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Trọng tâm kiến thức Tiếng Anh lớp 11

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Trọng tâm kiến thức Tiếng Anh lớp 11 được biên soạn bám sát chương trình sách giáo khoa mới nhất của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo nhằm giúp học sinh hệ thống kiến thức và luyện tập cho các bài kiểm tra, chuẩn bị kiến thức nền tảng cho việc học tiếng Anh giao tiếp. Bài tập trong cuốn sách Trọng tâm kiến thức tiếng Anh lớp 11 được thiết kế đa dạng từ dễ đến khó, đồng thời tập trung vào ba khía cạnh: từ vựng, ngữ âm và ngữ pháp. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

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Nội dung Text: Trọng tâm kiến thức Tiếng Anh lớp 11

  1. UNIT 1. THE GENERATION GAP - KEY PART I. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Vocabulary extended family (n): gia đình nhiều thế hệ nuclear family (n): gia đình hạt nhân childcare (n): việc chăm sóc con cái generation gap (n): khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ table manners (n): cung cách ăn uống appearance (n): ngoại hình conservative (adj): bảo thủ state - Owned (adj): thuộc nhà nước follow in somebody's footsteps: theo gương ai viewpoint (n): quan điểm open-minded (adj): thoáng impose (v): áp đặt conflict (n): xung đột decision (n): quyết định norm (n): chuẩn mực distract (v): làm phân tâm brand name (n): hàng hiệu afford (v): có khả năng chi trả regardless of: bất kể preference (n): sở thích objection (n): sự phản đối expectation (n): sự mong đợi pierce (v): xâu khuyên (tai, mũi...) extra-curricular (adj): ngoại khóa curfew (n): lệnh giới nghiêm studious (adj): chăm học forbid (v): cấm flashy (adj): hào nhoáng elegant (adj): thanh lịch homestay (n): ở cùng gia đình bản địa frustrating (adj): khó chịu privacy (n): sự riêng tư sibling (n): anh chị em ruột 2. Grammar 2.1. Form: should, ought to, must, have to should ought to + V(infinitive without to) must have/has/had to e.g. You ought to learn English to have a better job. Cậu nên học Tiếng Anh để có công việc tốt hơn. You must try a bit harder. Anh phải cố gắng hơn một chút. + Notes:
  2. > Phủ định của should là shouldn't, phủ định của must là mustn't, phủ định của ought to là ought not to, phủ định của have to là don't/ doesn't/didn't have to. e.g. You ought not to drink too much coffee. (Chị không nên uống quá nhiều cafe.) Linda doesn't have to study in the afternoon. (Linda không phải học vào buổi chiều) > Ta thường không dùng must và ought to với câu hỏi. 2.2. Use: * should/ ought to (nên): dùng với các lời khuyên hoặc gợi ý. e.g. She should/ought to phone him as soon as possible. (Chị ấy nên gọi điện cho anh ấy càng sớm càng tốt.) * must (phải): dùng để diễn tả sự bắt buộc (xuất phát từ suy nghĩ hoặc cảm nhận của người nói, mang tính chủ quan). e.g. You must invite me to your wedding party. (Em phải mời anh dự tiệc cưới của em đấy nhé.) * have to (phải/cần): dùng để diễn tả sự bắt buộc/ cần thiết (xuất phát từ nội quy hoặc luật pháp, mang tính khách quan). e.g. I have to dress formally for work. (Em phải ăn mặc trang trọng đi làm) My son has to wear uniform for school. (Con trai tôi phải mặc đồng phục đi học.) + Notes: Have got to được dùng trong văn nói nhiều hơn văn viết e.g. I've got to leave right now. (Mình phải đi ngay bây giờ.) Mustn't còn dùng để diễn tả điều cấm làm. e.g. You mustn't park here. (Bạn không được phép đậu xe ở đây.) 3. Pronunciation Strong and weak forms of words in connected speech (Dạng mạnh và yếu của từ trong lời nói) Các từ trong câu Tiếng Anh được đọc với độ mạnh, yếu không giống nhau. Strong forms (dạng mạnh): là các từ được nhấn mạnh (đọc to, rõ, dài) hơn các từ khác trong câu, các từ đó được gọi là content words (từ nội dung)-diễn tả ý nghĩa chính của cậu. Content words: Nouns: Tom, cat, company Verbs: live, study, travel Adjectives: beautiful, green, attractive Adverbs: carefully, hard, frequently Pronouns: this, theirs, herself Weak forms (dạng yếu): là các từ được đọc yếu (đọc nhỏ, ngắn) hơn các từ khác trong câu, các từ đó được gọi là function words (từ chức năng) - chúng ít quan trọng trong việc diễn tả ý nghĩa chính của câu mà chỉ tạo nên đầy đủ các thành phần cho cậu. Function words: Auxiliary verbs: can, do, have Prepositions: in, out, behind Conjunctions: and, or, but Determiners: a, the, some Possessive adjectives: his, your, our PART II. PRACTICE
