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Từ và cấu trúc tiếng Anh hay nhầm lẫn - Từ đúng và Từ sai: Phần 2

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Nối tiếp nội dung của phần 1 Tài liệu Từ đúng - Từ sai, từ và cấu trúc tiếng Anh hay nhầm lẫn, phần 2 cung cấp cho người đọc các từ và cụm từ tiếng Anh thường khiến người dùng nhầm lẫn, những từ và cụm từ tiếng Anh dùng trong các hoàn cảnh khác nhau. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

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Nội dung Text: Từ và cấu trúc tiếng Anh hay nhầm lẫn - Từ đúng và Từ sai: Phần 2

  1. Vu do xay ra cdch ddy bao lau Anh da rdi Paris bao lau roi? rdi? (Khdng d ung "How much time") •* H o w lo n g de noi den mot thoi »» H o w lo n g de noi den nhiing diem trong qua khU khoang thdi gian dai H o w lo n g is the film? H o w m u c h tim e / H o w lo n g did Bo phim ddi bao lau? you spend on your reading? - An »* H o w lo n g = the time it last: hour. keo ddi bao lau , Ban danh bao nhieu thdi gian di W e're going to Spain for our doc sach. ■ M ot tieng sum m er holidays. - F o r h o w (co the dung: "How much time" lo n g /H o w lo n g fo r ? hoac “How long" de noi den nhitng Chung tdi se di Tay Ban Nha nghi khoang thdi gian ngan) he. - Trong bao lau v ay? hum ane, hum an » » F o r h o w lo n g /H o w lo n g fo r ? They transplanted animal organs = for what period o f time: trong into h u m a n s. kodng thdi gian bao lau? "for" bdt H o ghep cdc bo phan cd the thu buoc di vdi "how long" trong cho con ngudi. triidng hap nay (Khdng dung "humane") We visited Spain. - H o w lo n g •* h u m a n = a m em ber o f the ago? hum an race: mot thanh vien cua Chung tdi dd tiing tdi thdm Tay loai ngudi; Ban Nha. - C d ch d a y la u c h iia ? trdi nghia: “inhuman" = doc ac, •* H o w lo n g a g o ? = when? Khi n hu trong: the inhumane nao? “ago" bdt buoc di sau “how treatm ent o f prisoners: sit ddi xii long” trong ngtf canh nay td nhdn dao doi vdi nhitng ngudi h ow m u ch, h ow m any tu H o w m a n y classical records do They release prisoners for you have? h u m a n e reasons. Anh cd bao nhieu dia nhac cd’ H o phong thich tu nhdn vi ly do d ien? nhan dao. (Khdng dung “How much classical (Khong d ung “human") records”) »* hum ane = showing •* H o w m a n y + danh tii dem consideration, kindness: bieu hien duac so nhiiu sii quan tdm, long tot, H o w m u c h petrol do you need? trdi nghia: “inhum ane" = khdng A nh can bao nhieu xang? the hien long tot cua con ngudi; *► H o w m u c h + danh tii khdng n h u trong: inhumane treatment dem ditac o f anim als: sit doi xii tan te vdi H o w m u c h does this m icro­ dong vat com puter cost?/ H o w m u c h is h u m id it y , m o is tu r e , this m icro-com puter? c o n d e n s a t io n , d a m fV d a m p n e ss Cai m ay tinh nay gid bao nhieu? There was a d a m p n e s s , -.t seems (Khdng dung “How many...?", to be raining. “What costs?") Khdng khi dm th a p qua. dtfdng h o w m u c h tim e , h o w lo n g nhtf trdi dang mUa. H o w lo n g have you left Paris? (Khdng diing "a damp/a 230
  2. himudity") and one, a million and one; a ** dam pness = su &’m tfdt, ch i la billion and one tinh trang dia phiicfng, khong phdi hundreds, hundred, hundred tinh trang chung percent The air usually has dam p with How many marks did you get? - dew on the mountain. A /O ne hundred. O tren nui, khong kh i thiidng dm A nh ddac bao nhieu diem ? ■ M o t hcti silOng. tra m . (K hong dung “a dam pness/a (Khong d ung “hundred") him udity/m oisture”) How many people were at the ■» dam p (danh tii khong dem dem onstration? - About three ditac) - slight general wetness, hundred. usually undesirable: sii dm ildt noi Co bao nhieu ngdtii tai cuoc bieu chu ng thiidng lam kho chiu; tinh? - Khoang b a tr a m ngitdi. T he ground is damp with dew. (Khong d ung “three h undreds”) M at dat dm hai sitOng. “Vacancies for two hundred •* dam p = just slightly: dm nhe w orkers”. dam p la tinh tii “Can tuyen h a i tr a m cong nhan". Today, it's quite good hum idity. (Khong diing “two hundreds H6m nay do dm kha tot. workers", "two hundreds of (K hong diing "a dam pness/ w orkers”) moisture") (hundred g id dang so it sau so ** hum idity = weather vapour in dem ) the air: hai niidc trong khong khi How many mem bers participated? The laundry was full of - Hundreds! condensation. Co bao nhieu thanh vien dd tham Cho giat la. qudn do mu tit hai g ia ? ■ H ang tram ! n itdc. (Hundreds: dung dang so' nhieu (K hong dung “a dam pness/ khi m ang nghia "hang") hum idity”) In 1076, the Chinese sent ■* condensation = steam turning hundreds o f soldiers to conquer to water on a cold suface: hai nitdc Vietnam (known at that time as tao thanh nitdc tren be mat lanh Dai Viet) The land is so barren that won't Nam 1076, Trung Q uoc dda hang hold m oisture. tram qudn sang chinh phat Viet D at qua can coi den noi kh on g g id Nam (thdi dy goi la Dai Viet) ditac d o dm. *♦ So nhiiu + of *♦ m oisture = dispered water: (cung dung n h d vay vdi: billions / nitdc dong billion; dozens / dozen: millions / hundred, a hundred and one million; thousands / thousand) Have you ever read “a hundred This answ er is a/one hundred and one spot dogs"? percent accurate. Ban dd doc truyen “M ot tram le Cdu trd Idi nay chinh xac tra m m ot chu cho ddm chita?" p h a n tra m . (Khdng diing “a hundred one") (Khdng dung "hundred of •* cdn g cd the dun g a thousand hundred”,” hundred by hundred") 231
