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Trắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 - PRACTICE TEST 1

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  1. Tr ắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 PRACTICE TEST 1 A. PHONETICS AND VOCABULARY I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently form the others in each group 1. A.glossary B. because C. please D. music 2. A. speeds B. skirts C.tapes D. roofs 3. A. places B. ages C. lives D. pages 4. A. balloons B. days C. sisters D. flats 5. A. busy B. seaside C. result D. sometimes II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest. 6. A.another B. interest C. selection D. effective 7. A. suitable B. together C. supportive D. solution 8. A. message B. enter C. discuss D. middle 9. A. decision B. effective C. leftovers D. opinion 10. A. garbage B. pressure C. ready D. believe III. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence. 11. Amanda left the job because they asked her to work on a night very often. A. time B. shift C. period D. moment 12. Angela Duffy wants to be a doctor. She likes working with people and the idea of working in profession. A. caring B. helping C. consoling D. comforting 13. His words helped us learn the matter well and we found the solution soon. A. faithful B. formal C. frank D. simple 14. Do you think the household chores is the of the women only? A. task B. responsibility C. mission D. charge 15. As a child, I often came to my neighbours’ to collect for the pigs three times a week. A. remains B. garbage C. waste D. leftovers 16. “How is your neighbourhood, Camile?” – “Oh. I really like it. It’s nice and more than my old one. I can walk alone late at night.” A. clean B. secure C. peacful D. rough 17. My sister took a summer job last June. She worked at a camp for kids and s he felt exhausted because the chlidren are always active and . A. aggressive B. mischievous C. cruel D. rough 18. Chris is my close friend. I trust on him. He’s always to help me whenever I have a problem. A. willing B. charge C. responsible D. available 19. My uncle Jack brought me up after my father’s death. He paid my school fee, boght me clothes, books…. He is very . A. honest B. wealthy C. supportive D. self-help 20. After work, my mother rushes to the market for getting things for dinner. “Rushes” means A. tramps B. wanders C. hikes D. hurries B. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer. 21. The sun the biggest planet in the solar system. A. has been B. will be C. is D. was 22. If you like skiing, there resort under an hour’s driving from Madrid. A. has been B. is C. will be D. can be 23. Ann often does the shopping, but I it today as she isn’t well. A.’m doing B. will do C. do D. have done 24. What you about? You’re not hearing me, John! A. do – think B. are – thinking C. have – thought D. were – thinking 25. In my opinion, Carnival in northern Brazil the best celebration in the world. A. have been B. will be C. was D. is 26. It’s a lovely day today! The sun and the birds . A. is shining – are singing B. shines – sing 1 Lê Nga CBT - 2010
  2. Tr ắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 C. is shining – sing D. shines – are singing 27. Tomorrow Jason the first train in early morning so that he to the conference on time. A. will catch – has come B. catches – comes C. will catch – will come D. is catching – has come 28. Oil if you it on water. A. is floating – are pouring B. would float – pour C. floats – pour D. will floating – pour 29. “Did you meet Jane here at the university?” - “ No, we when I started college”. A. has alreay met B. had already met C. has already been meeting D. had already been meeting 30. Since 1980, scientists in the world a lot of things to fight AIDS A. have done B. did C. are doing D. had done 31. When we got home, dinner , so we had a drink first. A. was preparing B. was being prepared C. had been prepared D. was prepared 32. We had just got out of car when it to set fire. A. had begun B. began C. has begun D. was beginning 33. I met Tom and Ann at the airport. They to Berlin and I up my mother. A. went – was picking B. were going – picked C. were going – was picking D. went – picked 34. I’m sorry I false information. I didn’t intend to mislead you, Joe. A. gave B. give C. have given D. am giving 35. If Harold us the information, we find you here. A.didn’t tell – can B. doesn’t tell – could C. doesn’t tell – can’t D. didn’t tell – couldn’t 36. “Would you like something to eat?” – “ No, thanks. I lunch with Tony.” A. have just had B. just have C. just had D. just have had 37. I’m so absent-minded! He told me his name but I it. A. have forgotten B. forget C. forgot D. was forgotten 38. It snowed a lot here last winter but this year it much. A. didn’t snow B. isn’t snowing C. hasn’t snowed D. doesn’t snow 39. Linda her identity card again. This is the second time this . A. lost – happened B. has lost – happened C. has lost – has happened D. lost – has happened 40. I to get into contact with them for a long time, but now I it up hopelessly. A. have tried – have given B. tried – have given C.have tried – give D. tried – will give C. READING I. Read the passage and choose the best answer. We live in a two-bedroom house as soon as James starts calling “Mummy, Mummy” around seven every morning, he wakes everyone up. Being his mother I like to be the first to greet him, so I get up. I take him downstairs and start getting breakfast ready. Before long the other kids – Heather (almost 17), Mary (10) and Stella (8) – are also down. If Paul is recording or we are touring, I try to make sure he’s not disturbed. But if he isn’t working, he gets up at the same time and joins the kids at breakfast. He’s an excellent father, very involved and protective towards them. It seemed mad to have moved from a large house in London to a small place on the South coast, but it is so much cosier. Paul and I are in the kind if business where we can be totally detached from o ur kids and hardly see them grow up. Quite often Paul comes with me when I drive the girls to school. Mary and Stella go to a local primary school and Heather attends a nearby art school. I drive a Mini because being an American I’m used to wide road, so with a small car I have no fear about scrapping it. I buy most of the kids’ clothes at Mothercare. I look at their catalogue or go into the shop and pick 2 Lê Nga CBT - 2010
