyl­­ 1,3­ 4 phenyl­ propionoxypiper ine  4­ id 52 Aniler ine id 1­ benzyloxyethyl 4­ (2­ ) phenylpipedine­ ­ 4­ cacboxyl   icacidethylester     53 Benzenthidine 1­ benzyloxyethy)­­ (2­ 4 phenylpipedine­ 4­ cacbâyl   icacidethylester     54 Benzylmorphine 3­benzylmorphine 55 Bectacatylmethadol β­ acetoxy­ dimethylamino­ 3­ 6­ 4,4­ diphenylheptane 56 Betameprodine β­ ethyl­­ 3­ lmethyl­ropionoxypiper ine p id 57 Betaniethadol β­ dimethylamina­ diphenyl­­ 6­ 4,4­ 3 heptanol 58 Betaprodine β­ dimethy­ phenyl­ propionoxypiper ine 1,3­ 4­ 4­ id 59 Bezitramide 1­ cyano­ diphenylpropyl 4­ oxo­ (3­ 3,3­ ) (2­ ­ 3­ propionyl­­ benzimidazol 1  iny0­ piperidine 60 Clonitrazene (2­para­chlobenzyl) ­ 1 ­ diethylaminoethyl­­ 5 nitrobenzimidazole 61 Coca  leaf(   lcoca) ¸ 62 Cocaine   Benzoyl­ ecgoninmethylester l­ 63 Codoxim  Dihydrocodeinane­ cacboxymethyloxime 6­ 64 Concentrate of poppy  straw   (Cao   ® Æc   thuèc   phiÖn) 65 Dextromoramide   (+)­ [2­ 4­ methyl­­ 4 oxo­ 3,3diphenyl­­ 4 (1­ lpynol iny )buty  id l lmorpholine ] 66 Diampromide N­[2­ (methylphenethylamino)­ propyl]  
  7. 7 propional ide in 67 Diethyl iambutene th 3­diethylamino­ l i­ thiennyl) ­ l, d (2­ ­ 1 butene  ­ 68 Difenoxin 1­ cyano­ diphenylpropyl 4­ (3­ 3,3­ )­ phenylisonipecot   icacid 69 Dihydromorphine 7,8­dihydromorphine 70 Dimenoxadol 2­dimethlaminoethyl1­­ ethoxy­1,1­ diphenylacetate 71 Dimepheptanol 6­dimethylamino­ diphenyl­­ heptanol, 4,4­ 3  72 Dimethylthiambutene 3­dimethylamino­ di­ thienyl !­ 1,1­ (2­ ) butene ­ 73 Dioxaphetyl  outyrate Ethyl­­ 4 morpholino­ diphenylbutyra 2,2­ le 74 Diphenoxylate 1­ cyano­ diphenylpropyl 4­ (3­ 3,3­ )­ phenylpiper ine­­ id 4 carboxyl   icacidethylester     75 Dipipanone 4,4 ­  diphenyl­ piperid 3­  6­ ine­ heptarone 76 Drotebanol 3,4­ dimethoxy­ 17methylmorphinan­ 6β,14­ diol 77 Ecgcnine vµ  c¸c chÊt(­ 3­   )­ hydroxytropane­ carboxylate 2­   dÉn  cña nã 78 Ethylmethyl iambuten 3­ th ethylmethylaminol­,1­ (2­ 1 di­ thienyl 1­ ) butene ­ e 79 Etonitazehe 1­diethylaminoethyl2­ ­ para­ ethoxybenzyl­­ 5  nitrobenzimidazole 80 Etoxerid ine 1­ (2­ [2­ hydroxymethoxy)­ ethyl 4­ ]­ phenylpiper ine­­ id 4 cacbcxyl   icacidethylester     81 Fetanyl I­phenethyl­­4 N­propionylani i l nopiper   idine 82 Fmethidine 1­ tetrahydrofury (2­ loxyethyl 4­ ) phenylpiper ine­ ­ id 4­cacboxyl  icacidethylester     83 Hydrocodein Dihydrocodeinone 84 Hydromorphin 14­ hidroxydihydromorphine 85 Hydromorphone Dihydromorphinone 86 Hydroxypethid ine 4­meta­ hydroxyphenyl­­ 1 methylpiper ine­­ id 4   carboxyl   icacidethy ester     87 lsomethadone 6­dimethylamino   ­ methyl­,4­ 5­ 4 diphenyl­­ 3 hexanone 88 Levomethorphan ­ methoxy N­methylmorphinan 3­ ­ 89 Levamoramide (­ 4­ methyl­­ )­ [2­ 4 oxo­ diphenyi­­ 3,3­ 4 (l­ pyrrol iny   id lbyty]morpholine )   90 Levophenacylmorphan (­ 3­ )­ hydroxy­ N­phenacylmorphinan 91 Levcrphanol (­ 3­ )­ hydroxy­ N­methylmorphinan 92 Metazocine 2­hydroxy­ 2,5,9­ imethyl6,7,­ enzomorphan tr ­ b 93 Methadone 6­dimethylamino­ dipl 4,4­ ienyl ­ 3 heptanone ­ 94 Methadone  4­cynano­ 2dimethylamino­ dipnenylbutane 4,4­ interrnediate 95 Methyldesorphine   6­ methyl­ etla­ deoxymorphine d 6­