  3. 1. Match each picture with a suitable word/phrase. 1. a. extended family 2. b. conflict 3. c. brand name 4. d. forbid 5. e. sibling Your answer: 1. ____c____ 2. ____b____ 3. ____a____ 4. ____e____ 5. ____d____ 2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription. 1. ___nuclear family____ /ˈnjuːkliə(r)ˈfæməli/ (n): _____gia đình hạt nhân_____ 2. ___generation gap______ /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃnɡæp/ (n): _____khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ______ 3. ____impose______ /ɪmˈpəʊz/ (v): _____áp đặt______ 4. _____norm_______ /nɔːm/ (n): ____chuẩn mực______ 5. _____affrord______ /əˈfɔːd/ (v): _____có khả năng chi trả_____ 6. _____preference_______ /ˈprefrəns/ (n): _____sở thích_____ 7. _____objection______ /əbˈdʒekʃn/ (n): _____sự phản đối_____ 8. ____curfew______ /ˈkɜːfjuː/ (n): _____lệnh giới nghiêm_____ 9. ____frustrating______ /frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ/ (adj): _____khó chịu____ 10. _____privacy______ /ˈprɪvəsi/ (n): ____sự riêng tư______ 3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. You _____must not dress_______ (not/ must/ dress) too casually for work. 2. She ______has to get_______ (have to / get) a work permit before she goes. 3. I think that Peter ______ought to share_______ (ought to / share) the housework with his wife. 4. Yesterday, Jane _____had to get up_____ (have to / get up) really early to catch the ferry to work. 5. They ___do not have to take___ (not / have to / take) notes in this class because they are not required to do this. 6. Sam _____did not have to type_____ (not / have to / type) her assignment when she did it last year. 7. You ______should take_______ (should / take) a lot of passport photos with you. 8. Governments _____should also reduce_____ (also / should / reduce) the costs to the public of travelling on public transport.
  4. 9. Next week I _____will have to work_____ (have to / work) in another branch of my company. 10. ___Do you have to have_____ (you / have to have) passports for your dogs when you travel abroad? 4. Complete the following sentences. 1. I think you ____should talk to/ ask/ discuss with____ your teachers about it. I'm sure they will give you the best advice. 2. You _____mustn’t take____ photographs here. This is a restricted area. 3. Well, to visit some countries, you ______have to have a visa_____, so you ought to organize that before you go. 4. Notice to all conference participants: Please note that you _____must register______ before entering the conference hall. 5. The school cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of students' property, so students ______________ _____must keep track of/ pay attention to______ their belongings. 5. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences. 1. I am going to New York next month, so I will must to buy a guidebook. I am going to New York next month, so I will have to buy a guidebook. 2. You always should carry plenty of loose change. You should always carry plenty of loose change. 3. Students who come to the class late ought to clean the floor. That’s the rule in my class. Students who come to the class late have to clean the floor. That’s the rule in my class. 4. You don't have to smoke inside but you can smoke outside. You mustn’t smoke inside but you can smoke outside. 5. I should leave now because I have a meeting. I have leave now because I have a meeting. PART III. TEST YOURSELF 1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences. conservative forbids viewpoint frustrating open-minded childcare impose Conflicts generation gap extended family 1. Jenny lives in a/an _____extended family______ which consists of four generations. 2. Some young couples don't think twice before deciding to get married, so they do not have enough knowledge for taking care of children and ____childcare______ is too difficult for them. 3. My neighbor is an extremely ______conservative______ person. He insists that his son should follow in his footsteps. 4. The student responded that she didn't want her parents to ____impose____ their decision on her. 5. _____Conflicts_____ normally happen when people don't understand each other well. 6. My grandmother thinks that I should get a job in a state-owned organization after university; however, my parents don't share her _______viewpoint_______. 7. Eric should realize that his parents are quite _____open-minded____ as they only instruct him, but they never impose their decisions on him. 8. One disadvantage of living in an extended family is that it can be ____frustrating____ due to the lack of space, independence and privacy. 9. The law ______forbids_____ the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16. 10. Today there appears to be a new ______generation gap______ between the now older baby boomers and their kids about what will be. 2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right. 1. conservative a. a way of thinking about a subject 2. viewpoint b. showing that you prefer traditional styles and values