  3. hunger, hungry chang den ddu cd. He's too fat for his age and always »» hurried = carried out too hungry! He eats for two! quickly: duck: tien hanh qua So v&i tuoi no thi no beo qua cd vd nhanh luc nao cung thciy doi! M ot minh hym n, anthem , psalm no dn bdng hai ngtfdi d ay! They shouted 'E ngland' England!' (Khong dung "might hunger”,” and even drowned out the hunger”) Argentine national anthem with 1 am getting hungry. piercing whistles. Toi bdt ddu thay d oi. Ho ho vang ‘ Ntfdc A n h ! Ntfdc Thousands are dying o f hunger. Anh.r vd tham ch i huyt sao choi H ang ngan ngtfdi dang chet doi. tai dt cd b d i quoc ca cua A hungry person often feels Achentina. tired. (Khdng diing "hymn", "psalm ”) M ot ngudi doi thtfdng thciy met »* anthem = a cerem onial song: moi. mot bdi hat nghi thtfc (Khdng dun g "A hungry") She stood up and sang aloud a »* khong the dung “hungry" v&i hym n to extol nghia “mot ngtfdi bi doi" God. I feel uneasy when I see the Co ay dtfng day vd hat to bd i hungry. thanh ca ca ngdi Chua. Tdi cdm thay dy nay khi nhin thay (Khdng dung "anthem", "psalm ”) nhung ngudi bi doi. *► hym n = a song o f praise: mot (K hong d ung “the hungries”) bdi hat ca ng
  4. cou ple o f ices? (Khdng d ung “idea it") Ban cd mud'n dn mot que idiom atic, proverbial kem /hai que kem khdng? “H unger brings the w olf to the »» ice = kem, dem d M c fold” is a proverbial saying. (Or a icon, image, picture proverb) The im age/picture o f my native “Doi dau goi phdi bd" Id m ot cd u country engraved upon my mind. tu c ngit. H inh anh q u i htfOng dat n M c (Khong d ung “idiom atic”) ghi sdu vdo tdm tri tdi. I rem eber a lot o f idiom atics (Khdng d ung “icon”) English, (or idioms) •* im age/picture = a mental Tdi nhd rat nhieu thanh ngit picture: m ot bite tranh trong tiin g Anh. ddu / ttfdng ttfdng ** a proverb (tuc ngit) la cdu A biology book with many noi co y nghia, Itfu hanh bdng coloured pictures. cdch truyen khau ttf ddi nay sang Quyen sach sinh vat cd nhiiu bile ddi khac; tranh mdu. an idiom (thanh ngit) la mot (Khong d ung “images", "icons”) nhom tit di cung nhau m ang This church has many old icons. nghia khac vdi nghia den cua Nhd thd nay co nhieu bite titang chung. thanh co. idle, lazy (Khdng dung “im ages”, "pictures") I told him to his face that he was •* icons =paiting o f holy people: very idle/lazy. nhitng bite tranh thanh Tdi noi thdng vdo mat no la no He is a fashion icon o f Korea. litai b ie n g qua. Anh ay la than titang thdi trang Many people w ere idle and the cua Hdn Quoc. machines were idle during the •* icon = an im age for others to depression. im itate: m ot hinh anh cho nhitng Nhieu ngtfdi khong lam viec ua ngitdi khac bdt ch M c may moc bi de khong trong suot idea thdi ky suy thoai. He’s had a good idea! (Khdng dung “lazy”) Anh ta vita nay ra m ot y kien *» lazy hay idle de chi nhtfng hay! ngitdi khdng sdn sdng lam viec, (K hong d un g “It cam e to him an Itfdi nhac, khdng co cdng dn viec idea" lam: - co the noi “An idea cam e to idle dung cho m ay m o c ...- khdng him") dtfdc sit dung, de khong, khong I've had the idea o f speaking dung d in directly to others. if Tdi vita nay ra y kien la noi I f you offer me more money. I'll chuyen thdng than vdi m oi ngtfdi. only stay. (Khong dung “idea to speak") N eu anh dtfa them tiin cho tdi thi We hadn't the slightest idea o f it. tdi se a lai. Chiing tdi khdng co m ot y niem gi (Khdng d un g “If you will offer") v i cai do. »* if+ Si + V hien tai, S2 + will 233
  5. I f you learned to type, you »• w hether = whether I would easily find a job. sh ou ld...: lieu minh co nen... N eu em dd hoc danh may thi em dtfng whether, khong phai if dd s e de tim viec lam. bat d&u mot cau. sau be. sau gidi (Khong diing "If you would learn") ttf va trtfdc to »* if + S, + V aui khu> S , + would I wonder whether/ if I should I f they had caught the early w ear a hat. train, they would have been Toi khong biet lieu co nen dpi mu here. hay khong. Neu ho di chuyen tdu sdm, ho dd a »♦ w hether va if dtfng sau ddy roi. • cac dong ttf: ask, wonder, know, (Khong diing "If they would find out catch”, “If they had've caught") - vh mot so tinh ttf: (not) certain, * 1I f + S j + V k h u A o a n th a n h * + (not) sure would have ignorant (of), badly brought up I f you will sit down for a few They’re naughty children. They’ve moments, I’ll tell the manager badly brought up. that you're here. Chung la nhtfng dtfa tre hit. N eu n g a i v u i lo n g dai mot lat, Chung d tfa c d a y d o k h o n g ra toi se bao cho giam doc biet la gi- ngai den. (Khong diing “they ignorant") •* I f + S + will/w ould: c h i stf ttf »* badly brought up = wrongly n g u y en , ttf s a n lo n g raised from childhood: dtfctc nudi if^ w hether day khong dung cdch ttf hoi nho W hether it rains or not, we're He’s not stupid, just ignorant. playing football on Saturday. N o khdng ngu, ma la dot. Du trai co mtfa hay khong thi den (nghia la no dd hoc roi nhtfng van thtf bay chung toi van chai dd khong biet gi) bong. He’s really ignorant o f the (Khong dung “IF) growing. It's doubtful w hether there'll be Anh dy thtfc stf th ie u k ie n th iic any seats left. v e trdng trot. K hong biet la lie u co con chd d rap •* ignorant of = lacking hay khong. knowledge of: thieu kien thtfc ve (Khong diing “on if") ignore, neglect It all depends on whether she Though busy, he does not neglect likes the boss or not. his household chores. Tat ca tuy thuoc vao viec lieu co Ban cong tdc nhtfng anh dy khdng ay co thich ong chu hay khong. b o b e viec nhd. (K hong dung “on i f 1) »* neglect = fail to care for: She was undecided whether to khong quan tdm accept his offer. 1 said hello to her. but she Co ay Itfdng ltf lieu co nen chap ignored me com pletely. nhan de nghi cua anh ta hay Tdi chao co ta nhtfng cd ta hoan khong. toan p h a t la tdi. (K hong dung “if to") »* ignore =' pay no attention to: 234