  8. 8 96 Methyldihydromorphine 6­ methyldihydromorphine 97 Metopon 5­methyldihydromorphinone 98 Moramide 2­methyl­­ 3 morpholino­ l iphenylpropane l, d ­   carboxyl  icacid 99 Morpherid ine l­ morpholinoethyl 4­ (2­ ) phenylpiper ine­­ ­ id 4 carbonxyl   icacidethylester     100 Morphine 7,8­ dehydro­ epoxy­ dihydroxy­ 4,5­ 3,6­ N­ methylmorphinan 101 Morphine­ N­oxide 3,6­ dihydroxy­ N­methyl­,5­ 4 epoxy­ morphinen­ 7N­oxide 102 Morophine Myristy lbenzylmorphine 103 Nicomorphine 3,6­ dinicot lmorphine iny 104 Noracymethadol ( α­ acetoxy­ methylamino­ diphenyl­ ±)­ 3­ 6­ 4,4­ heptane 105 Norlevorphanol (­ 3­ )­ hydroxymorphinan 106 Norimethadone 6­dimethylamino­ 4,4diphenyl­­ 3 hexanone 107 Normorphin N­demethylmorphine 108 Norpipanone 4,4­ diphenyl­­6 piperid 3­ ino­ hexanoe 109 Opium  (Thuèc phiÖn) 110 Oxycodone 14­ hydroxydihydrocodeinone   111 oxymorphone 14­ hydroxydihydromorphinone 112 Pethidine l­ methyl­­ 4 phenylpiper ine­­ id 4 Carboxl   acid ic   ethylester     113 Pethidine intermediate4­   cyano­ methy­ phenylpiper ine l­ 4­ id A 114 Pethidine intermediate4­ Phenylpiper i ­­     id re carboxyl   4 icacidethylester     B 115 Pethidine intermediatel­   methyl­­ 4 Phenylpiper ine­­ id 4 carboxyl   icacid C 116 Phenadoxone 6­morpholino­ diphenyl­­ 4,4­ 3 heptanone 117 Phenampromide N­(l­ ethyl­­ m 2 piperid inoethyl )propionani i l de 118 Phenazocine 2­hydroxy­ dimethyl­­ 5,9­ 2 phenethyl­,7­6 benzomorphan 119 Phenomorphan 3­hydroxy­ N­phenethylmorphinan 120 Phenoperidine l­ hydroxy­ phenylpropyl) ­ (3­ 3­ 4 phenylpiper ine­ ­ id 4­carboxyl   icacidethylester     121 Piminodine 4­phenyl­ (3­ l­ phenylaminopropyl) iperid 4­ p ­ ine­ carboxyl  icacidethylester     122 Piri rammide t l­ cyano­ diphenylpropyl) ­ piperid (3­ 3,3­ 4 (l­ ­ ino)­ piperid 4­ carboxyl   ine­   icacidamide   123 Proheptazine 1,3­ dimethyl­­4 phenyl­ 4­ propionoxyazacycloheptane 124 Properidine l­ methyl­­ phenylpiper ine­­ 4­ id 4 carboxyl   acid ic  
  9. 9 iopropylester 125 Racemethorphan ±)­ methoxy­ ( 3­ N­methylmorphinan 126 Racemoramide ±)­ [2­ ( 4­ methyl­­ 4 oxo­ diphenyl­­ 3,3­ 4 (l­ pyrrol lny )buty  id l lmorpholine ] 127 Racemorphan ±)­ hydroxy­ ( 3­ N­methylmorphinan 128 Sulfentanil N­[4­(methoxymethyl) ­ (thienyl ] 1 ­ [2­ )4piperidy   ­ l] propionani i ] l de 129 Thebacon Acethyldihydrocodeinone 130 Thebaine 3,6­ dirnethoxy­N­methyl­,5­ 4 epoxymorphinadien­ 6,8 131 Til ine id (±)ethyltrans­ (dimethylamino)­ phenyl­ ­ 2­ 1­ 3­ cyclohexene­ carboxylate l­ 132 Trimeperidine 1,2,5­ imethyl­­ tr 4 phenyl­ propionoxypiper ine 4­ id 133 Acetyldihydrocodeine 6­ acetoxy­ methoxy­ 3­ N­4,5­epoxy­ morphinan 134 Codeine   (3­6­hydroxy­ methoxy­ 3­ N­methyl­,5­ 4 epoxy­ methylmorphine) morphinen­              7              135 Dextroproxyphen α­ 4­ (+)­ dimethlamino­ diphenyl­­ 1,2­ 3 methyl­­ 2 butanolpropionate   136 Dihydrocodeine 6­hydroxy­ methoxy­ 3­ N­methyl­,5­ 4 epoxy­ morphinan                   137 Ethylmorphine 3­Ethylmorphine 138 Nicocodine 6­nicot lcodeine iny 139 Nicodicodine 6­nicot ld iny ihydrocodeine 140 Norcodeine N­demethylcodeine 141 Pholcodine 3­morpholiny thy le lmorphine 142 Propiram N­(l­ ethyl­­ m 2 piperidinoethyl N2­ )­ pyridylpropionamide 143 Amphetamine ±)­ amino­ phenylpropane ( 2­ l­ 144 Dexamphetamine ±)­ amino­ phenylpropane ( 2­ l­ 145 Fenetyl i l ne 7­ α­ [2[( methylphenyethyl)amino]ethyl th ] iophenyl i l ne 146 Levamphetamine )­ α­ (­ (R)­ methlphenylethylamine 147 Levomethamphetamine (­ N­α­ )­ methylphenylethylamine 148 Mectoqualone 3­ chlorophenyl)­­ (o­ 2 methyl­­ 4 (3H)­ quinazolinone 149 Metamfetamine ±)­ N­α­ ( (s)­ dimethylphenethylamine 150 Metamfetamine   ±)­ α­ ( N,­ dimethylphenethylamine racemate 151 Methaqualone 2­methyl­­ toly 4­ 3 o­ l (3H)­ ­ quinazolinone 152 Methylphenidate α­ Methyl­ phenyl­ piperid 2­ ineacetate 153 Phencycl ine id 1­ phenylcyclohexyl)p id (1­ iper ine
  10. 10 154 Phenmetrazine 3­methyl­­ 2 phenylmorphol ine 155 Secobarbita l 5­ally­­ methylbuty )barbi r   5 (1­ l tu i acid c 156 Delta­9­ (6aR,10aR)­ 6a,7,8,10a­tetrahydro­6,6,9­ tetrahydrocanabinol   trimethyl3­ ­ pen  ­ H­dibenzo[b,d]pyran­ ol tyl6 1­ and    itsstereochemical 157 Zipeprol* α­ α­ ( methoxybenzyl)4­ β­ ­ ( methoxyphenethyl) ­ 1 ­ piperezineethano
  11. 11 B ¶ n g  III    G å m  c¸c c h Êt m a  tuý ® é c  d îc  ® îc dïng trong y t Õ (C¸cchÊttrong b¶ng  I b¶ng  ­C«ng          II vµ    IV   ícquèc  1971) tÕ  158 Amobarbital 5­ethyl­­ 5 isopentylbarbi i acid tur   c 159 Buprenorphine 21­ 7 α­ cyclopropyl­­ [(S)­­ 1 hydroxy­ 1,2,2­ trimethylpropyl 6,14­ ]­ endo­ethano­ 6,7,8,14­ tetrahydrooripavine 160 Butalbi l ta 5­ally 5­ l isobutylbarbi r   ­ tu i acid c   161 Cathine (+)­ α­ (R)­ [(R)­ aminoethyl 1­ ]benzyl  alcohol 162 Cycloba bital   5­ cyclohexen­ yl)­­ (1­ l­ 5 ethylbarbi i acid tur   c 163 Flunitrazepam** 5­ fluorophenyl)1,3­ (o­ ­ dihydro­ methyl­­ l­ 7 nitro­ H­ 2 1,4­benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 164 Glutethimue 2­ethyl­­ 2 phenylglutarimide 165 Pentazocine (2R*,6R*,11*)­,2,3,4,5,6­ exahydro­ 1 h 6,11­ dimethyl­­ methyl­­ 3 (3­ 2 butenyl) ,6­ 2 ­ methano­ 3­ benzazocin­ ol 8­ 166 Pentobarbi l ta 5­ethyl­­ m ethylbuty )barbutur   5 (l­ l icacid 167 Allobarbi l ta 5,5­ ly dial lbarb tu i acid i r  c 168 Alprazolam 