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Unit 15: CITIES Lesson A: Reading (English 10, p. 156 – p. 158)

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Shape of the lesson Activities/Tasks - Work in pairs. Below are some well-known places in “Before you read” Comments - The task is for introducing the topic, the new lesson, not for New York. Match the names pre-reading. to the pictures. - Answer the questions. - Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading text. Match them with their definition in B. - The orders are not proper. -Change the orders: Task 2, task 1, and task 3. - Use task 2 for pre-reading activity. “While you read” - Task 2: Decide the whether the statements are true (T) or false...

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Nội dung Text: Unit 15: CITIES Lesson A: Reading (English 10, p. 156 – p. 158)

  1. Unit 15: CITIES Lesson A: Reading (English 10, p. 156 – p. 158) Shape of the lesson Activities/Tasks Comments - Work in pairs. Below are - The task is for introducing the some well-known places in topic, the new lesson, not for New York. Match the names pre-reading. “Before you read” to the pictures. - Use task 2 for pre-reading - Answer the questions. activity. - Task 1: The words in A appear in the reading text. Match them with their definition in B. - The orders are not proper. - Task 2: Decide the -Change the orders: Task 2, task “While you read” whether the statements are 1, and task 3. true (T) or false (F). - Task 3: Answer the questions. - Task 4: Work in groups. If - The task is not easy for the you could visit New York, student do well because New which place(s) of interest York is not familiar to the there would you like to see? students. “After you read” Why? - Change the task: Talk about a city in Vietnam that you want to visit.
  2. Via analyzing some Reading lessons of the textbook English 10, something wrong was found as following: - The shape of the reading lessons often has no pre -reading activity. - The suggested activities are not very plentiful. - The orders of the tasks are not very proper. - Some tasks are over students’ ability. 4.1.2 Results of questionnaires Questionnaire for students Table 4.1.1 The students’ habit of reading Other ideas Question 1 Every day Once to twice Never C1 %2 C % C % C % After class, how often do you 41 20.8 63 32.0 93 47.2 0 0 read a week? The number of the students who read everyday is much less than the others who rarely read. It is the fact that a large amount of the student (79.2%) has no habit in reading. Table 4.1.2.a The students’ interest in reading Question 2 Yes No C % C % Do you like reading? 151 76.6 46 23.4 The answers to the questions reveal that the number of students who like reading is more than those who do not like reading three times. It means the students may still like reading. Notes: 1 count / number of responses 2 percent
  3. Table 4.1.2.b The students’ interest in reading Other ideas The content is The topic is The topic is - The text is poor useful not interesting good Question 3 - The topics are new C % C % C % C % When you read, 29 14.7 37 18.8 46 23.4 105 53.3 you feel… More than half of the students support the content and the topics of reading text in the textbook. However, the others (38.1%) do not agree, they maybe want the text to be changed. Table 4.1.2.c The students’ interest in reading Question 4 Difficult Easy Very difficult Very easy C % C % C % C % In your opinion, 91 46.2 21 10.7 28 14.2 57 28.9 learning reading is… Over half of the students feel reading is difficult, and a few of them (39.6%) feel reading is not difficult. This may be the problems of reading classes because the negative feelings can prevent the students from reading. Table 4.1.3.a The students’ preparation vocabulary for reading Every reading Sometimes Never Other ideas Question 5 lesson C % C % C % C % How often do you prepare new 49 24.9 52 26.4 96 48.7 0 0 words for reading lessons?
  4. The table shows that 26.4% of the students “sometimes” prepare vocabulary for reading, and 48.7% of them “never” do. It means 75.1% of them do not prepare well and 24.9% of them do well. After all, there is no doubt that the students do not prepare for their reading lessons may be one of the problems in reading. Table 4.1.3.b The students’ preparation vocabulary for reading Every day Sometimes Never Other ideas Question 6 C % C % C % C % How often do you learn new 84 42.6 87 44.2 26 13,2 0 0 words at home? The table also reflects there are less than half of the students (42.6%) learn the vocabulary “everyday”. It means many the students do not learn the vocabulary at home. This problem can make the students lack vocabulary for better reading. Table 4.1.4.a The students’ memory in learning vocabulary More than 50% - 70% Less than 50% Nothing Question 7 70% C % C % C % C % How many percents of new words you can 21 10.7 86 43.6 79 40.1 11 5.6 learn by heart in class? According to the result, there are only 10.7% of the students learn the vocabulary well in class as soon as the reading class finishes. It is possible to say that most of them are not able to remember the words quickly.
  5. Table 4.1.4.b The students’ memory in learning vocabulary More than 60% - 80% About 50% Less than Other ideas Question 8 80% 50% C % C % C % C % C % You can remember about … of 12 6,1 7 3.6 86 43.6 92 46.7 0 0 the words, you learn. As we have known, the number of the words can be taught is more than 5 and less than 8 words. It is not too much. However, there are only 6.1% of the students are able to remember the words they learn quite well. It means many students are not able to remember well. Via the results of question (7) and question (8), it is possible that the students have no good memory in learning vocabulary. Table 4.1.5 The teachers’ using techniques in teaching vocabulary Always Often Sometimes Rarely Other ideas Question 9 C % C % C % C % C % How often does your teacher elicit 31 15.7 57 28.9 68 34.6 41 20.8 0 0 the words in reading lessons? Whether the teacher uses techniques to elicit the words is very important, because images, actions, and explanations can make impression on the students. They help the students remember the words more easily and better.
  6. However, it is the fact that the teachers do not often use techniques for eliciting vocabulary. 54.4% of the students admit their teachers “sometimes” or “rarely” teach new words with techniques. Therefore, it is not doubtful; the teachers do not often use techniques to elicit the words for their students to guess. This can make the students remember the words difficultly. Table 4.1.6.a The students’ skills in reading What you have Vocabulary Predict what already known related to the the text will Nothing Question 10 about the topic topic give you C % C % C % C % Before reading, 41 20.8 96 48.7 46 23.4 24 12.2 what do you think of? To prepare for reading, the students also have to use proper skills. However, the result reflects that the students have no skills for pre-reading. Half of them still think very highly of vocabulary in reading texts and approximately 1/8 of them think nothing about the topic. And 44.2% of the students seem to have skill to prepare for reading. However, frankly speaking, more than half of the students have no skills for preparing reading. This is also obstacle of reading.



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