  6. khdng chu y tdi, bo qua, bac bo disappointm ent. 111 (w ith, sick (offwith)) Cd ta p h d t om vi that uong. He's been ill for two weeks. (cd nghia la udi cdm gidc dd) N o bi om dd hai tudn nay. im agine *♦ ill = not good health: khong I im agine he'll be there. khoe Tdi c h o r a n g anh ta se den dd. I fell/becam e/got ill last month. (Khdng d ung “I’m inm agining’') Thdng trtfdc tdi b i om . •* im agine: cho rdng, nghi (sac (Khong dung “ I illed/sick”) thdi tinh) The cat's been sick on the carpet. I heard steps outside. - Nobody Con meo dd n o n m tfa ra thdm. here, perhaps you are im agining (Khdng dung ‘"s been ill”) it. *► be sick = vomited: non mica, Tdi nghe thay tieng btfdc chan ben was/is being/will be/has been sick ngoai. - Khdng co ai d ddy cd, cd le = vomit: non mCta anh d a n g ttfd n g tita n g d ay thdi. I’ m feeling sick because I ate all *► im agine (m ang sac thdi dong) those sweets. = ttfdng ttfdng (tao ra nhiing hinh Tdi cd m thciy s a p n o n ui tdi dd anh tinh than) dn het chd keo do. He does not say much but he •* - look, seem + sick = ill: site thinks a lot. - 1 im agine so. khoe kem N o noi it nhtfng suy nghi nhieu. - - feel / turn + sick: sap non mtfa, Tdi c h o la vay. Idm giong (Khdng dung “I inm agine” , “ I My husband is ailing. He is a sick inm agine it”) man. im agine = that’s w hat I think: Chong tdi dang o'm. A nh ay la mot dd la nhitng g i tdi nghi n gtfd i om yeu . Im agine w alking into a palace (Khdng dung “an ill man”) with a large garden. » » a sick m an = not in good H a y ttfd n g ttfd n g di vdo trong health: khdng co site khoe tot', co mot lau ddi cd khu vtfdn rong. the dung an ill man nhtfng khdng (Khdng dung “inm agine to w alk”) pho bien Im agine him /his not telling John w as ill with m alaria on a everyone that he thought o f them. trip to Africa. H a y ttfd n g ttfd n g x e m a n h ta John b i sot ret trong m ot chuyen k h o n g n o i vdi moi ngtfdi nhtfng di Chau Phi. g i md anh ta nghi v i ho. (Khdng d un g “in o f') (M ot so’ ngtfdi ban xtf chi tdn I'm sick o f w aiting around like thanh tit sd hitu n h tfh is) this. im itate, forge Tdi c h a n cai canh chd dai loanh They are all suspected o f having quanh mdi the nay lam rdi. forged invoices. »• sick o f = fed up with, often Tat cd bon chung deu bi tinh nghi expressed as sick and tired of: g id m a o hod ddn. chan, thtfdng gion g nhtf sick and (Khdng d un g “im itate”) tired of: chan vd m et moi vdi... ** forged = copy for serious She was sick with crim inal deception: sao chep vi 235
  7. muc dich lita doi pham toi nang mobile” , “im m obiles”) Parrots imitate human speech. property = dat dai, cdc tod Vet bdt chtfdc tieng ngitdi. nhd, co the de'm dtfdc hoac khdng •* imitate= copy: bat chtfdc dem dtfdc, real estate khdng the la im m aterial (to), indifferent (to), it so' nhiiu, m ac ddu cd the noi a doesn’t m atter (to m e), don’t piece o f real easte (m ot bat dqng worry sdn) How can you be indifferent to The sick person lay immobile in the sufferings o f starving people? his bed. Sao anh lai co the diing dtfng Ngtfdi om nam bat dong tren trtfdc noi kho dau cua nhtfng gitfdng. ngtfdi dang chet ddi? » » tinh ttf im m obile = khdng cd *► indifferent = uncaring, pays stf cii dong no attention to: khong quan tdm, im portant, considerable khong chu y tdi This house was bought at It's indifferent to me/ considerable expense. im m aterial to m e/it doesn’t N goi nhd nay dtfdc mua vdi chi m atter to me what you think. p h i dang ke. Toi khong quan tam nhiing gi (Khong dung “im portant”) anh nghi. »• considerable = large and (Toi khdng quan tdm, khdng de y noticeable: Idn vd dang chu y tdi) We have to attend an important It doesn’t m atter to me whether meeting. you arrive or not. Chiing ta phai d tf m ot buoi hop Anh cd den hay khong cung chang quan trong. van d i g i vdi tdi. (Khdng diing “considerable”) (Khdng dung “I’m indifferent” , impose (on), essential/vital, “It’s indifferent whether”) impress, m anage I can't do it - It doesn’t matter, The police perform an I'll do it m yself essential/vital role in our Toi khdng lam dtfdc viec dd - society. K hong sao, tdi se ttf minh lam Canh sat g iii m ot vai trd cot lay. yeultrong yeu trong xd hoi ta. (Khdng dung “Don't worry” ) (Khdng dung “im press") Don’t w orry! He’ll com e back! His speech im pressed on the Diing lo lang! Anh dy se quay ve audience. md! Bai dien van cua ong ta dd gay (Khdng d ung “It doesn’t matter”) dn ttfdng manh m e ddi vdi ngtfcti im m obile, proper/real estate nghe. Property is decreasing in value. (Khdng dung “im posed on") B at dong sdn dang giam gid tri. *» impressed = commands (Khdng d ung “(the) im mobile”) respecl/adm iration: yeu cdu stf He has a property in Oklahoma ■ kinh tron g / ngtfdng mo Ong ay cd mot cd n gd i d It is not easy to m anage a Oklahoma. primary school. (Khdng dung "a real estate” , “an Q u d n ly mdt trtfdng tieu hoc 236