8­chloro­ methyl­­ l­ 6 phenyl­ 4H­s­ iazolo[4,3­] tr a  [1,4]­enzodiazepine b 169 Amphepramone 2­(diethylamino)propiophenone 170 Aminorex 2­amino­ phenyl­ oxazoline 5­ 2­ 171 Barbital 5,5­ diethylbarbi r   tu i acid c 172 Benzfetamine N­benzyl­ ­α­ N dimethylphenethylamine 173 Bromazepam 7­bromo­1,3­dihydro­ (2­ 5­ pyridyl 2H­1,4­ )­ benzaliazepin­ one 2­ 174 Butobarbi l ta 5­butyl­­ 5 ethylbarbi i acid tur   c 175 Camazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ hydroxy­ rnethyl­­ 1,3­ 3­ 1­ 5 phenyl­2H­1,4   benzodiazepin­ one  2­ dimethylcarbamate (ester)   176 Chlordiazepoxide 7­chloro­ 2(methylamino)­ phenyl­ 5­ 3H­1,4­ bensodiazepin­   4­ oxide 177 Clobazarn 7­chloro­ metryl­­ 5 phenyl­ 1H­1,5­ benzodiazepine­ 2,4­(3H,5H)­ dione 178 Clonazepam 5­ chlorophenyl)1,3­ (o­ ­ nitro­ H­1,4­ 2 benzodiazepine­ one 2­ 179 Clorazepate 7­chloro­ dihydro­ oxo­ phenyl­ 2,3­ 2­ 5­ 1H­1,4­
  12. 12 bensodiazepin­ carboxyl   3­ icacid 180 Clotiazepam 5­ chlorophenyl)7­ (2­ ­ ethyl­,3­ 1 dihydro­ rnethyl 1­ ­ 2H­ thieno[2,3,e] ­ diazepin­ one 1 4­ ­ 2­ 181 Cloxazolam 10­chloro­ 11b­ chlorophenyl)2,3,7,11b­ (o­ ­ tetrahydro oxazolon­ [3,2­ [1,4]benzodiazenpin­ d]­ 6(5H)­one 182 Delorazepam 7­chloro­ chlorophenyl)­,3­ (o­ 1 dihydro­ 2H­1,4­ benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 183 Diazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ methyl­­ 1,3­ 1­ 5 phenyl­ 2H­1,4­   benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 184 Estazolam 8­chloro­ phenyl­ 6­ 4H­s­ iazolo­4,3­ tr [ a][1,4­ benzodiazenpin] 185 Ethchlorxynol 1­chloro­ ethyl­­ 3­ 1 penta­ 4yn­ ol 3­ 186 Ethinamate 1­ethynylcyclohexanolcarbamate 187 Ethyloflazepate Ethyl­­ 7 chloro­ (o­ 5­ fluorophenyl)2­ dihydro­ ­ 3­ 2­ oxo­1H­1,4­benzodiazepin­ carboxylate 3­ 188 Etilamfetamine α rnethylphenylethy N­ethyl­ ­ lamine 189 Fencamfamin N­ethyl­­ 3 phenyl­ nocobornanamine 2­ 190 Fenproporex ( 3­ α­ ±)­ [( methylphenylethyl)amino]propioni r l t ie 191 Fludiazepam 7­chloro­ (o­ 5­ fluorofenyl 1,3­ ) dihydro­ ­ 2H­1,4­ benzodiazenpine­ one 2­ 192 Flurazepam 7­chloro­ [2­ l­ (diethylamino)ethyl 5­ ] fluorophenyl) ­ ­ 1,2­dihydro­   2H­1,4­ benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 193 Halazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ phenyl­ (2,2,2­ 1,3­ 5­ l­ tr f uoroethyl 2H­1,4­ il )­ benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 194 Haloxazolam 10­bromo­ 11b­ flurophenyl)2,3,7,11b­ (o­ ­ tetrahydro   oxazolo[3,2­][1,4]benzoidazepin­ d 6­ (5H)­one 195 Ketasolam 11­chloro­ 12b­ 8­ dihydo­ dimethyl­2b­ 2,8­ 1 phenyl­ 4H­[1,3]­xazino[3,2­][1,4]benzodiazepin­ o d 4,7(6H)­dione 196 Lefetamine ­ N,N­ )­ dimethyl­,3­ 1 diphenylethylamine 197 Loprazolam 6­ chlorophenyl)2,4­ (o­ ­ dihydro­ [(4­ 2­ methyl­­ 1 piperazin l methylene]­­ iy ) 8 nitro­­ 1 H­imidazo­[1,2­ a][1,4]benzodiazepin­ one 1­ 198 Loprazepam 7­chloro­ (o­ 5­ chlorophenyl)­,3­ 1 dihydro­3­ hydroxy­2H­1,4­ benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 199 Lometazepam 7­chloro­ (o­ 5­ chlorophenyl)­,3­ 1 dihydro­3­ hydroxy­ methyl­ H­1,4­ 1­ 2 benzodiazenpin­ one 2­ 200 Mazindol 5­ chlorophenyl)2,5dihydro­ (p­ ­ 3H­imidazo­ (2,1­ a)isoindol­­ 5 ol
