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Nội dung Text: UNIT 1 - HOME LIFE TEST 1

  1. QUYNH NHU UNIT 1 HOME LIFE TEST 1 I. P RONUNCIATION Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. a. family b. parents c. happy d. frankly 2. a. mischief b. believe c. obedience d. niece 3. a. shifts b. works c. groups d. hands 4. a. safe b. secure c. sure d. support 5. a. baths b. clothes c. enjoys d. solutions II. LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined part. 6.Many of our students come _________________ poor families. a. in b. for c. from d. over 7.I'm afraid I'm going to be late home' - something's come _____________ at work. a. over b. out c. off d. up 8.Would you like to share your experience __________ the rest of the group? a. with b. to c. among d. of 9.We are a very _________________ family and support each other through any crises. a. old -established b. well-to -do c. hard -up d. close-knit 10. ___________ most men, my father enjoys cooking. a. Not alike b. Unlike c. Unlikely d. Dislike 11.Her family and friends h ave given her lots of________________ a. support b. supports c. supporters d. supportive 12.My mother often cooks big meals, so we have _____________ for days. a. remainders b. surplus c. leftovers d. dishes 13.His secretary was formidably _______________ : her minutes were works of art. a. good b. efficient c. active d. working 14. Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home. a. deal with b. manage c. help together d. work together 15.Mark enjoys having fun by causing trouble. He's a very ____________ boy. a. stubborn b. mischievous c. spoiled d. bright B . Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentences. 16.I _____________ the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if you like. a. finish b. finished c. am finished d. have finished 17.As you _____________ your car at the moment, can I borrow it? a. don't use b. aren't using c. haven't used d. won't use 18.Look at the dirt on your clothes! ____________ in the garden again? a. Do you dig b. Are you digging c. Have you dug d. Have you been digging 19.In a break -in last week the burglars ________________ all my jewellery but left the picture. a. took b. have taken c. had taken d. were taking 20.Come and see me when you ________________ your report. a. finish b. finished c. will finish d. had finished 1
  2. QUYNH NHU 21.I _____________ in the hotel twice in the 1980s. a. was staying b. have stayed c. had stayed d. had been staying 22.Susan ______________ as a secretary for 2 years before her marriage. a. worked b. has been working c. has worked d. was working 23.When I got home I found that water ______________ down the kitchen walls a. ran b. was running c. has run d. had been running 24.After he ____________ his English course, he went to England to continue his study. a. has finished b. had finished c. was finished d. would finish 25.I _____________ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job. a. worked b. have worked c. had worked d. have been working 26.How ______________ since we __________ college? a. are you - left b. were you - left c. have you been - have left d. have you been - left 27.I ____ much of you lately. We ____________ three months ago. a. haven't seen - last met b. didn't see - met c. haven't seen - have met d. didn't see - have met 28.The Chinese _____ spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo ____ it back to Italy. a. made - brought b. have made - brought c. made - had brought d. had been making - brought 29.When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker ________ speaking and the audience ______ . a. just finished - were clapping b. had just finished - had clapped c. had just finished - were clapping d. just finished - had clapped 30.He _____________ his job last month and since then he ___________ out of work. a. lost - was b . was lost - has been c. has lost - was d. lost - has been C. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 31.Average family size has increased from the Victorian era. 32. They prefer to stay in their home country because family ties. 33. In 1892, the first long-distance telephone line between Chicago and New York was formally opening. 34. Dietitians urge 'people to eat a banana a day to get potassium enough in their diet. 35. Woody Guthrie has written thousands of songs during her lifetime, many of which became classic-folk songs. 36. The development of transistors made possible it to reduce the size of many electronic devices. 37. My father is a g ood family man, completely devoted for his wife and kids. III. READING A. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box. scarcely memory faded trace own far little imagine become ancestors happen actually faded trace own imagine ancestors well recall details 2
  3. QUYNH NHU It's interesting how (38)______________ most of us know about our ancestors or about the history of our family. It's di fferent, of course, if you (39) ______________ to be nobility, or royalty even(!): the history of your family is always (40)______________ recorded. But few of us have any such claims. I first became interested in my (41)_____________ family history four or five years ago when my mother showed me some photographs which I had never seen before - (42)___________ photos of uncles and aunts, great -uncles and great -aunts and grandparents, all taken while they were young. I immedi ately wanted to try to (43 )__________ my family tree back as (44)_________ as I could, and decided to start with the photos. First of all I had to rely' completely on my mother's (45)______________ for names (first names and family names), the ages of people in the photos, the year the photos might have been taken, and so on. Then after that, I w ant her to fill in for me (46)_______________ of those members of the family who weren't in the photos. Again, she was able to (47)_____________quite a lot of informati on - but not enough, I'm afraid. So the next step was to go and consult public records of births, marriages and d eaths. N ormally, I would (48)______________ , reading such information in old record books might be pretty boring - unless you're a historian, that is: but it's a very different matter when you're looking for details about your own (49)_____________. It's fascinating to discover, as I did, for example that one of your grandfathers - the one that you thought had spent his whole life on a farm in the south of England - had (50)_______________ gone and lived in the USA for some five years when he was a young man back in the 1890s! B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer. T he nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and thei r children, may be more an A merican ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so -called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups. T he most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who ei th er have no children or have none still livi ng at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of Americ an households are single people, usually women over sixty -five years of age. A s mall percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7 percent are single, u sually divorced parents, with at least one child. Today, these varied family types are typical, and therefore, normal. Apparently, many Americans are achieving supportive relationships in family forms other than the traditional one. 51. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned? a. The traditional American family b. The nuclear family c. The current American family d. The ideal family 52.The writer implies that ___________ . a. there have always been a wide variety of family arrangement in the United States b. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure c. the ideal American family is the best structure d. fewer married couples are having children 53. The word 'current' in line 7 could best be replaced by which of the following? a. typical b. present c. perfect d. traditional 54. According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no 3
  4. QUYNH NHU children represent __ . a. 1/3 percent of households b. 20 percent of households c. 7 percent of households d. 3 percent of households 55. Who generally constitutes a one-person household? a. A single man in his twenties b. An elderly man c. A single woman in her late sixties d. A divorced woman I V. WRITING Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one. 56. Don't assume that he will help you. a. You should take his help for granted. b. He will certainly help you. c. You shouldn't take his help for granted. d. His help is not necessary. 57. It's pointless to have this car repaired. a. This car should 'be repaired. b. This car is not worth being repaired. c. This car is difficult to be repaired. d. You needn't repair this car. 58. Hardly anybody applied for the job. a. Nobody applied for the job because it was hard. b. Anybody found it hard to apply for the job. c. Few applicants were suitable for the job. d. There were very few applicants for the job. 59. I'm sorry that I didn't finish my homework last night. a. If only I had finished my homework last night. b. I promise to finish all my homework from now on. c. I regret to say that I finished my homework last night. d. I wish I didn't have to do my homework last night. 60. His irresponsible attitude is putting his career in jeopardy. a. He is so irresponsible that he has no career. b. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career. c. His career is to jeopardize his irresponsible attitude. d. He is irresponsibly putting his career in danger o f ruin. 4



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