  8. khdng phdi chuyen de. du siic manh (Khong dung “im posed on”) He confessed him self impotent. He im poses classical m ethods on Ong ay thu nhan la m inh bi bat his inferiors. Itfc. Ong ta b d t thuoc cap cua minh •» im potent = unable, esp. for a phdi lam theo phitang phdp co prolonged period, to achieve a dien. sexual erection or orgasm : bsk't luc. »» im poses...on = place by force: liet duong dp dat im press (with/by) I hope it’s not im posing on you, The meeting im presses deeply but may I borrow som e money everyone. from you? Cuoc hop g a y an tuang s&u sac Toi m ong d&y khdng phdi la lai vcfi moi ngtfdi. dung anh nhiing toi mtfOn anh it (Khong dung “is im pressing” ) tien d M c chii? (chu yeu chi trang thdi) *► impose = take advantage of: I’m im pressed by your eloquence. lai dung Toi bi g a y an titang bdi tdi hung im position, tax bien cua anh. Zakat is the tax levied on the *► im press thitdng dtfac sii dung wealthy mem bers of the a dang bi dong com m unity, primarily to help the We were deeply im pressed poor. w ith/by his kindness. Zakat la thue danh vao nhitng Chung tdi cdm kich s&u sac vi ngtfdi giau co trong cong dong, long tot cua anh ay. chu yeu de giup ke ngheo kho. (Khdng dung “im pressed from") (K hong dung “im position") impress, affect, touch Expecting her presence in my His grief affected/touched us birthday party is an excessive deeply. im position because she lives far Noi buon cua anh ta lam chung from here. toi vd cung xiic dong. M ong dai stf co m at cua cd ta (Khdng dung “im pressed”) trong tiec sinh nhat cua toi la mot •» affected = anh htfdng d in t&m stf dp dat qua dang vi co ay song trang hay cdch ctf xii cua chung xa nOi d&y. tdi; •* im position = burden: gdnh touched = lam chung tdi cdm nang thciy dang thtfang im potent (to), incapable (of) Nobody is affected/ impressed The aggressor’s modern w eapons by that action. prove im potent in face o f the Chang ai x u c dong vdi viec lam people’s war. do. Vu kh i toi t&n cua ke xam Itfac tra »» affected = cdm dong: thanh bait Itfc trtfdc Stic manh cua im pressed = ngtfdng mo chiin tranh nh&n d&n. im pression (of) »• im potent = unable to. I m ade a strong im pression on powerless, lacking all strength: him at the party. khong the; khong co quyen, khong Tdi dd g a y mot an ttfang manh 237
  9. m e vdi anh dy tai bita tiec. Hay idi thdm chiing toi khi anh (Khong diing “do an im pression") d en Lu&n Don. The boy does a good impression (Khdng diing “into” ) o f the clown's gesture. in chi vi tri nen di tdi sau khi Thdng be n h a i dang di cua chu chuyen dong hi. He ran into the garden. (Khong d ung “makes”) N o chay v d o tr o n g vitdn. (d ben »» im pression (tieng A nh-M y) - ngoai chay vdo ben trong) im itation: bdt chtfdc He ran in the garden. The trip has left deep N o chay t r o n g vitdn.
  10. away. thtfc ra lai la ly do lam cho vui. Trong m oi trtfdng hap, thtfdng (Khdng dung “really”) thi stf dau ddn sdm tan di. »• indeed = in fact, as a m atter of *► In all cases = in every fact: thtfc ra, thtfc te instance trong moi trtfdng hap I was indeed very glad to hear include, enclose, com prehend the news. I’ll enclose your letter with mine. Tdi qua thtfc rat vui mtfng khi Toi se gvti kem Id thit cua anh nghe tin dy. ciing vdi thtf cua tdi. (Khdng diing “really” ) (Khong d ung “include”) *» Indeed thtfdng nhdn manh cho »* enclose = put in the same very envelope with a letter: bo trong I’ m not at all worried about the mot phong bi ciing vdi la thtf forecast. The armed forces include the Tdi khong lo lang chut nao ve Idi regular army, the regional armies dtf doan do. and the militias and guerillas. •* at all dung de nhdn manh Lite ItfOng vu trang bao gom quan trong cdu phu dinh chu Itfc, bo doi dia phtfOng va ddn independent o f qudn du kich. I becam e independent o f my (Khdng diing “including” , husband when I had a good job. “enclose” , “com prehend”) Tdi trd nen khong ph u thuoc »* include (trang thdi) = bao vdo chong minh ntfa khi tdi co gom dtfac m ot cong viec tot. W e ’ r e including Peter in our (Khdng diing “independent from ”) club. index (ot/ to), forefinger/index Chiing tdi tinh cd P eter trong cdu Unger, indication lac bo cua chung tdi. The forefinger/index finger » » include (sac thdi dong) = lam com es between the thumb and cho anh ta trd thanh mot thanh middle finger. phan cua Ngon trd ditng giita ngon cai vd You couldn’t com prehend the ngon giita. difficulty o f my position. (Khdng diing “index”) Anh khdng the hieu stf kho khan You should struggle against all trong dia vi cua tdi. indications o f individualism. *► com prehend = understand: Cdc ban nen chong lai moi bieu hieu; thtfdng d phu dinh, trinh hien ciia chu nghia cd nhdn. trong (Khdng d ung “index”) indeed, really, (not) at all » » indication = sign: tin hieu That was really the nicest meal The retail price index has gone I've ever had. up two points. Ddy th tfc s tf la b i a dn ngon nhat C h i s o gid ban li dd tang 2 diem. tdi dd ditac dn ttf trtfdc tdi gid. •* index = a pointer to som ething (Khdng dun g “indeed") on a scale o f measurem ent mot cai This seem ing reason for sorrow is kim de chi s d tren mot he thdng do indeed one for joy. Itfdng co chia do Cai co ve la ly do lam cho buon thi indiposed, ill, not disposed to 239
  11. She's been ill for a week. (Khdng diing “industrial") Cd ay om mot tudn roi. »• industrious = hardworking: •* thudng dung ill hdn diing cham chi indisposed industry, com pany, business, firm She has a headache and is They merged two small indisposed. com panies/firm s together into a Ba ay dau ddu vd hai m et. larger one. »* ill chi m ang nghia "khong ditdc H o dd sat nhap hai cong ty nho khoe"; indisposed = khong ditdc thanh mot c o n g ty Idn hctn. khoe mot cdch md ho (Khong diing “industry” ) I'm not disposed to meet them W e've opended a com pany/firm at the moment. o f accountants. Luc nay toi k h o n g m u o n gap ho. Chung toi dd md mot co n g »* not disposed = not w illing to; ty/hang chuyen ve ke toan. khong muon (Khong dung "industry” , indoors, inside “business") It has no money inside this *» com pany va firm chi cu the wallet. mot ddn vi kinh doanh B e n t r o n g cai vi nay khong co She runs a thriving grocery tien. business. (Khong dung “inside