  3. Tr ắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 out things that are made from natural fibres. I myself feel most comfortable in jeans and T-shirts. I don’t really spend that much – even though Paul pays all the bills! Paul never helps me with doing housework. He likes tidiness but it’s not too tidy himself! One interest we share closely is football. We rarely get to see matches but we always watch it on television. Paul is a great Liverpool fan, so we support Liverpool. There’s so much I’d like to do, especially in the photographic field. But when it comes down I just can’t bring myself to leave the kids and go to take pictures. So I stay at home and take the pictures of them instead. Most of our evenings are spent in front of the television. Before I turn in for the night, I always go to the kids’ bedroom and give them each a kiss. 41. The person who wakes up first in the family is A. Stella B. Paul C. Linda D. James 42. Ita seemes mad to have moved from a large house in London to a small place on the South coast, but it’s much cosier. Cosier means . A. more comfortable B. more modern C. more beautiful D. more luxirious 43. Linda has no fear about scraping her car because A. she is an American English B. the roads there are wide and her car is small C. she picks out things from natural fibres D. she used to drive a Mini on the wide roads 44. Paul often helps his wife, Linda, with . A. doing jobs around the house B. Driving the girls to school C. paying the bills at Mothercare D. preparing breakfast 45. The last work in the day of Linda always is . A. taking pictures of the kids B. watching her favourite programs C. giving the kids each a kiss D. leaving the kids for taking pictures II. Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best completion. FAMILY LIFE We usually see each other (46) once a month or more often. We have lunch together on Sunday if we haven’t got anything special (47) . We live in Monpellier, (48) is about an hour and half away, but we always come to Marseilles where my father and mother (49) . It’s not so far. Usually grandmother and my uncle and aunt are there too – we’re quite a large family! Sometimes my brother and his girlfriend come over – they live nearby. The meal (50) about four hours, we spend a lot of time (51) and there always lots to eat. there no one we call the head of the family, (52) my father’s advice and opinion are very important in any (53) we take. My uncle Tony is in fact older than my father so I suppose he’s the real head of the family. (54) my grandfather was alive he liked (55) that the whole family organised itself around him, but these days it (56) different. We all try to discuss things together when we meet. “In most families, it’s a small group (57) live in the same house, mother, father and the children (58) they get married. But if one of the grandparents dies, (59) usually sells their home and goes to live with their children. So it’s quite common to have one grandparent (60) with you but not more. 46. A. at last B. at least once D. at present 47. A. to do B. doing C. done D. do 48. A. who B. what C. where D. which 49. A. are living B. lived C. live D. lives 50. A. has B.costs C. takes D. spends 51. A. whispering B. chatting C. arguing D. whistling 52. A. although B. but C. and D. so 3 Lê Nga CBT - 2010
  4. Tr ắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 53. A. details B. views C. decisions D. opinions 54. A. While B. When C. As D. Since 55. A. the thinking B. to thinking C. thinking D. to think 56. A. will be B. was C. has been D. is 57. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 58. A. as B. after C. before D. since 59. A. others B. the others C. other D. the other 60. A. living B. having lived C. lived D. to live D. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Identify the error in each sentnence. 61. Family rules siplify the explanations, clarify explanations, and cearted a safe environment for A B C family children and their friends. D 62. What problems do your parents usually have for their children over household chores. A B C D 63. We always o ffer our guests something to drink when they arrived, tea, coffee or perhaps water A B C D or soft drinks. 64. Because people usually know what the word “home” means, it often has no exact translation. A B C D 65. I just can’t understand why their homes have been extremely hot in the summer and vey A B C D cold in the winter. 66. I love living in Venice, which has got a population of about 200.000 people but there were lots A B C D of tourists, especially in summer. 67. My sons are quite active and mischievous sometimes , but most of the time they are quite A B obedience and hard-working. C D 68. I always talk with my parents before making any important decision. A B C D 69. Children are expected to obey and honor parents and respect elders, and they are taught to honest, A B C D quiet, and polite. 70. Elders stay with the family with support and comfort. They are highly respected by all age groups. A B C D THE END 4 Lê Nga CBT - 2010



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