  13. 13 201 Medazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ methyl­­ 2,3­ 1­ 5 phenyl­ 1H­1,4­ benzodiazeparn 202 Mefenorex N­(3­ α methylphenethylamine chloropropyl) ­ ­ 203 Meprobamate 2­methyl­­ 2 propyl­,3­ 1 propanediol  dicarbamate 204 Mesocarb* 3­ α­ ( methylphenethyl) ­(phenyicarbamoyl) N ­   sydnoneimine 205 Methylphenobarbi l 5­ ta ethyl­­ 1 methyl­­ 5 phenylbarbi i acid tur   c 206 Methylprylon 3,3­ diethyl ­ 5 ­ mehyl­ piperid dione 2,4­ ine­ 207 Midasolam 8­chloro­ (o­ 6­ fluorophennyl)1­ ­ methyl­ H­imidazo­ 4 [1,5a][1 ] enzodiazepin ,4 b ­ 208 Nimetazepam 1,3­ dihydro­ methyl­­ 1­ 7 nitro­­ 5 phenyl­ 2H­1,4­ benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 209 Nitrazepam 1,3­ dihydro­ nitro­ phenyl­ 7­ 5 2H­1,4­ benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 210 Nordazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ phenyl­ 1,3­ 5­ 2H­1,4­ benzodiazepin,2­ ­ one 211 Oxazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ hydroxy­ phenyl­ 1,3­ 3­ 5­ 2H­1,4­   benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 212 Oxazolam 10­chloro­ 2,3,7,11b­ tetrahydro­ methyl­ 1b  2­ 1 phenyl   oxazolo[3,2d] ,4 [1 ]benzodiazepin­6(5H)­ one 213 Pemoline 2­amiro­ phenyl­ oxazolin­­ 5­ 2­ 4 one 214 Phendimetrazine (+)­ (2S,3S)­ dimethyl­­ 3,4­ 2 phenylmorphline 215 Phenobarbital 5­ethyl­­ 5 phenylbarbi i acid tur   c 216 Phentermine α­ dimethylphenethylamine α­ 217 Pinazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ phenyl­ (2­ 1,3­ 5­ 1­ propynyl)2H­ ­ 1,4­benzodiazepin­ one   2­ 218 Pipradrol 1­ diphenyl­­ piperidy ) ethanol 1­ 1 (2­ lm­ 219 Prazepam 7­chloro­ (cyclopropylmethyl 1,3­ 1­ )­ dihydro­ 5­ phenyl­2H­1,4­benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 220 Pyrovalerone 4­methyl­­ pyrrol iny ) lerophenone 2 (1­ id l va 221 Pyrovalerone 5­sec­ butyl­­ 5 ethylbarbi i acid tur   c 222 Temazepam 7­chloro­ dihydro­ dihydro­ hydroxy­ 1,3­ 3­ 3­ 1­ methyl­­ 5 phenyl­ 2H­1,4­ benzodiazepin­ one 2­ 223 Tetrazepam 7­chloro­ (1­ 5­ cyclohexen­ yl)­,3­ 1­ 1 dithydro­ 1­ methyl­ H­1,4­ 2 benzodiapin­ one 2­ 224 Triazolam 8­chloro­ (o­ 6­ chlorophenyl)­­1 methyl­ H­s­ 4 triazolo[4,3­][1,4]benzodiazepine a 225 Vinylbutal 5­ methylbuty ) ­ (1­ l 5 vinylbarbi i acid ­ tur   c