of/indoors Bd ta co mot c a s a k in h d oa n h this wallet”) tap hod dat khach. ** inside (gidi tit) + tdn ngit (Khdng dung “industry", It has nobody inside/indoors. “com pany” , “firm”) O b en tr o n g khong co ngitdi. businesses = tat cd cdc loai ph o tit inside/indoors = trong hoat dong ditac lam de kiem tien mot cai vi, doi lap outside / out o f You ought to develop cashew doors = ngoai trdi processing industry. The inside o f the flagstone was Cdc ban nen phdt trien con g beautifully vein. n g h ie p che bien hat dieu. B e n t r o n g phien dd la nhitng »* industry noi chung den nganh ditdng van rat dep. sdn xuat ** inside (danh tit) = phia trong My private life is none of your industrious, industrial business. This is the price to pay for Ddi tit cua tdi khdng phdi Id building a modern industrial c h u y e n c u a anh. society. ** tin h tit sa hieu * business = Ddy la cai g i a phdi trd cho viec nhiing chuyen, viec lam cua ai do xay dUng mot xd hoi c o n g n g h ie p M any big b u sin e sse s major hien dai. (xay ditng cdc nganh industry have gone bankrupt cdng nghiep phdt trien) recently. (Khong dung "industrious'') Gdn ddy, khdng it c a s o kin h The farmers are very- d o a n h IctnJ n g a n h q u a n tro n g industrious. dd pha sdn. Nhitng ngitdi nong ddn rat ca n Mind your own business! cu. H a y lo c h u y e n c u a m in h di.' 240
  12. (Khong diing “mind your inflam m able, flam m able business") Rubber products are highly •* cum tU co dinh Mind your inflam m able/ flam m able at any own business = ditng can thiep time. vdo viec khdng lien quan den anh Sdn pham bdng cao su bao gid infam ous/notorious, not famous, cung d e ch a y. famous inflam m able va flam m able: Ly Hung is w ell-known as an khdng ddi lap, md nghia giong actor in our country but is not nhau nhung hay diing flam m able fam ous all over the world. hon. Ly H ung la mot dien vien noi tieng Trdi nghia la uninflam m able, a niidc ta nhitng khong noi tieng non- inflam m able Dd non­ tren khap the gidi. flam m able: khdng bdt l i a (Khong diing “not infam ous") influence on *♦ not famous = not well-known Your cares have/exert a good to a lot o f people khong noi tieng influence on your son behaviour. doi vdi nhieu ngitdi Nhiing sit quan tdm cua anh co He was infam ous/ notorious anh hudng tot den hanh kiem gam bler and rake. cua con trai anh. Han la mot tay cd bac noi tieng (Khdng diing “influence with”) vd leu long trac tang. »* have / exert influence — infam ous/ notorious = well- thudng dung hctn exercise in known with a bad reputation: influence dM c nhiiu ngUcri biet den vdi inform (about/of) tieng xau; Keep me inform ed o f /abou t doi lap cua fam ous la Unknown. what happens. khong phdi infamous Cd chuyen g i xay ra thi bao cho She is a famous lawyer. tdi biet nhe. Bd dy Id mot luat sU ndi tieng. (Khdng diing “influence for what (Khdng d ung “notorious”) happens”) ** fam ous = w ell-known, with a Have you inform ed the police? good reputation noi tieng vdi danh A nh dd bao cho canh sat chua? tieng tot The police is inform ed that the infer, imply car accident. It is im possible to infer final Canh sat d u o c b a o ve vu tai nan results from their lam e reasoning. xe hai. K hong the s u y lu a n ra ket qua (Khdng diing “inform ed the car sau ciing tU cai loi lap ludn khap accident”) khieng cua ho. •* is inform ed rat tn n h trong (Khdng d ung “im ply") inform ation, a piece inform ation, •* infer = conclude: ket ludn news His remark im plies that you're I’ve just heard an interesting wrong. piece o f inform ation. Ldi nhan xet ciia no ngu y rdng Tdi vita mdi nghe duac mot thong anh sai. tin thu vi. •* im plies = suggest: g
  13. I have som e reliable H o song bang sdn bdn vd hai inform ation about the price of Iitam. petrol. (Khdng diing “live from", “live Tdi cd m ot vai thong tin dang tin with”) cay v i gid xang. (nghia la tU dn uong bdng nhitng •* inform ation vd news khong g i bdt duac) dem d M c O nce upon a time, there dwelt a W hen/W here did you get this beautiful princess in a remote inform ation/Who g a v e you this kingdom. inform ation? N gay xi/a ngay xiCa, co mot nang Ban co thong tin nay khi nao Id cong chua xinh dep a mot vUOng ddu. / Ai cho ban thong tin quoc xa xdi n ay? *► dw ell = “song", tit co •» give/get inform ation, khdng Don’t dw ell on that mistake! dung “take” Ditng d a y diet mdi loi lam do W hat's the latest news on TV? nita! Tin tiic mdi nhat tren ti vi la tin ** dw ell on = keep talking about: gi? noi mdi v i (Khong dung “inform ation” , M any w orries occupy his mind. “inform ations”) N h iiu noi lo lang c h o a n cd dau ingenious, ingenuous oc hdn. He's so ingenuous that he •* occupy = fill: lap ddy sw allow s everything. injection N o ngay tha den noi ai noi gi They gave me an injection of cung nghe theo. novocaine into my gums. (Khong d ung “ingenious”) H o tie m ch o to i m ot mui ingenuous = Innocent, artless: novocain vdo nUdu rdng cua tdi. ngay tha, chan that (Khdng dung “do/m ake") The ingenious boy at inventing ink excuses. Fill in this blank in ink. Cdu be mitu tri dd kheo bia ra H ay d iin vdo cho trong bdng nhitng lefi chon g che. mUc. •* ingenious = Clever, skilful: (Khdng diing “with ink") kheo leo, tdi tinh, mitu tri cung vay in pencil bdng but chi inhabit, live (in/on), dw ell (on), inn, pub, guesthouse, bed and occupy breakfast, boarding house, board M y fam ily lived in this farm for and lodging/bed and board, many years. pension Gia dinh tdi dd son g a trang trai The New star is a pub as well as nay nhieu nam. an inn. How many people live New star viCa la q u d n ru a u vita on/inhabit the earth? la q u d n tro. Co bao nhieu ngitdi c u n g u tren (Khdng diing "guesthouse") trdi d a t? »» Pub la viet tdt cua Public They lived on what they hunted house. and gathered. • pub (qudn ruau) ph u c vu dd 242