  5. 3. open-minded c. to take somebody's attention away from what they are trying to do 4. distract d. willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas 5. extra-curricular e. not part of the usual course of work or studies at a school or college Your answer: 1. ____b____ 2. ____a____ 3. ____d____ 4. ____c____ 5. ____e____ 3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets. brackets. 1. She complained that the photographs were an invasion of her _______privacy_____ (private) 2. ____Generational______ consciousness is another way of distinguishing among generations that was worked on by social scientist Karl Mannheim. (Generate) 3. By this way, you can cope up with the ______expectation(s)_____ of the kids and always be updated. (expect) 4. Social, economic, or political changes can bring _____awareness_____ to these shared interests and values for similarly-aged people who experience these events together. (aware) 5. James is a _______studious______ student. Not only does he complete all required exercises but he looks for some extra ones as well. (study) 6. The main _______objection______ to the plan was that it would cost too much. (object) 7. Many people expressed a strong _________preference_________ for the original plan because of its effectiveness. (prefer) 8. The amount will be paid to everyone _______regardless_______ of whether they have children or not. (regard) 9. The major factor causing the generation gap is the lack of _____communication______ between parents and their children. (communicate) 10. Some parents may also find their children's behavior unacceptable and _____disrespectful______ to traditional values. (respect) 4. Choose the best answer. 1. She considered people to be products of the values and norms of the society they lived in. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ____. A. rules B. rulers C. roles D. rails 2. Anna: "Do your parents and you share any viewpoints?" - Jessica: “____” A. Good idea. I like football but they like volleyball. B. Well, my parents like to work for state-owned companies. C. Actually, working for an international corporation is my dream. D. Yes, we believe that practice makes perfect. 3. Children should keep calm when their parents try to ____ their choices of university or career on them. What they need to do is to point out some disadvantages of following in their footsteps. A. impose B. expose C. compose D. enclose 4. Those enable them to begin making their own interpretations of the world based ____ personal encounters that set them apart from other generations. A. on B. in C. of D. after 5. “You are not allowed to press the red button on this machine." has the closest meaning to ____. A. You ought to press the red button on this machine. B. You mustn't press the red button on this machine. C. You do not have to press the red button on this machine. D. You should not to press the red button on this machine. 6. "It would be a good idea for you to exercise more in the morning." has the closest meaning to ____. A. You ought to exercise more in the morning.
  6. B. You should to exercise more in the morning. C. You have to exercise more in the morning. D. You must not exercise more in the morning. 7. A ____ is a person's opinion about a subject. A. power point B. viewpoint C. overview D. viewer 8. A twenty-year-old boy should not be dealt ____ the same as when he was five years old. A. with B. for C. to D. over 9. According to a survey a lot of young people prefer to live in ____ families which consist of parents and children. A. nuclear B. extended C. three generation D. four generation 10. The ____ family, which consists of three or even four generations, is only popular in some regions today. A. nuclear B. extended C. intended D. small 11. First of all, we ____ to walk or cycle if we can, rather than using our cars. A. should to try B. ought try to C. ought to try D. have try to 12. I don't think you ____ to do your sister's assignment. She should do it herself. A. ought B. ought not C. must D. have to 13. I can do volunteer work on Sunday because I ____ go to school on that day. A. don't have to B. must C. ought not to D. should 14. What ____ about if you are going to go travelling? A. must you think B. ought you think C. do you have to think D. ought to you think 15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others. A. bulky B. believe C impose D. afford 16. If you go to Nepal, you ____ around a Buddhist temple in a clockwise direction. A. always must walk B. always should walk C. ought always walk D. must always walk 17. Choose the answer which needs correcting. Permission to come by bicycle should be obtain from the form teacher. A B C D 18. Choose the answer which needs correcting. Any bicycles brought onto school grounds must left locked in the bicycle sheds provided. A B C D 19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others. A sibling B. curfew C. distract D. homestay 20. Choose the answer which needs correcting. Governments should taken advice from experts before making new laws. A B C D 5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. 1. not / You / use / your / must / mobile / examination / in / the / room. / phone You must not use your mobile phone in the examination room. 2. hope / I /to / that/ work /I / late / night. / won't have / at I hope that I won’t have to work late at night. 3. never / You / do / again. / must / that You must never do that again. 4. She / on / always / an / her / keep / children. / should / eye She should always keep an eye on her children. 5. railings / must / be / to / not / Bicycles / chained / the / school /. Bicycles must not be chained to the school railings.