  14. 14 B ¶ n g  IV   B a o  g å m  c¸c tiÒn c h Êt v µ c¸c c h Êt h o¸ h ä c  tha m  gia v µ o  q u¸ tr×nh c h Õ  t¹o c¸c c h Êt m a  tuý (C¸cchÊtcã      trong b¶ng      I,b¶ng     II C«ng    ­ ícquèc  n¨m  tÕ  1988) 226 Ephendrine 1­phenyl­ methylamino­ propanol 2­ 1­ 227 Ergcmetrine N­(2­ hydroxy­ methylethyl D(+)­ 1­ )­ lysergamide 228 Ergotamine 12'­ hydroxy­ methyl­'­ 2'­ 5 (phenylmethyl)­ ergotaman­3',6   ione '18­ , 229 Lysergicacid   β)­ (8 9,10­ Didehydro­ methylergol 8­ 6­ in­ carboxyl   icacid 230 1­phenyl­ propanone 2­ 1­phenyl­ propanone 2­ 231 1­phenyi­ propanone 2­ 1­phenyi­ propanone 2­ 231 Pseudoephedrine [S­ α [1(methylamino)ethyl (R*,R*)] ­ ­   ] benzenemethanol 232 N­Acetyl­ nthrani iacid 1­ A l c Acetylamino­ carboxybenzene 2­ 233 lsosafrole 1,3­ benzodioxole,5­1­ ( propenyl) 234 3,4­ 3,4­ methylenedioxyphenyl­­ 2 propanone methylenedioxyphenyl­­ 2 propanone 235 Piperonal 1,3­ benzodioxole,5­carboxaldehyde) ( 236 Safrole 1,3­ Benzodioxole,5­2­ ( propyenyl) 237 Anthrani i id l cac 2­Aminobenzoicacid   238 Phenylacet   icacid Benzeneacetic  acid 239 Piperidine Cyclopentimine 240 Potassium  permanganate
  15. 15 M ét s è h o¸ c h Êt c ã tÝnh ® é c  h¹i ¹ n h  m (C«ng    1054/BKHCNMT­T§C  v¨n sè  ngµy  27/4/1999 cña  Khoa    Bé  häc­ MT) CN STT Tªn    ho¸ chÊt C«ng  thøc Nång  ®é Ghi chó   1 Aldrin                              C 12H 8Cl6 2 BHC   indane)           (l            C 6H 6O 6 3 Chordane 4 DDT 5 Dieldrin 6 Eldrin 7 Heptachlor                           C 10H 5Cl5 8 Isobenzen 9 lsodrin 10 Methamidophos C 2H 8NO 2PS 11 Monocrotophos C 7H 14NO 5P 12 MethylParathion   C 8H 10NO 5PS 13 EthylParathion   14 Phosphamidon 15 Polychlorocamphere 16 Strobane 17 Captan 18 Captofol 19 Hexachlorobenzen C 6O 6 20 24,5 T    (Brochtoo,Decamine)   21 Axitcyanhydricvµ      muèi cña    nã HON 0,0003 22 Hexaclorocycloexan   C 6H 6Cl6 0,0001 23 Methyl paration (dernet lparanit   i  ro 0,0001 photpho,volfatoc. .   .)
  16. 16 (C«ng    4817/CV­ v¨n sè  KH§T  ngµy  19/11/1999 cña  C«ng    Bé  nghiÖp) STT Tªn    ho¸ chÊt 1 O­Alkyl ≤ C10, gåm  c¶ cycloalky ) Alkyl  ( l,   (Me, Et, Pr hoÆc  i­    n­ Pr) phosphonofluo­ ridates   ≤  2 O­Alkyl( C10, gåm   cycloalky )N,N­   c¶  l , dialkyl  (Me, Et,n­ hoÆc   Pr)     Pr  i­   phosphoramidocyanidates 3 O­Alkyl(H    hoÆc   C,10,gåm   cycloalky ) 2    c¶  l ,S­ diakyl(Me,Et,n­ hoÆc         Pr  i­   amincethylalkyl(Me, Et, n­ hoÆc   Pr) phosphonothio tesvµ  Pr) ­         Pr  i­   la   c¸cmuèi alkylat      hoÆc   protonatt  ¬ng  øng 4 Sulfuamustards   2­Chleroethyl chnoromethylsuf   i ide,(2625­ 5) 76­      Mustar gas: Bis (2­ chloroethyl  sulf  (505­ 2) Eis (2­ ) ide, 60­ chloroethyl io th )             methane,(63869­ 6)   13­     Sesqimustard:       chloroethyl io  1,2­Bis(2­ th ) ethane,(3563­ 8)   36­ 1,3­   chloroethyl io n­ Bis (2­ th ) propane,(63905­ 2) ­   10­ 1,4­   chloroethyl io n­ Bis (2­ th ) butane,(142868­ 7) ­   93­ 1,5­   chloroethyl io n­ Bis (2­ th ) pentane,(142868­ 