  14. u ong; (Khdng dun g “ pension”) ■ inn (qudn tro): qudn ritau cd board: com thang. com tro (noi giitdng nam cho khach nghi lai den sit chu cap cdc biia dn) qua dem She lives on pension. There is no guesthouse Bd dy song nhd vdo tien litong accom m odation available in the hitu. area at this time o f year. •* pension = money paid during M ua nay khong con nha khach retirement: tiin trd trong thdi ky de d n ia . ve hitu\ (Khdng dung “ pension”) pension (tieng Phdp): khach san »* guesthouse d A nh thudng la nho cua tit nhdn (d Phdp vd m ot so' m ot nha tit trd thanh m ot khach n M c ch&u A u): san gia dinh nho; khong gion g - W e stayed at a small pension in nhii nhd tro finn), no khdng phuc Alps: Chung tdi 6 tai m ot nhd vu khach khdng thitdng tru khach nho d Alps I can’t seek a good bed and inquiry, enquiry breakfast here. They m ade a public inquiry into Tdi khdng the tim d M c m ot nha financial matters o f an enterprise. khach co chd ngu vd p h u c vu bia H o tien hanh mot cuoc dieu tra sdng tot. cdng khai v i tdi chinh cua mot •* good bed and breakfast = a doanh nghiep. guesthouse which offers a bed and (Khdng d un g “do inquiry”) a breakfast for the morning: mot In answ er to your recent nhd khach cho thue m ot chiec enquiry, the book you mention is giitdng vdo ban dem vd ph u c vu not in stock. bu"a sdng De trd Idi cho cdu hoi mdi ddy It is cheaper to live in a boarding cua ong, quyen sach md on g noi house than in a hotel. den hien khdng cd sdn. O nhd npi tru cd p h u c vu com •* an inquiry = mot cuoc dieu re han d khach san tra; ** boarding house = a an enquiry = mot d i nghi de lay guesthouse, not a hotel, that thdng tin provides meals; ft doesn ’t cater for inscribe, enroll, register, put non-residents and residents tend one’s nam e down to stay for long periods: m ot nhd Tom ’s sister has enrolled in in- khach, khdng phdi la khach san, service class. cung cap cdc biia dn, khdng phuc Chi gdi Tom dd dang ky vdo ldp vu nhiing khach tam then md chi tai chiic. ph u c vu nhiing ngitcti cd xu hitdng (Khdng d ung “inscribe”) den d lau ddi *► enrolled = put her name down We have not enough m oney to pay for a school, etc...: ghi ten vdo mot for board and lodging/bed and triidng,...; board. - danh tii enrolm ent Chung ta khdng cd du tien de trd You must register your car. cho cctm thdng vd d troJd tro vd Anh can phdi dang ky xe hcti cua cctm thdng. minh. 243
  15. (Khong d ung “inscribe", "enrol") - tit trai nghia: conscious »* register = put on official The old man w as unconscious/ record: ghi vdo ho sd chinh thitc; senseless to the last. - danh tit registration Den phut cuoi ciing on g cu dd bat My wife wants to put our tin h . daugh ter’s name dow n for a •* unconscious/ senseless = club at the m om ent she was born. without aw areness o f the world, Vd tdi muon dang ky ditdc ten con not conscious, without sense: gdi chu ng toi vdo cdu lac ho khi no khong nhan biet diidc the gidi, mdi sinh ra. khong y thilc ditdc, khdng co y (K hong dung “inscribe her” , thilc “enroll her” , “register her”) It would be senseless to continue *» put our daughter’s name any further. dow n = apply for deferred Han la d ie n r o neu cii tiep tuc mem bership: xin lam thanh vien nita. theo y muon *• senseless = without meaning, W hen visiting Halx>ng Bay, we foolish: khong c o y nghia, ngu dai inscribed our name on a stone. insist on/that Khi di thdm Vinh Ha Long, chung She'll insist on getting up early toi dd k h a c ten minh len mot and playing her radio loud. phien dd. Cd ta cii n h a t d in h day sdm vd inscribed = written formally, md ddi that to. “specially engrave” , e.g. on stone, (Khdng diing “ insist to get”) or metal: diidc viet trinh trong, danh tit: “insistence on” khdng ditdc khac ( tren dd hoac kim loai); diing “insistence to” ■ danh tie inscription I insist that you take immediate insensible (of), insensitive (to), action to set this n g h i. unconscious, senseless Tdi k h d n g k h d n g muon la anh It w as rather insensitive o f you phdi co hanh d ong ngay de chan to mention his ex-wife. chinh cai do. A nh that c h a n g t e n h i khi nhdc (Khong diing “ insist you to take”) den vd cu ciia ong ay. instant, m om ent (Khong diing “insensible”) Can you wait a moment, please? ** insensitive ... to = having no Xin anh ddi m ot Idt ditoc khdng? consideration for: khong co sit chii (Khong diing “an instant”) y tdi; Just for an instant/a moment I ■ tii trdi nghia: sensitive (nhay thought he w as going to refuse. cdm) C o lu c tdi dd titdnp ong ay se tii He was insensible o f his chol. im m inent misfortune. *► instant, m om ent