  7. 6. Read the passage and choose the best answer. Definition of Generation Gap and Causes Have you ever had the feeling that people older than you are hard to understand? Or, have you felt like people from younger generations just don't get it? Maybe you find it easier to ____ (1) with people who are closer to your age than those who are older or younger than you. You can probably thank the generation gap for these feelings. There are currently six generations living in the United States: the Greatest Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation has its own unique set of characteristics and ____ (2). For example, the Greatest Generation (born 1901-1924) is known for its patriotism, hard workers, and loyalty to institutions. The Millennials (born 1980-2000) are characterized by their dependence on technology, detachment from traditional institutions, optimism, and ____ (3). It is no wonder that many people from different generations have a hard time understanding each other. Generation gap ____ (4) to differences in actions, beliefs, interests, and opinions that exist between individuals from different generations. So, what causes these differences? One factor that has heavily influenced generation gaps is the ____ (5) rate of change in society. In the 1800s, developments in society were slow. As a result, two or three generations lived lifestyles that were very ____ (6) to each other. There weren't many differences across generations. However, given technological and social advances that have taken place in the 20th and 21st centuries, the lifestyles of individuals even one generation apart are drastically different from each other. Just think about all of the changes in technology that ____ (7) in the past 20 years. Many individuals from older generations are having trouble keeping up ____ (8) the modern technologies that Millennials have become accustomed to. Due to generation gaps, a child may explain to an adult how to use technology, or a young adult will choose to spend his time on public transportation texting, while an older man passes the time reading. Another factor that has influenced the generation gap is the increased mobility of society. In earlier generations, society was not very mobile. Most people stayed in the same area or country. There was ____ (9) contact with people outside of one's general area. Access to information from other cultures was limited. However, with the increasing advances of technology, people began ____ (10) to new things. 1. A. approach B. connect C. concentrate D. relate 2. A. norms B. norm C. normal D. normally 3. A. open-minded B. pessimism C. open-mindedness D. pessimistic 4. A. distract B. focuses C. relate D. refers 5. A. accelerating B. accelerate C. celebrating D. celebrate 6. A. different B. similar C. same D. relate 7. A. have occurred B. has occurred C. had occurred D. occurred 8. A. with B. for C. to D. from 9. A. a little B. much C. little D. amount of 10. A. to being introduced B. to be introduce C. to be introduced D. to introduce Fun corner You have 20 seconds to answer these 2 questions. 1. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain: in the world?
  8. A. Mt. Kilimanjaro B. Mount Davidson C. No mountain 2. Spell "Silk" out loud, 3 times in a row. What do cows drink? A. Cows can't drink B. Water C. Juice D. Milk
  9. Unit 2. RELATIONSHIPS - KEY PART 1. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Vocabulary strict (adj): nghiêm khắc relationship (n): mối quan hệ romantic (adj): lãng mạn, thuộc yêu đương romantic relationship (n): mối quan hệ yêu đương friendship (n): tình bạn single-sex (adj): chỉ có nam hoặc nữ sympathetic (adj): cảm thông caring (adj): chu đáo involved (adj): để hết tâm trí vào reconcile (v): làm lành break up: chấm dứt lend an ear (to somebody/something): lắng nghe make jokes about something: chế nhạo cái gì make fun of somebody: chế nhạo ai drop out of school: bỏ học divorce (n): sự ly hôn quality (n): phẩm chất contribution (n): sự đóng góp engage (v): lôi cuốn initiative (n): thế chủ động, sự đi đầu take initiative: chủ động, đi đầu community (n): cộng đồng have confidence in someone: tin tưởng ai permission (n): sự cho phép cheat (v): gian lận, lừa gạt ripped (adj): xẻ dọc properly (adv): đứng đắn, đúng đắn unreasonable (adj): vô lý, không công bằng have got a date (with someone): hẹn hò với ai đó) dating (n): việc hẹn hò speed dating (n): hẹn hò nhanh regretful (adj): nuối tiếc confide (v): thổ lộ ease (v): làm giảm tension (n): sự căng thẳng matchmaking (n): sự ghép đôi, sự mai mối potential (adj): tiềm năng profile (n): tiểu sử sơ lược 2. Grammar 2.1. Linking verbs (động từ nối) 2.1.1. Form: S + linking verb + adj/n e.g. Professor McKenna is our teacher. (Giáo sư McKenna là thầy giáo của chúng tôi. }