7) ­   94­    Bis (2­       chloroethyl iomrthyl ether, th   )  (63918­ 1) 90­ O­Mustard:Bis(2­     chloroethyl io l ther (63918­ 8) th thy )e   , 89­ 5 Lewisi : te Lewisi     chloroviny ich te1:2­ ld loroars   ine,(541­ 3) 25­ Lewisi       chloroviny   te2:Bis(2­ l chloroarsine, )  (40334­ 8) 69­ Lewisi     te3:Tris(2­ chloroviny   l arsine,(40330­ 1) )   70­ 6 Nitrogen mustards:   HN1:    chloroethyl ethylamine,(538­ 8) Bis(2­   )   07­ HN2:    chloroethyl methylamine,(51­ 2) Bis(2­   )   75­ HN3:    chloroethyl amine,(555­ 1) Tris(2­ )     77­ 7 Saxitoxin,   (35523­ 8) 89­ 8 Ricin,  (9009­ 8) 89­ 9 Alkyl  (Me,Et,n­ hoÆc   Pr)phosphonyldi l ides     Pr  i­   f uor 10 O­Alkyl(H    hoÆc   ≤ C10, gåm   cycloalky )0­ dialkyl(Me,    Pr  c¶  l  2    Et, n­ hoÆc   Pr)­aminoethylalkyl(Me, Et,n­ hoÆc   Pr) phosphonitesvµ  i­           Pr  i­     c¸cmuèi alkylat      hoÆc   protonatt  ¬ng øng. 11 Chlorasine:  O­lsopropyl  methylphosphonochloridate(1445­ 7)   76­ 12 Chlorosoman:O­Pinacoly    lethylphosphonochloridate(7040­ 5)   57­ 13 Amiron:O,O­Diethyl    S­[2­ (diethylamino)ethylphosphorothio te  53­   ] la , (78­
  17. 17 5) vµ      c¸cmuèi alkyl    hoÆc   protonatt  ¬ng  øng 14 PFIB:1,1,3,3,3­           Pentafluoro­ (tr f uo 2­ i l romethyl) ­ 1 propene,(382­ 8) ­   21­ 15 BZ:  Cdinucl iny beilate, 3­ id  l  (6581­ 2) 06­ 16 Methylphosphonyldichlor     ide,(676­ 1),Dimethylmethylphosphonate, 97­       (766­ 6) 79­ 17 N,N­Dialkyl  (Me,Et,n­ hoÆc   Pr)phosphpramidicdihal     Pr  i­     ldes 18 Dialkyl(Me,    Pr    Et, n­ hoÆc   Pr) N,N­ i­   dialky  l(Me,    Pr  Et, n­ hoÆc   Pr) i­   phosphoramidates 19 2,2­ Diphenyl­­ 2 hydroxyaxotic  acid,(76­ 7)   93­ 20 Quinucl ine­­   id 3 ol,(1619­ 7) 34­ 21 N,N­Dialyl (Me, Et, n­Pr hoÆc  i­ Pr) aminoethyl­­ 2 ols vµ  c¸c muèi  protonatt  ¬ng  øng 22 N,N­Dialyl(Me,    Pr    Et, n­ hoÆc   Pr) aminoethane­ thiolsvµ  i­   2­   c¸c muèi  protonatt  ¬ng øng 23 ThiodiglycolBis(2­     hydroxyethyl  : ) sulf   ide,(111­ 8) 48­ 24 Pinacolyl   alcohol: Dimethylbutane­ ol,(464­ 3)  3,3­ 2­   07­ 25 Phosgene:Carbonyldichlor   44­     ide,(75­ 5) 26 Chloropicr   in Trichloroni romethane,(76­ 2) : t   06­
  18. 18 P h ô  lôc 2 D a n h  m ô c  h o¸ c h Êt ® é c  h¹i µ s ¶ n p h È m  c ã   v h o¸ c h Êt ® é c  h¹i h Ë p  k h È u  c ã ®i Ò u  kiÖ n  n (Ban  hµnh  kÌm theo Th«ng   01/2000/TT­   tsè  BCN   ngµy 29/3/2000 cña  tr   Bé  ëng  C«ng  Bé  nghiÖp) STT Tªn    ho¸ chÊt C«ng  thøc Nång  ®é Ghi chó   1 Acetonit i rl CH 5   ­CN 2 Anilin C 6H 7 N ­ 3 Benzen C 6H 6 4 Choloroform   CHCl3 5* Furfurol C 5H 4CO 2 6 n­Hexan CH 3(CH2) CH 3 4 7 Piridin C 5H 5N 8 Cabon  tetrachloro   CCl4 9* Tuluen C 7H 8 10* EthylenGlycol   CH 2OH    2OH ­CH 11* n­Butanol CH 3(CH2) CH 2O 2 H 12* Aldehyd  acetic CH 3CHO 13* lsoPropanol CH 3CHOH C H 3 14* Amiang  nguyªn