  16. Chung tdi ch i noi chuyen vdi nhau trinh khoa hoc vd ki thuat chinh tron g choc lat. xac (Khdng d ung “instantly”) in su lt, h eart a t ta c k , o f fe n c e , *► m o m e n t a r ily (Anh-A nh) = in ju r y trong mot lat; (Anh-M y) = bat cii Her father died o f h e a r t a t ta c k . luc nao B o cd ay chet vi dau tim. I’ll be phoning m o m e n t a r ily . (Khdng d un g “ heart insult” , “heart Tdi se goi b a t c ii lu c n ao. injury”) The business is very urgent and His . w ife’s im pudicity gave must be seen in s ta n tly . h im /c a u s e d h im a h eart Viec rat gap, phdi lam n gay lap a t ta c k . titc. Sit tra tren cua va on g ta dd lam in s t e a d o f cho on g ta len can dau tim We should negotiate in s t e a d o f (Khdng d un g “attack his heart”) preparing for war. *► attack: de mieu td sii om dau Ta nen thaang lUdng vdi nhau dot ngot: t h a y vi chuan bi danh nhau. ■ an attack o f m alaria. ...(m ot can in s t r u c t io n s , d ir e c t io n s sot ret) Can you give me a d ir e c t io n to She spoke out calculated in su lts. the station? Bd ta dd tudn ra nhiing lai lang Anh co the c h i d u d n g cho tdi tdi m a co suy tinh trade, (bieu hien nhd ga d M c khdng? thieu ton trong, si nhuc) (Khong d ung “instructions”) (Khdng diing “injury” , “offence”) •* d ir e c t io n thudng dung cho I'm m oving out - n o o f f e n c e to viec tim hudng, dudng di you or the people who live here, There are many valuable but I ju st don't like the in s t r u c t io n s in this user's guide. atmosphere. Co nhieu lai h u d n g d a n quy gid Tdi don di noi khac - K hong c o y trong quyen sach hudng ddn nay. lam m at long on g hoac nhiing *► in s t r u c t io n s : hudng ddn cdch ngudi song noi ddy, nhiing chi vi lam viec g i do tdi khdng thich nai nay. in s t r u m e n t, t o o l (Khdng diing “no injury/insult”) The plane and ham m er are •* n o o f f e n c e t o s o m e b o d y = indispensable t o o ls of the khdng muon lam mdt long ai, ton carpenter. thUOng den tinh cdm ai Cai bao vd bua la nhiing c o n g cu Excessive dosage o f this drug can khdng the thieu cua ngUtii tha result in in ju r y to the liver. moc. D iing thuoc nay qua lieu cd the (Khdng d un g “instrum ent") gdy to n th u a n g cho gan. The lancet is m erely a surgical ■* in ju r y = physical hurt: dau ve in s t r u m e n t. the chat, the xac D ao md chi dan thuan la mot in su lt, o f fe n d d u n g cu phdu thuat. She w as o f f e n d e d at/by his sexist *♦ t o o ls d ung cho m ay m oc va remarks. cong viec lam bdng tay noi chung; Cd dy thay bi x tic ph qm vi nhiing in s t r u m e n t dun g cho cdc quy Idi nhan xet coi thiidng phu nit ciia 245
  17. hdn. (cd ay co cdm gidc bi ton Vatbi dang co em be/co mang thitang) (Khdng dung “interesting (Khdng dung “insulted”) condition”) This advertisem ent insulted to interior, inland, inner M uslim s . Governm ent m obilised to the Bdi quang cdo nay dd la n g m a highest degree the material and D ao Hoi. moral strength o f all Vietnamese (Khong d ung “offended”) inland and outland. *► insult = speak or act rudely Chinh phu huy dong site manh vat towards: noi hoac hanh dong tho chat va tinh than cua moi ngitdi lo vdi Viet N a m d t r o n g n itd c ra d nM c intensive, intense ngoai. He suffered intense pain before (Khdng d ung "intenor") death. » » inland - within the same O ng ay dd chiu ditng ccfn dau country: trong cung mot nitdc; n h itc n h o i tritdc khi chet. (Khong thitdng ditac sit dung ve mat hanh dun g “intensive”) chinh trong bitu dien, thue *♦ intense = violent, forceful: rat They live inland. manh, citc ky, co cititng do Idn Ho d sd u t r o n g n o i d ia . The unem ploym ent in big cities inland = away from the coast, w asn’t solved after years of tow ards the middle: xa bd bien, vi intensive/ intense try. phdi trung tam N an that nghiep d cdc thanh pho Explorers penetrated deep into Idn chita d M c gidi quyet sau the interior. nhieu nam co g an g ta p t r u n g c a o ■Cac nhd thdm hiem tien sau vdo do. v u n g n o i dia. ** intensive = tap trung cao do *► interior (danh tit) = the inside interested in/to o f a large country, away from the I got interested in fishing when coast: phia trong cua mot nitdc I was a child. rong Idn, cdch xa bd bien Toi th ic h cau cd khi toi con nho. There are many deep inner (K hong d ung “ I interested”) meanings in his closing speech. He is interested in politics. Bdi dien van cua ong ta co nhieu O ng a y q u a n td m d en chinh tri. d n y sdu sac. (Khdng dung “interested for/with”) A villa has a classical exterior but I’ m interested in travelling. a modern interior Tdi th ic h di du lich. M ot biet thit co be ngoai co dien I'm interested to know what nhitng n o i that hien dai happens. ** interior = noi that Toi th ic h th u d M c biet dieu gi interrupter, light switch d a n g x a y ra. The light switch is in an (noi den hien tai ta titdng lai) awkward place. interesting condition, expecting a C o n g td c d en nay dat b cho bdt baby/pregnant tien. My wife is expecting a (Khdng dung ‘ interrupter": ngitdi baby/pregnant. hay vat ngat, it dung trong tieng 246
  18. Anh) first. interview Ngudi tdn tat dM c Uu tien len I w ent for/had an interview for tdu trMc. the job and being accepted. *» invalid = patient: ngitdi benh Toi dd di ph on g van xin viec va tat, ngitdi tdn tat da d M c nhan. involuntary, unw illing (Khong dung “did/m ake an I was unw illing to co-operate interview”) without having more inform ation. intrigue, plot Toi khong san Idng/khong This novel has a neatly worked- m uon hap tdc neu khong co them out plot. thong tin. Cuon tieu thuyet nay co m ot cot (Khong dung “involuntary”) truyen d M c ph ac d itng ranh He spoke an involuntary offense. mach. A nh ay dd noi m ot dieu xiic phqm They crushed an intrigue to vo y. overthrow the people's power. (Khdng dung “unw illing”) Ho dd dap tan mot dm mUu lat (nghia la khong kiem soat ditac, do chinh quyen nhdn ddn. khong chu tam) »• intrigue = secret conspiracy: involve dm mitu bi m at; miCu tinh Expansion in business involves introduce expenditure. Allow me to introduce Mr Sit md rong viec kinh doanh doi Brown, chem ical engineer. hoi phdi chi tieu. X in gidi thieu ong Brown, ky sU She’s involving everybody in her hod hoc. dangerous game. Mary introduced her boyfriend Co ta dang loi keo moi ngitdi vdo to her parents. tro chai mao hiem ciia minh. M ary dd giai thieu ban trai cua ** involve = lam cho ai cung co ay vdi bo