  10. This house looks beautiful. (Ngôi nhà này trông đẹp đấy.) + Notes: - Một số động từ nối: appear, be, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, and turn eg. His story seems unbelievable. (Câu chuyện của anh ấy có vẻ khó tin được.) - Các động từ nối thường không chia ở các thì tiếp diễn. 2.1.2. Use: Động từ nối là động từ diễn tả trạng thái, dùng để nối chủ ngữ với phần miêu tả của nó (danh từ hoặc tính từ làm rõ nghĩa cho nó). e.g. It is a green house. (Nó là ngôi nhà màu xanh.) "is” nối “It” với “a green house". They became impatient. (Họ đã trở nên thiếu kiên nhẫn.) “became” nối “They” với “impatient”. + Note: Phân biệt động từ nối với động từ thường. e.g. This cake tastes awful. (Cái bánh này có vị kinh khủng.) “tastes” là động từ nối, nối “This cake” với “awful”. He tasted a cake. (Anh ấy đã nếm 1 cái bánh.) “tasted” là động từ thường, diễn tả hành động ăn thử, nếm. 2.2. Cleft sentences (câu tách/câu nhấn mạnh) 2.2.1. Form: It is/was + phần nhấn mạnh + that .. e.g. It was a policeman that helped her cross the road. (Chính một cảnh sát đã giúp bà ấy qua đường.) It is in this shop that she often buys grocery. (Chính trong cửa hàng này cô ấy thường mua đồ tạp phẩm.) + Note: Khi phần nhấn mạnh ở số nhiều thì động từ sau nó cũng chia số nhiều nhưng trước nó luôn là “is/was”. e.g. It is her parents that are dedicated teachers. (Chính bố mẹ của cô ấy là những giáo viên tận tụy.) 2.2.2. Use: Câu tách là câu dùng để nhấn mạnh cho một phần nào đó của câu (chủ ngữ, tân ngữ, trạng từ chỉ thời gian, trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn). Muốn nhấn mạnh cho phần nào thì ta đặt nó sau “It is/was”. e.g. Some farmers found a tiger in this forest last year. It was some farmers that found a tiger in this forest last year. It was a tiger that some farmers found in this forest last year. It was in this forest that some farmers found a tiger last year. It was that some farmers found a tiger in this forest. + Note: ta có thể dùng “who” thay thế cho “that” trong trường hợp nhấn mạnh cho từ chỉ người. e.g. It was my husband who (or that) you spoke to on the phone. (Chính chồng tôi là người chị đã nói chuyện với trên điện thoại.) 3. Pronunciation Contracted forms (hình thức rút gọn) Hình thức rút gọn là hình thức ta đọc hoặc viết hai từ thành một. e.g. I will → I’ll, We had → We’d, I am → I’m 3.1. to be (am, are, is)
  11. Affirmative Negative Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I am I’m I am not I’m not You are You’re You are not You’re not You aren’t He is He’s He is not He’s not He isn’t Affirmative Negative Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form She is She’s She is not She’s not She isn’t It is It’s It is not It’s not It isn’t We are We’re We are not We’re not We aren’t They are They’re They are not They’re not They aren’t 3.2. to be (was, were) Affirmative Negative Pronoun Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I, he, she, it I was … I was not I wasn’t We, you, they We were … We were not We weren’t 3.3. have (got) Affirmative Negative Pronoun Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I, we, you, they I have got I’ve got I have not got I’ve not got I haven’t got He, she, it She has got She’s got She has not got She’s not got She hasn’t got 3.4. had (got) Affirmative Negative Pronoun Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I, he, she, it, we, I had got I’d got I had not got I’d not got you, they I hadn’t got 3.5. do / does Affirmative Negative Pronoun Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I, we, you, they I do … I do not I don’t He, she, it She does … She does not She doesn’t 3.6. did Affirmative Negative Pronoun Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form I, he, she, it, we, I did … I did not I didn’t you, they
  12. 3.7. Modals (can, could, must, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to) Affirmative Negative Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form Can - I cannot I can’t Could - I could not I couldn’t Must - I must not I mustn’t Affirmative Negative Long form Contracted form Long form Contracted form Might - I might not -- Need - I need not I needn’t I will I’ll I will not I won’t I would I’d I would not I wouldn’t Shall - I shall not I shan’t I should I’d I should not I shouldn’t Ought to - I ought not to I oughtn’t to PART II. PRACTICE 1. Match each picture with a suitable word/phrase. 1. a. have got a date 2. b. divorce 3. c. community 4. d. cheat 5. e. make fun of somebody Your answer: 1. ____c____ 2. ____a____ 3. ____b____ 4. ____e____ 5. ____d____ 2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription. 1. ____romantic___ /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ (adj): ____lãng mạn, thuộc yêu đương_____ 2. ____sympathetic_____ /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ (adj): _____cảm thông______ 3. _____involved_______ /ɪnˈvɒlvd/ (adj): ____để hết tâm trí vào_____ 4. _____reconcile______ /ˈrekənsaɪl/ (v): ____làm lành_____ 5. _____contribution____ /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn/ (n): _____sự đóng góp_____ 6. _____engage______ /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ (v): ____lôi cuốn_____