liÖu   15* Selen vµ      hîp chÊt Se 16* Cadmium  hîp chÊt vµ    Cd 17 Taliurn TI 18* Xylen                                       C 6H 4(CH3)2 19* AcidPechloric   HCIO 4 20 Acrolein CH 2  CH    =  ­ +0,002 CHO 21* Amoniac NH 3NH 4OH +0,002 22 Anhydric acseni¬ vµ  anhydriAs2O 3   t +0,0003 acsenic(asen    pentoxyt) 23 Acsenua  hydro AsH 3 +0,0003 24* Anhydri cacbonic   t CO 2 0,1%  mg/l 25* Anhydri cromic   t CrO 3 0,0001mg/l 26* Anilin C 6H 5­ 2 NH 0,005 27* Antimoan Sb 0,0005
  19. 19 28* Axit clohydric vµ clorua hydroHCI    0,010 (tÝnh ra cloruahydro)     29* Axitnitr c   i (tÝnh ra N 2O 5)       HNC 3 0,005 30* Axitaxetic   CH 3COO H 0,005 31 CyanhydrictÝnh      ra HCN 32* Axitsufur   anhydri sunfuric H 2SO 4   icvµ    t 0,002 33* Axitphotphoric   H 3PO 4 34* Axitpicr   ic C 6H 3K 8O 7 35* Bary oxytchøa      10%   2    SiO tùdo BaO 0,005 36* Bary+    hîp chÊtdÔ     tan (Ba) 0,0005 37* Benzidin C 12H 22N 2 0,001 38* Brom Br2 1  ml/m3 39* Bromua  metyl Br­ 3 CH l0    ml/m3 40* Bromofoc CHBr3 41* BicromatkiÒm   Cr2O 7­(Na,K) 0,0001 42* Ch×  hîp  vµ  chÊt v«  cña    c¬  ch×  Pb 0,0001 (khÝ  dung  vµng  bôi) 43* Clo Cl2 0,0001 44* Clobenzen C 6H 6Cl 0,050 45 Clodiphenyl 0,001 46 Clo  oxydiphonyl   0,0005 47 Clonaphtal   i lonaphtal ) in c (tr in C 10H 7Cl 0,001 48 Hçn hîp tetravµ    pentanaphtal   in 0,005 bËc  cao 49 Cloropren CH 2=CH­ 0,002 CCI=OH 2 50 Clopycrin CCl3NO 2 20  mg/m 3 60  mg/m 3 51* Clorua v«i(tÝnh Cl)       CaCl2 0,001 52* Cån  Metylic CH 3OH   0,050. 53* Dimetylamin   (CH3) NH   2 0,001 54 Dimetylfocmanit             3         CH HCO­N     0,001           3         CH 55 Diclobenzen C 6H 4Cl2 56 Dinit lobenzen roc        (NO 2)         2 C 6H 3  0,001
  20. 20         Cl          57 Dinit to ro luen (NO 2) C 6H 3­ 3 2 CH 0,001 58 Dinitrobenzen vµ      c¸c®ång  d¹ng 59 Dioxit  Clo ClO2 0,0001 60* §ång  (muèi) 0,00005 61 Etylthuû ng©n      phètph¸t   0,00005 62* Focmaldehyt HCHO 0,005 63 Ethylthuû ng©n      Clorua 64* Floruahydro   FH 0,0005 65 Muèi cña    axitFlohydrictÝnh      raFH 0,0005 HF 66 Muèi cña    axitFlohydrictÝnh      ra 0,001 HF 67 Florosi i t l ca  kim  lo¹  tan  vµ  i 0,0000@ kh«ngtan   68 Hexaclorocyclohexan   69* §ång  ph©n  (gamma) 70 Hydrazinvµ    dÉn  chÊt 0,0001 71 Isopropyln t t i ra C 3H 7N0 2 0,005 72* Khi dïng  kiÒm  (h¬i NaOH,  KOH)  73* Mangan  c¸c hîp chÊt (t     vµ        inhraMnO 2 0,0003 MnO 2) 74* Metaldehyl 75 Nitobenzen  c¸chîp chÊt vµ      C 6H 5NO 2 0,005 76 Nitroclobenzen        Cl         0,001 C 6H 4          2        NO 77 Nicotin 0,0005 78 Nitr  ikim  i t lo¹ NO 2 79 Ozon O3 0,0001 80* Oxytcacbon   CO 0,030 81* Oxytetylen   0,001 82* OxytkÏm   ZnO 0,005 83* Oxytnit¬,    tÝnh    2O 5 ra N N 2O,NO,NO 2,N2 0,005 O 3  2O 5 N 84* Oxytniken   NiO 0,005



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