me. tham gia, thu hut ** introduce = present: gidi thieu I’ll not make friend with him if he He introduced a trite moral into involves join in g in that affair. his play. Toi se khdng ket ban vdi anh ta Anh ta dd d u a m ot doan ludn ly neu anh ta dinh dang vdo vu buon te vdo vd kich cua minh. viec do. *» introduced = diia vdo (Khdng dung “involves to join ”) invalid, w ar-w ounded is, it is The hospital was full o f the sick It’s raining. and the w ar-w ounded/the Trdi dang mita. w ounded in the war. (Khdng diing “ Is raining”) Benh vien day nhi/ng ngiedi dm vd *► It: “chii ngit gid" ; chu ngit thuong binhJnhi/ng ngudi bi trong cdu tieng Anh phdi d M c thuong trong chien tranh. d M ra hay nhdn m anh (Khong dung “invalid") island, Iceland •* the w ar-w ounded: nhitng W here are you from? - I’m from ngiidi bi thitang trong chien tranh. Iceland. The invalid are entitled to board Ban tit ddu tdi? ■ Toi tdi tit 247
  19. Aixdlen. »• published = printed, We live on an island. distributed and sold: dUiJc in, phdt Chung tdi song tren m ot h d n d a o . hanh va ban ** island = a piece o f land New York Stock Exchange had surrounded by sea: m ot khoanh issued shares to the public. dat bien bao boc x u n g quanh Thi trUdng chUng khoan New York isn’t it da p h d t h a n h co’ phieu ra cdng The book looks interesting, chung. doesn’t it? »» issued = gave out or Cuon sach trong hap dan, p h d i circulation of shares, khong? notes,stam ps, e tc phdt hanh, lUu (Khdng d un g “isn’t it”) hanh co'phieu, tien, tem, ... The book is excellent ana, isn’t it? He w as issued driving licence. Cuon sach la mot giai thoai tuyet Anh dy dd duac cap giay phep vdi p h d i k h o n g ? lai xe. •* c&u hoi duoi: isn’t it? khong *» issued = officially made dun g nhil m ot c&u hoi de gdi y "co available, delivered: chinh thitc phai n h u vay khong", m a muon lam cho co dUdc. dUrtc ph&n phdt nghe sit ddng tinh it, so isolate, insulate Is he com ing? • I believe so. My father insulated pipes from N o den ddy a? ■ Tdi tin la vay. loss o f heat with foam rubber. (Khdng dung “I believe” . “I believe B o toi da boc dUcmg on g cao su it") m ut de c d c h n h i e t . d u n g so sau believe, hope, *► insulate = close in, so that think .. heat, sound, electricity cannot I don’t see it rains but I hope it. escape: dong kin de cho hdi nong, Tdi khdng th a y trdi mUa nhUng tdi &m thanh, dien khdng the thodt ra h y v o n g th e. - insulatation (danh tie): sU cach »* I hope it = I hope this, but I dien don’t see it: tdi hy vong diiu nay W hen a person has an infectious nhung tdi khdng nhin thay disease, he is isolated from other It/they, this/that/these/those people. Is this/that hers’’ Yes it is. Khi m ot ngudi m ac benh truyen C a i nay/cai k ia c u a c d dy phdi nhiem, anh ta se bi t a c h r i e n g ra khdng? - D iin g va y khoi moi n g U d i. (Khdng dung “Yes. this/that is”, (Khong dung “isolated”) “Y es is”) *► isolated: cach ly. tach tieng This/that shirt is old. isn’t it'’ hoan toan de nghien citu; Cai do nay/kia cu l a m rdi p h d i ■ danh tie: isolation khong? issue, publish (Khdng diing “isn’t this/that is” , They published this novel “is no”) several years ago. ‘ Are these/those vours'1 Yes they Ho da x u a t b a n cuon tieu thuyet are. n a y nhiiu nam v i tritdc. N h u n g c a i nay/cai k ia cua ban (Khdng d ung “issue”) phdi khdng? - D u n g v a y 248
  20. fKhong dung “Yes. these/those Indonesian: ngudi Indonexia; are". “Yes are”) Iranian: ngUdi Iran; »♦ it, they thay cho N igerian: ngudi N igieria: this/these,...trong nhiing cdu trd Norwegian: ngudi Na Uy; Idi ngan. Russian: n gid i Nga\ Italian Saudi Arabian: ngUdi A Rap X e ut: I like to learn/do Italian. Scandinavian: ngUdi X cangdinavi; Toi thich hoc tieng Y. Syrian: NgUdi X iri; (Khong dung “ make Italian” , Tanzanian: ngudi Tanzanui; “italian”) Tunisian: ngudi Tuynidi *► Italian: tieng Y (ngon ngit, its, it’s danh t i h en g viet hoa) It’s/It is too late to have remorse. He’s/She’s Italian. Bay gid hoi han thi qua muon. Anh ta/Cd ta la ngucfi Y. (Khong dung “Its”) cung co the dung: It’s/It was in that m orning that He’s/She’s an Italian. the murder happened. They’re Italian. A n mang xay ra chinh vdo buoi Ho la ngudi Y. sdng hom ay. (dang danh t i ) (Khong dung “Its”) I’ve never met an Italian / two •* it’s la dang viet tdt cua it is, it Italians. was, it has: Toi c h ia bao g ia gap mot has rut ngan la ’s chi khi la mot ngudi/hai ngudi Y. tra dong t i Gidi tinh cua ho khong d id c noi it’s ... that chinh (dung de tdi, m ac du co dai t i de chi ra ho nhan manh) la dan ong hay dan ba My book’s torn its cover. (The) Italians/ (The) Italian Sach cua toi dd bi rach bia. people are beautiful. (Khong d ung “it’s”) Ngudi Y rat dep. ■* Its: tinh t i sd h iu ciia it. (The) Italians/ (The) Italian = the group as a whole: chi cd nhom nguai J (cdc nhom sau cung d un g n hu vay: jam , sweet(s) Algerian: ngudi Angieri: Don't have too many sweets, Argentinia: ngitii A ch en tina; you'll spoil your appetite! Asian: n gid i Chau A ; D in g dn k e o nhieu qua keo dn Australian: n gid i Uc, cam het ngon day! Austrian: n gid i A o; (Khong d ung “jam s” ) Belgian: ngudi Bi; *► sweets = keo; Brazillian: ngudi Braxin. tieng A nh-M y: candy/candies Bulgarian: ngUcri B u n g a n : We had a good sweet. Canadian: n gid i C an ad a: Chung tdi cd mot m on tr d n g Colobian: n gid i Colom bia: m ie n g tuyet vdi. Egyptian: n gid i A i Cap; (Khdng dung “jam ” ) G erm an: ngudi D ie ; »* sweet (Anh) = mon banh ngot Hungarain: n gid i H u n gan . trdng m ieng; cd the dung pudding 249



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