  13. 7. ____initiative______ /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ (n): _____thế chủ động, sự đi đầu______ 8. ____properly_____ /ˈprɒpəli/ (adv): _____đứng đắn, đúng đắn______ 9. _____confide ______ /kənˈfaɪd/ (v): _____thổ lộ______ 10. _____matchmaking____ /ˈmætʃmeɪkɪŋ/ (n): ____sự ghép đôi, sự mai mối__ 3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Her cousin ________seems_______ (seem) tired whenever he takes an exam. He should try to find out the solution for this. 2. Yesterday, the blue jay _______appeared_______ (appear) happy to see the bird feeder. 3. _____Did he feel_______ (he/feel) depressed when he worked over night? 4. Some days ago, his father-in-law's cats ______were____ (be) content to nap on the couch. 5. At the moment, the doctor _________is feeling_________ (feel) his forehead to see if he has a fever. He seems nervous. 6. It _____is______ (be) Nancy's sister that works harder than anybody else in this organization. 7. It _____was______ (be) on 7 May 1945 that the Second World War ended in Europe. 8. It ______isn’t_________ (not/be) Eric that is responsible for the success of the project. 9. _______Was it________ (it/be) his terrible accent that annoyed you most? 10. In this village, it _______is________ (be) villagers that have right to vote to select their leaders. 4. Complete the following sentences. 1. Tom appeared _______shy/ nervous/ ashamed/ embarrassed________ when the examiner caught him cheating in his last final exam. 2. His voice sounded ______strange/ surprised/ cheerful_______ on the phone when he heard the news. 3. Some teenagers felt ________disappointed/ amazed/ cheerful_______ when they met their idols in real life. 4. It is ____Barack Obama_______ that is the president of the United States of America at the moment, in 2016. 5. It was _____in 2016/ in Aucland, New Zealand_____ that Vietnam officially joined Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). 5. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences. 1. What's the matter with you? You look unhappily. What's the matter with you? You look unhappy. 2. Joan sudden came into the room and everyone felt annoyed. Joan suddenly came into the room and everyone felt annoyed. 3. Students are feeling refreshed after Tet holiday. Students feel refreshed after Tet holiday. 4. It was three years ago that he works for IBM. It was three years ago that he worked for IBM. It is at present that he is working for IBM. 5. It is those houses that redecorate once a year. It is those houses that are redecorated once a year. PART III. TEST YOURSELF 1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences. cheating divorce confided initiative profile involved drop qualities confidence properly 1. I was so _____involved______ in my book I didn't hear you knock. 2. He remarried after a _______divorce_________ from his first wife, Kate. 3. Many students tend to ____drop______ out of school due to getting involved in romantic love. 4. It's hard to find people with the right ____qualities____ for the job, but she has all the qualities of a good teacher.
  14. 5. It was up to the US to take the ______initiative_____ in repairing relations. 6. The players all have _____confidence______ in their manager. They completely trust him. 7. Anyone caught _____cheating_______ will be automatically disqualified from the examination. 8. When will these kids learn to behave ________properly______? 9. He ______confided_______ to me that he had applied for another job. 10. We first build up a detailed ______profile_____ of our customers and their requirements. 2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right. 1. strict a. to come to an end 2. sympathetic b. to listen in a patient and sympathetic way to somebody 3. relationship c. demanding that rules, especially rules about behaviors, should be obeyed 4. break up d. kind to somebody who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and care about their problems 5. lend an ear e. the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other Your answer: 1. ____c____ 2. ____d____ 3. ____e____ 4. ____a____ 5. ____b____ 3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. I have established a good working _____relationship_____ with my boss. (relate) 2. It's the story of an extraordinary ______friendship_______ between a boy and a seal. (friend) 3. He was described as 'a good man, a ______caring_____ father and a considerate neighbour'. (care) 4. These measures would make a valuable ____contribution______ towards reducing industrial accidents. (contribute) 5. No official ______permission______ has been given for the event to take place. (permit) 6. Many students tend to drop out of school due to getting involved in ______romantic_____ love. (roman) 7. I always have difficulties in life, so I really need a _________sympathetic_________ friend. (sympathy) 8. They felt ______regretful_______ after he left. (regret) 9. ______Matchmaking_______ seems to be easier with the aid of the internet. (matchmake) 10. It would be ________unreasonable______ to expect somebody to come at such short notice. (reason) 4. Choose the best answer. 1. The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ____. A. easy B. reduce C. fell D. increase 2. Jack: "Are you going to settle in Canberra?" - Jessica: “____” A. No. It is in Queensland that I am going to settle. B. No. It was in Queensland that I am going to settle. C. No. I want to settle there. D. Yes. I will never drop in there. 3. The incident has further increased ____ between the two countries. A. tension B. tense C. tent D. tenth 4. It is not kind ofyou to make fun ____ your classmates. A. on B. in C. of D. after 5. "We had our first date in a romantic park.” has the closest meaning to ____. A. It is in a romantic park that we had our first date. B. It was in a romantic park that we had our first date. C. It is in a romantic park that we have our first date. D. It was in a romantic park that we have our first date. 6. “Alan and Joe are always making jokes about love." has the closest meaning to ____. A. It is Alan and Joe that are always making jokes about love.
  15. B. It is Alan and Joe that is always making jokes about love. C. It were Alan and Joe that are always making jokes about love. D. It was Alan and Joe that is always making jokes about love. 7. It is a movie that ____ both the mind and the eye. A. gates B. engages C. gate D. engage 8. In order to have mutual understanding, you should lend an ear ____ your partner. A. with B. for C. to D. over 9. The relationship between the police and the local ____ has improved. A. immune B. communicate C. community D. common 10. ____ education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. A. Opposite-sex B. Multi C. Single-sex D. Simple 11. This drink ____ like sherry. A. tastes B. taste C. is tasting D. tasting 12. His face looks funny. He ____ something in the kitchen now. A. tasted B. taste C. is tasting D. tasting 13. It ____ on Sunday that I can do volunteer work because I don't have to go to school on that day. A. is B. are C. was D. were 14. It was yesterday that she ____ the baby down gently on the bed. A. is laying B. lays C. was lying D. laid 15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others. A. inspire B. reveal C. deny D. happen 16. Everyone thought that their break-up was inevitable, but they became ____ after Jackson made a public apology. A. reconcile B. recommend C. reconciled D. recommended 17. Choose the answer which needs correcting. It was permission to come by bicycle that is obtained from the form teacher five days ago. A B C D 18. Choose the answer which needs correcting. It are any bicycles brought onto school grounds that must be left locked in the bicycle sheds provided. A B C D 19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others. A. standard B. curfew C. pretty D. advice 20. Choose the answer which needs correcting. Experts say that if left too long, that milk may be turning sour. A B C D 5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences. 1. are / Train / likely / fares / remain / to / unchanged. Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 2. reasonable / explanation / to / sounds / me. / His His explanation sounds reasonable to me. 3. never / He / . / angry / for / stays / long He never stays angry for long. 4. more / As / he / impatient. / time / on,/ grew / and / went / more As time went on, he grew more and more impatient. 5. crisis. / may / His / of / in / experience / prove / a / lack / problem / a His lack of experience may prove a problem in a crisis. 6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
  16. Secretes of a Happy Relationship Relationships like marriage, romance, living together or any of similar kinds can be sustained with a happy note if some of the secret rules ____ (1). Relationship is completely ____ (2) and no clear cut rules can be executed on it, yet following certain guidelines may help proceeding happily in a relationship. Breakup and Divorce are not the Solution When asked about the best possible way of resolving the issues in relationships or ____ (3), many people may comment that breakup or a divorce is the best possible method of putting an end to all the troubles in a relationship. It is the biggest mistake people ____ (4). The reason for increased divorce rate is analyzed as the mentality of people who even before getting into a relationship think divorce as means of solving possible issues in it. Divorce is never an option but it’s the ____ (5) decision to be taken in life only at an inevitable situation. Do not even think about a breakup or marriage whenever you ____ (6) with minor issues in relationships. Issues are you just byproducts of the happiness experienced in the relationships. No Perfect Relationships, but Perfect Situations No one can be considered in a perfect relationship, how ____ (7) the couple is, as happiness in a relationship is just the happiness of the situations created by the partners. No relationship, as a whole, is destined to be jovial and ____ (8). There can be moments of happiness and moments of struggles. The couple who learns the secrets of ____ (9) both happiness and struggles wins the life and enjoys the best possible relationship and life. When in tension or issues, many people may think that they are fated to ____ (10) into wrong relationship, and at the same time ignore the possible chances of making each moment in life happy by understanding the partner a bit more and adjusting a bit more. 1. A. was followed B. follows C. are followed D. following 2. A. subjective B. subject C. object D. objectives 3. A. marriage B. marry C. married D. marries 4. A. vomit B. commit C. omit D. submit 5. A. almost B. more C. utmost D. many 6. A. comfort B. conceal C. confirm D. confront 7. A. happiness B. happily C. happiest D. happy 8. A. satisfying B. satisfy C. satisfies D. satisfyingly 9. A. balanced B. balances C. balancing D. balance 10. A. survive B. fall C. lean D. distinct Fun corner You have 20 seconds to answer these 2 questions. 1. If there are three apples and you took two away, how many do you have? A. Two B. One C. None 2. Can you spell 80 in two letters? A. A-T B. EIGH-TY C. It is not possible D. AI-TY
  17. Unit 3. BECOMING INDEPENDENT - KEY PART I. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Vocabulary rely on somebody: phụ thuộc vào ai đó remind (v): nhắc nhở reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy responsible (adj): có trách nhiệm, đáng tin assign (v): giao cho determined (adj): quả quyết self-reliant (adj): tự lực well-informed (adj): thạo tin decisive (adj): dứt khoát struggle (v): cố gắng, vật lộn (nỗ lực) deadline (n): hạn chót self-esteem (n): sự tự tin, lòng tự tr079 tìme-management (n): sự quản lý thời gian strive for something: phấn đấu để đạt được điều gì đó wisely (adv): một cách khôn khéo approach (v): đến gần app (n): ứng dụng schedule (n): kế hoạch làm việc, thời khóa biểu figure out: tính toán (ra) prioritize (v): dành ưu tiên routine (n): thói quen, công việc hàng ngày loneliness (n): sự cô đơn housekeeping (n): công việc quản gia hygiene (n): vệ sinh interpersonal (adj): giữa cá nhân với nhau depressed (adj): chán nån punish (v): phat get along well with somebody: hòa hợp với ai đó cope with: đối phó với goal setting (n): đặt mục tiêu respect (n): sự tôn trọng voice (v): nói ra truly (adv): thực sự 2. Grammar To -infinitives after nouns/adjectives 2.1. Noun/Pronoun + linking verb + adjective + to-infinitive e.g. It is easy to use the internet. (Thật dễ dùng internet.) The internet is easy to use. (Internet thật dễ sử dụng.) He seemed delighted to attend that seminar. (Cậu ấy tỏ ra hào hứng tham gia buổi hội thảo đó.) It is not hard to understand him. (Không khó để có thể hiểu anh ấy.)
  18. Note: Một số tính từ: certain fortunate lucky shocked content glad pleased sorry delighted happy proud surprised determined hesitant ready hard eager liable reluctant easy eligible likely sad difficult 2.2. It + linking verb + adjective (+noun/for somebody) + to-infinitive e.g. It was an interesting question to answer. (Nó là một câu hỏi hay để trả lời.) It was an interesting question for him to answer. (Nó là một câu hỏi hay cho anh ấy trả lời.) It is impossible to remove this box. (Không thể di chuyển được cái hộp này.) It sounds necessary to ask for help. (Có vẻ cần phải xin trợ giúp.) Note: Một số tính từ: easy great necessary difficult good unreasonable hard possible interesting impossible boring important nice likely 2.3. Noun + to-infinitive e.g. He has a dream to become a teacher of English. (Thằng bé có mơ ước thành giáo viên dạy Tiếng Anh) They have ability to control the situation. (Họ có khả năng kiểm soát được tình hình.) His parents have made decision to send him to an international school. (Bố mẹ cậu ấy đã quyết định gửi cậu bé vào một trường quốc tế). Note: Một số danh từ: advice decision request ability good wish ambition dream way anxiety failure demand attempt permission effort chance plan offer 3. Pronunciation Linking between a consonant and a vowel (Nối phụ âm với nguyên âm) Trong lời nói tự nhiên của người bản ngữ, họ nối phụ âm cuối của từ đứng trước với nguyên âm đầu của từ đứng sau. e.g. There are a lot of good oranges. Can I have a piece of apple?
  19. PART II. PRACTICE 1. Match each picture with a suitable word/phrase. 1. a. schedule 2. b. loneliness 3. c. housekeeping 4. d. punish 5. e. voice Your answer: 1. ____b____ 2. ____c____ 3. ____a____ 4. ____d____ 5. ____e____ 2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription. 1. ____reliable_____ /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ (adj): _____đáng tin cậy____ 2. ____determined______ /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ (adj): ______quả quyết____ 3. _____self-reliant______ /self rɪˈlaɪənt/ (adj): ______tự lực_____ 4. _____well-informed_______ /ˌwel ɪnˈfɔːmd/ (adj): _____thạo tin_____ 5. ____decisive_____ /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (adj): ____dứt khoát_____ 6. _____prioritize_______ /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ (v): ______dành ưu tiên______ 7. _____hygiene______ /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ (n): _____vệ sinh______ 8. _____interpersonal____ /ˌɪntəˈpɜːsənl/ (adj): _____giữa cá nhân với nhau____ 9. _____depressed_______ /dɪˈprest/ (adj): _____chán nản_____ 10. _____truly_______ /ˈtruːli/ (adv): _____thực sự______ 3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The little boy _____was_______ (be) afraid to jump, but the trainer asked him to do. 2. Now our company _____is______ (be) pleased to offer you a job as a financial risk manager. 3. I __________am___________ (be) sorry to disturb you. Are you reading? 4. Recently, his father-in-law's cats ________have been_______ (be) content to nap on the couch. 5. The story about Ted _______sounds________ (sound) difficult for readers to imagine. They know little about it. 6. Shortly after that, Ted _______turned______ (turn) surprised that his computer was operating strangely. 7. He and his roommate ____were_____ (be) upset to watch the destruction of his files, which had been created for a long time. 8. Ted _________was_______ (be) so relieved to find out that his files were backed-up. 9. He ______seemed______ (seem) delighted to be able to spend his weekend away from his computer while it was being repaired.



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